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Microsoft PowerPoint

The term "PowerPoint presentation" was coined when Microsoft

introduced its software PowerPoint. PowerPoint is commonly
used by presenters as a digital aid when presenting their topic to
a group of people Microsoft has called this type of software a
"presentation",which is a misnomer.Many presenters often forget
that they are the presentation that the audience came to see not
their PowerPoint presentation.

PowerPoint presentations consist of a number of individual pages or "slides". The "slide"

analogy is a reference to the slide projector. A better analogy would be the "foils" (or
transparencies/plastic sheets) that are shown with an overhead projector, although they
are in decline now. Slides may contain text, graphics, sound, movies, and other objects,
which may be arranged freely. The presentation can be printed, displayed live on a
computer, or navigated through at the command of the presenter. For larger audiences
the computer display is often projected using a video projector. Slides can also form the
basis of webcasts.
PowerPoint provides three types of movements:

1. Entrance, emphasis, and exit of elements on a slide itself are controlled by what
PowerPoint calls Custom Animations.
2. Transitions, on the other hand, are movements between slides. These can be
animated in a variety of ways.
3. Custom animation can be used to create small story boards by animating
pictures to enter, exit or move.
4. We can also insert text boxes in the slide and create different type of documents.
5. We can insert different type of shapes according to the need.
There are also many other things which we can do by the MS PowerPoint in our day-to-day

Originally designed for the Macintosh computer, the initial release was called

"Presenter", developed by Dennis Austin and Thomas Rudkin [2] of Forethought, Inc.[3] In
1987, it was renamed to "PowerPoint" due to problems with trademarks, the idea for the
name coming from Robert Gaskins.[4] In August of the same year, Forethought was
bought by Microsoft for $14 million USD ($29.1 million in present-day terms[5]), and
became Microsoft's Graphics Business Unit, which continued to develop the software
further. PowerPoint introduced many new changes with the release of PowerPoint 97.
PowerPoint 97 incorporated the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) language,
underlying all macro generation in Office 97.
PowerPoint 2000 (and the rest of the Office 2000 suite) introduced a clipboard that
could hold multiple objects at once. Another change was that the Office Assistant was
changed to be less intrusive.[6]
As of 2012, various versions of PowerPoint claim ~95% of the presentation software
market share, with installations on at least 1 billion computers.

Early Development
PowerPoint was developed by a former Berkeley Ph.D. student known as Robert
Gaskins. His idea was to develop an easy to use presentation program based on a
series of slides. As is the case with most successful ventures, PowerPoint had the most
humble beginning from a place one wouldn’t have fancied as the best place to make the
most extraordinary presentation software of its time. Gaskins, joined a company named
as ‘Forethought’ and began work on PowerPoint by hiring a developer named Dennis
Austin. The reason Forethought was not apparently the most ideal place for such a
venture was because it was a failing Silicon Valley company. It turns out it became the
ideal place for Gaskins to develop his software.

The above picture shows different versions of MS PowerPoint

Versions of PowerPoint include :

 1990 PowerPoint 2.0 for Windows 3.0

 1992 PowerPoint 3.0 for Windows 3.1
 1993 PowerPoint 4.0 (Office 4.x)
 1995 PowerPoint for Windows 95 (version 7.0; Office 95)
 1997 PowerPoint 97 (version 8.0; Office 97)
 1999 PowerPoint 2000 (version 9.0; Office 2000)
 2001 PowerPoint 2002 (version 10; Office XP)
 2003 Office PowerPoint 2003 (version 11; Office 2003)
 2007 Office PowerPoint 2007 (version 12; Office 2007)
 2010 PowerPoint 2010 (version 14; Office 2010)
 2013 PowerPoint 2013 (version 15; Office 2013)
Note: There is no PowerPoint version 5.0 or 6.0, because the Windows 95
version was launched with Word 7.0. All Office 95 products have OLE 2 capacity
—moving data automatically from various programs—and PowerPoint 7.0 shows
that it was contemporary with Word 7.0.
Note 2: Version number 13 was skipped due to superstition.

Icon for PowerPoint for Mac 2008

Versions for the Mac OS include:

 1987 PowerPoint 1.0 for Mac OS classic

 1988 PowerPoint 2.0 for Mac OS classic
 1992 PowerPoint 3.0 for Mac OS classic
 1994 PowerPoint 4.0 for Mac OS classic
 1998 PowerPoint 98 (8.0) for Mac OS classic (Office 1998 for Mac)
 2000 PowerPoint 2001 (9.0) for Mac OS classic (Office 2001 for Mac)
 2001 PowerPoint v. X (10.0) for Mac OS X (Office:Mac v. X)
 2004 PowerPoint 2004 (11.0) for Mac OS X Office:Mac 2004
 2008 PowerPoint 2008 (12.0) for Mac OS X Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac
 2010 PowerPoint 2011 (14.0) for Mac OS X Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac

Microsoft PowerPoint 2011[edit]

In PowerPoint 2011, several key features have been added. Screen
Capturing allows for taking a screenshot and adding it into the document. It
is now possible to remove image backgrounds, and there are additional
special effects that can be used with pictures, such as 'Pencil effects'.
Additional transitions are also available. However, the ability to apply
certain text effects directly onto existing text, as seen in Microsoft Word is
not available; a separate WordArt text box is still required.
Importance of PowerPoint presentation
Usually people are of the idea that PowerPoint Presentations are mere slideshows that
limit your e learning process to just click and read. But this is just half the truth. Actually
it all depends upon how you have created your slides and what amount of content you
have put in; which defines the accuracy of your slides.
Presentation plays a vital role in e-learning and has revolutionized the concept of
providing knowledge at all levels. Whether it is on initial stages like schools and colleges
or it is on the corporate front, learning has taken a new edge with advanced technology.
Now lectures, seminars and project discussions don’t seem that much boring, all thanks
to PowerPoint.
The significance of PowerPoint Presentations in e-learning becomes clear from the fact
that it has given access to a variety of online resources and tools which have helped in
creating an engaging and interactive learning environment. Let’s have a glance at some
of the major plus points of PPT‘s in electronic learning, which has completely
modernized the whole learning process:
 PowerPoint has put an end to all the manual learning processes and has given a
simpler way for seeking knowledge. Now you don’t have to waste your time in
preparing lessons and assignments manually and can switch to automatic learning
process, which is more interesting and attention grabbing.
 This whole process has given rise to mobile learning, which does not require those
conventional classrooms. It has made people  techno-savvy as for now every
person is found glued  to his laptop and smart phones, which clearly indicates that
technology is changing the way of learning to a large extent.
 The concept of e-learning with presentation has taken things to new heights. It has
introduced many different ways of interaction with the people and the course
material, which is amazingly convenient and technologically advanced.
 It is the easy accessibility and simplified learning approach, which has made
PowerPoint Presentations an important part of this all new e-learning technique.  Its
usefulness and defined visual aids and themes forces both the presenters and the
listeners to concentrate on what the slides are conveying.
 PowerPoint has now also become more flexible for online sharing as you can share
your presentations for e-learning purposes by using free web services
like SlideOnline. For a list of some of the finest slide sharing services, see our list of
the Best Websites For Sharing Presentations Online.
All these points clearly indicate the importance of PowerPoint in e-learning, which has
given learners the new way of learning things. Switching to this new way will not only
make things interesting but will also save time of both the listeners and the presenter.

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