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FIA, IB, CUSTOMS, NAB, ASF,VO FBR, ANF, MOTRWAY, MOD, IIRS cj) FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION = Se CR RR FIA INSPECTOR BATCH Il TEST QUESTION: 1- East India company formed In... 1600 2- Hazrat Muhammad saw had ...3 sons 3- Muhammad Ali Bogra Farmula present in assembly......Oct 1953 4- At the time of first constitution who is prime wrote ch muhmmad ali 5- Equator passes through in which countries....italy, japan, non of these and one more i forget 6- Sword of allah..... 7- the of lion of allah... 8: first muslim flag color Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) belonged to family. (Hashmi) In the "Sacrilegious wars", when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was 20 years of age, Quraish and their allies were lead by (Harb bin Umayah) To what Prophet the Zabur was revealed by Allah? (Prophet Dawood (A.S)) What companion of Prophet (PBUH) was awarded with the title of "The sold of Allah"? (Khalid bin Waleed (R.A)) What was the name of Imam Bukhari (R.A)? (Muhammad bin Ismael) Cornea is the light sensitive part... PSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MO! How many time Pakistan become the non- permanent member of security council? (6 times) First United states president who visited pakistan?) (Lyndon B. Johnson.) age of president under 1956 const ...45 Islamic republic of pakistan.... 1956 const When 1956 constitution passed..23 march 1956 first constitution took 9 years PM during the passage of first constitution Ch. Muhammad Ali First step towards const making... objectives resolution Objective resolution passed on.. 12 march 1949 Lightyear is the unit of Distance ‘Atom has three atomic particles ‘equator passes through in which countries....non of these Omer khyaaam was ? mathematician Poet and Astrologist Quaid-e-Azam president of first const assembly Ast constructed barrage in pakistan was Sukkur Barrage Manga carta ? 1215 Sensitive part of eye? retina Light Penetrate in ocean depth ? non of these ‘Asian development bank ? Manilla Asian development bank ? 1966 BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI Pakistan Left CENTO ? 1979 Current head of state bank of pakistan ? Akhtar mahmood wathra First United States president who visited Pakistan? Dwelight Eisenhower When 1956 constitution passed? 23 march 1956 First constitution took time in formation? 9 years Objective resolution passed on ? 12 march 1949 ‘Age of president according to 1956 constitution? 5S its 45 Which blood group is universal recipient? AB+ Light year is the unit of ? Distance Atom has ? three atomic particles A\Gore Nobel prize for ? Global warming Hazrat Haroon and Hazrat Musa were ? brothers biggest cat in lion family ? tiger Accession of creamea was signed on ? 18, March,2014. but i chose 24 march Along which coast of india a 45-day long ban on fishing was imposed from the midnight on 14 April 2014 (Eastern zone) The name of the common mineral salt present in sweat is Sodium Chloride... Inheritance of acquired characters is not an art of Darwinism... CAT triplet in DNA codes for valine.. Dry ice is Solid Carbon Dioxide... The number of spark plugs needed in a diesel engine is 0. FIA Paper 3rd Batch 21-12-15 L Prime minister of Turkey: Ahmet Davutoglu 2. Iraq President: Fuad Masum. 3. President of UN General assembly appointed for year 4, Non permanent member of security council: 10 5. OIC headquarters: Jeddah 6.Amnesty International; Human Right Watch 7. President of india: Pranab Mukherjee 8, Panama Canal connects : Atlantic and Pacific Ocean 9. Gobi desert: Mangolia and China 10. Saarc island countries: Sri Lanka And Maldives 11. President of China:Xi Jinping 12. Austria Capital: Vienna 13. Iqbal delivery Allahabad Speech: none of these| 14, Simla Agreement: 1972 15. First General election on adult electoral basis in Pakistan: 1988 16. Namaz Farz on: after one year of Hijrat 17. Who killed Hazrat Umer R.A. : ? 18. How many authentic books of Ahadith? 19. How many time word Quran mention in Holy Quran? 20. Deficiency of Vitamin C cause: Scurvy FPSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF F1A, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD.... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 21.Plants intake ___andexhale__in morning. Carbon dioxide and oxygen 22. Name of backing soda? 23, Noble gases : Less chemical reactive 24, Calcium carbonate is name of: Lime stone 25, Battery gives : Direct current 26. Boiling point of petrol: 95 degree centigrade 27.16 workers complete a work in 10 days, how many days would four workrs take? what was the answer? 40 days 28, typhoid fever attacks... liver,lungs,intestine) Intestine 29.dengue diagnosed by .....correct answer was low platelet count 30. Sum of first five prime number : 28 31, Sum of first six prime number: 41 32, First primeir of Punjab after 1937 election? 33. Finance minister in 1946 interim election?, Liagat Ali Khan 34, All India Muslim league: 1906 35. First president of Pakistan Muslim League: 36. Name of Mother of Holy Prophet: Amna 37. Which pass connects Pakistan and China : Khanjrab pass 38. IAEA : International Atomic Energy Agency 39, Head of Labour party: Miliband 40, State of USA: 50 41. 100 is 5% of: 2000 USA. 42. Secretary of defense of USA.... 43, German flag carrier airline name? 44. Iran foreign minister name: Mohamad Javed Zafar 45. Governor of Balochistan : Muhammand Khan ‘Achakzai 46. Barometer is used to measure: Air pressure 47. Which organ pump blood: Heart 48. A trousers bought for'650, sold for 580, how much loss? 70 49, Area of a square with side 10cm: 10000cm2 50. Length of tank 6m, width 4m, height 3m what is volume: 72 m 51. International bank for reconstruction and development: World Bank 52. Reutors : News Agency 53. Bronze is: Alloy 53. Bronze is an alloy of 54. Gazwa Uhad : 3 hijri 55. Fatiha means starting 56. First president of Pakistan: Sikandar Mirza 57. Worm is insect 58. Egg gives: Protein 59. Earth is: Planet 60.Running toward it as the bus drove off, leaving Xavier and me standing helplessly on the sidewalk. FPSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD.... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 4. Running toward it 95 the bus drove of, leaving Xavier and me standing helplessly onthe sidewalk, While running toward it and watching the bus rive off, which let Xavier and me standing helplessly on the sidewalk Left helplessiy standing onthe sidewalk after Xavier and me an toward the bus and watched it as t drove off, 4. As we ran toward it the bus drove off, leaving Xavier and me standing helplessly on the sidewalk Alter having run toward tthe bus diving off and leaving Xavier and me on the sidewalk, watching helplessly 61 ‘We sat down toa five-course meal, and afterwe hha eaten, the dog appeared in the doorway and began tober, ‘8. meal, and after we has eaten, the don, meal, and after we had eaten the dog meal andater wehhad eaten, the dog, 4, mea and, ater we had eaten, the dog @. moa ana after we had eaten the dog 6. The movie Titanic was. bighitin the US. he evrope. a. abighitin the US. tke Europe. bas wella big hit ia Europe as was in the US. «Just as bg hit in the U.S. than in Europe. {.asbiga bitin the US. ast was in Europe. a bighit as wel as in beth Europe and the US. 6 ‘Because he was gven a local anesthetic, Josh was conscience throughout the operation 2. Josh was conscience throughout the operation Josh had a’eondeence during the operation «the operation Was completed with Josh s consciousness 4. the operation was done while Josh held Josh remained conscious troughout the operation 6s. Beside its use in meticine, lasers have many Industria uses 2. Beside its use in medicine, sige medicine, € Inadeltion aso to its medal applications, 4. Besides its use in medicine, Besides your using in medicine, 66. State Senator Partridge wished to insure the people that ther tax dollars would be spent wisely PSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OFF, CUSTOMS, NA 88, MOD... BY TEMSLOAR WAMIE ZAI ‘to insure the people that thee tax dolar wuld be spent wisely that the people would be insured of tax dollars wisely spent, {in assuring the people that their tax dollars would be wisely spent. assure the people that he would spend their taxdollars wisely. «to assure and promise the people ot his Intentions to spend their tax dollars wisely 7 Because of the need for security all employees ‘must take reasonable precautions to safeguard any paper or electronic copies of our 2 allemployees must take reasonable precautions to safeguard ». allemplovees who work here must be éButious and cavefl to safeguard «employees must be reasonable in safeguarding and protecting 4. workers and employees mus take reascnable measures to protect «all workers must take reasonable precautions and safeguards in order to protect 6s. Having stopped twice to get gas, this was the cause of our late arial. 1. Having topped twice to get ge, this was the cause of our late arrival, bs. Afterstopping twice to get gs, our late atival was atiepated. Because we stopped twice to fet gas, we arrived late. 4. We arived late twice stopping to Bet Bas. €.Ariving late, we stopped twice to get gas. 6a ‘Our team seored less Baskets today than we did ast Tubscay, a less baskets today than we did today les baskets than were scored fewer baskets today then on 6. fewer Baskets today than we did lesser number of beskets today then we did 20. ‘This year aur company sold magazine subscriptions than ever belore a.less blesser efow d.tewer 7. (My parents approved of ular lessons. amy PSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OFFA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD... BY TENSILDAR MAMI KIBZAI Riding the Tornado at the amusement park was than I thought it would be, a, more terrifying b. more terrifyingly «. terrifying d, most terrifying 73. met more than ten years ago at a mutual friend's birthday party. a. Her and! b. Herand me ©. She and me d. She and! 74, Of the three brothers, Andre is the a. taller b. tallest c. more tall d. most tallest 75. We arranged the flowers and placed in the center of the table. ait b. this 76. ‘After winning the yo-yo contest, Lydia skipped down the street. a. happy b. happiest c, more happily 4. happily 7. The cake | made last week tasted than the one | made today b. more better c. better . more good 78. if you steal artichoke from Petra's garden, you'll be sorry. a. them b. those c.that d. these 73. George and Michael left backpacks at school, a.his b. their PSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD.... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 80. If you don't stop playing video games, your mind will become warped. a. that b. those them 4. this 81. Typhoid : Intestines 82, Last Ummayah Khalifa : Marwaan Il 83.Evolution and origin of universe : Cosmology 1. Kon sa eham geet nigar hai......sahir ladhanvi 2. Hostel main parhna aur Lahore ka Bujrafia. pitras bukhari 3. Shur ka mutzad. khair 4, Mirza ghalib kahan dafan hain. 5. Akhri khutba delivered on 6. Meesaq e madina in... 7. Roza kab faraz hoa. 8. Metal used in galvanization of iror 9. Old name of sri inka...cylon 10. Hussain Shaheed shurwadi belongs to.... Bengal 11. Who was pm 1N11946...0...nehro 12. When india went into un over Kashmir Issue...1948, 13. Pakistan joined nam...... 14, Pakistan left seato. PSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD. 15. Pakistan left common wealth........1972. 16. Smallest continent.........australia. 17. Membrs of European unionnn.28 18, Relation......mother in law. 19. Relation.nnnunfather. 20. Basic right. 21. Illegal right. right to carry weapon... 22. Cis faster than A. 23. Planet... periscope 24, Ear....sthethoscope: 25. Acre....adistance. 26. Capital of kazakstan........astana, 27. |smail karimov. 28. Next de janiro 29. Unbeaten boxer. 30. Rugby champion......... New zeland. 31, Excel «ned in calculations. 32. Not operating system..... oracle. 33. FirdoUusi WaS.....0..Persian poet. 34. Tum mry pas hoty ho goya.. momin khan. 35. Qatal e Hussain asal main marg e yazid hai. 36. kill sin no sinner theory...... reformative 37. Human right day... 10 december 3B. ABE snonne 3 Years 39, 1911 gorge V.......annulment of Bengal. 40. in 1928 muslim league separated in mI and....... shafi league 41. Book by ibn e khaldoon... mugadamma BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 42. 43. 44, 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 54, 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. - East timur in .. ‘Akhri sher ghazal ka... mugta. Ponder means... Loin of mysoor...ipu sultan (r.a) Feasible mean and pecific. Road strips.....50. Calculation.....88, First heart transplant....1967 Hanged in bangladesh... jamat e islami. - Khojak pass.....qilla Abdullah chaman . Hazrat ali and hazrat Ayesha fought...jamal. 53. Cd capacity....680 mb, Keyboard is... Input device. For internet used.... Modem Velocity is ....vector ‘Adjacent means Climate conference.....pairs. Us representative... Richard olson. Scotland yard... Uk ‘Age of retirement judge of supreme court 65 years asia. - Green house gas... co2 . Sound not passes through....vaccume. - Hepatitis . Secret agency of isreal. liver mosad 11932 pm of England... Rimsay mecdonald. |. Human gland produced milk. 69. Calculation....3200 70. Calculation of vote. 71. Distance from office 72. Car price with 6% tax. 73. Book of igp... 74, Ammbassdor in india, 75. Engross means 76. Deplete means. 77. Sohni mahiwal is written by.....s» hashim shah. 78. Profane means 79. Day betore today. 80. ruesday. 81, Boxer remained un beaten.. 82. Isotops 83. Dolly 84. Xrays -protan first coloned sheep. rontigen. 85. Shape of water drop..... surface tension 86. First secretary to un.......tragiv 87. Jalianwala massacre.....april 1919. 88. Impound means 89, Ch rehmat ali published “now or never" from where .... Cambridge. 90. Cng abbreviation of....compressed natural gas. 91. Aung san suki leader of... mayanmaarr. 92. Hazrat muhammod (s.a.w) and abu bakar (ra) stayed in.... gar e Thur 93, Name of poet who wrote jeway jeway Pakistan..... jamil Uddin ali FPSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD.... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 94. System of Word Languorous Antonym of Eulogy Mother Tressa...Vulnerable Paris attacks called charlie Abdo? Capital of South Africa ..cape town LOC of kashmir...Military observers of UN. Simla Acord...Pak,India and Russia? Naval forces helps internationaly for pirates? Made in UK also called Swaziland? Siberia ... Russian federation...Asian Continent? Palm oil and tin made by Megadisim? Paktika border links Pakistan with which counyry?, Answer to (32 + 2.5)? Missing from the series 1, 1/4, /9, /16,x, /36 (ans.1/25) Answer to value of x for'an equation with just numbers to multiply? ‘Answer to KGs to be placed on the longer arm (length 100) of a lever with short arm having length 90 and having a weight placed on the shorter side of 100kg? Options included 90, 100, 110 (please help) Which direction would smoke travel in? (None, details are irrelevant, as smoke always travels ‘opposite to train) _ buses cover 600 km in 6 hrs, how much would ‘one bus cover in 2 hrs? (Forgetting given value for no. Of buses) USA ....52 states? China population is 1.3 Billion? Largest producer of Uranium is Kazakistan? Cease fire of 1965 war Sep21 sep? Boing.....787? German Airship caught fire on 1933? Economic Corridor.....Pak and China? area/volume questions 1 if base is 12 cm and height is 9cm_, find hypotenuse? ans was 15 em 2- base 12, height 9cm, of a metalic triangular sheet, if it is 2 cm thick, find volume... options were 45cm3, 108..., 216..., none 3-base 12cm, height 9, of a metali ctriangle, 3 holes in it of 1 cm each. find area... optons qwere ~ 5em2, 54, 47.5, none 4-base 16cm, height 9 cm, of metalic triange sheet, if 2 cm thick, find weight if itis 20gram. heavey per cm3. options were.... 720 grams,,1440g, 28808 Largest producer of Uranium is canada red wire connects to...... terminal PSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD.... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI Like poles repel, unlike poles attract electricity produced when conductor placed in field water expand when cooled at 4 degrees Celsius pak winter rain? baitul maal spoils part fifth mangla dam lake man made pirates pak navy UNMOGIP The Hindenburg, a German airship, Reply With Quote INSPECTOR RAILWAY PAPER 23-12-2015 . Voice president of USA: Joe Biden . Suez Canal : Egypt National Front party: France Earth Day: 22 April Volleyball is the national game of: Sri Lanka China Currency: Riniminbi 3. Bull fighting national. custom of?Spain 2 3, 4. 5, 6. PM of Japan: Shinzo 7, 8. 9. . Drama writter: Shakespeare 10. Earthquake center point is called: Epicenter 11. Capital of Zimbabwe: Harare 12. Total Surahlin Quran? 114 13. Oxignated blood carry by: veins or arteries 14.Markhor is national Animal of: Pakistan 10 16. Nigara river boundaries between: USA & Canada 17. Killer Mountain: Nanga Parbat 18. Ranikot fort is: largest fort of world 19. Fort Munro : Dara Ghazi Khan 20. Length of CPEC: 2442km 21. Objective of Fast in Qura 22. Tauheed : 4th Kalma 23. Fundamental of istam?'5 24. Table Salt: Sodum Chloride 25. 13,3,25).. 26. Bones, ligaments, cartilages form __ Next number? Skeleton system 27..RAW: India 28. Diamond is made of : Carbon 29. Photosynthesis: oxygen and glucose 30.Deficiency of Vitamin A cause: Night blindness 31. Vitamin C also called: Ascorbic Acid 32. Hepatitis is transferred by: Water 33, Longest river: Naile 34, Longest river of Pakistan: Indus 35. Population wise largest city in world: Tokyo 36. Pakistan population wise in world: 6th 37. Largest planet: Jupitar 38, Marcury planet is closest to: Sun 39, Taxila is famous for: Ghandara civilization 40. Markhor is the national Animal of : Pakistan 15. Lake Saif ul Malok in which district: Manshahra 41. Forest in Pakistan of total area: 5% [FPSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 42. Ability to do work is called: Energy 43. Light years is unit of: Distance 44, Amount of matter in body is called: Mass 45. body can move, slow down, or come to rest due to___ Inertia 46. During _ the moon casts its shadow on earth Solar Eclipse 47.__ is the oldest city of Pakistan Multan 48,__carries oxygenated blood to the body Arteries 49, Meaning of Risalat convey message 50. Zaboor was revealed onto_Hazrat Daud AS 51. Khalilluah title: Hazrat Ibrahim A.S 52. Designated angel of rain is__ Hazrat Mekaee! 53. Running between Safa and Marwa is called____sayee 54,___ is an unpardonable sin in Islam Shrik 55, 20 laborers complete a building in 40 days, how long will it take 10 laborers to do the same? 80 days 56. Average of all the prime numbers between 10 and 20 (11+13+17+19 /4) = 60/4 =15 57, Abdullah’s age in 15 years will be 5 times the age he had 5 years ago, his current age is 10 58. The sum of age of 3 children is 80, 7 years ago, sum of their ages would have been__59 59. 4% in fraction is__0.004 60. A melon was cut into 12 equal pieces, 8 pieces are left, what fraction of total is left? 2/3 61. 360 students passed an exam, 40% were fail How many students appeared? 600 62.1, 5, 9, number in series? 17 63. 1,5, 2, 9,3, 13)4.. next number in series? 17 64.1, 13, 25,3 add missing number? 7 65. X bought a coat for 3200, original price was 4000, _ is discount in percent? 20% 66. X bought 16 pencils for Rs 240, he would pay to buy 40 pencils ? 600 RS 67. Ashop has x3 as many balls as bats, what total number of bat/ball is impossible?54 68.15, 16. 18,. 19. 20.... Identify the only prime number in the series ? 19 67. Discounted price = 13950, original price 15000, find % discount ? 7% 68. 10000 deposited at 8% compound interest, X will get Rs__after 2 years? 11600 70. Rs 520 spent on x kg @ Rs 90/kg and y dozen @ Rs 80/dozen, how many Kgs bought ? 4kg. 71. The average of 3 consecutive even numbers Is 24,__is the largest number ? 28 72. X reads 15 pages on Friday and 20 pages on other days of the week. in a 30 day month PSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF F1A, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD.... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI starting with Friday, she will read _ pages 2575 pages 73. Just because he is different, you should not pick____him. with 74, His house is_ the side of X road. On 75.He was going___the rules.against 76, Old fashioned can also be called'__the times 77. While we were asleep, X__the test 78.____ our trip to Japan, we visited many places. Ans: During 79. have only talked to her once__ the year. ‘Ans: During. 80. Nursing is a difficult profession, esp. when you are always _call Ans: on 81. During his stay at Birstolhe___5 parties. and 7 BBQs 82. He couldn't open the door, because another student ___it from the other side. Ans: Locked 83. . 10000 deposited at 8% compound interest, X will getRs___after 2years? 11600 84, 3*8-24/x429=50 find x. Ans:& 85.the park you are looking for i .... That blue building, Ans: around 86, Rasalat means: INSPECTOR ASF 23-12-2015 SECOND BATCH: 1. Transparency International headquarter: Berlin 2. Geneva is capital of: Switzerland 3. UN meet at the month of: September 4, Opec headquarter: Vienna 5. Total Surah: 114 6. Total Verses: 6666 7. Hazrat Muhammad PBHH perform hajj: one time 8, Hajj obliged: 9 Hijri 9, Tarawi : Wajib 10. Sunaat means: 111. Who introduced second Aazan in Juma: 12. UN:1945 13.universal declaration of human righ December 1948. 14. Fuse use for: voltage control 15. First president of USA: George Washington 16. Who discovered America: Columbus 17. Tarbela dam: Indus river 18. Main source of energy generation in Pakistan: Hydal 19. Pakistan and Afghanistan boarder : Durand line} 20. Poet of east: Iqbal 21. A product sale on cost plus 10%. Which is buy ‘customer at Rs. 3000. What is cost of the product? 22. Increase in profit 200,000 in 2013 to 315,000 i 2015. What is the rate of increase in percentage? PSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD.... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 23. (X-1)(x+2)=0 value of x=? 24, Area of circle is 16pai what will be it's diameter? 25. Rectangular parameter can be? 16 or 32 26, Namaz e Istasqa: For Rain 27.1n fire what will be ur first step: Alarm 28. Tea from: leaf 29, First foot on moon: Neil Armstrong 30, Lunar eclipse: earth came between Sun and moon. . Primary responsibility of maintaining law and order is: Of police In Myopia we see blur objects: Distance object - Euro used officially: 2002 - Attack on world trade organization: 9-11-2002 . Noble prize scientists in Pakistan; Abdus Salam . 2nd hieghest peak in world: k2. . Ringgit currency of: Malaysia INSPECTOR BATCH 1" Ba 22-12-2015 1. Land of rising sun. Japan 2. Currency of Japan. Yen 3. Ocean that separates Europe and America. Atlantic 4. Common wealth was established in. Dec 11, 1931 5. Treaty for combination of European Common Market Treaty of Rome (to be chck) a 6. Chechniya got independence from? Russia (Chechan War) 7, Largest country of Africa Algeria (I cudnot see this Q) 8. President of USA when atom bomb was use on Hiroshima Nagasaki. Harry Truman 9, Which building was attacked by terrorist on 9/11/2012 World Trade Centre 10. Which country accepted Pakistan first? Iran 11, When Quaid-e-Azam took oath as Governer General of Pakistan? 15 August 1947 12. Who laid first step'on the Moon? Neil Armstrong, 13, Headquarter of IMF? Washington 14. Headquarter of SAARC? Khatmando 15. Where is China located in Asia? Southeast Asia 16. C.7.B.1 Stand for? Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty 17. Longest surah Al-Baqra 18. Shortest surah Al-Kausar 19. Surah without Bismillah Al-Tauba 20. Prayer for which Azan is not called? Eid/Funeral 21. Eid namaz is farz,sunnat or wajib. Sunnah (some say Farz) 22. Who wrote Sulah e Hadibiya? Hazrat Ali a.s FPSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FiA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD.... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI TODAY'S FIA ASST. DIRECTOR TEST 01. CPEC will go through countries 02. Which country recently offered gas to Pakistan 03. PM recently addressed: 04, Yemen lies to the 05. of Saudi Arabia dam is being built at River Indus 06. River Indus starts at 07. Muslim country to the east of India with unrest is 08, Population of China is__ 09, Pakistan's stance on India as a permanent member of SC 10. Pakistan opposed drone because they are a threat to its 11. Bilateral agreements signed between __ countries 12. Steam converted into mechanical energy is usually__ 13. Energy in a nuclear reaction is produced due to 14, Riko Diq is located at 15. Radio waves travel__ than sound waves 16 Sound Waves travel faster in a medium 17.How much distance covered if you travel x12 around a circular path with a diameter of 400m 18. Iitihad means, 4 19. What portion of war spoils should be deposited in Bait ul Maal 20. Mordaba relates to__ 21. *Something about Qiyas* 22. Legacy of Hazrat Abubakar regarding officer's salary 23. Anumber divided by 4 and 40 added, gives 48 24. 1,2,3,4,5,6 name the smallest and largest number using combo 25. 20x2x6 m pool, how much will the half-filled pool weigh? 26. 20m building, from15m away, find the aerial length 27. Latgest Boeing plane in operation? 28. Sinkiang province belongs to__ 29..9,16, x, 36... what is x? 30. 1, 4, 9, 16... next number in series? 31. *Something about globalization and Pakistan* 32. 4 boys ran 60km each in 6 hours, distance covered by 1 boy in 1 hour? 33. Photo voltaic cells convert solar energy into electricity through a___process 34.12/8+2.5=? 35. A scale has 90cm and 100cm long arms, if we place 100kg on 90cm what weight should we need to put at 100cm arm to balance the scale’ 36. After nuclear explosion, _causes most damage. PSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD.... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 37. If you are Sth from the either end of a queue, how many people does it have? 38. DG FIA can delegate his authority to__ 39. An FIA SI holds the same authority as of _ 40.___and_will represent FIA in a special court 41. FIA Act may specify __ 42.FIA Act describes ___ 43. FIA Is supervised by__ government 44, *Powers of members of agency* 45. FIA can, in writing, order a property not to be 46. Any non action of an order by FIA shall result in 47. Any amendment to the FIA act can only be done by 48. No liability on the FIA personell iff they act in utmost good faith and 49, Tamil riots in____ during 80s and 90s 50. Population of Pakistan is. largest 51. Five rivers of Pakistan meet at 52. If an iron bar is placed in magnetic field for some time, what will happen? 53. Thrust is produced in a jet engine when 54, At Tarbela dam, pressurized water runs through, 55. First battle between muslims and kuffar? 56. Khyber was a stronghold of. 1s 57. Train travelling from west to east, wind blowing from north to south, direction of smoke? 58. The red wire in a car battery is connected to 59,___ has recently stationed its planes in Syria 60. Which of the following is not a binary series 61.Xhad abad.cold__ she didn't goto movies with us. 62.____ she was waiting for the bus to arrive, *X read a book* 63. Shabnam likes to drink tea and water,_ Chelsea likes to drink milk and juice. 64.X, a female judge of the Y__ appointed byZ 65. x+y = 99, x-y=9 66. Boko Haram mostly attacks in__region 67. Anumber whose square and cube are same 68. The Siberian Region of Russia lies in_ continent 69. A steel pin sinks in water while a far bigger shipf floats, because _ ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FIA PAPER BATCH 1. Yemen is situated ------ a. north to UAE b. East to Muscat c.SOuth to Saudi Arabia Recently PM Nawaz Sharif addressed at a. UNSC b. UNGA c. International Economic Forum [FPSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI Where is Riqo Diq? First battle between the Muslims & Quraish? Khyber battle fought between muslims and??? Share of bait ul maal from spoils of war? Salary of a civil servant according to Hazrat Abu Bakr/? Primary sources of Islamic jurisprudence? What is Qiyas?? Mubadia is an Islamic way? 10 Which country has agreed to give gas to Pakistan? 11 Pakistan's number according to population among Muslim countries? 12 What is consequence of WTO's minimizing import tarrifs? 13 Rain in winter in Pakistan are due to? 14 Country recently stationed it jet planes in Syria? 15 Bilateral Agreement? 16 Indus river originates from? 17 Boko Haram kidnaps girls from villages near? 18 Country east to India & has problem related to muslims? 19 Country with Tamil problen in 1980-1990? 20 Siberia in which continent? 21 Population of China? 22 CPEC countries? FPSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD. 16 23 We plug red wire to battery? 24 Five rivers meet at??? 25 Latest commercial plane by Boing? 26 Dam under construction on indus? FIA PAPER HELD ON 20-12-2015 AT.02:00 PM who is the first viceroy of india ?Warren Hastings} 2 pakistan has become non permanent member off security council for how many times 26 3 when pakistan left cento? 4 first president of america who visited pakistan ? 5 whois the author of spirit of islam ? Syed Ameer All 6 whois the current governor of state bank of Pakistan ? Mr. Ashraf Mahmood Wathra 7 omar khayyam ? was a Persian mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, and poet 8 non written constitution countries ? England ‘9 magna carta signed king john ? 10 ban ki moon is from ? south korea 11 first president of pakistan ? Iskander Mirza 12 who made the first constitution of pakistan after independence ? 9 years 13 Muhammad Ali Bogra Formula ? 1953 14 what is the other name of muhammad ali bograf formula? 15 what is the name of p.m when first constituent disolved ? BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 16 what is the name of pakistan in first constitution ? 17 what is the minimum age of president in pakistan 245, 18 imame bukhari ka asal name kia hi? Muhammad bin Ismaeel 19 Muhammad (PBUH) k kitny baty they ?3 20 zaboor kis nabi per nazil hoi ? Hazrat Dawood 21 Anjeel kis nabi per nazil hol ? Hazrat Musa 22 sword of allah ? Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed 23 lion of Allah ? Hazrat Ali 24 Muhammad (PBUH) blong to which family ? bano Hashim DEFAULT AD MOD TEST~20-12-2015 QUESTIONS 0 Pure gold contain...(24 carats) International. fund...(Monetary) Alexander was ruler of,...(Macedonia) shah waliullah written which book to synthesize shia sunni differences change in momentum...(Force x time) Splitting of colours into components called what fone dozenof eges cost 96rs, 15 eggs will cost? In a classroom of 75 students 40% are girls then how many boys? PSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD... wv 8 First article of islam? 9 Saad bin abi waqas conquered? (Egypt, syria etc) 10 a wall clock was 2 minutes late at noon if it gai 1 and half minutes per hour at what time it will tell the right time 11 If sana is the daughter of the daughter of ali and she is the mother of ahmed's brother then what is the relationship of ahmed with all (names were change) 12 Nearest planet to earth? 13 Sun light makes which vitamin in the body? 14 Splitting light in components is called? Reflection, Refraction, Dispersion, Diffraction. 15 Tail of end vector is called? Closing point, end point, initial point. 16 Freely body in gravity has? Uniform ‘Acceleration, non-uniform Acceleration... 17 Study of matter using waves is called? Classical mechanics. 18 IR Spectrum of compound....? 19 Atomic Spectroscopy is used in ? Solid, Liquid, Gases, Vacuum, 20 Water is used as a raw-material in manufacturing? Glass, Copper, Fertilizer. 21 In dry region, tunnel irrigation is? sustainable... 22 Aristotle saying on State.....? BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 23 High Court is consultative. In Islamic State, itis NOT? individual, Legal... 24 Sa'ad Abi Waqqas conqueror of? Egypt, Yemen, Iraq. 25 Ameer Khusro along with whom expedited to chittor? Alluadin Khilji 26 One unit formula by Bogra was __ principle of between two wings? Parity, population. 27 SP Sinha _ Separate Electorate? accepted, supported, opposed. 28 Ch. Rehmad Ali Book? Pakistan: Fatherland of Pak Nation. 29 Shah Wali Ullah wrote book in Shia-Sunni division? 30 In preserving protection of Islam and Caliphate Movement, Abdul Bani Frangi laid foundation of? Anjuman-i-Khuddam-i-Kabba. 31 Mangla Dam constructed on which river? 32 Length of indus river? 33 The world's second highest peakiis in which range of mountain? 34 Sun light provides which vitamin? A, B, C, D. 35 Pure gold isof __ carats? 18, 20, 22, 24. 36 Kashmiri observes Black Day on? 27 oct. 37 Muslim country borders with coastal line strip of Gaza? Egypt 38 First person who verified prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)? Varga Bin Naufal. 18 39 Sali Muslim was complied by? 40 Idealist theory developed when? Pre-WW1, Post-WW2, Post-Cold War... 41 Objectivity in news? 42 When Positive peace is achieved? absence of war, absence of violence, use of force, economic development, justice and moral. 43 In policy making, a man isless energetic but find satisfying is called? passive-positive, positive negative, passive-negative. 44 Representation of population by age and sex? Population pyramid 45 Absence of war, conditions of peace is studied in which interdisciplinary? Peace studies, conflict studies, strategic studies.. CUSTOM INSPECTOR, PREVENTIVE & ‘APPRAISING/VALUATION OFFICER ALL MCQ'S ‘Some MCQ's are repeated and some are not answered. 1. What is Moon? Satellite 2. Charge on Neutron? Neutral 3. Current flow means? Flow of electron 4, What is freezing point of Water? OC 5. When Muslim league come into being? 1906 6. First president of Pakistan Muslim League? Ch. Khaliquzzaman (1949) 7. Which melts in room temperature? Mercury FPSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FiA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD.... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 8. Who is the chairman of Senate of Pakistan? Raza Rabbani 9. What is Soap? Salt 10. What type of gas in electric bulb? None of these(use Argon, neon etc) 11. Who is Saudia King? Salman 12. Who put martial law in 1977? Zia ul Ha 13. Who abrogated constitution in 1958 and put martial law? Sikandar Mirza 14, Who is chancellor of Germany? Angela Markel 15. Second prime minister of Pakistan? Nazim ud din 16, Who murdered Hazrat Ali R.A? Abdal-Rahman ibn Muljam 17. Zakat obliged in ? 2.A.H 18. Battle of Trench? 5 Hijri 19. Australia Capital? Canbera 20. Who accompanied in Hijrat to Hazrat Muhammat PBUH? Hazrat Abu Bakar RA 21. Evolution means? Continuous 22. Zamzam means? Stop flowing 23. After one unit in 1955 who become Chief minister of West Pakistan? Or Khan Sahib(khan Abdul Jabbar Khan) 24, In 1946 ministry of finance to? Liaquat Ali Khan 25, Simon Commission report in year of ? 1930 26. Capital change to Delhi from Culcutta in? 1911 27. Dry ice? Solid Carbon dioxide 19 28. Indus Basin Treaty ? 1960 29, Sheetan ko pebble kaha marty? Muzdalfa 30. ILO? International Labour Organization 31. Kashghar is in ? China 32. Pakistan and China connect with? Khunjrab Pass 33. Lolyd Muhammaden authored by? SirSyed ‘Ahmed khan 34. Hormuz lies between? Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf 35. Who abolished one unit? Yahya khan 36. Jallawala Bagh Massacre at? Amrster 1919 37, Sindh separated ? Govt of India Act 1935, 39. After 1946 election the CM of NWFP? Dr. Khan. ‘Sahib(khan Abdul Jabbar khan) 40. Which is landlocked country? Nepal 41. P.M of Iraq? Haider al abidi 42. New name of Burma? Myanmar 43. Pakistan and India boundary line? Radcliff 44, Thickest layer of earth?Mantle 45. Income tax rate is 10% if tax deducted is 1500 what will be the income? 15000 229 47. A boy purchase pen for Rs.80 and sold for 40? 46. 1,2,4,7,11,16,22. Loss Rs. 40 48. A men purchase book of 440 and sold in 400? Loss 40, 49. CNG? Compressed Natural Gas FPSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD.... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 50. Quran Pak completed in? 23 years 51. Janat UI Baqi? Madina 52. Daily wages of worker is 200 increased by 10%? 220 53. Hexagon ? Six sided 54. More elastic? Stee! 55. Diamond is the form of? Carbon 56. 1st constitution assembly dissolved by? Governor General Malik Ghulam Muhammad 57. Montague Chelmsford reforms? 1919 58. Blood is cleaned by? Liver 59. Bagrah surah means? Cow 60. 4cm square area? 16cm2 61. 3% of 2000? 60 62. If 16 men complete work in 10 days how much days required completing work by 8 men? 20 days. 63. If 45% students fail and'550 pass total number of students? 1000 64, Four side equal ? Square 66. Animals Who kill other for food is called ? Predator 67. Jaddah seaport is on? Red sea 68. All that glitters is not Gold 69, Glance at 70. Insensible to 71. Temperate in 72. Living on FPSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD... 20 73. No one took care.... Died 74. He said good bye to his father 75. Elephant belongs to my sister and me. 76. Between 200-300 AH 6 Hadith books were written, 77. SAARC has 8 members. 78. Rats and mice killed by rohtendecides FPSC CUSTOMS/EBR TEST 1LAlloy of bronze : copper and Tin 2. Death of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH): 632AD 3. Compilation of Quran into book : Hazrat Abu bakar 4,8th Amendment in constitution: Zia-ul-Haq 5. First C-n-C: General mersery 6. Governer General of State bank of pakistan: ‘Ashraf mehmood wathra 7. 2nd Governer General of Pakistan: Nazimun din 8, Daughter's of Muhammad (PBUH) : 4 9, Mycology is study of : Fungi 10. Prisedent of France: francios Holland 11. Heptagon: 7 sides 12. Surah without Bismillah: Surah Touba 13. President of tran: hassan rohani 14. Current Unit: Ampere 15. USA foreign Secretary: John Kerry 68th Secretary of State of the United States. 16. Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations: Maliha Lodhi BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 17. Iraqi President: Fuad Masum 18. Light year is measured : distance 19, Simla deputation presented the memorial in front of viceroy Lord minto 20. 8th Hijri Fateh Makkah. 21. Scalene Triangle: No equal sides, No equal angles 22.Vitamin A: Night Vision 23.Carrot having: Vitamin A 26: Pakistan area: 796,095 km? 27. Egypt is situated in Africa 28, Suez Chanel : Connects red sea to Mediterranean FPSC FIA INSPECTOR TEST 3" Batch 1, 1909 reforms minto morely 2. Carrot source of vit A 3. Vit A deficiency night blindness 4. Current unit ampere 5. Light year unit of length 6. Sunis star 7. Warkha bin naufil 8. Zunurain :Usman RA 9. 4 daughters of prophet 10. Event of Miraj 10 nabvi 11. Prophet pbuh died 8june 632AD 12. Study of fungi mycology 13. Used in pencil graphite 2 14, Ozone prevents UV rays 15. Member of contituent assembly 1946 jogendrnath 16.1973 constitution became effective on 14th august 17. First marshal law 7th oct 1958 18.One unit 1954 19.AIML founded in Dhaka 20.Shimla deputation met curzon 21. Annulement of bengal partition in 1911 22. Lucknow pact between Aiml and congress 23.Cabinet paln had three members 24,Second gov general of pak namzimudin 25. Plants intake 02 and produce CO2 at night 26.Al.aqsa mosque jerusulm 27.Us states 50 28. Egypt in Africa 29.Suez canal connects red and mediterranean sea 30.5G of un ban ki moon 31.Bronze alloy cu and tin 32.NATO north atlantic treaty org 33. Without bismillah sura Tauba 34, NWFP becameprovince under british rule 1901 35.Prophet's daughters; 4 36.Hazrat Khadija took Muhammad PBUH to; \Warga Bin Naufl 37.Soorah without Bismillah; Tauba PSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF F1A, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD.... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 38, 1st compilation of Quran; Hazrat Abo-Bakar RA £39, Zunnorain; Hazrat Usman RA 40. conquest of Maka; 8th AH. 41. Mia incident; 10th Nabwi 42, Death of Muhammad PBUH; 632 AD (I wrote 633.00) 48, 1st Revelation; 610 AD ‘44, 1-Agsa mosque; Jerusalem 45, Alaqasa moseque isin baltulmugdas old city of Jeruselum, 46. quran pak converted In to book in the era of, Hazrat Abu Bakar siddique. 47,8th Amendment in constitution isn the era of Gen zia ul haq in 1985 and excessive ufed by president ghulam ishag khan. {48 First commander and chet of Pista frat aisservy 49,Second governal general of Pakistan khawala Muhammad nazim ud ‘50 Heptagon has seven'sides: '51.Scalene Tangle: No equi sides, No equal angled ‘528th Mi Fateh Maka '53, Simla deputation presented the memorial in {ont of viceroy Lord minto ‘54. Lightyear i unit of length '55.Member of constitution assembly assembly in 1946 was ogendath, '56.Flst marshal aw 7th oct 1958. 57.Parttion of Bengal was on 1911, 58.Freeting point of water is 32 '58,0istilation isthe process through which salt is removed from water, 60. Meteorology isthe scientiic study of the atmosphere, 61.Re¢ green and blve ate primary colures. 62.Rowiltt set also known as The Anarchical and Revolutionary crimes ct, 1919, 63.Lack of Vitamin-A; Night-Blindness 64. carrot is a source 6f Vitamin; A 65. Mycology; Study of Fungl 66. €lectrons revolve around; Nucleus 67.0attery; converts chemical to electrical {68:Universal donor; © negative (That's what have waitten) 69.5un; Star 70,Plants intake/out take at night; Oxygen/ Carbon & Oxide 71. Laughing gs; Nitrous Oxide ‘Ta-Freezing point of Water; 32 F 73.Salty water; Distiation ( wrote Fitration) 74, Primary colors; | wrote Red-Green Blue (Don't know the right answer) 75,Penel, Graphite 76.Lighe.year; Length/dstance 77.Spider; 8 legs PSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OFFA, CUSTOMS NAB, FBR, MOD... BY TEMSLDAR WANIF KBZAL 78, Bronze; Cu-Tin 79. Meteorology; Study of atmosphere EPSC FIA INSPECTOR 4 BATCH TEST Unit of current; Ampere First C-n-C-General mersery Governor General of S8P-Ashraf mehmood wathra 2nd Governor General of Pakistan-Nazimudin No. Of daughter's of SAW-4 President of Iraq-Faud Masum US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan is-James Dobbins. Franc’s President- Francois Hollande Turkey's President-Tayyip Erdogan Iran's President- Hassan Rouhani 10 Unit of Current-Ampere 11 Zunurain (having 2 noors who got married to the daughters of SAW)-Usman 12 Sound can’t travel through vacuum. 13 Chemical to electricity is-Battery 14 Pak area-79695 km2 15 Egypt in-Africa 16 Suez Canal Connects-Red Sea+Mediterranean sea 17 US States-50 18 1st revelation took plance in-610 AD FPSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD. 23 19 Al-Aqsa mosque is in-Jaruselaeum 20 Jogendra Nath Mandal was the member of, constitution assembly in-1946 21 1st Martial law took place in-7th Oct, 1958 22 Partitaion of Bengal annulled-1911 23 Luck now pact was between-Muslim+Congress 24 Freezing point of water is O degree 25 Salt gets off though-distillation 26 5,8, 11,714 27 Electrons revolve around-Nucleus 28 Pencil-Graphite 29 Ozone protects-UV Rays 30 One unit was initiated on 22th Nov & established/took place on-14th Oct, 1955 31 KPK was constituted to become a province by British in-1946 32 Normal body temperature 33 location of genes in body,,,DNA 34 NO OF poles in magnet...2 35 opposite charge... attract 36 charge is store in... capacitor 37 diameter always divide circle in...2parts 38 no of bones in human skeleton....206 39 right angle is 90 40 ratio of 1km to 600m,,,,5/3 41 power set of (1,2,3) has no of elements,,,,8 42 for survival of species ,,,,,reproduction is necessary BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 43 study of medicine manufacturing is called,,,,pharmacy 44 saif ullah is tittle of which sahabi,,,,khalid bin waleed RA 45 muslim stay in ,,,,,during social baycott 46 who translated quran from arabic into persian,,,,shah wali ullah 47 basic belief in islam,,,,5 48 diamond is form of ,,,,.carbon 49 ghzwa badar was happend in ,,,,2 hij 50 dangerous gas is,,,,co 51 all india muslim league was founded in Dhaka 52 quaid e azam deliverd 14 points in 1929 53 first president of pakistan ,,iskindar mirza 54 who wrote now or never,,,,ch rahmat ali 55 last viceroy of india ,,,ord mount battn 56 first marshal law was imposed in 1958 57 indus basin treaty was signed in 1960 58 On 27th december 2007,,,,3,,WaS assinated.benazir bhutto 59 gomal pass canectted ,,,,pakistan and afghanistan 60 zia ul hag was died in 17th august 1988 61 sueze canaliis situated near to ,,,,egypt 62 pakistan and afghanistan border is called,,,,duard line 63 ECO founding members, pakistan, turkey,iran 24 64 muslim performed first haij in supervision of hazrat ,,, ABOU BAKAR RA 65 2nd world war was,,,.1939 to 1945 66 world trade center located in newyork 67 2nd islamic summit was held in,, lahore {68 babri masjid accident was happend in,,,.1992 69 present british prime minister is j,,david cameron 70 iran revolition was in ..1979 71 russia attacked on afghanistan in ,,,1979 72 electron has,,,,negative charge 73 guardian of holly prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).....hazrat Abou Talib 74 mangla dam is situated in which Province,,,none of these 75 Circumference divide circle into,,,,,,degrees 360 76 distance on circle circumference is called ,,,arc 77 two circle having radius of 3,5 and touching extremely,,,,center distance between them is 77.01 canbe written as,,,1/100 78 25% can be written a5 0.25 79 a;b::c;d,band c is called means 80 motion of an object moving satraigth line is calle ,,,,inear motion 81 null set is also called ....empty set 82 afghanistan president is Ashraf Ghani FPSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD.... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI PSC CUSTOMS INTELLIGENCE 65-16 Batch 1 Capital of Nepal (katmando) Capital of USA (Washington DC) Capital of morocco (Rabat) Kaaba first time construct (Ibrahim a.s.) Islamic revolution in iran (1979) Khunjrab pass (pak & china) Last railway station in KPK (Landikotal) Devine Books (4) 1 2 3 4 5 6 a 8 PLO Abrevation 9 10 Gomal pass (pak & afganistan) ‘Abdul kalam azad belong to (india congress) 11 Mangla Dam (None) 12 Uhad battle (3 hijri) 13 First mosque in Islam ( Masjid Quba) 14 Madrassa name in masjid nabvi s.a.w.(madrassa suffa) 15 Zun norain (Hazrat Usman ra) 26 Saifullah (Hazrat Khalid bin walld r.2) 17 Hazrat ayesha father (hazrat abubakkar r.2) 18 Atom has charge (neutral) 19 Russia attack on afganistan(1979) 20 Fall of dhaka took place (1971) 21 Founding member ECO (Pakistan, Iran, Turkey) 22 Find the value... 5X=30 ? 23 Ratio of One kilometer to 600 meters ? FPSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MO! 25 24 Circumference of a circle is divided in Degrees? 25 ARight angle is an angle of... Degrees? 26 Distance of any of any of circle to its center is Known a8 soe? 27 Null set means oo? 28 A team won 4 hockey matches and lost matches, The ratio of win to 1088 iS... ? 29 A part of circumference of a circle is ? 30 Diameter divides the circle in how many parts? 31 In a:b ‘ic:d,, b and Gare called ? 32 Radi of two externally touching circles are 3cm| and 5cm, the distance between their centers will be? 32.01, is equal to? 33 11,28, 34 0.25 ? What percent 35 1=1,223,325,427 occu? F227, 36 An outer angle of a right angle is equal to Degrees 37 Find , 4x15 :15 38 Linear motion means....uu? 39 Opposite charges... Each other 40 Number of poles ina magnet? 41 In computer Technology, processed data is called? 42 process of how Plants make their food ? 43 An electronic message is known aS..0...? BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 44 Essential process for continuation of species is 45 Genes are located on..... ? 46 Normal body temperature is . 47 Which one is more poisonous gas .....? ( Nitrogen, carbon, carbon mono oxide, neon) ‘48 study of preparing medicine is known as ...? 49 Smallest particle of matter is...? 50 Ratio of Hydrogen and oxygen in water 51 . Is used in thermometer. 52 Electron has...... Charge. 53 Diamond is a form Of .....? 54 storage of charge is done in... 55 Quran was translated into Persian by ..n2 56 Basic beliefs of Islam are... ? 57 Madrassah Suffa was established at which mosque...? 58 Who was the guardian of the Holy Prophet enn? 59 Battle of Badr was fought in... Hijra? 60 Saif Ullah was the title of 2 61... Idols were placed in Khana Kaaba? 62 Ameer-e Hajj was....? 63 Bani Hasham stayed in......... During social bycott? 64 Superiority of Human Beings over Angels is due Binal? 65 President Zia-ul-Haq died on. 66 Was martyred on 27th December 2007. 67 Gomal pass connects. 68 Founding members of E.C.0. 69 Suez canal is near......? Egypt 70 Russia attacked Afghanistan On....? 71 Tashkent was signed between? 72 Bangladesh was separated after the war of....? 73 Babri Mosque was demolished in the yea 74 Economic corridor connect: 75 Second World War took place from. 2 76 Mangla Damis located in.. 77. Second Islamic Conference was held in which city? 78 Iranian Revolution in the year....? 79 Which department is responsible for the discovery of oil and gas in Pakistan....? 80 Capital of Morocco? 81 PM of India? 82 PM of Britain? 83 Afghanistan-Pakistan border is known as. 84 Geneva accord was signed on... ?Exact date 85 Tragedy of World Trade Center took place in the city of... 86 Gondwana port is located on which ocean/bay’ 87 All India Muslim League was founded in the cit of...? PSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD.... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 88 Quaid-e-Azam presented his 14 points in the Vea a? 89 The pamphlet 'Now or Never’ was written by 2 90 Last Governor General of United India? 91 Last Governor General of Pakistan..? 92 First martial law in Pakistan was promulgated inthe yearn? 93 Water dispute with india was settled through wea? 94 Father of Hazrat Ayesha(R.A).... Hazrat Abu Bakr siddique(R.A) 95 obtuse angle.... Greater than 90. 96 Geneva Accord... April 16,1988 97 1! =5 then 5=7 98 cube root of 3....27 99 ghazwa ohd..... 3 hij 100 Muslim league founded... 1906 f MS IN E BS-16 Batch 1 Allama Iqbal khutba in labad. Last governor general of united India, Canning last governor general of Pakistan... Sikandar Mirza pak-afghan border... Durand line khunjrab pass connects Pakistan & china. last railway station of KPK..... Landi kotal FPSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MO! a Turner in... Balochistan tran ingilaab... 1979 6 7 zun no rain.... Hazrat Usman (R.A) 8 9 ECO founder member... Iran, pak,turkey 10 2nd world war...1939-45 11 Optic illusion.... Mirage 12 first martial law....7 Oct 1958 13 Fatima Jinnah contested. 14 mother of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)... Hazrat Ayub Khan ‘Amna (R.A) 15 parallelogram opposite angles.... Equal 16 radius is distance from circumference point to centre. 17 sum of all angles of triangle...180 18 sum of all angles of circle... 360 19 Zia ul Hug... 17 aug 1988 20 Russia invaded Afghanistan... Dec 1979 21 Maracco capital... Rabat 22 KSA king.... King Suleiman 23 Saifullah laqab.... Hazrat Khalid bin waleed. 24 Quran revealed ...Ramzan 25 jange ohad ...3h 26 zunnuraiin...hazrat Usman RA 27 Hazrat ayesha RA daughter of...Abu bakar RA 28 Mother name of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH....Hazrat amna... 29 last governor of pak...skandar mirza 30 last governor of united india..... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 31 tashkent between...pak india 32 durand line...pak afghan 33 khunjerab pass...pak chine 34 gomal pass....pak afghan 35 turbat in which province...balochistan 36 muslim league found in....1906 37 cardiac related to... 38 capital of usa....Washington 39 capital of nepal...kathmandu 40 suez canal in....egypt 41 chronometer is used to measure? 42 barometer....air pressure 43 first Mosque....Quba 44 madrissah made in Masjid nabwi....Suffah 45 PLO stand for... Palestine liberation organization 46 ECO members....p 47 ICC president name...zaheer abass 48 abul kalam azad belongs to which party...congress 49 asmani kitabain...4 50 first masjid... Quba 51 circuit saver... Fuse 52 hereditary traits.... Chromosome or DNA? 53 Bangladesh. Dec 16,1971 54 taskent... B/w pak & India 55 sound of thunder.... Aftr light 56 volcano contain lava 28 57 mangla dam.... Mirpur 58 speed of car when stops.... Zero 59 Skeleton supports body or organs??? 60 KSA king... King suleiman 61 Russia invaded Afghanistan... Dec 1979 62 Maracco capital... Rabat 63 Zia ul Huq... 17 aug 1988 64 sum of all angles of triangle...180 65 radius is distance from circumference point toon 66 parallelogram opposite angles... Equal 67 Optic illusion.... Mirage...weak eye side. 68. 2nd world war...1939-45 69 ECO founder member... Iran, pak,turkey 70 Iran ingilaab... 1979 71 last railway station of KPK..... Landi kotal 72 Allama Iqbal khutba in 1930... Allabad. 73 cube root of 3....27 74 1=5;2=4;3=6;4=5 then 5=7 75 Geneva Accord... April 16,1988 76 obtuse angle.... Greater than 90. 77 Two parallel lines.....never meet 78 Empty set is called......Null set 79 Hereditary Traits are something like this... DNA 80 Neuron is unit of.... Nervous system 81 Nervous system desease... Epilepsy 82 cardiac diseases relate to .......Heart FPSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD.... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 83 skeleton function the body.. 84 circuit saver... Fuse 85 Bangladesh... Dec 16,1971 86 speed of car when stops.... Zero 87 mangla dam.... Punjab 88 sound of thunder.... Aftr light 89 ECO was founded by; Pakistan Iran and Turkey 90 Revolution in Iran was in 1979 91 Chronometer is used for Longitude(mine was incorrect) 92 Lactometer is used for measuring milk 93 Evaporation causes cooling(mine was incorrect) 94 Allama Iqbal addressed all india muslim league in 1930 at Allahabad 95 Medressah in Mashid e Nabwi SAWW is known as? 96 Saifullah was the laqb of Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed 97 Last railway station in KPK is Landi Kotal 98 Gomall Pass connects pak-afg 99 Mangla Dam is Located in Mirpur, Azad Kashmir, 100 Russia aatcked Agh in 1979 FPSC IB, FIA, FBR, CUSTOMS INSPECTOR TEST 1, Complete the series... 1,3,5,7,9 . Fatima Jinnah contested election against Ayub khan Muslim League was formed in 1906 Uhud took place in 3 AH The sum of all angles of a trianle is 180 Opposite sides of parallelogram are equal(mint was incorrect) . hexagon has six sides circle has’ right angles |. the angle between Kand YX s..... wrote 180. Please correct it. 10.Obtuse angle is more than 90 degree 11, Tashkent decalration was signed b/w India And Pakistan 12.PLO stand for Palestine Liberation Org 13.Zunorain was the title of Hazrat Usman RA 14. Hazrat Ayesha was the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr RA 15.0.5 is equal to 1/2 16..25 is 25% 17... is equal to 1/10 18.Cubic root of 3 is 27 19.Confide in 20.exception for/of..... Confused 21.the ration b/w 100 cm and 1 kmis.... I wrote 1:100..... Please rectify 22.Khanjrab connects pak-china 23.Khatmandu is the capital of Nepal FPSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD.... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 24, Rabbat is the capital of Morroco 25, Sirimavo Bandaranaike was from srilanka 26.The capital of USA is Washington DC 27.KSA king is Shah Salman 28, Radius is the distance from circumference point to centre. 29. Last governor general of united India Lord Mount Baton 30. Optic illusion is called Mirage 31. Pak-afghan border is called Durand line 32. Mother of Hazrat Muhammad SAWW was Hazrat Amna RA 33. 2nd world war was fought in 1939-45 34, Last governor general of Pakistan was Sikandar Mirza 35,1=53 36.Zia ul Haq was killed in 17 Aug 1988 5 then 37. obtuse angle is an angle of Greater than'90 degree 38. Turbat is in Balochistan 39.Bones in human body? 206, 40. dec 2007 is the assassinated date of ? Banzir bhutto 41. indian PM? Narindar modi 42. morocco capital? Rabat 43, Russia attack in afghanistan? Dec 1979 44. Russia went back from afghanistan, genava ? Feb 1989 30 45. Charge storage ? Capacitor 46.electron has ? -ve charge 47. water has ratio of hydrogen & oxygen? 2:1 48. Last governor general of pak? Ghulam 49. ast viceroy? Lord mountbatten 50. Guardian of Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) ? Hazrat Abdulmutlib 51.Null set ? Empty 52. Linear motion? Straight 53.Suez canal ? Egypt 54. Diamond? Carbon 55. Conductor? Copper 56. in azb::c:d,, b & care? Mean a. isequalto? 1/100 57.if=1, 2=3 3-5 ,4=7, ?S=11 or S=! ' medicine in medical? Pharma 59. plant get food? Photosynthesis, 60.animals need to ? Reproduction 61.freezng point of water? 0 degree 62.Gawadr port ? Pak & central asia 63.gomal pass? Pak & Afghanistan 64.ECO countries? Pak Iran turkey 65.2nd islamic enfrnce? Lahore 66.Babre masjid shaheed? 1992 67.bangladesh came into being? 1970 68. WW II? 1939-1945, 69.Zia ul haq death? August 17, 1988 FPSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FlA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD.... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 70.who is responsible for oil exploration in Pakistan? OGDCL 71. Now or never? Ch rehmat ali 72. Water agremnt b/w Pak & india? Indus water treaty 73.smallest particle of matter? Atom 74, Quaid 14 points? 1929 75.used in thermometer? Mercury 76.Genes r presnt in? Chromosomes 77. Suffa Madrassa ? In masjid e Nabvi 78, Saifullah was the title of? Hazrat khalid bin waleed R.A. 79. Banu Hashim stayed at which place during social boycott? Shib Abi Talib 80. Number of idols in kaaba? 360 81. first martial law in pakistan?1958 82. most poisonous gas? Co 83.normal body temperature C? 37 84.all india muslim league birth city? Dhakka 85.iran revolution? 1979, 86..British PM? Kamron 87.mangla dam province? Azad khasmir 88. Afghan PM? Ashraf Ghani 89. Pak Afghan border? Durand line 90.first Ameer @ Hajj was ? Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A. 91.diameter divids circ! in ? 2 parts 92. distance from the center of a circle to any point on the circle? Radius 31 93. circumference circl ? 360 ‘94.Gowanda port is in which sea? 95.Holy Quran was firstly translated in persian by? 96. Wood burning emit carbon mono oxide. 97.Why rainbow formed after rain. 98. If heat temperature is increasing than what will be reaction of human body . Respiration increases’, decreases. 99. Formula of water soda. 100. Whyspressure cooker cook in less time 101. | Unit of current :Ohm watt ampere or none 102. physics. 103. Albert e=mc2 is scientist of which field Best source of vitamin a is carrot 104, All india muslim league formed in 1906 105. Present const of pakistan is 106. Quaid e azam become governer on 14 aug 1947 107. First prime minister liaquat ali khan. 108. Kashmir election by UN in 1948 , 1949 . 109. Nobel prize abdul salam was awarded in. 110, State bank of pakistan established 1949 . 111. UN 24 oct 1945. 112. 113. Pakistan become member of un in . Who compiled holy quran . 114, Nimaz istasqa offered for rain. 115. Ayat in quran 6666. PSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD.... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 129, 130. 131. 132. 133. Surah in quran 114. Longest surah al bagra. Shortest surah al kusar , ikhlas . Fateh a war of khaibar Hazrat Ali A.S Saifullah khalid bin walid Meaning of tauheed. ‘Meaning zakkat . Work of rasool Meaning of holy quran. ‘Nimaz without azan . Islamic calender introduced by . Resolution of pakistan 1940 at lahore Dialysis is related with diseas of kidny. Vicery at partition of Indian Tarbela dam on which river? UN assembly formed on which date? Why evaporation lowers temperature? Quaid took oath as governer generation which date? 134, 140. 141. 142, State bank inaugurated on which date? horse power equal to how many watts? Literal meaning of islam? Literal meaning of sunnat? Nimaz e istisqa for what purpose? Saifullah title of Who conquered last baab of khyber? Which surat starts without bismiliah? Longest surat? Shortest surat? Unit of current? Why pressure cooker cooks food fast? Which gas helps in burning? Which gas is produced when wood burns? 148. Why rainbow is formed only after rain? 149. On which date UN ordered plebiscite in kashmir? TODAY. 1. who was mahateer muhammad? 2. where is lal sohandara park ? 3, Slum dog millionaire kis book pe bnai gai? 4, Real name of Santosh Kumar? 5.darama waris kis ne likha? 6.kis fruit mein sb se zayada potassium paya jata hai? 7.bleaching powder ka formula? jb ship fresh water se salt water mein jata hai to kya hota hai 9.1 hec mein kitnay acre hotay hain? 10.sharmeen ubaid ko kis film pe award mila? gas liquid mein convert ho jaye usay kya kehtay hain 112.bagliyar dam kis pe bn raha hai? of kossovo? 15.ditherea disease kya hai? FPSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD.... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 16.espitomology kya hai?? 17.divisions of punjab? 18.ustad allah bakhsh kon tha? 19.shabbir sharif ko nishan e haider k elawa dosra kon sa award diya gya 20.reshman ki death kb hui? 21. kamran bradari is made by kamran who is 22.headquarter of african union is of kosovo is 24.grassland of arjentina is 25.fuckland islands is disputed between 26.the clash of civilization is written by 27.daioje national park is. situated? 28,term of. 21 ammendment is approved for the year? 29,in which year abdul sttar aidee got lenin prize? 30. if ur at 6th position, then on every side ur on 6th position, how many people are in row 31. if 5 car parked in such a way that their bumber touch to each othershow many bumber are touching? and mrs aslam have seven daughters. each daughter has one brother. how many total members? 33.former heartof asia was held? 34,global warming is due to which gas? 35.s0n of ranjeet singh who was crowned at the age of 5 years was name? 33 36.the part without which computer can operate easily? 37.plan crash of zia ul haq whose minister of USA was there? 38.what was the name of operation which usa has launched against usama bin laden in abbotabad was named? 39.the extinct animal in pakistan is?? 40.europeon union is started by treaty? 41. yeast is formed due to? 42. Facebook was launched? 43. When was first nobel prize given?? 44, deoten company in usa is famous for? 45. pedology is study of? whois attorney general of pakistan? 46.mustafa zaidi by profession was? 47.the foreign minister of india before sushma sooraj was? 48.gohar ayub khan was foreign minister what rank has? 49.the foreign minister of pak is? of the king who came into india for first time for darbaar? 1. Who is the Foreing Minister of Pakistan..ssnnee Nawaz Shrif FPSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD.... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI 2. Which US Ambassador killed with Zia... Raphel 3. Which Vegetable has the most Potassium, . Spinach 4, What is the qualification of Mahatir Muhammad.........Medical Doctor 5. From which University Sartaj Aziz Graduate... .. Harward 6. What is the name of the Treaty for formulation of European union. Treaty of 7. What is name of Operation for the killing of Osama bin Ladon.. Neptune Spear 8. What is the capital name of Kosovo. Pristina 9, Moslow theory of needs for which purpose... .. Motivation 10. Who said that Man is a Political, Animal. . Aristotle 11. What is the name of grassland of Argentina. .....nnu'Spasas 12. From Which U Thant belongs to... Burma 13. Who share the disputed with UK on Falkan Island, » Argentina 14. Which district has the least population in Punjab... Rajanpur 15. Which UNO org has the all the member countries. sow General Assembly 34 16. Which Greenhouse gas has most heat .. Corbodinoxide 17. Who is the auditor general of Pakistan... oeisad 18. How many Divisions of Punjab. oe) 19. When Inida first time test the atom bomb... 1974 20. Who is the ex-foreign minister of Inida.. Salman 21. Princess Zeb un Nisa Father. ‘Aurangzeb 22. Pedagogy is the study of teaching 23. attached bumper to bumper, how many. bumpers are connected ..enemnnennnnn 8 24. A person standing in a queue at place six from both sides, how many total persons in the queve... wll 25. A couple has 7 daughters and each daughter has one brother, how many total they are. 10 26. Maj shabbir sharif shaheed got which military award other than nishan e haidei Sitar e Jurat 27. Sharmeen obaid oscar winning documentary movie. Saving face FPSC PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS OF FIA, CUSTOMS, NAB, FBR, MOD.... BY TEHSILDAR HANIF KIBZAI

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