GR 9 - Lesson 1 4

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LUKE 9:10-17
Jesus Sends the Holy Spirit
Lesson 1.4
Learning Competencies

❑ Doctrine- Recognize the Holy Spirit as the giver of life and

the force who empowers the Church.
❑ Morals- Live the life of being the servant of God
empowered by the Holy Spirit.
❑ Worship- Pray for the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in doing
the mission of evangelization.
“Holy Spirit”
Who is the Holy Spirit?

• The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Holy Trinity who
proceeds from the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit is equal
to the Father and the Son and, therefore, if fully God and
eternal. The Holy Spirit sanctifies, makes holy, and brings life
to the Church.
• As the “Giver of Life”, the Holy Spirit gives life and empowers
the Church, its sacramental life, and resurrection to life
everlasting. (CFC 1265)
What are the works of the Holy Spirit?

• The Holy Spirit protects the Church from errors in teaching

matters of faith and morals. The Church will always have a
pope and bishops, and she will always teach the truth.
What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit?

• Spiritual gifts are talents and abilities given to Christians by

the Holy Spirit to serve the Church.
• Today and always, we received the Holy Spirit the moment
we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. In John 3:5 Jesus
says,”…unless one is born of water and Spirit, he cannot enter
the Kingdom of God.” When we accept Christ, God
immediately seals us with His Spirit (2 Corinthians 1:22)
• The Holy Spirit, whom you received in
Baptism, is the same Spirit who was
strengthened in you during your
confirmation. He will be your advocate,
your helper. He will be there,
continually showering you His gifts
and empowering you to bear His fruits
as you strive to grow in faith and
become a true witness of Christ.
1. To Understand intelligently

❖ Wisdom – It is the highest gift because it corresponds most to

the virtue of love. It is the quality of having good judgment
based on knowledge. It directs us to judge all things based on
our loving relationship with God. It brings inner peace because
life, even in its difficulties, is viewed from God’s perspective.
❖ Knowledge – Knowledge is power. It enables us to see and use
things in this world to love and serve the Lord. It shows us the
vanity of all material things, such as wealth, honors, titles and
powers. It motivates us to place all our trust in God, who
alone can save us.
❖ Understanding – It is the realization of our decisions. If
knowledge is power and wisdom is your choice to use that
power, understanding is the execution of your choice to use
that power. This gifts enlightens us to hear God’s message
whenever we listen to homilies, CLE classes, or whenever we
read a spiritual book.
2. To decide responsibly

❖ Right Judgment (Counsel)– It gives us the readiness of will to

choose what is morally right even if it is the hardest choice.

❖ Courage (Fortitude) – It is very important to have the

strength to avoid evil and do the good without being
discouraged. It gives us strength to be steadfast and patient in
the midst of trials and temptations. This is the gift that
sustained the martyrs and saints.
3. To love totally

❖ Reverence(Piety) - It gives us the disposition to serve God with

tenderness and devotion. It makes us love all others because
they are God’s children for who Christ died on the Cross.
❖ Wonder and Awe (Fear of the Lord) –It is not the servile fear
which simply avoids God’s punishment, but rather, the
reverential or loving fear of sons and daughters who do not
want to offend their Father by sinning. Fear of The Lord is the
beginning of wisdom because it leads us to lovingly surrender
and dedicate our lives to God.
❖The Holy Spirit inspires us to be confirmed closer to
Christ by bestowing upon us His gifts: wisdom,
understanding, and knowledge that we may
understand intelligently, right judgment, and courage
that we may decide responsibly, and reverence and
fear of the Lord that we may love totally.
• The gifts of the Holy Spirit
produce definite effects.
Spirit-filled persons, who
attune themselves to
Christ’s way of life, are
easily recognized through
the fruits of the Spirit.
These are the effects of the
Holy Spirit’s gifts in us.
1. Love – The Holy Spirit teaches us to live with self sacrificing
love because He is the divine Person of love. Jesus
commanded us to love one another.
2. Joy – The fruit of joy comes from the awareness that God is
our strength and protector. This inner joy is rooted in the
truth that true happiness comes not from money or
possessions, but from knowing and following Christ.
3. Peace – The fruit of peace comes from our reliance on God
who is all-powerful and always faithful. We are freed from
worrying about trivial things because of the inner peace we
experience with God in our hearts.
4. Patience – It is the virtue that helps us calmly bear our
troubles and preserve with serenity amid the sufferings of life.
Patience eases sorrow and discourages excessive anger and
5. Kindness – Genuine kindness stems from authentic love
because it inclines a person to give to others without counting
the cost. Some words that describe a kind person are:
benevolent, compassionate, and generous.
6. Goodness – Human actions are said to be good when they
conform to the proper moral order in accordance with the law of
God and the law of man. A person is said to have the
characteristics of goodness when his actions pursue all that is
good and avoid all that is evil.
7. Faithfulness – It is the ability to stay true to our Christian
vocation until the end of our life. Just like married couples, it is
remaining loyal and committed to Christ, both in life and death.
8. Gentleness – To be gentle is not to be weak. It is to be meek
and humble of heart. A gentle person always acts calmly and
avoids situations that might lead to anger. He does not begin
fight or insist on his own way, but always treats other people
with respect and kindness.
9. Self-control – It is achieved through the virtue of temperance.
This is a very important virtue because it gives us the power to
control all our appetites., particularly chastity, which is a major
challenge in todays world. Self-control enables us to overcome
all temptations in life by always seeking to do God’s will.
❑ The CCC defines this fruits as “perfections that the Holy Spirit
forms in us as the first fruit of eternal glory” (CCC 1832).
Basically, if we are living a “ Life of the Spirit,” these “fruits”
will be found in our lives.
❑ These fruits of the Spirit are signs of maturing and growing in
the Faith. The more we manifest them within ourselves, the
more we begin to love and live as Christ did. Once other
people recognize us as true Christian witness, we also inspire
them to do the same.
• The Holy Spirit empowers us to love and serve
• The Holy Spirit gives us gifts to serve Him and
others better.
• The Church is filled with God’s Spirit of love to
continue His mission.

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