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For this project we decided to see various data from studies that were done before on wave power
potential in different parts of the island and from that we decided to place our wave power plant in
the southern part of the island mainly near Gris-gris beach (Souillac) . How did we come to this
choice will be explained in the next paragraphs.

Technical Potential of Wave Power in Mauritius

WEC deployment requires average wave power densities in the range of 15-25 kW/m, though power
densities above 25 kW/m are ideal. Average wave power densities of 60-70 kW/m have been
recorded in some locations (particularly in medium-high latitudes and 40-meter-deep waters).

Although detailed resource assessments require site-specific investigations, Hammar et al. (2012)
discovered a high potential for wave power throughout the Western Indian Ocean, including
Around the main island, the average wave power density is 30-40 kW/m, with a decrease around
January to 20-30 kW/m and an increase around July to 40-60 kW/m. In Agalega islands, the average
wave power density is 20-30 kW/m, with 10-15 kW/m in January and 30-40 kW/m in July. Although
destructive waves are uncommon in the area, tropical cyclones may limit the number of suitable

A study for Mauritius has been prepared by the Mauritius Research Council in 2012 (see Figure 4).
The Mauritius Research Council estimates a very substantial theoretical wave potential of 20 to 40
kW per meter of shoreline. Multiplying by 180 km of shoreline, the theoretical potential amounts to
3.6 to 7.2 GW. A wave farm 5 km long, with engineering potential of 15 kW per meter and 60
percent efficiency, would yield 45 MW of power.
Western side of Mauritius
For this study we will exclude the western side of the island. According to the Mauritius
Oceanography Institute, there is an important phenomenon of diffraction of swells due to Reunion.
The incoming swell energy gets dissipated upon hitting SW of Reunion.

As a consequence, the waves reaching SW of Mauritius is considerably attenuated and they got
occasional swell signatures on temporal scale.

Study from Mauritius Research and Innovation Council

The Mauritius Research and Innovation Council in collaboration with The University of Western
Australia submitted a report to Carnegie Clean Energy to determine the wave resource around the
island of Mauritius in order to identify priority sites for commercial wave energy device trials.

A 10-year wave hindcast was performed to quantify the wave resource. The model predictions were
compared to available wave buoy measurements, which were provided in a post-processes form,
from three locations along the eastern coastline of Mauritius (North-East, Blue Bay and Souillac).

This study concludes that the wave resource on Mauritius's south-east coast is the greatest and thus
the best location for wave energy device trials. This section of coastline is consistently subjected to
incident waves from the Indian Ocean basin, with little modification due to diffraction and refraction.
1. North East corner of Mauritius
(20° 6’7.72”S, 57°45’17.21”E)

Data from the North-East buoy, which was deployed 1 km offshore, were provided every 30 minutes.
The exact water depth at the buoy location is unknown; however, the water depth appears to be 50
m based on the interpolated bathymetry used in this model study. The buoy deployment site was
unobstructed by incident waves originating from 330-175 meters (green segment, Figure 3-2). Wind
waves generated locally from the lagoon to the north (yellow segment, Figure 3-2) may also be
recorded; however, the shallow lagoon depth and presence of a reef are expected to limit the
propagation of these waves to the buoy. SSE-W casts a shadow on the site.

Throughout the year, incident waves approached in a narrow directional segment from the east.
During the warm season (November to April), a small proportion of the waves had a significant wave
height: Hs, greater than 3 m, while the remainder of the measured wave heights were evenly
distributed within the 1-2 m and 2-3 m wave height bins. Because of the passage of tropical storms
and cyclones, a very small fraction of waves approaching from the east exceeded 5 m.

The proportion of waves in the 2-3 m height bin was higher in the cool season (May - October), but
the proportion of larger waves (3-4 m) did not differ significantly from those measured in the warm
2. Blue Bay
(20°27.932’S 57°42.331’E).

The Blue Bay buoy was located about 1 km offshore in the center of a large bay, and bulk parameters
were provided hourly. The water depth at the buoy location is unknown; however, the water depth
appears to be 17 m based on the interpolated bathymetry used in this model study. As a result, the
waves measured may have been influenced by the bottom (i.e. via refraction). Blue Bay Marine Park,
located north-east of the measurement site, consists of a large lagoon surrounded by a fringing reef.

The buoy deployment site was unobstructed by incident waves originating from 60-240 meters
(green segment, Figure 3-6). Wind waves generated locally in the Blue Bay Marine Park lagoon and
propagating over the segment 35-60 to the north (yellow segment, Figure 3-6) may also be recorded;
however, the shallow depth of the lagoon and the presence of a reef are expected to limit the
propagation of these waves to the measurement location. SW-NNE shadows fall on the site.

Blue Bay incident waves (Figure 3-7) can be divided into two distinct groups. The first group of waves
approached from the southeast, while the second group approached from the southwest. The same
difference in incident conditions was observed during the warm and cool seasons.

The majority of the waves occurred in the 1-3 m wave bins, with the remainder occurring in the 3-4
m wave bin. The waves from the southeast were typically 6-12 seconds long, while the waves from
the southwest were typically longer (9-15 s). The waves were generally larger during the warm
season, with a small proportion of significantly larger waves (>4 m) also measured.
3. Souillac
(20°32.28’S 57°31.332’E).

The Souillac buoy was deployed 1.5-2 km offshore in 40-50 m of water depth, depending on the
direction of the current. The buoy deployment site was unobstructed by incident waves originating
from ~70-280 degree. (Green segment, Figure 3-9). While the incident waves measured at this
location originated in a broad directional segment (SSW to SE), the majority of the waves were
contained within the S-SSE segment.

Waves were generally 2-3 m during the cool season, with a smaller proportion of waves recorded in
the 1-2 m and 3-4 m ranges. Waves greater than 4 m in length were also recorded from all
directions, but they accounted for only 1% of the total and typically originated from the SSW.

During the warm season, a similar range of wave heights was recorded, though there was a
noticeably higher proportion of waves in the 1-2 m range occurring from the SE. Long period waves
(12-20 s) originated from the SSW-S all year, but the more easterly the wave origin, the greater the
proportion of shorter 9-12 s waves. The waves were slightly longer during the warm season than
during the cool season.
Choice of Location for our project
As previously said, we decided to place our wave power plant in the southern part of the island
mainly between Gris-gris Beach and Souillac considering data from these previous studies we found
that this is the right place to place our buoys because as seen before this site is unobstructed
exposure to incident waves that originated from approx. 70-280 degree.

And also, this part of the island is hosts the major dangerous bathing beaches so it will not disturb
the tourism sector if the buoys are installed 1- 2 km offshore.


wave energy flux (F) for the hindcast period 2006-2015 for the (left) warm season (November –
April) and (right) cool season (May – October) (SWAN modelling)

This energy map also confirms the higher wave energy potential of eastern/southern regions during
warm and cool season.

East/South coast approx. 20 kW/m – 35 kW/m

West/North coast approx. 10 kW/m – 15 kW/m

Therefore, the South offshore regions favorable for wave energy extraction.

2. Bathymetry in that region is suitable.

The chosen model of buoy operates between 20m and up to 3000m so the bathymetry in this
region is right.
Approximate location chosen on google map:

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