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Conference Paper · January 2002

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2785.0087

5 702

2 authors:

Darryn Rackemann Darrin Stephens

Queensland University of Technology Applied CCM


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Rackemann, D.W. and Stephens, D.W. Proc. Aust. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol., Vol. 24, 2002




Sugar Research Institute, Mackay, Qld

KEYWORDS: Circulation, Vacuum Pans, Hot Film Anemometer, Simulation.


A method for using ‘hot film’ anemometers to determine circulation velocities within
vacuum pans has been refined and tested on a number of pans during trials performed
over the 2001 season. The anemometers have been used to characterise circulation
velocity profiles that can be used to validate computer models and illustrate the
differences among pan geometries. The method has also been used to show the effects
of adding pan boiling aids and to examine the effect of changing operating parameters.
The method has been shown to be effective in producing reproducible velocity profiles
within vacuum pans. The values for circulation velocities obtained are considered
reasonable and there are promising indications of the ability to use this technique as a
qualitative tool to investigate the causes of poor circulation and the effects of varying
operating parameters.


This paper presents the outcomes of factory trials using ‘hot film’ anemometers undertaken
during the 2001 crushing season as part of a Ph.D thesis on pan circulation. The concept of
anemometry is first introduced to give correlations for circulation flow velocities in enclosed
vessels. The technique, its capabilities and difficulties experienced in its use are also discussed. The
calibration procedure, which relates the anemometer output to circulation velocities, is explained.
This work is an extension of the study reported on by Miller and Muddle (2000).

The hot film anemometers were inserted into factory vacuum pans to obtain measurements
of circulation velocities, during the operation of these vessels. The 2001 season factory trials were
performed on batch vacuum pans of varying size, calandria configuration, steam consumption rate
and massecuite duty. The probes were inserted to varying depths at various locations on the pans.

The primary focus of the investigation was to determine circulation flows in vacuum pans,
either to validate existing computer models or to suggest model changes to achieve improved
simulations. In recent years significant advancements have been achieved with computer modeling
of vacuum pans (Stephens, 2001). Circulation data are required to determine the accuracy of such
models. Limited data exist on circulation velocities within vacuum pans of modern design, although
good data are available for some older pans (Wright, 1966a). Early measurements of pan circulation
velocities reported in literature would not be suitable to validate computational models of modern
pan designs. Previous circulation measurements however, give an indication of the expected
velocity range. Circulation velocity measurements can also be used as a qualitative tool to
investigate the causes of poor circulation and the effects of varying operating parameters.
Rackemann, D.W. and Stephens, D.W. Proc. Aust. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol., Vol. 24, 2002

Hot film anemometers

The hot film anemometer used for the experiments is a constant-temperature mode
anemometer constructed from stainless steel. It is a Turck insertion flow sensor (Turck, 2001) for
high temperatures as shown in Figure 1. The hot film anemometer consists of two temperature
detectors encased in a metal cylindrical tip that can be immersed into fluid flow paths. One of the
detectors measures the temperature of the surrounding fluid or film around the cylindrical metal tip
while the other is connected to a heating element. The power applied to the heating element is
varied in order to maintain the second detector in the anemometer tip at a constant temperature
slightly above the temperature of the flowing fluid. The power to the heating element will vary
depending on the heat transfer rate between the probe and the surrounding fluid. The heat transfer
rate from the hot film anemometer to the surrounding fluid will depend on the fluid velocity and
properties of the fluid. Outputs from the hot film anemometer can therefore be correlated to the
flow velocity past the probe tip provided the properties of the fluid are known.

12mm 10mm 15mm

Fig. 1—Turck insertion flow sensor.

For flow around the anemometer probe, it is assumed that the major heat transfer
mechanism is convection, with radiation and conduction heat transfer being insignificant in
comparison. From an energy balance, the power output from the anemometer is related by:

I 2 Rm = hconv A film (T f − Ta ) (1)

where I is the current in the heating element (A), Rm is the metal heating element resistance (Ω),
hconv is the convection heat transfer coefficient (W/m².K), Afilm is the heat transfer area (m²), Tf is the
film temperature (°C) and Ta is the ambient fluid temperature (°C).

Based on empirical evidence, King’s law (1914) was developed for thin films around
constant temperature anemometers to relate the instantaneous convection velocity (V) to the voltage
required to maintain the anemometer tip at the required temperature. The output of the anemometer
probe is proportional to this voltage. King’s law states:

( )
E 2 = I 2 R f2 = C 0 + C1 ⋅ V n (Tf − Ta ) (2)
Rackemann, D.W. and Stephens, D.W. Proc. Aust. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol., Vol. 24, 2002

where E is the voltage output of the anemometer and C0, C1 and n are constants for fixed operating
conditions, which are dependent on the fluid properties. For the calibrations and the factory trials,
dry substance and purity were the properties used to describe the massecuite mixtures. Measures of
the crystal content and molasses properties were not obtained. For constant temperature
anemometers like the one used in this study, the heat transfer area and temperature difference
between the fluid and the anemometer probe is constant. Provided the temperature is relatively
constant the metal heating element resistance can also be assumed to be constant. Thus from
equations 1 and 2,

h conv ∝ C 0 + C1 ⋅ V n (3)

The probes were calibrated to give a sensor output reading of zero for zero flow, which
allows the removal of the intercept C0 from the calibration curve. Two anemometer probes were
used in this study and were labelled probe A and probe B. Both probes required separate calibration.
For the calibrations, the output signal from the anemometer probe is proportional to the output
voltage of the circuit. Thus for the calibration data for probe A,

(Probe A reading )2 = C1A (velocity)n a


and for probe B,

(Probe B reading )2 = C1B (velocity)n b

where C1A, C1B, na, nb are functions of the dry substance and purity.

As the dry substance and purity values change for the massecuite throughout a pan strike the
values of C1A, C1B, na, nb must also change. The dry substance and purity have been analysed from
spot samples obtained during a pan strike and, for simplicity, have been linearly correlated with the
operating level in the pan for the corresponding pan status, e.g. during liquor feed, boilback or
heavy up periods. These correlations are reasonably linear over short periods of the pan cycle but
ideally the full time dependent characterisation of the pan properties would be required to provide
accurate correlations to the anemometer reading output.


The hot film anemometers were calibrated using a circulation rig, which consists of a buffer
tank (25 L) from which a Mono pump transports the fluid around the loop at controlled speeds, by
using a variable speed drive. The Mono pump was operated with the discharge on the gland side so
that the gland packing was under positive pressure and would leak slightly. This mode of operation
prevented air from being sucked in through the gland when pumping the viscous massecuites, as
this would alter the heat transfer properties of the material. The fluid flowed past the hot film
anemometer positioned in the middle of the pipe using a tee piece and gland arrangement and then
recirculated back into the buffer tank. A resistive temperature detector (RTD) and a magnetic
flowmeter were also positioned on the rig as shown in Figure 2.
Rackemann, D.W. and Stephens, D.W. Proc. Aust. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol., Vol. 24, 2002

Control Magnetic flowmeter Temperature sensor


Water jacketed
25L tank

Helical M Anemometer
Mono pump sensor

Frequency Output from
Control anemometer

Fig. 2—Schematic of calibration rig.

The buffer tank was water jacketed for better temperature control and had a helical stirrer
that contacted the tank sides and bottom to prevent crystals from settling in the tank. Helical ribbon
stirrers have been considered satisfactory for mixing viscous fluids (White and Hertle, 1984). Some
heating of the system also occurred from energy absorbed during pumping.

Various fluid velocities, as measured by the magnetic flow meter, could be selected by
varying the pump speed. The output from the anemometer was measured when the performance of
the rig was stable in terms of steady flow rate and minimal temperature variations.

Readings from the probe could then be taken for a range of speeds and a correlation
determined for converting the output measured to an actual velocity past the probe tip. Different
fluid mixtures were tested in this calibration apparatus to gather data on anemometer outputs at
different flow velocities for a range of fluid mixtures and properties. These fluid mixtures and
properties need to be similar to those in factory pans so that readings from the anemometer obtained
in the factory trials could be related to actual flow velocities. The fluid properties of the calibration
mixtures were adjusted by mixing samples from typical factory streams to reflect the properties
experienced during operation of factory pans. The calibration mixtures ranged in dry substance
from 87.2 to 90.4 units and purities of 72.5 to 86.6 units.

Calibration discussion

The calibration mixtures did not fully encompass the full range of massecuite conditions for
A, B and C strikes. The range was restricted to the products available at the mill where the
calibrations were effected, and the viscosity limits of the Mono pump. The correlations from the
calibration mixtures were extrapolated to determine values at other conditions.
Rackemann, D.W. and Stephens, D.W. Proc. Aust. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol., Vol. 24, 2002

One concern was a small entrainment of air into the massecuite mixtures, which would
affect the calibration data. The amount of air entrained was deemed minimal after some
modifications were made to the apparatus. The entrained air prevented molasses samples from
being obtained from the massecuite mixture using the available compressed air filters. The source
of the air is thought to be the initial air trapped inside the pipelines before a run was commenced.
Further research on calibrations is being conducted into minimising the air entrainment and
characterizing its effects, as well as to study the effect of probe orientation and an increased
property range.

Factory trials

The hot film anemometers were inserted into factory pans using a special housing and gland
arrangement. The 2001 season factory trials were performed on batch vacuum pans of varying size,
calandria configuration, steam consumption rate and massecuite duty. Measurements were taken at
key positions at varying depths and locations on the pans (mainly underneath the calandria). Figure
3 shows typical probe locations on a vacuum pan. The small size of the anemometer probe and its
housing will affect the velocity and flow patterns at the point of insertion although this effect is
deemed to be minimal.

Fig. 3—Typical socket locations on vacuum pans for anemometer probe insertion.


The use of anemometers provided quantitative and qualitative information on circulation

velocities within vacuum pans during strikes. Using the calibration equations and relationships for
massecuite properties based on snap samples, circulation velocities could be calculated and logged
for various insertion depths at the different probe locations illustrated in Figure 3. These velocities
Rackemann, D.W. and Stephens, D.W. Proc. Aust. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol., Vol. 24, 2002

could be plotted against operating parameters such as time, level, calandria pressure, steam flow or
conductivity to determine trends in massecuite velocity with changes in operating conditions.

Figures 4 and 5 show typical plots of circulation velocities, from different trials, against the
level, expressed in tonnes, in a natural circulation B strike pan. Figure 4 shows the velocity trends
for probe B for seven separate trials at the inner socket location for an insertion depth of 110 mm,
while Figure 5 shows the velocity trends for both probes at the middle socket location at an
insertion depth of 210 mm from the pan bottom. The similar trends seen in Figure 4 across all seven
runs indicate consistent and steadily controlled operation of the pan by the boilers as well as the
repeatability of the anemometer technique.


1.20 Run 41
Run 42
Run 43
1.00 Run 45
Run 46
Run 47
Velocity (m/s)

0.80 Run 44




50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0
Level (t)

Fig. 4—Velocity trends from Probe B inserted at the inner socket location to a depth of
110 mm from the pan bottom on a B strike pan.

The results in Figure 5 are from two repeated strikes for probe A and two repeated strikes
for probe B inserted at that position. Both Figures 4 and 5 demonstrate that the anemometer method
produces consistent values of similar magnitude under similar operating conditions as well as
outlining how the circulation velocity changes throughout a strike. Coupled with plots through a
range of insertion depths, velocity profiles can be determined in vacuum pans. Figure 5 also shows
that using the different calibration equations, the circulation velocity profiles calculated for the
outputs of probes A and B are very similar adding confidence to the accuracy of the anemometer
Rackemann, D.W. and Stephens, D.W. Proc. Aust. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol., Vol. 24, 2002

Probe A
Probe A repeat
Probe B
Probe B repeat

Velocity (m/s)



50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Level (t)

Fig. 5—Velocity trends from Probes A and B inserted at the middle socket location on a
B strike pan. Both probes inserted to a depth midway from the pan bottom to the bottom
tube plate of the calandria.

The calculated velocity ranges encountered during the factory trials are consistent with
measured values from past investigators, which are reported by Stephens (2001). The range of
velocities experienced in the tubes of the calandria for fixed calandria pans operating on A and B
massecuite duties have been reported as high as 0.4m/s but generally in the range of 0.05 to 0.25m/s
(Stephens, 2001). Average velocities of up to 0.6m/s at the start of a strike have also been reported
in pans underneath the calandria (Wright, 1966b).

The addition of a surfactant during the boiling of a B strike in a 69 m³ pan, and the
corresponding changes to the circulation velocities, have been characterised to show the effect of
this pan additive. The circulation velocity is plotted over time with the operating level in the pan,
steam flow rate, calandria pressure and conductivity for a typical pan strike in Figure 6. Probe A
was inserted at the inner socket location, 360 mm from the pan bottom while probe B was inserted
at the outer socket location, 45 mm from the pan bottom. From the plot it can be seen that prior to
the addition of the surfactant, the calandria pressure increased to a high value and the steam flow
rate and circulation velocities decreased due to the limited heat transfer rate within the pan. After
the addition of the surfactant, a decrease in calandria pressure and increases in steam flow rate and
circulation velocities were observed. The pan boilers only added a set amount of a specific pan aid,
during B strikes when the steam flow rate decreased below a determined level. The addition of pan
aid during the factory trials has shown increases in circulation velocities of up to 0.2 m/s.
Rackemann, D.W. and Stephens, D.W. Proc. Aust. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol., Vol. 24, 2002
100.0 Massecuite level
Steam flow rate
Calandria pressure
Level (t), Steam flow (t/h), Calandria Conductivity
pressure (kPag), Conductivity (%) Probe A (velocity) 0.20
80.0 Probe B (velocity)

Probe velocity (m/s)



20.0 0.05

0.0 0.00
12:50:24 13:04:48 13:19:12 13:33:36 13:48:00 14:02:24 14:16:48 14:31:12 14:45:36

Time 14:03 Addition of surfactant

(dotted line)

Fig. 6—Pan trends for a B massecuite strike showing the effects of surfactant addition.


The effects of two important factors in the anemometer method that are not considered are
the orientation of the probe and any variations in temperature experienced during the calibrations
and factory trials. In the calibration and factory trials it was assumed that the anemometer probe
was inserted under a constant orientation towards the flow profile. During calibrations the
anemometer tip was rotated to the position where a maximum signal reading was identified. This
orientation was noted and used for subsequent trials. The velocity calculated using King’s Law
would thus give the velocity of fluid flow perpendicular to the probe tip.

The effects of variations in temperature are expected to be minimal over the temperature
ranges encountered (65–73°C). The sensor also has the ability to compensate for sudden
temperature changes under a temperature gradient limit of 250°C/min or 4.2°C/s (Turck, 2001).
This is 10–15 times higher than standard flow devices and makes the sensor very stable under the
imposed conditions of calibrations and factory trials.

The anemometer method has been used to measure circulation velocity profiles that can be
used to validate computer models and illustrate the differences in flow patterns due to differences
between pan geometries. The method can also be used to show the qualitative and quantitative
effects of external factors such as the addition of pan boiling aids, the use of jigger steam or
movement water, and the position of feed entry points to the pan. Furthermore, the method has also
been used to examine the effect of changing operating parameters such as changing the steam flow
rate and decreasing the calandria pressure to determine the effects of using a lower pressure vapour
supply such as vapour from the first evaporator instead of exhaust steam.


This method of using anemometer probes to determine circulation velocities has been shown
to be effective in producing velocity profiles at selected positions within vacuum pans. The method
Rackemann, D.W. and Stephens, D.W. Proc. Aust. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol., Vol. 24, 2002

is considered to produce consistent and reasonable values, compared with prior measurements. The
method gives promising indications of its ability to determine trends and velocity profiles in
vacuum pans. These results can be used to analyse and investigate the causes of poor circulation
and the effects of varying operating parameters. Later these data could be used to improve pan
designs or identify possible retrofits to provide better circulation in vacuum pans.


The assistance provided by staff at Racecourse, Plane Creek, Macknade, Proserpine, Isis and
Mossman Mills where calibrations and measurements were undertaken on factory pans during the
2001 season is appreciated. The funding assistance provided by the Sugar Research and
Development Corporation (for the PhD scholarship) and the Department of State Development of
the Queensland Government is acknowledged. The idea of using the hot film anemometers for
measuring circulation velocities in vacuum pans was originally proposed by Ross Broadfoot and
Ken Miller of SRI.


King, L.V. (1914). On the convection of heat from small cylinders in a stream of fluid.
Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society, Series A, Vol. 214.
Miller, K.F. and Muddle, C.P. (2000). The measurement of massecuite circulation in batch and
continuous pans. (Poster Paper). Proc. Aust. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol., 22: 529–530.
Stephens, D.W. (2001). Studies on modelling circulation in sugar vacuum pans. Ph.D Thesis,
James Cook University, Townsville.
Turck (2001). Turck Data Sheet – Insertion Flow Sensors. Technical Reference Section.
Wright, P.G. (1966a). Circulation movements in sugar vacuum pans. Proc. Qld Soc. Sugar Cane
Technol., 33: 179–184.
Wright, P.G. (1966b). Further pan circulation tests using a radioisotope. Sugar Research Institute
Technical Report 88.
White, E.T., and Hertle, C.K. (1984). Mixing of high viscosity materials with thinning fluids.
Proc. Aust. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol., 6: 263–270.

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