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Dr. Ive Emaliana, M.Pd

Dian Inayati, M.Ed


Course Course Code Credit Semest Date of Arrangement

Thesis Proposal Writing SPE 4129 5 15 Agustus 2019
Authorized by Course Coordinator Expertise Coordinator Head of Study Program

Dian Inayati, M.Ed Dr. Ive Emaliana

Learning Study Program Learning Outcomes
Outcomes K Lulusan Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Strata Sarjana (S1) diproyeksikan untuk menjadi pengajar
(LO) bahasa Inggris dan pengembang program pembelajaran bahasa Inggris pada tingkat pemula yang wajib
menguasai: teori, konsep, dan prinsip tentang karakteristik dan perkembangan peserta didik, serta
pembimbingan dan pengembangan potensi peserta didik; menguasai teori, pendekatan. konsep dan prinsip
pengembangan program pembelajaran, penyajian/delivery, pengelolaan, dan evaluasi program pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris yang mendidik; menguasai berbagai teori, konsep, dan prinsip kebahasaan, kesastraan/literasi,
dan belajar bahasa serta menerapkannnya dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris baik untuk tujuan umum maupun
khusus; menguasai kemahiran berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan dalam konteks keseharian/umum, akademis,
dan pekerjaan setara tingkat pre-advanced.
Course Learning Objectives
ELO 1 to build up students’ awarenesss of the various approaches to language assessment and current issues in the field
ELO 2 to equip students with an ability to evaluate particular testing or assessment procedures, with particular references to their
purpose and context of use, notably for English lessons in high schools
ELO 3 to provide students with experience in developing a small-scale test or assessment procedure for English lessons in high
Course This course is a compulsory subject designed to introduce and provide students with ability to evaluate and design assessment
Description instruments for English language teaching in high schools by referring to the basic principles of language assessment and the National

Teaching 1. Testing, assessing, and teaching

Materials 2. Principles of Language Assessment
3. Designing classroom language test: Some practical steps to test construction
4. Designing classroom language test: Scoring, grading, and giving feedback
5. Standardized testing
6. Authentic Assessment
7. Designing blueprint
8. Assessing Listening
9. Assessing Speaking
10. Assessing Reading
11. Assessing Writing

References Main sources:

1. Brown, H. Douglas. 2004. Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices. New York. Pearson Education Inc.
2. Brown, James Dean. 2005. Testing in Language Programs: A comprehensive Guide to English Language Assessment. Singapore.
McGraw-Hill Education.
3. Douglas, D. 2010. Understanding Language Testing. New York: Routledge
4. Hughes, Arthur. 2003. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Additional Sources:
5. Cheng, L., Watanabe, Y., and Curtis, A. 2008. Washback in Language Testing: Research contexts and methods. New Jersey:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates , Inc.
6. Cheng, L., Watanabe, Y., and Curtis, A. 2008. Washback in Language Testing: Research contexts and methods. New Jersey:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates , Inc.
7. Davidson, F., and Lynch, B. 2002. Test craft: A teacher’s guide to writing and using language test specifications. New Haven:
Yale University.
8. Fulcher, G. 2010. Practical Language Testing. London: Hodder Education.
9. Fulcher, G., and Davidson, F. 2007. Language Testing and Assessment. Oxon: Routledge.
10. Heaton, J.B. 1991. Writing English Language Tests. Hong Kong. Longman Group Ltd.
11. Hughes, A. 2003. Testing for Language Teachers (2nd Ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
12. Kopriva, R. 2008. Improving Testing for English Language Learners. New York: Routledge.
13. Online resourcesDavidson, F., and Lynch, B. 2002. Test craft: A teacher’s guide to writing and using language test
specifications. New Haven: Yale University.
14. Fulcher, G. 2010. Practical Language Testing. London: Hodder Education.
15. Fulcher, G., and Davidson, F. 2007. Language Testing and Assessment. Oxon: Routledge.
16. Heaton, J.B. 1991. Writing English Language Tests. Hong Kong. Longman Group Ltd.
17. Hughes, A. 2003. Testing for Language Teachers (2nd Ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
18. Kopriva, R. 2008. Improving Testing for English Language Learners. New York: Routledge.
19. Online resources
Members of Team 1. Dr. Ive Emaliana, M.Pd
Teaching 2. Dr. Moh. Hasbullah Isnaini, M.Pd
Prerequisite -

Teaching Assessment
Mee Expected Teaching Method Time Students Learning Criteria Indicator Score
tin Learning Materials (learning Allotmen Experience Weighin
g Outcome sources) t

(1) (4 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

1 ELO 1 Testing, Method: Lecture 100 minutes 1. Accuracy in Criteria: 1. Students are able 3
Assessing, and and Discussion explaining the accuracy, explain the
Teaching purpose, activities, appropriateness, purpose, activities,
(Source: and coverage of the and mastery and coverage of
Brown, H.D., course based on the Form: non-test the course based
2004) course description Question-answer on the course
2. Accuracy in session description
explaining technical 2. Students are able
terms and ethical to explain technical
issues on terms and ethical
assessment issues on
2 ELO 1 Principles of Method: 100 1. Accuracy in Criteria: 1. Students are 5%
Language Lecture, minutes explaining the accuracy, able to
Assessment Discussion, principles of appropriateness, explain the
(Source: Brown, Structured language and mastery principles of
H.D., 2004) Task assessment by Form: non-test language
giving examples 1. Question- assessment
2. Accuracy in solving answer by giving
problems in their session examples
structured tasks 2. In-pair task 2. Students are
related to principles able to solve
of language problems in
assessment their
tasks related
to principles
of language
3 ELO 1 Principles of Method: 100 1. Accuracy in Criteria: 1. Students are 5%
Language Lecture, minutes explaining the accuracy, able to
Assessment Discussion, principles of appropriateness, explain the
(Source: Brown, Structured Task language and mastery principles of
H.D., 2004) assessment by Form: non-test language
giving examples 3. Question- assessment
2. Accuracy in solving answer by giving
problems in their session examples
structured tasks 4. In-pair task 2. Students are
related to principles able to solve
of language problems in
assessment their
tasks related
to principles
of language
4 ELO 1 Designing Method: Lecture 100 1. Accuracy in Criteria: 1. Students are 5%
Classroom and Discussion minutes explaining types of accuracy, able to
Language Tests: tests by giving appropriateness, explain types
Some practical steps examples and mastery of tests by
to test construction 2. Accuracy in Form: non-test giving
(Source: Brown, explaining the basic Question-answer examples
H.D., 2004) procedures in session 2. Students are
designing tests able to
explain the
procedures in
5 ELO 1 Designing Method: 100 1. Accuracy in Criteria: 1. Students are 5%
Classroom Lecture, minutes identifying accuracy, able to
ELO 2 Language Tests: Discussion, differences among appropriateness, identify
Scoring, grading, Structured Task scoring, grading, and mastery differences
and feedback and feedback Form: non-test among
(Source: Brown, 2. Accuracy in solving 1. Question- scoring,
H.D., 2004) problems in their answer grading, and
structured tasks session feedback
related to designing 2. In-pair task 2. Students are
classroom language able to solve
tests problems in
tasks related
to designing

6 ELO 1 all from meeting 1-5 Method: 100 all from meeting 1-5 all from all from
Review, Quiz minutes meeting 1- meeting 1-5
ELO 2 5
7 ELO 1 Standardized Method: Lecture 100 1. Accuracy in Criteria: 1. Students are
Testing (Source: and Discussion minutes explaining strengths accuracy, able to
ELO 2 Brown, H.D., 2004) and weaknesses of appropriateness, explain
standardized testing and mastery strengths and
ELO 3 2. Accuracy in Form: non-test weaknesses
identifying four Question-answer of
types of session standardized
standardized testing
language 2. Students are
proficiency testing able to
identify four
types of
Mid-Term Test

9 ELO 1 Authentic Method: 100 1. Accuracy in Criteria: 1. Students are

Assessment Lecture, minutes explaining principles accuracy, able to
ELO 2 (Source: Douglas, Discussion, of authentic appropriateness, explain the
2010) Structured Task assessment and and mastery principles of
ELO 3 give examples Form: non-test authentic
based on types of 1. Question- assessment
authentic answer and give
assessment session examples
2. Accuracy in solving 2. In-pair task based on
problems in their types of
structured tasks authentic
related to authentic assessment
assessment 2. Students are
able to solve
problems in
tasks related
to authentic

10 ELO 1 Designing Blueprint Method: 100 1. Accuracy in Criteria: 1. Students are

(Source: Davidson & Lecture, minutes explaining the accuracy, able to
ELO 2 Lynch, 2002) Discussion, procedures in appropriateness, explain the
Structured Task designing a and mastery procedures in
ELO 3 blueprint for tests Form: non-test designing a
2. Accuracy in 1. Question- blueprint for
designing a simple answer tests
blueprint for a session 2. Students are
language test 2. In-pair task able to
design a
blueprint for a
language test
11 ELO 1 Assessing Listening Method: 100 1. Accuracy in Criteria: 1. Students are
(Source: Brown, H. Lecture, minutes explaining the accuracy, able to
ELO 2 D., 2004) Discussion, essence of each appropriateness, explain the
Presentation, type of listening and mastery essence of
ELO 3 Structured Task skills Form: non-test each type of
2. Accuracy in 1. Question- listening skills
designing answer 2. Students are
assessment for session able to
listening by referring 2. In-pair task design
to the types of 3. Presentation assessment
listening skills for listening
by referring
to the types
of listening
12 ELO 1 Assessing Speaking Method: 100 1. Accuracy in Criteria: 1. Students are
(Source: Brown, H. Lecture, minutes explaining the accuracy, able to
ELO 2 D., 2004) Discussion, essence of each appropriateness, explain the
Presentation, type of speaking and mastery essence of
ELO 3 Structured Task skills Form: non-test each type of
2. Accuracy in 1. Question- speaking
designing answer skills
assessment for session 2. Students are
speaking by 2. In-pair task able to
referring to the 3. Presentation design
types of speaking assessment
skills for speaking
by referring
to the types
of speaking
13 ELO 1 Assessing Reading Method: 100 1. Accuracy in Criteria: 1. Students are
(Source: Brown, H. Lecture, minutes explaining the accuracy, able to
ELO 2 D., 2004) Discussion, essence of each appropriateness, explain the
Presentation, type of reading and mastery essence of
ELO 3 Structured Task skills Form: non-test each type of
2. Accuracy in 1. Question- reading skills
designing answer 2. Students are
assessment for session able to
reading by referring 2. In-pair task design
to the types of 3. Presentation assessment
reading skills for reading
by referring
to the types
of reading
14 ELO 1 Assessing Writing Method: 100 1. Accuracy in Criteria: 1. Students are
(Source: Brown, H. Lecture, minutes explaining the accuracy, able to
ELO 2 D., 2004) Discussion, essence of each appropriateness, explain the
Presentation, type of writing skills and mastery essence of
ELO 3 Structured Task 2. Accuracy in Form: non-test each type of
designing 1. Question- writing skills
assessment for answer 2. Students are
writing by referring session able to
to the types of 2. In-pair task design
writing skills 3. Presentation assessment
for writing
by referring
to the types
of writing skill
15 ELO 1 all from meeting 10- Method: 100 all from meeting 10- all from all from
15 Review, Quiz minutes 15 meeting meeting 10-
ELO 2 10-15 15


16 Final Examination (Project)

Evaluation Criteria :
Quiz : 15 %
Tasks : 20%
Active participation : 10 %
Mid-term test : 25%
Final project : 30%

TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................... i


UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION TO ASESSMENT ......................................................................
UNIT 2 FUNCTIONS AND TYPES OF ASSESSMENT ...........................................................
UNIT 3 PRINCIPLES OF ASSESSMENT ..........................................................................
UNIT 4 VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY ............................................................................
UNIT 5 ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT ...........................................................................
UNIT 6 STAGES IN A TEST CONSTRUCTION ...................................................................
UNIT 7 SCORING, GRADING, FEEDBACK ......................................................................
UNIT 8 TEST BLUEPRINT .................................................................................................................

Assignment 1
Introduction to Assessment

1. Test is __________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Measurement is _________________________________________________________________________________

3. Evaluation is_____________________________________________________________________________________

4. Assessment is____________________________________________________________________________________

a) Relationship of these terms: test, measurement, and evaluation (in A Venn Diagram)

b) Explanation of the relationship in each region of the diagram

Region 1)___________________________________________________________________________________________

Region 2)___________________________________________________________________________________________

Region 3)___________________________________________________________________________________________

Region 4)___________________________________________________________________________________________

Region 5)___________________________________________________________________________________________

Language Assessment-Assignment 1: Introduction to Assessment 1

a) Relationship of these terms: test, assessment, and teaching (in A Venn Diagram)

b) Explanation of the relationship in each region of the diagram

Region 1)___________________________________________________________________________________________

Region 2)___________________________________________________________________________________________

Region 3)___________________________________________________________________________________________

Examples on the use of these terms: test, asessment, measurement, and evaluation in
educational context





Styles of Assessment and Examples

1. Formal Assessment is _____________________________________________________________________________

2. Informal Assessment is ____________________________________________________________________________

Language Assessment-Assignment 1: Introduction to Assessment 2

Methods of Assessment and Examples

1. Formative Assessment is __________________________________________________________________________

2. Summative Assessment is _________________________________________________________________________

Assessment Classification

Style of Assessment Method of Assessment
Type of Assessment
Formal Informal Formative Summative
Final test √ √
Student oral responses to teacher’s

Diagnostic test
Pop quiz
Drafting and revising writing
Standardized proficiency test
Oral presentation (prepared, not

Whole class open-ended discussion

of a topic
Oral presentation (prepared and

Placement test

Language Assessment-Assignment 1: Introduction to Assessment 3

Assignment 2
Functions and Types of Assessment

Function of Test
1. Area, namely:
a) Class


b) Counseling


c) Administrative


2. Characteristic, namely:
a) Research


b) Screening/Selection


Language Assessment Asignment 2: Functions and Types of Assessment

c) Placement


d) Diagnosis


e) Aptitude


f) Proficiency


g) Achievement


Type of Test
a. Constructors or ways of constructing the test:
• Standardized test

Language Assessment Asignment 2: Functions and Types of Assessment
• Teacher-made test


b. Time of administration
• Entrance test


• Formative test


• Summative test


• Pre-test


• Post-test


Language Assessment Asignment 2: Functions and Types of Assessment

c. Form of test responses
• is a test which requires the participant to do the test in essay
• is a test which requires the participants to do the test in short
answer, can be in the form of words, phrases, or even a letter or number.
• is a test which has alternative answers and the participants are
supposed to choose one of the given answers.

d. Test orientation
• Language competence test

• Language performance test


e. Score interpretation
• is a test in which the score of a student is
interpreted based on the average score in class.
• is a test in which the result interprets each
student’s performance.

f. Theoretical basis
• refers to the testing of one element at one time.
• requires the candidates to combine many language elements in
the completion of a task.
• Unlike neither discrete nor integrative test, pragmatic test will
gain the students’ competence of language aspects contextually (how it is used in the
real world) by testing some aspects, like linguistic, sociolinguistic, strategic, and
organizational competencies.
• is a test that brings real world into the classroom by giving
certain context. In this test language functions and language notions are the most
important to test.

g. Methods/Ways of Conduct
• Direct vs. Indirect Testing

Language Assessment Asignment 2: Functions and Types of Assessment


• Discrete-point vs. Integrative Testing


• Objective vs. Subjective Testing


Language Assessment Asignment 2: Functions and Types of Assessment

Assignment 3
Principles of Language Assessment

Principles of a Good Language Assessment

• Validity
• Reliability
• Discrimination
• Practicality
• Washback
• Authenticity

Aspects in Language Assessment Characteristics

a. Validity
Language Assessment Assignment 3: Principles of Language Assessment

b. Reliability

c. Discrimination
d. Practicality
e. Washback

f. Authenticity

Principles of Language Assessment-based Scenarios (on the scale of 1 to 3)

Content Face Rater Test

Assessment Scenario Practicality Authenticity
Validity Validity Reliability Reliability
Standardized multiple- 2 3 2
format proficiency test (easy and (sufficient 3 (authentic use
covering listening 3 consistent time
(sufficient of the
(sequentially scoring allocation,
comprehension, reading and system sequentially
time language/non
comprehension, writing, 3 allocation, simplified;
structurally particularly and
easily activities in
and speaking tests. (covers all designed for listening structurally
administered, the test
language and and designed
specific and formats of the
skills) formatted; reading; and
time-efficient four sections
covers uses scoring formatted,
scoring, sufficiently
varieties of rubrics for covers
worth the reflect real-
test formats) writing and varieties of
price) life use of the
speaking test formats,
though still uses well-

Language Assessment Assignment 3: Principles of Language Assessment

quite framed test
challenging specification
to gain a and scoring
perfect rater rubrics)
Standardized multiple-
choice proficiency test
with no speaking and
writing tests. The test
result form covers a total
score and part scores for
listening, grammar,
proofreading, and
reading comprehension.
S creates multiple drafts
of a one-page essay, peer
and T-reviewed. T
comments on
grammatical and
vocabulary errors only,
and return it to S. S turns
in a final version.
Fill-in-the-gap grammar
quiz covering the content
of a four-week module of
a course. S receives the
test sheet back showing a
total score and which
items were correct and
One-on-one oral
presentation to assess
overall oral production
ability. S receives one
holistic score ranging
between 0 and 5.
S is given a vocabulary
test sheet covering two
sections. The first section
shows 10 vocabulary
items and their synonyms
displayed in a multiple
choice format. The
second section requires S
to write 10 sentences
using each word. S
receives the sheet back
with items marked and a
total score ranging from
0 to 10.

Language Assessment Assignment 3: Principles of Language Assessment

Assignment 4
Validity and Reliability
Characteristics of a Valid Test

1. Content Validity

2. Criterion-related Validity

3. Face Validity

Ways to Obtain Validity

Factors Affecting Test Reliability

1. Student-related Reliability

2. Rater Reliability
Language Assessment -Assignment 4: Validity and Reliability 1


3. Test Administration Reliability

4. Test Reliability

Ways to Obtain Reliability

1. Test-retest reliability (Stability)
2. Parallel test
3. Spilt-half

4. Internal Consistency

5. Inter/Intra Scorer Reliability

Language Assessment -Assignment 4: Validity and Reliability 2

Assignment 5
Alternative Assessment

Relationship with Test within Assessment Principles: reliability,

practicality, authenticity, washback (in diagram)

• Task-based/performance-based assessment


Language Assessment Assignment 5: Alternative Assessment

• Portfolio


• Journal


• Conference


• Observation

Language Assessment Assignment 5: Alternative Assessment



• Self- and peer- assessment



Assessment Principles of Alternative Assessment (in table, on the scale of 1-3)

Principle Performance-based portfolio journal conference observation Self-

face validity

Language Assessment Assignment 5: Alternative Assessment

Assignment 6
Stages in a Test Construction

Stages and Activities
1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. __________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Language Assessment -Assignment 6: Stages in a Test Construction


Test Purpose

Review Blueprint review or moderation

Test Item Assembling

With Revision Without Revision

Test Validation

Test Analysis

Good Test Bad Test


Language Assessment -Assignment 6: Stages in a Test Construction

Assignment 7
Scoring, Grading and Test Score Interpretation

1. Definition Scoring, Grading, and Score Interpreting


Score Interpreting

2. Types of Scoring and the example
a. Continuous (Polytomous) and dichotomous
Continuous (Polytomous)
b. Scoring in Multiple-Choice:

c. Analytical Scoring and Holistic Scoring
Analytical Scoring
Holistic Scoring
Language Assessment-Assignment 8: Scoring, Grading and Test Score Interpretation 1


3. Grading Procedures and the example
1. Absolute grading

2. Relative grading

4. Interpreting Scores
v Norm-Referenced (NRT)

v Criterion-Referenced (CRT)

Language Assessment-Assignment 8: Scoring, Grading and Test Score Interpretation 2

Assignment 8
Test Blueprint

1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Cognitive Process Dimension
Cognitive Dimension Pedagogical Action Verb
3 Create



2 Apply

Remember/Know to memorize, repeat, list, define,

Language Assessment Assignment 8: Test Blueprint

Test Specification
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Level No.
No. Kompetensi Dasar Materi Kelas/Semester Indikator Soal Bentuk Soal
Kognitif Soal
1 Announcement X/1 Pilihan Ganda (PG) 16
2 17
3 18

Reading Test :
The following text is for questions 16 to 18.

16. The aim of the text is ....

A. to announce the merger of Holliman’s and Foley’s Machines
B. to announce the purchasing of Foley’s Business Machines by Holliman’s
C. to annouce Holliman’s as a leading office supply store in Cheyenne

Language Assessment Assignment 8: Test Blueprint

D. to inform the readers of Foley’s Business Machines
E. to inform the readers of the location and telephone number of Holliman’s and Foley’s Business Machines now share

17. What made Holliman’s include “plus a thoroughly modern service department with factory - trained tecnicians” on its announcement?
A. It informs the readers about after-sell division the company has
B. It describes the characteristics of service department
C. It demonstrates the benefit of buying office supply at Holliman’s
D. It emphasizes the characteristic of Holliman’s
E. It announces the type of business Holliman’s run after the acquisition

18. Foley’s Business Machines ....

A. is given much capital
B. moves to other comfort location
C. sells new product of computer
D. contacts many electronic suppliers
E. is replaced by Cheyenne’s leading office supply store

Scoring System :
No. Soal Kunci Jawaban Skor
Skor Maksimum

Language Assessment Assignment 8: Test Blueprint

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