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Prepared By:
Metwally Hamza Metwally

Under Supervision of:

Prof. Dr. Moustafa Mouhammed Mogahed
Professor of petrology and geochemistry, Geology Department,
Faculty of Science, Benha University, Benha, Egypt
Um Bogma region, west central Sinai, is a most remarkably economic source for
Mn deposits. Due to its economic impact, it had attracted the attention of many
investigators to study it, as a global economic spot of Mn deposits in Egypt.

Um Bogma formation had been stratigraphically divided into three main members
from below upward; Ras Samra, El-Qor, and Um Shebba members. The economic
Mn deposits are limited to Ras Samra Mb within its dolomitic rocks.

The region had been affected by faults, as the dominant structural element within
it. These faults had been grouped into three ones; NNW-SSE trending normal faults
(Red Sea trend), NW-SE trending faults (Gulf of Suez trend), E-W trending faults.

Mn deposits of the region have been divided into four facies (types); Stratiform
continental Mn-conglomerate, sandstone, and mudstone, Stratiform lagoonal to
swampy bedded manganiferous mudstone and dolostone, Stratiform pisolitic Mn
ore, and Stratabound karst Mn ore.

Geochemical studies had been done for these deposits. It had been found that
these Mn deposits are highly enriched in Pb, Cu, Zn, and Ba. And depleted of Co,
Ni, Be, Mo, Sr, and Sn, as evidence for hydrothermal origin of these Mn deposits.
Present author wishes to acknowledge
the grand professor, Dr. Moustafa
Mouhammed Mogahed, for doing his
best supervising of this paper while
working upon it. And without his
supervision, this paper would not have
come out.
Thanks a lot!
I dedicate this paper of my graduation
project to two persons, who influenced
my whole life, whether educational or public.
the first of them is my father who taught
me how to read a book and get benefited of it.
The second person is my mother, who
brought me to the life… such a beautiful life,
also, she was and still helps me,
by all she can, and encourages me forever.
Thanks, my God!
Thanks, my father!
Thanks, my mother!
Table of Contents
1. Introduction: (1-11)
1.1 Mn deposits in space and time...…………………..……………………… 2
1.2 Deposition of Mn, worldwide……...……………………………………... 3
1.3 Phanerozoic supremacy………….…………………….…………….…… 3
1.4 Role of oxygen…………………………………………………………… 4
1.5 Role of tectonic plates……………………………………………………. 4
1.6 Role of biological activity………………………………………………… 5
1.7 Role of drifting processes…………………………………………………. 5
1.8 Mn production, worldwide…………………………………………………6
1.9 Mn deposits of Egypt………………………………………………………7
1.10 Outcrops of Um Bogma region………………………………………….. 7
1.11 Chemistry of Mn and Fe…………………………………………………..9
1.12 Relations between outcrops of Um Bogma region………………………..9
1.13 Topography of Um Bogma region………………………………………. 10
1.14 Aims of study of the present paper……………………………………….11

2. Geologic Setting: (12-13)

2.1 Distribution of Um Bogma formation……………….……………………..13
2.2 Structural elements in Um Bogma region…………….…..……….……….13

3. Mn ore facies (types): (15-18)

3.1 Stratiform continental Mn-bearing rocks……………..……………..……..16
3.2 Stratiform lagoonal to swampy bedded manganiferous Mn-bearing rocks..17
3.3 Stratiform pisolitic Mn ore.…………………...……………………………17
3.4 Stratabound karst Mn ore.…………………………………...……………..18

4. Stratigraphy of Mn-bearing Um Bogma formation: (19-23)

4.1 Ras Samra member..…………………………………………….…………21
4.2 El-Qor member..…………………………………………………..……….21
4.3 Um Shebba member..……………………………………………..……….22

5. Stratigraphic distribution of Mn-Fe deposits: (24-27)

5.1 Mn-Fe deposits within the Ras Samra Member....……………………..…..26
5.2 Mn-Fe deposits within El-Qor and Um Shebba members....………………26

6. Geochemistry: (28-33)
6.1 Evidence for hydrothermal origin of Mn deposits…………………………29
6.2 Evidence for sedimentary origin of Mn deposits…………….………….....30
6.3 Role of karstification and weathering processes in Mn accumulation….…30
6.4 Results of geochemical analysis of Mn ore samples by Saad (1994)…...…31
6.5 Types of Mn ore deposits according to geochemistry by Khalifa (2014)....33

7. General Remarks: (34-36)

Table of Figures
Fig. 1: False color composite Landsat image of Um Bogma area…................….6

Fig. 2: Distribution map of the Lower Carboniferous Formations in the Um

Bogma area……………………………………………………...……...….............8

Fig. 3: Paleozoic Outcrops of Um Bogma Region, Sinai……………................10

Fig. 4: The structural map of Um Bogma Region…………………...............…14

Fig. 5: The photo of three main members of Um Bogma Formation……......…20

Fig. 6: The stratigraphic column of the all formations of the Um Bogma region
and the stratigraphic distribution column of Um Bogma Formation itself.............23

Fig. 7: Sketches representing some modes of occurrences of the Mn-Fe ore bodies
within the three members of the Um Bogma Formation…………………............25

Fig. 8: Scatter plot showing the inverse relation between Fe203 and MnO2.....32

Fig. 9: Ternary diagram Fe-Mn-[10x(Cu+Ni+Co)]……………………............32


Manganese (Mn) is the most remarkable and essential ore (in a metal form) to iron
and steel production, due to some properties which are not existed in other ores, such
as its ability to act as sulfur-fixing, deoxidizing, alloying metal. In the process of the
steel making and production, Mn ore is the most demand, presently in the range of
85% to 90% of the total. Such manganese ferroalloys, which are consisted of various
grades ferromanganese and silicomanganese, are used provide most of this key
ingredient to iron and steel making. Also, it’s widely used as products for
construction, machines making, and in a transportation. Mn ore is also a key
component of certain widely used aluminum alloys, and in oxide form, dry cell
batteries. In addition to other uses, as using as plant fertilizers, animal feed, and
colorants for brick.

1.1) Mn deposits in space and time

There is a remarkable restrain in formation of manganese deposits meanwhile the
Archean period, counter to the uniform development of iron formation during this
time (James and Trendall, 1982). Economic manganese deposits had been appeared
for first time, only around 3000 Ma, in the iron ore group in India (3200–2950 Ma)
after continuing evolution of the lithosphere, the atmosphere, and the biosphere, in
addition to ongoing evolution of the Earth’s crust. The manganese metallogenesis
during the Archean period was highly selective in space, because the occurrence of
manganese deposits during this time was restricted to only five places, of which three
in India and two in Brazil, and there are no other well-developed Archean terrains in
the world. Sub-economic manganese deposits of Archean age have been recorded in
limestone at Sagan-Zaba, Russia (Rakhmanov et al, 1980), and in metamorphosed
silicates in Khapchensk Series, Russia (Varentsov, 1984). There are two only
economic manganese deposits deposited in greenhouse belts and even these are
limited to the upper sedimentary cover (Rio das Velhas Series, Brazil and Chitradurga
Group, India). There is no obviously relationship between these manganese deposits
and volcanics in space or time (Roy 1987).
1.2) Deposition of Mn, worldwide
A lot of manganese deposits of Archean age had been deposited in a shallow water
in an Archean intracratonic basin of Proterozoic character (Roy, 1987). The
manganese deposits of the Khondalite sequence, Eastern Chats, India ( <2600 Ma)
had been deposited in shallow-water intracratonic aulacogens, and these deposits
were originally metamorphosed into granulite facies (Sarkar, 1980). Also, the
sedimentary manganese deposits which had been deposited in the Archean high-
grade region of Brazil in Bahia State (2800–2600 Ma) were metamorphosed into
granulite facies (Valarelli et al, 1976). But the deposits of the Iron Ore Group, India
(3200–2950 Ma) had been deposited in shallow-water stable shelf environments, and
were shown to slightly metamorphism. All manganese deposits of Archean age had
been deposited in shallow-water intracratonic basins which are of Proterozoic in
character. A lot of stratiform ore deposits of Archean age have been derived from
endogenic sources, but manganese deposits do not indicate such a derivation
(Franklin, 1981; Gross, 1980, 1983; James and Trendall, 1982).

1.3) Phanerozoic supremacy

In general, there is a rarity in manganese deposits during the Archean age, and
total absence in the earlier part (Roy, 1987). This is because the paucity of economic
concentrations of manganese deposits in volcanic/hydrothermal exhalations during
this time and in the early stages of the Earth’s planet development. While most of
volcanogenic/hydrothermal massive sulfide deposits of Proterozoic, in addition to
Phanerozoic are considered to have been enriched in manganese (Stumpfl, 1979;
Roy, 1981), but that of Archean age do not include such a manganese, because the
magma and the oceanic sediments of the Archean age were poor in manganese and
lead (Sangster, 1976). Because of the anoxic (or poorly-oxygenated) environments
during the Archean age, the manganese deposits were prevented from deposition.
Due to the notable differences in solubility of manganese and iron, they could not
accompany each other in the anoxic (limited-oxygenated) environments in duration
of iron’s deposition (Roy, 1987). There is an intimate relationship between deposition

of manganese in only Archean basins of Proterozoic type and tectonism, in addition
to the oxygen in both atmosphere and hydrosphere during the late Archean.

1.4) Role of oxygen

In the Precambrian eon, exactly in Proterozoic era, the oxygen was too much,
thanks to the photosynthesizing prokaryotes which were able to produce the oxygen,
and then the atmosphere and the hydrosphere were sufficiently oxygenated to support
the sufficient biota, in addition to facilize the deposition of iron and manganese in
this time, in much greater amounts. Consequently, the iron-formation reached its crest
of development in the early Proterozoic period. During the Proterozoic time,
manganese deposits started to develop on a substantially large scale. The manganese
deposits of early Proterozoic in age, in the Kalahari field, South Africa, (2500–2100
Ma), representing deposits in the Hotazel Formation, and these deposits are
enormous, and they are estimated at about 7500 million tons, and these are considered
to be the largest single land-base deposits in the world (Beukes, 1983, 1984).

1.5) Role of tectonic plates

In the Phanerozoic eon, plate motions largely controlled the tectonic regime and
played an important role in the formation of the ore deposits of different types and
their specific localization (Roy, 1987). A variety of ores of that time, are produced
by volcanism and hydrothermal activity in diverging and converging plate
boundaries, as evidenced by the deposits in the present time, such deposits of Mn-
oxide crusts at TAG field, 26oN on Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Rona, 1984. In addition, the
generally oxygenated alkaline basinal water and the direct or indirect action of
specific biological communities triggered the development of oxide ores in the
Phanerozoic (Roy, 1987). Manganese deposits were moderately developed in the
Paleozoic era. Most of these are volcanogenic-sedimentary in nature, occurring in
association with both mafic and felsic volcanic rocks. By and large, the manganese
deposits of the Paleozoic era are much less developed than those in the rest of

Phanerozoic eon, and there is a large-scale development of sedimentary manganese
deposits in the Mesozoic era.

1.6) Role of biological activity

Ostwald (1981) concluded that biological precipitation was responsible for Mn
ore deposition, by suggesting some remarkably various organic structures as
evidence. The most interesting mechanism for concentration and deposition of
manganese ore deposits in the duration of Phanerozoic eon has been suggested by
Frakes and Bolton (1984) drawing critically from the concept of high sea-level stand
and attendant anoxia during marine transgression, leading to manganese
concentration. Small to moderate size volcanogenic-sedimentary and hydrothermal
manganese deposits are common in the geologic record of the Cenozoic era (such an
example of Oriente Province, Cuba).

1.7) Role of drifting processes

During the Cambrian, Egypt as a part of Gondwana land was drifted southward
reaching the paleolatitude 70o S (Smith, 1981). During the Ordovician, the Silurian,
and the Devonian time span Egypt was confined by epeiric sea (Semtner and Klitzsch,
1994). This mentioned sea transgressed and covered only the southwestern part of
Egypt (Burollet, 1960). The remaining parts of Egypt including the Um Bogma
Region (Fig. 1) was topographically-positive lands under erosion. During the Lower
Carboniferous, there were two successive phases of the previously mentioned sea,
the transgression and the regression, the first had been occurred over the study area
depositing Mn ore bearing Um Bogma Formation (under study in the present work),
and the last had been occurred after the first phase depositing the overlying
fluviomarine Abu Thora Formation.

Fig. 1: False color composite Landsat image of Um Bogma area, west-central Sinai, Egypt,
after Bishta 2009.

1.8) Mn production, worldwide

Mn deposits are widely distributed worldwide, but these Mn Deposits occur in
valuable economic amounts, in some countries and localities. The first of these
localities is that of Africa, which hosts over 80% of manganese of the world’s known
land-base ore resources of manganese metal and produced some 41.1% of the 18
million tonnes of manganese metal in ores, at about 6,200,000 million tonnes. And
these manganese deposits of Africa had been classified into four main types; 1)
banded iron formation (BIF)-hosted, 2) black shale-hosted, 3) oolitic, and 4)
supergene/karst-hosted deposits. The second important locality of these deposits is
China, which produces about 3,000,000 tonnes of the manganese of the world, these
deposits had been classified into main six major ones; 1) sedimentary, 2) volcanic-
sedimentary, 3) metamorphosed, 4) hydrothermally modified, 5) hydrothermal, and
6) supergene. The first and last Mn-types are the most important and economic. And
so on, in Australia (2,900,000 tonnes), Gabon (1,800,000 tonnes), Brazil (1,000,000
tonnes), India (950,000 tonnes), Malaysia (400,000 tonnes),
Ukraine/Kazakhstan/Ghana (both 390,000 tonnes), Mexico (240,000 tonnes),
Myanmar (100,000 tonnes), and finally the other world countries (Egypt in between)
are considered to produce about 740,000 tonnes. These previous rations of Mn
production, all over the world, based upon the United States Geological Survey,
accessed in 2016. The Mn-ore reserves in Egypt is about 385.2 million tonnes, the
most economic region which produces the valuable amounts of Mn deposits is of the
Um Bogma which we will shed the light on, in the present study.

1.9) Mn deposits of Egypt

Manganese ore deposits found in many parts of Egypt, but only in a few places do
they occur in sufficient quantity to be of high commercial value, e.g., Um Bogma
area in west central Sinai, Gebel Abu Shaar El Qibli in the southern part of Esh El
Mellaha range north of Hurghada, Gebel Elba of Halaib district in the southern part
of the Eastern Desert and as minor occurrences in Abu Ghosun and Ras Banas in
Southern Eastern Desert. The most important and exploitable manganese deposits are
those of Um Bogma area where the ferromanganese alloys are manufactured from
the raw materials nearby Abu Zneima and the manganese deposits are mainly
concentrated in the Carboniferous Um Bogma Formation, mainly in its lower
dolomitic part.

1.10) Outcrops of Um Bogma region

Barron (1907) had subdivided the Paleozoic outcrops of Um Bogma region, in
west-central Sinai, Egypt into: Lower Sandstone Series, Carboniferous Limestone
Series, and Upper Sandstone Series. Kora (1984) had subdivided these exposures
depending on their field observations, lithological composition, and fossil content
into six rock units, starting from base to top: Sarabit El Khadim, Abu Hamata, Nasib,
Adedia, Um Bogma, and Abu Thora Formations. The four first Formations
mentioned previously are Cambro-Ordovician in age, but the two last ones are
Carboniferous. These six Formations are followed upward by basaltic sill intrusions
and lava flows (40m). The Um Bogma (shallow open marine environment) and the
Abu Thora (fluviatile to costal marine environment) Formations (Fig. 2) represent a
different sedimentation phase which took place in the Carboniferous period. These
formations represent the Carboniferous Limestone Series and the Upper Sandstones
Series of Barron (1907) respectively. The whole Paleozoic succession overlies
unconformably the peneplained surface of the Precambrian basement rocks and
underlies unconformably the Permo-Triassic red beds. Kora (1994) had also
subdivided the economic Mn-bearing Um Bogma Formation into three
lithostratigraphic units including from base to top: Ras Samra Member, El Qor
Member and Um Shebba Member. The Manganese deposits are recorded from the
three members, but the most remarkably economic ones are confined to Ras Samra
Member only.

Fig. 2: Map showing distribution of the Lower Carboniferous in the Um Bogma area, west-
central Sinai, Egypt, according to Kora and Jux.

1.11) Chemistry of Mn and Fe
Manganese oxides, like iron oxyhydroxides, show debate in their genesis, i.e.,
accretion as colloids from ambient sea water, precipitation from sediment pore-fluids
and/or ascending hydrothermal solutions associated either to volcanic activity or to
fault zones. Manganese is very similar to iron in chemistry where the two elements
are mostly associated to each other in the different rocks. The manganese, like iron,
has two important valence states, Mn+2 and Mn+4. In the divalent state (Mn+2),
manganese forms soluble compounds and can be transported in solution. In the
tetravalent state (Mn+4), however, it forms insoluble compounds, any solution
containing Mn in solution will quickly precipitate a tetravalent compound such as
pyrolusite (MnO2) by oxidation.

1.12) Relations between outcrops of Um Bogma region

Um Bogma Region (Fig. 3) is built-up of Precambrian basement rocks, both
igneous and metamorphic ones outcropping together, of Late Proterozoic in age,
which are unconformably overlain by a heterogenous thick succession of Cambrian
and Lower Carboniferous sediments, and are intersected by Late Paleozoic-Early
Mesozoic volcanic eruptions. These Lower Carboniferous sediments are such as that
of the Abu Thora and the Um Bogma Formations, the remarkable sediments of the
Abu Thora Formation are such of cross-bedded gravely sandstones, sandstones, and
mudstones with occasional coaliferous beds at the top of the Formation. And that of
the Um Bogma Formation are such as sandy dolostones, and dolomitic shales.

Fig. 3: Paleozoic Outcrops of Um Bogma Region, Sinai, Egypt. By Kora 1981.

1.13) Topography of Um Bogma region

The study region is characterized by highly topographically-positive and
mountainous areas, separated by nearly flat areas covered by windblown sands. These
Precambrian crystalline basement rocks, mentioned above in first lines, are cropping
out in the western, southern, southeast, eastern, and northern parts of the study
regions. And in the two last-mentioned places (both eastern and northern), these
crystalline rocks are highly denudated and disappear under Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and
Cenozoic sedimentary succession. The Paleozoic sediments are represented by two
clastic sequences separated by a dolostone-shale sequence hosting the Mn ore. In the
northern part of the study area, at El-Tih plateau, in addition to Egma plateau, these
Paleozoic sediments are bounded by a thick post-Carboniferous clastics and
carbonates of Mesozoic-Early Cenozoic in age. And in the southern part of the same
area, towards Wadi Feiran, there is a mountainous belt of Precambrian crystalline
basement rocks, standing lofty, of Wadi Feiran and Sant Kathrine, are facing the
Paleozoic sediments of the Um Bogma region.

1.14) Aims of study of the present paper

The present work aims to study the genesis and the geochemistry of manganese
deposits and their relations with host Carboniferous sediments and the surrounding
rocks in the Um Bogma region, west-central Sinai, Egypt. The Carboniferous
sediments of the study region which lie into two formations as mentioned above (Um
Bogma and Abu Thora) are represented by rocks which are considered as carbonite
in nature at the base (formed the Um Bogma Formation), such as: Pink, Marly, and
Sandy Dolostones as arranged stratigraphically from base upward. And rocks of
clastic in nature at the top (formed the Abu Thora Formation), such as: Kaolinitic
Claystone and Glass Sand (from base upward respectively). And the manganese
deposits form stratabound to stratiform bodies within the lower part of the carbonate
rocks. Thus, in this study, we will shed the light on the sedimentary features of the
manganese deposits in relation to the facies analysis and distribution of the Mn-
Containing Carboniferous rocks, in addition to these of Mn ore deposits itself, along
with their mineralogical, geochemical, and geological variations.


Geologic Setting
Um Bogma Formation and the enclosed Mn ore which occurs within the lower
dolomitic part of this formation, are both of limited distribution and restricted only to
the Um Bogma Region. In other places, Um Bogma Formation does not expose.
Otherwise, the Abu Thora Formation of the same age of the Um Bogma appears.
Such in the southern part of the Um Bogma Region, at Wadi Ferin, Wadi Mokattab,
and Gebel Abu Durba, Um Bogma Formation is completely missing and the
overlying Abu Thora Formation overlies directly the Cambrian Naqus Formation
(Klitzsch, 1990 and El Barkooky, 1992). Also, in the northern part of Wadi Qena,
Eastern Desert, the Abu Thora Formation rests directly on the Cambrian Naqus
Formation (Abdallah et al, 1992). At Wadi Araba, along the western side of Gulf of
Suez, the Um Bogma Formation is also missing, while the others are exposed, such
as the Upper Carboniferous-Permian shallow-marine and continental successions of
Rod El Hamal, Abu El Darag, and Eheimar Formations. These previous geological
field facts are the very remarkably excellent indications, which can reflect the
tectonic instability of the Um Bogma Region during the Lower Carboniferous time
(El Aref, 1994).

2.1) Distribution of Um Bogma formation

The basaltic eruptions of Permo-Triassic in age of the Um Bogma Region form
sheeted-like bodies over the clastic sediments of the Abu Thora Formation at the Um
Bogma type locality, and in the direction to the east of the region under study, at
Gebel Ghorabi, and towards the south, at Gebel Farsh El Azraq. Also, basaltic dyke
of this phase of volcanicity cut across all the described rock units and the associated
Mn ore varieties.

2.2) Structural elements in Um Bogma region

Faults are the most remarkable and highly existed structural elements which
widely occurred within the Um Bogma Region, and hugely left their prints on the
rock units of the previously-mentioned area (Fig. 4). These faults cut the Paleozoic
rocks in the area under study with vertical displacement reaching up to 100m,
sometimes forming horsts and grabens. These faults can be grouped into 3 classes, as
the following: a) NNW-SSE trending normal faults (Red Sea trend) along the basaltic
dykes of Permo-Triassic in age were erupted. b) NW-SE trending faults (Gulf of Suez
trend) along which the main Wadies of the Um Bogma Region were incised, such as
the Wadies of Nasib, Baba, Bala, El Lehian. c) E-W trending faults along which the
two Wadies of Sahu and Abu Thora were incised. The group of faults of category (b)
were responsible for the development of the grabens and horsts of the different
Paleozoic stratigraphic units, existed in the Um Bogma Region. And the group of
faults of category (b) and (c) are both responsible for the uplifting of Gebel Samra-
Gebel Nukhul, Wadi Baba-Wadi Sid El Banat, Um Bogma-Wadi Nasib, Gebel Um
Reglein, Adedia, and Gebel Ghorabi-Gebel Sarabit El Khadim blocks.

Fig. 4: Simplified structural map of Um Bogma Region showing the geologic setting and the
geologic distribution of the recognized facies of the lower Mn ore member of Carboniferous
Um Bogma Formation.
Mn ore facies

Mn Ore Facies (Types)
The Economic Mn Ore deposits are limited only within the Lower Carboniferous
succession of the Um Bogma Formation, and these deposits take the shape of
stratabound to stratiform, as the field observation, in the Um Bogma Region, West-
central Sinai, Egypt. These Mn-ore types have been deposited under a synergistic
action of that subaerial to shallow marine conditions, along with the Carboniferous
paleokarstification which is with a relation to intra-Carboniferous uplifting phase, sea
level fall, and deep weathering processes.

The lower member of Um Bogma Formation, containing the economic Mn-Ore

deposits, is formed of the different Mn ore types, which grade laterally into open
marine carbonates. These carbonates are mainly composed of wackestone, packstone,
grainstone microfacies associations, and these previously mentioned carbonate rocks
reflect the environment of deposition, which grades from neritic to open marine one.

The Economic Mn-Ore deposits of the lower member of the Um Bogma

Formation have been subdivided into four main facies (types) as summarized as the
1) Stratiform continental Mn-conglomerate, sandstone, and mudstone,
2) Stratiform lagoonal to swampy bedded manganiferous mudstone and dolostone,
3) Stratiform pisolitic Mn ore, and
4) Stratabound karst Mn ore.

3.1) Stratiform continental Mn-bearing rocks

The stratiform continental Mn-conglomerate, sandstone, and mudstone have
textures which are considered to be fining-upward, and these previously mentioned
rocks can be an indication to surface slope deposits, accumulated through mudflow
regime. And these can refer to the derivation Mn- and Fe-rich materials such as clasts
and suspensions, from contiguous sources. The lateral gradation of this type of Mn
Ore deposits into lagoonal, bedded, and pisolitic Mn Ore facies (types) can be an

indication to north and westward debauching of the land-derived Mn-rich materials
into Lower Carboniferous Sea. So, paleohighs, in east and southeast of the Um
Bogma Region, have probably played an important role, under humid paleoclimate,
in accumulation the detritus Mn and Fe materials, such as clast and suspensions, as a
suggestion in the light of the previously mentioned case.

3.2) Stratiform lagoonal to swampy bedded manganiferous Mn-

bearing rocks
Within the lower part of the stratiform lagoonal to swampy bedded manganiferous
mudstone and dolostone, it consists mainly of laminated and concretionary
manganiferous and ferruginous mudstones, and these mudstones are observed being
graded upward into altered manganiferous mudstones and dolostones. This
previously mentioned case of the Mn Ore facies is well represented in the central and
northwestern parts of Um Bogma Region. These rocks are subjected to be deposited
into a restricted lagoonal environment, with high salinity, due to strong evaporation,
in addition to speculation about their syn-sedimentary origin. The previously mention
suggestion is due to some criteria, such as their stratiform nature as being observed
in the field, their primary sedimentary structures, in addition to nodular and laminated
intercalations of evaporitic rocks associated with them. The Mn- and Fe-rich
materials, which are earthly in nature, on this type of Mn ore, are subjected to
transported continental soil, while the carbonite interbeds with oolitic and pellitic
characters represent marine conditions.

3.3) Stratiform pisolitic Mn ore

The stratiform pisolitic Mn ore reflects the deposition during cyclic shoaling
regimes, because is consists mainly of basal manganiferous mudstones, which is
considered to be grading upward into pisolitic beds, and it’s also because of being
consisted mainly of coarsening-upward cycles. The mineralogical and textural

investigations had been done for the Mn ore deposits, and finally reflect their
continental source.

3.4) Stratabound karst Mn ore

The stratabound karst Mn ore deposits were formed under the effect of the deep
weathering processes, including karstification, followed by sea regression, in the
duration of intra-Carboniferous period, in addition to outcropping of the previously
described bedded manganiferous mudstones and dolostones. This phase of the sea
level fall and the related paleokarstification processes, preceded the subsequent sea
transgression, which led to the deposition of the overlying upper dolostone-shale
member of Um Bogma Formation.

Stratigraphy of
Mn-Bearing Um Bogma Formation

Stratigraphy of Mn-Bearing
Um Bogma Formation
Um Bogma Formation, in west-central Sinai, Egypt, varies in its thickness from
0-10 m, in southeastern and northeastern parts, and reaches its maximum thickness
of about 30-40 m, in the northeastern part between Gebel Nukhul and Wadi Khaboba.
The Um Bogma Formation is essentially a pink-grey dolostone sequence. Most of the
aforementioned rocks of these dolostone beds are very hard, but ones that occupy the
middle part of the formation under study, are of different marly dolostones and
earthly limestone which alternate with other rocks of soft yellowish siltstone in
composition. Quartz grains which are in the size of the sand and the silt, with few
pebbles, are also recorded within the whole succession, and the southeastern part of
the area is considered to be related to the terrigenous facies, which is more typical in
this limited area, of the whole region of Um Bogma. In most beds of the Um Bogma
succession, veinlets of Mn and Fe are common, but the most existed and the highly
economic ones are confined to the lower member of the Um Bogma Formation. Um
Bogma Formation had been divided into three main members (Fig. 5), after Kora
(1994), they are from base upward; Ras Samra, El-Qor, and Um Shebba members.

Fig. 5: A photo showing the three main members of Um Bogma Formation, from below
upward; Ras Samra, El Qor, Um Shebba Members.
4.1) Ras Samra Member
This member is the basal unit within the Um Bogma Formation (Fig. 6), it
consists mainly of hard, bedded, pinkly brown, and coarse-grained crystalline
dolostones, containing pores and cavities filled with calcite (Kora, 1994). And
towards the bottom, it compositionally changes into sandy and pebbly dolostones. In
the light of paleontological characters, the middle part of this member contains
Crinoids and tabulate Coral (Kora, 1994). The member reaches its maximum
thickness of about 17 m, in the western part of the Um Bogma region, in Ras Samra
section, and gradually decreases towards the east. Also, this aforementioned
thickness reduces hugely at Um Shebba in the extreme northwestern part of the are
under study. There is a severe-sharp contact between Mn-Fe ore bodies and their host
rock. Calcareous shale, kaolinitic clays, siltstone and sandstone rocks surround the
Mn-Fe oxides as thin layers. The shales of this member had been deposited in the
time of Early Carboniferous, on an eroded surface, existed between the Adedia
Formation and the Um Bogma Formation (Weissbrod, 1969). The massive
dolostones and the overlying sandstones series play an important role in the flow of
the shales of this member, due to putting their loads upon these shales, and then their
flow takes place, so the thickness varies. Also, bending and contortion can be
considered as remarkable reasons for the thickness variation. These shales may be
considered as the representing the subsoil and topsoil of a paleosol profile (El
Sharkawi et al, 1990). The topsoil of this paleosol profile contains sediments which
are considered to be continental in origin, and deposited under subaerial pedogenetic
conditions, in the duration of karstification process of the lower dolostones of the Um
Bogma Formation.

4.2) El-Qor Member

The El-Qor Member is the second of three (Fig. 6), and it’s the middle one in the
succession of the Um Bogma Formation. It consists mainly of yellow, moderately
hard, thinly bedded marly dolostones and dolomitic limestones with soft siltstones
and shaly beds, and laterally, the carbonite rocks are replaced by quartz siltstones,
with ferruginous lenses (Kora, 1994). In this member, the fossil content is highly
recognized, and the fossils itself are well-preserved, and the most remarkably ones
are; articulate brachiopods (Spiriferids and productids), tabulate corals, crinoids
(Kora and Jux, 1986). This member is widely distributed all over the Um Bogma
region, but it’s absent only in the extreme eastern localities, such Gebel Adedia and
El Habala (Kora, 1994). This member has a maximum thickness of about 10-14 m,
in central and western parts of the Um Bogma region, such as that is in Ras El Homara
and Wadi Khaboba (Kora, 1994). There is a low-grade of Mn-Fe ore deposits within
this member, but it’s much lower than that are existed in the basal Ras Samra member.
And these low-grade uneconomic deposits are coming in a contact with the overlying
Um Shebba Member.

4.3) Um Shebba Member

This member is the final and top one of the Um Bogma Formation (Fig. 6), and
it consists mainly of thickly bedded, brown to grey, very hard, macrocrystalline
dolostones, containing variable amounts of coarse-grained sands, in addition to
quartz pebbles (Kora, 1994). It reaches its maximum thickness of about 17 m, in the
northwestern part of Um Shebba. This aforementioned thickness decreases gradually,
in the direction to east and southeast of the region, and it’s completely absent in the
easternmost localities. The Lower part of this member contains Carboniferous marine
fossils, such as bivalves and crinoids (Kora, 1994). The complete absence of this
member in the easternmost localities of the Um Bogma region may be used as an
indicator to that this part was uplifted soon after the deposition of the underlying
members. This member had been deposited during the regression of the
Carboniferous Sea, in the direction to the west (Kora, 1994). The abrupt change from
dolostones to coarse-grained sandstones, at the top of Um Shebba member, along
with the existence of possible karst features in the dolostones can be used as strong
evidence for a partial emergence of the area before the deposition of the upper
sandstone unit (Brenckle and Marchant, 1987). There is a badly preserved
brachiopods in the overlying Abu Thora Formation at Wadi Khaboba reflects the
shallow marine conditions, in the duration of deposition od the Um Bogma
Formation, in west-central Sinai, Egypt (Kora, 1992).

Fig. 6) A photo showing the stratigraphic column of the all formations of the Um Bogma
region, west central Sinai, and focusing upon the three main members of the formation
under study, after Kordi et al (2017).
Distribution of
Mn-Fe Deposits

Stratigraphic Distribution of
Mn-Fe Deposits
Mn-Fe Deposits are widely distributed within the whole members of the Um
Bogma Formation, but which have an economic impact is only limited within the
basal lower member (Ras Samra Member). The stratigraphic relations of the Mn-Fe
Ore Deposits are summarized as being outlined below, according to Kora et al (1994).

Fig. 7: Sketches representing some modes of occurrences of the Mn-Fe ore bodies within
the three members of the Um Bogma Formation, in Sinai, a) Abu Thora Area, b) El-Qor
Area, c) Um Rinna Area, By Kora et al (1994).
5.1) Mn-Fe deposits within the Ras Samra Member
a. The Mn-Fe Ore Deposits take the shape of stratiform lenticular bodies,
occurring within the lower part of the Um Bogma Formation (Ras Samra
Member), and its extension is in SW–NE direction through its central and
southern parts, this type of Mn-Fe Deposits has the following varieties:
1) The ore overlies and gets with a direct contact with the Adedia Formation
(Fig. 7. a), in some areas, such as in that of Ras El Homara, Abu Hamata,
Abu Zarab, Abu Thora Areas.
The ore has also an uncommon mode of occurrence as lenticular bodies
with intercalated with dolostones of the Ras Samra Member, as mainly
appeared in some areas, as in that of Ras Samra, Dakran, El Habla, Sid
El Banat, and Gebel Ghorabi Areas.
2) There is another uncommon occurrence of the Mn-Fe ore Deposits, which
overlies directly the dolostones of Ras Samra Member, in another areas,
such Abu Thora and El Kobra Areas.
3) In southeastern parts of the Um Bogma Region, the deposits under study,
are occupying the position of the Ras Samra Member, exactly such as in
case (a), but it’s overlain by silty shales and these by the sandstones of
the Abu Thora Formation.

5.2) Mn-Fe deposits within El-Qor and Um Shebba members

b. Mn-Fe Ore Deposits are also recoded within the two other members, such El-
Qor and Um Shebba Members, in addition to its recording in the top levels of
the Adedia Formation. These deposits take the shape of regular sheet-like
bodies, with transition to thin detrital facies. The Ore under study extend to the
northwestern flanks of the Um Bogma region, as being outlined as the
1) The ore is interbedded with marly carbonates and siltstones of the El-Qor
Member, of the El-Qor Area (Fig. 7. b).

2) In Wadi Khaboba, the ore is restricted to the contact of El-Qor and Um
Shebba Members, and this occurrence had been recorded in the El-Qor
and Um Rinna Areas (Fig. 7. c).
3) The ore is interbedded with the Um Shebba Member in surface outcrop,
in the eastern side of Wadi Kharig.
4) The ore is overlain by sandstones of the Abu Thora Formation and it’s
underlain by the middle El Qor Member of the Um Bogma Formation.
And this case is being considered as uncommon occurrence of Mn-Fe Ore
Deposits, and it’s recorded only in Um Rinna Area.

c. In Zobeir and Dakran localities, the deposits under study, are considered to be
of vein-like type, and these deposits of such a vein-like type are encountering
in two aforementioned localities only. These Ore Deposits are associated with
fissures and faults. At Dakran, the vein extends about 4 m vertically. And at
Zobeir, the thickness of the vein is about 0.4 m and extends for about 3 m
normal to the bedding.

d. In the northwestern part of the Um Bogma district, the disseminated Mn-Fe

Ore Deposits are mainly recorded. Scattered pockets and patches of
ferromanganese ore minerals which are considered being of low-grade, had
been contained within the dolomitic rocks, and these dolomitic rocks are
overlying the sandstone of the Adedia Formation, at the Um Shebba.


The geology and the mineralogy of the Mn deposits of the Um Bogma Region, in
west central Sinai, had been previously studied by some investigators, such as; Mart
and Sass 1972, Magaritz and Brenner 1979, Saleeb et al. 1987, Khalil 1988, Saad et
al. 1994, and Khalifa 2014. There is a dispute between investigators about the origin
of these most economic Mn ore deposits in Egypt, locating in the Um Bogma Region.

6.1) Evidence for hydrothermal origin of Mn deposits

There are three trends which have been more or less defined. Gindy 1961, Nakhla
et al. 1963, Saad et al. 1991, gave the evidence for the Mn deposits to be epigenetic
in its origin, and maintain that these deposits had been deposited as a result of the
activity of mineralized hydrothermal fluids within the host rock which is carbonate
in nature, the three aforementioned investigators gave four proofs as strong evidence
to stablish their idea for the origin of Mn deposits, as outlined as the following:
i. The manganese ore deposits are highly related to faults, existing in the area, as
the only abundantly existed structural element in the region under study, in
addition these deposits get being richer in Mn ore deposits, at the points near
these faults.
ii. Whenever these Mn ore deposits occur, the dolomitic limestone, suddenly,
partially disappeared, in addition to totally disappearing in such areas, bordered
in the Um Bogma Region, where only a little part of the limestone series had
disappeared within the vicinity of the ore deposits it is always the lower part of
the series which has vanished with the upper beds being left.
iii. In the areas where these deposits occur, hausmannite and manganite are found
(Hewett 1972; Roy 1981), associated to these Mn deposits, with an indication
of hydrothermal activity in such areas, which led to detect the origin of these
deposits, which are considered as being of hydrothermal Mn deposits.
iv. Criteria for replacement textures are reported with the manganese-iron ore
deposits e.g., relict, core and rim replacement textures. Besides, the

foraminiferal tests of Fusilina sp. are shown to be completely replaced by
polianite with their internal structures mostly obliterated (Saad et al., 1991).

6.2) Evidence for sedimentary origin of Mn deposits

Other investigators, as Mart et al. 1972, Magaritz and Brenner 1979, Kora 1984,
had maintained that these Mn ore deposits are considered to be primary sedimentary-
type in origin, and they gave some remarkably accepted evidence, as abbreviated as
the following:
i. Mn ore deposits had been occupied within the same stratigraphic horizon, and
these occupied deposits are older than the preponderant structural elements such
faulting and folding, existing in the same district. In addition to the occurred
displacement, taking place by the faults in the region.
ii. The presence of pyrolusite and manganite in association with goethite and
hematite, acting as strong evidence for sedimentary origin of these Mn deposits.
iii. The difference in the kind of insoluble residue between the inner and outer
zones of the ore lenses indicates that the major part of the ore was not formed
at the expense of the surrounding sandy dolomite, but rather associated with a
different lithology.
iv. There is no transition in mineralization between the ore bodies and the
overlying unconformable strata, in contrast with the narrow transition zone
between the ore and the laterally surrounding dolomites.
v. The dolomitization is synchronous with the mineralogical and chemical
reconstitution of the zoned deposits.

6.3) Role of karstification and weathering processes in Mn

The weathering process played an important role in accumulation of the Mn
deposits, in the duration of the mature stage of the Carboniferous karstification (El-
Sharkawi et al. 1990). And the presence of much more amounts of quartz-sand grains

in the Mn ore deposits can be act as strong evidence of a karst-related mineralization.
The ore body varies in composition from pure manganese ore to pure iron ore, but it
generally represents a mixture of the two ores in variable concentrations. Mart and
Saas (1972) had divided the Mn ore deposits lenses which are larger than 50 m, into
three main mineralogical zones, they are outlined as; 1) an inner manganiferous zone,
2) an intermediate ferruginous-manganese zone, and 3) an outer ferruginous zone.
There is a transition between the ore bodies and the surrounding dolomite, and this
transition phase is abrupt and distinguished by an enrichment of quartz-sand grains,
up to 73% (Saad et al. 1994).

6.4) Results of geochemical analysis of Mn ore samples by Saad

Saad et al. (1994) had made a geochemical analysis for tens of samples, plucked
from the lower member of the Um Bogma Formation, which contains the economic
Mn ore deposits, the aforementioned author found that there is an inverse relation
between Mn and Fe oxides (Fig. 8), in the samples, and gave a belief that this inverse
relation suggests that a fractionation between two these elements took place during
their deposition. Also found that manganese of the Um Bogma is of hydrothermal in
nature, depending upon the geochemical analysis, using ternary diagram of Fe-Mn-
[10x (Cu+Ni+Co)], (Fig. 9). In addition, the Mn ore deposits are observed to be
highly enriched in Pb, Cu, Zn, and Ba, and there is a depletion in such elements as
Co, Ni, Be, Mo, Sr, and Sn (Saad et al. 1994).

Fig. 8: Scatter plot showing the inverse relation between Fe203 and MnO2, in the Umm
Bogma region, west central Sinai.

Fig. 9: Ternary diagram Fe-Mn-[10x(Cu+Ni+Co)], (Bonatti et al., 1972). The manganese

deposits studied fall in the hydrothermal field.

6.5) Types of Mn ore deposits according to geochemistry by
Khalifa (2014)
There are three main types of Mn-Fe ore deposits, which had been detected by
field observations, MnO and Fe2O3 content, and MnO2/Fe2O3 ration, such as; 1)
Mn-rich ore, 2) Fe-Mn rich ore, and 3) Fe-rich ore (Khalifa, 2014). Also, it’s
investigated that there is a strikingly strong negative correlation between MnO and
Fe2O3, it reflects the precipitation of these deposits under different environmental
conditions (Saad et al. 1994; Khalifa, 2014). The components K2O, Al2O3, MgO, Co,
Cu, Zn, Sr, and Sn are all positively correlated with Mn and with a negative one with
Fe (Saad et al. 1994). Positive correlation had been investigated for Ba and Cu with
MnO, with correlation coefficients of; r=0.75 between Ba and MnO and r=0.63
between Cu and MnO (Khalifa, 2014), it reflects that these Ba and Cu had been
selectively adsorbed on manganese oxides. The positive correlation coefficients
between some trace elements, such as Co-Ni (r=0.63), Co-Cu (r=1.00) and so on,
indicates that these Mn deposits are of hydrothermal in origin (Saad et al. 1994;
Khalifa, 2014).


General Remarks
Um Bogma region is a most important spot for Manganese deposits of an
economic impact, that’s only because that its reserve of Mn is very high and
consequently an economic, and get exploited since ancient time. So, this
aforementioned region had been studied geochemically, petrologically, structurally
by many investigators. The results and the properties of these studies are outlined
o By and general, Mn depostis were remarkably restrained in the Archean period,
but reversely, the Fe deposits were dominantly appeared in this time,
worldwide. That’s a result of the paucity of Mn in the volcanic/hydrothermal
exhalations, in the duration of the Archean. Otherwise, Mn deposits had been
considered to be economic and exploitable in Proterozoic and Phanerozoic,
within volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits, because the magma of
these two last periods was highly enriched in Mn, but during the Archean
period, the magma was poor in it.
o Due to the ongoing evolution of the crust of the earth, in addition to the
evolution of the earth’s spheres, especially lithosphere, the economic
manganese deposits had appeared for first time, worldwide, only around 3000
Ma, in the iron ore group in India.
o Oxygen had increased in the Proterozoic era, and get being too much, that’s as
result of photosynthesis process by biota in such period, this oxygen had
consequently oxygenated the atmosphere and hydrosphere, and then facilate the
deposition of Mn deposits, in general.
o Tectonic regime, in the Phanerozoic eon, had been controlled by the plate
motions of converging and diverging in nature, and then, this controlled the
processes of deposits forming. So, this controlled regime facilate the producing
of such deposits as Mn, as a remarkable example, in the aforementioned eon.
o Only Mn ore deposits had been enclosed within the lower part of Um Bogma
formation, exactly in the dolomitic one, in the Um Bogma region only, because
Um Bogma formation does not expose in other areas, otherwise, Abu Thora
formation exactly exposes.
o Structurally, the faults are the notable structures in such region, as the most
predominant structural elements existed in this region of Um Bogma. There are

three main groups of these faults, according to the direction of their trending.
NNW-SSE trending faults, NW-SE trending faults, and E-W trending faults.
Due to the presence of these faults, vertical displacement occurs in such region,
reaching up to 100m.
o Mn ore deposits within the Lower part of the Um Bogma formation have been
grouped into four types; a) Stratiform continental Mn-conglomerate, sandstone,
and mudstone, b) Stratiform lagoonal to swampy bedded manganiferous
mudstone and dolostone, c) Stratiform pisolitic Mn ore, d) and Stratabound
karst Mn ore. The first indicates two cases… to surface slope deposits,
accumulated through mudflow regime, and to derivation Mn- and Fe-rich
materials such as clasts from contiguous sources. The second type subjects to
be deposited into a restricted lagoonal environment, with high salinity. And the
third type can be used an indication to deposition during cyclic shoaling
regimes. Finally, the hast refers to the process of sea regression after the effect
of weathering processes such as karstification.
o Surface processes, such as the most important one of weathering play an
important role in accumulation of Mn deposits during the mature stage of the
Carboniferous karstification. The presence of quartz-sand grains in the Mn ore
deposits can be considered as acceptable evidence for this case.
o Mn ore deposits of Um Bogma are highly enriched in Pb, Cu, Zn, and Ba. And
depleted of Co, Ni, Be, Mo, Sr, and Sn. In addition, and according to
geochemical analysis, there is an inverse relation between Fe 2O3 and MnO2,
with a most notable indication to the happening of the fractionation process
between two these elements, during their deposition. Also, an according to the
Fe-Mn-[10x (Cu+Ni+Co)] ternary diagram, the manganese of the Um Bogma
is of hydrothermal in origin.


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‫تقع منطقة أم بجمة في غرب وسط سيناء‪ ،‬بجمهورية مصر العربية‪ ،‬وقد جذبت هذه المنطقة انتباه الكثير من‬
‫الباحثين لدراستها‪ ،‬نظر ا ألهميتها االقتصادية‪ ،‬باعتبارها نقطة اقتصادية محورية هامة لرواسب المنجنيز في‬
‫مصر‪ ،‬حيث تعت َبر هذه المنطقة مشاعا اقتصاديا لرواسب العالم‪ ،‬حيث تمثل نسبة مهمة من النسب االقتصادية‬
‫لرواسب الخامات في قارة أفريقيا على حد العموم‪ ،‬وفي دولة مصر خصوصا‪.‬‬

‫قس َِم متكون أم بجمة استراتجرافيـا إلى ثالثة أعضاء‪ ،‬من األسفل لألعلى؛ راس سمرا‪ ،‬الكور‪ ،‬وأم شيبه‪ ،‬وتظهر‬
‫رواسب المنجنيز في ك ٍل ِمن الثالثة أعضاء‪ ،‬ل ِك َّن الرواسب االقتصادية التي لها جدوى وأهمية تتركز في العضو‬
‫الذي باألسفل (راس سمرا) وذلك من خالل انتشار رواسب المنجنيز خالل صخوره الدولوماتـيـتـية‪.‬‬

‫قد تأثرت منطقة أم بجمة بمجموعة من العمل يات الجيولوجية والحركات التكتونية‪ ،‬وتعد الصدوع العنصر‬
‫التركيبي األعم الذي تأثرت به المنطقة‪ ،‬وقد ق ِس َمت العناصر البنائية السائدة (الصدوع) بالمنطقة حسب اتجاهاتها‬
‫إلى؛ صدوع في اتجاه شمال شمال غرب ‪ -‬جنوب جنوب شرق (في اتجاه البحر األحمر)‪ ،‬واتجاه شمال غرب‬
‫‪ -‬جنوب شرق (في اتجاه خليج السويس)‪ ،‬وأيضا صدوع في اتجاه شرق ‪ -‬غرب‪.‬‬

‫ت أو أنواعٍ مختلفة؛ أ) الحجر الطيني والرملي‬ ‫أربع ِسحنا ٍ‬

‫ِ‬ ‫تقع رواسب المنجنيز في منطقة أم بجمة في‬
‫والكنجلوميرات الحاملة لرواسب المنجنيز طباقية الشكل قارية السحنة‪ ،‬ب) الحجر الدولوماتيتي والطيني‬
‫المتطبقان الحاملين لرواسب الحديد‪-‬المنجنيز واللذان تعتبر سحنتهما بـحيريـَّه إلى مستنقعيـَّه متطبقه‪ ،‬ج) رواسب‬
‫خام المنجنيز المتطبقه البيزوليتيه‪ ،‬د) رواسب خام المنجنيز الطباقيه الكيرستيه‪.‬‬

‫أجر َيت العديد ِمن الدراسات الجيوكيميائية لعينات المنجنيز المقتلَعَه ِمن متكون أم بجمة‪ ،‬بمنطقة أم بجمة‪ ،‬بغرب‬
‫وسط سيناء‪ ،‬فو ِجدَ أنها غنية جدا بعناصر الرصاص‪ ،‬النحاس‪ ،‬الزنك‪ ،‬والباريوم‪ ،‬وفقيرة في الكوبلت‪ ،‬النيكل‪،‬‬
‫البريليوم‪ ،‬المولبيديوم‪ ،‬السرانشيوم‪ ،‬القصدير‪ .‬وو ِجد أن هناك عالقة سالبة (عكسية) بين أكسيد المنجنيز وأكسيد‬
‫الحديد‪ ،‬وو ِجدَ أيض ا أن أكسيد البوتاسيوم‪ ،‬أكسيد األلمونيوم‪ ،‬أكسيد الماغنسيوم‪ ،‬النحاس‪ ،‬الكوبلت‪ ،‬الزنك‪،‬‬
‫السرانشيوم‪ ،‬والقصدير على عالقة موجبة (طردية) مع المنجنيز‪ ،‬وسالبة (عكسية) مع الحديد‪ ،‬وعلى عكس ذلك‬
‫و ِجدَ أن أكسيد السيليكون (الكوارتز)‪ ،‬البريليوم‪ ،‬المولبيديوم على عالقة طردية مع الحديد‪ ،‬وسالبة مع المنجنيز‪.‬‬
‫ومن المقارنة بين رواسب المنجنيز هذه (ألم بجمة)‪ ،‬مع الرواسب الحديدومنجنيزيه‪ ،‬تلك التي تتواجد في بيئات‬
‫اليوم المعاصرة المتنوعة‪ ،‬فو ِجدَ أن المحاليل الحرمائيه هي المسؤول األول عن تكون رواسب المنجنيز في‬
‫منطقة أم بجمة‪.‬‬

‫دراسة الخواص الجيوكيميائية ونشأة رواسب المنجنيز‪،‬‬
‫بمتكون أم بجمة‪ ،‬بمنطقة أم بجمة‪ ،‬بغرب وسط سيناء‪،‬‬
‫بجمهورية مصر العربية‪ :‬مقالة مرجعية‬


‫ي‬ ‫متول حمزة‬
‫حتت إشراف‪:‬‬
‫أ‪.‬د‪ /‬مصطف محمد مجاهد‬
‫أستاذ علم الصخور والجيوكيمياء‪ ،‬بقسم الجيولوجيا‪،‬‬
‫بكلية العلوم‪ ،‬بجامعة بنها‪ ،‬بنها‪ ،‬مصر‬

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