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The larynx

Thursday, May 5, 2022

The larynx

X cranial nerve or
vagus nerve

X n:
• SE fibers
• VE fibers (PS)
• SA fibers
• VA fibers

Netter, 1989
The larynx (1079-1092)

1. Overview of the larynx

2. Embryological origin of the larynx
3. Laryngeal skeleton
4. Intrinsic ligaments of the larynx
5. Joints of the larynx
6. Muscles of the larynx
7. Innervation and vascularization of the larynx
1. Overview of the larynx

Frontal section of larynx

Velayos & Santana, 2001

1. Overview of the larynx

Laryngeal inlet

Netter, 1989
2. Embryological origin of the larynx

Laryngeal inlet
origin of laryngeal mucosa:
respiratory diverticulum
2. Embryological origin of the larynx

Laryngeal components originate from the 4th and 6th pharyngeal arches
3. Laryngeal skeleton

Cartilaginous framework of larynx

Schünke & cols, 2005

3. Laryngeal skeleton

Laryngeal cartilages

Netter, 1989
3. Laryngeal skeleton

Netter, 1989
3. Laryngeal skeleton

Epiglottic cartilage

Netter, 1989
3. Laryngeal skeleton

Thyroid cartilage

Netter, 1989
3. Laryngeal skeleton

Cricoid cartilage
3. Laryngeal skeleton

Aritenoid cartilages
3. Laryngeal skeleton

Cuneiform and corniculate cartilages

3. Laryngeal skeleton

Extrinsic ligaments
of larynx

• thyrohyoid membrane
• hyoepiglottic ligament
• cricotracheal ligament
4. Intrinsic ligaments of larynx

1. thyroepiglottic ligament
2. quadrangular membrane
4. Intrinsic ligaments of larynx

3. cricothyroid ligament
4. Intrinsic ligaments of larynx

5. Joints of larynx

Cricothyroid joint
sinovial joint- arthrodia
5. Joints of larynx

Cricoarytenoid joint
sinovial joint– modified trocoid joint
6. Muscles of larynx

Frontal section of larynx

Velayos & Santana, 2001

Laryngeal mucosa
Laryngeal mucosa

Histological section of the vocal fold

Schünke & cols, 2005

6. Muscles of larynx

Intrinsic muscles of the larynx

Netter, 1989
6. Muscles of the larynx

cricothyroid muscles – move the cricothyroid joint and stretch the vocal

Netter, 1989
6. Muscles of the larynx

1. Posterior cricoarytenoid muscles– abduction (opening) of vocal folds

2. Lateral cricoarytenoid muscles– adduction (closure) of the vocal folds

Netter, 1989
6. Muscles of the larynx

3. Transverse arytenoid muscle – adduction of vocal folds

4. Thyroarytenoid m. and vocal m.– relaxation of vocal folds

Netter, 1989
6. Muscles of the larynx

Oblique arytenoid (1), aryepiglottic (2) and thyroepiglottic (3) muscles modify
the diameters of the laryngeal inlet

Drake et al., 2005 Netter, 1999

6. Muscles of the larynx

Superior view of the larynx through the laryngeal inlet

6. Muscles of the larynx

Quiet respiration and forced inspiration

6. Muscles of the larynx

6. Muscles of the larynx

Effort closure and

7. Innervation and vascularization

Vagus nerve

Netter, 1989
7. Innervation and vascularization

Innervation of intrinsic laryngeal

- superior laryngeal nerve
- recurrent laryngeal nerve

Netter, 2003
7. Innervation and vascularization

Netter, 1989
7. Innervation and vascularization

Innervation of intrinsic muscles of larynx:

cricothyroid muscle – external branch of the
superior laryngeal nerve

Netter, 1989
7. Innervation and vascularization

Innervation of intrinsic muscles of

rest of intrinsic muscles – recurrent
laryngeal nerve

Netter, 1989
7. Innervation and vascularization

Schünke & cols, 2005

7. Innervation and vascularization

Sensory innervation of
the laryngeal mucosa

Schünke & cols, 2005

Piriform recess

Netter, 1989 Netter, 1989

7. Innervation and vascularization

Extrinsic muscles of larynx

Netter, 1989
7. Innervation and vascularization

Supra and infrahyoid muscles

Netter, 1989
7. Innervation and vascularization

Scheme showing the action of infra and suprahyoid muscles

Netter, 1989
7. Innervation and vascularization

7. Innervation and vascularization


Schünke & cols, 2005

7. Innervation and vascularization

Blood supply

Schünke y cols, 2005

7. Innervation and vascularization

Venous drainage of

laryngeal vein

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