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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: humans and some of w/c cause human

1. Describe a eukaryotic cell disease.
2. Give the functions of the various organelles of ● ARCHAEA: single-celled microorganisms
the eukaryotic cell found in all types of environments but first
3. Distinguish cells and their subcellular discovered in extreme environments, such
organelles under th microscope as hot spring.

● Cells are the building blocks of all living 1. Examine the prepared slides under
things LPO, HPO, and OIO following the
● Eukaryotic cells such as those of plants instructor’s cue.
and animals are structurally complex. The 2. Observe the various cells that can be
nucleus w/c is separated from the found on each slide. Notify the instructor
cytoplasm of the nuclear envelope. And the if you can observe the following
cytoplasm contains various membrane histologic features below:
organelles like our cytoskeleton and ● PANCREAS - locate the acinar cells and
ribosomes. The cells of plants and fungi the islets of langerhans.
have cell walls on the surface and they
undergo the process of differentiation and
especially (cession). They are composed
from tissues w/c are organized to organs
and to our organ system.
● Prokaryotic cells such as those bacteria
have a simpler organization. Single cellular
DNA w/c is not separated from cytoplasm
by membrane. Do not have any membrane
organelles like cytoskeleton. Small
ribosomes are present in its cytoplasm
and have cell walls on the surface.
Frequently reproduced by sexual
reproduction or (mitosis)or binary fission
w/c occurs immediately after DNA
★ According to the organization of the nucleus
and other structures we distinguish
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

Base on their basic chemistry, structure, and

hereditary material, all cells on fall into one of
three groups, as if the family tree of life on
Earth split into three main branches, called
● EUKARYA: plants, animals, fungi, and plants,
even humans.
● BACTERIA: familiar, single-celled
microorganisms, some of w/c are useful to


● ESOPHAGUS - draw the cells that

dominate the superficial layer. Notify the
instructor if you have identified them

● BLOOD SMEAR - identify draw and

label at least 3 cells present.


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