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Teacher: Kirby Gabitano Letchejan School: Lumbo National High School

Grade Level / Subject: English 9 - Tenacity District: Lagonglong District

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, at least 75% of the students will achieve
proficient level and will be able to;

A. Define Communication ,Verbal and Non-verbal communication and its

B. Differentiate Verbal communication from Non-verbal communication and
recognize its different types
C. Appreciate the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication and apply
it in their daily lives

II. Content/Topic: Communication feat. Verbal and Non-verbal Communication and

its features
III. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation and Short Video Clip (Laptop, LCD
Projector), Visual Aide (Cartolina)
IV. Core Values: Honesty, Teamwork, Cooperation
V. Procedure:
A. Daily Routine:
1. Prayer
2. Daily Attendance
3. Reminders
B. Motivation/Springboard Activity:
1. Icebreaker activity with a song and dance titled `Se Se Hurray`
C. Review
1. Connect the springboard activity to the lesson
2. Give a short review about Communication via Cabbage ball Activity
D. Lesson Proper:
1. Introduction of the lesson
a. Stating the Objectives for the class to be guided throughout the lesson
b. Verbal and Non-verbal Communication and its features
2. Discussion
a. Definition of Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
b. Verbal Communication and its features
i. Appropriateness – level of Formality when Communicating
ii. Brevity – simple yet precise and powerful words
iii. Clarity – clearly state your message
iv. Ethics – words should be carefully chosen
v. Vividness – charm your audience with vivid words (visualize
using words)
c. Non-verbal Communication
i. Adornment – how you present your self
ii. Chronemics – the use of their time to communicate
iii. Haptics – the use of touch
iv. Kinesics – the use of body language
v. Locomotion – the use of movements
vi. Facial Expressions – showing emotions through your face
vii. Oculesics – the use of our eyes
viii. Olfactics – the use of sense of smell
ix. Paralanguage – voice qualities and manner of speaking
x. Posture – refers to the position of our body
xi. Proxemics – interpersonal space (distance between a person)
d. Quick recap of the discussion
3. Activity
a. The Game of Charades: The class will be divided into 2 groups, where
the first group will be given words/statements to act out and then the
second group will try to guess the actions of the first group. First group
to score 3 wins the game. Or;
b. Wordless Acting
This activity from Grace Fleming (2018) at ThoughtCo will show your
participants how much we “speak” with our body language and facial
4. Generalization
a. Summary of the lesson discussed and its importance to communicate
effectively in our daily lives
b. Tips to improve communication skills
VI. Assessment/Evaluation
A. Short Quiz / Oral Recitation
VII. Enrichment Activity
A. Make a TikTok Video showing/using the different non-verbal features
discussed, use at least 5 of the 11 features.
B. Submit the outputs using the Group Chat in Messenger
Prepared by:
Kirby Gabitano Letchejan
Teacher 1


Marieliz B. Sumaya
Master Teacher - I

Merlinda T. Ilago
School Principal - II

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