Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

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Republic of the Philippines

Region V
Commission on Higher Education
Goa, Campus


CODE & COURSE EN 301 Sociolinguistics

PROFESSOR Joy Melga B. Olazo, Ph.D.

ACTIVITY Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

1. What is the main argument or discussion given by the author in this video?

The main concept of Linguistic determinism or language determinism is that concept of

language or language itself and its structures limit and determine human knowledge or thought.
People’s world and views are determined by experiences and they act accordingly based on
linguistics relatively. This argument was pioneered by Sapir and continued by Whorf where Sapir-
Whorf Hypothesis is created.
According to Ottenheimer, Harriet Joseph (2009), Language determinism is viewed as the
stronger form—because language is viewed as a complete barrier, a person is stuck with the
perspective that the language enforces—while linguistic relativity is perceived as a weaker form
of the theory because language is discussed as a lens through which life can be focused through,
but the lens can be changed, and perspectives can be changed along with it. 1 The formulation of
thoughts according to Whorf, is not a conscious, independent process, rather, thoughts are
determined by the specific grammar and vocabulary of the language in which ideas are expressed.
The world, as each individual views it, is, therefore, organized and rationalized through language;
because language is the way thoughts are expressed, language can also shape thoughts.2
Indeed, language determinism strongly advocates the way that people think, work, and
construct meaning which leads to language patterns in thought. This could serve as the springboard
and guide to articulate language perfectly in a manner it could be.
2. What is the relationship between language and culture as propounded in Sapir-Worf

The emphasis of the hypothesis of Sapir and Worf posits that language and culture are
affected by the language and structure considering that culture is composed of linguistic properties
from the people around; the language enforced and determines their language/communication. It
has always been supported by the casual relationship between the language and culture or known
as linguistic relativism. (Kaplan's Thought Patterns & Intercultural Communication, 2018) “has
researched the ways in which language and culture influence narrative construction and posited
that our first language (mother tongue) has a powerful influence on the way we shape our thoughts
and organize our ideas. He describes linear, circular, metaphoric, argument/rebuttal styles, etc.,
and associates these with particular language groups.”3


Ottenheimer, Harriet Joseph (2009). The Anthropology of Language: An Introduction to Linguistic
Anthropology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. pp. 28–41. ISBN 9780495508847.
Whorf, B.L. (1956). "Science and Linguistics". In Carroll, J.B. Language, Thought, and Reality: Selected
Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. pp. 212–214. ISBN 0-262-73006-5
Kaplan's Thought Patterns & Intercultural Communication. (2018, February 6).

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