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School LNNCHS Grade Level/Track TVL

Grades 12 LESSON LOG

Teacher CHARMEE JANE L. PADILLA Learning Area Research 2
Teacher Dates and Time July 15 - 19, 2019 Semester First Semester
Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday
G12 ICT2 (7:30-8:30) G12 ICT2 (7:30-8:30) G12 ICT2 (7:30-8:30) G12 ICT2 (7:30-8:30)

I. OBJECTIVES Describes background of

Design a research useful life Writes a research title States research questions

The learner demonstrate The learner demonstrate The learner demonstrate The learner demonstrate
understanding of the range of understanding of the range of understanding of the range of understanding of the range of
research topics in the area of research topics in the area of research topics in the area of research topics in the area of
A. Content Standards inquiry, the value of research inquiry, the value of research inquiry, the value of research inquiry, the value of research
in the area of interest and the in the area of interest and the in the area of interest and the in the area of interest and the
specificity and feasibility of the specificity and feasibility of the specificity and feasibility of the specificity and feasibility of the
problem posed problem posed problem posed problem posed

The learner is able to The learner is able to The learner is able to The learner is able to
B. Performance Standards formulate clearly the formulate clearly the formulate clearly the formulate clearly the
statement of the research statement of the research statement of the research statement of the research
problem problem problem problem

C. Learning Competencies (Code) CS_RS12-Id-e-1 CS_RS12-Id-e-2 CS_RS12-Id-e-3 CS_RS12-Id-e-4

II. CONTENT Identifying the Inquiry and Identifying the Inquiry and Identifying the Inquiry and Identifying the Inquiry and
Stating the Problem Stating the Problem Stating the Problem Stating the Problem
A. References Practical Research 2 by Niel B. Prieto, Ph.D.,
1. Teacher's Guide pages NONE NONE NONE NONE
2. Learner's Materials pages NONE NONE NONE NONE
3. Textbook pages
B. Other Learning Resources
Let the students review the
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review on the nature and Review on the importance of Review on the importance of
presenting the new lesson problem that leads them in
kinds of variables in research research background study
creating their title
Let the learners answer the
Motivate the students to fucos The teacher asks the students
B. Establishing a purpose for the question: How can we design The students develop skills on
lesson mainly on the idea of how their group have decided
a research that are useful in critical thinking
quantitative research to choose their title
daily life?

C. Presenting Ask the students on the things The teacher presents the The teacher presents the
examples/instances of the new they are interested with based Power point presentation format of making a backgoud format of making research
lesson on their respective tracks of the study questiions

The teacher will discuss the

The teacher will discuss the
kinds of variables that will Discuss the elements that are
D. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will discuss on Step-by-Step on How to Do a
practicing new skills # 1 differentiate qualitative important in constructing the
how to write a good title Background Study for a
research from quantitative introduction of their study
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skill # 2

The class will be divided into

groups. The group will be their From their chosen topic, the
Let each group present the
F. Developing mastery permanent research groups group will formulate their The group will write their
draft they have for the
for the whole semester. They research title from the background of the study.
backgroud of their study
will choose their own research research topic.

G. Finding practical applications

of concepts and skills in daily
living What are the steps in writing a What are the benefits and who
What are the steps in writing a
What is your research topic? background of a are the beneficiaries of your
good research title?
H. Making Generalization and study? research?
abstractions about the lesson
Evaluation of student outputs will be done through the use of
I. Evaluation learning Pen-Paper Test a rubric. It will be evaluated according to Clarity of Purpose,
Organization and Structure, and Grammar and Spelling

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation
A. No. of Learners who earned
80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for
remediation who scored below

C. Did the remedial lesson work?

No. of Learners who have caught
up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue

to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why did
these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

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