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This chapter includes the presentation of data with the discussion of how it

answers the questions. The main interest of the study was to determine the

acceptability of kalunay in the development of muffin.

RQ. 1. What is the level of acceptability of incorporating kalunay (A.

Spinosus L.) in the development of muffin using three treatments in terms

of appearance, aroma, taste, texture & over-all aceptability?

Table 5 shows the results for the acceptability of kalunay in the development of

muffin in three treatments in terms of appearance, aroma, texture, taste and

general acceptability.

Table 5. Level of acceptability of kalunay in the development of muffin in three

treatments in terms of appearance, aroma, texture, taste, and general



PRODUCT (Control) (50% Kalunay) (75% Kalunay)

CHARACTERISTICS Mean Description Mean Description Mean Description

Appearance 4.40 LM 4.55 LVM 4.45 LM

Aroma 3.80 LM 4.45 LM 4.05 LM

Taste 3.75 LM 4.70 LVM 4.40 LM

Texture 3.95 LM 4.95 LVM 4.45 LM

3.98 LM 4.66 LVM 4.34 LM

*1.00-1.49: Disliked (D); 1.50-2.49: Disliked Moderately (DM); 2.50-3.49: Liked (L);
3:50-4.49: Liked Moderately (LM); 4.50-5.00: Liked Very Much (LVM)

In terms of appearance, table 5 shows that the level of acceptability of

kalunay muffin in three (3) treatments range from Liked Much (4.40) to Liked Very

Much (4.55). It further implies that the kalunay muffin are acceptable in terms of

appearance, since all weighted means surpassed the baseline rating 2.50 to be

accepted. Treatment 2 has the best appearance compared with the other


While in terms of aroma, table 4 shows that the level of acceptability of

kalunay muffin in three (3) treatments ranged from (3.80) to (4.45) and both are

interpreted as Liked Much. It further implies that kalunay muffin in three

treatments were acceptable in terms of aroma, since all the weighted mean

surpassed the baseline rating 2.50 to be accepted. Treatment 2 has the most

aromatic compared with the other treatments.

In terms of taste, table 5 shows that the level of acceptability of kalunay in

three treatments ranged from Liked Much (3.75) to Liked Very Much (4.70). It

further implies that kalunay muffin in three treatments were acceptable in terms of

taste, since all the weighted mean surpassed the baseline rating 2.50 to be

accepted. Treatment 2 has the best taste among all other treatments.

Meanwhile, in terms of texture, table 5 shows that the level of acceptability

of kalunay in three treatments ranged from Liked Much (3.95) to Liked Very Much

(4.95). It further implies that kalunay muffin in three treatments were acceptable in

terms of texture, since all the weighted mean surpassed the baseline rating 2.50

to be accepted. Treatment 2 has the most pleasing texture compared with other


In terms of general acceptability, table 5 shows that the level of

acceptability of kalunay in three treatmentas ranged from Liked Much (3.80) to

Liked Very Much (5.00). It further implies that kalunay muffin in three treatments

were acceptable in terms of general acceptability, since all the weighted mean

surpassed the baseline rating 2.50 to be accepted. Treatment 2 is the most

generally acceptable compared with the other treatments.

R.Q.2 Is there a significant difference between the muffin using the

controlled variable and the muffin using the experimental variable, that is:

a. T1 and T2; and

b. T1 and T3?

Table 6 shows the result if there is a significant difference between the muffin

using the controlled variable and the muffin using experimental variables, which

are T1 and T2; T1 and T3.

RQ2a. Appearance

Means Compared Mean t-stat t-crit P-value Decision

T1 4.40
0.736 2.035 0.467 Accept ho.
T2 4.55

T1 4.40
0.219 2.024 0.828 Accept ho.
T3 4.45

Table RQ2a presents the statistical analysis between the T1 and T2, and T1

and T3 which are the control and experimented muffin in terms of appearance.

Between T1 and T2, Since the computed value for t (0.736) is less than the

tabular value (2.035), the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference in

the acceptability of muffin between T1 and T2 in terms of appearance is accepted

at 95% confidence level, with p-value of 0.467. Therefore, there is no significant

difference in the acceptability of muffin between T1 and T2 in terms of appearance.

It implies that the appearance of the muffins does not significantly vary.

Meanwhile, comparing T1 and T3 since the computed value for t (0.219) is

less than the tabular value (2.024), the null hypothesis that there is no significant

difference in the acceptability of muffin between T1 and T3 in terms of appearance

is accepted at 95% confidence level, with p-value of 0.827. Therefore, there is no

significant difference in the acceptability of muffin between T1 and T3 in terms of

appearance. It implies that the appearance of the muffins does not significantly

vary or there were no variations as evaluated by the respondents. This is similar

with the findings of Borro, R., Gemora, R.(2016) in their research entitled

sensory acceptability of squash (cucurbita maxima) in baking cake that adding

120 grams and 240 grams of grated squash to the original plane cake does not

significantly vary to the classic none-squash cake.

RQ2b. Aroma

Means Compared Mean t-stat t-crit p-value Decision

T1 3.80 2.822 2.030 0.008 Reject ho.

T2 4.45

T1 3.80 0.859 2.026 0.396 Accept ho.

T3 4.05

Table RQ2b presents the statistical analysis between the T1 and T2, and

T1 and T3 which are the control and experimented muffin in terms of aroma. The

table shows that there is a significant difference between T1 and T2 on the aroma

with P-value of 0.008 which is less than the alpha level of 0.05. Therefore, the null

hypotheses that there is no significant difference between T1 and T2 treatments in

terms of aroma is rejected. This is similar with the findings of Moreno, (2015) in his

research entitled sensory acceptability of squash (cucurbita maxima) inmaking

ice cream that adding 100 grams, 200 grams and 300 grams of mashed squash to

the one galloon plain ice cream or none -squash ice cream has significant

difference in terms of aroma to that of none-squash ice cream.

On the other hand, the table also shows that T1 and T3 computed value for t

(0.859) is less than the tabular value (2.026), the null hypothesis that there is no

significant difference in the acceptability of muffin between T1 and T3 in terms of

aroma is accepted at 95% confidence level, with p-value of 0.396. Therefore,

there is no significant difference in the acceptability of muffin between T1 and T3

in terms of aroma. It implies that the aroma of the muffins does not significantly


RQ2c. Taste

Means Compared Mean t-stat t-crit p-value Decision

T1 3.75
4.371 2.042 0.0001 Reject ho.
T2 4.70

T1 3.75
2.557 2.026 0.014 Reject ho.
T3 4.40

Table RQ2c presents the statistical analysis between the T1 and T2, and

T1 and T3 which are the control and experimented muffin in terms of taste. The

table shows that there are significant differences between T1 and T2, and T1 and

T3 in terms of taste with P-value of 0.0001 for T1 and T2, P-value 0.014 for T1 and

T3 which is less than the alpha level of 0.05.Therefore, the null hypotheses that

there is no significant differences between T1 and T2, and T1 and T3 treatments

in terms of taste are rejected. This is similar with the findings of Borro, R., Gemora,

R.(2016) in their research entitled sensory acceptability of squash (cucurbita

maxima) in baking cake that adding 240 grams of grated squash to the original

plane cake does significantly vary to the classic none-squash cake in terms of


RQ2d. Texture

Means Compared Mean t-stat t-crit p-value Decision

T1 3.95 4.165 2.080 0.0004 Reject ho

T2 4.95

T1 3.95 1.511 2.056 0.143 Accept ho.

T3 4.45

Table RQ2d presents the statistical analysis between the T1 and T2, and

T1 and T3 which are the control and experimented muffin in terms of texture.

The table shows that there is a significant difference between the treatment T1

and T2 on the texture with P-value of 0.0004 for which is less than the alpha

level of 0.05. Therefore, the null hypotheses that there is no significant difference

between T1 and T2 in terms of texture is rejected. This is similar with the findings

of Borro, R., Gemora, R.(2016) in their research entitled sensory acceptability of

squash (cucurbita maxima) in baking cake that adding 240 grams of grated

squash to the original plane cake has significant difference to the classic

none-squash cake in terms of texture.

In contrast with T1 and T3 treatments, the table shows that there is no

significant difference between T1 and T3 on the texture with the computed

P-value of 0.143 to which it is greater than 0.05 alpha level. Therefore, the null

hypotheses that there is no significant difference between T1 and T3 in terms of

texture is accepted. This is similar with the findings of Borro, R., Gemora, R.(2016)

in their research entitled sensory acceptability of squash (cucurbita maxima) in

baking cake that adding 120 grams of grated squash to the original plane cake

does not significantly vary to the classic none-squash cake in terms of texture.

R.Q 3. What is the Return of Investment (ROI) derived in making muffins

using three treatments?`

Table 6 shows the economic profitability of kalunay muffin in three (3)


Table 6: Economic Profitability of kalunay muffin in three (3) treatments.

Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3

Per Preparation
Php. 64.00 Php. 69.00 Php. 74.00
(Total Cost)

Yield 20 pcs. 20 pcs. 20 pcs.

(2 oz. Muffin) (2 oz. Muffin) (2 oz. Muffin)

Price per Piece Php. 8.00 Php. 8.00 Php. 8.00

Gross Profit Php. 160.00 Php. 160.00 Php. 160.00

Net Profit Php. 96.00 Php. 91.00 Php. 86.00

Return of
150% 131.88% 116.21%

Table 6 shows that the return of investment of kalunay muffin in three (3)

treatments range from 116.21% to 150%. This implies that the kalunay muffin in

three (3) treatments are profitable.

RQ. 4 Is there a significant relationship between the over-all acceptability of

muffins and the Return of Investment (ROI) using three treatments?

Table 7 shows the result if there is a significant relationship between the over-all

acceptability and the Return of Investment (ROI) of muffin using three treatments.

Table 7, Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (r)

Means Descriptive
Mean r Sig. Decision
Compared Interpretation

General 4.3250 -.562 0.620 Moderate Accept Ho.

Acceptability Negative

Return of 132.6967 Correlation


p-value < 0.05 – significant

The computed r value is -0.562, which means there is a moderate negative

relationship between the general acceptability and ROI. It implies that the

Treatment with high acceptability has low profitability. However, p-value of 0.620

which is greater than 0.05 level of significance suggests that the results are not



This chapter presents the summary of the findings and conclusions which

were derived from the results and recommendations of this study.


With the results gathered in this study, the following were the findings of the


1. In terms of appearance, the level of acceptability of kalunay muffin in three

(3) treatments ranged from Liked Moderately (4.40) to Liked Very Much

(4.55). In addition, in terms of aroma, the level of acceptability of kalunay

muffin in three (3) treatments ranged from (3.80) to (4.45) and both falls

under Liked Moderately. Furthermore, In terms of taste, the level of

acceptability of kalunay muffin in three (3) treatments ranged from Liked

Moderately (3.75) to Liked Very Much (4.70). Similarly, in terms of texture,

the level of acceptability of kalunay muffin in three (3) treatments ranged

from Liked Much (3.95) to Liked Very Much (4.95). Lastly, in terms of

General Acceptability of kalunay muffin in three (3) treatments ranged

from Liked Moderately(3.98) to Liked Very Much (4.66). It further implies

that the kalunay muffin are acceptable in terms of appearance, aroma,

taste, texture and general acceptability since all weighted means

surpassed the baseline rating (2.50) Liked to be accepted.

2. Results showed that there are no significant differences in the level of

acceptability of kalunay muffin in terms of appearance and general

acceptability because the computed p-value from the three treatments is

greater than 0.05 alpha level. Therefore the null hypothesis that there is no

significant difference between the muffin using the controlled and

experimental variable in terms of appearance and general acceptability is

accepted. On the other hand,results also showed that there are significant

differences in the level of acceptability of kalunay muffin in terms of aroma,

taste, and texture in three treatments because the computed p-value from

the three treatments is less than 0.05 alpha level. Therefore the null

hypothesis that there is no significant difference between the muffin using

the controlled and experimental variable in terms of aroma, taste and

texture is rejected.

3. The return of investment of kalunay muffin in (3) treatment range from

116.21% to 150%. Thus, the kalunay muffin in any of the three (3)

treatment is profitable.

4. The computed r value is -0.562, which means that there is a moderate

negative relationship between the general acceptability and ROI. It implies

that the Treatment with high acceptability has low profitability. However,

p-value of 0.620 which is greater than 0.05 level of significance suggests

that the results are not significant.

Based on the results gathered and the computed values of data, the

kalunay muffin product produced in all experimental treatments (T2, and T3)

in general was acceptable and profitable. Treatment 2 has the most

acceptable characteristics in terms of appearance, aroma, taste, texture

and general acceptability based on the computed weighted mean.

Kalunay, being cheap, very nutritious and is locally abundant, should be

maximized as a key ingredient in baking a muffin or any other type of bread

and pastry products. Since the use of kalunay in baking a muffin is proved

to be very acceptable, wide dissemination of the result of this study is

encouraged in venues like trainings and workshops as product of research

for community knowledge enhancement.

With the results and findings obtained in the study, the researcher suggest the


1. For commercial reasons, bakers who produce muffin may consider

using kalunay as one of the flavours or ingredients to promote healthy


2. This research study may be replicated by other researchers who might

be interested to further look into the essentials of baking a muffin with

kalunay as main ingredient utilizing other sets of respondents and

variables that would further validate the results of this study.

3. Develop a new bread products aside from muffin incorporating fresh

kalunay as enhancer.

4. To the consumers, the researcher recommended to buy this product

because it is not just affordable and delicious but also it offers lot of

health benefits.

5. To the future researchers who may try to use sun dried pulverized

kalunay as an add-ons to any bread and pastry food products. They can

use this study as guide and reference when they will conduct the same


6. Try using different ratio of the research conducted.

7. . A further investigation to determine the shelf-life of the produce

product is also recommended.


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