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Given the knowledge, as a caregiver kindly give tips that can help to

your patients if social and emotional changes affect food intake.

Give 5 tips and justify your answer in your own words.
The appropriate intake of nutrients has a major influence on public
health and it is major challenge for nutrition professionals when they need to
recommend balanced and healthy diets which might greatly affects the
consumer’s food of choice.
As an aspiring caregiver of this generation, the nutrition and the lifestyle
of our patients must be our major priority. One of the knowledge and skills
that a caregiver must equipped within them is by having a sufficient learnings
and experience on the topic of healthy diet and nutritional therapy to be shared
in our future patients. Important factors affects the patients’ food choices as
what the discussions entails a while ago. One of these is the social changes
whenever they intake food and the other way around the emotional changes
they undergo. Here are the five helpful tips that we might apply to our patients
especially if they’re dealing with social and emotional changes whenever they’re
taking food.
First, this certain scenario was already happened to me. For me, what I
am eating really impacts how I feel (emotional changes). The food I am eating
affects my mood. For instance, whenever I feel mood swings like stress,
anxiety, and when worries hit me. It is my routine to eat fruits, nuts, or corns.
These are my favorite stress reliever foods that I usually eat whenever I felt
down. Instead of eating junk foods and drinking sodas, it is much better if we
try this one of the tips of mine. This really lessen the burdens of one’s mood
and felt the feeling of relaxation. Good mood means nutritious food.
Second, food and the food habits as a basic part of culture. Group of
people or in some ways, a society in other countries tend to have different
culture when it comes to their habits in preparing their food and their food
intake. I suggest that it is really okay to follow their own customs regarding
this matter. However, they should also look out if there will be a bad effect in
their balanced diet. Alternative healthy foods that can supplement their
traditional ways of food intake can be done. Let’s say for example, junk foods,
burgers, fries, sugary foods, and oily foods that are rich in cholesterol can be
replaced by eating vegetables and fruits.
Third, our meal patterns in the family entails as one of the factors that
may influenced our food intake. Thus, it is necessary that our family develop a
healthy meal plan for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But because people are not
the same in economic status, unfortunately, people who are less in life tend to
eat what’s on the table regardless if it is healthy or not. That’s why I suggest
that they should start growing vegetables and fruits in their own backyard
garden for healthier lifestyle.
Fourth, peers and co-workers outside our home is another social
determinants. Almost half of our life in each day, we always tend to be together
most of the time for school, work, or even business. This scenario also affects
our food intake especially when tasks are kind of stressful. In reality, we
always consume these what we call “comfort foods” and most these are not
nutritious food. The best tip for this is to prepare nutritious foods like
vegetables and fruits that we can pack and eat these healthy foods together
with our peers and co-workers.
Finally, whatever changes may occur in our life, be it in emotional and
social dimensions. Remember these common passage that “health is wealth”,
especially now that we are having these trying times because of pandemic. Our
health is our own responsibility. Everything that we do affects everything. Our
life is also the life of others. Taking good care of our health also means you are
taking good care of others’ life. Starting by now, eating healthy foods and
proper exercise as a daily habit is a way to get a happier life despite having

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