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Final Exam
2 Semester SY 2021 – 2022

Subject Code: CL100

Descriptive Title: CHRISTIAN LIVING

INSTRUCTION: Write a concise essay in response to the learning taken from our lessons. The response will be score
based on how well it relevant and connected on the course materials we’ve studied.

Matthew 7:7-8
Read it: "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened
2 Timothy 3:16-17 to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the
door will be opened.
1 – 10. Write it in your own words:

The entirety of Scripture is divinely inspired and useful for instruction, correction,
Paraphrase it:
clarification, and reproof in righteousness. These words at 2 Timothy 3:16 identify God,
whose name is Jehovah, as the Author and Inspirer of the Holy Scriptures in order for the
man of God to be fully competent and equipped for all good works.

11 - 15. What did you like about the verse?

The Bible not only reveals where adjustments need to be made but also helps us to make
those adjustments. the four benefits highlighted, three of them—reproving, setting things
straight, and disciplining—involve adjustments in our attitude and actions. If we need to look
regularly in a mirror to ensure that our appearance is acceptable, how much more so must
Write about it: we read God’s Word, the Bible, on a regular basis

16 - 20. What did you learn about God?

As we grow spiritually, we are taught by God’s Word. We can, in the light of God’s Word,
reprove ourselves or, if needed, be reproved by loving shepherds in the congregation.
Likewise, we can set things straight and humbly accept discipline in righteousness to keep
our feet on the road to life.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Read it:
All Scripture (Bible) is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for
2 Timothy 3:16-17
correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete,
equipped for every good work.
21 – 30. Write it in your own words:

God’s Word, the Bible, contains the laws, principles, and examples a shepherd needs in order
Paraphrase it: to become “fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.” The Bible provides
knowledge that can equip or enable us to do all that is good. It can help us to look at things
from God’s point of view. And we know that God’s knowledge and wisdom are far above that
of anyone else.
31 – 35. In what way the Bible became profitable to you?

The Bible gives us good advice. For example, it teaches families how to be truly happy. It
offers advice on how to deal with stress and how to enjoy our work.
Alsot Bible is like a powerful light. We can use the Bible to show us how to make good
decisions and to help us see what lies ahead.
Write about it:
36 - 40. What God’s expectation to us?

He does expect us to love God with all our heart, soul, strength and mind. To love others as
we love ourselves, and love others as Jesus loved us. Those are the do's and don'ts. God has
given us the rulebook for living together on this planet.
1 Corinthians 6:18-20
Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who
Read It:
sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a Temple of the
1 Corinthians 6:18-20
Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you
were bought at a price. Therefore honor (Worship) God with your body.
41 – 50. Write it in your own words:
This means that a person needs to stay as far away as possible from anything that could lure
him or her into sexual immorality. For instance, in order to remain morally clean, it is vital for
one to avoid close association with people who ignore God’s principles related to sex.
Paraphrase it: Feeding the mind with immoral thoughts can also lead to sexual misconduct. Thus, it is wise
to avoid music, videos, printed material, and anything else that improperly portrays sexual
activity or that in any way promotes sexual conduct that offends God.. To “flee from
fornication” is to avoid not only acts of pornography, moral uncleanness, sexual fantasizing,
flirting—anything that can lead to fornication.
51 - 55 Who is the temple of God today?

Our body is the temple of the holy spirit within.

Write about it:
56 - 60. What does that tell us about where we can worship God?
Our minds are very much a part of the worship that God wants from His people. It is not
enough just to be devoted. We must worship God as He truly is.

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Checked by: Verified Correct by


Department Head VP – Academic Affairs

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