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PERSONAL From: Civil Service Pensions

Mr Athanasios Anthopoulos PO Box 2017

10 Cosmeston Drive Liverpool
Sully L69 2BU
Penarth UK
CF64 5FA Email:

Tel: 0300 123 6666

Tel (Intl): +441903 835902
Opening hours: Mon-Fri
9am - 5pm
Date: 15 August 2022 Member Number:33377092

Your 2021/22 Annual Benefit Statement (ABS)

Dear Mr Anthopoulos

This is a summary of your Civil Service pension scheme benefits based on your data as at 31 March 2022. The figures
shown include any annual adjustment set by HM Treasury, due from 1 April 2022.

It is based on information provided by your employer and is an illustration of the benefits you might receive at retirement.
It is not a guaranteed statement of entitlement.

More information about your ABS is available at

If you have a question about your statement:

Your ABS contains important information about your pension. Please read it carefully and check the information in it
against your own records to make sure it’s correct.

If any of the following are incorrect (home address, marital status, pensionable earnings, date of birth, National Insurance
number, pension scheme) please contact your HR department or Shared Service Centre. Your employer is responsible
for updating your personal details and will provide us with corrected details to update your pension record.

If you have a query about your pension information (for example, your reckonable service, the date you joined the
scheme, transfer in history or additional benefits you may have purchased) please let us know by either emailing or writing to us at the address provided above. Please include your full name, date of birth,
member number and a copy of any relevant documents.

Remember, the Civil Service Pensions website contains a wide range of tools and information to help you get the most
from your pension. If you have a query, or simply want to find out more about your pension, visit

Yours sincerely,

Dominic Arthur
Director of Pensions

For and on behalf of Civil Service Pensions

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Your personal details
Name: Mr Athanasios Anthopoulos
Date of birth: 12 June 1977
National Insurance number: SL507794C

Your benefits at a glance

Statement as at: 31 March 2022
The value of your benefits in this statement are worked out up to the statement date shown above.

They do not include any projected pension benefits.

Your annual alpha pension: £5,776
You’ll be able to claim your full alpha pension from your State Pension age, or age 65 if your State Pension
age is less than 65.

Your State Pension age is currently 67 Years 2 Months.

These amounts include any:  Transferred in service or pension.

 Previous periods of service you have opted to aggregate on re-joining.
 Added pension you've bought.
 Pension benefits for which you've bought an EPA.
 Pension debits that have been applied from pension sharing orders.
These amounts do not  Benefits from previous periods of service, unless you opted to aggregate
include any: your previous benefits on re-joining.
 Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs). Your AVC provider will send
you details of these separately.
 Pension earmarking orders. These are applied when you take your

(i) You can see a detailed breakdown of what is included in these figures in the ‘Your
benefits’ section at the end of this statement.

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Your death in service lump sum: £107,526
This amount has been worked out as 2.0 times £53,763 which is the actual pensionable earnings we held for
you at the date of the statement. If you work part-time, the figure shown will be your actual rate of pensionable
earnings and not your full-time equivalent. The actual lump sum amount your nominee or estate could receive
will be based on your final pay on the date of your death.

Your total survivor’s annual pension: £4,332

(i) Every effort has been made to ensure that this statement is accurate. It is based on the
latest data that is held, but it is not a guarantee of your entitlement.

Your death benefit nominee(s)

If this section is blank, we don’t have any death benefit nominees on your record.

If you want to add a nominee, or change your nominee details you can do so by either:
a) logging in to your Pension Portal account at; or
(i) b) completing and returning a Death Benefit Nomination form from the Member
forms page of our website:

More information about your death benefit nominee(s) is available in the Important notes
section at the end of this statement.

Your scheme membership

alpha: You’ve been a member of alpha since 9 October 2017.

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Your pension and tax
Your pension is subject to certain tax limits.

Lifetime Allowance (LTA) is the limit on the amount of pension benefit you can build up in your lifetime before
you have to pay a tax charge. From 6 April 2020, the standard Lifetime Allowance is £1,073,100.

Percentage of standard Lifetime Allowance used by benefits in this statement: 10.76%

There is also an annual limit on the amount of pension savings you make in any tax year before you have to
pay a tax charge; this is known as the Annual Allowance (AA).

If the growth of the value of your pension benefits in the 2021/22 tax year has exceeded the Annual
Allowance limit (£40,000), we will send you a Pension Savings Statement by 6 October 2022. This will tell you
about the action you need to take. If you have other pension savings, including Civil Service Additional
Voluntary Contributions, you need to consider all of them against the AA limit each year.

The benefits shown in this statement are calculated in a different way to those used to check if you have
exceeded your Annual Allowance. As such, benefits shown within this statement should not be used to check
if you have exceeded your Annual Allowance.

More information on your pension and tax is available in the Important notes section at
(i) the end of this statement. You can find further information here:

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Your alpha benefits
The date you joined alpha: 9 October 2017
Years you have contributed to alpha: 5
Your alpha Normal Pension Age: 67 Years 2 Months
Your pensionable earnings in the period £54,369
covered by this statement:

Not all pay necessarily counts towards a Civil Service Pension. In this statement, we
refer to your pensionable earnings – i.e. the earnings that do count towards your
(i) pension. If you work part-time, this will be the actual amount you earned rather than the
full-time equivalent. For more information about pensionable earnings, please refer to
the Important notes section at the end of this statement.

Your Normal Pension Age benefits in alpha earned to the date of this statement
Your annual alpha pension: £5,776

Normal Pension Age is the age at which you can take your full benefits without the

(i) amount you get being reduced for early payment. In alpha it is the same as your State
Pension age (or age 65 if your State Pension age is less than 65), so if your State
Pension age changes – your alpha Normal Pension Age will too.

Your death benefits

Your death in service lump sum: £107,526
Your alpha survivor’s annual pension: £4,332

(i) Your alpha survivor’s pension may be paid to your spouse, civil partner or partner in the
event of your death.
Your preserved award death benefit lump sum: £28,884
Your preserved alpha survivor's annual pension: £2,166 pa
Preserved award death benefits are paid if you leave service on 31 March 2022 without
taking your pension and you die before you reach Normal Pension Age. In these
(i) circumstances, we will pay the above pension to your survivor.

This is normally 37.5% of your own pension.

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How your alpha benefits have changed
Annual adjustment
Benefit type Opening balance Added this year Closing balance

£54,369 x
Main alpha pension £4,341 pa 2.32% = £173 pa £5,776 pa
£1,261 pa

Total £4,341 pa £5,776 pa

Annual adjustments for alpha pensions are set by HM Treasury Orders and are based on
(i) changes to prices. Annual adjustments are applied from 1 April. For further information,
please see the Important notes section at the end of this statement.

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Important notes
Your personal details
1. The information we hold has been provided by your employer. If you think anything is wrong with these
details, please tell your HR department or Shared Service Centre through the normal route, so they can amend
your record. We cannot update your pension record as any updates must be supplied by your employer or
Shared Service Centre.
2. If you have previously queried some of the information included on your annual pension benefit statement it may
not have been possible to validate the information and make changes to your pension record before this
statement has been produced. Your pension record will be updated with any changes authorised by your
employer in due course.

Your benefits at a glance

1. The benefits in this statement are based on the latest information we hold for you as at 31 March 2022. This
information has been provided by your employer.
2. The value of benefits is shown as at the statement date. It does not contain estimates of what your future
benefits may be.
3. Pension benefits can only be paid in line with the rules of the scheme and this statement does not override
these. If there is a difference between this statement and the rules of the scheme or what is payable under the
rules, the rules of the scheme will apply. You can read the rules of the scheme at:\about-us\scheme-rules
4. alpha is a Career Average scheme, where you build up pension of 2.32% of your pensionable earnings for each
year that you are an active member. Each year the benefits you have earned are adjusted in line with the
change in prices.
5. Your benefits are payable in full from your alpha Normal Pension Age. This is the same as your State Pension
age (or at age 65 if your State Pension age is less than 65), or at the EPA date if you have made additional
contributions to earn EPA benefits.
6. If you have reached minimum pension age, you can claim your benefits before your Normal Pension Age but
they will be reduced for early payment. Please see the website for information on what flexibilities and options
are available to you regarding retirement:\about-us\scheme-rules
7. Your death in service lump sum is based on your final pay. It may be different than the amount shown if you
have any outstanding pension contributions or if you have already received a pension and / or lump sum from
the scheme. This may have been the case if you have taken partial retirement.
8. Your survivor’s annual pension can be paid to your spouse or civil partner after your death. The amount they
would get is 37.5% of the pension you have earned in alpha plus an increase, as detailed in note 9 below. Your
alpha survivor’s pension can also be paid to a partner. You can complete a Partner Details form, although this is
not compulsory. You can find the form here:
9. The increase to your alpha survivor’s annual pension on your death is based on the amount of alpha pension
earned from your contributions. It wouldn’t include any alpha pension from a transferred-in pension or any
added pension that you may have bought. It is worked out by multiplying your earned alpha pension by 10, or
the number of years that were left until you would have reached your alpha Normal Pension Age if this is lower.
This is then divided by the number of years you were a contributing member of alpha.
10. Pensions may also be payable to any eligible children on your death.
11. More information on how these benefits are calculated can be found in the scheme guides available on the Civil
Service Pensions website:

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Your death benefit nominee(s)
1. In the event of your death, the Scheme Manager will take your nomination into account when deciding who to
pay any death benefit lump sum to, providing the nominee remains valid.
2. If this section of your statement is blank, it means we don’t have any death benefit nominees held on your
record. If we don’t hold any nominees, your lump sum will be paid to your personal representative.
3. You can add a nominee or change your nominee details by either:
a) logging in to your Pension Portal account at; or
b) completing and returning a Death Benefit Nomination form from the Member forms page of our website:
4. You can nominate more than one beneficiary and choose how to divide any death benefit lump sum between

Your scheme membership

1. This section outlines the date on which you joined the alpha scheme.
2. If you think the details of your scheme membership are wrong; please contact your HR department or Shared
Service Centre. We cannot update your pension record as updates must be supplied by your HR department or
Shared Service Centre.

Your pension and tax

1. HM Revenue & Customs sets the maximum value of pension benefits you can earn over your entire working life
before a tax charge is payable. This is known as your Lifetime Allowance (LTA). The standard Lifetime
Allowance is £1,073,100 from 6 April 2020.
2. The percentage (%) of the standard Lifetime Allowance used by your Civil Service Pension benefits is
provided in this section. Please note this is the percentage of the Lifetime Allowance used by the benefits you
have earned to the statement date.
3. Some people may have a different protected level of Lifetime Allowance if they have applied to HM
Revenue & Customs for protection. If this applies to you, you will need to provide a copy of your Protection
Certificate when payment of your benefits commences.
4. When payment of your benefits commences, the value of your pension benefits in alpha will be calculated and
compared against the standard Lifetime Allowance, or your protected level of Lifetime Allowance if applicable.
More information about this will be provided at that time.
5. Annual Allowance calculations are carried out every tax year. If your Civil Service Pension benefits exceed the
Annual Allowance limit in any tax year, you will automatically receive a Pension Savings Statement by
6 October with more information and instructions on the action you need to take. You can also request a
Pension Savings Statement if you do not receive one. You will need to do this if you have any other pension
savings such as Civil Services Added Voluntary Contributions as you will need to take account of all your
pension savings to check if you have breached the Annual Allowance.
6. Both Lifetime and Annual Allowance limits apply to all of your UK tax registered pension arrangements including
any benefits that you may have earned in pension schemes outside of the Civil Service Pension. You can find
more information about pensions and tax at

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Your alpha benefits
1. alpha is a Career Average scheme. Each year that you are an active member of alpha, you build up an amount
of pension worth 2.32% of your pensionable earnings. Each year, the benefits you have earned are adjusted in
line with the change in prices. Your benefits are payable in full from your alpha Normal Pension Age which is the
same as your State Pension age (or age 65 if your State Pension age is less than 65), or at the EPA date if you
have made additional contributions to earn EPA benefits.
2. The years you have contributed to alpha are used when calculating your survivor’s pension. It represents the
number of scheme years that you have contributed to alpha, irrespective of whether you were working part or
3. Your Normal Pension Age benefits in alpha consist of all ‘non-EPA earned’ pension, plus any alpha pension
acquired as a result of transferring in a pension from elsewhere as well as any added pension that you may
have bought.
4. Pensionable earnings include your actual salary, plus any pensionable allowances and bonuses paid to you
during the scheme year whilst you're a member of alpha. If you joined alpha part way through the scheme year,
or work part-time, this will be reflected in your alpha pensionable earnings.
5. You may be able to exchange some of your pension for a cash lump sum at retirement. The rate of exchange
is currently £12 of lump sum for £1 of pension given up. These lump sums are restricted by HM Revenue &
Customs limits and are currently tax free. Details of this option will be made available to you at retirement
6. Any EPA benefits you have bought are detailed in this section alongside the age from which they are payable in
full. If you want to find out more about how to buy EPA, look at the EPA factsheet:
7. Pensions may also be payable to any eligible children in the event of your death.

How your alpha benefits have changed

This table shows all the benefits you have in alpha, broken down by benefit type as detailed in the first column of
the table.

 The second column, (opening balance), shows last year’s balance.

 The third column, (added this year), shows the benefit you’ve earned this year.

 The fourth column shows the (annual adjustment), which is specified by HM Treasury. This adjustment may
change each year, and can be negative as well as positive.

 The fifth column, (closing balance), shows the balance at the statement date.

 Your total alpha pension is shown at the bottom of the table.

The Scheme is committed to managing your data in line with the Data Protection Legislation. For more information about
how your data is managed, please visit:

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