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PH-RM-5 Classroom Study Package 1819

) The Perpendicular-Axes
moment of
of iner
of m o m e n t
inertia of a plane lamina about two mutually perpendicular axes lying in its plane is
The sum moment of
of iner
inertia about an axis perpendicular to the plane of lamina and passing through the
qual tointersection of these two axes.
point of
i.e. t ly
is applicable only to the plane bodies.
This theorem



(a) M.I. of a thin uniform rod of mass 'm' and length 'l' about an axis passing through its
C.M. and making an angle '0' with the rod.
dl = dm (x sin 8)

Msin 0dx .X sin 0

l= dl=J7 sin? 0x dx

Msine B

0 lf axis is perpendicular to the rod, 0 90° l=MLZ

) f ais is coinciding with the rod, 0 0 I = 0.

a thin uniform rod of mass m and length I about an axis passing through one
end and
making an angle 0 with the rod.
I=fdl= dm(x sin 0
sin e dx ML2
0) Maxis is
perpendicular to the rod, 0 =90° 1= MLZ
(i) If axis is
oinciding with the rod, 0 0 I = 0. xsin

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PH-RM-6 PH-RM-7 Classroom Study Package 1819
Classroom Study Package1819

la = 1 of sphere B about cmI of sphere A about cm + mass of sphere A x

(c) Rectangular lamina Solution:
and 'b, about a line (distance between A and B
lamina of sides 'a'
a rectangular
The moment of inertia of the diagonal is given by R
the intersection of mR +m(2R)
perpendicular to its plane, passing
through =
2 2
5mR =

Mla+b) 5 x4 x (0.4)* =3.2 kg/m

lustration 2: What is the minimum moment of inertia of a system of particles of masses m, and ma
() Uniform circular ring about
being interconnected by a rigid light bar of length&, about an axis perpendicular to the
its radius is R. Also, all the rod and passing through it.
Let us assume that the mass of the ring is M and
distance from the axis.
elements of the ring are at the same perpendicular
lrdm= Rdm=RSdm= MR Solution: mx+ma (t-x) T2

d 2mx -2m2(-x)
(e) Uniform circular disc about an axis dx -x
M d1
of the disc is M and its radius is R, then mass per unit area O 2m+ 2m2
If the mass TR? dx
The disc may be considered as a combination large elementary
of number of rings.
width dx. for minima=0 and 0
Let us consider one such elementary ring of radius x and dx dx
Mass of the ring= 2xdx = X
R2 = 0
The moment of inertia of the elementary ring about AA' is
2 m x - 2m2(l- x) = 0 ( m t ma)x = m2l

dl-R d X
Moment of inertia of the disc m+

20 for any x

(0 Uniform cylinder about its axis min m mmmn

Moment of inertia of a cylindrical shell and a solid cylinder about the given axis are,
respectively, MR and (MR/2). Wmin
The axis must pass through the C.M. of the system.
g) Spherical shell about a diameter
lustration 3: A unifom hemispherical ell of mass M and radius R is
Moment ofinertia ofa unifom thin spherical shell about a diameter is (2/3)MR and that of a unifom solid suspended from point P. Find the M.. of the shell about a
Sphere is (25)MR", where M is the corresponding mass and R is the radius. The moment of inertia ot 3
horizontal axis passing through point P as shown.

hollow sphere with inner and outer radii ry and ra, respectively, is given byM
) Spherical shell Solution: M.IL. about a horizontal axis through its centre 'O' is
(i) Solid Sphere Gii) Hollow sphere
b MR
Also, using parallel axis theorem
lolm+Mx* (1)

where x=for
unifom hemispherical shell
ustration 1: Two thin +guret
discs each of mass 4.0 kg and radius 0.4 m are lp lem + M(R-x
attached endicui

From (1) and (2)

Tom a
nigid body. What is the rotational inertia of this body about an axis
to the plane of disc B and P
passing its centre?through
FiTTJ Ltd., FITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi
e website: www.fü
-110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
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Classroom Study Package1819 PH-RM-9 Classroom Study Package 1819

lp-, = M(R-x*-M
Solution: In case ofunífom circular motion
a, =vi)= r
a (27r
l 0

then find l here a<10 g, so
and h MRand
Note: For a solid hemisphere. put x- f 1010
SOLVEDPROBLEMS Problem 4: Two thin discs each of mass 4.0 kg and radius 0.4 m are attached as shown in figure
fom a rigid body. What is the rotational ineria of this body about an axis perpendicular
to the plane of dísc B and passing through its centre ?

SUBIECTIVE () frequency (i) angular speed

Find its
Solution: l = lofsphere B about cm+1
sphere A x (distance between A and By
of sphere about cm + mass of

A body executes 300 revolutions in 6 s.

Problem 1:
üme period and (v) time required to turn through 60°
mR mR,
2 2
Frequency, f= 50persecond
Solution: 54 (0.4f =3.2 kg/m
50 = 100 z rads Find the moment of ineria of a square plate about a diagonal and show that it is equal to
) Arngular speed, o =2f =2*zz Problem 5:
the rotatonal ineria about a median line.
(m)Timeperiod,T Solution: loz =l. The two diagonals of a square intersect at night angles, so
By symmetry los

M) 18=zradian, uSing theorem of perpendicular a e s

= 2p
But for a square a = b =L

So, = M+19 ML2

Herce, he tme required to tum trrough 60* = 12

lb =ML12 D
Problem 2: A wheel rotates with an gven by a = 4at- 3bt,
angutar acceleration t is the
where time Again by symmetry lus luz hu =

ad a ad b e constarts. H re whee has initid angular speed m, vmite the equations Now as the two medians also intersect at right angles, by
tor te (a) argsar syeed o) argsar ásiacement. theorem of perpendicular ares

2u= 2lp
ohstion das a Thus, u lo

accelerated wheel reaches the angular velocity 20 radsec in 10 revolution
Problem 1: A unformly
after rotation begins. The angular acceleration d wheel is
(A) 27 rad/s (B) z rad/sec
C)rad/s (D)radsec
Solution: (C)
Given a=0, y= 20 rad/sec
and G10 rev. or 20 r rad
So by the equation

Protlsm 3
stratsdsrky 1odarg n a r a d reus 4 m. 400 1 rad /sec
19g Fe kas te rasrn rurtes d pemrissits he can withard &9
redhtons pea se 24 220

VA, Knks hro, hapnmya Thar, ieu Delhi 110016, Ph 46iAKA, 1ESHI, Fas
FIIT JPA Hus, 19 6,

Classroom Study Package 1819 PH-RM-11

minute is
revolutions aa minute
al 600revolutions is h .
brought to Classroom Study Package1819
rotating at 600 HOw ons
many revolutions does i make
Problem 2 A pulley o n e meter
force offriction
on its
before Problem 5: A particle of mass m is
a constant revolving in a honzontal circde of radius r with a constant angular
20s by
coming to rest?
300 speod . The areal velocity of the particle is

(A) 200
(D) 100
(A)ro (B)
(C)4400 (C)
Solution: (D) 600x2= 207 rad/sec
1m, a
600 rev/min 50 Solution: (C)
Given D
Areal veloaty where A = area of the sector
0 in 20 seC
-a 2
therefore, a ab

a rad/sec? dA dro de
rest is dt 2 2d 2
before coming to
so the no. of revoludion

= 200rrad 100 revolutions
1. Two unifom,
thin identical rods each of mass m and length are
to the disc jcined
of a unifomm disc about
ine perpendicular equals its to fom a cross as shown in the
figure. Find the mement af inertia cf the
Problem 3 The radius of gyration from the centre of
the disc is
cross about a line AC. (Which is
distance of the line perpendicular to the plane of paper
radius R. The
) R/2 and passing through 0)
2. A bicycde wheel of radius 0.3 m has a rim of mass t.0 kg and 50 spokes, each of mass 0.01 Kg.
What is its moment of inertia about its axis of rotaton?
Solution: line from the centre
of the
Let the distance
3. A disc of mass m and radius 'R' is attached to a rectanguuar plate c
mR .(1)
I md the same mass, breadth R and length 2R as shown in the figure.
Since the radius of gyration about
the line is R Find the moment of inertia of this system about the axis XX*
passing through the centre of the disc and along the piane.
From Eqs. (1) and (2)
In which of the following cases, it is most difficuit to rotate the rod? Explain why?
mR2= +md? d= 2

h. The coefficients
Problem 4: A rod of length (falls on two metal pads of same height from a height (a)
of the rod
ofafterrestitution d the metal pads
it recoils is
are e, and e (e, ez). The angular velocity

5. (a) Three rods, each of mass m and length t, are joined together to fom an equilateral
(A)2gh Find the
moment of Inertia of the system about an axis passing through its centre of masss
and perpendicular to the plane of the tiangle.
(b) Also find the radius of gyration about the same axis.

6. (a) Find the M.I. ofthe section shown (a part of circular disc) about
Solution: (C) an axis perpendicular to its plane and passing through point 'O'.
After collision, the end A moves with a linear
velocity of
e2gh. whereas end B moves with a
velocity of e2 2gh rs er*oa***************
(b) Find the M.I. of a unifom semicircular disc of mass M and
The relative velocity between the
ends is radius'R about an axis perpendicular to its plane and passing
e2gh -ey2gh through point 'P as shown.
The angular
velocity T2gh =

PiTJ Ltd., FlftJEE House, 29-A, Kah1 Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -1 10016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 265139H2
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Classroom Study Package1819 PH-RM-13 Classroom Study Package 1819
point of the rod is O and ts
from A to B. Mid to the lenath o t r e of
increases linearly
The density of a rod AB 8, O and C (ail perpendicular od)
through A, and lc. respectively. Thenn ustration 1: A rectangular plate in the x-y plane is shown in the figure. A
is atC. Four axes pass axes are la le, lo
mass the rod about these
The moment ofinertia of (B)lAle force F (2-3j) N is applied at point B. Find the moment
(A) lA= ls D) lo <l
(C)lo le of Fabout
lamina of mass M and height (a) the origin O,
moment of inertia of a triangular
8. The
h about its base is
(b) the pointC, 2m
(c) X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis.
(A) Mh (8)M im C

(C)M ()M Solutlon: (a) Torque of Fabout O:

=x=(i+2h) (2Í-3h)=-7k Nm
Y =

O =i+2
solid sphere of the same mass and
9. The ratio of the radii of gyration of a spherical shell and a
radius (b) T=CBx =2jx(2i-3j)--4X Nm
about a tangental axis is

(A) : 7
(B) 5: V6 ()oroi=(-7k).i =0
(C) 25: 21
(0) 21: 25 Tig-=(-7k).j=0
z2 igk =(-7k)k = -7 N-m.
10. The moment of inertial of a hollow cylinder of mass M and inner radius R; and outer radius R
about its central axis is

()M(RR) The Torque Equation

(A)MR-R) If the net torque acting on a body about any inertial axis is i and the moment of inertia about that axis is

(C) M(R-R) ()MR,-R, , then the angular acceleration ä of the body is gliven by the relation:
If the axis is non-inertial, the equation T = l
= la.
is applicable but net torque i also Includes the torque of

ROTATIONAL DYNAMICS pseudo forces about the non-inertial axis.

Torque (Moment ofa Force)
Torque or moment of force is the tuming action of the force about a given point 2fo x(mä,) 2io x(mx jo)
Hlnge Hingo HIngo ä and Y is 90° and ä xf isl to f
We have 3 identical rods of mass m and length (we are Angle between min
applying force ofmagnitude Fon rods in different directions. o
Case 1: Obviously rod starts rotating anti-dlockwise When the axis is passing through C.M. of rigid body, then we can
Case 2: Rod will not rotate. use the torque equatlon
So we can say that only radial force cant rotate a rod. Tcmcm
Case 3: perpendicular component where tom is the net torque of real forces acting on the body about C.M. axis whether it is
of force
causes rotation.

accelerating or non-accelerating. Because when it is accelerating the torque of pseudo force

acting on C.M. will be zero.
The torque vector i of a force Fabout the
O is defined as the vector
given point Torque about an axis
=YxF, where f is the
position vector of point ofLine of action ofF
application P of force relative to the point O'.
The torgueofa force aboutan axls is indopandont of the cholce of the origin 'O", L.e. first find the
i=rf sin 8 i= Fh n torque of force about any polnt on the axis and then take component of thls torque along the axls.
where n is the unit vector obtained the
i.e. Torque = Force x
by vector product rule. The torque of force F about point O, is
perpendicular distance of point O from line of acton of force To OPxF
Torque about an axis
Let 'O' be any Again, TorAB) =io ñ= (OPxF). i .(1)
point on the axis AA'. The
torque of the force
Fabout the axis AA'is defined as (Where i is unit vector along axis AB)
TAN (FxF)ü The torque of force F about point O'is
where üis the unit vector To OPxF
along the axis AA'

FiTE Ltd, FIrUES House, 29A, Kaku Ltd., FITJEE House, 29-A, Katu Sarai,
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Study Package PH-RM-15 Classroom Study Package 1819


Angular Momentum or Moment of Momentum
Angular momentum of a particle about a given point is definedas
= fo-n
Now, ToYAS) L =Yxp
as (OOxF)i-0 Here, f position vector of the
particle with respect to the given point, and
p= linear momentum of the particle relative to the point.
0OF)-(0PxF) (2)
ToTAB) ( O P x Ë ) - i o =YxP

(hence proved) different but their comn.

ents along the rsin
oAs) axis i l be
oTAS) on the

The torque about

different points axis
wll b e s a m e . PanP
= +x(mv)

Case ll:
FIAB) Direction of L can be given by the rules of vector product
When the force
is parallel to axis (ie. Magnitude of the angular momentum of a paticle about a point is equal to the product of its linear
relative to the point and length the perpendicular to the line of linear momentum relative to
=OPxF momentum
the point.
FLAB : FJAB) A body which translates can also have angular momentum. It is not necessary for a body to rotate to
TABTñ=0 Where
ñ is vectoralong AB] about the axis will be zero
unit have angular momentum. However, angular momentum the point
depends on it is
about which taken.
to the axis its torque A particle is moving in horizontal direction with linear momentum P
Hence, when the force is parallel
Case I: The position vector of particle is rotating about A in dockwise direction
Case ll hence it has clockwise angular momentum about point A.
axis AB
When the force F intersects the
F=OPx =OPFsin 0= 0 Case I!:The position vector of particle is not rotating about B so angular
momentum about B is 0.
about the axis will be
Hence, when the force intersects the axis its torque
Case Il: The position vector of particle is rotating about c in anticlockwise direction.

Case Wlustration 3: A of mass m

particle v at an
is projected with velocity angle with the horizontal. Find its
angular momentunm about the point of projection when it is at the highest point of its
When the force F and AB are non-parallel and non-intersecting lines (i.e. rajjectory.
SKew lines).
Solution: At the highest point, it has only horizontal velocity
Take the o components of force, first parallel to the axis and second
perpendicular to the adis. Now, the torque of parallel component about the axis will
be zero and the torque of perpendicular component about the axis will be net
VV COs 6
Length of the perpendicular to the horizontal velocity from 'O' is the maximum height,
torque of force about the axis.
max sin e
The required angular momentum
lustration 2: A unifom rod of mass and
length is held stationary in vertical F mg
position on a smooth horizontal surface as shown. Find the angular L Sin= dcoswhich is directed along negative z-axis.
acceleration of the rod in this 29
mg is applied at the position when a horizontal force F
upper end.
Angular momentunm of a particle describing circular motion
Solution: Taking torque about a horizontal axis passing As linear momentum (p) is along the tangent, hence
Tcmcm through the CM of the rod,
Txp =rpñ, where ñ is the unit vector perpendicular to the plane of
F nE
2 12 the circle and coming out of the plane of circle.
= m v r = mør, where P=mv =mor


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in a fixed axis
PH-RM-17 Classroom Study Package 1819
momentum of a rigid body describe circular motion
Angular constituent particles
rotation, all the about corresponding centres are
in a fixed axis paridles Axls of rotation
momentum of the

L =m.a, =m,k where o0 is the anguar speed of the body.

Angular momentum of sphere about z-axis is L-k = MVR
and similarly L, =m,õs, have same direction, therefora
momenta of all the particles
Since angular is given by
momentum of the whole body Relation between angular momentum and torque about any point for a particle
L=L+l t..+y Angular momentum of a particle about any point O is given by
f and p are the position vector and momentum of particle relative to the point O)
(m+ma+m,ö t=fxp(where
Differentiating w.r.t. time, we get
l=l6=angular momentum parallel to the axis of rotation.
de dp
general plane motion dt dt dt
Angular momentum of a rigid body describing
-+R where =
position vector ofm, relative to C.M. -Vx (mV)+fxF
V=velodity vector of m relative to C.M.
Angular momentum of the rigid body about O is dt
particle relative to a point 'O' is equal to the net torque
The time rate of change of angular momentum of
-xmy acting on the particle about the point 'O'.

In that case, =dt still remains valid but net torque i also
Point 'O' may be accelerating (non-inertial).

-00-Mm- 2m-o includes the torque of pseudo force about point '0'.
Equation=i is equivalent to threescalarequations=t dy , andd
.01) dt dt
where L angular momentum of rigid body about point O, Relation between angular momentum and torque for a system of particles (rigid body)
Ln angular momentum of rigid body about its C.M. and
For the sake of convenience considering a system of two particles,
Ran &aMn= angular momentum of the body about the point O
concentrated at the centre of mass and
assuming that the entre mass is
moving with a velocity equal the velocity of centre of mass.
Simiary, to find the angular momentum of a rigid body àbout any axis AB, Total angular momentum of system
passing through point
where i
For z-axis i=k
unit vector along axis AB d d dl
dt dt dt
Lk=n K-R aMK
lustration 4: Aunifom
Le =Lan)+(Rm xMVm)k
solid sphere of dL F21-F2)
axis on a mass M and
horizontal surface as radius R is moving along x dx+-/)xX2
momentum of the
sphere about point Oshown.
Find the
about the Z-axis.
Solution: L
=Lam +Rom xMV

om-k)+MVR(-K) Also, three equivalent scalar equations are Tex) TexN

Ox ox) dt and Texlz)
MR The time rate of of angular momentum of a system of partidles about an axis is equal to
change net
extemal torque acting on the system about that axis. If the axis is accelerating (non-inertial), the equation

Firtded Lud,
FiTJEE House,
29-4, Kad1
Sarai, Sarvapriya eLtd, FuTJEEHouse, 29.4, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, Neu Delhi -1 10016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
Vihar, New Uu-110016, Ph
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Classroom Study Package 1819 PH-RM-19 Classroom Study Package 1819
the torque of
torque xalso
torque pseudo force
L stil remains applicable but net extemal
dt the axis. 3 R
C.M. of system about
acting on the dcm Tex(cm) whether C.M. isIs iinertial
Whether nr
about the
C.M. axs asdt"ex(cm) or non As the angular acceleration a is unifom and opposite to o
We can also write the equation
real external torces
about axis han
C.M. axis because torque
the torque of only
' = - l
inertial frame. exlem) represents
0 = o0- t =30%R
pseudo force will be
3R 4ug
Problem 3: A particle of mass m is projected at t = 0 from a point O on the ground with a speed Vo at

an angle of 45° to the horizontal. Find the magnitude and direction of the angular

SUBIECTIVE momentum of the paricle about O at time t= va/g. (Assume

= 0.7)

moves translationally
of mass (1kg)
Problem 1: A unifom rod AB
two antiparallel 20 cm Using equation of motion v= u+ at along horizontal
with acceleration of 2 m/ss due to Solution
between Fi and F2 is direction
and Fz. The separation Fa 5N
forces F =5N. v,=(Vo/N2) +0xt= 0.7 Vo las a = 0]
20 cm. Find the length
of the rod if Fa
And along vertical direction,
v, = (vN2)-g (v/g) = -0.3v
So, the velocity of particle at time t = (vog) in vector fom
torque about
without rotation. Hence the
Solution: The rod moves
CM will be zero. V-(0.7vo)-+03v,)
20 cm
Torque about CM F{x+ 0.2)-Fax
( F 2 - F i x = 0.2F1

Now, using S=ut+ atf along horizontal direction.
=2 m/s*
The rod moves with acceleration, a

F2-Fi= Ma B x=x0 =0.7

2 g 9
5-F 1x2
And along verical direction,
Solving equation (). (F2 -Fr)x = 0.2 F

2x=0.2 x3
x=0.3 m= 30 cm
y 029
So, the position vector at the t(=vo/g) will be
Length ofthe rod, AB 2(20+30) cm
100 cm= 1m
Problem 2:
Aunifom disc of radius R and mass M is spun to an angular velocity og in its plane about
is cente and then placed on a rough horizontal surface such that the plane of the disc is As by definition L = (Y xp) = m(+ xv)

parallel to the horizontal plane. If the co-efficient of friction between the disc and the
surface is how
, long wi it take for the disc to come to stop ?

Solution: Consider a differential circular

thickness dx. Mass of this strip is
strip of the disc of radius x and
So, L-mv
02 9
m-2014 9

dm a2rx dx; where a


Torque on the strip due to frictional force is

equal to dr =
uog 21x dx
( Problem 4:
0.7V-0.3v 0

A uniform solid cylinder A of mass my can freely rotate about a

horizontal axis fixed to a mount of mass m2. A constant.
horizontal force F is applied to the end K of a light thread tightly
The disc is a combination of a number of such strips. The torque on the diso
given wound on the cylinder. The friction between the mount and the mmmmn
by TJdr
Supporting horizontal plane is assumed to be absent. Find
uo g2 xdk =uog 2 (a) the acceleration of the point K.
(6) the kinetic energy of thesystemt seconds after beginning of motion.

ITDee iTee Lid., FiTTJEE House, 29-A, Katu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000,
26569493, Fax 26513942
Ld., PlTJEE House,
29-A, Kat1 Sarai, website: uwww.fü
Sarvapriya V+har, New Delhi
-110016, Ph 46106000, 26509* *
Classroom Study Package1819
PH-RM-21 Classroom Study Package 1819
Solution: (a) The acceleration of whole syste +m2

of the point K
w.r.t. the axis
of the cylinder ah= Vsin2g v sin29 45 Y49
The acceleration
a2 aR L=-
where a is given by
FR 32 mn2F
FR la or a mR/2 mR Puting vo= V4gh) we obtain
K w.r.l. ground L= m/2gh
T h e acceleration ofthe point
F m +2m2)2
Problem 3: A string is wrapped several times round a solid
m+M2 m
m,(m +ma) cylinder and then the end of the
held stationary while the cylinder is released from rest. The
string is
acceleration of the cyiinder
and tension in the string will be

(D) TolalK.E.ofsystem= m +mVn+n (A)

and g
3 (8) 9 and
(C)and mg
2(m, +m2) m 2m,(m, +m2)
2 ()and
Solution: (A)
OBJECTIVE Let 'a" be the acceleration of the cylinder. Then
a x a and height h is placed on an
mg-T=ma .(1)
Problem 1: A block with square base measuring
a If a be the angular acceleration, then
coefficlent of fniction
inclined plane. Theincreased. is . The inclination '0' of the
The block will
plane is gradually T.RI a .. (2)

(A) lopplebefore siding fa> (B)topple belore sliding ifu <

As the unwinds
string withoutslipping
(C) It can never topple. (D) It can never slide a= Ra (3)
Solving these equations, we have
Solution: (A) a/
The biockwillslide, if mg sin 0> mg cos aand T= mg
i.e. tan 6>
The block will topple if mg sin 0 (Nv2) > mg cos (a/2)
mg sin 0 mg cos Problem 4: A sphere kept on a rough inclined plane is in equilibrium by a string
i.e. tan 0> ah Wrapped over it. If the angle of inclination is 0, the tension in the
string will be equal to
blockahwll topple before slidingiftan > ah but tan <
A) mg sin 0 (B) 2/mg
and the block will slide before toppling if tan 8> u but tan 0 < a/h ( CS
) gi n
(D) none of these
Solution: )
Problem 2: Particle of mass m is projected with a velocity vo making an angle of 45° with honzontal. Since f and N pass through the contact point P, their torque about P will be zero.
The magnitude of angular momentum of the projectle about the point of F o r the equilibrium of the sphere, the torques of tension T and weight mg about P wil
maximum height is
at is projection Dezero.
(A) Zero m g sin 0 xr-T(2r)= 0
B) mv'/29 2 T r mgrsin 6
(C)mv/42 9 () m2gh T=mg sin
(where h= maximum height) 2
Solution: (D)
Speed of the paricde at the top horzontal Problem 5: A uniform rod of length &and mass M is suspended on two vertical inextensible strings as
of the
speed of projection component vn2 shown in the figure. Calculate tension T in left string at the instant when right string
VVo Cos =va cos 45° = n

The angular 2 (A) m (B) mg

momentum of the particle about O
=L= mvr 8, where
L mvh
sin 8 angle bethween and r
(C) mg
4 (D) mg
(r sin =h)

FiTJE L2d, FITJEE Hcuse, 29-4, Kah1 Sarai, Sarvapriya V+ar, Neuw Delhi -1 10016, Ph 46106000, 2669493, Pax 26513942
Le bste:
Classroom Study Package 1819 PH-RM-23 Classroom Study Package 1819

acceleration of
Solution: (C) be T and
in the rope downwards be a.
9 A mass M s moving with a constant velocity parallel to the x axis. Its angular momentum w.r.t
Let the mass of the
rod the origin.
the centre of 1) (A) is zero (B) remains constant
Then mg-T= ma
(C) goes on increasing (D) goes on decreasing
Again, mg = la =.

10. A string is wrapped around a solid cyinder of mass Mand radius R. The string is pulled vertically
upward to prevent the centre of mass of the cylinder from falling as the cyilinder uninds the
...(2) string. Then
a9 A) the tension in the string is 2 Mg.
(B) the length of the string unwound until its angular velocity becomes o is 'R/29
4 (C) the angular acceleration of the cylinder is 2g/3R
() work done by tension on the cyinder until its angularvelocity becomes ois 1/4Mo?R2

1 How will you distinguish

between a raw egg
For a system of particles
in translatory motion
have angular momentum? Explain.
Can body
Foxty) dL
2. a
dtTox1e extx) ex() where ex => extemal
and edge 'a' slides down a rough inclined plane of
inclination e withha
3. A cubical block of mass m on the block about its centre.
of the nomal force acting f Fox =0, L= constant.
unifom speed. Find the torque

mass m rests on a rough horizontal table.A lfTextx)0, Ly =constant

. A unifom cube of side l and
Texty) 0, Ly =
of the faces at a point that is

horizontal force F is applied normal to one

face at a height 3t/4 above the base. fextz)=, L, =

constant, i.e. the angular momentum of a system of particles about an axis remains
directly above the center of the mnmmmmm
about an edge without slipping, find the conserved if net torque acting on the system about that axis is zero. This is called conservation of angular
Assuming that the cube may tip and (b) mg.
angular acceleration of the cube when F is equal to (a) mg/3, momentum principle.
A partide of mass m is moving with constant velocity v parallel to x llustration 1: If the earth shrinks to half of its radius, the duration of day and night changes. Find the

axis in x-y plane as shoOwn in figure. Calculate its angular momentum new time period for a day.
with respect to origin at any time t.
Solution: Since no external torque acts on the earth, its spin angular momentum remains constant
For earth, 4=u

6. A circular disc of mass m and radius R is set into motion on a

horizontal floor with a linear speedv in the forward direction and an
MR M T.2-
angular speed o=in dockwise direction as shown in figure.
3R Angular Impulse (Moment of Impulse)
Find the magnitude of the total angular momentum of the disc about the axis perpendicular Angular impulse of a torque in a given time is equal to the change in angular momentum during that time.
the plane of disc and passing through the bottom most
point 'O' of the disc and fixed to the lf angular momentum of a body is changed by a torque + , then
7. A stationary horizontal unifom circular J= |i dt (where J angular impulse)
disc of mass m and radius R can
freely rotate about its axis. Now, it starts
T a6 + b, where 0 is the experiencing a torque
angular displacement of disc and a and b are
positive constants. Find the angular velocity of the disc as a function of 6.
A rod of length L is hinged from one end. It is brought to the horizontal position and released.
The angular velocty of the rod
when it is in the verical
(A) 2g/L position is Angular impulse = moment of linear impulse
(B) 3g/L
(C)yg/2 (0) wg/L
J-Fx, where linearimpulse

FiiA Ld,
L:2, FTJES House, 29-A, Ka Sarai, Sarvapriya Vhar,
FUT FTJEE House, 29A, Kah1 Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Debhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
Delhi-110016, Ph 46106000, 2090**** ebstte:
Classroom Study Package1819 PH-RM-25 Classroom Study Package 1819
mass m and radius
solid sphere of linear
R2 Illustratlon 4: A thin horizontal unifom rod AB of mass m and length& can rotate freely about a vertical
ustration 2: A unifom surface. A horizontal
horizontal centre.
placed on a
R/2 above its axis passing through its end A. At a certain moment, the end B starts
applied at a height velocity experiencing a
impulse P is of centre of
mass and
angular constant force F which is always
perpendicular to the original position of the statüonary
Find the velocity the impulse is applied. mm
rod and directed in a horizontal plane. Find the
angular velocity of the rod as a function of
of sphere just after its rotation angle ê measured relative to the initial
in the position.
in linear momentum
Linear impulse Change Solution: Work done by the torque
direction of impulse
mv W=/ d= Ft cos e de
V= P/m
about CM axis
Angular impulse about CM axis W=Fi sin e
change in angular momentum Now, AW = Ak
PRI2 mRo, :o= 4mR
Ft sin 8="
2 3
or a= Fsin
motion mt
in plane
Force and torque equations for a rigid body
acceleration of the Total kinetic energy of a rigid body in plane motion
of the body x
i) 2 (Extenal forces)
= mass
Velocity of f" particle
centre of mass 2(F)=Mâcm
the C.M. axis)
(i)2 (moments of extemal forces about .M (where V= velocity of h particle relative to centre of mass)
about the C.M. axis cam
moment of inertia of the body
about the C.M. axis k= mv
xangular acceleration
xFKk=\na 1
length , attached with a small
lustration 3: A rod of mass M and
block of mass m at its end, is freely rotating about a
vertical axis passing through its other end with a
constant angular speed o. Find the force exerted by m+Em n Em,)
2 Cn
the rod on the pivot. (Assume that gravity is absent.)
k=k+0+MvEm Em, =0]
Solution: Centre ofmassr= M2+m
(M+m) k=k
2 (where k kineticenergy of rigid body relativetocentre of massframe=n

Forcerequired =mass acceleration (M+ m)x or


or k - n +
(M+m)x +m o. 2
Total kinetic energy of a rgld body in plane motion relative to a frame
of the
Kinetic energy of a rigid body in a fixed axis rotation kinetic energy concentrated to CM frame + kinetic energy of the body assuming that
rigid body relative
at centre of mass and moving with a velocity equal to the velocity of
Sum of kinetic energy of all the individual particles entiremassis
centre of mass.


Work done by a torque = torque x

For a variable torque,
angular displacement, for a constant torque
Problem 1: In the shown figure, a particle of mass m slides down
Work done by a torque, W = Jt de
the frictionless surface from height h and collides with
the unifom vertical rod of length L and mass M.
Alsowork dorne =J de= After the collision, mass m sticks to the rod. The rod
ftodoa --k-k is free to rotate in a vertical plane about a fixed axis
through O. Find the maximum angular deflection of
Power, P t to the rod from its initial
dt position.

PiTJe Ltd., FITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, Ncw Delhi-1 10016, Ph
FiTe Lid, FTJEE 46106000, 2669493, Fax 26513942
House, 29-A, Kau Sarai, Sanvapriya Vhar, New 26513942 website:
website: www.fiitiep r
Ph 46106000, 2090
Classroom Study Package 1819
PH-RM-27 Classroom Study Package 1819
mass m is along the horizontal and

velocity of the equal

Solution: Just before collision,

to v2gh. that FBD during collision

VV M2m) .(1)
we note Also, for elastic collision e =1
during the colision,
From the FBD
= 0
about O ol-V=Vo .(2)
net torque of impulses
about O
momentum of the system Solving eqn. (1) and (2), we get
The angular
is conserved.
moment a ofthe 2
FLy and L2 are the angular
after the collision,
system just before and just
then Li mvoL
(b) Now for rod, angular impulse about the pivot = change in angular momentum about
ML the pivot
andL =lo =|+mL2o
From conservation of angular momentum,
Iuzy1-cos®) 3

fL1-cose) 1=mot =mxo=amVa
Now, using impulse momentum equaton for the rod
mv ...()
+h =Mo
m 2

Let the rod defiects through an angle . P

mv+=2m mvg + m
Initial energy of rod and mass system l o , where I= +ml

Gain in potential energy of the system

mglft-cos Ma-0-mL(1-cs) Problem 1: A circular ring of mass M and radius R is rotating about its axis with constant angular
Two objects each of get attached to the rotating ning. The nng now
From conservation of energy velocity o. mass m
rotates with an angular velocity

puting o from () in (), we get
(i) oM
A) M+21
(C) oM-2m) (D) M+2m)

cOs 61-
mv +2m m

Solution: (A) the

In the process of attaching the objects with the ring, no external torque is applied on

system. Therefore, the angular momentum of the system remains constant.

Problem 2: A uniform rod o i n g o {ing)+ ((a)+ (a)}o
of mass M and length tis placed on a smooth horizontal Puting Iing MR° and la= le mR", we obtain
surface with its one end pivoted to the
surface. A small ball of mass m o' Mo
moving along the surface with a velodty vo,
elastically with the free end of the rod.perpendicular
collides to the rod, M +2m
(a) the angular velocity of the rod after collision. Two particles A and B of mass m each and moving with velocity v,
Problem 2:
(6) the = 2) applied by the pivot on the rod during collision.
hit the ends of a rigid bar of the same mass m and length
(Take simultaneously and stick to the bar as shown in the figure. The bar
Solution: is kept on a smooth horizontal plane. The linear and angular speed
(a) Since net torque about the of the system (bar + paricle) after the collision are
pivot for
conservation of angular momentum (ball rod) system is zero, using
(A) vam =0, o= 12v
pivot, of (ball rod) +
about the (B) Vam=0,
mvo = mvt +M 5v
3 (C) Vam=0,o= (D) Vam0, 0 5


Houe, 29-4, Kak1 Sarai,
Sarvapriyja Vihar, fNew Delhi 10016, FuTe LAd, FmJEE House, 29A, Katu Sara, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Dehi-1 10016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
webeide: uu -110016, Fh
Ph 46106000,
46106000, 26569493, Fax
26569493, F s 26513942
Classroom Study Package 1819 PH-RM-29 Classroom Study Package 1819
are c o n s e r v e d .
Solution: A momentum of the system
Linear and angular

me m m EXERCISE -3
When ballet dancers dance ice
on a smooth horizontal
on an floor, they suddenly seem to increase their angular velocity.
with a veloaty Vo a h o a c e . t th How is it possible?
moves of rotating
Problem 3: A block of mass m mass m, capable Own fiv
cylinder of radius R and the cylinder. The
while passing over, sips on uniform horizontal circular disc of mass M and radius R can
passes over
2. A
through O'.
The block, Cvlinder. The block then
Ine block moves
moves on a similar stops rotate freely
contact with the cylinder. smooth about a vertical axle passing through its centre. A particle of
before it loses Then the mass m Is initialy
placed near the centre of the disc in a smooth
with a veloctyv.
horizontal surface Vo groove made along the radius of the disc as shown. An
velocity v is5 angular velocity o is imparted to the disc. Find the angular velocity initial
( (o m
of the disc, when the particle reaches the other end of the
(Take Mm = 4) groove.

() 3. Is it possible that angular momentum in a certain situation is conserved but linear momentum is
(C) Vo
not conserved.

about tne axis or cylinder for the (blocks 4. A unifom rod of mass m and length is placed horizontally on a
Solution: B) ion of angular momentum
smooth horizontal surface. An impulse P is applied
cylinder) system, at one end
perpendicular to the length of rod. Find the velocity of centre of
mR mass and angular velocity of rod just after the
mvR = mvR+ impulse is applied.
5. Explain, why spin angular velocity of a star is greatly enhanced when it collapses under
(when slipping ceases, V
oR) gravitational pull and becomes a 'neutron star.
6. TWO small balls A and B, each of mass m, are connected by a light
rod of length L. The system is lying on a frictionless horizontal
Surface. The particle of mass m collides with the rod horizontally
on a smooth
freely rotating with an angular speed with the velocity to the rod and gets stuck to it as
Problem 4: A disc is
P and rotates aboutP
vo perpendicular
shown in the figure. Find
horizontal plane. It is hooked at a rigid peg :
(a) the angular velocity of the system after the collision.
will be equal to
without bouncing. Its angular speed after the impact
(b) the velocities of A and B immediately after the collision.
(A) o (c) the velocity of the centre of the rod when the rod rotates through 90° after the colision.

A unifom rod AB which is free to swing in the vertical plane about a

(D) none of these
horizontal axis through A, is hanging freely. A particle of equal mass
strikes the rod with a velocity Vo and gets stuck to it. Find the angular
Soluton: (B) velocity of the combination immediately after the colision.
During the impact, the impact forces pass through the point P.
Therefore, the torque produced by it about P is equal to zero.
Consequently the angular momentum of the disc about P, just
before and afer the impact remains the same.
... (0)
L angular momentum of the disc about P just before the impact 8. A thin bar of mass M and length Lis free to rotate about a fixed honzontal axis through a point at
1 its end. The bar is brought to a horizontal position and then released. Which of the following
loomr o. statement is true regarding its motion?
l = angular momentum of the disc about P (A) The angular acceleration of the rod is constant.
just after the impact
(B) The angular momentum about the axis of rotation is constant.
(mm/mr (C) The force exerted by the rod on the hinge at the axis of rotation continuOusly

mro' mr changes.
(D) The acceleration of the centre of mass is equal to g.


RDA Lud, FutJEE Vihar, Neu Dehi-1 10016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Pax 26513942
House, 29-A, Kaku Sarai,
FiteLtd, FirJEE House, 29A,Katu Sarai, Sarvapriya
har Vihar,
, New Debhi -110016, Ph
Ph 4610600, 26569493, Fax 26513***
website www.fü,46106000, 2090*1
Classroom Study Package1819 PH.PM-11 Siassroom SudyPackag 1219
B are kept on smooth surfaoe They are glven
9. Two identical spheres A and
of action of the impulses pass fhrough the A nifom di of man m 2nd raiun is rling down a fiad
the same impulse i. The lines hustration
incined plane wthayt siipping. rder the ardien
centre of A and away from the
centre of Then
B. yztaionas
forra and the grasnd intar orA 2 s h n in the ure Find
will be less than that of A
(A) linear kinetic energy of B (a) the arsleratin f the centrs C
will havegreater kinetic enerpy than A b) the anqular arraleratiin, and
(B) B
kinetic energy (c) the forcA dfrnclian and the nema martien
(C) A and B wil have the same

(D) none of the above For pure rcling meion,

a Ra
A wheel of moment of inerta 5 10 kg-m is making 20 rev/s. For the torque required to stop t
10. As the centre di mass cinidas wth he Pmatrie centrs f te ic.
in 10 s is a Ra
(A) 2 10 Nm (B) 2 10 Nm Force euations
(C) 47 10Nm (D) 4n10 N.m F mg cos 9 0
F,mgsin 9 ma
Torque eaticn: FR l, a

relatve to its C.M. in plane motion will
Motion any paride da rngd body
of is given by Sotving the equation (i) through ()
be circuiar, therefore veiocty d point P relatve to ground
a 2gsin a 29ins F,mgsuin F, mg Cos i
3 3

oRsini oRcos8-i)-vi prevai f F, < uF. a. tans

Pure rolling will 3
(vRsin8) R cos-i)
Aiso, acceeraton d pot P reiabve to ground is given by to find the direction
of frietienai fores on a rigid body roiling without slipping on a
horizontal surtace?
stationary rough

aRsin6i aRcos -i)- Ros t-i)- dRsin -i)+ ai ******. Suppose a force F is applied
at a height
center of a body of mass m and radus R.
n abcve the

(a aRsine-dRcOse)í (aRcos6- R sine-i)


Acceleration of C. M. of the body due

to F s a Fim
due to F is a
And angular acceleration
ROLLINGMOTION Case l: f a = uR, point of contact remans staticnary

When a ngid body moves on a suface F FhR

) s moton is sad to be pure roling f there s no slipping between mR
the points d contactd two surtaces f= 0
) ts mobon is said to be roling with slippirng. f there is slipping act in
contact has a tendency to slip in forward direcDon and nence il
between te ports d omad o two sufaces case : if a > aR, point of
Consider a unifom sphere wri is rolirg on e rough plank as shown backward direction to provide pure roiling
and let P
and P be he poirts ta sphere and plank, FhR
respectivey. Now, fo pure rolling
and BBp)
pV and 8-uR a un
R-i)+ vi = voi itt

to siip in backward direction and

wii aut
V-RV aR, point of contact has
a < a tendency
f suface
is stationary, Vo =
9 ard a 0, forward direction to provide pure roiling
V oR arnd as aR
VV, then motion is said to be rolling with
fv,Vy, then matiom is said to be roling with forward slipping. m n
backward slipping.


A ud, FTJE fonasa, T9 A, Kahs borat, fanvapriyo Vhar,

Hieu fnl 26369413, Pu 5354
i 1001a, Phn 46106000,
1 100Jt, Fh
4616uuo, 26b6493, Fas
2651399 durui, Saruaprtya
Vithar, Now Dehi
Classroom Study Package 1819 PH-PM-333
Classreom Shudy Package 1419
Hlustration 2: A unifom disc has a small spool

attached over it
of radius for
Fricion is
sufficient rolling. Find
direction of fnction in each
case if (a) r = R/2 (6) r = R/3 and

(c)r= R (a) (b) (c)

Solution: Case (a): h (for fnction to be zero)

the ooposite directions. then IC must be
MR= R2 fare Of the two valocities , and i are in
lying in
2MR between P and Q
r=R/2, f=0
f r R/3, f<0 (friction acts backward) 2and , ra d
Case (b) h is negative in this case. Hence fiction acts backward in both cases
if the two v e l o i t e s V and Va arg in the same direction, the IC must be lying cutside PO
and() In fiqure (ü),
Case (c) h R> lem/MR = R/2
Hence friction acts in forward direction. (near P if Ve
< Va and near
f V»> Va).
Vp P d
- and r-ra
linstantaneous Axis of Rotation (AR)
af ICR and angular velocity of the
it is the ais about which the motion of rigid Mlustration 3: Find the position
body undergoing plane motion is
rotationa mobon. lt is always perpendicular to the plane of motion ot ngid body and instantaneously
assumed to be pure
disc in the foilcwing cases as shown. Radius of
disc is R in each case.
remains at res. The point of intersection of instantaneous axis of rotation with the plane of motion of the
igid body is caled instantaneous centre of rotation (ICR) about which all points of the rigid body are
assumed to be going in ardes of diferent radii equal to their respective distances from ICR with the same
and a as that about CM of the ngid body at that instant.
Velocty of LAR = 0 i.e. VA 0
Solution: (i) = 2R x
Byfinding the position of IAR, we can easily find the velocity of any point of rigid body at that instant. Va
A 2v 2R X
We alsobetfindknown.
the acceleration of any point P af rigid body at that instant provided the acceleration of V
shouid 2x =2Rx x 2R

()Kineticenergy of the rigid body is K= 2R

() Angular momentum od rigid body about IAR is La =l^o
(n) AG, where tA incdudes the torque of pseudo force acting on the CM about IAR also. () P -X
How to find the position of iCR 28-x
The position d ICR can be found out in the following cases.
Case I: Ic -

x = 2R/3
f the velocity of a point on the
body and angular velocity are given.
Draw a line perpendicular
to v, the instántaneous centre must be lying on this line
Pg and w 9
at a distance r given byr= vl 2R
Case Il: f the
lines of action of two
non-parallel yelocities of two points of the
igid body are given. llustration 4: A uniform rod of length 1 m is sliding along wo muua
Draw the normals on the two
non-parallel veloctes vp and vg at the perpendicular walls as shown. Find the velocity of end irT
and Q, respectively. The pointsP the velocity of endQis va 1.2 m/s in the position shown.
point of intersecion of these normals is
instantaneous centre at that instant. the (cos 37° = 0.8, sin 37 0.6)
Case ll:If magnitudes and directon of two
parallel velocities are given. Ma 1.2 m/s

FiTS Ld., FITJEE House, 29A, Kalu

Sarvuprnya Vhar, 205s9+a},
webstle New Delhi -110016, Ph
46106000, 26569493, Pr 4olöDM),
JLjEE.aum. Fax 26513H2 29-A, Kulu Sarai, Sarapriya ihar,
New Deitu -iiouio,
, FuldEB Houss, Lu oSitt w t u u J e .
Classroom Study Packag 1819 PH-RM-34
PHM-15 Classrocm Shudy Package 1313

216 = 1.6 m/S

sphere of mass M and radus R filed with wate

Va 1.2 m
Problem 1: A hollow
liustration 5: A radius is rolling withou rolling on a horizontal surface wit inear
ing mass m
uridom d and R of mass m is
sipping on a horzota surtace. Find the radius of
avature df the trajectory traced out by the point A in the
velocity Va
Find the kineic energy of the system
postion shown. freezes into ice, and the sphere is stil rolling on
) f water
with linear velocihy v hen find
the horizontal surtace
the kinetic energy d the system.

Solution: Accaleralion d point A = R

water inside the sphere does not rotate it translates anty.
Velocty of point A= of2R) (a) The
Solution: KE d sphere KE cf water
K.E. df system
Radus df arvatire at A= ok=4R
Rolling motion of a rigid body dowmward along a rough inclined plane
mg sin 4 ma
a= aR, for pure roling) ..i)
From )and ) 6
(b) water freezes, the ice fomed behaves like a solid sphere.
a and f. =mgsine KE of system KE of sphere KE af water
14- 1 mR2


Now, 4,N

To start pure rolling, us2 ine -

down an inciined plane of
cylinder of mass m and radius r starts rolling
Problem 2: A solid is
of its oentre of mass when
For unifom solid sphere. lnmR, a 6. Ficdon is enough prevent slipping.
to Find the speed
=gsin8 centre of mass has faillen through a height h.
2. For unifom hollow
sphere, lm =mR, a g sin =
Solution: Consider the positions 1 and 2 of the cylinder.
As it
does not slip, the total mechanical ener9y
3. For unifom disc or
unifom solid oyinder, lmmR, a conservd.
Energy at position 1 is E, = mgh

4. For unifom ring

=ag =ogsine
or unifom hollow cyinder,
lan mR, ane a,
Energy at positton 2 is E2 mv.m.

=gsin mrs
Note: As wand em Emm
We can see that acceleration is
geometrical shape of the bodyindependent
of mass and radius of the body but t
on From COE,
E, = Ea
indination of plane.
Vem 9n

26ss4a Par26511N2
Fiie Ltd., PITJEE 451C6eR

House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, LDelt -110016,PA

Saruapriya Vihar, New Delhi OTJe4 Ltd., FiTJKB House, 29-4, Kahu Sarat, Sarvapravfti
website: -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569*7**
Classroonm Study Package 1819
PH-RM-37 Classroom Study Package 1819
Problem 3: A cart with mass M has four wheels (idealized as unifom discs), each of rai A Solid sphere of radius R is set into motion on a rough horizontal surface with a linear
arranged symmetrically
mass am,horlzontal with respect to the cart. Find the acceleradlusrand Problem 5:
when force F is applied on it. There is no slipping between the wheels and
cat speed vo in forward direction and an angular velocty a - i n counter clockwise
the horizontal road.
direction as shown in
For rolling motion is p, then find
a = ra
figure.If co-efficient offriction
(a) the time after which sphere starts pure roling,
mg (b) the linear speed of sphere when it starts pure roling. o
4f (M+4mg (c) the work done by friction over a long time.
f r a ma
(a) Because point of contact is slipping in forward direction relative to the surface,
2 2 Solution:
kinetic friction f will act in backward direction.
F-4f (M+ 4m)a N
FBD of the wheel (Fi and Fa are
M+6m the reactlons of the axle) FBD of the cart (with
wheels) Retardation, a = =Hg
Problem 4: A unifom solid cylinder of radius R = 15 cm rolls over a horizontal and a =
_ UmgR_5ug
plane passing into an inclined plane foming an angle a = 30° with
the horizontal. Find the maximum value of the velocity V, which
still pemmits the cylinder to roll onto the inclined plane section Now, let when sphere starts pure rolling its velocity bev.
without a jump. (The slilding is assumed to be absent.)
VEVo- gt
Solution: Initial energy
V oR, for pure rolling
Emm +mgR Ra
Vo-Hgt (-at at)R

For rolling, R

Em+mR mgR
As it reaches the edge
(b) Linear speed at time t= is v=Vo -Hg=0
Em mgRcos a (c) Friction will act til the pure roling starts. Once the pure rolling motion starts, friction

and after
0<t< Tpg
Em 2mRcosa mv+mgR cosa will be zero. Hence, friction does work during time interval

From COE, t 3Vo work done by friction will be zero (:f= 0).
mv+mgRcosa=mv +mgR
mv =mv+mgR(1-cos a) Now, work done by friction over a long time is
AW%= K-K
Conslder the F.B.D. of about
cylinder the when it is at the
edge. Centre
describes circular motion P.
Hence, mg cos a - N=
of mass of the
cy 1 m mv mR
N = mg mv/R
cos a mv/R 1 7
mg cos a- 4 49 20

R mgmgcosa, from () 8 mv 11mv
no jumping, N20 35 20

Jcosa-mg- 20 32mv-77mv6
Vo s gcocOSa-9R. AW, = m v 6 9mv
140 28
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Classroom Study Package 1819

Altermate method
PH-RM-39_ Classroom Study Package 1819
fixed to the
(b) Since net torque about the axis
and passing through the point of contact
is zero, using conservation of angular momentum
about this axis,
dc 2umgR
9 , Ve*Vo-Hgt

5 R
z mm mm Ve
mvR +mvR=mVR m,R = mVR
Also, s, =Vot-(1/2)4 g: sp= (1/2)
. V7 For pure roling, Ve- Rae =V

(c)workdone by friction, AW+= K-K Vo Hgt-2 ugt= ugtu/2 t = 0 =2s

Putting the value of t, we get
(a) Now, v = Vo-Hgt>
S.126 . =
ScS 1V
49u9 11m
Hence, remaining distance = 12 m-11 m = 1m
Problem 6: A unifom solid
sphere of radius R, rolling without sliding on 4Vg
a horizontal surface with
rough inclined plane of
an angular velocity , meets a
Also, V=vo.V, V-V, = 4 mis
inclination 0
starts pure rolling up the
plane with
60°. The sphere After the start of pure rolling, the velocites become constant because friction vanishes
Find the value of o.
an angular velocity o. The time, after the start of pure rolling, when the cylinder falls m-0.25s
A0 60 4m/s
Solution: Using the conservation of angular momentum Total time = 2+0.25 2.25 s.
point of contact with the inclined about the
plane. Problem8: A sphere is projected up an inclined plane with a velocity vo and zero
5 +m,R cos 60 EmRo 1 = 60
angular velocity as shown. The coefficient of friction between the sphere
and the plane is = tan 6. Find the total time of rise of the sphere.
2 - - -

mR at mRo
downward direction before pure rolling starts. The
Solution: The friction will act on the sphere in
1 mR agmRfoa A
frictional force is
f N
Problem 7: A tan 6 mg cos 0
cylinder of mass m is
kept on the edge of a
2m and mg sin
length 12
ground. Coefficdent metre, which in turn is plank of mass mC mg sin +
of friction kept on smooth Retardation of sphere, a =
cylinder ls 0.1. The cylinder isbetween the plank and the
imparts it a given
velocity7 m/s but no angular an
impulse, which 12m a =
2g sin0
time after which
cylinder falls off the velocity. Find theB Now, fR= lem
Initially, cylinder will slip on the
the plank.
cylinder and the plank. mg sin 0R= £mRa
plank, therefore kinetic
F.B.D. of cylinder friction will act bewo the
a g Sinh0 ...)
F.B.D. of plank 2R
N Now, let time elapsed before pure rolling starts be t,.
, mg umg
Vo-2g sin 0 ty =9 sin 0t

2m 2mg 21 o ..)
9g sin 0
N Once the pure rolling starts, retardation of sphere Is
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Classroom StudyPackage
1819 PH-RM-41 Classroom Study Package 1819

a, = 9sin 6 =gsin 8
mRa (:1= mR/2)
f 2
when pure rolling starts
Also, velocity of sphere
-.) Forthe plank,+f= (2m)az (3)
v=Vo-29 sin 64 =Vo And at the point of contact P, the acceleration of the

rise further till it stops be t must be same

Now, let time elapsed to two bodies
V-a=0 a-Ra a2 (4)
From (1) and (3), (2) and (3)

sin F (ma1+2ma2), and


29g sin ...) Fm=2ma2

2 2
Substituting value of a and solving for a and a we

Total time of rise is t =y *2ga sin 9 get

9g sin 0 g sin e
acceleration of plank, a2 = and
Problem 9: A rotating disc movesin the positive direction of x-axis as shown. Find
the equation yx) descrbing the position of the instantaneous axis of 3F
rotation if at the initdial moment the centre C of the disc was located at acceleration of cylinder, a 7m
origin after which
(a) it moved with constant acceleration 'a' (initial velocity zero) while
the disc rotatng counter dockwise with constant angular velocity o. OBIECTIVE
(b) it moved with constant velocityv while the disc started
rotating Problem 1: A thin spherical shell of mass m and radius R is hit horizontally by a
COunter clockwise with a constant angular acceleration a (with
initial angular velocity cue at a height h above the centre C. The value of h for which the shell
Solution: (a) Let the co-ordinates of instantaneous
will roll
(A) R/2
without slippingis (B)R3
tbe (x. y). centre of rotation at any time (D) 2R/3
Now, v = @y
yty (C) 2R/5

V2ax = @y
Solution (D)
Using impulse momentum equation
F-k (parabola) P mv (1)
(b) v wy
Similarly,Ph-mRo (2)
v Y
From Eqs. (1) and (2)

V mvh-mR (for pure ralling). h=R
a cons tant (rectangular hyperbola)
Mlustration 10: A solid Rint: One can directly use the result, h am Zmk
oyinder of
plank of mass 2mmass m and radius R rests on a
mR 3 mR
surface. String lying on a smooth
plank is passing over the horizontal
on a a
movable light blockmassless cylinder
to the
between the cylinder B, and the mounted Problem 2: A unifom stick of length held vertical with one end touching a
prevent and the
plank is friction
constant sipping.
If the sufficient to
force F, find the block B is pulled smooth horizontal surface is released from rest. The
lower end slips
acceleration with a end A with which it stnkes mm
Solution: of the along the surface. The velocity of the upper
For the oyinder.-f=ma cylinder and that or nP lank. the surface is
A)y29 (B) 3g
Taking moment of forces (1) (0) 29
la about C (C)
Solution: (B)
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