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Higher Nationals in Computing

Internet of Things

Learner's Name: VO BI THANH PHUOC

Assessor Name: NGUYEN VAN SON
Class: GCS0903B
ID: GCS200547
Assignment due: August 17th, 2022
Assignment submitted: August 17th, 2022

Qualification TEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and

Unit 43: Internet of Things

Date Received 1st

Submission date August 17th, 2022

Date Received 2nd

Re-submission Date

Student Name Vo Bi Thanh Phuoc Student ID GCS200547

Class GCS0903B Assessor name Nguyen Van Son

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the
consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of

Student’s signature

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 M3 M4 D1 D2
❒ Summative Feedback: ❒ Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

Page 3
Assignment Brief 1 (RQF)
Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Business
Student Name/ID
Vo Bi Thanh Phuoc / GCS200547

Unit Number and Title: Internet of Things

Academic Year: 2022

Unit Assessor: Nguyen Van Son

Assignment Title: Assignment 1 – Internet of Things

Issue Date:

Submission Date: August 17th, 2022

Internal Verifier Name:


Submission Format:

Format: This assignment is an Individual assignment and specifically including 1

You must use font Calibri size 12, set number of the pages and use multiple
line spacing at 1.3. Margins must be: left: 1.25 cm; right: 1 cm; top: 1 cm and
bottom: 1 cm. The reference follows Harvard referencing system. The
recommended word limit is 2.000-2.500 words. You will not be penalized for
exceeding the total word limit. The cover page of the report has to be the
Assignment front sheet 1.
Submission Students are compulsory to submit the assignment in due date and in a way
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Note: The Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from another
student or from books etc. If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams) from books,
journals or other sources, you must reference your sources, using the Harvard style. Make
sure that you know how to reference properly, and that understand the guidelines on
plagiarism. If you do not, you definitely get fail

Page 4
Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Analyze what aspects of IoT are necessary and appropriate when designing software
LO2 Outline a plan for an appropriate IoT application using common architecture,
frameworks, tools, hardware and APIs
LO3 Develop an IoT application using any combination of hardware, software, data,
platforms and services.
LO4 Evaluate your IoT application and detail the problem your IoT application solves, the
potential impact on people, business, society and the end user and the problems it might
encounter when integrating into the wider IoT ecosystem

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

You currently work as a product developer for a new startup where you design IoT
products for the consumer, corporate, government and defense clients. As part of your
role your manager has tasked you to plan and develop a new IoT product, service or
application for a potential client. You are required to identify a target user and conduct
tests with this user and include this feedback into multiple iterative versions of your

Part 1 (Assignment 1):: For the first part, you must:

• Plan an IoT application for a specific target end user and the tests you intend to
conduct with this user. This plan will be in the form of a document and will include
supporting evidence and material, such as user personas and customer journey
• Create multiple iterations of your application and modify each iteration with
enhancements gathered from user feedback and experimentation. This will follow
the pathway outlined in your plan.(log book,)

Part 2 (Assignment 2): For the first part, you must:

• Show evidence about Developed IoT application using any combination of

hardware, software, data, platforms and services (video or images of your IoT
system with code snippet)
• Evaluate your IoT application and detail the problem your IoT application solves,
the potential impact on people, business, society and the end user and the
problems it might encounter when integrating into the wider IoT ecosystem

Page 5
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Analyse what aspects of IoT are necessary and appropriate when designing
software applications

P1 Explore various forms M1 Evaluate the impact of D1 Evaluate specific forms

of IoT functionality. common IoT architecture, of IoT architecture and
frameworks, tools, hardware, justify their usage when
and APIs in the software designing software
P2 Review standard
development lifecycle. applications.
frameworks, tools,
hardware, and APIs M2 Evaluate the impact of
available for use in IoT common IoT architecture,
development. frameworks, tools, hardware,
and APIs in IoT security.

LO2 Outline a plan for an appropriate IoT application using common architecture,
frameworks, tools, hardware, and APIs

P3 Investigate M3 Select the most D2 Make multiple iterations

architecture, appropriate IoT architecture, plan of your IoT application
frameworks, tools, frameworks, tools, hardware, and modify each iteration
hardware, and API and API techniques to to improve your IoT
techniques available to include in an application to application security.
develop IoT applications. solve this problem.

P4 Determine a specific M4 Apply your selected

problem to solve using techniques to create an IoT
IoT. application development

Page 6
Table of Contents
Assignment Brief 1 (RQF) ..................................................................................................... 4

Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Business ................................................................ 4

Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 8

[P1] Explore various forms of IoT functionality ................................................................... 9

1. Definition of IoT ........................................................................................................... 9

2. The history of the internet of things .......................................................................... 10

3. Final Thoughts and a Look into the Future of IoT ...................................................... 13

4. Types of popular technologies in IoT ......................................................................... 14

5. IoT characteristics ...................................................................................................... 17

6. Advantages and Disadvantages of IoT ....................................................................... 18

7. IoT is a software development .................................................................................. 21

[P2 & P3] Review and investigate standard architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware,
and APIs available for use in IoT development.................................................................. 23

[P4] Determine a specific problem to solve using IoT ....................................................... 45

[M1] Evaluate the impact of common IoT architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware, and
APIs in the software development lifecycle. ..................................................................... 47

[M2] Evaluate the impact of common IoT architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware, and
APIs in IoT security. ............................................................................................................ 50

1. IoT security issue and challenge ................................................................................ 50

2. Several example ......................................................................................................... 51

[M3] Discuss and give out the reason for your IoT platform chosen ................................ 53

[M4] Apply your selected techniques to create an IoT application development plan. ... 56

Reference ........................................................................................................................... 62

Page 7

The Internet of Things — IoT, for short — is made up of devices that

connect to the internet and share data with each other. IoT devices include not
only computers, laptops, and smartphones, but also objects that have been
equipped with chips to gather and communicate data over a network.

Thanks to the arrival of super-cheap computer chips and the ubiquity of

wireless networks, it's possible to turn anything, from something as small as a pill
to something as big as an aeroplane, into a part of the IoT. Connecting all these
different objects and adding sensors to them adds a level of digital intelligence to
devices that would be otherwise dumb, enabling them to communicate real-time
data without involving a human being.

The Internet of Things is making the fabric of the world around us smarter
and more responsive, merging the digital and physical universes. The range of
existing and potential Internet of Things devices is enormous. Consumers often
use their smartphones to communicate with IoT devices, whether it’s a smart
speaker or home thermostat. Connected devices offer convenience, like helping
you make a grocery list, or savings, like when you turn down the heat at home
while you’re on vacation. In this report, we will find out what IoT have.

Page 8
[P1] Explore various forms of IoT functionality

1. Definition of IoT

Figure 1: Overview of IoT

Internet of Things (IoT) is a sprawling set of technologies and use cases
that have no clear, single definition. One workable view frames IoT as the use of
network-connected devices, embedded in the physical environment, to improve
some existing processors to enable a new scenario not previously possible.

These devices, or things, connect to the network to provide the information they
gather from the environment through sensors, or to allow other systems to reach out
and act on the world through actuators. They could be connected versions of common
objects you might already be familiar with, or new and purpose-built devices for
functions not yet realized. They could be devices that you own personally and carry with
you or keep in your home, or they could be embedded in factory equipment, or part of
the fabric of the city you live in. Each of them is able to convert valuable information
from the real world into digital data that provides increased visibility into how your
users interact with your products, services, or applications. The specific use cases and
opportunities across different industries are numerous, and in many ways, the world of
IoT is just getting started. What emerges from these scenarios is a set of common
challenges and patterns. IoT projects have additional dimensions that increase their
complexity when compared to other cloud-centric technology applications, including:
• Diverse hardware
• Diverse operating systems and software on the devices
• Different network gateway requirements

Page 9
2. The history of the internet of things

Figure 2: History of IoT

Page 10
Most sites that try to explain the history of the Internet of Things want to
give you the whole story of how the Internet itself – and all the technologies
relating to it – came into being. However, given that it’s pretty darn obvious
that you don’t get the Internet of Things without first having a worldwide
computer network to connect those things, let’s skip this part and begin with
what you’re really interested in – the history of IoT.

So, leaving aside the first radio voice transmission and the development of
computers, one of the first truly recognizable examples of IoT – which occurred
over a decade before the concept was given a name – was a Coca-Cola machine
in the early 80s, located at the Carnegie Melon University in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania. A student at the unit – one David Nichols – was tired of having to
walk what he describes as “a relatively long way” from his office to the
refrigerated Coke machine every time he wanted a soda, only to find often that
the thing would be empty (or, if it had been recently refilled, the glass bottles
inside to be unsatisfyingly warm).

“Suddenly, I remembered tales of the Prancing Pony [the first computer-

controlled vending machine] at Stanford and realized that we didn’t have to put
up with this, that we had the technology,” Nichols later recalled. Soon, Nichols
and a few friends had developed a system to connect to the machine via the
APRANET – a precursor to today’s internet – which enabled them to remotely
check the status of the machine (i.e. see if there was drink available, and if it was
cold) before making the trip. Many say that this vending machine was the first
the first true IoT-enabled device.

However, it wasn’t until 1999 that the “IoT” name was coined – and you
can blame a guy named Kevin Ashton, Co-Founder of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology’s Auto-ID Center (later replaced by the more research-
oriented Auto-ID Labs in 2003). The “Internet of Things” was the title of a
presentation Ashton made for Procter & Gamble while he was still working there
as a brand manager. Ashton had been assigned to help launch a line of
cosmetics – but he was concerned that every time he went into his local store, a
certain shade of brown lipstick always seemed to be sold out. He checked with
the people in charge of P&G’s supply chain, who told him that plenty of lipsticks
in that color were available in the warehouse. This wasn’t good enough – Ashton
wanted to know where his lipstick was, what was happening to it, and why the
store couldn’t keep it in stock. However, no one could give him an answer.

Page 11
At roughly the same time, radio frequency identification (RFID) tags were
being developed. Such tags were embedded with tiny radio-enabled chips,
which could transfer small bits of data wirelessly.

During his “Internet of Things” presentation, Ashton proposed how these

RFID tags could be used on P&G products, allowing the identification, and
tracking of specific objects throughout the supply chain, meaning that the
location of stock could be better and more easily monitored. Knowing that the
“Internet” – still a buzzword itself at the time – would excite the executives he
was pitching to, Ashton worked it into the title of his presentation to the board.
“They had no idea what I was going to tell them, but they knew the Internet was
a big deal,” Ashton explained to Tech Republic. “So, if I could get the word
‘Internet’ into the title of my presentation, I could get their attention.”
Ashton subsequently gave hundreds of presentations to corporate leaders
about the potential of RFID technology – specifically, how each RFID chip was
able to communicate to machines via a wireless network. By 2003, the Auto-ID
Center had 103 sponsors, numerous branches all around the world, and
commitments to standards so any smart package could talk to networks at
suppliers and retailers. Over time, the market developed, investments were
made, and chips got better and better and cheaper and cheaper.

Figure 3: The Internet of Things was "born" between 2008 and 2009.

Page 12
By the late 2000s to early 2010s, corporations around the world were
starting to get really excited about the Internet of Things – much in the way
they’re getting excited about artificial intelligence and machine learning today.
IBM began work on its Smarter Planet campaign around this time. McKinsey
started writing reports on the state of Internet of Things technology. And Cisco
declared in 2011 that

IoT was “born” between 2008 and 2009 – the point in time when more
things or objects were connected to the internet than there were living people
on the planet. In the same year, Gartner added the new emerging phenomenon
to its famous Hype-cycle for Emerging Technologies list for the first time.

IoT startups started coming out of the woodwork – such as Nest Labs in
2010, manufacturing products like sensor-driven, Wi-Fi-enabled, self-learning
thermostats and smoke detectors. In 2014, Google announced that it would be
buying Nest Labs for $3.2 billion. And this was perhaps the moment – bolstered,
no doubt, by the emergence of Amazon Alexa and subsequently Google Home –
when the Internet of Things was truly brought to the public’s attention, and the
market has been positively snowballing ever since.

3. Final Thoughts and a Look into the Future of IoT

Today, the Internet of Things is drastically transforming how businesses

are run, how lives are lived, and how society functions in general. Organizations
are becoming increasingly aware of the technology’s potential to improve
operations and reach consumers through an ever-expanding network of
constantly connected smart devices.

Indeed, IoT is now a burgeoning industry in and of itself. As Carrie

MacGillivray, Vice President, Internet of Things, 5G and Mobility at IDC,
observes: “Adoption of IoT is happening across industries, in governments, and
in consumers’ daily lives. We are increasingly observing how data generated by
connected devices is helping businesses run more efficiently, gain insight into
business processes, and make real-time decisions. For consumers, access to data
is changing how they are informed about the status of households, vehicles, and
family members as well as their own health and fitness. The next chapter of IoT
is just beginning as we see a shift from digitally enabling the physical to
automating and augmenting the human experience with a connected world.”

Page 13
According to IDC, worldwide spending on the Internet of Things is forecast
to reach $745 billion in 2019 – an increase of 15.4% over the $646 billion spent
in 2018 – and will surpass the $1 trillion mark in 2022. The industries expected
to see the fastest annual compound growth rates (CAGR) over the 2017-2022
forecast period are insurance (17.1%), federal/central government (16.1%), and
healthcare (15.4%). The greatest levels of investment in 2019 will be
manufacturing operations ($100 billion), production asset management ($44.2
billion), smart home ($44.1billion), and freight monitoring ($41.7 billion).
Between 2017 and 2022, the IoT use cases that are expected to deliver the
fastest spending growth are airport facility automation (transportation), electric
vehicle charging (utilities), agriculture field monitoring (resource), bedside
telemetry (healthcare), and in-store contextualized marketing (retail).

Figure 4: The future of IoT

4. Types of popular technologies in IoT

The technology stack is IoT is described in each figure architecturally,

typical IoT system is divided into three subsystems: sensor subsystem, gateway
subsystem, and cloud subsystem with the necessary underlying network
connectivity between the subsystems. The sensor subsystem is connected to the
gateway subsystem via local sensor networks. The gateway subsystem is
connected to cloud subsystem via a wide area network like the Internet. Each of
these three subsystems connected via two types of networking are described in
brief next.

Page 14
Figure 5: Overview of IoT technology

a. Local Sensor Networks:

Figure 6: Local sensor networks example

Local sensor networks carry the sensor data from sensors to a gate way
device for further processing and transport of the data over the Internet or other
public networks to the cloud. They can have fixed network topologies like star,
ring, bus tree, or mesh networks or they can be formed in an ad hoc manner.
Shared media access protocols using time division multiple access (TDMA),
frequency division multiple access (FDMA) or code division multiple access
(CDMA) technologies are used on top of the physical network connectivity for
seamless transportation of the sensor data.

Page 15
Bluetooth and Zigbee are the most popular wireless sensor network
technologies, while Wi-Fi also can be used in some scenarios. Depending upon
the use case, the sensors can be interconnected using wired network also or can
be connected point-to-point to the gateway using serial interfaces like universal
serial bus (USB).

b. Gateway Subsystem:

Figure 7: IoT devices connect to network through gateway subsystem.

Gateway subsystems connect to local sensor networks on one side and public
networks like the Internet on the other side. They typically operate as a router, gateway,
or switch bridging the two different types of physical network and protocol stacks. For
example, the public network is typically Internet Protocol (IP) enabled, whereas in most
of the cases the local sensor network is not.

One of the sensor nodes in local sensor network can become the gateway or
there can be dedicated gateway devices. Because typically gate way devices can have
more memory and computing power and in many scenarios are electrically powered, it
is possible to execute some of the high sampling rate sensor signal processing and noise
cancellation algorithms in the gateway itself so that clean data at a reduced rate goes to
the cloud.

Page 16
c. Cloud Connectivity Networks

Figure 8: Cloud connectivity network diagram

The cloud connectivity networks are typically IP networks; in most of the

cases, this will be the Internet for IoT systems. However, there may be scenarios
where private networks and private clouds are deployed depending upon the use
case requirements. Bandwidth, latency, reliability, and security of this network
are critical for viable implementation of these systems.

5. IoT characteristics

Figure 9: IoT software development

Page 17
There are 7 crucial IoT characteristics:
1. Connectivity. This doesn’t need too much further explanation. With everything
going on in IoT devices and hardware, with sensors and other electronics and
connected hardware and control systems there needs to be a connection
between various levels.
2. Things. Anything that can be tagged or connected as such as it’s designed to be
connected. From sensors and household appliances to tagged livestock. Devices
can contain sensors or sensing materials can be attached to devices and items.
3. Data. Data is the glue of the Internet of Things, the first step towards action and
4. Communication. Devices get connected so they can communicate data and this
data can be analyzed. Communication can occur over short distances or over a
long range to very long range. Examples: Wi-Fi, LPWA network technologies such
as LoRa or NB-IoT.
5. Intelligence. The aspect of intelligence as in the sensing capabilities in IoT devices
and the intelligence gathered from big data analytics (also artificial intelligence).
6. Action. The consequence of intelligence. This can be manual action, action based
upon debates regarding phenomena (for instance in smart factory decisions) and
automation, often the most important piece.
7. Ecosystem. The place of the Internet of Things from a perspective of other
technologies, communities, goals, and the picture in which the Internet of Things
fits. The Internet of Everything dimension, the platform dimension, and the need
for solid partnerships.

6. Advantages and Disadvantages of IoT

Every new technology faces a million challenges in its initial phases. Internet of
Things also poses some grave issues that need to be tackled well in order to utilize its
fullest potential. But let’s leave the threats aside for the time being and focus only on
the positives in this post. (Quek, 2021)
Before we understand the impact IoT can have on our way of living, it’s
important to go through its advantages and disadvantages:

Page 18
Figure 10: Advantages and disadvantages of IoT
a. Pros:

- Communication
IoT encourages the communication between devices, also famously known as
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication. Because of this, the physical devices are
able to stay connected and hence the total transparency is available with lesser
inefficiencies and greater quality.
- Automation and Control
Due to physical objects getting connected and controlled digitally and centrally
with wireless infrastructure, there is a large amount of automation and control in the
workings. Without human intervention, the machines are able to communicate with
each other leading to faster and timely output.
- Information
It is obvious that having more information helps making better decisions.
Whether it is mundane decisions as needing to know what to buy at the grocery store or
if your company has enough widgets and supplies, knowledge is power and more
knowledge is better.
- Money
The biggest advantage of IoT is saving money. If the price of the tagging and monitoring
equipment is less than the amount of money saved, then the Internet of Things will be
very widely adopted. IoT fundamentally proves to be very helpful to people in their daily
routines by making the appliances communicate to each other in an effective manner
thereby saving and conserving energy and cost. Allowing the data to be communicated
and shared between devices and then translating it into our required way, it makes our
systems efficient. (Quek, 2021)
- Efficient and Saves Time

Page 19
The machine-to-machine interaction provides better efficiency, hence; accurate results
can be obtained fast. This results in saving valuable time. Instead of repeating the same
tasks every day, it enables people to do other creative jobs. (Quek, 2021)

b. Cons:

- Privacy/Security
With all of this IoT data being transmitted, the risk of losing privacy increases. For
instance, how well encrypted will the data be kept and transmitted with? Do you want
your neighbors or employers to know what medications that you are taking or your
financial situation?
- Safety
Imagine if a notorious hacker changes your prescription. Or if a store automatically ships
you an equivalent product that you are allergic to, or a flavor that you do not like, or a
product that is already expired. As a result, safety is ultimately in the hands of the
consumer to verify any and all automation. As all the household appliances, industrial
machinery, public sector services like water supply and transport, and many other
devices all are connected to the Internet, a lot of information is available on it. This
information is prone to attack by hackers. It would be very disastrous if private and
confidential information is accessed by unauthorized intruders.
- Compatibility
As devices from different manufacturers will be interconnected, the issue of
compatibility in tagging and monitoring crops up. Although this disadvantage may drop
off if all the manufacturers agree to a common standard, even after that, technical
issues will persist. Today, we have Bluetooth-enabled devices and compatibility
problems exist even in this technology! Compatibility issues may result in people buying
appliances from a certain manufacturer, leading to its monopoly in the market.
- Lesser Employment of Menial Staff
The unskilled workers and helpers may end up losing their jobs in the effect of
automation of daily activities. This can lead to unemployment issues in the society. This
is a problem with the advent of any technology and can be overcome with education.
With daily activities getting automated, naturally, there will be fewer requirements of
human resources, primarily, workers and less educated staff. This may create
Unemployment issue in the society.
- Technology Takes Control of Life
Our lives will be increasingly controlled by technology and will be dependent on it. The
younger generation is already addicted to technology for every little thing. We have to
decide how much of our daily lives are we willing to mechanize and be controlled by

Page 20
c. Conclusion

Although IoT has quite a few disadvantages, its advantages of saving the consumer time
and money can’t be ignored. So, the time isn’t far when the Internet of Things will be
commonly seen in both households and companies. Efforts will have to be made to find
ways to combat its disadvantages.

7. IoT is a software development

Figure 9: IoT software development

For better or worse, the exponential growth in the number of objects connected
to the Internet is changing our world. We know it as IoT – the “Internet of Things” – and
its development is increasingly impacting on how we live and work. Here, we look at
where IoT is going.
As you know, the term IoT describes the connection of everyday products or
machines to the Internet, allowing them to process data and connect with other
electronic devices. IoT is literally a giant network of connected man-made mechanical
and digital objects, but also includes people with medical identifiers or farm animals
with chip sensors. Current predictions say that by 2020 the IoT Market will reach the
point of 24 billion devices across the Earth.
Such is the growth of IoT that it’s fast becoming a must-have for companies
wanting to add digital presence to their existing operations, services, or products. Put
simply, any device with an on and off switch can be connected to the Internet and/or to
each other. This includes mobile phones, coffee makers, washing machines,
headphones, lamps, wearable devices and literally anything else you can think of.

Page 21
5.1 IoT development
The actual components making up most IoT devices include tags, sensors,
embedded computers, and actuators integrated into objects. While some IoT objects are
“vertical-specific” (like a speciality valve for an industrial device), others (like a grid-
controlled smart bulb) can find use in many areas.
Some, like tags or iBeacons, will be of the “deploy and forget” type. Others will
be constantly reporting data that is monitored and controlled via a web interface by the
owner or provided by companies that implement IoT-as-a-service for customers, like
Thingspeak. (Chima, 2021)
The main driving forces behind IoT, and therefore shaping its future, are
commoditisation and interoperability, which in turn depend on:
• The development of embedded devices (low-power, reduced cost
computers, most frequently based on the ARM architecture).
• Improved communications protocols (GSM, WiFi, Bluetooth variants and
more specialized Zigbee, 6LowPAN, Sigfox and so on.)
• Software platforms like Thingworx, ioBridge, Sense and others.
Influential companies like Amazon, Google, Apple, IBM, and Microsoft are also playing a
part as drivers of IoT.

5.2 Summary
IoT is one of the most exciting developments in recent times. It will impact all our
lives and revolutionize the way we interact with the world.
If we assume hardware refinements and communication protocols will continue
to improve, it will fall on the quality of the software applications we create to define the
success of IoT devices, particularly how serious the malicious control of objects, access
to data or unauthorized surveillance will become. Already, IoT hacking is growing
because manufacturers are selling cheap connected devices into the market without
careful cybersecurity considerations, while consumers are equally keen to bring
connected devices into their homes and lives. This makes the potential for crime very
high, and the need for quality software critical. (Chima, 2021)

Page 22
[P2 & P3] Review and investigate standard architecture, frameworks,
tools, hardware, and APIs available for use in IoT development.
1. IoT Architecture
1.1 What is IoT architecture?

Figure 11: IoT architecture example

The concept behind the Internet of Things is as powerful as it is complex, and in
order for the elements in the IoT puzzle to mesh together perfectly, they all have to be
part of a well-thought-out structure.
This is where IoT architecture enters the stage, especially in terms of IoT device
From IoT hype to IoT reality
The first thing that comes to the mind of an average John Doe when hearing the
catchphrase ‘Internet of Things’ is probably a smart coffee maker that knows exactly
what kind of coffee he will need in the morning before he even wakes up and realizes it.
Or, better still, a futuristic-looking autonomous car dashing through the IoT-empowered
streets without the ‘driver’ even touching the steering wheel once.
While these hopeful-but-naïve visions are not as far-fetched from reality as they sound,
IoT is not only about home and urban automation. In fact, far from being a mere
buzzword, it stands for many, many more. Indeed, just as the Internet of Things has the
power to change and improve our daily lives along with the ways in which we function
as a society, it can also transform the way business is run and, ultimately, the way we
perceive practically every aspect of our world. (Avsystem, 2021)

1.2 IoT architecture layers.

While every IoT system is different, the foundation for each Internet of Things
architecture as well as its general data process flow is roughly the same. First of all, it

Page 23
consists of the Things, which are objects connected to the Internet which by means of
their embedded sensors and actuators are able to sense the environment around them
and gather information that is then passed on to IoT gateways. The next stage consists
of IoT data acquisition systems and gateways that collect the great mass of unprocessed
data, convert it into digital streams, filter and pre-process it so that it is ready for
analysis. The third layer is represented by edge devices responsible for further
processing and enhanced analysis of data. This layer is also where visualisation and
machine learning technologies may step in. After that, the data is transferred to data
centres which can be either cloud-based or installed locally. This is where the data is
stored, managed and analysed in depth for actionable insights. (Avsystem, 2021) These
are the four layers of IoT architecture described in detail:

Figure 12: IoT key building blocks

a. Sensor
- These form the front end of the IoT devices. These are the so-called “Things” of
the system. Their main purpose is to collect data from its surroundings (sensors) or give
out data to its surrounding (actuators).
- These have to be uniquely identifiable devices with a unique IP address so that
they can be easily identifiable over a large network.
- These must be active in nature which means that they should be able to collect
real-time data. - - These can either work on their own (autonomous in nature) or
can be made to work by the user depending on their needs (user-controlled).
- Examples of sensors are gas sensor, water quality sensor, moisture sensor, etc.

Page 24
Figure 13: Things, sensors, and controllers

b. Gateways
- Gateways are responsible for routing the processed data and send it to proper
locations for its (data) proper utilization.
- In other words, we can say that gateway helps in to and fro communication of
the data. It provides network connectivity to the data. Network connectivity is essential
for any IoT system to communicate.
- LAN, WAN, PAN are examples of network gateways.

Figure 14: Gateways and data acquisition

c. Processors
- Processors are the brain of the IoT system. Their main function is to process the
data captured by the sensors and process them so as to extract the valuable data from
the enormous amount of raw data collected. In a word, we can say that it gives
intelligence to the data.
- Processors mostly work on real-time basis and can be easily controlled by
applications. These are also responsible for securing the data – that is performing
encryption and decryption of data.

Page 25
- Embedded hardware devices, microcontroller, etc are the ones that process the
data because they have processors attached to it.

Figure 15: Edge analytics

d. Applications
- Applications form another end of an IoT system. Applications are essential for
proper utilization of all the data collected.
- These cloud-based applications which are responsible for rendering the effective
meaning to the data collected. Applications are controlled by users and are a delivery
point of particular services.
- Examples of applications are home automation apps, security systems, industrial
control hub, etc.

Figure 16: Data center / Cloud platform

Page 26
1.3 Example Internet of Things architecture
Healthcare is among the major industries that have been leaders and forerunners
in the adoption of the Internet of Things technologies. The reason for this is that IoT
systems help to leverage high quality care for patients and combine it with long run but
massive savings.
Within healthcare, the key IoT applications include, but are not limited to, enhancement
of patient and personnel safety and security, reduction of unnecessary healthcare costs,
and the provision of suitable support at the right time by employing IoT-empowered
smart medical and emergency systems. In view of the huge population challenges
ahead, one of the greatest concerns in healthcare is elderly care and monitoring of
illnesses like diabetes and heart-related diseases. Thus, prevention plays a key role in
providing better health for elderly patients. Therefore, it is no wonder that the Internet
of Things is gaining ground especially in health monitoring, where reliability, security and
real-time precise control are a must.
The example automatic monitoring system for elderly patients requires data
collection and real-time analysis, network connectivity for access to the infrastructure
services, and an application to support user interface and display. Therefore, its
architecture must include body sensors to collect patient data, gateways to filter and
forward the data, microcontrollers or microprocessors to analyse and wirelessly send
the data to the cloud as well as a communication tool to transfer the data to a remote
location like emergency service or healthcare provider for monitoring and tracking
The IoT architecture for the system consists of three stages: physical,
communication, and application. The first layer features a multiple-sensor network that
evaluates the patient’s vital readings such as nutrition, medical intakes, and physical
activities. Also included in the physical layer is another monitoring network that consists
of in-house sensors and actuators to maintain air quality, temperature, and to analyze
and determine any hazardous conditions for the patient. The second layer includes OT
devices that collect the information gathered by the sensors, translate it into meaningful
data streams and transfer them to a back-end destination. The third layer is where data
is received, stored, and processed using cloud-based data analysis engines and machine
learning mechanisms. The resulting insights can be used to recommend the proper
healthcare service for each specific situation or applied in further research or
management purposes.

Page 27
Smart Healthcare application using IoT

Figure 17: Smart Healthcare example

The healthcare monitoring system presented must provide accessibility to
different users. For example, the healthcare provider, the patient themselves, and any
family members or caregivers. In view of this, one of the challenges of using IoT within
healthcare monitoring is providing data security and privacy. Security can be achieved by
having an encryption when transferring the data. An example is the use of a
microprocessor that ensures and provides a secure encryption communication method
through a secure socket layer (SSL).

1.4 Conclusion
As stated previously, IoT architecture may vary from solution to solution, but its
core consists of the four building blocks that are key in providing the fundamental
features that make a sustainable IoT ecosystem: functionality, scalability, availability,
maintainability, and cost-effectiveness. What is important here is not to let oneself be
overwhelmed by the perceived complexity of the Internet of Things architecture and not
to lose sight of the possibilities for implementing attractive and future proof IoT
projects. It is worth noting that a growing focus on the development of a robust IoT
architecture observed among many major business players from various industry sectors
has led them to success in squeezing more business value from their data to give them a
competitive edge and help to outperform their competitors. While it is true that there
are still tons of work to be done in terms of overcoming IoT technology fragmentation,
upon looking back, it is quite evident that much effort has been done to date to
integrate the vast range of technologies and standards embraced by IoT (examples:
LwM2M, oneM2M) and there is hope for a more unified and standardized future.
However, before this becomes reality, the key to making the promise of IoT happen
doesn’t necessarily lie in obtaining a single rule-them-all IoT technology, but rather
putting all the technologies in line so that they are efficient in the collection,

Page 28
management, analysis, and exploitation of the data by building a strong, future-proof,
scalable and secure IoT architecture.

2. IoT Frameworks
2.1 Overview of IoT Framework

Figure 18: Open source IoT framework

IoT (Internet of Things) is a network of devices which are connected to the internet for
transferring and sensing the data without much human intervention, the framework
used to this is termed as the IoT framework, this framework consists all the required
capabilities for the cloud support and other needs which is needed to satisfy the IoT
technology, few of the common IoT frameworks that are used frequently are KAA IoT,
Cisco IoT Cloud Connect, ZETTA IoT, SAP IoT, IBM Watson, Hewlett Packard
Enterprise, etc.

2.2 What is the IoT Framework?

IoT is a key part of a large IoT ecosystem, which promotes and links all elements in the
scheme. It allows device management, handles communication protocols on software
and hardware, collects / analyses information, improves information flow and intelligent
apps functionality.

Page 29
2.3 List of IoT Framework
a. DeviceHive IoT

Figure 19: DeviceHive IoT platform

DeviceHive is an open-source IoT cloud service management platform, licensed under

the Apache
License Version 2.0, with a particular focus on big data analytics. This function-rich
technology can:
• support Python, Node.js, Java and other client libraries
• provide scalable public, private or hybrid cloud resources.
• support Docker and Kubernetes deployment options ➢ handle single and
multiple production volumes at scale.
• deprive of minor technical peculiarities.
• connect any devices with REST API, WebSockets or MQTT protocols
• leverage the benefits of Apache Kafka, Spark and Cassandra solutions for
big data analytics What is more prominent about DeviceHive is that it is
mostly free to use and change, though also having fixed price services.
Both professional developers and consultants support the platform’s
DeviceHive offers robust tools to set up communication between smart IoT devices. It
fills the gap between cloud development, embedded, and mobile app development.

Page 30
b. ThingSpeak

Figure 20: Thing Speak framework

ThingSpeak is a relatively young IoT platform that tightly collaborates with MathWorks.
This gives the possibility to leverage from timely MATLAB data analysis from numberless
sensors. The platform comprises
• live data streams aggregation and analytics.
• data recording from public channels to be further used in newly created
private channels.
• assignment of public channels to share data.
• visualization of collected data.
• updates of channel feed via the REST and MQTT APIs.
• MATLAB® online analytical tools for exploring patterns and relationships.
• Time Control function that enables event-triggered alerts.
To sum up, this framework’s biggest advantage is that it really makes things
communicate with you.

Page 31
c. Mainflux

Figure 21: Mainflux platform

Mainflux is an open-source and patent-free IoT platform that has a rich number of
advantageous tools for data collection and management, core analytics, and event
scheduling. No matter the industry, Mainflux provides:
• connectivity of things and users via HTTP, MQTT, WebSocket, CoAP
• device management and provisioning.
• container-based deployment by Docker.
• container orchestration by Kubernetes.
• enhanced data security with customizable API keys and scoped JWT;
• low OPEX (operating expense) benefits.
• Both protocol and device agnostic.
This platform is written in Golang and can be deployed as an on-premises, hybrid or
cloud-based model. Prices may vary, starting from absolutely free-of-charge installation
modes and support plans to fully managed business and custom variants.

Page 32
f. OpenRemote

Figure 22: Open Remote framework

OpenRemote is a concise 100% open-source solution to create Internet Of Things
applications. It has already proven itself in larger commercial IoT applications. It
• Generic protocol agents like HTTP REST or MQTT, to connect your IoT
devices, gateways, or data services or build a missing vendor-specific API.
• Rules engine with a Flow editor, a WHEN-THEN, and a Groovy UI.
• Dashboard for provisioning, automating, controlling, and monitoring your
application as well as Web UI components to build project-specific apps.
• Mobile app for Android and iOS, including the option to use geofencing
and push notifications.
• Edge Gateway solution to connect multiple instances with a central
management instance.
• Ability to use multi-realms combined with account management and
identity service.

2.4 Conclusion
IoT is a key part of a large IoT ecosystem. IoT promotes and links all elements in the
scheme. We have seen different IoT Platforms which are helpful for You can choose
given IoT Platforms as your requirements. It will absolutely help you. (Educba, 2021)

Page 33
3. IoT Tools
3.1 Introduction to IoT Tools
The Internet has always been an open space for technologies to grow in and
develop. With the arrival of IoT, things are no different: over the last decade, the
Internet of Things has seen the rise of an awful lot of open-source IoT tools.
Of course, the deal is of a twofold kind. While the Internet of Things becomes
home to heterogeneous and innovative solutions, it is simultaneously driven by their
development and benefits greatly from the fact that a big part of them are open-source.
This means that they are not exclusive and proprietary, but widely available and free to
use for everyone, including those who wish to enter modifications to their source code
to adjust their specifications to individual use cases and hone them in on specific
business needs.
It is no secret that smart technology continues to grow at an enormous pace
largely thanks to advancements in information technology, microelectronics, and
telecommunications, but this great shift towards a smarter future would not be possible
without the voluntary engagement of developers, providers and insiders who
conceptualize, finance, make things happen, and distribute open-source IoT tools to the
Just as the core of the Internet encompasses open-source hardware, software
and protocols, the Internet of Things is being driven from its very start by the diversity,
openness, and independence of its solutions in any of the numerous technical fields it
includes, such as development tools, hardware, operating systems, platforms and
integration tools, middleware, protocols, and software.
Here’s a quick run-down of some great open-source frameworks that are free to use and

3.2 List of IoT tools

a. Node-RED

Figure 23: Node-RED tool

Page 34
Envisioned as an IoT tool, Node-RED is a programming platform for intuitive and
straightforward integration between various APIs, smart devices, and online services. To
put it in other words, NodeRED is a flow-based development engine that groups
together various visual flows using simple and intuitive editing services accessible from a
web browser. Used to create JavaScript functions, it stores the created flows in the
open-standard and widely used JSON file format which makes it possible to easily re-use
or share them freely a commercial solution sold under the name BeagleBone


Figure 24: Riot tool

RIOT focuses on low-power memory-constrained smart devices to bring a solution that
supports 32-bit,
16-bit, and 8-bit microcontroller architectures. Functioning as an alternative to Linux,
RIOT is a microkernel operating system supporting multiple chip architectures that
supports 6LoWPAN, IPv6, RPL, and UDP. Providing very minimal processing, power, and
memory usage, this open-source IoT tool is best suited to systems of low-power
microcontrollers and networks of small sensors.

Page 35
g. DeviceHub

Figure 25: DeviceHub tool

Considered to be one of the most crucial open-source IoT tools,

offers a cloud solution for tracking, monitoring and controlling devices. The data it
collects is accessible directly from the webpage and in real time, therefore its most
popular use cases include the ones in which instant and unobstructed access to data is
of highest priority: ranging from health care monitoring, through vehicle and movable
asset location, to gathering weather telemetry data, etc. (Avsystem, 2021)

h. The Thing System

Figure 26: The Thing System

The Thing System is a set of software components and network protocols promising to
discover and get together all the Internet-connected home-based gear to offer its users
full control over their smart assets. The list of supported smart devices is impressively

Page 36
long and includes, among others, air conditioners, LED bulbs, Nest thermostats, Google
Chromecast, IoT-enabled locks and many, many more.

i. Anjay

Figure 27: Deploying Anjay for Raspberry Pi

Anjay is a Software Development Kit (SDK) developed by AVSystem that
leverages the Lightweight M2M protocol to offer probably the most complete LwM2M
library to be found in the industry to date, acting de facto as a global reference
implementation for IoT tools providers as well as device manufacturers. Anjay is
designed to integrate seamlessly with resource-constrained devices while offering
minimal RAM, Flash and CPU usage. As a fully open-source solution, the Anjay software
and documentation is freely available on GitHub. To those in need for a more
commercial approach,
AVSystem provides vast support for Anjay together with access to a test server of
their Coiote IoT
Device Management platform, additional APIs and SMS binding.
According to the company, Anjay’s contribution to developing and maintaining
IoT standards will be a significant step towards the global adaptation of the LwM2M
protocol across the industry and will help to bridge the two major gaps that haunt the
presence and the future of the Internet of Things: security and interoperability. In a
world that needs multi-million device deployments to make our lives smarter,
standards-based implementations are key for manufacturers, service providers and end
customers alike.

Page 37
k. Key takeaways

Figure 28: Key takeaways environment

Just as the Internet of Things is an extremely varied and lively environment to
build your business in, there are no off-the-shelf solution sets to cater for every smart
project. While the open-source IoT tools presented above constitute the potential
building blocks for practically any smart system, it has to be borne in mind that some
may perform successfully in some environments, but others may not be the best fit for
the scope or scale of specific architectures or use cases. (Avsystem, 2021) To put it
simply, there are no silver-bullet solutions among the IoT tools offered for free usage;
nevertheless, without the open-source IoT tools to accelerate the innovation and
availability, the Internet of Things wouldn’t be able to evolve and reach the prominent
place it occupies now in the IT industry.
It is therefore evident that open-source IoT tools may be not only a great starting
point for your smart enterprise, but a cornerstone as in some cases open-source
technologies may outrun their proprietary counterparts. Plus, as your business develops,
you can always switch to commercial technologies since open source most often means
that you’re not tied to any specific vendor.

3.3 Conclusion – IoT Tools

We have seen some tools of IoT in this article but there are many more
significant ones available. These tools help the developers to explore and create
innovative IoT applications and devices. These tools can help you to pursue your career
in IoT and contribute to the IoT development society.

Page 38
4. IoT Hardware
4.1 Introduction to IoT Hardware

Figure 29: Overview IoT hardware

On the Internet of Things, hardware comes in many forms, whether the
underlying processors control the phones, the sensors collecting information from the
physical world, or the edge machines processing and analyzing the data. At the heart of
any wired venture is IoT hardware and the technical capabilities of these boards have
only become more important as the Internet of Things has developed. But, because of
the sheer number of design boards and modules in the room, choosing the right IoT
hardware for a project can be daunting. In this article, we will look at different aspects of
IoT hardware and see how these devices communicate data to the internet.

4.2 Common IoT Hardware Devices

The building blocks of an IoT device are remarkably similar, whether undertaking
projects related to the wearable device, an integrated lighting system, or even a jet
engine. Wireless sensor node consists of three major hardware components they are
sensors, microcontrollers, and communication medium.

Page 39
a. Sensors in IoT

Figure 30: IoT sensors

Sensors are the most critical hardware in IoT applications and are used to gather
information from the surroundings. These systems are made up of power management
modules, RF, energy and sensing modules. Communication from Wi-Fi, Bluetooth,
transceiver, BAW, and duplexer is managed by an RF module. The figure above is about
sensors of Arduino.

b. Microcontrollers

Figure 31: Microcontroller

A microcontroller is a device in a single integrated circuit devoted to executing a
single task and running an application. This contains programmable peripherals for
contains programmable, memory unit, and a CPU. Microcontrollers are designed
primarily for embedded applications and are widely used in remotely operated
electronic devices such as mobile phones, washing machines, microwaves, and cameras.

c. Other IoT hardware in special field

Smart wearable devices such as smart memory, glasses, rings, and shoes are
examples of IoT hardware. Smart devices allow us to access more of the content and
resources that we love and create a new approach to collaboration as part of an IoT
network. Desktop, mobile phones, and tablets are standard command center and

Page 40
remains an integral part of IoT application. Other network distribution devices like
switches, hubs, and routers act as a key connector in IoT application.

4.3 Conclusion
In this article, we have looked at different building blocks of IoT devices. The
hardware component is the most important part of the IoT application that enables
things to communicate with the Internet. We have further looked at a few of the IoT
hardware providers in today’s market and evaluated them individually.

5. IoT APIs
5.1 What is an IoT API?

Figure 32: IoT APIs

The application program (or programming) interface, or API, is arguably what
really ties together the connected “things” of the “internet of things.” IoT APIs are the
points of interaction between an IoT device and the internet and/or other elements
within the network.
As API management company Axway puts it, “APIs are tightly linked with IoT
because they allow you to securely expose connected devices to customers, go-to-
market channels and other applications in your IT infrastructure.” (Hill, 2021)

5.2 IoT APIs is important.

APIs, or application program interfaces, are vital tools for businesses in all
industries. The importance of APIs from a technical standpoint, they allow the
capabilities of one computer program to be used by another. They are a means by which
two different programs are able to communicate. IBM called IoT APIs one of its top IoT
trends for this year.

Page 41
“APIs are the market enabler, and ‘internet of things’ devices would be useless without
them. By exposing data that enables multiple devices to be connected, APIs provide an
interface between the internet and the things to reveal previously unseen possibilities,”
said Chris O’Connor, IBM’s GM for IoT, in a blog entry. “In the year to come, the power
and importance of APIs will be at the forefront of the conversation around enabling—
and more important—monetizing the ‘internet of things.'”

5.3 APIs for Internet of Things

Homes, cities, cars, businesses, and workplaces are getting smarter thanks to the
Internet of Things
(IoT). Developers wishing to create IoT applications and integrate with IoT-enabled
devices can look to ProgrammableWeb to find hundreds of suitable Application
Programming Interfaces, or APIs, to help them get the job done.
IoT APIs allow applications to read sensors and analyze smart city or smart campus data,
automate home appliances, utilize voice commands, manage proximity beacons,
automate smartcars, manage edge computing, manage manufacturing and industrial
equipment, and so much more.
The Internet of Things category on ProgrammableWeb has over three hundred APIs.
Here we highlight ten popular ones, based on website traffic.

b. Google Assistant API

Figure 33: Google Assistant API

Google Assistant can be embedded into devices to enable voice control, hotword
detection, natural language understanding, and other intelligence services. The Google
Assistant APITrack this API provides a way to manage and converse with devices. Google
Assistant enables voice control over phone applications, speakers, smart displays,
automobiles, watches, laptops, TV, and other Google Home devices (including Nest).
Users can do Google searches about weather, sports, traffic, news, flights, add
reminders, manage tasks, control smart home devices, and much more with this API and

Page 42
c. Withings API
Withings is a company focusing on the development of connected measuring
devices, such as scales and blood pressure monitors, that can send health information
directly to the internet. Withings Body metrics Services API (WBS API)Track this API is a
set of webservices allowing developers and third parties limited access to users' data
about activity, heart ECG (or EKG) sleep cylces, and more.
(Culbertson, 2021)

e. Unofficial Tesla Model S API

Figure 34: Unofficial Tesla Model S API

Tesla Model S JSON APITrack this API is not an official Tesla API, however it is
based on the Tesla Model S and it provides Documentation used by the iOS and Android
apps. This API can help developers in the auto industry to go beyond controlling just one
car since logged in users can add several vehicles at a time. Unofficial Tesla Model S API
works like a remote control from a mobile phone, with vehicle controls to charge the
car, Flash the lights, honk the horn and get status reports about battery charge and open
doors. (Culbertson, 2021)

f. Apple HomeKit

Figure 35: Apple HomeKit

Page 43
Apple's HomeKit provides a platform for devices, apps, and services to
communicate. Utilizing Siri, iPhone users can control supported devices in their home.
Lights, thermostats, garage doors, etc. could all be controlled by voice. Apple HomeKit
API is accessible via the Apple iOS8 SDK. (Culbertson, 2021)

g. Amazon Alexa Home Skills API

Figure 36: Amazon Alexa Home API

The Amazon Alexa Smart Home Skills APITrack this API allows developers to
enable Alexa voice interaction and transmit messages to cloud-enabled devices. The API
enables developers to enable skills for Alexa to control TVs, alarms, door locks, lights,
and any number of other smart home devices. (Culbertson, 2021)

Page 44
[P4] Determine a specific problem to solve using IoT
1. Scenario

Nowadays, society is developing day by day, so people are getting busier. The
convenience of the house is an essential need. Sometimes, people forget to turn off
electrical appliances when leaving the house and close the door when it rains.
Therefore, Smart home will be a solution to deal with these problems.

Internet of Things - Smart Home

2. Solution

In our smart home project, the functions to solve the above problems include:

• Automatic door with a rainy sensor. It has two parts:

➢ The automatic door system with a rainwater sensor

➢ Button to open and close by physical.

• Automatic light with an ultrasonic distance sensor.

An automatic door with a rainy sensor will be placed at the house’s main
entrance. When it rains, the sensor will sense rainwater, and the system will scan
whether the door is closed. If the door is open, the system will automatically close the
door. If the door is closed, the system will return when the rain has stopped. Besides the
automatic system, you can also control the door with a physical button.

Page 45
With our products, your beloved home will be protected from unexpected rains
and more especially storms.

Automatics light with an ultrasonic distance sensor will be placed in the

bathroom. The sensor will sense the distance when someone enters and automatically
turn on the light. This will help homeowners feel more secure when they don't have to
touch the switch with wet hands and help save electricity when they go out and forget
to turn off the lights.

Internet of Things - Smart Home Project

With the devices used in our smart home project, we hope that your home will
be protected from the effects of nature, and you will feel comfortable when you live in
your house. Moreover, we hope that the devices will help save time and a lot of
electricity costs.

Page 46
[M1] Evaluate the impact of common IoT architecture, frameworks, tools,
hardware, and APIs in the software development lifecycle.

Given its success rate, software has long been associated with a condition of
crisis. The proliferation of Internet-connected gadgets, sometimes known as the Internet
of Things, adds to the complexity of software systems. The properties of these systems,
such as their immense size and variety, provide ever-increasing new problems. In this
article, we will first provide a quick overview of the IoT paradigm and the present level
of software development. Then, we go into the specifics of building software for IoT
systems and systems of systems, with an overview of the existing approaches and tools
for designing, developing, and testing such systems.

❖ Impact and effectiveness in SDLC:

The entire lifetime of software systems has become far more complicated than in
the past. They entail hybrid development teams, complicated code, and continuous data

IoT technologies are extremely valuable to software development firms.

Professionals that can stay up with the latest IT technology developments will be
extremely successful in their jobs. Mastering IoT software development necessitates the
acquisition of a variety of abilities, including AI and machine learning.

IoT platforms support a wide range of devices, plug-and-play sensors, and

external applications. These platforms provide the essential components for developing
and managing an IoT solution. IoT solutions and software development are influencing
each other, and this trend is expected to continue as low-code or no-code platforms
become more business-friendly.

The Internet of Things (IoT) has brought about a slew of unexpected yet fantastic
developments in our daily lives. The Internet of Things has resulted in a significant shift
in the way people connect.

Technological improvements have occurred in both hardware and software.

Quality software applications are critical to the success of many firms.

Page 47
SDLC for IoT Product

With digitization accelerating, an increasing number of businesses are using IoT-

based solutions. Security, for example, is a big worry that IoT may assist to address. The
implications of an unauthorized individual or group breaching and gaining access to, and
control of a business's data and control can be severe. Using various IoT technologies,
aspects such as security, integration, performance, and scalability may be created,
developed, and implemented.

• Extending the Access Bar

It is obvious that IoT devices need extensive expertise of coding, editing, and
data management. Web developers will now need to broaden their knowledge, which
implies that IoT entry-level development employment will need to be matched with
rising web technologies.

• Predictive assistance

Predictive analysis is widely used in many commercial applications, particularly e-

commerce apps and platforms.
Page 48
• Dynamic User Interface

At a time when user experience is critical for any organization, IoT enables the
creation of intelligent and dynamic user interfaces.

• Security

IoT platform technology in software products assist in meeting a variety of

security criteria. Improving Security Features. There is a rising public concern about
digital security. User identity, authentication, and access management mechanisms will
be required for contemporary IoT resources.

• Architecture of software

IoT is being used by businesses to create innovative and engaging software

systems. The degree of complexity of IoT devices has doubled - it has progressed to the
end of the UI web design, data management, task sharing, project management, and
other features. Complexity may occasionally have an impact on development cycles.

• Testing

Automated testing is critical in quality assurance, and IoT is assisting in the

development of these testing automation solutions.

• Load distribution

It is feasible to create software systems that can manage massive loads with the
help of IoT technologies.

Page 49
[M2] Evaluate the impact of common IoT architecture, frameworks, tools,
hardware, and APIs in IoT security.
1. IoT security issue and challenge

The techniques of protection employed to safeguard internet-connected or

network-based devices are referred to as IoT security. The phrase Internet of Things
(IoT) is quite wide, and as technology continues to advance, the concept has only
become larger. Almost every modern gadget, from watches to thermostats to video
game consoles, may interface with the internet or other devices in some way. IoT
security refers to the approaches, strategies, and technologies used to keep these
devices from being hacked. Ironically, the connection inherent in IoT devices renders
them increasingly vulnerable to hackers.

The Internet of Things umbrella does not just encompass internet-connected

gadgets. Bluetoothenabled appliances are also considered IoT devices and, as such,
require IoT security. Such oversights have led to the current increase in IoT-related data

The following are a few of the IoT security issues that continue to jeopardize the
financial security of both individuals and enterprises:

• Exposure from a distance

Because of their internet-supported connection, IoT devices present a

particularly broad attack surface in comparison to other technologies. While this access
is highly important, it also allows hackers to interact with equipment remotely.
Therefore, hacking campaigns such as phishing are so powerful.

To secure assets, IoT security, like cloud security, must account for a high number
of entry points.

• Inadequate industry foresight

Certain sectors and their goods have undergone digital transformations as

organizations continue to modernize their businesses. Automotive and healthcare
industries have lately increased their choices of IoT devices to become more productive
and cost-efficient. However, the digital revolution has resulted in greater technical
dependency than ever before.

While this is not generally a problem, dependence on technology can exacerbate

the impact of a successful data breach. What's more, these businesses are now
Page 50
dependent on a piece of technology that is intrinsically more vulnerable: IoT devices.
Furthermore, many healthcare and automobile firms were unwilling to commit the
money and resources necessary to safeguard these devices.

• Resources are limited

Lack of foresight isn't the only challenge that newly digital sectors face when it
comes to IoT security. Another important issue with IoT security is the limited resources
of many of these devices.

Not all IoT devices have the processing power to run complex firewalls or
antivirus software. Some gadgets can hardly connect to other devices. Bluetooth-
enabled IoT devices, for example, have recently been subjected to a surge of data
breaches. Once again, the automobile industry has been one of the hardest hit markets.

2. Several example

a. MindSphere by Siemens

MindSphere is the Siemens IoT platform that has been designated as the premier
"industrial IoT as a service" solution. It has been employed in the realm of smart
manufacturing for proactive maintenance and anomaly detection, for example.

Furthermore, it has been used successfully in a variety of contexts, both

industrial and civil, to decrease energy and water waste.

• MindSphere's IoT security

Customers can function comfortably in a secure cloud environment thanks to the

platform. The major purpose achieved by implementing the security-by-design approach
is data protection throughout the lifespan, from connecting devices and data retention
until decommissioning. MindSphere adheres to the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) 27001 Information Security Management System Framework and
is IEC-certified for safe development lifecycle (SDL). This standard specifies cybersecurity
standards for products used in the industrial automation and control systems
environments, as well as best practices for information security management
procedures. JSON Web Token (JWT) checks are constantly used for identity management
and access control.

Authentication is implemented using multifactor authentication (MFA) to

validate the identities of users attempting to access the system by adhering to

Page 51
worldwide industry standards for selecting the appropriate password based on the
needed strength. MindSphere APIs provide the fine-grained authorization mechanism,
which validates approved calls based on the context of the application and the user
permissions. Transport Layer Security (TLS) v. 1.2 is used to secure all communication
from the client to MindSphere via public endpoints, and Reliable x509 certificates from
the Siemens Trust Center are used, which is trusted by the European
Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and the Certification Authority Browser
Forum. To provide safe, cost-effective, and simple device communication, the
MindSphere platform employs so-called MindConnect devices, which have a unique
identification number.

b. Watson by IBM

IBM Watson was originally envisaged as a question-answering computing system

designed to use modern technologies such as information retrieval, knowledge
representation, advanced reasoning, and machine learning to such a sector. Watson
now contains a suite of business-ready tools, apps, and solutions designed to lower the
costs and barriers to AI adoption while optimizing results and responsible AI use.

• Watson's security

The platform has been certified in accordance with the ISO 27001 standard. To
establish a trustworthy connection to the authentic platform service, IoT information is
encrypted using the HTTPS communication protocol for both browser-based GUI and
REST APIs with a certificate certified by DigiCert. Furthermore, access to the web-based
GUI is verified by a one-of-a-kind IBM identification code. To provide a high degree of
security, device and application credentials are protected by an authentication token
that is salted and hashed. By default, each device is linked to the platform using TLS
v.1.2 security, which ensures that devices may only connect via a secure, encrypted
channel. To prevent devices from impersonating other devices, once authenticated,
devices are only permitted to publish and subscribe to a limited topic space, and the
authentication credentials supplied by the client determine which device the subject
space is scoped by the platform service.

Page 52
[M3] Discuss and give out the reason for your IoT platform chosen

1.1. Discussion

Arduino is a free and open-source electronics platform with simple hardware and
software. Arduino boards can read inputs such as a light on a sensor, a finger on a
button, or a Twitter tweet and convert them into outputs such as operating a motor,
turning on an LED, or posting anything online. You may direct your board by delivering a
series of instructions to the board's

microcontroller. You utilize the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring) and
the Arduino Software (IDE) (based on Processing) to do this.

Over the years, Arduino has served as the brain of hundreds of projects, ranging from
simple household products to complicated scientific equipment. A global community of
makers - students, amateurs, artists, programmers, and professionals - has collected
around this open-source platform, and their contributions have built up to an
astounding quantity of accessible information that may be of tremendous benefit to
both novices and specialists.

Arduino was created at the Ivrea Interaction Design Institute as a simple tool for rapid
prototyping intended for students with no prior experience with electronics or
programming. As the Arduino board gained popularity, it began to evolve to meet new
demands and problems, transitioning from basic 8-bit boards to solutions for IoT
applications, wearables, 3D printing, and embedded settings.

1.2. The reason that Arduino is suitable

Arduino has been utilized in millions of different projects and applications because to its
easy and accessible user experience. The Arduino software is simple enough for novices
to use while yet being versatile enough for expert users. It is compatible with Mac,
Windows, and Linux. It is used by teachers and students to create low-cost scientific
equipment, to demonstrate chemistry and physics principles, and to get started with
programming and robotics. Designers and architects use it to create interactive
prototypes, while musicians and artists use it to create installations and experiment with
new musical instruments. Arduino is a valuable tool for learning new things.

For physical computing, there are several additional microcontrollers and

microcontroller platforms available. Similar capability is provided by Parallax Basic

Page 53
Stamp, Net media’s BX-24, Phidgets, MIT's Handyboard, and many more programs. All
these tools take the tangled nuances of microcontroller programming and package them
in a user-friendly format. Although alternative systems simplify working with
microcontrollers, Arduino has several advantages for instructors, students, and curious

• Inexpensive

• Cross-platform

• Simple and straightforward programming environment

• Software that is open source and extendable

• Hardware that is open source and extendable

1.3. Arduino compare with Raspberry Pi

Basis Arduino Raspberry Pi

License Arduino is a community- Raspberry Pi's hardware

driven open-source and software are both
initiative. Its closed

software and hardware sources.

are both open sources.

Capability Arduino is typically used Raspberry Pi can perform

to repeat single (and numerous tasks at the
basic) actions. same time.

Software C/C++ programming Raspberry Pi OS, a Linux-

languages are used to based operating system, is
program Arduino boards. supported. You can also
install the operating
system of your choice.

Page 54
Internet Arduino does not have The Raspberry Pi includes
internet connectivity. To an Ethernet connector as
connect it to the internet, well as Wi-Fi capability.
you'll need extra modules
or shields.

Handle power drop When an Arduino gadget Raspberry Pi takes the

is turned on, it begins same attention as a
running code. As a result, computer. You must
if the power is abruptly correctly shut down the
switched off, you will not operating system.
have a corrupt operating
system or faults. When
the code is plugged in, it
just restarts.

Page 55
[M4] Apply your selected techniques to create an IoT application
development plan.
1. IoT application n development plan

1.1. Planning

Role function Requirement

Analyzer In this process analyzer must Analyzer must provide

discover which environment information of factors
factor which affect project which affect the
sensor. They have to gather air environment for
sample to filter what air developer (example air
component will the machine contaminate sample, air
absorb material, contaminated
environment structure)

Developer Program code implement will be Every logical situation

researched in this role. Logical when the machine was
and challenge situation when a running must be designed
machine work will be tested and and tested
fixed here

Implementation This role will have to calculate Material and tools must
partner the budget, tool, and plan. They be ensured during the
must work with developer to developing process. In the
design the machine shape and end of this process a
logical function for durability complete product must be
while operation ready for tester

Tester A list of test case will be Most of the machine error

deployed in this role. After a must be recorded.
pass through all the test case Number of important test
they must analyze the error and case must be deployed so
send it back to project manager that developer can reduce
any huge impact which
might affect when it in use

Page 56
Project This role will ensure the team Ensure the operation,
manager operate smoothly. In each send report, and recorded
process, they must urge the to the next role whenever
operation and fix the team a role is finish with their
operation. jobs

1.2. Budget





Page 57






Page 58


Breadboard 1$

Total price 18.88$

Page 59
1.3. Project timeline

Process Description Times

Analyze Research and analyze 1 weeks (01/08-07/08)

what element are
contained in the

Develop Get the result from 3 days (08/08-10/08)

the previous process
and write down the
code in programable


Implement Prepare and build up 2 days (11/08-12/08)

the machine from the
material which have
been included in the
tool list

Test Begin to test and 2 days (13/08-14/08)

write down the error
according to the test
case list

Accomplishment Fix all the error which 3 days (15/08-17/08)

appear in test case.
Retest and complete
all redundant part.
Prepare for the
represent days

Page 60
1.4 Risk management

Risk categories Risk Risk rating

Requirements Medium

Technology High

Interfaces Medium
Performance High

Quality High

Customer Medium

Contract Medium
External Market High

Supplier Low

Project Dependencies Medium

Logistics Medium
Organizational Resources Medium

Budget High

Planning Medium

Schedule Medium
Project management Estimation High

Controlling Medium

Communication Low

Page 61
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