MG II S17 - Types of Surgery-2

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MG II – Seminarul 17


Oral and maxillofacial surgery is surgery to correct a wide spectrum of diseases, injuries
and defects in the head, neck, face, jaws and the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial
region. It is a recognized international surgical specialty.
The specialty of oral and maxillofacial pathology encompasses identification and
management of diseases in the mouth and surrounding structures.
Dentoalveolar surgery deals with the following:
➢ Extraction of teeth
➢ Periodontal disease
➢ Pulp disease
➢ Pathologic lesions surrounding the teeth
➢ Crown and root fractures
➢ Malposition of teeth
➢ Impacted teeth
➢ Supernumerary teeth
➢ Third molar removal
➢ Root canal infections
➢ Reduction of genial tubercles
➢ Vestibuloplasty
➢ Bone grafting

extraction – extracţie
tooth extraction (syn.) extraction of a tooth (syn.) dental extraction - extracţie dentară
lesion - leziune, rană; schimbare patologică
crown (syn.) corona (pl. coronae) - coroană; coroană dentară
crown fracture (syn.) coronal fracture - fractură de coroană dentară, fractură coronară
root (syn.) radix (pl. radices) - rădăcină, radix
root fracture - fractură radiculară
malposed - în malpoziţie
malposition (syn.) dystopia - malpoziţie, distopie
malposition of teeth (syn.) irregular teeth position - malpoziţie dentară
to impact - a presa, a înţepeni, a împinge în
impacted - impactat, inclus, împins
supernumerary (syn.) epactal - supranumerar, epactal
removal - mutare; îndepărtare, extirpare; transfer
genial - genian, referitor la bărbie, mentonier
tubercle (syn.) tuberculum (pl. tubercula) - tubercul, folicul tuberculos
vestibuloplasty - vestibuloplastie
grafting - grefare, inserţie a unei grefe
bone grafting - transplantare de os

Infections of the oral and maxillofacial region include:

➢ Odontogenic infections
➢ Osteomyelitis of the jaw
➢ Dental fistulae
➢Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
➢ Periimplantitis
➢ Infection of the maxillary sinus
➢ Oroantral communication and fistula
➢ Suppurative arthritis of the temporomandibular joint
➢ Complications of the maxillofacial infections
➢ Candida infections
➢ Oral and perioral viral infections (primary herpetic gingivostomatitis, herpes labialis, recurrent
herpetic ulceration, chickenpox, herpes zoster, infectious mononucleosis)

fistula (pl. fistulae, fistulas) - fistulă

dental fistula (syn.) alveolar fistula - fistulă dentară, fistulă alveolară
necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) (syn.) Vincent's disease - gingivită necrotico-
ulcerativă, boala Vincent
periimplantitis - periimplantită
arthritis (pl. arthritides) – artrită
suppurative arthritis (syn.) purulent synovitis - artrită supurativă, sinovită purulentă
gingivostomatitis – gingivostomatită
primary herpetic gingivostomatitis - gingivostomatită herpetică primară
chickenpox (syn.) varicella - varicelă, vărsat de vânt
herpes zoster (syn.) shingles - herpes zoster, zona zoster
kissing disease (syn.) infectious mononucleosis (syn.) glandular fever - “boala sărutului”,
mononucleoză infecţioasă, febră glandulară

Oral pathologic lesions

➢ Odontogenic cysts
➢ Non-odontogenic cysts
➢ Odontogenic tumors
➢ Benign tumors
➢ Leukoplakia
➢ Erythroplakia
➢ Oral lichen planus
➢ Oral cancer
➢ Salivary gland disorders (sialolithiasis)
➢ Salivary gland tumors

cyst - chist; veziculă

non-odontogenic cyst - chist neodontogen
leukoplakia - leucoplakie
erythroplakia - eritroplakie
sialolithiasis (syn.) ptyalolithiasis - sialolitiază, ptialolitiază, litiază salivară

Trauma involves traumatic dental injuries, midfacial fractures, mandibular trauma and soft
tissue trauma.
Traumatic dental injuries
➢ Crown fracture
➢ Root fracture
➢ Concussion
➢ Subluxation
➢ Lateral luxation
➢ Extrusive luxation (extrusion)
➢ Intrusive luxation (intrusion)
➢ Avulsion

concussion - contuzie, izbitură; comoție

subluxation - subluxaţie
extrusion - extruzie
intrusion - intruzie
avulsion - avulsie, avulsiune, smulgere

Midfacial fractures are fractures of the hard palate, fractures of the zygomatic bone,
fractures of the orbit, subfrontal fractures and fractures of the frontal bone.

hard palate (syn.) palatum durum - palatul dur

frontal bone (syn.) os frontale - os frontal

Mandibular trauma refers to the complications of mandibular fracture repair (infection,

malunion, nonunion, nerve injury).
Soft tissue trauma includes abrasion, laceration, hematoma and avulsion.

malunion (syn.) vicious union - malunire, calus vicios

nonunion - neconsolidare a fracturii
nerve injury (syn.) nerve damage - leziune de nerv
abrasion (syn.) abrasio - abraziune; julitură, zgârietură; şlefuire
laceration - lacerație, lacerare; sfâşiere, rupere în bucăţi

Dentofacial deformities
➢ Cleft lip and palate
➢ Reconstruction of maxillary defects
➢ Mandibular reconstruction
➢ Tissue engineering and reconstruction
➢ Cosmetic facial surgery

cleft lip (syn.) cheiloschisis - despicătură labială, cheiloschizis

tissue engineering - inginerie tisulară
reconstruction - reconstrucţie; restaurare chirurgicală
tissue reconstruction - reconstrucție tisulară

Temporo-mandibular joint disorders

➢ Disc derangements
➢ Inflammatory and non-inflammatory disorders
➢Ankylosis and fracture
➢ Local myalgia
➢ Myospasm
➢ Myositis and tendonitis
➢ Muscle contracture
➢ Muscle neoplasia

derangement - dereglare, disfuncţie; tulburare psihică

disc derangement - deranjament discal
myalgia (syn.) myodynia - mialgie, miodinie
myositis - miozită

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