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Chop. . agsusswun axn Disrosar oF 14ND—8.0. 81, 7 15, Facsimile signatures inadmissible —Documents of title execated by officers acting on bekalf of Government must be actually signed. Signature by a facsimile stamp is inadiissiblo, 16. Mode of signing of ryotwari pattas—The rale given in the last paragtoph doos not apply to ryotwari pattas, which are mere notes of the amount of revenue payable on the lands held by the pattedar and not title-doeds, BBL, No.215, 25-490; No. 406, 55-00. + wiles for the Registry of Holdings—Ovjere Prd ds rations: Gea ee ee ee Srery village shonld, aa fury poate; ow ia nemos ct patton wig fre the real owners or who, mvirie of ett ttle, whatover its nature, sre in the enjoymontla® ite laudé/add: qhould caaetorg bel uekd responsible for the paynient of ike public demand thereon, the follow- og rales are laid. down for regulating tho proceduro tobe adoptod infocting changes of rxitry nthe orem eoounts win tnsters of landed property take place 2. Tree classes of transfers.—All opal, transfers of property. tako place wither (a) ly thy voluntary action of tho owners of (2) by virtue {8f deoroes of court or reveno sully oF (c) accrue by snecession, and, im dealing with these thivo classes of transfers, the following, provedare should be observed in altoring the registers, 3, Votantory transfert of title —Thevo are of two Kinds—(i) ‘Absalute and (1) Temporary? @) Absatute-—(a) Ti all Gases of ahsoluta transfer of ttle by « registered holder, tis Togistry of Volding moy by allorod to corse: spot ih th afer fe oviurtiyo thaspption of both ie erp otis lunfor goleitherof them, povided the! he appnton for change of registry is in every case made in porson or by duly wuthor- ied agent nl snag sid is acd by tho pay oF paris aking #*Ttie lot to tho option of the parties to Baverthe opplans Hon stiestod by tho karnom and tho hendan of the village i eich ‘tho land io ttaatod. Sush attestation may be taken as evidence oF the ‘lty of Se party or pots. When fh an steve pytcation J presonted both the partice, the Collector ov other dul author: Fol officer may, Sexoopt in cases under clause. (5) sifeay” st. onco Grier the change of registry as vequasigd.. Dut whave ccty exo oftis Parties to tho transfer maker thenppliation for change ‘of regiatry, Feahoald not be acted upon hy the Calleior or other uly autterued aficer, unless a duly exceuted. ‘and registered deed evidencing. the ‘ronsfar ia prodaced end tho said floor i eatstiod of ita genninenes ‘He should then give notice in the District Gazette that the transfer of rogistry has Loon applied for, and, unless objection is made to it within three months from the date of publication of such notice, the Eransfer should be ordered a: tho ex of that Gime. copy ef fhe notice, should also be served-on the registered holder of the land in fo minner posted by section 25 of Madras Act 11 of 1804. It ‘objection is tinge, an ingusey 3 eld, andy according to ‘ott thereof, th teanafed siguld be ondered of not” * sBPa, No. 914, 24-7294; No. 435, 18-10-84. 0 BLP., No. 258, 13-7-95, 8 ASGESHWENT AND DISPOEAL OF LaND—S.O, 91, Chap. Pee eye Mattar anc i eae Wyuna, when a zogintered janmil transfor of rogistry in favour of a, other than the: eer arate ee eee tetnes nation Geen) lis right of possession, the Collertor should requice. pring facie proof Mina bond fdatisanafbs ot tho ‘ogee jenuste ictoro has, oa Piao, 4.0, No. 306 06, a, 3.185, 18-88 {i ommerary. Inthe exo of a omporary tensor of propery Dy the rogistered holder, con lease, mortgage, den tho ropuat®y sho Zot be altered, unos both the parties to the transfer presenta joint ‘Sppliation in'writing to the Callvetor or other duly authoriged ofcer sti a ny te elise “Orr vil be pase at enc on joation® i 1 bo attested by the kernam and the headman of ‘tho sillago whoro tho land is situated: BPs, N81 21 7-045 No 85,19 10-94 A, Compulsory transforeof titlo—(i) Tranifers to decree-holders-—In SE eter A alse bolts lone Soetand eollocs Geant ss with reference to a deereo of com, “or to purchasors at auotion ‘Sittin ollns ay, su Ghonpplntion cf chy of temas St x fusy, om jon of any to fale or of tho auction purchasers, «ant on production sf an satheatc cated ¢ ee pee eeen corel of divery ‘in pursuance thereof, at ooo or of rogatey. Th eames, however, in which coiicate “of ‘*eannot be produced, as for instance, where on ee Sea oe ee ee of ile 3m zeuend to pplication: fox change of negitsy Chap. T. —aserssumnr AND DIsPosal oF 1aND—S.O. 81, 9 is effeoted if cithor of the parties objects thereto; but where the trans foree conoorned has been in. possession as a reputed owner for twelve ‘years or mére, the procedure prescribed in rule 6 below may be followed. Pa, No, 69, 95-2-07; No. 178, 267-99. £G.0., No, 226, Mis, L487. 6. Transfers of title by secession. —Undor this olass of transfers all cases of chingo of registry necessitated by the death, or the pro- ail cate erate tee enoro’than woven years of the regitered holder ‘would be disposed of. 4) Suceesion by heirshop—Tn doing with elaims to succession by heirship, #if the sucoession is not disputed ® tho Collector or other duly Authorized offices may dzct the freon of rola either atone op at tho Jamobendi. “1? the sucion ig diputet, ho shonld hold * = Sammary inquiry as to whe has the right to suceeed to the property of tue sccasol nygotorod holder, cording fo the principles of the Iw of snceession which governs the case, and givo notion in the District Gazette to the effoct that the rogisiry will be made in the name of the person found to bo entitled, unloss a declaration is fled, within three months from the date of the notice, by auy person objecting to tho sogistry, stating that he has institnted a snit in 9 civil court to fstallish hie superior title, and an authenticated copy of the plaint in tho suit is produced. If no declaration is filed, the registry should be mado, as stated in the notice, at the expiration of three mouths. IE T declaration is filed, thesosalt of tho suit should be awaited before taking farthor action. ‘The notice, besides being publislied in tho Disiist sett, should bo porsonsly, sted on all pemons who may Rave atvanced’ claims for tho registry at the summary inguiry. e With rogard to the entry of ihe names of the heirs in the case of undivided families, the name of the managing member or members should bo registered. In other eases, the names of all the heirs entitled to shares in the property should be registered” AUP, Ne. 080, 158-80. NDP, No, 163, 26-5-86 fe) See oe are aa eee caso of disappearance for more thon goven years Gf n holding and in tho absence Gf any ovideney to show that he is Seal" alive, ho should be considered as read and registry. transferrod dooney Ta all sate sn which thor ar'no nh who claim the Topistry, may bo made inthe namo of tho person in possesion of TREE atten Gh usual notio in the District Gazette oes eee proving posenin for tsoe yeara— ore portios who have no documents of title are shown in» sammary inguiry to have been in postossion and to have paid the revenue as owners for twelve yours or more, transfer of registry may be inde after notice, &c., as provided in rule 3 () («). | ‘The action contemplated in this paragraph may be taken by the Revenue officor fither on. their own motion or on the applications presented by the parties concorned.! age No. 09, 25-297. 8. To whom applications shuld be mate-—A pplicatzons for transfer of istry may be mndo either to tho Collcotor or to the Divisional offcor orethy Tahldar or tho Depaty ‘Tabsildar of the taluk or division, For 80 ASSESSMENT AND DISPOSAL OF LASD—S.O. 31, Chap. K to tho Taluk Shoristadar (Fiend Acoountant),’ ! or the revenuo inspector of tho firkal in which tho land, tho rogiatry of which it ix sought to change, is situated, or to registration officers when conveyances are presented for rogistration, ‘On tho death of registered Bolder, the Excuta ot eta aoa ono sepa thy fast (0 tho Tahir of Deputy Tahsildar within whoso jurisdiction tho village is sitnatod, with the names of heirs of tho dedeased so far us ho ean mako thom Out! ‘Tho Collector, Divisional efler, Tahsildne “or Depnty Tohsldar ny fionlly dispose of all such oases aud direct chuuges of rogistry sither of their own motion, or, in tho oaso of the Collector or Divisional flfcer, on the inguisy and topert of the Tabsildar or Doputy 'Tahsidar = Avrevonno insportor may nally disposo of all apphonfions, within hin Arka. which ero prosented to him in tho ‘village concerned by. both tho partion to tho traneastion. = 1 tite, No, 671,68 80, No. 678, $-22-0, vgn Novehgis-g-a8, NG Sec IoD, tm RPe, No. 914 Se FI, Ho, 19a No Ha, TIAL 68; No 9, 29-1100, ge Naltnos ath 3 81, Astion tobe laken by Registration Oftcer In every case of absolute teansfor of landed. properly by & doud of convoyanoo, or of wate ot possomion by. any other Kind of instrument intended to be reek te gue tos Snatn af emucunon, 1 the dy ofthe vegcine for the sub-rogivtenr, before registering tho docnmont, bo ask the fartice to the instrament whether they cousout to tho transier of rerense registry of the load ouveyod of trusslerred; and Hf they cousuy ES Should, ater. registering the domment, caus) thom to sxoout. before him au application to tho Revenue authorities in tho foun ‘given ia gppendix XXXVID, and should. transmit, afr exooution, fo. the of the taluk" or Deputy Tahsldar of the devison'™ ia which ie ead slated. Tho Pubidar tor apa Tabataae® oud ‘Acoopt the application as proof of the conseat of fe parties: fe the ore Boa e Li aiplisater had hee eeecrete ae tion tn should givo effoct to st at onoo a» far us the parculact of Pelaione Sivon aro fonnd to be correct Sk, m9 14 20-195 10. Tranyfr of holdings and estate other then ryoticari.—Tho foree aoluy cules apply alo to transfers of rogistry of etiregormenonlly serirel Satis, enfronchited fnnm holdings, Niwa Dit een a tae Tinnovelly * aud *troo-pattas=; but tho teanster of sogiciy Oh enti Fermanclly sited ctats slould bo elsted by Collins themselves inthe ‘nintained in their offices as required by Regulation ZAVE of 1800. The sopntey of tmanotore of portions of sult entates should wy Collectors thomaelves, but uot aati tho pablo amessaeat has been detormined and find on. the soparnted portiees by the with tho approval of tho Board of Revenue. "ue proceduse too followed in such ease is that laid down in Maitnas Act Tor sane" sun BPs mo, 600/35-0-83; No 350, 147-68 sb, ras oN aE TT on LU. Withdrawal of application for transfer-—In tho case of ay ‘ions ‘or oF sopntey tao olore ropiation otisa'es oes ts siado,beloe Rovenus office, no. traitors shoal be “efted if ate pettadar gives notice buloro the transfor that ho‘ hus, witedsews tee Chap. I. asepasunr AND DisposaL oF LaND—S.08, 92603, BL application made by him. ™ But in cases where there is a duly exevuted sad ropisoped document ovidensing the transfer, tho procedure pre- scribed in tho Inttor portion of paragraph 3 (i) (a) supra should be Telleyed ev if on spplintou ere tinede oy Ey aes MBP a, No, 314, 247-065 No. 495, 12-10-95 12, Stamp duty.—° Applications for transfer of xeyenue ogi excouted before registration officers us’ well aa (howe presauted before Revenue officers should be stamped under the Conrt Baas Act, the feo bbeing one anna when the appliation rolates to tomporatily-settied land, andl cight suns «ben (prelates (ar oissertnadaseace Taha ee vel a patta end subject to a change of assessment fall under the former lage and all there under the latter? The olor should {inform the applicante that their applications will not be considesed by the Rovenuo oilicore if they do not bear tho requisite etamp. Py No. 90, 31-48, ¥6.0, No 1883, 1-12-88. 18. Ohangen of names in jointcpatias—() On aceount of death —In the case of Change of ames in joiutepattas on accotnt of death the procedure will bs the samo as thit specifed. for eases of daceasn Sn Hngle Patinc-oide paragraph 6 supra. (G) Al the requeet ofa yoint-pettadar —* Tn the ease of a change of names in jointpattos, mulo al the request of «person desiring. to transfor his interest in the joint holding, the previous’ consent of Wie conharers is umnesoseary« "Dnt o separate patta defining the area transferred cnnact be granted without the consent of all the jointe pottedarae “he procure is the seme. as for teanafora of ingle Pattas--eide paragraph 3 aupra. a BE, No, 6501, 80-11-70. BRP, No, 2906, 110-7, 14, Maintenance of revenue regiters.—It is of great importance that the registere should be Kept with earo as it is tothe rogistored holder that every Collector snus Ido for the revenue du from the land. 1.04 868, 126-86) Bi, So. 2820,8-20-65. 82. Succession to Zamindaris,—In cases in which the right to tucteed to 0 anmmindari stato ia disputed on the desth of the last cist thn Callesar of the dint in which th elt iated Mhould seport to the, Board the cineomstanoes of tho cago, giving @ Fer isk of tho fatal, end obtain sanction before Tetoguining Shy of the claimanta as the Zamindar BP, 268-84, He, VobT,p 170) BP, 2940-81; M, Vol, p97 of 2851 33, Rolinquishmont of ryotwari holdings—T» be tm writing — Tho steayeduinent of rrotwees land mutt. by yo witten docomont, tnd tmust tako place suficiontly carly in the soason to eunble unother rot to commence oul 2. Time for relinguishment—Tho timo within which loud should be pinned us ray digest dt, Sapmach othe po tho first raine difforss If itis fied very early, it may bear hardl ryote whe aro unwiling to pert mith Heit land, ang are. yet doa Parthenon an ae uf ont to Tom ea they abstain from relinquishment. ‘The for relinquishing lands in abe

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