Milk Testing Procedures

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Tests of Milk 1. Taste and Smell: Taste the milk. If it is sour or extra salty then it should be rejected.

If its smell is changed and have a dirty smell then it should be rejected. Procedure: Take 10 ml milk sample in a beaker then taste and smell it. Then decision should be Taken. 2. Clot on boiling: Apparatus: Milk, test tube, spirit lamp, 10 ml pipette, Scope: This test is very important, essential and effective to decide about acceptance or rejection of milk. Procedure: Take 4 ml of sample milk in test tube .Heat it on the spirit lamp. If the milk is colt on boiling then this milk should be rejected. 3. Alcohol test: Apparatus: Alcohol solution (60 % and 50 %), 02 (10 ml pipettes), Test tubes 0r Petri dishes.

Scope: This test is performed for proteins of milk .It are very effective and easy performing test. Procedure: Take 02 ml of milk sample in test tube or Petri dish. Pour 2 ml of alcohol (60 %) in the milk containing test tube. Shake it slowly for 5 minutes. Observation: If large or small clots were observed in the test tube then u repeats this test with 50 % alcohol. If again clots are observed then it should be rejected. Reason: Such milk in which proteins were separated with alcohol test. If this milk is accepted then there should be sediment during pasteuriziering. 4. Acidity test Apparatus: Burette (10 ml), 0.1 N NaOH solution, Phenolphthalein (1%), Beakers, pipette (5ml) Acidity Limit: (0.14% -- 0.15%) and also not 0.07 % Procedure: Take 09 ml milk sample in small 50 ml beaker with 10 ml pipette. Pour in it the 2 3 drops of phenolphthalein Titrate with 0.1 N NaOH until the pink color appears and persists for 15 seconds. Light pink color is the end point of titration. Note the reading of Burette.

% acidity( Lactic Acid) = ml of NaOH used 10

5. Bacteria test Apparatus: (All apparatus sterilized) Pipette 10 ml , Pipette 01 ml, Test tubes , Spirit lamp , Match box , Oven Water bath with 37 0 C , Cotton , Methylene blue Dye. Procedure: 1. Clean your hands with spirit. 2. Take 10 ml milk sample and pour it in test tube in the area of sprit lamp heat and immediately close the cap 3. Take the 01 ml of Methylene blue Dye and pour it in the test tube containing the sample milk and close the cap. 4. Mix both contents it should be blue color of all sample. and put it in the water bath with 37 0 C 5. Note the time between putting the test tube in water bath and color change of milk from blue to white again. (This is the complete reduction time) Limits: This time should be half hour. If this time is less than half hour then it should be rejected. 6. Fat Test Apparatus & Reagent: Beaker (2000ml) Measuring flask (1000 ml ), Sulphuric acid solution, amyl Alcohol, Preparation of Sulphuric acid: Determine the specific gravity of pure sulphuric acid with Hydrometer ( Range 1.8000 ----- 1.8400) . It should be 1.84 . Take 167 ml of cold Distilled water in 2000 ml beaker. Take 01 liter of Sulphuric acid (1.84 sp.grv) in a beaker and put this beaker in cold water. Mix the sulphuric acid with D/water very slowly and carefully. Precaution is that sulphuric acid should be poured in water not water in acid. Again determine the specific gravity of prepared H2SO4. This is the sulphuric acid (1.82 sp grv.) at 20 o C. Procedure: Take 10 ml of prepared sulphuric acid in Butyrometer. Temperature of Sample Milk should be at 20 o C so the fat of milk mix thoroughly. Then take the 10.75 ml of sample milk and pour it in above Butyrometer. Then pour 1 ml of Amyl Alcohol in it. Adjust the stopper on Butyrometer with the help of key. Or adjust the rubber cork with the hand. Then mix all the contents thoroughly. Then put the Butyrometer in Centrifuge Machine. Switch on the heater of centrifuge machine, set the time at 5 minutes and adjust speed 110 r.p.m. Note the reading of % fat at Butyrometer.

7. Specific Gravity of Sample milk.(SNF = Solid non fat ) Apparatus; Lactometer (Range 1.020 ---- 1.040) , 250 ml graduated measuring cylinder. Procedure: Take the sample milk and make that temperature (which is written at Lacto meter) Take 250 ml cylinder and pour above sample in it. Insert the Lactometer in it and note the reading at cylinder at which the lactometer is stopped. % SNF = 0.25 D + 0.22 F + 0.72 D = Density ( which is determined by lactometer) F = % fat (which is determined by Butyrometer) Details: Ingredients without fat are following: 1. Water 2. Carbohydrate 3. Vitamins 4. Minerals 5. Proteins

Written by: Zahid Mahmood Lodhi.

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