MG II S20 - Disorders of The Circulatory System

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of the Circulatory System

MG II - Seminarul 20
atherosclerosis (syn.) hardening of the arteries (syn.) nodular sclerosis -
ateroscleroză, îngroşare a arterelor, scleroză nodulară

 asymptomatic atherosclerosis - Atherosclerosis

ateroscleroză asimptomatică
 plaque of atherosclerosis - placă de
ateroscleroză  The accumulation of fatty
 progressive atherosclerosis - deposits within the lining of
ateroscleroză progresivă an artery is termed
 atherosclerotic - aterosclerotic atherosclerosis. These areas,
 plaque - placă; zonă diferenţiată pe piele called plaques, gradually
 lumen (pl. lumina) - lumen thicken and harden with
 luminal - luminal fibrous material, cells, and
 ischemia - ischemie other deposits, restricting the
 ischemic - ischemic lumen (opening) of the vessel
 bowel ischemia (syn.) intestinal and reducing blood flow to
ischemia - ischemie intestinală
the tissues, a condition
 brain ischemia (syn.) cerebral ischemia
- ischemie cerebrală, infarct cerebral known as ischemia.
 hepatic ischemia (syn.) ischemic
hepatitis - ischemie hepatică, hepatită
angina pectoris (syn.) breast pang (syn.) heart stroke - angină pectorală
diaphoresis (syn.) sudation (syn.) sweating - diaforeză, sudaţie, transpiraţie
dyspnea (syn.) shortness of breath (SOB) (syn.) breathlessness (syn.) laboured
breathing - dispnee, respiraţie dispneică, lipsă de aer, dificultate în respiraţie, respiraţie

 diaphoretic (syn.) sudorific -  Atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels is a

diaforetic, sudorific primary cause of heart disease. One sign of
 ANGI(O) - formă combinatorie cu such coronary artery disease (CAD) is the
sensul de vas, canal type of chest pain known as angina
pectoris. This is a feeling of constriction
 angioplasty - angioplastie around the heart or pain that may radiate to
 bypass - bypass, şunt the left arm or shoulder, usually brought on
 graft - grefă; grefon by exertion. Often there is anxiety,
 vascular graft - grefon vascular diaphoresis (sweating), and dyspnea
(difficulty in breathing). Angina pectoris is
treated by control of exercise and
administration of nitroglycerin to dilate
coronary vessels. Other drugs may be used
to regulate the heartbeat, strengthen the force
of heart contraction, or prevent formation of
blood clots. Severe cases may be candidates
for angioplasty, which is surgical dilatation
of the blocked vessel by means of a catheter.
Still further, the blocked vessel may be
surgically bypassed with a vascular graft
thrombosis (pl. thromboses) – tromboză
infarction - infarctizare; infarct
arrhythmia (syn.) dysrhythmia - aritmie, disritmie

 thrombotic - trombotic
 to clot (syn.) to coagulate - a (se) închega, a (se) coagula  Atherosclerosis also predisposes to
(sângele) thrombosis, the formation of a blood clot
 clot (syn.) coagulum (pl. coagula) - cheag, coagul or thrombus in a vessel. Sudden
 clotted - coagulat occlusion (blockage) of a coronary artery
 clotting – coagulare by a thrombus causes local necrosis
 precordial pain (syn.) precordialgia - durere precordială, (death) of tissue and formation of an
 epigastric pain (syn.) epigastric distress (syn.) infarct. This is the myocardial
epigastralgia - durere în epigastru, durere epigastrică, infarction or “heart attack” that is a
epigastralgie leading cause of sudden death. Symptoms
 paleness (syn.) pallor - paloare include pain over the heart (precordial
 nausea - greaţă, senzaţie de vomă pain) or upper part of the abdomen
 nauseant - agent care provoacă greaţa (epigastric pain) that may extend to the
 nauseant - emetizant, care provoacă greaţa jaw or arms, pallor (paleness),
 to nauseate - a simţi greaţă, a-i fi greaţă
diaphoresis, nausea, and dyspnea. There
 nauseous - greţos, care provoacă greaţă
 arrhythmic – aritmic
may be a burning sensation similar to
 indigestible (syn.) undigestible - indigest, greu de digerat
indigestion or heartburn. Often there is an
 indigestion - indigestie, termen nespecific pentru orice abnormality of heart rhythm, or
tulburare gastrointestinală arrhythmia, usually fibrillation, an
 acid indigestion - indigestie provocată de hiperclorhidrie extremely rapid, ineffective beating of the
 gastric indigestion (syn.) dyspepsia - indigestie gastrică, heart. The outcome is based on the degree
dispepsie of damage and early treatment to dissolve
 to fibrillate - a avea fibrilaţii the clot and reestablish normal heart
 fibrillated - fibrilat rhythm.
 fibrillation – fibrilaţie
myocardial infarction (MI) (syn.) heart attack - infarct miocardic, atac de

to give off – a degaja, a aemana, a emite  Myocardial infarction (MI) can be

to fatten - a îngrăşa diagnosed by electrocardiography
(EKG), the study of the electrical
fattening - îngrăşare impulses given off by the heart as it
fattening - care îngraşă functions, by measurement of certain
fatty - adipos, gras, (depunere) de grăsime; enzymes (CPK, LDH, AST) released
unsuros, uleios
into the blood from the damaged
heart muscle, and by a variety of
vessel - vas (de sânge sau limfatic) other methods.
cerebral arteries (sin.) arteriae cerebri -  Atherosclerosis is a major cause of
artere cerebrale disease in industrialized countries,
leg (syn.) crus (pl. crura) - picior, gambă and the factors that contribute to it
are familiar to most people: heredity,
leg injury (syn.) leg trauma - traumatism al high blood pressure, cigarette
gambei smoking, a diet high in fat, lack of
exercise, and stress. Other vessels
commonly affected are the aorta, the
carotid arteries leading to the head,
the cerebral arteries, and the arteries
in the leg.
embolism - embolie
embolus (pl. emboli) - embolus, embol
stroke (syn.) cerebrovascular accident (CVA) - accident cerebrovascular, accident
vascular cerebral (AVC)

 embolic - embolic Embolism

 emboliform - emboliform
 pulmonary embolism (PE) - embolie
 Occlusion of a vessel by a thrombus
or other mass carried in the
 embolitic - embolic bloodstream is embolism, and the
 embolization - embolizare mass itself is called an embolus.
 thrombus (pl. thrombi) (syn.) blood Usually the mass is a blood clot that
clot (syn.) clot of blood - tromb, cheag breaks loose from the wall of a
de sânge vessel, but it may also be air (as from
 lodge - boxă, lojă injection or trauma), fat (as from
marrow released after a bone break),
 thyroid lodge - lojă tiroidiană bacteria, or other solid materials.
 to lodge – a ocupa o poziţie, a plasa, a Often a venous thrombus will travel
depozita through the heart and then lodge in
 stroke - lovitură, izbitură; bătaie, an artery of the lungs, resulting in a
mişcare ritmică; linie, trăsătură life-threatening pulmonary
embolism. An embolus from a
carotid artery often blocks a cerebral
vessel, causing a stroke.
aneurysm - anevrism

 dissecting aneurysm - anevrism Aneurysm

 dissecting aneurysm of the aorta
(syn.) dissecting aortic aneurysm -  An arterial wall weakened by
anevrism disecant al aortei, disecţie atherosclerosis or other cause may
aortică balloon out, forming an
 aneurysmal (syn.) aneurysmatic - aneurysm. If the aneurysm
anevrismal, anevrismatic ruptures, hemorrhage results,
 aneurysmectomy - anevrismectomie causing a stroke, or
 rupture - ruptură, rupere; hernie cerebrovascular accident (CVA),
 to rupture – a se rupe, a se perfora, a if a cerebral artery is involved. In
produce o hernie a dissecting aneurysm, blood
hemorrhages into the thick middle
layer of the artery wall, separating
the muscle as it spreads and
sometimes rupturing the vessel.
The aorta is most commonly
involved. It may be possible to
repair a dissecting aneurysm
surgically with a graft.
cardiac failure (syn.) heart failure (syn.) cardiac insufficiency - insuficienţă
edema, oedema (syn.) hydrops (termen învechit) - edem, hidrops
cyanosis (syn.) cyanopathy - cianoză
syncope (syn.) faint (syn.) fainting - sincopă, leşin

 failure - insuficienţă, disfuncţie; Heart Failure

slăbire; eşec, insucces
 When the heart fails to empty
 pulmonary edema - edem pulmonar effectively for any reason, the general
 CYAN(O) - formă combinatorie cu term heart failure is applied. The
sensul de albastru resulting increased pressure in the
venous system leads to edema, often in
 cyanotic (syn.) cyanosed - cianotic, the lungs (pulmonary edema), and
cianozat justifies the description congestive
heart failure (CHF). Other symptoms
 syncopal (syn.) syncopic - sincopal are cyanosis, dyspnea, and syncope.
Heart failure is treated with rest, drugs
to strengthen heart contractions,
diuretics to eliminate fluid, and
restriction of salt in the diet.
hypertension (syn.) high blood pressure - hipertensiune, hipertensiune arterială

 essential hypertension (syn.) Hypertension

idiopathic hypertension (syn.)
primary hypertension -
hipertensiune idiopatică,  Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is
hipertensiune arterială primitivă a contributing factor in all the conditions
 hypertensive - hipertensiv described above. In simple terms,
hypertension is defined as a systolic
 diastolic blood pressure (DBP) pressure greater than 140 mm Hg or a
(syn.) minimum blood pressure - diastolic pressure greater than 90 mm Hg.
presiune arterială diastolică, presiune It causes the left ventricle to enlarge
arterială minimă (hypertrophy) as a result of increased
 systolic blood pressure (SBP) (syn.) work. Some cases are secondary to other
maximum blood pressure - presiune disorders, such as kidney malfunction or
arterială sistolică, presiune arterială endocrine disturbance, but most cases of
maximă hypertension are due to unknown causes
 malfunction - defect; funcţie and are described as primary or essential
defectuoasă hypertension. The condition is controlled
with diuretics, vasodilators, and most
recently with drugs.
Vocabulary practice

1. Match the following terms to their proper definitions: a) atherosclerosis, b)

cyanosis, c) dyspnea, d) edema, e) embolism, f) embolus, g) fibrillation, h)
heart failure, i) hypertension, j) infarction, k) ischemia, l) murmur, m)
phlebitis, n) stenosis, o) stroke, p) syncope, q) thrombosis, r) thrombus.

1. The development of fatty, fibrous patches (plaques) in the lining of arteries, causing
narrowing of the lumen and hardening of the vessel wall. The most common form of
arteriosclerosis. (Root ather/o means “porridge” or “gruel”).
2. A blood clot that forms within a blood vessel.
3. Inflammation of a vein.
4. Localized necrosis (death) of tissue resulting from a blockage or a narrowing of the artery
that supplies the area. A myocardial infarction (MI) occurs in the cardiac muscle and
usually results from formation of a thrombus in a coronary artery.
5. Swelling of body tissues due to the presence of excess fluid. Causes include
cardiovascular disturbances, kidney failure, inflammation, and malnutrition.
6. Local deficiency of blood supply due to obstruction of the circulation.
7. Constriction or narrowing of an opening.
8. Bluish discoloration of the skin due to lack of oxygen.
9. Development of a blood clot within a vessel.
Vocabulary practice

10. A condition caused by the inability of the heart to maintain adequate

circulation of blood.
11. Difficult or labored breathing.
12. A temporary loss of consciousness due to inadequate blood flow to the brain;
13. Spontaneous, quivering and ineffectual contraction of muscle fibers, as in
the atria or the ventricles.
14. An abnormal heart sound.
15. Sudden damage to the brain resulting from reduction of blood flow. Causes
include atherosclerosis, thrombosis, or hemorrhage from a ruptured
aneurysm. Also called cerebrovascular accident. (CVA)
16. Obstruction of a blood vessel by a blood clot or other matter carried in the
17. A mass carried in the circulation. Usually a blood clot, but may also by air,
fat, bacteria, or other solid matter from within or from outside the body.
18. A condition of higher than normal blood pressure.
Vocabulary practice

2. Match the terms in each of theses sets with their definitions and write
the appropriate letter (a-e) to the left of each number.

1. endocardium a. heart’s pacemaker

2. mitral b. thin membrane that lines the heart
3. pericardium c. pertaining to the left atrioventricular valve
4. SA node d. vessel that empties into the right atrium
5. vena cava e. fibrous sac around the heart

6. thrombosis a. local blood deficiency

7. dysrhythmia b. formation of a blood clot in a vessel
8. cardioversion c. abnormal heartbeat
9. aneurysm d. defibrillation
10. ischemia e. localized dilatation of a blood vessel
Vocabulary practice

11. fibrillation a. twisted and swollen vessel

12. heart block b. part of the heart’s conduction system
13. atheriosclerosis c. accumulation of fatty material in the vessels
14. varix d. ineffective quivering of muscle
15. Purkinje fibers e. interruption in the heart conduction system

16. embolism a. central opening, as of a vessel

17. ductus arteriosus b. area over the heart
18. lumen c. blockage of a vessel with a clot or plug
19. infarct d. vessel that bypasses the lungs in fetal circulation
20. precordium e. area of dead tissue caused by lack of blood supply

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