SLHT Grade 9 Week 1 MODIFIED

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Module 1
Subject: TLE CSS Grade: 9 Quarter: 2 Week: 1
In this Self Learning Home Task, you will learn about the GUI (graphical user interface) or the “graphical
interface” which is the user interface using the mouse, keyboard, icons, and windows. This interface makes the user
experience hassle-free and convenient.
Curriculum Guide:
LO1. Select Measuring Instruments
You will be able to distinguish the different items on the desktop and be able to manipulate each of the items
accordingly. Opening the program/s you need to use will be easier if you are familiar with its corresponding icons. If
you familiarize the different icons, you do not to worry about accidental deletion of your important files especially the
files you save in your desktop.
You will also acquire the skills on manipulating your desktop. You can navigate your desktop using your
keyboard for the commonly performed tasks such as selecting, opening, and closing it. Your skill in proper keyboarding
will also improve and the risk of injuries will be minimized.
The competency in this module is divided into 3 lessons, as follows:
Lesson 1: Desktop Icons
Lesson 2: Keyboard Techniques
Lesson 3: Keyboard Care and Maintenance
Carefully read the instructions and discussions in this module to better answer the questions and do the
activities provided.
Before anything else, please bear in mind that you are expected to accomplish the following learning outcomes
which will eventually enable you to access the information you need while using the computer:
• Select correct program/application based on job requirements
• Access program/application containing the information required according to company
• Select, open, and close desktop for navigation purposes
• Carry out keyboard techniques in line with OHS requirements
The desktop is the main screen that you see after turning on the computer. It serves as a surface for your work.
The files or folders that are opened appear here. This includes the taskbar, start button, notification area, and the desktop

Knowing Desktop Icons

Icons are part of the OS GUI or graphical user interface. They are the small pictures that represent files, folders,
programs, and other items. Some will appear when you install an Operating System (OS), and some appear when you
install new programs. Icons for shortcuts or links to programs, files, or folders have an arrow. You need to double click on
a desktop icon to launch that program, folder or file.
Common Desktop Icons
1. Programs
These icons represent shortcuts to various programs. They are shortcuts because they have an arrow. Double-
clicking on a certain icon will launch its program on the desktop. When you delete the shortcut, you would only be deleting
the link of the program to your computer not the actual program.
2. Files
The icons that show a page represent a file. Double-clicking the icon will open
the file from the program it was created from. This icon indicates that this file was saved to the desktop because it has no
arrow. Deleting this icon is just like you are deleting the actual file.
3. Folders and Drives
These icons that show a folder represent a folder (if without an arrow) or shortcut to a folder (if it is with an arrow). Double-
clicking the folder icon will open the Windows Explorer window, and you will see the contents of that folder. Double-
clicking the hard disk icon will open the Windows Explorer window, and you will see the contents of that drive.
4. Recycle Bin
This icon is shown as a trash basket with the recycle symbol on it. Double-clicking this icon will open the Recycle Bin
window and allows you to permanently delete or restore files, as needed.

Keyboarding skills are necessary in using keyboard smoothly when typing. This includes knowing your computer
keyboard layout and its functions. Make sure to keep your arms at home row, master it, then move on.

Keyboarding Posture and Technique

Posture is the manner a typist sits while at the computer, where the arms, wrists, fingers, legs, and feet are placed.
Technique is the appearance and keying style that a typist uses when operating the keyboard. This may refer to where
the typist positions his/her fingers on the keyboard. This is the way the workstation is organized

Proper Posture and Technique

• Sit up straight
• Feet flat on the floor
• Body centered in front of the computer
• Elbows naturally by your side
• Fingers curved & upright
• Wrists low, but not touching the keyboard
• Make quick, snappy strokes on the keys
• Keep your fingers on the “Anchor” keys (F and J)
Right pinky used for the Enter key; other fingers remain on the home row keys
• Use the appropriate pinky for each Shift key
• Keep your eyes on the copy (what you are typing from), not the keyboard or your fingers

Effects of Poor Typing Technique

Not following the correct posture while typing can cause fatigue, stiff or aching shoulders, back, or neck and
numbness or pain in wrists, elbows, or fingers. This can lead to injuries like Repetitive Stress Injuries, Carpal Tunnel
Syndrome and Trigger Finger.

This is the study of designing or arranging a person’s work environment and tools. This help people do jobs and
use tools comfortably and safely.

Tips to avoid injury in the workspace

 Adjust your chair

 Make sure the chair is adjusted to allow you to sit in a natural, comfortable position.
 Keep the keyboard at a comfortable height
 Try to place the keyboard in a position that allows you to keep your wrists straight and relaxed, to avoid
wrist strain.
 Keep the mouse near to the keyboard
 If possible, place the mouse right next to the keyboard
 If the mouse is too far away, it may be uncomfortable or awkward to reach for it.
 Place the monitor at a comfortable distance
 The ideal position for a monitor is 20 to 40 inches away from your eyes It should also be at eye level or
slightly lower.
 Avoid clutter. The computer area can quickly become cluttered with papers, computer accessories, and
other items
 Keeping this area as uncluttered as possible, you can improve your productivity and prevent strain or
 Take frequent breaks: It is important to take breaks while you are working at your computer.
 To avoid eye strain, you should look away from the monitor occasionally.
 You can also stand up and walk around to avoid sitting in the same position for long periods of time.


Cleaning the keyboard
Dust, food, liquid, or other particles can get stuck underneath the keys, which can cause them not to work. Check and
follow owner’s manual to see if the manufacturer has provided with instructions for the keyboard. If none follow these
simple steps:
• Unplug the keyboard from the USB port
• Turn the keyboard upside down and gently shake it to remove dirt and dust
• Use a can of compressed air to clean between the keys
• Moisten a cotton cloth or paper towel with rubbing alcohol, and use it to clean the tops of the keys
Note: Do not pour any liquid directly onto the keys.
• Reconnect the keyboard to the computer once it is dry
Dealing with Liquids
If you spill liquid on the keyboard, quickly shut down the computer, disconnect keyboard and turn the keyboard
upside down to allow the liquid to drain
If the liquid is sticky hold the keyboard on its side under running water to rinse the sticky liquid away, then turn the
keyboard upside down to drain for two days before reconnecting it.
The keyboard may not be repairable at this point but rinsing the sticky liquid off the keyboard is the only chance for it to be
usable again. The best way to avoid this situation is to keep drinks away from the computer area.

Hands on Activity
Directions: Execute the given Proper Posture and Techniques and explain in 3-5 sentences your answer the succeeding
questions. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.

Using a regular chair and a table (think a computer is in front of you) do this for 1 minute
a. Sit up straight
b. Feet flat on the floor
c. Center body in front of the monitor
d. Elbows and knees should be comfortable at a 90 degrees angle
e. Wrists low, but not touching the keyboard
f. Fingers curved (like if you are ready press the keys on the keyboard)
g. Keep your eyes on the copy (right side of the monitor)
h. Make quick, snappy strokes on the keys
1. How was your experience while doing the activity?
2. Based on what you already know, how does proper posture during keyboarding improve your well-being?
I. Modified True or False (x2)
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and blacken letter A if FALSE blacken letter B.
____________1. The ideal position for a monitor is 20 to 30 inches away from your eyes.
____________2. Posture is the appearance and keying style that a typist uses when operating the keyboard.
____________3. Your wrist must be high, but not touching the keyboard
____________4. Keep your eyes on the copy (what you are typing from), not the keyboard or your fingers.
____________5. Poor typing technique can cause repetitive stress injuries.
____________ 6. It is important to take breaks while you are working at your computer.
____________ 7. Keep your eyes on the copy (what you are typing from), not the keyboard or your fingers.
____________ 8. The ideal position for a monitor is 10 to 15 inches away from your eyes.
____________ 9. Posture is the manner a typist sits while at the computer.
____________10. Correct typing technique can cause repetitive stress injuries.
II. Multiple Choice
Directions: Write down the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet of paper.
11. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Ms word b. Recycle bin c. skype edge
12. What are the keyboard keys used to choose and open a program icon?
a. Tab & Enter b. Esc & Tab c. Alt & Enter d. Shift & F1
13. What does pressing Ctrl & B simultaneously do to a highlighted text?
a. make it bigger b. make it slanted c. make it with shadow d. make it bold
14. What shortcut keyboard key is used for the undo function?
a. Ctrl+Z b. Alt+Z c. Shift+Z d. Esc+Z
15. What do you call this icon?

a. recycle bin b. MS Word c. document file d. Chrome

16. What do you call an icon that is shown as a trash basket with the recycle symbol on it?
a. recycle bin b. trash can c. trash basket d. recycling
17. Which of the following can get stuck underneath the keys and can cause keyboard not to work?
a. dust b. food c. both a & b d. none of them
18. Which side of the desktop does the new icon normally be placed?
a. left side b. right side c. center d. elsewhere
19. What will you use to clean between the keys on a keyboard?
a. alcohol b. hot water c. compressed air d. damp cloth
20. What will appear when you install new programs?
a. file b. OS c. keys d. icons
Test III Directions: Match the software category in column A with the program name in column B
Column A Column B
21. word processor a. Windows 10
22. web browser b. Chromium
23. operating system c. Avira
24. anti-virus d. MS Word

25. Picture Editing software a. Vegas Pro

26. video editing app b. Adobe Photoshop
27. Spreadsheet app c. Ubunto Linux
28. Operating Software d. MS Excel

29 Web Browser a. Ms Publisher

30. Anti-Virus b. Ms Powerpoint
31. presentation apps c. Avast
32. programs & certificates d. Fire fox

33. Operating software a. Ms Word

34. Ms applications b. keyboard
35. Input Device c. monitor
36. Output device d Apple mac

TEST V Multiple Choice

Directions: Choose the correct answer in the box. Write the letter
of your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

a. control + p b. control + s c. control + o

d. arrow keys

37. Keys used to move cursor around your text.

38. Keys used to print your file.
39. Keys used to save your work.
40. Keys used to open a file.

Disclaimer: The statements stated/ images shown above are borrowed from the online sources. Department of Education
does not claim or own the presented statements. Links for the sources are found in the reference part of the module.

Prepared by: Reviewed by:

SHS Teacher III TLE Coordinator

Approved By: ROY R. PINTOR

Principal I

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