TVA BOK 0029632 TVA BOK 0029632 Board of Revenue 1963

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Government of Marras INDEX TO THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF REVENUB FOR THE YEAR 1963, ACCOUNTS. Ciassification under ‘ 19 General Administration—Discretionary grants by the Head ‘of State, etc.,"" orders issued—Government, Memo, communicated. November 7, No. 2048 (W), Ms. Control of expenditure—Hrompt reconciliation of departmental figures with those off the Accountant-General—Instractions—Issued. February 25, No. 413 (Wy, Ms. Control of expenditure—Departmental and treasury figures—Stafl for ‘the Board's Office—Appointed-—Appeintment of additional staff—Proposals—Submitted. April 24, No. 817 (W), Ms. ACTS. ‘Andhra Pradesh and Madras (Alteration of Boundaries) Act 1959—Section 49—Im- plementation—Publication of notification in the Fort St. George Gazette—Reques- ted. February 21, No, 309. (W), Ms. Andhra Pradesh and Madras (Alteration of Boundaries) Act, 1959—Unification and extension of laws to transferred territories—Draft notification—Orders passed. Taly.5, No. 1413, (A), Ms. ‘Andhra Pradesh and Madras (Alteration of Boundaries) Act. 1959—Unification « and extension of laws—The Madras Rent and Revenue Sales and the Madras Revenue Recovery (Andhra Pradech Extension and Amendment) Act, 1958—Andhra Pradesh Act VI of 1959—Report submitted. September 12, No. 1735 (A), Ms. ‘Andhra Pradesh and Madras (Alteration of Boundaries) Act, 1959—Unification and ‘extension of laws—Proposals submitted. September 12, No. 1788 (A) Mis. ‘Ang Act and Rules—Licences—Issue of—Instruetion—Issued—Papers—Recorded. Tanuary 3, No. 19 (L), Ms. ‘Arms Act and Kules—Persons inigeated to Pakistan with the arms and ammunition lawfully possessed in India—Procedure—Instruction sof the Government of India —Cointounicated—Papers—Recorded. Tanuaty 3, No. 20 (L), Ms. ‘Arms Act and Rules—Grant of licences in Form XII and Form XIV—Delegation of powers of State Government to Commissioner of Police in Madras City and ‘Additions! District Magistrates concerned _ elsewhere—Notification—Published— Papers—Recorded. January 3, No. 2b (L), Ms. ‘Arms Act and Rules—Production of arms after grant of licences—Amendment of the Rule 52 (2) of the Indian Arms Rules, 1962—Board’s remarks—Submitted. February 2, No. 950 (L), Ms ‘Arms Act and Rules—Arms Act, 1959 and Arms Rules, 1962—Rnle 60—Collection of fee—Clarification—Remarks-—Submitted. February\16, No. 382, (1),.-Ms. ‘Arms Act and Rules—Arms licence Registers—Maintenance—Period of retentiot Report-—Submitted. May 1, No. 883 (L), Ms. ‘Arnis Act and Koles—Arms Rules 1962—Amendments—Notification of the Govern- ‘ment of India—Republished. June 18, No. 1133 (L), Ms. ‘Arms Act and Rules-—Ticences issued by the Board of Revenue—Signing of fresh Ticenees and renewals—Assistant, Secretary, Board of . Revenue—Empowered— Orders issued. ‘November 8, No. 2059 (I), Ms, Coffee Act, 192—Definition of “‘ owner"'—Amendment of Section 3. (1)—Paperw recorded. April 4, No. 710 (Aj, Ma. * Doves, 1968 [Boanp oF Revenue ACTS—cont, , o tt Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948—Provision of Medical care to families of insured persons—Madras Employees’ State Insurance (Medical Benefit) Rules, 1954 —Amendment—Issued—Papers*recordéd. ‘ May 27, No. 1056 (A), Ms. Factories Act, 1948 and Madras Factories Rules, 1950—Rule 51 ander Schedule XVI of Rule 95—Draft amendment—Publishéd-G_O, recorded. 5 July 9, No, 1265 (A), Ms. 9 Uncoisie-tax Act of 1961 (Central Act 43 of 1961)—Ajrears Recovery) ofFurther, instructions—Issued—Papers—Recorded. ‘August 27, No, 1626 (A), Ms. Ancome-tax Act, 1961 (Central Act 43 of 1961)—Arrear—Recovery—Special staff— Report—Submitted. September 12, No. 1730 (A), Ms. Indian Explosives Act and Rules—Schedules IV and V—Amendments—Notification of Government of India—Republished, February 2, No. 2481(L), ‘Ms. Madras Buildings (Lease and Rent Control) Act, 1960—Appointitient’ of “authorised offers and Ren: Conirolers—Kanyakuinai aistiet—Notiteaton ised witl G.O. Ms, No. 2329, Home, date] 11th July 1961—Amended—Papers recorded. 2 «January 11, No, 110(A), Ms ‘The Madras Building (Lease and Rent Contt6l) Act,'i960—Tiivesting of powers to the e'fanc Personal Assistants —Board’s remarks—Submitted. April 16, No. 775 (A), Ms. _ Madras Buildings (Lease and. Rent; Control) Act, 1960—Allotment of houses to ol, Goverhmnens,servants—Instructions—Papers recorded. Tune 19, No, 1154 (A), Ms. , Madras Buildings (Liease and Rent Control) Act—Administration of section 3 of Act—= Non-intimation of vacancies and other contraventions of provisions of section 3 and allotment ‘of buildings taken over under section 3 (3)—Procedure to be followed— Tnstructions—Government Memo. No. 155741-A/C/63-1, dated 6th April, 1963— bi oogaried. December $1, No. 2420 (A), Ms. ‘The 'Madras Cinemas (Regulation) Act) (Madras “Act IX of 1955)—Extension to the added territories—Notification—Issued. ‘April 2, No. 691 (L), Ms, '°Madras Giiy Land Revenue Act)’ 1851 (Central, Act XL. of 1951)—Applicabiliay to “eertain areas in’ Chingleput: distriet—Submitted. PT MRS a5 A April 24, No. 819 (A), Ms. J, The Madras Court-fees ‘anid’ Suits Valuation “Act, 1955—Rules relating to service and | exeetition of processes in’ Civil and:Criminal Courts amended and approved by the Government ‘and certiaun ‘other notifications, issued ;under Madras Court-Fees and Snits) Valuation Act, 1955-Incorporation. in the. revised edition ,of, the Madras Stamp Manual-Proppsals of the Board of Revenue—Approved—Rules—Communi- ea Tune 18, No. 1145 (8), Ms. » The Madras Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments” Act, 1959—Extension to the added territories specified in the Madras (Added Territories) Extension of Laws ‘Act, 1962—Notification issued—Goverament order recorded. e se cri ai Yo te Gaihuary 18, No. /1324T)).Ms. fndras Hill Stations (Preservation. of “Trees) Act, 1955 and Madras’ Preservation of Private Forest Act, 1949—Permission to clear, fell for planting tea, ete.—Proposald —Submission to Board—Procedure to be adopted—Instructions—Tssued ‘ “April 22, ‘No, "801-(Q);, Ms. -M4ILS,P. Act and rules Working and proper enforcement of the Provisions of the ‘Act—Amienidment sugested. by Collector of Salem Board's remarks Submited. - pie May 116, ‘No. 976/(Q); Ms. ‘Thie Madras Land ‘Encroachment Act,'1905—Delegation’ of jowers to the Ranchayat Union Commissioners and‘ "Tahsildars—Diseussion at Collectors _conferenee— Report—Called for—Papers—Recorded. Mas.23, No. 1034, (8), Ms. », Madras Land Reforms ((Pixation of Ceiling‘on Land) “Act, 1961—(Madeas -Act/58 of 1961) —Ded “under section 19 (1)—Filing of by Government=Not necessary ) AInstructionsTsstiedin Tee T of toy “April 30, No. 875, Ms. “Maains Act 21 of 1961—Membe of Panchayat Union Couneil—Clarification’ issued—Government Memo, 206417/T. Spl./62-4, Rural Development and Local Adinitistiition, dated: 2d: Tarinaty -A963—Recordeds. 9.) 219) oak ayy YT Soig tia ‘March 90, No, 680.(A), Ms. Lanp Revenve) ‘Ixpex, 1968 t ACTS—cont. ii Madras Money Lenders Act, 1957 (Madras Act XXWVI of 1957)—Advancing money on ‘ secured loan’ andion pledge or * Pawn ’—Olarification—Report, submitted. A ! I ;. Santiary.7, Now 61, (A), Ms. , Madea Panchayat Act, 1958—Notifidations—Orders; etc, issued under the Act— ~ spplication to added tefritory—Orders issued—Papérs recorded. Januaty 11, No. 107/(A), Ms. Madras Pawnbrokers Rules, '1944—Amendments—Proposals—Submitted “ Tuly 9, No. 1246, Mis. Madras Pawnbrokers Rules, ‘1944—Extension ‘to the Added 'Territories—Notification issued—G.O. communicated. q September 7, No. 1702-(A); Ms. Madras Pawn Brokers’ Act, 1943—Working of—Half yearly repor'-Conversion into ‘annual report—Ordered—-Government Memo, No, 104651 /.t/2/63-1, Industries, uabour and Co-operation, dated Bist July 1963 Recorded. September 7,°No. 1718 (A), Ms. Madras Pawnbrokers, Act, 1943" Bad! ‘Character’ in. section 4 (2)—Meaniing— Copy of Government Memoraidum commtini¢ated. July 17, No. 1941 (A), Ms. MP.P.B. »Act—Ramanathapuram) districtManamaduyai,taluk—Arasalkylam village—Cut trees stealtbily .cargied, away ;and_ theft. of, same—Immediate , public detion requested—Papers-—Recorded. April 22)"No. 800 @), Ms. ‘Madras Places of Public Resort Act,.1888—Rules and notifications framed or isgued ‘under the Act—Extension to the :transferred. territory—Papen®—Recorded. ' OH A hacrarch March 3, No. 485 (4), Ms. eoeMPhé MadrasShops.and Establishments Act,,.1947—All shops and establishments in the Staté of Madras—Conditional exemption from sections 10 and 15.of the Act for ‘ farther, period--Granted—G.0. recorded. 2/.No.’3 (A,OMs. \ppendix’T to the ‘he Madras Survey and, Boundaries, Act, VIIL of 1928 ‘i +>) Madras, Survey Manual, Volyme..1)—Amendments— Propgsalé ‘submitted. . f es april '23;No."806 (N), Ms. Petroleum Act, 1994 (80 of 1934)—Carbide of Calciwyp Rules, 1937—Ruie 50—Amend- + ment—Notification of the Goverpment of India—Republished—G.0. Ms. No. 3300, “4 Home, dated 26th September, 1962—Recorded. ,""” March'18, No. 683 (L)" Ms. Wak Act, 1954—Constituticn’of the Board of Wakfs—Report--Submitted,, February 21, No. 400, Mis. Wakf Act, 1954—Removal of” Giffoultiés?inothie working of the Wakt Boards and ‘administration of wakfs—Amendments proposed by the Government of Indi ~ Board’s remarks submitted. : , May, 22, No, 1095, Mis. “ADVANCES. Lefa ; _-. Conyeyange Advance—Sanetion Of2Sééretary of each branch of the Board ot Revenue ©" “to saniction advance for purchase of bicycles to the non-Gazetted Officers working ‘under th Control of the’ Board of Revenue—Orders passed. sie October 24, No, 1970 (G), Ms. Drawal of advaiiee Suiiétioned to a Government Servant for the purchase of Motor 1t/Motor Cycle, ete., duririg-the, period of leave—Instructions—Issued—Communi- ted. yo February 28, No, 456 (G). Ms. Motor Car Advancé—Sti P. ‘8. Anantharaman, ‘formerly Special Deputy Collector for ‘Land Acquisition City Improvement Trust Schemes, Madras, now Revenue Divi- sional Officer, 'Thanjavur—Rs, 5,000—Granted.. January 8, No, 16 (G), Ms. Motor Car Advance--Thanjavar District—Sri K. P. Arunachalam, Authorised Officer, . Land, Reforms, Mayuram—Rs. 5,000 granted. March 21, No. 605 (G), Ms. . Motor Gar Adyances—-Sri 'T, D? Sundararaj, /Astistont:Commissioner for Agri Tncome-tax, Ootacamund, the Nilgitis—Rs. 6,650—Granted. c bi January. 3, No. 25 (G), Ms. + Motor Gre Advanco granted’ to. Sri P.M. Sabapathi, Special Deputy Collector, ‘L.A.K.H.L.C. and P.C. Schemes, virappalli—Mortgage bond for safe custody of the Board—Submitted—1 ‘ded. fay 4, No. 901 (G), Ms, “ IsbEX, 1963 [Boanb op Revewus ADVANCES—eont. Paymient of advance to Shencottah Panchayat Union and the Panchayat Unions in ‘Kanyakumari District—Terms and conditions regarding repayment—Orders ‘Modi- fied—Government Memo. recorded. ‘July 9, No. 1264 (A), Me. Motor Car Advance—Grant to Sri ‘TD, Sundararaj, Assistant Commissioner, fo" Agricultural Income-tax, Ootacamund—Mortgage bond for safe custody—Sub- mitted—Papers—Recorded ‘May 13, No. 954 (G), Ms. (Confdl.). Motor Cur Advanoes--Sanctioning of—Delegation of powers to the Board of Revenue and other Heads of Departments under the control of the Revenue ‘Department— Onders. passed—Amendments—Submitted. May 20, No. 48 (@),. Ms. ‘Motor Car Advance granted to Sri F. Ahmed, Revenue Divisional (flicer, Devakuttai— Mortgage bond--Ieturned to the Board for safe custody—Papers—Recorded ‘May 18, No. 1000 (G), Ms. Motor Car Advance—Sri N. Gurusami, Revenue Divisional Officer, ‘Brode—Coiabatore distriet—Rs. 5,000-—Granted. May 17, No. 987 (G), Ms. Motor Car Advance granted to Sri S. Mrithyunjayan, Personal Assistant to the Cellee- tor of Coimbatore—Mortgage bond—Scrutimised—Papers—Recorded May 25, No. 1050 (G), Ms (Confdl. % Motor Car Advance—Sri 8, Aromaghem—Previously Revenue Divisional, Ofieers Pollachi—Now Revenue Divisional Officer, ‘Tirunelveli—Rs. 5,000—Granted. September 10, No. 1728 (G) Ms. Motor Car Advances—Sri M. Kasemuthudoss—Authorised Oficer-—(Tand Reforms) ‘Nagapattinam, ‘Thanjavur District—Rs. 5,000—Granted. ‘August 7, No. 1504 (@), Ms Motor Car Advance--Sri M. Thirumalaiswamy, Special Depaty Collector, Revetne Court, Kumbakonam, Rs. 5,000—Granted. Beptember 4, No. 1679, (G), Ms- Motor Car Advance—Sri 8. Kalai, Assistant Commissioner of Agricultural Income- ‘Tax Thanjavar—Rs. 5,000—Granted. September 4, No. 1680 (GI, Ms. Motor Car Advance—Sanctioning of—Delegation of powers to the Board of Keven and other Heads of Departments under control of the Revenue ‘Department—Orders Clarification—Issued—Government Memo. No. 54842/B-2/63, Revenue, dated th August 1963—Recorded. ‘October 5, No. 1860 (G), Ms. Motor.Car Advancea--Granted ta,SH, Raman Nair, Personal Assistent, to te eet Trek ArootMorigage bond returned after perusal by. Accountsn General—Recerded. September 25, No. 1810 (G), Ms. Motor Car Advance Granted to Sri TA. Krishnaswamy, Special Depn'y Collector ‘Lana. Acquisition}-—Neighbourhood Schemes, Madras. Septeraber 25, No. 1808 (G), Ms. ‘Motor Car Advance—Grant io Officers—Provided with Government vehicles—Instruc- tions issued—Papers—Recorded. June 1, No. 1001 (G), Ms. Motor Car Advance—Sri V, Dasappen, Special Deputy Collector for T.and Acquisition “Doubling of Railway ‘Track—Salem—Rs. 5,000—Granted. July 22, No, 1997, Mis. Motor Car Advanee——Coimibitore distriet—A. N. Natarajan, Grain Purchase Officer, Coimbatore—Rs. 6,500—Granted. March 21, No. 604 (G) Mis. Motor Car Advance-—Sti 8. Sivasubramaniam, Probationary Deputy Collector (Traine ing), Coimbatore—Rs. 5,000—Granted. ‘November 14, No. 2099-(G), Ms. “Motor Car Advanees—Thanjavur distriot—Sri K. P. Arunachalam—8.0. Land Ceiling, ‘Mayoram-—Re,_5,000-—-Granted. Satcher 21, No. 1950, (G), Ms. Non-Gazetted Governinent Servants stationed in Filarial areas—Special interest free “advances towards, the cost of mosquito net—Listvof filarial affected ‘area—Up-to- date list Recorded, ‘March 23, No. 620 (G), Ms. Permanent Advance—Survey and Land Records Range Office ot ‘Madras— Ra. 60—Sanctioned. ‘November 26, No. 2125 (N), Ms. Payment of advance to Panchayat Union—Terms and conditions for repayment— ‘Fread of Account—Intimation of—Regarding—Papers recorded, July 9, No. 1960 (A), Ms. ‘Péiiaiwany; Sti K. K.—Range Office, Survey and Land Records ‘Tiruchirapalli Regarding. Suly 24, No. 1410 (Confal) (Ms. ‘Lax REVENUE] ‘Inpax, 1963 5 ADVANC S—cont, Permanent Advance of Resurvey Party IL, Nagercoil—Fixation of—Ordered, August 18, No. 1562 (N), Ma. Permanent advance—Revenue Divisional Officer's Office, Padmanabhapuram— Kanyakumari district—Grant of—Collector’s permanent advance—Enhancement— Sanctioned. February 21, No, 394 (W), Ms, Permanent—(Chingleput district) to the Revenue Divisional Oltice at Kancheeparam. Grant of Colleteor’s permanent advance—Hnaetment—Sanctioned, February 8, No. 983 (W), Ms, Pormanvnt advance of Range Office, Survey and Land Records, Ramanathapuram st. ‘Madurai—Test check of—Kevision—Reduction—Ordered. August 7, No. 1498 (N), Ms. Vermanent advance for Resurvey Party, Erode—Sanction—Accorded. Tuly 24, No. 1409 Ms. Permanent advance—Salen district—Office of the Special Deputy Collector (Land Acquisition), Salem-Bangalore Railway line—Grant of Collector's permanent ‘advance-—Enhancement—Sanctioned. July 2, No. 1199 Ms. ‘AGRICULTURE. Agricultural Production—Potato cultivation—Measures for increasing production— Orders issued—G.0, Ms. No. 2058, Food and Agriculture, dated Ist July 1968— Recorded. August 7; No. 1497°(X), Ma Coconut—Coinprekiensive Scheme for the Development of Coconut—Plantation in the. coastal areas of Ramanathapuram district—Delegation of powers to the Special ‘Tahsildar to assign lands under the Scheme—G.0. Ms, No. 132, Food and Agri« culture, dated 11th January 1963—Recorded. January 31, No. No. 935 (3), Ms. Execution of Soil Conservation measures in plantation areas in Shevoroy Hills—-Com- prehensive scheme—Proposals of the Director of Agriculture—Recommended. September 4, No. 1673 (T), Ms. Flood relief measures—Thanjavur and ‘Tiruchirapalli Distticts—Removal of sand deposited in the lands due to floods in Cauveri during 1961—Reclamation of 26,72 acres of lands cast with sand dunes in Ammayappan village in ‘Thanjavur District—Revised orders—Government Memo. No. 102056, G/62-2, Food and Agriculture, dated 15th October 1962—Recorded. December 27, No. 2595 (F), Ms. Food Production—Green manure seeds—Scheme for the procurement end distribution: ‘of green manure seeds—Entrustment of work to the Panchayat Unions—Extension of the scheme till Blst March 1963—Orders issued, Tuly 6, No. 1996 (A), Ms. Food Production—I.M.8.—Disbursement of loans for purchase of C.F. for sugarcane —Collectiors ‘ia March kist—Repayment in June—Papers—Recorded. March 27, No. 651 (X), Ms. Food production—Utilisation of Railway lands for cultivation under Grow More Food Cem paign—Quarterly Progress report—Discontinuance and submission of annual report—Orders—Tasiied. October 23, No, 1969 (B), Ms. Hire Purchase Scheme of oil exigines and electric motor pumpsets—Proposals of the Director of Agriculture to transfer the scheme run by the Agriculture Department to the Board of Revenue (Food Production)—Orders—Issved, Tanuary 3, No. 11/(5), Ms. India of Agricultural Research—Seminar of irrigation drainage and water-logging problemns—Kecommendations—Remarks in respect of item 4 (viil—Submitted. July 17, No. 1852 (H), Ms. Oil seeds—Utilisation of Surplus Railway lands for cultivation of castor—Report— Submitted. August 17, No. 1568 (B), Ms, Reclamation of waste lands available in Attur taluk, Salem district—Copy of inspection notes forwarded—G.0, Ms. No. 2150, Food and Agriculture, dated i0th uly 1963 and G.0. Ms. No, 1987, Food and Agriculture, dated 24th’ June 1963—Papers— ‘Recorded. August 9, No. 1531 (B), Ms. ante 6 ‘Inpex, 1963 [Bosep oF Revenus AGRICULTURE—cont. Soil Conservation—Kurdah Soil Conservation Board—Constitution—Orders, passed— G.0.-M3. No: 1827, Wood and’ Agriculture, dated 4th June 1963—Recorded September 24, No. 1805 (‘L), Ms. ALL-INDIA SERVICES. According of sanction to prosecute members Papers—Recorded. (Commutation of Pension)—Regulations, 1955—Amendn Notification of Government of India—Republished—G (Special) Department, dated 11th July 1963—Recorded. September 4, No. 1683 (C), Ms. in amendments—Republished. January 16, No. 117 (©), Ms, efit) Rules, 1958—Certain amendments—Republished— Publie (Special) Department, dated 30th January 1963— Recorded May 13, No. 955 (C), Ms, eath-cum-Retirement Benefit) Rules, 1958—Procedural instructions regarding use OF fortms-—Siniction and payment of retirement benefits—Orders issued—C.0, Ma, No. 614, Public (Special) Department, dated 25th March 1963—Recorded. May 18, No. 1003 (©), Ms. ‘Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Rules, 1958—Exercise of option under Rules 8 (3) and 8 (G)—Extension of time limit—Government Memorandum No. 4483/63-1, dated 26th June 1963—Recorded. August 21, No: 1591 (C), Ms. Discipline snd Appeal) Rules, 1955—Grant of Dearness. allowance of the All-India Services—instructions— June 18, No, 1135 (D), Ms. nt to» Regulation ‘7 (2)— ). Ms. No. 1142, Publie (Death-cuin-Retirement Benefit) Rules, 1958—Certai eath-cum-Retirement Ben: @10? Ms. “No. 149, to. suspended officers under Sub-Clanse (ii) of the second proviso to rule 8 of All-India Serviced (Discipline and Appeal) Rules—Instructions of Government. of India—Communi eated—Government Order—Recordec ALLOWANCES. Beriz, deduction—Ryotwari village—Service inam Jands—Grant of beriz deduetion— Censequent on-acquisition—Orders passed. August 8, No, 1513°(1), Ms. Tuly 1,,No, 1194 (D), Ms. Daily “alfowaiiee™Entiintea daily allowance for the trainees from Kanyakumari district—Grant of—Report—Submitted. December’ 30, No. 2425 (G), Ms. Fixed ‘travelling allowanee—Ephancethent of fixed travelling allowance—Kittuni (80) "Es Formerly ‘Special ‘Tahsildar and now Agricultural Income-tax Officer, Tiruchirappalli—Reeovery of excess fixed traveling allowance: -Waiver of Report submitted, ; emiber 19, No. 9832 (G), Ms. nsreased “conveyance allowance to the Tahsildars (North; and (South) and Indeperdet ““Depity “Tabsildar, Madras—Further continuance Report Submitted. April 1, No. 687 (G), Mi Minor rrigation=Restifieation of errors—Verification of cérrectness—Certficates by drawing officers—Annual return—Submission to Board—Discontinuance—Ingtrue- Tanuary 2, No. 4 (H), Ms. Mone allowance (Coimbatore)—Paljadam talok—Mandiripalayam village—Choultry ppitcontinuance of money allowance—Institution of a suit—Draft plaint™ ‘Approved. ‘August 14, No, 1550 (T), Ms Parembikulam-Aliyar, Project—Revenue staff for acquisition of lands for construction af Sholayar Dam—Class T special pay—Sanctioned—G.0. Ms, No. 805, P-W.D., dated 13th March 1963—Recorded. April 17, No. 783 (G), Ms. ‘Travelling allowance—Hxcessive claims in certain cases-—-Cases| of high claivas of Gazetted Officers to be reviewed—Orde—Issned. It oft ,t April 5, No. 713, (G), Ms. remarks—Submitted . $ Chat ze: for water—Amaravathi Reservoir Project (Coimbatore)—Dharapuram taluk— Sugarcane crop—Levy’of water-cess—Instructions—Issued. , May 6, No. 913 Ms. ‘Charge fc yater—(Madurai)—Vaigai Reservoir Project—I ‘of water. Rul ‘uoder the Irrigation Cems Act, 1868—Netibontion rack”? MME cess—Thales September 9, No, 1721 (i), Ms. Laxp Revenvs] Inpex, 1963 i ASSESSNEN Charge for water—(Salem)—Mettur sub-taluk—Peria Soragai village—S, Nos. 45 and 76/1, ete.—Levy of assessment and penatly—Cancellation and refund—Representa- cont. tion. August 20, No, 1580 (H), Ms. Charge for water—<(Salem)—Namakkal taluk—Eachampatti village 8, No. 52/1—Levg cf water-cess-Caneellation of—Orders passed, May 28, No. 1065 (HD), Ma. Charge for water—(Tirunelveli)—Srivaikuntam talk—Mullakad —village—Petition against the levies imposed according . to. the whims and fancies of the karnam— Report—Submitted. January 24, No, 188 (H) Ms. Charge for © water—(Tirunelveli)—Manimuthar Project—Including‘Tambaraparani system—Percolation affected lands—Classification—List of percolation affected lands Called for. February 19, No. 352 (H), Ms. Charge for water—(Tirunelvel)—Manithuthar Reservoir Project—Concessions’ in the matter of levy of penalties for use of water for advance kar—Orders. passed—G.O. ‘Ms. No. 1487, Revenue, dated 15th April 1963—Recorded. Charge fot water—(Tirunclveli)—Srivaikuntam taluk—Agaram village—Levy of ‘water-coss under the Manimuthar Cess Rukes—Cancellation—Request—Orders passed ‘April 98, No. 807 (H), Ms. ge for water—(Tirunelveli)—Tenkasi taluk—Courtallam village—Cireuit House— Supply of water from Ohittar river—Report—Submitted. August 9, No. 1525.(H) Ms. “Ground rent—Madras City—Revision, 1961-62—Determination of P.HLV. Board's inatructions—Re-opening of cases revised in 1961-62 und disposal of appeals— Tnstiuctions—Tssued. July 22,No, 1383 (B) Ms. Land Revene—(The Nilgiris}—Ootacamund and Coonoor 'talukt—Areas planted with special crops like. tea, coffee,, ete.—Revision of assessment—Delegation of ROWSTS, to. the District Collector, etc.—Orders passed—G.O. Ms. No. 782, Revenue, ln © “195th February 1963—Recorded. March 12, No. 581 (F), Ms. ‘Land Revenue on lands belonging to Central Government—Payment of—Clarifica tior—Orders—Issused. | October 19, No, 1944 (B), Ms. ASSIGNMENT. Land—Assignnent of lands to displaced goldsmiths—Suggestion of the Gold Boara ~ Remarks—Submitted August 13, No. 1541 (B), Ms. Land—Assignment of Government lands to Jawans in the active service and ex. servicemen—Certain concessions in the matter of assignment of lease for agricul tural purposes under K. P, Rules—Report—Submitted September 27, No. 1826 (B), Ms. ‘Land—Collection of double the market value in case of rich persons—' Rich Persons * Defined in’ G.0.-Ms, No. 1733, Revenue; dated 8th May 1963—Recorded August 9; No. 1530°(B), Ms. Landl-~Disposal of Government lands imposing a new condition growing of trees— Amendment to B.8.0. No. 24 (16)—Approved by Government—Memo, No. 60061 ‘L/60-28, Revenue, dated 13th August 1800 Conmasiesed, September 30, No. 1 » Ms. Tand—Disposal of Government Waste Lands imposing a new ein lot growing of trees—Amendment to B.8.0. 15 and 24—Submitted. ‘May 25, No. 1049 (B), Ms- Land—Disposal of Government Waste Lands imposing of a new condition regardi rowing of treee—Amendment to B.S.0. 15—Approved by Govemnment-—Oommant its rai August 27, No. 1619 (B), Ms. nd—Grant of cultivable waste lands to landless poor persons—Monthil reports—Diseontinuance—Orders passed—Governmment Memo, No, 305 /1°9/00.3, Revenue, dated &th August 1963—Recorded. ‘August 27, No: 1632 (B), Ms. Land— Reserved for assignment. to Harijans—Disreservation—Prior sanction of Government—Necessary—Instructions in Government Memo, No. 16843/F.2.63-4, dated 10th May 1963—Communicated: August 19, No. 1575 (B). Ms. ‘Lani—Revision of the rates af assessment in Hill areas—Amendment to B.S.0, ‘No.15 (44)—Issued. October 15, No. 1895 (B), Ms. 4 { 8 Inpex, 1968 [Boanp or Revenvs ASSIGNMEN'T—cont. ‘House-sits (Chingleput) Saidapet ‘'aluk—Nanganallur Village—S. No. 41 18,0 acres— ‘Dransfer from ‘fank Poramboke to village-site for forming Non-Gazetted Otticers? Colony—Proposils—Submitted. Mareh 14, No. 546 (B), Ms, ( House-site (Chingleput)—Saidapet ‘Taluk—Seliyur Village—S. No. 132/2—Request of Sri 22, Ramaswami and Dan Joseph—Proposals—Subinitied. May 16, No. 980 (B), Ms. House-sites—(Chingleput)—Saidapet taluk—Zamin Pallavaram village—S. No. 256/1) —Kegularisation of the encroachments—Instructions—Issued. ‘November 4, No. 2027 (B), Ms. ‘House-site—(Coimbatore)—Pollachi taluk—Anamalai Hills—Valparai_ _village— 8. No. 31/37/6—Shop-site—Assigned to Sri Nachimuthu Gounder—Conditions of assignment infringed—Report—Submitted. December 10, No. 2274 (B), Ma. ‘Land—Chingleput}—Thirumallaivoyal Village—S. No. 209/2 and 883—Assignment in favour of Imperial Chemicals by stle—Amendinent to conditions of grant—Orders. passed—Papere recorded. February 4, No. 252 (E), Ms. Land (Chinigleput)—Assignment ‘of ayacut lands under Ked Hills and Sholavaram tanks—Draft form of application—Submitted. August 27, No. 1631 (B), Ms. ‘Lana—(Chingleput)—Assignment of ayacut Jands under Red Hills and Sholavaram tanks after acquisitién—Draft form of application—Amendments to form of order of assignment of land by sale—Approved—Government Order recorded—G.0. ‘Ms. No. 2981, Revenue, dated 8rd October 1963—Recoried. October 18, No, 1925 (B), Ms ‘Land—(Chingleput)—Gurmudipoondi sub-taluk, Elayur Village—S. Nos. 1220/A1, '928/A-1, 924 and 825—Assignment to Messrs. Sakthi pipes, limited—Ordered—G.0, ‘Ms. No. 1785, Revenue, dated 9th May 1963—Recorded. May 97, No. 1053 (B), Ms. Tasnd—(Chingleput)—Saidapet and Ponneri taluks—Assignment after acquisition of ‘wet lands under the ayacut of Red Hills snd Sholavaram tanks—Instruetions— Socicited—Proposals—Submitted. November 27, No. 2128 (B), Ms. ‘Land—(Chingleput)—Kancheepuram Town 8. No, T11—Assignment in favour of ‘Vedachalam (Sti G.)—Appeal partially allowed. ‘ May 15, No. 973 (B), Ms, Land (Chingleput)—Saidapet taluk—Pallikaranai village—Assignment to Messrs, ‘Amalgamation (Private) Limited, Madras—Collection of arrears of | revenue— Repori—Submitted. ‘May 16, No. 979 (B), Ms. Land (Chingleput)—Saidapet Taluk—Kathivakkam Village—8. No. 30—Aasign- ment in favour of Messrs. Blue Mountain Estate on collection of single market value—Orders passed—Recorded. February 18, No, 839 (B), Ms. ‘Land—(Chingleput)—Saidapet taluk—Koraptur village-S. Nos. 984, 1005, _ete.— ‘Change of classification as dry assessed waste for eventual assignment to Messrs, T.V.S. and Sons—Orders passed—G.0. Ms. No.» 3958, Revenue, dated 26th November 1693—Recorded, December 17, No. 9918 (B), Mi Land—(Chingleput)—Saidapet taluk—Swamp lands in Palliakaranai, ete. vvillages—Further extension of time for reclamation granted—G.0, Ms. No. 2520, Revere, dated 19th August 1963—Recorded. September 11, No. 1782 Ms. Land-—(Chingleput)—Saidapet taluk—Patravakkam —village—R.8. No. 7, ‘ete.—Request of K. R. Kothandaraman and Company—Remarks—Submitted. July 2%, No. 1421 (B), Ms. Land—(Chingleput)—Saidapet talok—Polal_ village—8, No. 459/3—8.42 acres ‘for establishment of a Glass Factory requested—Report—Submitted. August 6, No. 1481 (B), Ms, ‘Land—(Chingleput)—Saidapet talnk—Polal village—R.S, No. 459/8A— (8.42 acres) “Assignment in favour of Madras Glass Works—Orders passed —G.0. Ma. No. 2924, Revenue, dated Ist October 1964—Recorded. pte, October 81, No. 2020 (B), Ms, Lavo Revexve} Inpex, 1963, 9 ASSIGNMENT—cont, Land—(Chingleput)—Saidapet taluk—Viruvottiyur and Sathangadu _villages— Assignment of lands for K.C.P. Colony—Petition to Government-—Submitted. May 1, No. 888 (B), Als. Land—(Chingleput)—Saidapet taluk—Sathangadu and Tiruvottiyur villages—R.8- Nos. 3/1-Al and 4/1G and 267/A—Request of Messrs. K.C.P. Limited, Madras— Orders passed—G.0. Ms, No. 2134, Revenue, dated 8rd July 1963—Recorded. Tuly 22, No. 1989 (B), Ms. Land—(Chingleput)—Saidapet taluk—Tambaram village—8, No. 326-1—Plot No. 116 Assigned to Esther Ponnudurai—C.M.P, No. 5800 of 1961 in O.P. No. 864 of 1960—Papers—Recorded, May 14, No. 968 (B), Ms. Land—(Chingleput)—Saidapet taluk—Thiruvottiyur and Sathangadu village—Assign- ‘ment of land on behalf of Madras Sheet Glass Works (Private), Limited—Remarks —Submitted September 6, No. 1609 (B), Ma. Land—(Chingleput)—Sriperumbudur taluk—Nemilicheri village—1.88 acres. in 8, No. 43—Assigned by the Collector o Shri Sivagnam—Orders set aside by Board —Revisien petition to Government—G.0. Ms, No. 3224, Revenue, dated 5th Novem- ber 1968—Orders passed. November 29, No, 2133 (B), Ms. Land—(Chingleput)—Sriperumbudur taluk—Padappai village—S. No. -364—Pond poramboke—Assignment in favonr of Sri Narayanan—Proposals—Submitted. Tanuary 3, No. 14 (B), Ms. Land—(Chingleput)—Sriperambudur ‘Taluk—Padappai , -Village—S, No, 364— Pond Poramboke—Agsignment in favour of Sri Narayanan—Ordered—G.0. Ms, No- 1967, Rev., dated 10th June 1963—Recorded. Tune 5, No. 1172 (B),Ma. Land—(Chingleput)—Sriperumbudur talok—Thandarai’® village"S, No. 62/1, ete.—Request by Messrs. Southern Stractaral—Report—Submitted. July 16, No. 1313 (B), Ms, Tand—(Chingleput)—Tiruvallur taluk—Vishnuvakkam, village—8. No. 185—51 cents Assignment in favour of Sri Govindappa Naidu—Orders passed. Tanuary 4, No, 28, (B), Ms. Tand—(Chingleput)—Tiruttani —taluk—Kerthikeyapuram village—S. Nos. 10/4 and 272—Assignment in favour of Sri Saraswathi Mills, Limited—Report submitted —Orders—Requested. September 27, No. 1828 B (Ms.). Land—(Chingleput)—Tirattani_ taluk—Karthikeyapuram village—S. Nos, 10/4 272—Assignment in favour of Messrs. Saraswathi Mills—Orders passed, —G.O. Ms. No. 2837, Revenue, dated 21st September 1963—Recorded. October 19, No. 1982 (B), (MBs.) Land—(Chingleput)—Uthiramerur sub-taluk—Malliankaranaivillage—S, No. 518-4 eents—Request by Sri Ratnaveln Mudalisr—Proposals—Submitted. Tanuary 4, No, 84 (B), Ms. Land—(Coimliatore)—Lands assigned to persons displaced by the 1..B. Project offering as security for obtaining loan—Mortgage Banks—Relaxation of certain conditions — Orders passed—G.0. Ms. No, 2209, Revenue, dated 12th July 1963—Recorded. August 2, No. 1477 (B), Ms. Land—(Coimbatore)—Hrode taluk—Thingalur Village--S. Nos. 44, 145-7 Natham~0.04 acre—Granted to. Sri Marappa Gounder—Revision . petition by Sri M. Guruswamy Gounder—Orders—Passed, January 18, No. 127 (B), Ms. Land--(Coimbatore)—Palladam taluk—Thottipalayam village—T. 8. No, 120—Town- site—Assignment to Sri Parameswaran—Proposals—Submitted, Tanuary 8, No. 13 (B), Ms. Land—(Coimbatore—Palladam _taluk—~Tiruppur town—Thottipalayam —_village— TS, Nos, 576 and 579 of Ward 2, Blocks 14 and 15, to Sri O. K. 8. Marimuthu— Proposals—Orders—Requested. July 4, No, 1213 (B), Ms. Tand—Coimbatore)—Pollachi taluk—Anamalai Hills village—S. No, 18/1—Koran- gumudi estate—Relaxation of condition of assignment—Report—Submitted. . September 9, No. 1716 (B), Ms. Tand—(Coimbatore)—Pollachi taluk—Boligoundampalam —_village—Sundaragoun- danur Natham—0.46 . acte—8. No. 25/24, in favour of Sundaragoundanur Multi-purpose Co-operative Society—Layout plan—Approved, Tanuary 95, No. 194 (B), Ms. 42-203 00 Inpex, 1963 [Boanp oy Ruvunow ASSIGNMENT—cont. Yand—(Kanyakumnari-—Kandukrishi pattom lands—Assignments on registry rilee— Amendment—Proposals—Submitted. September 12, No. 1741 (B), Ms. Tani Madras— Extended area—Velachery—R.8. Nos, 44-2, 64 and 65—Kequest of the Greater Madras Co-operative Society—Report—Submitted. May 2, No. 897 (B), Ms, Tand-—Madras—R.8, No. 3838 (part)—In favour of Sti Abdul Maxed Khan— Orders —Passed—G.0. “Ms. No. 420, Revevenue, dated 2th January 1963 Recorded February 7, No. 280°(B), Ms, Tand—Madras—Mylapore—R.8. No, 3809—1 ground 90 square feet—In favour of Srimathi Katari—Assignment on collection of single market value--Ordered, January 30, No. 229 (B), Ms. and Modras “2.8. No. | 1897-1 of Mylipore—Request of | Sri K. Chocks. Yingamn, T.4.$ —Report—Submitted. Morch 2, No. 606 (B), Ms. Tand—Madros—Mylapore--R.S, Nos. 3920-1 (part) and 8921 (part) in’ favour of Sri P. Sabanayagam. 1.A.8.—Report subraitted, April 24, No. 823 (B), Msc Aand Madras—Mylapore—R.8. No. 1387/1—917 square feet—In favour of Sri K. Chockalingam, A.8.. Deputy. Secretary to Government, Home Department, Madras—Ordere—G.0. Ms, No, 1355, Revenue, dated 4th’ April 1963 Recenled April 80, No, 880 (B), Ms. ‘Land—Madras—Mylapore—R.8. No. 3008/1, in favour of Further report—Submitted. Land--Madtas—Mylapore—R.8, No. 4120, Sri V. C. Gopalarathnam— Tune 12, No. 1180 (B), Ms. ‘Request by Subramania Iyer (Sri) T. R—Report—Submitted. August 12, No. 1299 (B),!Ms. Aand Madras —B.8, No, 480(1) (part)—478 square deet—In favour of Sri E. C. P. Prabaker, I.A.8.—Proposals—Submitted, April 80, No. 879 (B), Ms. Fand—Madras-—Nun, B.S. Nos. 175/1.and 177 (part). in’ favour of Sri 8, Krishnaraj—I pad al July 8, No. 1205 (B), Ms. July 29, No; 1437 (B), Ms. Tand— (Madurai) —Dindigul —talak—Gudalur village—-8, No. 1896-1 ete— Assignment to Sri Ponnan Samban and Sri Periya yth—Notice—Tssued—Orders ‘passed. January 3, No. 15 (B), Ms. ‘Tand—(Medurai)—Kodaikansl taluk—Adnkkam village—Palamalai slopes — Regularisation of encroachments—Request—Rejected—Orders of 1 loverni in G.0. Ms. No. 262, Revenue, dated 22nd August et Recean ee pe ot September 27, No. 1827 (B), Ms. Lai jure)—Melur talule—Keeranur and Poojuthi vilage—Asignmont to Ex. servicemen—Report-Submitted. ‘August 7, No "1568" (B). Me; Tand—(Madurai)—Melur talak—Poonjuthi village—Assignment to Ex.S; — Regardi Orders paseed—G.0. Ms. No. $164, Sia a. 0th Geta Revenue, dated 30th October ‘mber 11, No, 2276 (B), (Ms.). Land—(Madurai)—Palni taluk—Sis tti village—S, No, 84/1—Assigned to Sri Sadhu Dharmanands, SaraswathiPa Teconsideration by Sri'C. Gopal, samy—Report—Submitted. November 11, No, 2077 (B), (Ms.). ‘Land—(Madurai—Periakulam taluk~Melagadalue vill No. 2893—Taku by Forest Department-—Compeneation—Request of $1. N. xen af Asari —Report—Submitted. March 16, No. 551 (B), Ma, Lanp Revenvs] Inpax, 1963 aa ASSIGN MENT —cont Land—(Madurai)—Periakulam taluk—Naranathevanpatti village—The Madras Tea Estates, Lamited—Condition regarding the planting of 120 shade trees—Amend- ment to Government Order—Ordred—G.0. Ms. Ms. No. 1229; Revenue, dated 21st March 1963—Recorded. ‘May 25, No. 1047 (B), Ms. Land—(The Nilgiris\—Gudalur taluk—Hrumad village—S, No, 255-2—Instruetions —Issued—Papers—Recorded. February 7, No. 279 (B), Mes Land—(The Nilgiris)—Gudalur taluk—Mannanad village—S. No. 59—Assignment to Sri Chathukutty Chetty (Sri) G.—Droposals—Submitted. January 22, No. 165 (B), Ms. Land—(The Nilgiris)—Gudalur taluk—Pandalur firka—Regularisation “ 6f pexieroach- ments—Minimum limit—Fixing .of—Collector's. proposals-—~Approved—Papers— Recorded. August 27, No. 1633 (B), Ms. Land—(The Nilgiris)Gudalur taluk—Nelliyalam village—S. No. 980/1—Assign- ment to Srimathi Paruchettichiar—Ordered—G.0. Ms. No. 2623, Revenue, dated 80th August 1963—Records—Returned—Recorded. September 12, No. 1739 (B), Ms. Land--(The Nilgiris)—Ootacamuniataluk—Melkundah village—S, No, 105/1— Disreservation of forest area for assignment to persons whose lands have been soquired for Kundah Hydro-Blectric Scheme—Assignment of lang by Collector— Pemmilted~G.0. Ms. No, 1905, Hovenue, dated dist May 1963—Recorded. Tune 2, No, 1164 (B), Ms. Tand—(The Nilgiris)—Ootacamund talak—Muligoor village—8. No. 210—Grant. of Jand in liew of patta lands acquired for the Kundha Hydro-Electrie Scheme— Orders issued. January 9, No. 90. (B), Ms. Land—(The Nilgiris\—Ootacamund taluk and town—8, No. 4858~Assignment of Mest. Hindustan Photo: Films—Report—Submitted, September 2, No. 1655 (B), Ms. Ue Nilgiris)—Ootacamund taluk and town—S. Nos. 854/1 and 2—Violation ition—Resumption ordered—Appeal petition—Orders. passed, November 29 mment ordered--G.0. Ms. No. 9428, Revenue, dated. Sth December 1963—Reeorded. December 18, No. 2323 (B), Ms. Land—(North Arcot)—Arkonam taluk—Thalikkal and Aypedy villages—Reserved for criminal tribes—Disreservation for eventual assignment to land colonisation soriety for Harijans at Aypedu—Orders passed—G.0. Ms. No. 2888, Revenue, dated 28th September 1963—Recorded. October 18, No. 1926 (B), Ms. Yand—North Arcot)—Arkonam taluk—8. Nos. 602, 603. and. 584 of —Itchjpathur village and S. Nos. 672/2, 672/3, 673 and 671 of Polur village—Assignment in favour of Sri Saraswathi Mills, Limited, ‘Tiruttani—Proposals—Submitted, September 13, No. 1750 (B), Ms. ‘Land—(Nortt Arcot)—Arkonam taluk—S. Nos. 602 and $84 of Ttehiputhur-—S. Nos, G11, 672/2, 672/38 and 673 of Polur village—Grant in favour of Messrs, Saraswathi Mills, Passed—G.0. Ms, No. 3219, Revenue, dated 4th November 1963—Recorded. December 10, No. 2965 (B), Ms. Tand—(North Arcot)—Wandiwsh talnk—Nambedu village—S. Nos. 299/1 and 929/3 —Breach ot condition—Cancelled—Assignment—Ordered, September 27, No. 1829 (B), Ms. OF/e68 “ON “S—oleEA wun m0 ning—cummnde ‘Aesignment to Sivakasi Co-operative Industrial Halate-Propreale Sabena. Tuly 29, No. 1488 (B), Ms. Tand—(Ramenathapuram)—Sriviliputhnr taluk—Somasigapuram _village—S, No. 137/2—Meignanagura (Sri) M.—Violation of conditions—Sale by Court—Purther action—Orders—Passed, Tuly 11, No. 1986 (B), Ms. Land—(Salem)—Omalur Taluk—Pottaneri Nellagoundampatt; Village—S, Nos. 580, : 142.07 acres to the Madras Aluminium Company Limited— Orders. passed—Records— Returned. Tannary 9, No, 92 (B), Ms Tand—(Salem)—Omalur | Talnk—Veeraktatpudur _Village—Assignment of Jands— Messrs. Chemical and Plastics (India) Limited —Proposale— Submitted. PY ary 11, No. 280 (B), Ms. 12 Ispex, 1968, [Boagp or Revenws, ASSIGNM! Land—(Salem)—Omalur taluk—Veerakkalpudur village—Rehabilitation o encroacher evicted from land assigned to Messrs. Chemical and Plasties (India), Limited— Proposals for assignment of alternate lands—Proposals—Submitted. Tuly 22, No. 1394 (B), Ms. i village—S. No. 482/30— petition—Orders. passed, March 4, No, 480 (B),. Ms. T—cont. ec Land—(Salem)—Rasipuram _taluk—Ariyagoundany ‘L.16 acres—Assignment orders—Cancelled—Revisi taluk—Laddivadi village—$. No, 5-1—Wrong inclusion of well sunk in the portion assigned to Sri Nachiappan—Cancellation— Requested. February 2, No, 240 (Bs), Ms, Land—(South Arcot)—Cuddalore taluk—Arangamangalam’ village—S, No. 518/11 ‘Assigned to Sri Palanivelu Chettior—Cancelled—Orders passed. July 20, No. 1381 (B), Ms. Land—(South Arcot)—Villupuram —taluk—Nannathampalayam _village—R.S. No. 221-2, 4 ete., bought-in-lands—Resssignment of—Orders—Passed—Papers—Re~ corded. February 7, No. 282 (B), Ms. Land—(South Arcot)—Villupuram taluk—Thoravi village—R.8. No. 466-1—0.05 cents—Assignment in favour of Sri Kuppuswami Reddiar—Vroposals--Submitted,, January 18, No. 126 (B), Ms. ‘Land—(South Arcot)—Villupuram taluk—Thoravi village—R.8, No. 460—1, 5 cents —In favour of Sri A. papas Reddiar—Ordered—G.0. Ms. No. 1579 (Revenue), dated 27th April 1963—Recorded. May 929 (B), Ma, ‘Land—(Thanjavur)—Orathanad taluk—Parathikottai village—R.8. No, 286/101 and R.8. No. 286/102—Assigned to Sri Sundararaj and Srimathi Kasi Ammal due to mistake of fact—Assignment order—Cancelled. September 12, No. 1734 (B), Ms, Tand—(Thanjavez)—Orathanad taluk—Ponnapur West village—R.8, Nos. 150/1A, * ete—Assigned to Sri R. Srinivasan, Political sufferer—Charges’ not carried ont in the accounts—Re-assigned to others—Cancelled, December 10, No. 2264 (B), Ms. Liand—(Tiruchirappalli)—Karur taluk—Cauvery and Amaravathi river bed lands— ‘Assignment to political sufferers on a permanent. basis—Report—Su>mitted. a ‘as Fane 40, No, 1157 CB), Ms ‘Land—(Tiruchirappalli)—Karur taluk—Padugai lands in Kombupplayam, etc., villages—Grant to political _sufferers—Proposals—Orders passed—G.O. Ms, No. 3455, Revenue, dated 9th December 1963—Recorded. December 27, No, 2388 (B), Ms. Land—(Tiruchirappalli)—Karur taluk—Nanjai Pugalur village—S. No. 837—Leased to Sri M. K. M. Muthu, Arunachalam and others—Request for assignment—Report —Submitted. May 14, No. 969 (B), Ms. Lata (Tiruchirappalli)—Karny taluk—Nanjaipngalur village—S. No, 837—Granti of lease to Sri Arunachalam and others. Decetnber 21 / No.:2863.(B),: Ms. , Lend—CEruchirappalli}—Tiruchirappalli taluk—Koothu par’ village—S. ¥. No. 387— ‘Assignment to Sri K. Sheik Ahmed iad Bret ontestadleieis in.*priniciple— Orders. passed. January 18, No. 198 (B), Ms. Lan+—(Tirunelveli)—Ambasamudram talyk—Ayansingampatti village—S. No, 114-24 —Fixation of market value—Low valuation—Action—Report—Subinitted. ; April 23, No, 808 (B), Ms. ‘Tand—(Tirunelveli)—Nanguneri taluk—Marugalkurichi village—8. No. 151-2— 1.15 acres—Assignment in favour of Messrs Sundaram Textiles Limited—Propo- ‘sals—Submitted March 4, No. 473 (B), Ms, Land—(Tiranelveli)—Nangunneri -taluk—Marugalkurichi- village—S. No. 155-8— 4.20 acres in favour of Messrs. Sundaram Textiles Limited—Further report— Submitted. . March 4, No, 474 (B), Mss Leni (Tirunelveli) Nenguneri alu and vilage—S. Nos. 211, 9, Gand 6-9— ‘Assignment in favour of Messrs. Sundaram ‘Textiles Limited, Nanguneri—Further repor:—Submitted. February 11, No, 290 (B), Ms. |—(Tirunelveli)—Sankarankoil ‘taluk, Rayagiri village—S. No, 522, ete— See By Collector—Appeal—Orders passed. le May 15, No. 970 (B), Me. Ixvex, 1903, 3s ASSIG¢NMEN1—cont. Land—(Tirunelveli)—Tirunelveli taluk—Naranammalpuram village—S. No. 408/3, ete.—3.38 acres in favour of Messrs. India Cements, Limited—Proposals—Sub- mitted. December 10, No, 2273 (By, Ms. Uand—(Tiranelveli)—Tirunelveli taluk—Tharuvai village—S, No, 14—Padugai lands —Removal from Prohibitory Order Book and assignment to Srimathi Sironniani Ammal—Orders passed. November 7, No. 2051 (B), (Ms.). ASSOCIATIONS. Service Associations—The Map Publication Employees Union—Resolutions Nos. 2, 8 and 4 passed at the 24th Annual General Body Meeting held on 10th July 1962— Remarks submitted—Papers—Recorded. May 21, No, 1022 (Ms.). AUDIT. Village Panchayats—Thanjavur district—Quarterly audit of accounts—Performance of certain duties by the Non-Package Gramsevaks—Inistructions issued —Amend. ment issued, July 6, No. 1227 (A), (Ms. AVENUES. Avenues on Government Roads—Leasing out to Panchayat Unions and handing over of withered wind fallen trees, etc.—Fixation of Seigniorage rates—Board’s emarks —Submitted. Tuly 9, No. 1259°(Q), Ms. BAZAAR ARTICLES. Survey—Central’ Survey Otfico—Purchase of bazaar articles—Board's _proposals— Approved—Communicated August. 6, No. 1486 (N), Ms. BHAVANISAGAR TOWNSHIP COMMITTER. ‘and—Vacant sites—Allotment to private parties for residential purposes—Proposal —Approved—G.0. Ms. No. 1535, Public Works, dated 28th May 1963—Recorded. Tane 24, No. 1167 (B), Ms. BHOODAN, Bhoodan lands vested in State Bhoodan Yagna Board—Maintenance of accounts Procedure—Remarks—Submitted. May 10, No. 946 (Xi, Ms. BICYCLES. Gollestor’s Oflice—Supply of additional cycles—Sanctioned—G.O. recorded. July 4, No. 1215 (P), Ms. BILLS. ‘The Madras Irrigation (Levy of Betterment Contribution) Amendment Bill, 1963— Certain points raised for consideration—Board’s. remarks—Submitted August 8, No. 1521 (@), Mi Slum areas—Improvement and Clearance Bill 1962—Papers—Kecorded. October 8, No. 1881 (1), Ms. ‘The Madras Trrigation (Levy of Betterment Contribution) Amendment Bill, 1063 Certain points ~-Board’s remarks—Submitted. October 25, No. 1980, Ms. A Bill further to amend the Madras Land Encroachment Act, 1905—Board’s remarks Submitted. November 30, No. 2145 (E), (Confal.) Ms. BLOCKS. Clascification of Blocks for purposes of payment of grants to Panchayat Union Coun- cils—Papers—Recorded. uly 15, No. 1312 (A), Ms. BOARD OF REVENUE. Revised distribution of subjects and reservation of business among; Members of the Board of Revenue—Ist February 1962 and 1st June 1962—Notification published— Papers recorded. April 18, No, 785 (¥), Ms. BOARD OF REVENUE (LAND REVENUE). Non-availablity of suitable persons in the catégory of clerks—Improvement of staft Position—“ Inservice training’ for clerks—Proposals—Orders, _passed—Papera recorded. Tuly 30, No. 1441 (Y), Mi vailability. of suitable persons in the fategary of clerks—Improvement of stat i i 's proposals—Government orders ““Tnservice training” for clerks—Boar passed. ‘Angnst 12, No, 1585 (¥), Ms. u ‘Inpex, 1963 [Boarp or Reveun BOARD STANDING ORDERS. Standing: Order, 107—Hxtension to transferred. territory’ of “Kanyakumari district And the Suencotiah taluk of the ‘Virunelveli district—Ordered Goverment erdar—Recorded. January 19, No. 136 (@) Ms. BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS, Alptabetical list of villages—(liruchirappalli)—Kulitalai taluk—Vadhiyam—Amend- tuent—Correction slip—Issued. December 9, No. 2268 (I), Ms. Bom d of Revenue—Purchase of Magazines and periodicals —Sanctioned--Goversme ae ordet—Recorded, February 19, No. 351 (P), Ms. Board's. Standing Order 200—Amendments approved—Communicated. July 17, No. 1340, Ms, Codes; Acta and Manuals required by I.A.8._olficers—Non-availability of saleahle conies—Printing of copies—Empowering the Board of Revenue to order Printing '—Proposals—Approved, June 29, No. 1189 (P), Ms. Celieetor's ‘Standing Orders—Revision and Re-printing—Report submitted—Papers recorded December 5, No, 2154 (P), Ms, Gaveltes—Fort St. George Gazette—Supply to the office of the Inde ‘Tahsildars—Sanctioned—G.O, Ms. No. 23 Comuunicated—Papers recorded. September 7, No, 1711, Ms. Hand Acquisition Manaal—Amendment to the heading of the form of Notice under serial ZA of the Land Acquisition Act—Re-issue—Ordered—Government Order Recorded. Tanuary 29, No, 201 CD), Ms, Police Standing Orders, Volume I—Charges of torture, et, againat Police—Enquiry uncer Order No. 148—Procedure—Amendments to Police Standing Order Lid Q —Approved. January 7, No. 39 (C), Ms, he Madras Loans (Takkavi) Manual—Amendments to Annuity and Taterest ‘Tables —Submitted, October 18, No. 1981 (J), Ms, ‘The Madras Stamp Manual, 1958 Kaition—Rovision and Reprinting of—Tho Court. fees Act, 1870—Schedule T—Amendment—Proposals—Accepted—Papers-— Recorded. % February 12, No. 304 (L), Ms. Thy Madras Stamp Manual, 1958 Bdition—Revision and Reprinting of-~The Tadian Stamp Act, 1690—Remission and reduction of Stamp duty-—Notifiations voder Section 9 (1) (a) of the Act—Amendments—Issued, dent Deputy 2, Revenue, dated 30th July 1963— April 24, No, 822 (8), Ms. ‘The Madras Stamp Manual (1958 Edition\—Revision and reprinting of—The Indian Staiup Act, 1899—Remission and reduction of Stamp duty—Notifications under Section 9 (1) of the Act—Proposals approved by the Government—Amendments— Isoued. April 24, No. 821 (8), Ms, ‘The Madras Stamp Manual (1958 Edition)—Revision and Reprinting—Stamp stand- ing Ondere Chapter, XIV and Appendices—Proposale—Approved by the Geen e, ment--Further amendments—Communicated. April 24, No, 813 (L), Ms, ‘The Madras Stamp Manual (1958 Edition) —The Tndian Stamp Act (II of 1890)— Notification of the Government of India under the Act-—Incorporation in the Stamp Manual—Amendments—Issued, April 24, No. 812° (L), Me The Madias Stamp Manual (1958 Eaition)—The Indian Stamp Act (TT of 1899) Hotifcation of the Government of India under the:Act—Tncorpuration ca the Stamp ‘Manual—Amendment—Issued. April 80, No, 874 (8), Me ‘The Madras Stamp Manual (1958 Faltion—The Indian Stamp, Ace i Notitication of the Government of India under the Act Tyan? Act CIT of 1899). incorporation in te Sten ‘Marual—Amendments—Issued, Apel 9, No" gratia an ‘The MadeAs Stamp Manval (1058 Bdition)—The Indian tam ‘Wotifieation of the Government of India under the Adherent ae ‘Manual-—Amendment—Tssued, April 80, No. 873 (8). Mt ne Madras Stamp Mannal (1958 Tiition}—Revison and reprining ct stamp Act, 1800—Modited up to 20th March 1959—Amendiman’ . Ae i ian Of sho Aas; Not 1219 nd 20 ander Article 95 of chal fat Scstle —~Arproved—Amendments issued. Apel 0, No. tas i oe mer nik , Ma, Laxp Revenue] Inpx, 1963 6 BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS—cont, ‘Lhe Madras Stamp Manual—Kevision and Reprinting—Incorporation of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (Central Act IL of 1899) as méditied up to 26th March 1959— Cnapier Amendments approved by the Government—Communicated. April 16, No. 772 (8), Ms. ‘The Madris Stamp Manual (1958 Ldition-—Revision and Xeprinting of—Stamp Standi.ig Orders—Standing Orders 18 and 115—Amendments. approved by the Goyermnent—Communicated, May 6, No. 914, Ms. ‘The Madras Stamp Manual (1958 Kdition)—The Indian Stamp Act (II of 1899)~ Notifications of the Government of India under the Act—Incorporation in the Stamp ‘Manual—Ainendment—Issued. April 30, No. 878, Ms. ‘The Madras Stamp Manual (1958 Edition)—Revision and Reprinting—'The Indian Stamp Rules, 1925—Amendents—Issued. December 21, No. 2362 (S), Ms. ‘The Madras Stamp Manual (1958 Bdition)—Revision and Reprinting—Notification issued under the Madras Court Fees and Suits Valuation Act, 1955—Amendments to the Notification—Issued. November 23, No. 2192 (8), Ms. ‘The Madras Stomp Manual (1958 Edition)—Rules for the supply and distribution of stamps-—Correction slip No. 2/1963 of the Government of India—Amendment to rule 8 (1) (Issued. August 22, No. 1597 (8), Ms. ‘The Madras Stamp Manual (1958 Edition)—Revision and Reprinting—The Indian Stamp Rules, 1925—Amendments—Issued. Taly 17, No. 1342, Ms. ‘The Madras Stamp Manual—Revision—Government of India Notifications—Inclusion in th) Manual—Report—Submitted, February 20, No, 358 (L), Ms. Madras Survey Manual, Volume I—New Chapter XXV (Old XX)--Draft amend- ments—Approved by the Government—Papers—Recorded. March 8, No. 514 (N), Ms. Revision of Survey Manual, Volume II—Forms 8. Nos. 1 to’ 129—Approved by Governinent—Papers—Recorded. August 20, No. 1579 (N), Ms. Revision of Survey Manual—Madras Survey Manual, Volume II—Chapter XXII (Old Chapter XVII1)—Draft rules—Approved—Government Memo. No. 95876 ¥F3/62-8, dated 26th November 1963—Recorded, December 6, No, 2212 (N), Ms, Revision of Survey Manuals—Madras Survey Manual—Instruction to the Survey Ollicers in the disposal of Land Complaints—Inclusion as Appendix XTV-—Govern- ment orders—Received—Papers recorded. April 8, No. 781, Ms, Revision of Survey Manual, Volume I—Chapter IV—Draft Rules—Approved by the Government—Papers—Recorded. April 27, No. 855 (N), Ms. Revision of Chain Survey Manual, Chapter IX—Draft amendments—Approved by the Government—Papers-—Recorded. Tanuary 3, No, 17 (N), Ms. BROADCAST. ‘Weathor warnings—Modified schemes of broadcasts of weather warnings and forecasts over A.LR, Stations—Remarks—Submitted. September 20, No. 1778 (F), Ms. BUILDINGS. Amenities to staft—Provision of electrically worked water coolers—Collector's Office =-Chingleput district and ‘Thanjavur distriet—Sanction—Requestod—Papers— Recorded. F July 8, No. 1949 (K), Ms. Board of Revenne—Additional—Accommodation—Proposals—Recorded. May 8, No. 926 (K), Ms. Cattle, pounds—Handing over to Panchayat Board—Suggestion—Report—Submitted. August 26, No. 1616 (A), Ms. Construction. of buildings and other stractures in the vicinity ‘of Civil aerodromes beyond a certain height—Probibition of—Instructions—Tssued—Papers—Recordea, ~ * Tanuary 24, No. 183.(K), Ms. Constrnction of building underneath the power line and telephone lines within the ‘Municipal limits and other areas—Remarks—Submitted, : ee Tune 29, No. 1191 (Q), Ms. 16 Invex, 1963 [Boarb oF Reveson BGILDINGS—cont, Government Residential Overhead tank and pump-sets for water-supply—Recovery of depreciation charges from L.A.8. and 1.P.8, Officers who are eligible for rent-treo quarters—Exemption—Giving retrospective effect—Orders _ issued--Government Order-—Communicated. June 5, No. 1101 (D), Ms. Pelicw—Police Housing Scheme—Construction of quarters for Police Subordinate stall in taufassal—Selection of sites—District Committee—District Revenue Uincer —Ineluded. May 31, No, 1084, Ms. (The Nilgiris\—Inspection Bungalow at Kotagiri—Construction—Government, Memo. randum—Communicated, September 7, No. 1710 (R), Ms. (The. Nilgiris}—Kil-Ketagiri village—Panchayat Union Dispensary—Allotmont. of building to the Panchayat Union Council—Report—Submitted, December 18, No. 2827 (Ii), Ms (@amanathapuram)—Ceylon Immigration Fund—Buildings and ‘Mandapam Camp— Disposal of property—Further report to Government—Submitted , March 18, No. 581 (i), Ms. (Tirunelveli\—Police—Armed Reserve Line School, Palayamcotiai—Transfér of management to Palayamkottai Municipality—Proposals of the Inspector-General of Police—Approved. Faly 29, No. 1499, Ms. CENSUS. 1961—Population—Particulars of areas excluded and included into Bellary district — Particalars—Furnished. May 13, No. 951 (©), Ms. 1961 “Correct spelling of names of places in Madras State for adoption in Consus Pablication—Suggestion from the Registrar-General, Tndia—Remarks Submitted September 6, No. 1700 (F), Ms. CERTIFICATES. Nativity and Community eertficates—Issue of incorrect _certificate—Diseiplinary action taken against Tahsildars and Deputy Tahsildars—Papers—Recorded. April 10, No. 752 (D) (Gonfdi.), Ms Solvency Certificate—Countersignature by _ Collectors—Proposal—Remarks—Sub- mitted. March 18, No. 578 (D), Ms. Solvency certificates—Issue of—Countersignature by Collectors—Instructions— Tesued—G.0. Ms. No. 2095, Revenue, dated 27th June 1963—Communicated — PapersRecorded. September 16, No. 1759 (D), Ms. Solvency certifieate—Issned by non-gazétted officers of the Revenue Department—In Tespect of immovable property —Veriodical check-up. by gazetted officers —-Sugges. tion of the Government of Tndia—Remarks—Submitted. December 2, No. 2146 (1,), Ms. CINEMAS. Madras Cinemas (Regulation) Rules, 1957—Wixtension to the added territories — ‘Améndment 4o role 2—Teaued—G.0, Ma. No. 547, Home; dated Vebruaty 1, 1905 —Recorded. March 4, No. 478, Ms. ‘Madras Ciiemas (Regulation) Rules, 1957—Second Departmentil Conference. of Municipal Commissioners—Revord of Proceedings—Rule 8 of the Madras Chemo. (Regulation) Rules, 1957—Amendment of—Proposal—Report—Submstied : March 28, No. 631 (1), Ms. Adoptici of metric system of weights and measures—Consequential amendnont Tesued—Government Order—Recorded, 3 April 2, No. 690 (11), Ms. The Cinemsiograph Act, 1952—Framing of Model Draft Ginematograph (Pubiig Health) Rules—Remarks—Submitted, ‘‘ 3, No. TOL (1), Ms. ‘Madras Cinemas (Regulation) Rules, 1057—itules 37 (i), (i), 48 (), 100 ana 110 FE symant of fooe to local bodies—Adjustnent of Instructions to" Calla) apes October 92, No,’ 1963 (1), ‘Ma ‘Madras Cinemas (Regulation) Rules. 198T—Amendments—Iasued Papers recorded. BA der ae on wy 13, No. 1749 (1), Ms, ‘Marras Cinemas (Regulation + 1957-—Rules 87 (1) Gif) and 43 (i)-—Payn, Peeks Theat bodies—Adjustment—Instructions—Tasuod, nt 43 (Payment of ‘ugust 98, No. 1639 (L), Ms, Lanp Revenvs) Inpex, 1963 Ww CIVIL SERVICES REGULATIONS. Article 453-—Lulings issued—Government Order—Recorded. April 6, No, 716 (0), Ms. Articles 351-A, 416, 417 and 459—Amendment issued—G.0, Ms. No. 202, Finance, dated 16th February 1963—Recorded. April 22, No. 8031 (C), Ms. Articles incorporated in the Madras Pension Code—Amendments issued—G.0. Ms. No, 298, Finance, dated 2nd March 1963—Recorded. April 26, No. 846 (©), Ms. Note under Article 357-D—Amendment issued—G.0, Ms. No. 110, Finance, dated 80th January 1983—Recorded. Tune 1, No. 1098 (C), Ms. Rulings under Act 350—Amendment issued—G.O. Ms, No, 623, Finance, dated 10th May 1963—Recorded. Tune 10, No. 1114 (C), Ms. Article 408—Amendment—Issued—Government Order—Communicated. January 22, No. 167 (C), Ms. Article _486-A—Rulings—Issued—Government Order—Communicated—G.0, | Ms. No. 85, Finance (Pension), dated 22nd January 1962—Recorded. February 5, No. 263 (C), Ms. Artile 486-A--Rulings—Issued—G.0. Ms. No. 105, Finance, dated 80th January 1963--Communicated. March 13, No. 534 (C), Ms. Rulings under the articles incorporated in the Madras Pension Code—Amendments—- Issued—G.0. Ms. No. ‘298, Finance, dated 2nd March 1963—Recorded. March 13, No, 543 (C), Ms. Ariticles 481 (Old), 486, 487-A and 487-B. —Amendinents—Issued—Papers—Recorded. March 29, No. 664 (C), Ms: [ssued—Papers—Recorded. March 29, No. 665 (C), Ms. Article 423 and the ralings thereunder—Amendments issued—G.0, Ms, No. 290, Finance, dated 19th February 1963—Recorded. April 2, No. 697 (C), Ms. Counting of Deputation (Duty) allowance—Towards pension—Article 486-A—Amend- ment—Issued. December 17, No. 9312 (C), Ms. ‘Article 422—Amendment issued—G.0. Ms, No, 1424, Finance (Codes), dated 22nd November 1963—Communicated—Government Ordér—Recorded. December 24, No, 2878 (C), Ms. Articles 922, 923 and 925—Amendments—Issued—G.0, Ms. No. 1085, Finance, dated Article 459 Amendment— 28th August 1963—Recorded. October 15, No. 1907 (C), Ms. Article 917—Rule $—Amendment—Issued—G.0, Ms. No. 1126, Finance, dated 9th September 1963—Recorded. October 16, No. 1915 (C), Ms. Article 396—Amendment—Issued—G.0, Ms, No. 955, Finance, dated 23rd July 1963 Recorded. November 6, No. 2044 (C), Ms. Articie $93—Amendment—Tssued—G.0. Ms, No, 55, Finance, dated 28rd July 1963 —Recorded. November 6, No. 2046 (C), Ms. Article 917 Preparation of pension papers—Ruling—Issued—G.0. Ms. No, 734, Finance, dated 13th June 1963—Recorded. September 80, No, 1838 (C), Ms. Article 465-B—Amendments—Issued—G.0. Ms. No, 936, Finance, dated 20th July 1965-—Recorded, October 8, No, 1856 (C), Ms. Article 250—Ruling XVII—Ismed—G.0. Ms. No. 802, Vinance, dated Llu July 1962—Recorded. September 9, No. 1715 (C), Ms. ‘Articles 488, 489, 490, 581-A, 531-B and 531-C—Amendmnets—Issued. September 9, No. 1726 (C), Ms. Articles 407 and 408—Amendments—Tssued—G.0. Ms, No. 917, Financo, dated 18thi July 1963—Recorded. September 12, No. 1742 (C), Ms. Roling—Under Article 458—Amendment—Issued—G.0. Ms, No. 664, Finance, dated 24th May 1963—Recorded. May 2, No. 1480 (D), Ms. Articles 474, ATLA, 475, 475-A, 475-B and 476—Amendments—Isued-—G.0. Ms: No 561, Finance, dated 30th April 1963—Recorded. August 2f, No. 1589 {C), Mz 18 Ispex, 1963 [Boano o” Revenue CLOTHING. Motor, Vehicles Maintenance Organisation—Central_ Workshop and Central Stores, Modres and Hegional Workshops at ‘Thanjavur, Madurai and Salem Uaifere to tecunical Workers—Supply of Khaki—Kadhi Cloth and Kabul Shores—Hoard’s Hote rgg Coverbiment Metno. No, 49088-G1/0a 81, ° Revenue, dalek wy September 1963—Recorded, September 19, No. 1766 (Z), Ms. ‘eons attending on Joint Collector, Coimbatore and ther Districts—Orders moditied—Government Order May 8, No. 992 (P), Ms. Supply—Ordinary to the Head P Lastcict Kevenue Officers in ot Recorded, CODES. Madras ‘Financial Code, Volome 11—Purchase of non-Government Publicatione— Delegation of Powers’ to the Board of Revenue—Amendments—Issued—Govern- ment Memo. No, 60525/Codes/62-16, Finance, dated ‘ith May 1963—Communi- eated. July 16, No. 139 (P), Ms, Madras ‘Hreasury Code, Volume I~Pension Bills and connected sort icates—Amend- ment issued—Communicated January 2, No. 6 ©), Ms. Madras ‘Lreasury Code, Volume I—Forms— Madras ‘Treasury Code Form 75— Fatsloner's Bill for uso in the imufassal—Revision of-Goverameen Memo. No. 40585/Codes/62-1, Finance, dated 28th December 1962—Rosorder March 18, No, 535 (C), Ms, Special Funds Code—Copies distributed —Papers recorded. February 21, No. 402 (P), Ms, COMMITTEE, Con-mities on’ channel Papers recorded. Madras Board of Transport—The Madras City Roud— Proceedings of the fifth meeting—Free movement o ft Hing takkavi through Co-operatives Questionnaire—Report-- May 16, No. 982 (J), Ms, ‘Development Committee— traftio—Repart Submitted, June 6, ». 1108 (E), Ms, issued—G.0. Ms. No. 293, Committees—Revised constitution and Pro forma Orders Rural Development and Local Administration, dated 2nd February 1961, G. No. 3083, Public Rural. Development Frojecd), dated 12h Neveu 1958, G.0 Ms. No. 760, Rural Development and Local Administration, dated 14th March’ Gat; 2:0. No. 2253, Rural Development and Local Administaties cag vith October 1962 and G.0, Ms. No. 9440, Rural Development and Tavcy ‘Adminisare. fion, dated 7th September 1961—Recorded. January 8; No, 57 (A), Ms, COMMUNILY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME, Accounts—Expenditure and receipts relating to ‘Community ure ar Development Pro. gramme—Misclassifieations—Rectification of—Instructions—Issued, April 19, No. 792 (A), Ms, CONFERENCES. Half yearly—Zamindari Abolition—Conference for the halt Deromber 1960—Minutes of the conference—Remar year ending Stet Points raised in the conference—Report—Submitted, irks ‘of the Board on certain April 23, No. 805 (N), Ms, Gonferenee of State Ministers of Co-operation at Tucknee cet, N85 (ND, Ma, loans through Co-operatives=Provision of ianagerial subsidy to. Co-operatives. vendations made at’ the Conference—Remarke--§; CO-OPERATION. Allotment 9 lands under village. panchsyat—Rematks--Subinited. . "Wa Tune 26, No. 11 Credit shortage of Takkavi loan—Conalising of all Loans to Aprealteriata ps ore term 1 der the Intensive Mi 2 C0 Ma, Grant of short loans under sive Manuring Scheme by the Pull Finance Scheme—Procedire Onder G.0--teamaeg sorrel te t May 22, No.’ 1023 (X), Ms, TaN Ravenva] Inbix; 1968 19 C0.0R cont. outing of Lakkavi loans through Co-operatives—Remarks—Submitted, December 17, No. 2513 (J), Ms. CO-OPERATIVE FARMING. Committee ‘on Co-operative Farming—Report—Recommendation No, 30-45 relating to Organisation and working of Joint Farming Societies—Orders passed—G.O, Ms, No. 4299 (Co-operation), dated 2nd September 1963—Communicated. October 14, No. 1801 (B), Ms. Organisation of Co-operative Joirit Farming Societies—Assignment of land—Linpos: ing of a special condition to promote collective cultivation of lands—Repore— ‘Regarding. June 21, No. 1160 (B), Ms. Organisation of Joint Farming Societies—(Salem)—Attur — taluk—Ramanaic Falayain—Assignment of lands—Report—Submitted. September 23, No. 1790 (B), Ms. me CORRESPONDENCE, Classification on security basis—‘* Top Secret.” seal—Supplied to Secretary, Hoard of Revenue (Land Revenue)—Receipt acknowledged—Safe custody certificate — Furnishing of—Papers recorded. April 5, No. TLt (C), Ms. Collector's Office—Complaints of lack of response—Iform of acknowledgment, ete., of the petitions received from the Public—Orders in G.0. Ms. No. 2642, Revenue, dated 16th June 1962—Modified—Regarding—Papers recorded. ‘March 19, No. 590 (X), Ms. Direct correspondence on routine matters between Heads of Departments, subordi. nate officials of Madras Government and those of other State Governments— Tnstroctions issued, February 16, No. 334 (¥), Ms. ‘Writ petitions in all cases relating to the Board—Instructions issued April 26, No. 852 (A), Ms. COURTS. Crimuinal Statistical Retun—Quarterly Return—Reviews by the Collectors—Copy to the Board—Discontinuance—Instructions issued. May 7, No. 917 (C), Ms. Criminal ‘rial of 107—Criminal Procedure Code Cases—Restoration of powers to Executive Magistrates—Proposals. February 92, No. 406 (C), Ms. Criminal—-(The Nilgiris) —Re-organisation of Criminal Courts—Ordered—Employment of Staif sanctioned—G.O. Ms, No. 1628, Home, dated 14th May 1963—Recorded, July 8, No. 1240 (A), Ma. Village CourtsAbolition of Panchayat Courts and revival of Village Courts— Establishment under section 6 of the Madras Village Courts Act, 1858 for the entire areas—Consolidated proposals—Papers recorded. ‘May 25, No. 1052 (A), Ma. Vilage Courts—Working of—Review of half-year ending 30th Juno—Report—Dis. continuanes of—Proposal of Board of Revenue—Approved—G.0.—Recorded. Tune'25, No. 1176 (A), Ms. COURT FEES, Reduction of Court-feo payable on application for grant of renewal of lieeuses Ur duplicates under Arms Rules—Notification in G.O, Ms. No. 916, Home, dated Sti April 1947—Amended, November 7, No. 2052 (1), Ms. Refund under the Madras Court-fees and Suits Vauation Act, 1955—Amendment— Issued. July 80, No, 1450 (1), Ms. “Revision ‘petition>—Remission—Report—Submitted. January 9, No. 94 (1), Ms. CRIMINAL JUSTICE. Statistics of Criminal Courts for 1961—Forwarded. December 7, No. 2281 (C), Ms. DATRYING AND MILK SUPPLY. Scheme for the installation of » pastcurisation Plant at,Madurai with UNICEF Assistants—Proposals—Orders—Issued—G.O. Ms. No. 16, Food and iculture, dated Blst January 1963—Recrded. ore ‘March 21, No. 600 (X:, Ms. 20 ‘Inpex, 1963 [Boanp or Revexce DAIRYING AND MILK SUPPLY—cont. ‘Decentralisation of powers—Enhanced powers to Collectors to sanction repair charges of typewriters, duplicators—Board's proposal—Orders—Paesed--Govertonent oni —Recorded. Tanuary 28, No. 197-a (P), Ms, DEPOSITS. Security Deposit Acceptance of security deposit in the shape of Prize Bonds, eto.— —Orders passed. April 1, No. 686 (G), Ms. DEPUTY COLLECTORS. ‘Temporary posts-—Creation for every month—Monthly periodieal—-D; Board's’ proposals—Accepied—Orders passde—G.0, Ms. No, 3330, Revenue, dated 22nd November 1963. December 13, No. 2303 (3), Ms. Confirmation of Deputy Collectors—Ordered—Diserepancies—Creation of euperniame, tary posts ordered in G.O. Ms. No. 1457, Revenue, dated ith April 1961— Modifi- cations--Orders passed-—Papers recorded. April 80, No. 881 (D), Ms, ‘Temporary posts—Permanent _retention—Proposals—Submitted— G0.) iscontinuance— Orders _passed— . No. 1304, Kevenue, dated 28th August 1963—Receuct en BOSS August 13, No. 1543 (D) (Confdl.), Mo. Madras Civil Sorvices (Executive Branch)—Confirmation of Deputy Collectors ia the ancies that arose in 1962—Orders passed—G.0. Ms, No, 2991, dated 15 hh July, 1963—Record. September 4, No. 1972 (Confdl.), Ms, Reeruited direct for 1963--Sri R. ‘Nagarajan and Sri T. ‘Thangavela—Appointed— Orders issued —Papers—RRsoonded., October 16, No: 1020 (D) (Contlk). iia Nominations of certain Officers for Family Pension and Death-cum-Retirement gra- tuity—Orders passed. October 80, No. 2016 (G), Ms. Discussion with Ambassadors and other visitors from Foreign Gountr; of—Instructions—Government Memo. No. 72966-V1/631, Tuly 1963—Recorded. DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION. Delegation of powers to Revenue Divisional Oficers for sanctioning drawal of th honoraria~Geler lentedClatiScaton ot Accountaut-General, Madras-—Fapers —Recorded. April 10, No. 749 (0), Ms. (Madurai)—Oreation of a new division ot Periskulam—Reduction of stall in Dindigul division—Proposals—Report-—Sent, Tuly 10, No. 1280 (0), Ms. ies —Recordit fevenue, dated 26th August 14, No. 1553 (i), Ms. DISTRICT BOARDS. Outsanding bite of the defunct Distt Hostds-—Portining tothe period prior to Sad Ootober 1961-—Liablities duo to Goverameat--Papere. ect gee" : Tuly 19, No. 1369'(a), Ms. (Thanjarat)—Bocronehment on oad margins —Roads taken vr frm the ct g by tho Highways Departisent—Colletion of licence, lease fesg. HOM ate, of Government order—Recorded. July 4, No. 116 ce), Met DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL. Tmprovemen’ of the functioning of District Developinent Councils Cortain sugges. ee tees September 9; No. 1792, Me, Tnavstries and Labone Standhy Committoes—Village Tndustrien Of : —G.0. No. 1743, Rural Development and Lacal Administration’ aera ane ses 1Ge Nason September 19, No. 1763 (A), Mu. Banyakumari--Standing Committees—Nomination of Gazetted Oshear Ordere issued—G.0. ‘recorded. Jaly 9, Now 1903 (ar, ay North and onth Caddslore—Constitation of Standing Commiticen Ae Gazetted Oficers—1969-68-—Orders issued—G.0. Ms. ‘Nor igen Rural Develone ment and Local Administration, dated 8st Ociaber 1963, 3°5, Ns, No. 9967, Ran] Development gpd Local Administestion, dated 81M Geteber 1493, So Ms. No, 260, Rural Deveipment and Local Administration, datey sary February 1960, G.0. Ms. No. 981, Rural Development and Local Administration, dated , Febuary. 1960—Recorded. January 8, No. 56 (A), Ms Lanp Revenue] Inpex, 1963 a DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL—cont. Saleta South and Nortl—Constitution of Standing Committees—Nomination of Gazetted Otficers—1963-61-—Orders issued—G.O. recorded. Tuly 9, No. 1274 +A), Ma. DISTRICY REVENUE ADMINISTRATION. Review of the yardstick fixed by the District Revenne Administrative Enquiry Committee—Orders—Passed—Papers—Recorded. January 2, No. 7 (C), Ms. Scheme of training for clerks—Training of typists and shroils appointed 8 clerks by transfer—Copy of Government letter-—Communicated. Tanuary 8, No. 12 (G), Ms. DISTRICT REVENUE ADMINISTRATION ENQUIRY COMMITTEE REPORT. Appointiaent, of stenographers to Revenue Divisional Offivers~-Reconsideration— Request—Deferred—Government Memorandum No, 108131/G2/62-3, Revenue, dated 24th November 1962—Recorded. March 20, No. 594 (©), Ms. Wnquity Committee Report—Forms and Stationery supplied to Revenue Department Prescribing a standard scale. January 11, No. 99 (B), Ms. Passing of Revenue Tests—Money Reward—Hxtension to typists who are qualified for conversion ‘as clerks—Sanctioned—G.0. Ms. No. 534, Revenue, dated 7th February 1963—Recorded. March 11, No. 621 (jp, Ms. Scheme of training of clerks allotted by the Madras Public Service Commission to the Revenne Department --Draft form of agreement to be got executed by the clerk trainees—Report—Submitted. August 30, No. 1645 (¥), Ms. Scheme of training of clerks--Allotted by the Madras Public Service Commission to the Revenue Department—Introduction on permanent basis to. the districts of Madras—Kanyakumari and Nilgiris—Instructions issued. October 23, No. 1965 (Y), Ma. DISTRICT REVENUE OFFICER. ; Pension—Counting of pay as District Revenue Officer in calculation of pension— Clarification—Government Memorandum No. 6601/63-1, dated 26th July 1963— Recorded. September 9, No. 1727, Ms. ELECTORAL ROLLS. Madras Legislative Assembly—Madras city—Special sta in the Office of the Commissioner, Corporation of Madras—Tssue of ad hoc rules—Remarks—Submit- ted. . ‘May 22, No. 1030, Ms. ELECTRICITY. m Revovery of arrears of anhual minimum charges—Current consumption charges, ete., through Court of Iiw-—Solvency of parties—Certificates from the Revenue Depart ment=-Instructions-—Essved. November 19, No. 2106 (A), Ms, EMBEZZLEMENT. Loans, land revenue, -etc.—Misappropriation by _ village officers—Instructions— Issued, September 4, No. 1674 (W), Ms. (Chingleput)—Chingleput taluk—P. V. Kolathur village—Loss of money due to Government during transit—Report—Write off—Ordered—Report—Submitted. September 23, No. 1783 (W), Ms. (Chingleput) Ponneri taluk—Ponnambedu and Kilikodi villages—Misappropriation ofloan collections by the village headman—Final report sent. December 27, No. 2389 (U), Ms. (Chingleput)—Sriperumbudur taluk—Nemilicheri village—Misappropriation of loan collections by the Village Headman—Final report—Papers—Recorded, January 23, No. 176 (G), Ms. (Chingleput)—Tiruvallar taluk—Polivakkam —village—Misappropriation of ” land revenue and loan collections by the village headman—Final report—Sent. ‘December 27, No: 2382 (0), Ms. / Chingleput}--Tiravallur” taluk—Veppambatia. yillege—Misappropriation of loan ~eollections by the village headman—Final report—Regarding. a Tnuary 11,-No. 96 (G), Ms. 42-296 2 INDE, 1963 [Boanp oF Revexos EMBEZZLEMENT—cont, (Chingleput)—iruvallir taluk—Voyalur village—Misappropriation of the loan collections by the village headman—Final report sent. December 31, No. 2488 (U), Ms, Qdadurai-—Dindigal taluk—Veluarcottai village—Misappropriation of loan, pound and Agricultural Income-Tax collections yy the village heudman—Subimissice ot fival report—Insiructious issued. December #7, No. 231 (U), Me, (Madurai}—Madurai taluk—Othai Alangulam village—MUsappropriation of "loa callections by the village headman—Final report—Orders passe), Tanuary 4, No. BA (G), Ms. (Madurait—Melur taluk—Therkkuthera village—Misappropriation of loan collestiny by the village headiman—Purther report—Sent—Papers- Recorded. April 26, No. 850 (W), Ms. (Madarai-—Wilakotai taluk —Adhanut village—Misyppropeiation of loan collections hy the village headman Sri Paulsamy—Final report—Sent, December 21, No. 2365 (U), Ms. (Madurai)—Nilakottai _ taluk—Thanichiyam village— “Misappropriation of land revenue and loan collections by the village headman, Sri Maharaja Maniam— Submission of final report—Instructions issued. December 21, No. 2366 (U), Ms. (Madorai}—Periakalam taluk—Veerapandi village—Misappropriation of loay colt, tions by the silage headmnan, Sri Rejemanickam—Submission of final toon Instructions issued. December 27, No. 2300 (U), Ms, (famanathaparam)—Kandadavi taluk—Palavankudi yi illage—Misappropriation of land revenue collections by the village headman—Reply-—Sent, April 24, No. 814 (WwW), Ms. (Ramanathapuram)—Kandadevi taluk—Visalyankottai village—Misappropriation of Jonn ‘collections by the village headman—Final report—Orders passed. January 9, No. 93 (G), Ms. Ramanathaporam)--Manamadurai taluk—Athikarai village—Misappropriation of land Tevenue collections by the village headman—Final report—Instructions-claseed January 11, No. 97 (G), Ms. (Ramanathaparam)—Paramakudi taluk—Kakkonendal —village—Misaphrnpriation of land revenue and loan collections by the village ‘headman—Report—Papers— Recorded. Tanuary 91, No, 160 (@), Mo, (Ramanathay purara)—Sivaganga taluk—Pillur village—Misappropriation of loan collection by the village headman—Final report—Sent. December 2¢, No. 9376 (U), Ms, (South Arcot)—Cuddalore taluk—Ellappanpettai village—1 isappropriation of land revenue and loan collections by the village headinan—Sohimtsion of foal” yond —Tnstroctions issued. December 19, No. 9833 (y). Ate’ South Areot—Kallakitiehi taluk—Paramanatham village—Misappropriation of Wey Tevenae and loan colletions by village headman—Action unde Wake gait nt 0.8. No. £1 of 1968 on the Ble of District Munsi's Court, NallakartGone nn sanctioned—Further report ealled for. July 21, -No. Us CW), Me (South Areot}-—Kallakurichi taluk—Vengnivadi village—Misappropriation of Govern- ‘ment money by Sri Thangavela Odsyar, village headman~-Submicion of wey report—Insiructions—Issued. December 19, No. 2384 (U), Me. (South, Areo!)—Tirukoilar taluk —Paiyur village—Misappropriation ol ‘and surcharge by the village headman—Final report Scot. December 12, No. 2295 (U}, Ms. (South Arcot)—Vridhachalam taluk—Mu-Parar village—Misappropriation of land revendo and loan collections by the seting vilge headman = Submiery of fia report—Instructions issued. December 27, No, 2994 (U), May South Arcot) Vridhachalarn taluk—Vadakku Vellore villago~ Misa i (and teveatbrase' Es eases hy tho village headman Submnemition of eae Submission of final report—Instructions issued. December 27, No. 2593 (U), Ms, Mhanjovn)—-Arantanc tlok—Arasarkulam villase—Misspeopition of Lay cecies god pul ue ey tee Village headman—Submission of nal reed —Tnetructions iesned. December 91, No, 9967 (0), Nis, ff land revenue ‘Lap Revenue) Ixpex, 1963 3 EMBEZZLEMENT—eont. (‘Luanjavur)}—Mayuram. taluk—Erukkattancheri village—Misappropriation of loan collections, ete., by the village headman—Submission of final report—Instructions —Issued. December 19, No. 2336 (U), Ms, njavar)—Mayuran taluk—Madapuram village—Temporary misappropriation of Jease amount and cess by the village headman—Submission of tinal report— Instructions—Issued. December 27, No. 2392 (U), Ms. (Thanjavur)—Sirkali taluk—52. ‘Thadalankoil village—Misappropriation of loan col- lections by. the village headman—Submission of final report—Instructions—Issued December 19, No. 2337 (U), Ms. (Thanjavur)—Thanjavur taluk—Velur village—Misappropriation of land revenue and loan collections by the T'riune Officer—Final report sent. December 19, No. 2335 (U), Ms. [Tirunelveli)—Ambasamudram taluk—Misappropriation of and revenue and loan collections by the village headman—Reply—Sent, April 25, No. 843 (W), Ms. (Virunelveli)—Koilpatti taluk—Pandvarmangalam village—Misappropriation of loan collections by the village headman—Expeditious su°mission of final report— Tnstructions—Tssued, January 18, No. 129 (G). Ms. (Tirunelveli)—Srivaikuntam taluk—Palayakaval vill jation of land revenue collections by, the village headman— nt—Papers— Recorded. January 24, No. 190 (G), Ms. ENCROACHMENT. Appeals—Grant_of stay. orders—Misunderstanding of the wordings of the Board’s stay orders—Instructions—Issued. February 19, No. 849 (B), Ms. Booking of encroachments and issue of B. Memo, proceedings for repeated encroach- ments—Instructions—Issued. Mareh* 22, No, 627 (E), Ms. Encroachment on Government lands requited for Agriculture Department for opening ‘@ State Seed Farm— Eviction of Instruction—Issued. August 26, No. 1618 (E), Ms. Land—Regularisation of encroachments—Special Deputy Tahsildars—Employed— Delegation of powers for assignment of house-sites—Draft Amendment to B.8.0. No. 21—Submitted. February 5, No. 261 (B), Ms. Tand—Ereroachment on public iands—Evietion of—Instractions—Tssued. April 6, No. 799 (18), Ms. Land—Kneroachments by Harijans on Government lands—Amendment to G.0.Ms. No. 380-¥ .D., dated 6th April 1949—Remarks—Called for—Submitted. Apsil 24, No. 825 (B), Ms. ‘Leasing and licensing of encroachments on roads and streets—Vested in local bodies— Powers vested in the Collectors under the District Municipalities Act—Delogation ty Revenue Divisional Officers considered unnecessary—Papers _recorded—G.0. (Rt) No. 1480, R.D, and L.A., dated 4th August 1962—Recorded. August 8, No. 1517 (I), Ms. Municipal Councils—Levy and collection of fees under Section 183 (1) and (3) of the Madras District Municipalities Act—Further instructions—Tssued. Tuly 15, No. 1807 (A), Ms, Land-—Scheine for preventing occupation of private and Government lands by un- authorised encroachers—Proceedings of the State Development Committee—Fur- 4 ther report—Submitted. February 12, No. 806 (F), Ms. ‘Land-—Scheme for preventing oceupation of private and Government lands by un- authorised eneroachers—Proceedings of the State Development. Comittee —Re- marks—Submitted. July 16, No. 1322 (R), Ms. Tand—Regularisation and _treatment—Procedure—Clarification—Requested—Reply —Sent. March 20, 593 (8), Ms. Land—(Chinglepat)—Chingleput taluk—Thirukachur village—S. No, 392-2—C. truction of thatched shed—Evviction—Ordered, Angost 31, No. 1590 , Ma, oye Inpex, 1963. [Boarp oF Revanur. ENCROACHMENT—eont, ‘Land—(Chingleput)—Madurantakam taluk and town—S. No. 1245—0.28 cents— Eviction—Appeal to the Board—Appeal rejected—Orders—Presed February 12, No. 303 (E), Ms. Land—(Chingleput)-—Ponneri taluk —Alinjivaldcam village—8. No, 20/4, ote. Poramipoke—t:viction—Revision petition—Instructions “Tayuei, No. 1773 (B), Ms, Land—(Chinglepat}—Saidapettalok—Ambattur —villag —Revision petition to Board—Rejected. May 29, No. 1067 (1), Ms. Tand—(Chingleput)—Saidapet taluk—Chitlapakkam village—S, No. 203-1—Pora boke eviction—Revision petition—Orders passed. June 17, No. 1a ), Ms Land —(Chingleput)-—Saidapet talok—Kallanguthu Porambokes—Red Tils village— Eviction—Report—Submitted, October 7, No. 1877. (B),, Ms, Land—(Chingleput)—Saidapet taluk—Kosappoor village, Now, 2 —Revision petition to the Board—Rejected August 26, No. 1614 (8), Ms. Tand_—(Chinglepat)—Saidapet taluk—Nomilicheri village—Stay of vietion and ascignment of the site for house sites—Report—Submitted, Tuly 24, No, 1411 (2), Ms, Land—(Chingloput)—Saidapet, taluk—Padi village—S. No, -Hviction » ete—Hvietion ( 83-—Poramboke—Hire- tion—Revision petition—Rejected. October 14, No. 1804°(), Ms. Land—(Chingleput)—Saidapes talok—Ambattur village—8. No, 251-1—Rviction— tion—Revision petition—Rejected. October 14, No. 1894 (B), Ms, Land—(Chingleput)—Saidapet (al ambaram village—8, Nov 865— Kvietign Revision petitionto the Board—Rejected. August 22, No. 1596 (1), Ma, Land—(Chingleput)—Saidapet taluk—Tambaram—S. "No. 9542 Ordered. August 22, No, 1602 (X) Taad—(Ohinglepol)—Saidapet taluk—Velacheri_villigeS. "Nos. 114 ahd ig. Briotioa—Revision petition to Board—Orders—Passed. ‘May 28, No, 1036 (12), Ms, Land (Chingleput)—Tiruvottiyur—Kaladipet—Construction of — huts—Remoral... Report to Government—Submitted. February 8, No. 987 (B), Ms, Land “(Chinglepad—Sriperambudut * taluk—Paleipatti village—Oscupation’ Government servants—Treatment’ of Gorersment Memorandim Noo .20ttD ery 62-2, dated 5th Juiy 1963—Recorded. Tuly 29, No. 1440 (B), Me Land—(Coimbatore)—Chitode _village—8. No. 9-\1—Road poram| boke—Papers— acres Angust 29, No. 1683 (H), Ms, Tand— (Coimbatore)—Avanashi talok—Chikkadasampalayam villages. ne Eviction—Revision petition—Orders—Passed, Be ye NO. 136-3— Tuly 80, No. 1444, Ms, Hane No. 639-A2— Eviotion—Appeal rejected—Modification of ordert-—Requested—Reply Sar ” May 9, No. 930 R) Land—(Coimbatore)—Erode taluk——Bromanw P, abit 7 si Agraharam village—8. No. 185. 7 as) ison petition Orders peag™™™ Tillge—8. No, 185—- June 11, No, 1198 11), Nhe, Land—(Coimbatore)—Coimbators taluk—Somayapala Evietion—Revision petition to the Board—Rejected, Land—(Coimbatore)—| Erode taluk—Bramana Petia Agr CI—Poramboko—Kivietion—Revision—Orders Passe] tt VMAS. No." 199/ Tune 22, No, 1169 (re Tand—(Coimbator)—Brode taluk—Perasenur silage, Se oe at : No Satay ee Revision petition to the Bourd—Rejected, htne 13, oe ration — Land —(Coimbstor)—Erode talk Thindal “vilage8. No, ert : ‘Bvicition—Revision petition—Orders—Paeed, uy bs ee nth ‘Danb Revenor] Awpex, 1963 . Pa ENCROACHMEN'—coni, . Land—(Coimbatore)—Erode taluk—Thindsl village—S. No. 67Gi—Poramboke— fiviction—Kevision petition-—Ordere—Pass: 1 No, 1258. (B), Ms. Land—(Coimbatore)-—Hrode taluk—Veng LF. Road poramboke—Hvieted—Revision petitior 2, No, 420 Ms Land—(Coimbatore)—Gobicheitipalayam taluk—Periyur village—>. No. sié-—Kivie- tion—Revision petition to the Board—Rejected. ly 1256, (i), Ms, Land—(C ‘oimbatore)—Gobichettipalayam _ taluk—Punjeipylismpatty.:») village—S. f Mandvi pramboke—Kvietion—Revision—potition—Report—Orders July 26, No. 1426 (8), Ms. (Coimbatore! Kangayam sub-taluk—Tammareddipalayain village—¢ gti poraiboke—iviction—Revision—Petition—Orders-—Passed. Febmary 11, No. 291 (13), Ms. TLand—(Coimbatore»—Valladam taluk—Mangaiam village-—S. Nos. 358/2 and 36 Cart track poramboke—Levy of track rent—Centrain.. elarification—Requested— Reply Sent October 16, No, 1913 (E), Ms. Land—(Coimbatore)—Pollachi taluk—_Devampalayam—S, No, 162/A1_ ete.,— Poramboke-—Hviction—Revision petition—Orders—Passed. April 8, No. 703 (E), Ms. Land—(Coimbatore)—Pollachi talok—Mattubavi village—S. No. 190/3 A (portion)— EvictionRevision petition of Sri Palani—Orders—-Pascea May 18, No. 1004 (B), Ms. Land—(Coimbatore}—Follachi town—T.8. No, 616—Odai poramboke—Bridge for the Kerala Timber. Depot—Retention of—Report—Submitted. July 3, No. 1200 (2), Ms. Land—-(Coimbatore)—Pollachi taluk—Valparai sub-taluk—I'viction—Reserved Forest. Jers—Passed. August 8, No. 1507 (H), Ms. (Coimbatore)—Pollachi taluk—Puliampatti village—S. No. 38.B—L..F. Road— \ke—Evietion—Revision_petition—Orders—Pasced Tuly 1, No. 1285 (1B), Ms. }--Satyamangalam su-taluk—Madukkinturai vil BL No. 28 Eyviction—-Revision petition of Sri Chinna Gounder—Orders—Passed. May 6, No, 911-(B), Ms. Land. Coimbatore—Satyamangalam sub-taluk—Mudukkanthorai village—8, No. 2% —Eviction—Revision petition of Sri Nanjappa Gounder—Orders— Passed, : May 2, No, 892 (i), Ms. (Kanyekumari)—Kalkulam taluk—Ponmana village—O.8. No, 204/63—District Mun- sif’s Court, Padmanabhapuram for declaration of K.P. right—Defence of thie suit Sanctioned, Tuly 20, No. 1374 (8), Ms, Tand--(Kanyakumari)—Kalkulam talak—Thiruprappu village—Appeal against the decision in LG. Case No. 2/60—Rejected, April 11, No, 756 (8)y Ms, Tand—-(Kanyakumsri)—Kalkulam, taluk—Thiruprappu village—S. No. 3168—Appeat against Board’s Order—Report—Submitted August 20, No. 1581 (B), Ms. Tand—(Kanyakuroari)—Thovala taluk—Chembakaramanputhoor village—S. No. 9557/ I—L.C Case No. 102/58 of Thovala taluk—Orders of Tahsildars Get. aside. Tuly 9, No. 1954 (8), Ms. Tand—(Kanyakumari)—Vilavancode talik—Kaliel village—S. No, 4016/6—L,0. Case No. 218/59—Eviction—Ordered—Revision petition—Rejected—Orders—Tssned. February 12, No. 800 (E), Ms Tand—(Kanvakumari)—Vilavaneode taluk—Kollamcode village—L.0. Case No, 116/60 =o vino’ ay Taisiidar's orders—Ordera issued. ric February, 12. No. 205. (E), Ms. Tand—(Kinyakumar\—Vilavaneode taluk—Kollameode, villaze—S, Non IBC. Case No, 229/59-Revision petitions—Orders—Pasced Jannary 2, No. 1 TEI, _ Vand=(Kanvakumarii—-.0. Case Nos. 100/53, 108/51. and. 100/51—Colleetion of _ 4 Wrohibitory assessment for 10 years—Ordered by Tahcildar—Revision—Ordered ot ‘May 8, No. 924 (F), Ms. vy 8, ? 4907 No, 239 6 ‘Axper, 1963 ([Boanp oF Revenva ENCROACHMENT—cont. ‘Adyar—.8. No. 1 and Block No, 6—Eviction Petition ta Board” April 4, No. 709 (iS), Ms. No. 1—Occupation by way of fencing—Teport to Govern. Orders:—Passed Land—Madras—Adyar—s. Mette—Subinitiad January 16, No. 116 (i), Ms, Fant (Madson). -Chintadripet—R.8. No, 9881 in favour of the owner—R.8. Nos. 990, 9i aud 193—Report—Submitted. November 5, No. 2039 (It), Tend (Madras) Saidapet télak—S. "No. 97 Eviction -Rayisisa Petition to the Board—Rejocted. June 1, No. 1092 (k), Ma, Tand—“(Msdrse)—Gearge Towa—R. 8. No. 9946/1 by the oxrnce of B. 8. No. 9941— Regilarisation—Clocure of the land for road Purposes—Vroposals—Submitted. October 31, No. 9022 (5), Ms. Land—(Madras)—George Town—T.8, No. 1078) Part—By the owner of R.S. No, 10074—Ciosure of the encroached land for road urposes—Proposal—Submitted. October 29, No. 1998 (K), Ms. Land —(Madras)—George Town—R.8.-No. 873 part aabaiattation—Closure‘of the encrosched land for road. puree yposals submitted. ‘October 29, No. 1995 (1), Ms. Land—(Madras)—Madras tuluk—Mylapore—R.S. No, 622/1—Porambol fion—Eviction— Appeal: petition—Rejected:” December th Bid 1 eet) Mylapore—R.8, No. 4042/ 4—Poramboke—Eiviction—Revision Petition to Board—Orders—Passed, May 17, No. 990 (%), Ms. Land—(Madras)—Mylapore—R.S. No 1837 /1—Removal—Orders—Passed, March 28;.No. 657-(K8), Ms, Tand(Madras)—Nungumbakkam—R.8. No. 388 part in'tavour of the owner of RG. No. 381—Closure of the encroached portion for. road Purposes—Proposals submities October 99. No." 1997 (ii}. Ma + Tang (Madras)—Perambur—Vyasarpady village—S. Nos. 586] and 4—Poramboke —Lvietion—Orders passed. March 98;-No..659 (), Ms. Land—(Madurai)—Dindigut taluk and ‘ovtn~Chettitaickanipatti village. No. 358/1—Appeal against the orders of eviction—Revision Petition —Rej ted. a i hae HT ee Ms ‘Land— (Madurai) —Dindigul taluk and town—Adiyamoothu <4 eHvietiin— Revision petition of Sri Kanakku Pillai—Ordere—Passed Octoher 7. No. 1875 (i), Ms. ‘Land—(Madurai)—Periakulam taluk—Melagodalur village—S. Nos. 3003/3 3001/4, ¢etc,--Repori—Submitted, April 28, No. 810 (12), Ms. Land—(Madurai)—Perialulam talnk—Pudukottai village—8, No. 64/1—Poramboke— Bviotion—Revision petition—Ordere—Passed, November 2, No, 2024 (Il), Ms Tand—(Madurai)—Periaknlam taluk—Veerapandi village—S. No. 1435—L.¥. Road ‘porainboke--Evietion—Revision. petition—Orders—Passed February 28, No. 461 (), Ms. Land—(Madurai-—‘Tirnmangalam taluk—Sengulam village—8. No. 155—1..10. Road —Poramboke—Eviction—Revision petition—Rejected. February 11, No, 207 (R), Me. Lahd—(Msdura)—Tiramangalam ‘aluk—Sennampatti. village—S. No. 93/1-River ‘poramboke—Eviction—Revision. petition—Report—Submitied. pi i _ May 15, No. 972 (J), Ms. jj —Tirumangalam taluk—Usilampatti yillage—S. No, 91-1 (tank ‘poramboke)—Fviction—Revision petition—Orders—Passed, Fanvary 29, No. 204 (F), Ms. Land —(Madurai—Diramangalam taluk—Uslampativillage—S. No. 981/1—Tank poramboke--Occupation—Eviction—Report—Submitted. ta iE April 20, No. 876 (R), Ms. ‘Tand—(Madorai)—Tiromangalam taluk—Villur village—S. No. %32—-Fnerouehment by cattle shed by Sri K. V. Narayanswamy Naidu and another—Bvietion.-Ordescd —Papers-Recorded. Febroary 12, No. 801 (R}, Ms Taand—(North Areot)-Arkonam taluk—Tirumalpur village, Nos. 90/2 ana 90 —Revision petition to the Board—Orders—Passed. Pe February 4, No. 255 (B), Ms. Tand—(North Areot)—Cheyyar _talnk—Pappanthangal village—S. No. 931. “"Tnerorchment on village ste—Revision pedtion ee te December 6, No. 9916 (18), Ms. Laxp Revexvz} Inver, 1908 @ ENCKOACHMEN'—cont. and—(Nort Arcot}—Gudiyatham taluk—Chettikuppam “ivillage+S//No! /4606i struction of .a. temple—Eviction—Report—Sulnnitted M Xo, 985. (5), Ms. Lond—(Norih, Arcot)—Tiruppathur. taluk—Natrapall: village—S. No, 519--Porame boke--Hietion—Revision petition—Rejected Tearch 2, No, 465 ck), Ma. Land—(North Arcot) —Tiruppatiur taluk and tows. sarndioke— Hyietion—Revision petition to the Board—Order ‘ Ms Land—(North Arcot)—Tiravannamalai taluk and wowi— 3.8. No. 0S5-)—Highways tond—Penalty levied—Revision petition—Orders n 2, N (2), Ms, Tand—(North Arooi)—Tiravannamalai taluk and town—S. No. ” 1612-A—Hvietion ordered—For laying RC. slabs-—Revision ‘petition to te Board—Or ters—Passed. July 16, No. 1314 (ii), Ma Land—(North Arcot)—Vellore _taluk—Allapuram’ village—S. No. 107—Kulam poramboke—Occupation—Evietion—Revision. petition—Rejected—Orders—Dassed. December 20, No, 2839 (E), Ms Land—(North Arcot)—Vellore talak—Ambar ‘Town—.. No. 436-2—Porarmboke— Bviction—Revision petition—Orders—Passed. October 24, No. 1977 (1), Ma |—(North Arcot)—Vellore talnk—Anaieut village —Poramboke—Evietion—Revision petition to Li ghways road April 6, No, 721 (i), Ms. Tand—(North Arcot}—Vellore taluk—Mannur_ village—8. “No."91-Poritiboke— Hvietion—Revision petition to the Board—Orders—Passed ‘March 92. No. 619.(18), Ms. ‘Land—(Norch Arcot)—Vellore taluk—Mannur village$:)Ném9b2Porattioke— Eviction—Revision petition to the Board—Orders—Passed March 22, No. 620 (B), Ms. Land—(North Arcot)—Vellore taluk—Mannur_ sillage=8..0N6.40-4Potamboke— Bviction—Revision petition tothe Board—Orders—Passed. March 92, No. 631 (R), Ms. Land—(North Arcot)—Vellore taluk and town—T.S, No, 488.9—-Bviction—Revision petition to the Board—Orders—Passed. April 2, No, 688 (B), Ms. Tand—(Ramanathapuram)—Devakottai —sub-taluk—Bravaseri_village—Hncroach- ments in Melakattoorani tank—Eviction—Reqnested-—Prtition—Orders—P assed. August 24, No. 1605 (1), Ms, ‘Tand—(Ramanathapuram)—Kiladi_yillage—8, Nos. 186 and 189—Eviction—Revi- sion petition of Sri Pandi and Andikone—Orders—Passed. October 15, No. 1904 (E), Ms. Tand—(Rainanathapuram)—Srivilliputhar taluk—Watrap village—S. No. 472/B-2 Bnersachment by tea shop—Bviction—Revision petition to Board—Rejected. October 98, No. 1984 (), Ms. ‘Land—(Salem}—Attur taluk and town—S. No. 466-1——Eivietion—Petition of Sri V. Perumal Chettinr—Orders—Passed. May 10. No. 945 (E), Ms. Land—(Salem)—Attur taluk and town—T.8. No. 512-5—Temple _poramboke— Eviction petition--Orders—Passed. August 8, No. 1514 (B), Ms. ‘LanJ—(Salem)—Attur taluk and town—T.8, No. 512-5—Temple _poramboke— Eyviction—Revision petition—Orders—Passed, August 8, No. 1515 (E), M ‘Tand—(Salem)—Attur taluk and town—S, No. 512-72—Temple _poramboke— ‘Evietion—Revision petition—Orders—Passed. August 8, No, 1516 (E). Ms. iAtfur talok—Dalavoipatty village—S. Nos. S9-1, 90-5 and 091— dai poramboke—Oceupation—Rvietion—Revision petition —Orders—Passed ‘March 20, No, 592 (R). Ms. Land—(Galem)—Attur taluk—Kallanatham village—S. No 25—Graving yrownd— Poramboke—levietion—Revision petition—Orders—Passed. August 16, No. 159 petition, rejected —Oners—Issned Tanuary 98, No. 181 CE). Me, Lan4—(South Arcot)—Cuddalore’ taluk —Serakeappami. village—R. “OT © -Evietion-—Rovision’ petition to the Board—Rejested: Poni sana Taly 24, No, 1408 (1), Ms. Daxn Revesvz] Ixpsx, 1906 aL ENCROACHMENT—cont, Land—(South Arcot) Cuddalore »talitk—Vadakailasam village—8. No. 95—Road poramboke—E vietion—Orders—Passed, March 92, No. 622 (E), Ms. Land—Gonth Arcot) —Marungur village—.8. No, penalty —Revision petition ‘to the Board—Aljoned No. 510.8), Ms. Lanid—(Souti Arcot-—Maringur villaye—R.8) No, 288—Livy-vr peualt}Revision petition to the Board—Allowed. rei 7, No, 511 (B), Ms, Tand—(Ssuth Arcot} —Marungur-village—R.8. No, 983 -—Loyy’ of penaliy—Revision petition to the Board—Allowed fare 7, No. 512 (B), Ms ‘Land—(South Arcot}—Vanapuram village—R.8. No. 16—Evietiori—Revisiou petitions to the Boand—Orders—Passed. April'5.-No, 722 (1), Ms. Land—(South Arcot) —Thittakudi Stb-taluk—Kozhiyur’ village—S. No. 49/1B— Poramboke—Eviction—Kuyision. petition—Reyed October idivanatn—taluk-—kijsithemur’ vill 939 Ub), Ms. Now 167/1— Tand—(South> Arcoti-+ Evichioie Revision petition to the, Be lo Rejected: September 1, No. 1683 (), Ms Land—(South Arcot)—-Vijiupurain talok and fown--R.S. No, 731—Kulam poram- Boke—LHiviotion—Revision petition—Orders—Passed. January 24, No. 186 CE), Ms. A Aroot}—Villupuramn faluk—Valanderedai vit ‘Occupation-—Evietion—Revision petition to the Board—Reject Taly 25, No. 1422 (B), Ms. Land—(South Areot)}—Vndhachalam — taluk—Kraiyur—Ponneri village—R.S. Nos. 118. ete.—Eyviction—Revision petition to the Board—Rejected: ‘May 20,.No. 1070 (E), Ms. (South Arcot) —Vridhuchalamy taluk-—Kratyur—Ponneri villoge=R-8.-Nos, 118 ‘Bviction—Revision- petition to-the Board—Rejected. May 29, No. 1071 (E), Ms. (South Arcot)—-Vridhachalam taluk—Eraiyur—Ponneri village—R.S. Nos. 118 EBviction—Revisioa petition to the Board—Rejected. May 30, No, 1075 (1B), Ma. Land—(Phanjavar)—Mannérgudi talik—Devadanam - yillage—R.8, No, 266-1— Ayyanae‘il poramboke—Riviction—Petition—Report—Submitied April 5, No, 719 (F), Ms. Land—(Thanjayur)—Maanargudi tah Koothanallur village—R. No. 147—Evie- tion—Revision petition—Orders—Passed. Tanuary 21, No. 161 (B), Ms. Tand—(Thanja\ur)}—Mannargadi taluk—Koothanallar village—R.S. No. 66/B-1— "vite tevin petition Rejected, October 29, No. 1991 it. Ms. Lend—~(Thanjayar)—Mancargudi taluk—Kottur village—S. No. 344-4—13 cents— Eneroachmen: by -house=E victioti—Revision petition —Orders—Passed. Bobruary 19, No. 347 (E), 0 Tan@(Thiatnjaveri—Matinargudi — taluk. rugulathor —yillage—R.8. No. Natham. porumboke—Evviction—Revision petition—Orders passed Fane 22, No. 1162 (E), Ms. village—R.S. Nos, 520-A-1 on petition—Orders—Paseed August 6, No. 1490. (E), Ms. Land—(Thaniaxyr)-—Mannargndi_taluk—Tirumgkottai "village B.S. No. (218— Encroachment. wy ou"tivatinn—Eviction—Revision, patition—Orders—Passed. August 6, No. 1493 (E), Ms Lavad—(Obanjavur)--Minnsemidi'talikVaduvoor ‘village—R.S. No. 349:1—Occupa “tion—Evietion-—Revised petition—Orders—Passed. ‘ > a ‘5 August 6, No. 489 -(F), Ma. ‘Land—(Thanjavur)-Maninargudi tal a |—Rviction—Revisi ae rec FES ay sr, Poa y 61—Rviction—Revision petition of : September 17, No. 1760 (E), Ms. Tand—(Thapjavui)—Manoargudi taluk— ‘and 520-A-2—Yivietion revi 32 Impex, 1968 [Boarp or Revenvs ENCRKOACHMEN1—cont, Land—(Thanjavur)—Mayuram taluk—Viruvalaputiiur village—R.S. No. 3 pation—Revised petition—Orders—Passed. August 8, No. 1518 Land—(hanjavur)—Nagepattinam taluk—Semangalam village—S. No, 1 —Evictian—Revision petition of Sri Bachi Aluiaed—Order—Passed eptember 3, No. 1662 (1 Land—(Thanjavur)—Nagepattinam taluk—Tirukkovalai village—R.S. No Kalam poramboke—Removal of encroachment—Petition—Orders—Passod. August 2, No. 1467 (i), Ma. Land—(Lhanjavur)—Nagapattinam taluk—Tirupoondi Kast Sethi village--R.S.’ Nos. 151-8 and 151-4 occupations—Eviction—Revision petition—Rejected. Tune 6, No. 1109 (13), Ms. Land—(Thanjavur)—Tirovarur—Therkusethi «ivillage-¥2.81.»No.! :.2932—Kwviction Revision petition—Orders—Passed. January 8, No. 59 (B), Ms. ‘Land—(Chanjavur)—Tiravarur Municipality—Ward No. I1—! Oceupation of ktlam, poramboke—Report—Submitted. No. 480-1— March 20, No. 599 (R), Ms. Land—(Thanjavar)—Nagapattinam talnk—Venmani village—R.8. No. 85—Channel ‘poramboke- viotion-Hevision petition of Sri ‘Thangaraja Vandayar—-Orders— pet September 21, No. 1783 (B), Ma, Land—{(Thanjavur)—Nannilam taluk—Kangalanjeri village—t No. 27-22—Evic- tion—Revision petition of Sri Kannian—Orders—Passed: Sat " ___,_,. September 30, No. 1847 (B), Ms. Land—(Thanjavar)—Nannilam taluk—Kaliyakudi. yillage-R.8, Nos.215-boand 88— ‘Eviction of -Orders—Passed. July 5, No, 1219 (8), Me. Land—(Thanjavur)—Orathanad taluk—Melaular village—R.8, No. 254.2 (A.W.D.) ‘Eviction—Appeal—Orders—Passed. January 21, No. 162 (Bi), Ms. Land—(Thanjavur)—Orathanad talnk—Neivasal village—R.S. No. 126-3—Livietion— Clarification—Iesued. October 9, No. 1884 (B), Ms. Tand—(Thanjavar)—Papanasam taluk—Avalivannanallur village—R.S. No. 62. Cancellation of B memo.—Penalty levied—Revision petition to Board-—Rejectod. Tuly 23, No, 1406 (E), Ms. Land—(Thanjavur)—Papanasam taluk—Manalor village—IV8. ’ No: Jaa oTeans ‘poramboke—Eiviction—Revision petition—Orders—Passed. Tuly 90, No, 1445 Tand—(Thanjavur(—Papanasam taluk—Vadapatti village—TeS. Na. Sine atk poramboke—Oceupstion—Bviction—Revision. petition—Orders—Passed. ie es eee February 27, No. 450 (I), Ms. Tand—(Thanjavar)—Thanajvar taluk—Alakkudi village—RS. No, Pani poramboke—Lvietion—Ordered—Revision petition--Orderw--Passed, 8 Pond aoe oa Tanuary 8, No. 58 (R), Ms. and—(Thanjever—Thanjavar taluk—Allur village—R.8. Nos. Detailed Kanni—Oblieration—Eviction of losaaenee Apes Ohaeae aet August 27, No. 1628 (IB), Ms. ‘Land—(Thanjavur)}—Thanjavur taluk—Koilpatta vill bass. “—Evietion-—Revision petition—Rejected, e” eS: Nos. 248/1 and 18/4 . November 4, No. 2030. (Ii), Ms. Land—(Thanjayar)—Thanjovur taluk—Rajagiri and Unjo, villages 1423 ‘and 78—Channel. poramboke—Evielion ‘heviews thee ate ee : mber 27, No, 2987 (1), Ms. ‘Gand—(Thanjavur)—Tirathuraipoondi taluk—Kodaikadn vill ir’ ‘Oecupation-Tevs i : lage—Salt Pans in 'Y* Block: Geonpation-—Heviction of—Revisioh petition to Government Report— May 23, No -1035 (E), Ms. ‘Tiand—(Thanjavur)—Tirathuraipoondi taluk—Thiruthuraipoondi 162. Poramboke—Eviction—R ond tall " village =R.8. No 102 Por ein peti of Ot V. Nadimtha Pi lai Order Tand—(Tiruchirappalli)—Lalgudi. tal eh ers i ik —Panjis i vi River jarantoke—-Revision Pelton Rejected. July Ns jon ta Aa Land—(Tiruchirappall—tialgndi taluk—Vellanar vil No: td Bea — Cccapaien-teeon eet Guaitin:- Outeeareage: A ees * Joly 11, No. 1291 (E), Me. Lanp Ruvenvi) Txpex, 1963 ENCROACHMENT—cont. ‘Land—(Tiruchiroppalli)—Lalgudi taluk—Vellanur village—S.F, No. 14—Karungulam. poramitoke—Revision petition by Srimathi Sarathambal—Orders—Passed. Tuly 11, No. 1292 (E), Ms. ‘Land—(Ciruchirappalli)—Karur taluk—Panchimadevi village—8.E. No, 598/R.L-F. Battai poramboke—Lviction—Revision petition—Orders—Passed September 4, No. 1675 (E), Ms. Land—(Ciruchirappalli)—Karur taluk—Panchamadevi village—8.F. No. 598/R.L.F. Battai poramboke—Lviction—Revision petition—Orders—Passed. ‘September 4, No. 1677 (H), Ms. Land—(irachirappalli)—Karur taluk—Panchamadevi village—8.F, No. 598/R.L.8. Battai poramboke--Kviction—Revision petition—Orders—Passed September 4, No. 1678 (F), Ms. Yand—(Viruchirappalli)—Kulathur taluk—Veerapatti village—Encroachment by Obliteration of detailed channel in S.¥. No. 189/5—Hiviction—Petition—Orders— Passed. ‘August 1, No. 1461 (8), Ms, Land—(Tiruchirappalli)—Kulathur taluk—Viralimalai_village—8. ¥. No. 87/1A— Natham poramboke—Lviction—Revision petition—Orders—Passed. August 6, No. 1483 (1), Ms. Land—(Tiruchirappalli)—Kulithalai taluk—Karuppathur_village—S.F. No. 19/1— ‘Natham Poramboke—Eviction—Revision Petition by Natesan—Orders Passed. January 29, No. 225 (E), Ms. Land (Tiruchirappalli)—Kulithalai taluk—Manapparai sub-taluk—Sevalur villago— SP. No, 828—Battai poramboke —Eviction— Revision __petition—Report Submitted July 15, No. 1305 (B), Ms. Lond—(Tiruchirappalli)—Kulithalai taluk—Mayanur village—S.F. Nos. 146/2 and 8 ‘Evietion—Revision petition—Orders—Passed, Tuly 23, No. 1405 (H), Ma. Tand—(Tiruchirappalli)—Kulithalai taluk—Sevalur village—8.F. No. 828—Battai Poramboke—Hviction—Revision petition of Sri Chinniah Pillai—Orders—Passed. October 15, No, 1902 (), Ms. Tand—(Viruchirappalli)—Kulithalai taluk—Sevalur village—S.F. Nos. 71 and 583/14 ‘Bviotion—Revision petition of Rengaswamy Naidu—Orders—Passed. July 25, No. 1414 (E), Ms. Land—(Tiruchirappalli)—Musiri taluk—Kattuputhur village—S.I". No, 48—Highways ‘Roadl—Poramboke—Lviction—Revision petition—Orders—Passed. March 12, No. 530, (F), Ms. Tand—(Virnchirappalli)—Musiri taluk—T. Pudupatti village—8.P. No. 411/5— Assignment—Further report—Orders passed. August 28, No. 1694 (E), Ms. ‘Land—(Tiruchirappalli)—Tiruchirappalli taluk—Alathur village—S.F. No, 244/1A— Poramboke—TLiviction—Revision—Petition—Orders—Passed. *“‘Angust 2, No. 1468 (b), Ms. Land—(Tiruchirappalli)—Tiruchirappalli taluk—Alathur village—8.F. No. 244/14— Natham poramboke—Eviction—Revision petition—Orders passed. Angust 8, No. 1506 (it), Ms. Land—(Tiruchirappalli)—Sirugamani ‘village—S.F, No. 100/2B—Natham poramboke —Hvietion ordered—Revision petition of Srimathi Arasayee Ammal—Rejected. ‘April 8, No. 702 (E), Ms. ‘Dand—CTiruchirappalli)—Sirugamani village—S.¥. No. 100/2B—Natham —poram- boke—Eviction—Ordered—Revision petition to Board—Rejected. April 5, No. 720 (E), Ms. Land—(Tiruchirappalli)—Tiruchirappalli taluk—Thennur village 'T.8. Nos. 2019 ‘and 2021—Oceupation by portion of Mosque—Eviction—Ordered—Petition against —Papors—Recorded. October 80, No. 2000 (8), Ms. Land—(Tiruchirappalli)—Tiruchirappalli taluk—Thennur village—S. F. No. 2061— ‘Poramboke—Lviction—Revision petition—Orders—Passed. 4 November 4, No. 2081 (5), Ms. Jand-(Tiruchirappalli)—Piramayam taluk—Valaramanickam. vattam—8.F. No. 900 ‘Bi—Eviction—Orders passed—Papers—Recorded. Tuly 9, No. 1250 (F), Ms. 42-09 3 Inpex, 1963 [Boanp oF RuvEnon, ENCKCACHMENT—cont. Land—(Tiruchirappalli)—Udayarpalayam taluk—Jayankondan village—S.F. No. 202 \Temporary—Jeep drivers in Settlement Parties—Absorption in Revenue Department Ber wa ¥ ‘on abolition of Settlement. purties—Orders—vassed—Papers—Recorded : February 2, No. 241 (Z), Ms. ‘Temporary—Madras, eto., Collector's Offices—Special staff for collection of income. fax arrears—Retention beyond Sst August 1963—Sanctioned--Papers recorded. «October 8, No. 1853 (A), Ms. ‘Temporary—Mettur Township—Unauthorised occupation of State lands and buildings —Regularisation of encroachments—Special Revenue stafi—Continuance—Sane- tioned. Tuly 16, No. 1399 (B), Ms. ‘Tomporary posts of certain Superintendents, Lower Division Clerks, Head Computor, Deputy and Field Surveyor, ete., in the Survey and Land Records Department Permanent retention—Orders passed—Confirmation ordered—Papers recorded. October 30, No. 2018A(N), Ms. rary—River Conservancy—Banks of __ rivers—Damages—Eneroachments— "Appointment of special Revenue staff for eviction of encroachments—Proposals— Report sent. Augusy 9, No. 1529 (B), Ma. Lan Revenve] Inpex, 1963 ar ESTALLISHMENT—cont, ‘Yown Surveyors—Attached to Municipalities—Hours of attendance in Municipat Office—Instructions—Issued. October 28, No. 1981 (N), Ms. Village—Establishment—Village Officers and Village Assistants (Tirunelveli) — Shenkottah taluk—ransferred Area-Revised scales of pay—Payment—Lastruc- tions —Issued. January 24, No. 184 (¥), Ms. (Chingleput)}—Collector's Office, Chingleput to attend to Land Acquisition work— ‘Permanent retention—Ordered—G.O. Ms. No. 2044, Revenue, dated 23rd June 1963—Recorded. July 22, No. 1392 (F), Ms. (Coimbatore)—T'emporary—Special Deputy Collector for localisation of irrigable areas under tie Parambikulam-Aliyar Project—Transfer of control—Ordered—G.O.— Communicated. Tuly 28, No. 1402 (H), Ms. (Coimbatore)—Collector’s Office—Increased scale of peons to work under the Joint Collector—Sanction—Requested. ‘April 22, No. 799 (C), Ma. (Coimbatore) —Temporary—Coimbatore taluk—Unojectionable cases of _encroach- ‘ment—Regularisation—Retention of Special staff beyond 31st August 1962—Orders —Passed—Papers recorded. ‘January 19, No. 135 (B), Ms. (Coimbatore)—Temporary—Unobjectionuble eases of _encroachment—Regularisation —Special stafi beyond 28th February 1963—Retention—Sanctioned—G.O. Ms. No. 1740, Revenue, dated 10th May 1963—Recorded. Tune 15, No. 1138 (E), Ms. 4Coimbatore\—Certain femporary posts—Permanent _retention—Sanction—Distribu- tion of posts—Government Memorandum communicated. December 27, No. 2385 (N), Ms. (Coimbatore)-—Temporary—Erode taluk—Unobjectionable cases—Regularisation and Assignment—Sanction of special _ staffi—Proposals—Governnient Memorandum No. 125880/61—-F1 (Rev.) 21st January 1963—Communicated Tanuary 81, No. 236-(M),, Ms. (Coircbatore}— Village Hstablishment—Udumalpet taluk—Vedapatti village—Appoint- ment of separate headman and karnam—Sanctioned—G.O. recorded. ‘March 27, No. 647 (A), Ms. (Madurai)—Regularisation of services in the Cadres of Huzur Head Accountant— Orders unde: rule 193 (a) of Subordinate Service rules—Orders passed—Papers— Recorded February 16, No. 335 (¥), Ms. (North Arcot)—Temporary—Ambur Municipality—Maintenanee _ work—Additional staff—Retention—Sanetioed. ‘May 81, No. 1081 (N), Ms. (North Arcot)—Village Establishment—Wallajah taluk—Revision of village establish- ment—Consequent on the introduction. of ryotwari settlement—Proposals—Report —Submitted. May 1, No. 890 (A), Ms. (Worth Arcot)—Temporary—Chainman to work under the Panchayat Surveyors— North Arcot District—lmployment—Sanetioned. September 9, No. 1724 (N), Ms. (Ramanathapuram)—Temporary—Tiruchuli Block—Special staff for disposal of loan applications-—Retention—Clarifications—Issned. September 25, No. 1815 (X), Ms. (Salem)—Temporary—Land Acquisition—Omalur taluk—Aequisition of lands for tie Salem Engineering College—Special Land Acquisition —stall—Sanctioned— G.0, Ms. No. 1642, Education and Public Health Department, dated-10th July 1968—Recordea. Tuly 23, No. 1400, Ms, Salem)—Village Establishment—Krishnagiti teluk—K-R.P. area—Tntroduction of Rybtwari Settlement—Revision of village establishment—Proposals—Report sub- mitted. July, 12, No. 1902 (A), Ms. (Galem)—Temporary—Chainmen to work under the Panchayat Surveyors of Salem, ‘Namakkal and Dharmapuri—Appointment—Sanctioned. March 98, No, 662 (N), Ms. (Thanjavur}—Collector’s Office—Permanent retention of the post of attender to attend to phone calls—Orders passed—G.0. Ms. No. 1273—Revenue, dated 27th. March 1963—Recorded. April 20, No. 867 (©), M (Thanjavue}—Temporary—Special Minor Trrigation Programme Schemes—Tiruthur rtdi_ taluk Acquisition of lands—Retention of special. staff—Sanctioned—G.0. Me. No. 2153, Food and Agriculture Department, dated: 10th Tuly 1963—Reoorded Tuly 93, No. 1399 (F), Ms. 42-29-10 38 Inpux, 1963, [Bosno ov Revenus SERIES. (Coimbatore)—-Gobichettipalayam taluk—Mudukkandurai and Akkaraithathapalli ferries—Apportionment of income—Report—Submitted. October 1, No. 1846 (Q), Ms. Hanuwaaths Theertham, Lrumathur and Vilathikulam ferriey”—Ciosuwe—iseport— Submitted. January 29, No. 199 (is), Ms, Public Fernes—Hxemption to students from payment of tolls— concession up to lst July 166—Kecommended. September 24, No. 1821 (\), Ms. Inland—(Madurai)—Kodaikanal lake—Licensing for plying of boats—Issuy vf Ins. tructions to the Boat Club—Considered not necessury—Remarks—Submitied-— Papers—Recorded. September 9, No. 1719 (Q), Ms. (Salem)—Jt. Ferries—Disposal of and apportionment of income—Report to Govern- ment—Submitted, January 25, No. 191 (B), Ms. (Tiruchirappalli)—Ferry income between Thottium, Kulithalai and Musiri P: La. port’ aureny—Board’s, remarks—Submitted, extension of anchayat July 18, No. 1363 (Q), Ms. (Cituchivaypallip—Udayarpalayam talnk—Ellakurichi village—Ferty across Colerdon—- Opening of—Proposal—Report submitted. Tune 11, No. 1122 Q), Ms. Auction of fisheries—Date of auction, condition of sale, etc., to be intimated to the President of Vanchayats—Instructions issued—Papers Recorded. August 20, No. 1582 (T), Ms. Board Standing Orders, Volume IV, 1958 Edition—B.$:0. No’ 211—Tndieation of omission therein-—Amendment proposed _already—Considered—Unnceessary— Proposal dropped-—Papers recorded. August 14, No. 1552 (1), Ms. Fishermen Co-operative Societies—Working-Review of—for the year ending 1958 Submitted. ‘February 15, No. 327 (T), Ms, Fisheries Manus!—Revision’ of Draft chapters on Inland Fisheries—Remarks «f the Bored of Revenue—Submitted. November 19, No. 2108 ('T), Ms. Tnland fisheries—Conservancy of Fish fingerlings—Board’s Standing Orders—B 3.0, 211 and Appendices thereunder—Copies of the Government Orders—Submitted Papers recorded, September 24, No. 1804 (T), Ms. Inland Fisheries—(Tiruchirappalli—Compensation for loss of fishery rentals— Increase of —Request of Special Officer, District Board, ‘Tiruchirappalli—Re Submitted. August 8, No. 1585 (Q), Ms. ‘The Nilgiris Fishing Rules—Reissue of—Remarks—Submitted. November 23, No. 2121 (1), Ms. FLOODS. Cauvery and Coleroon Flood Control Rules—Revision—Papers recorded. October 28, No. 1985 (F), Ms. Draft “Flood Patrol Rules for tanks—Submitted by the Chiet Engincer (Irrigation) —If@arks cf the Board of Revenue—Report submitted. on November 19, No. 2107 (I), Ms. Trrigation and Sea Wrosion, ete.—River—Prever " t nitive measures—Protecti ks Contribution from Local Bodies—Amemémont to clause 1 (i) of G0, Nov 2565, Public Works, dated 4th July 1950—Report—Submitted. January 24, No. 190 (F), Ms. Mizeat of oode—Creation of an Emergency Epidemic Rescrve. Pund—Report— Submitted. July 28, No. 1398°(F), Ms. (South Arcot}_“Chidwmabaram talok—Mloods in Coleroon—Relief-measutes_Expen. alte sanction “Ameiiment to G0, No, 8604, Hevenae; fated Tain Sapo Pena Coverniieat “Meta, "Na." 196aa ay-en9Retaniad, aad oe, ‘December 1962—Recorded. - December 5, No. 2201 (F), Ms, FORFIGN SERVICE. - Bareau of ‘Tamil Publications—Madras State—Depntation of staf trom e FenarimentRajamanickam (Sri) P.—Tamil Steno-typist, Taluk iar wee Ghengode” oem of service to Bureat of ‘Tamil Publication, “Madrar @tan Sanctioned, December 30, No. 2424 (G), Ms. ‘Lanp REVENUs} Inpex, 1963 ES FOREIGN SERVICE—oont. Deputation of persounel belonging to District Revenue Establishinen: on foreign service termns to work under Supersntendent of Census Operations, Madras—Orders —Passed. December 5, No. 2206 (Q), Ms. Narasimban, Sri K., Minor Irrigation Supervisor, North Arcot at present working as Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil), Neyveli Lignite Corporation Laimited— Retum of B. P. Rt. 6152, dated 28th December 1959—Receipt acknowledged— Papers recorded. February 19, No. 857 (P), Ms. ‘Werms of deputation of the State Government stafl—Deputed to the Neyveli Lignite Project—Letters from the oGyerument of India—Recorde: March 27, No. 646 (C), Ms. - FORESES Acts and Rulef—The Madras Hill Station (Preservation of Trees) Act, 1955—Nilgi- ris—Sugyestion to improve land Scape around Hill Stations—Dratt notification to amend rule 4 of the Act—Recommended. August 22, No. 1598 (Q), Ms. ‘Acts—The Madras Hill Station (Preservation of Trees) Act, 1955—Cutting of shade trees in ‘Tea Hstates—Clarification—Boord’s remarks—Submitted. ‘August 19, No. 1574 (Q), Ms. ‘Acts and Rules—Madras Hill Station (Preservation of ‘Trees) Act, 1955—Clearance ‘of Forest growth for cultivation of plantation products in Havukal Tea Bstate— —(Nilgiris)—Request—Recommended. September 2, No. 1652 (Q), Ms. ‘Acts and Rules—Madras Preservation of Private Forests Act, 1949—Enforcement in ‘Anamalaj Hills—Pollachi taluk—Coimbatore District Board's Proposals. Urders— —Requested. August: 9, No. 1527 (Q), Ms. ‘Acts and Rules—Madras Preservation of Private Forests Act, 1W49—Permission to lear fell forests for bona fide cultivation of plantation products—Quarter'y periodi- ¢al—Conversion into Annual periodical as a measure of austerity—Orders passed. Instructions issued. August 2, No. 1475 (Q), Ms. ‘Acts and Rules—Madras Preservation of Private Forests Act, 1919—Permission, ‘granted for the clearance of Forest growth for bona fide cultivation of plantation products—Report for the quarter ending on 81st December 1962—Reviewed. ‘August 12, No. 1534 (Q), Ms. ‘Acts anij Rules—Madras Forest Manual—Revision and reprint of pages 108-145— Proposals of tho Chief Conservator of Forests, Madras—Remarks—Submitted. January 18, No. 130 (Q), Ms. Banavaram Reserved Forest—Forest land required for effecting improvement to Sholinghur Station yard—Payment of land valae—Report submitted. August 19, No. 1571 (Q), Ms. Development and Protection of Myroblans, Cutch and Wattle T'rees—Instructions— Tssued. Tune 18, "No. 1148 (Q), Ms. Forest ares taken over from Andhra Pradesh—Javadisamudram and Gollapalli Blocks—Tranefer to Revenue Department—Proposal of Chief Conservator of Forests—Orders—Passed. July 15, No. 1306 (EB), Ms. Forest area—Treatment during the resettlement operations—Assignment of forest land to third parties—Loss of valuable forest recources—Prevention—Suggestion by the Commissioner of Land Revenue—Communicated. October 17, No. 1921 (Q), Ms. Madras Forest Department Code, 1915 Edition—Revision—Chapter IV—Sections 103 io 107 and forms—Boards remarks—Submitted. May 15, No. 971 (Q), Ms. ‘Madras Forest Manusl—Revision and Reprint—Report—Submitted. September 24, No. 1792 (Q), Ms. Madras Hill Stations (Preservation of Trees) Act, 1955—Nilgiris—Stanes Amal mated Estate—Application for permission for clear felling land for planting tea— Board’s remarks—Sent, September 24, No. 1793 (Q), Ms. Madras Preservation of Private Forests Act, 1949—Minor Inams (Abolition and Conversion into Ryotwari) Bill, 1961—Cutting of trees on tank bunds and Channel bunds—Prevention—Board’s remarks—Submitted. Tuly 9, No. 1260 (Q), Ms. ‘Madras Preservation of Private Forests Act, 1949—Permission granted for the clearance of Forest growth for bona fide cultivation of plantation products—Report for the quarter ending 30th September 1962—Reviewed. February 14, No. 323 (Q), Ma 40 Inpex, 1903 [Boann ov kxuvenus FORESTS—cont. ‘Madras Preservation of Private Forest Act, 149—(The Nilgiris)—Gudalur taluk— Cherumuli village—Certain estates land of Sri K.P. Madhavan Nair—Lxclusion from the Notification—Orders of Governwent—Keport—Submitted. January 19, No. 156 (Q), Mis. Madras Preservation of Private Forests Act, 1949—(The Nilgiris)—Permission to clear fell trees in O° Valley village—Gudalur taluk—Application rejected by Collec~ tor of Nilgiris—Appeal petition—Bourd’s report—Submitted, Tuly 12, No. 1901 (Q), Mis Madras Preservation of Private Forests Act, 1949—Operation of the Act—Diflicultios experienced by Anamalai Planters Association and the Association of planters of the State of Madras—Representations—Government Orders—Communicated. August 12, No. 1533 (Q), Ms. Madras Preservation of Private Forests Act, 1949—Thinning of trees in Coflee and ‘Vea Estates for shade regulation—Certain Concession—Amendment to Section 3 (2) of the Act, and Rule 2 of Rules framed under the Act—Board’s remarks— Submitted October 1, No. 1841 (Q), Ms Madras Preservation of Private Forests Act, 1949—Areas notified under the Act— Denotification—Instructions—Government Orders—Communicated December 24, No. 2873 (Q), Ms. Madras Preservation of Frivate Forests Act, 1949—Operation of the Act—Difliculties experienced by the Anamalai Planters’ Association—Remedy——Amendment to the ‘Act—Proposals—Board’s remarks—Submitted. ‘May 9, No. 938 (G), Ms. Management of Forest not under the control of Forest Departmen: —lroposal of the Government of Uttar Pradesh—Board’s remarks—Submitted, Tuly 12, No."1300 (Q), Ms. Reserved Forests—Disreservation for other purposes—Reversion back to Forest Depart- ‘ment—Procedure suggested by the Chief Conservator of Forests—Board’s remarks —Submitted. May 2, No. 893 (Q) ,Ms. Sathanur Reservoir Broject—Water spread area—Transfer to Public Works Depart- ‘ment, (Irrigation) —Proposals—Papers—Recorded ’ August 30, No. 1648 (B), Ms. ‘Teak—Tectona Gindis Linn—Information called for by the Assistant Curator of ‘Botanical Survey of India—Furnished. April 19, No. 795 (Q), Ms. (Coimbatore)—Felling and clearing of trees from the Ola planting for replacement of tea—Areas required by the Government for Sholayar Dam—Permission to fell ‘and clear trees in Uralikl Hstato and Valparai—Permission under tho Madras Preservation of Private Forest Act requested—Report—Submittod, March 12, No. 526 (Q), Ms. (Coimbatore)—Valparai Sub-taluk—Anamalai Hills—Villages—Fixation of Seignorage fees for tie transport of Firewood, Charcoal and ‘Timber in the Anamalai village —Revised rates—Adoption—Report submitted. August 14, No: 1551 (Q), Ms. _ Goinbatore)—Soft wood Vellapine and Pali trees—Clear felling in Uralikal Bistate snd export to Kerala State—Report—Submitted. May 17, No. 989.(Q), Ms. (Madurai)—Establishment of sheep breeding—Research Station on Kodaikanal hilla by Indian “ouneil of Agriculture Research—Lease of 84 acros of Worest lands to Government of India—Granted—G.0. Ms. No. 1259, Food and Agriculture, dated 5th April 1963—Recorded. Tune 4, No. 1098, Ms. (Madurai)—Kodaikanal taluk—Palni Hills—Southern slopes—Reserved _forest— ‘Assionment of forest land—Request by Sri Baluswamy—Remarks—Submitted. September 9, No, 1717 (B), Ms. ‘The Nilgiris)—Ootacamynd town—s8 cents in 8. No. ct t (TRodasan Photo Films ‘Manufacturing Company, Limited—Ordure Banco 6, Mis. No. 2962, Food ond Agriculture, dated 5th October 1963—Recorded, November 20, No, 2045 (B), Ms. (The Nilgiris\—Ootacamund and Coonoor taluks—Tiands lying ontside Wenlock DowntPerminent assignment to todas ands to be under the control af the District Forest Officer \e Nilgiris—Orders—Tssued—Government Memo. No, 1St34-DI0/60-97, Food and “Agnvultare, darea inte ‘pil 1965 May 1, No, 886 (B), Ms Laxp Revenve} Inox, 1963 a FORKS TS—cont. (North Arcot)—Vellore Bast Division—Forest lands in Vikramachi Reserved Porest— ‘Placing of an extent of 1.2 scres at the disposal of Railways for doubling tract netween Latteri and Vinnamangalam on collection of cost—Proposals—Approved. October 9, No. 1855 (E), (Ms.). (Salem)- Salem South Division—Section 4 notification under the Madras Forest Act, 1882, Board’s remarks—Submnitted ‘August 7, No. 1501 (Q), (Ms). (Salem)—Dharmapuri taluk—Adagepady villoge—Farm Forestry—Setting up of Demonstration Farm—Proposals—Resolution of the Panchayats—Submitted. July 11, No. 1289 (B), (Ms.). Wild life—Mudumalai Wild Lite—Sanctuary—Lvviction of pattadars and resettling ‘them—Proposals—Deferred—G.0. Ms. No. 1895, Revenue, dated 22nd April 1963 Recorded. May 13, No. 960 (B), (Ms.). FORGERY. Contingent bill for Rs. 2360 drawn under Famine reliel—Signature of the Collector forge! on Will and cheque—Report—Subiaitted. November 12, No. 2091 (Confal.) (@); (Ms.). GOLD CONTROL. Rehabilitation of Goldsmith. June 7, No. 1111 (¥), Ms. GOVERNMENT SERVANTS. Correspondence and interview —Instructione thorities other than immediate official superior Recorded. October 1, No. 1848 (¥), (Ms.).. ‘Dress to be worn when they appear in Courts, ‘Tribunals or other judicial bodies to ‘give evidence, ete,—Instructions issued—G.0. Ms. No. 1564, Public (Services-A), dated 4th October 1963—Communicated, October 29, No. 1998 (¥) (Confal.) (Ms.). Wives and dependents of Government servants—Taking up employment with foreign ‘missions in Indio—Instructions—Iseued—Papers recorded ‘May 31, No. 1083 (D) (Confdl.) (Ms.). GRAMDAN. Development: of Gravsdan villiges—Veeting of cultivable’ waste lands belonging to Government in Gramdan Co-operative Societies—Certain instructions—Requested —Reply—Sent. September 30, No. 1836 (B), (Ms.). GRAN'S. Discretionary Grants—(Tirunelveli)—Report by the Y.M.C.A., Pslayameottai_for grant of funds from the Collector's discretionary grant—Board's remarks—Sub- mitted. Tuly 16, No. 1319, (Ms.). “GRATUITY. Scheme for providing immediate relief to the families of Non-Gazetted Government ‘servants who die while in service—Sanctioned, February 22, No. 408 (N), (Ms.). y, Sri K.—Last Grade Government Servant—No. [II Survey Party— Retired from scervice—Gratuity papers—Forwarded. a February 6, No. 288 (N), (Ms.). Death-cum-Retirement gratuity—Josep, Sri V.—Late Upper Division Clerk— ‘Papers—Forwarded. October 29, No. 1999 (N), (Ms.). Augposamy 8ri M., Lower Division Clerk, No. 1 Survey Party with effect from 18th Febrnary 1962, afternoon—Account ‘Communicated. February 21, No. 395 ON), 0 Ramankutty Natr, Sri M. K., Retired Depaty Surveyor—Retiring gratuity—Papers Forwarded. ys January 11, No. 104 (N), (ile.). Tovalid gratuity—-Sankarén Nair, Sri C. M., retired Papers forwarded. ‘ july 17, No. 1344 (N), (Ma). 42-20-11 eB Inpex, 1969 (Boaro oF Revevus BARUAN WELFARE. Work at district, level——Transfer. to, Block Development: and soerger of the office of the Director of Harijan Welfare with the otiive of the Board of Reovnuc—Remarks of the Board—Submitted—Papers recorded, September 30, No. 1839 (D) (Confdl.), (Ms.). Co-operative Farming Land Colonization Societies for Harijans—Assignment of land ou industria! basis—Proposal of Director of Harijan.. Welfare—Negati Orders pussed—G.0. Ms..No, 2510, Home, aatea 2ud Sepiemnber ivir—lwecordea, September 24, No. 1794 (B), (Ms.) Assigament of lands—(Chingleput)—Saidapet taluk—Pammal villnge—R,8, Nos. 16 and 47—Provision of honse-sites—Objection petition from Sri. Varadan and two others of Pammal settlemnent—Report—Subi Tuly 8, No. 1207 (BY, (Ms.). ‘Madvas City—Paddisonpuram lines—Assignment to the Harijan tenants —Purthen report—Submitted. February §, No. 262 (B), (Ms.) Madras City—Paddisonpuram lines—Recovery of arrears of reut—Demand. | Called: tiun and Balance statement for the month of October 1963—Submitted.. December 5, No. 2156°(B), (Ms.) Madeas Gity—Paddiaonparam: lines—Aasignmment to the Harljan. tenants-—Report-- Submitted December 21, No. 2368 (B), (Ms. Kallar, Heclamation—(Madurai)—Office of the Special Deputy Collector, Kull? Reclamation, Madurai—Merger with the Madurai. disteiot—Rurther, seport eube mitted. May 4, No. 900 (Y), (Ms.). (The Nilgicis)—Upgrading the post of District Welfare: Otiar, the: Nilgieix, to.the rank of Deputy Collector—Sanctioned—G.0. Ms. No. 1910, Home. dated did, Tune 1963—Recorded. Taly 28, No. 1404 (D), (is.). HIGHWAYS AND RURAL WORKS DEPARTMENT. ‘Tree tax on coconut trees—Knhancement—Reinarls subrn, February HINDU RELIGIOUS AND CHARITABLE ENDOWMENTS. Alienation’ and lease of temple lands- No. 267 (Q), (Ms.). ‘Hmployment of Tshsildats—Pipers recorded. ; March 3, No. 533 (T), (Ms.). HOUSING Land Acquisition and Development Seheme—Acyuisition of lands for the Neighbour= hood Projects—Instructions regarding invoking urgency clause —Tesued. et x July 2, No, 1202 (1), (Ms.) Retital Hotisiig, Schente—Construction of 50 rental touses for low-paid emiplayoes cl Slats Gottasiiek ak Combatcre ‘Tiruchirappslli and Madurai by the State ‘Housing Board—Alienation of land vested in the Public Works Department. March 22, No. 625 (E), (Ms.) INAMS. (Tirchitappalli—Pudukkkottal division —Keclaivur village—Getdoment of jaame-- ‘Axppealed aguinst—Orders passed November 11 No. 2084 (1), (Me) (Ciruchirappslii)—Pudukkottai division—Tirumayau taluk—Kalathur vil ttle- ment—Appealed against—Orders passed, January 11, No. 106 fh), ate, (@iruebirappalli—Sottlement of inams in Pudukkotto: division—orin of the tit ‘deeds approved—Amendments—Papers— Recorded ee 4 Taly 4No? LECT; (Ms). (Tiruebirappall)—Pudukkottas division—Kulathet taluk—Voyntagany aitaoe Sealy ment af inanis—Appealed’ against—Orders passed. em Wil ema Ae eas Angust 6, No 161 (0). (Mad (Tiruébirappalliy~ tai division—Kulathur taluk—Kuiniaen pe Settlement of inams—Appealed against—Orders pessod. s™Ansslam villag Sepieniber No. 1680 CH). (ats. (Firuchirappalli—Podukiottai, division—Rviatliur tlake op illage— —Bettlement of inams—Appealed against—Orders passed, D403... village. : sa Ostober 19, No! 1949 (Py, (Ms) (Viruchirapyialli)-Pudukkottai. division—Kulatin lok—Viralimala} village and corey loge—Setlement Oe ean ea, OK Veil vag ad Sy ates October ie Ne dnt cn, (Ms.). ‘Las Revenvs] ‘Inpex, 1963 3 INAMS—cont. (Cirwchirappali}-Pudukkottai division, Kulathur taluk—Keersnur village—Settlement of -Appealed against—Orders’ passed. unre s October. 19; No. 1940 (1), (Ss.). (Tiruchirappalli)—Pudukkottai _division—Kulathur — taluk—Melapudavayal—Settle- ‘tment of inams—Appealed against—Orders passed. December 8, .No. 2439 (T), (Ms.). ‘The Madras Inams (Amendmént) Act, 1956—Implementation of particulars relating to post 1936 inams—Inam survey records—Return, of—Instructions—Iseued— Papers recorded October 16, No. 1911 (1), (Ms.) ‘The Madras Inams (Assessment) Act, 1956—Wallajah taluk, Mangadu village—Suis —Writ Petition No. 260/62, High Court, Madras—Objection to the levy of fall assessment—Defence sanctioned—Papers recorded. November 12/No, 2088-(), (Ms.). The Madras Minor Inams—(Aolition and Conyersion) into. Ryotwari Bill, 1961— Whanjavur District—Virnthuraippundi taluk—Thagathir village—Petition of kudik- Kani ryots—Report—Submitted. October 28, No. 1983 (T), (Ms.). INCOME-TAX. List of firms exempted from production of income-tax verification certificates— Amendment issued—Government Memo.—Recorded, Tuly 9, No. 1971 (A), (Ms.). List of firms yexempted,.from production of _income-tax—Verification—Clearance GoyiilicaieeCovcuinent Memo. No, 587-B.G., Finance, dated 2st June 1963— Recorded. November 21, No. 2113 (A), (Confdl.), (Ms )- ‘Recovery of iniéonté-tax—Arrears—Section 222 (1) of the Income-tax Act, 1961— Section 46 (2) of the Income-tax Act, 1882—Tax. Recovery Officers-—Poy Recorded. September 16, No. 1755 (A), (Ms.). INCOME-TAX ARREARS. Recovery fruu2 Government: of Indie~Mouthily demand. statement—Instructions— . September 16, No. 1756 (A), (MB.) INDUSTRIES. Bil) Seale, Industeies—Industrial co-operative supply of stores required for the use of Government doportments—Exemption from the payment of earnest money deposit—Granted—Papers—Recorded. February 4, No. 254 (P), (Ms.). Village Industries—Industrial Co-operative Societies under the Control of State Khadi and Village Industries: Board—Supply ‘of stores required for use of Government Aepartments—Hixemption from payment of earnest ‘money deposit—Orders passed ceCovern nen: Meine, No. 2318, Food and Agriculture, dated 23rd July 1963— Papers—Recorded. f September 13, No. 1753 @), (Ms.) XINDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE Assistant Collectors—Training—Scheme, of . Magisterial, teaining--Revised—Orders— Tastied—G-0.Ms. No. 1158, Pablie (Spocial), dated 16th uly 1963. ~s August 27, No. 1593 (D), (Ms.). Madras House Allowance—Regularisation of Madras House Allowance to, junior: Tndian Administrative Service Officers, consequent on revision, of scales, of payin respect 6f Thdian Administrative Service. Officers—Orders—Passod--Recorded, August 27 No. or 7 (G), (Ms.). Sri K. Padmanabhan, Indian Administrative Service (Retired) and Sri P. Kanda. swartiy, Tndian Administrative _ Serviee—Confirmation—Ordered--Governmont Order—Recorded, May.16, No. 981 (D), (Ms) Sri V.M: Sivaramakrishna Ayyar, Indian Aduinisteative Service —Revanfion in service beyond age of superannuation—Further orders—Iasued—G.0. Ms. No. 888, Public (Special), dated: 15th May'1963—Recorded. n Tune 10, No. 1115 (0), (Ma.) ENDIAN CIVIL ADMINISTRATIVE (CENTRAL) CADRE. Genteal Seer Eevee. Seti é Ma No, Dat, Pubke (yegah dau ak Sane of kinngBreibd--0.0. March 7, No. 609 (D) (Confdl.), (Ms). aA ‘Inner, 1963 [Boanp or Reveste INTESTA! Amount relating to South India Industries Limited—Recovery by the State—-As’ noua ‘Vacantia—Instructiong issued in Government Memo, No, 12469/61-2, Law dated 4th April 1963--Communicated. May 20, No, 1005 (Q), (Ms.). IRON AND STEEL. Payment of bills by Govnerament Departments for iron and steel materials supplied by main and registered producers, controlled stockists’ and importer» —Tnstructions a Iron and Steel Controller, Calcutta—Recorded. January 11, No. 98 (P), (Ms.). FRRIGATION. [alice Reeeccant wid ABtRiona! Watt Chee ‘Rules, 1963—Rules and instructions —Report submitted. April 9, No. 734 (H), (Ms.). Extension of electric supply for lift irrigation from wells in and around project a1eas— General orders issued—G.O. Ms. No. 838, Public Works, dated 15th Munch 1963 Recorded. April 4, No. 711 CH), (Ms.). Financial results of Irrigation Works for the year 1961-62—Pasli 1971—Communi- cated. January 8, No. 10 (H), Ms. Financial results of irrigation work for the official year 1962-63—Fasli ‘1872—Report sent to the Accountant-General, Madras—Papers—Recorded, October 28, No. 1967 (H), (Ms.). Hydro-Blectric Scheunes and contribution towards irrigation—Charges for water drawn from Government sources—Report—Submitted, - April 11, No. 759 (1), Mts.). Major—Pondicherry State—Construction of a Regulator across the surplus course of ‘Bahar Hissa tank—Proposal—Approved—Papers recorded. : September 9, No. 1720 (H), (Ms), Major and Medium Projects—Utilisation of irrigation facilities—Review by the Rourd Member, Sri 8. .R. Kaiwar, 1.0.8.—Report—Submitted. May 13, No. 953 (H), (Ms.). ‘Minor—Re-organicetion of Highways Department to suit the pattern of Panchayat Adiministration-Implementation—Report—Submitted, August 28, No. 1640 (I), (Ms.). Survey of progress of Irrigation in India—Particulars in respect of Madras State fo 1960-61 and 1961-62—Report—Submitted, July 17, No. 1858 (H), (Ms.). ‘Yaigai Reservoir Project—Tirumangalam Canal ‘and installing pumpsets in Tirumangalam Canal—Relaxation of certain conditions Orders—Passed—G.0. Ms. No, 2946, P.W.,-dated 6th September 1963—-Reeorded it ‘Madurantakam talnk—Keelaval ilgher Oyse Sys of als (Chinglep2)—Madurantakam _taluk—Keelavalam ing of abandoned sluice Collection of eontebution—Instraction_-Tanaade : Febrnary 7, No. 971 (H), (Mi). (Chingleput)—Ticuvallur taluk—Kesavanallathur village—Obliteration of —T ‘92—Request for renewal--Orders, passed.” a nee : ae Tuly 22, No. 1391 (1, (Mt ©.M.P. areas in Solem and Coimbatore districte—Areas served by the Martoe Gory System—Ayacut under wells—Exclusion—Lining of canals and flows at subes water in wells—Forther report—Submitted. Februa Salem, Coimbatore and Tiruchivappalli distriets—Rogu Pumpeets installed on the banks of rivers and channels—Conversion of. ty + IMifte into mechanics! lifts—Orders passed—G.0. Ms. No, 3390, PW. tue tank December 1962 amd G.0. Ms. No, 1906, Public Works, dated 4th Mar tans Recorded. + May 18, No. 1001 (H), (Ms.). Salem, Coimbatore and Tiruchirapalli districts—Regularisati ined ompests and conversion from bullock lifts to mechanial ite Mont 6, No. 266 (H), (Ms.). isation of umanthorived ical Tit it i ed—G.0, Ms. No. 1806, P.W,, dated 4th May Sebastes led. . fay 28, No. 1038 (11), (Ms.). © Major—(Coimbatore—Amaravathi Reservoir Project—Further inelusion—Request. _Report—Sabmited, March 18, No. 580" (Ms). Laxb REVENUE) Ispsx, 1963 45 Ls GATION—cont. ‘Major—(Coimbatore)—Lower Bhavani Project—Installation of pumpsets for lifting water orm wells in the Project ayacut—U.0. Ms. No. 2413, Publie Works, dated 6th September 1962—Recorded. February 8, No. 255 (H), Ms. ‘Major—(Coimbatore)—Lower Bhavani. Projects—Restrictions for installation of pumpsets—Removal of—Remarks—Submitted. Rebruary 21, No, 401 (H), Ms. ‘Major—-(Coimbatore)—Lower Bhavani Froject—First and second term irrigation season—Working of—Revision of—Instructions—Issued. ‘March 20, No. 598 (H), Ms. (Coimbatore)—Upper Kalingarayan channel scheme—Desirability’ or otherwise of taking up ia preference to small anicut. schemes—Report—Submitte February 16, No. 383 (H), May Major—(Coimbatore)—Parambikulam-Aliyar Project—Aliyar Dam—Localisation of, ayacut and otier matters—Proposals—Recorded, September 5, No. 1694 (E), Ms. (Coimbatsr3)—Gobichettipalayam taluk—Thadapalli and Arakkankottai Channels and Perumugai and Athani branch channel—Raising of two crops and extension of period of supply—Orders issued—G.0, Ms. No. 2274, P.W.D. dated 80th August 1963 Recorded. September 19, No. 1765 (EH), Ms. (Kanyakumari)\—Chittar-Pattanamkal Scheme—Revised—Proposals—Remarks—Sub- mitted. July 5, No. 1218 (H), Ms. ecution ordered— (Kanyakunari)—Second stage of Neyyar Irrigation Project—I Fixation of water-cess—Proposals—Report—Submitted ‘May 28, No. 1062. (H), Ms. (Madurai)——Periyar system—Inclusion of 857 cases—Comprising 2956 cases— Ordered. ‘March 22, No, 623 (H), Mi Mayor—(Madurai)—Periyat affected tanks—Futare 'policy—Orders—Papers—Record- ed, October 22, No. 1962 (H), Ms. ~Major—(Madurai and Ramanathapuram)—Drafts rules of regulation for Periyar and Vaigai Reservoirs—Remarks—Submitted—Papers—Recorded. q February 7, No. 272 (H), Ms. (Madurai)—Vaigai Reservoir Project—Supply of water to Melur taluk in Madurat district and Sivaganga and Virupathur taluks in Ramanathapuram district on 1st September 1961—Proposal of the Chief Engineer (Irvigation)—Approved—Noti- fication—Published—Copy of G.O. Ms. No. 2579, Public Works, dated 10th October 1961—Recorded. May 15, No. 974 (H), Ms. QMfadurai)—Madurai taluk—Boothagudy village—Supply _channel—Obsteuctio Report—Submitted. February 12, No. 802 (FH), 0 {Madurai)—Meduraj tatuk—Thengal Internal Trrigation—Dispate—Report submitted. August 24, No, 1610 (H), Ms. (Madurai)—-Melur taluk—Kurichipatti village—Naranan Kanmoi—Change of source— Ordered—G.O. Ms. No. 1056, Revenue, dated 7th April 1952—Cancellation— Requested. September 8, No. 1663 (FH), Ms. QMaLirvi)\—Periakulam taluk—Berjjam Reservoir—Enhanced contribution from the Periakulwn Municipality—Report—Submitted. Septem! 5, No. 1697 (HD, Ms. Palur Basin Rules—(North Arcot)-—Permission to instal electric pumpsets for ir purposes as distinct from industrial. purposes—Report—Submitted. August 18, No, 1545 (FH), Ms. ‘Ramanathapuram)—Tirnpathur and Sivaganga’taluks—Supply of Perivar water to non-Periyar ‘Tanks—Board's. remarks—Submitted—Papers—Recorded July 20, No. 1379 (Hf), Ms. ‘Major—(Salem)—Krishnagiri Reservoir Project—Irrigation in 1961-f2—Delayed supply in the canels—Representations—Papers—Recorded., * ‘ Tannary 28, No. 198 (H). Ms. Galere)—Sankari faluk—Pullagoundampatti Agraharam villnge—Irrigation of Inam Jands with Canvery water and exclusion of lands from the ayacut of Mettur Canals Scheme—Orders—PassedG.0. Ms. No. 2780, Revenue, dated 18th September 1963—Recorded. October 5, No. 1871 (FD), Ms, ‘Major—(Gouth Arcot)—Sathanur secand stage scheme—Change for sscand cron on wet lands—Further report—Submitted. Febmary 9, No. 951'(M), Ms. 42 se Expex, 1988 (Boanp ov Reves.s IRRIGALION—cont, (Soaa Arcot)—Lhoiudur Froject—Developmnt of Irrigation—Delimitation of ayacut —Instruetions—Issued, danuary 25, No. 195 (H), Ms. Minor—(South Arcot)—Tirukoilur taluk—Puthanandal anteut across Gadilasa— —xeclassifiewticn of Orathur Peria Eri and Sitheri—Report—Submitted. ‘ February 16, No. 436 (H), Ms. ‘Major—(South Arcot)—Villupuram taluk—Nandagapattu and Naval Marudur tank— ‘construction of division dam across supply channel—Report—Submitted. ‘March 22, No, 624 (E), Ms. (Thanjavur)—Sugarcane cultivation—Supply of water during summer months of’ 1963 to lands cultivated with sugarcane by Thiru Arooran Sugars, Limited, under. Vennar and its branches—Permission to fix up temporary pipes and Kuttamadu pumps— Granted—Government Memorandum No, 43719 SI. 2/63-1, P,W.D., dated 10th _ Tuna 1963—Recorded, June 29, No, 1192 (H), Ms. Major—(Thanjavur)—Kumbakonam taluk—Agarathur village—Ssthangudi hamlet— Use of Satliangudi channel ag a drainage by the ryots of Asur—Revision petition— Orders passed. January 5, No. 37 (H), Ms. ‘Major—(Thanjavur)—Kumbakonam and Nannilam taluks—Improvements to Mottai- yar Drain—Proposals—Papers—Recorded. “ December 24, No. 2375 (H), Ms. (Tiruchirappalli)—Lalgudi taik—Messrs. Kothari Sugars and Chemicals Limited Establishment of a new factory at Sirumayangudi village—Drawal of water from Lower Pangunaj Channel for cooling purposes—Permission—Report—Subinitted September 25, No. 1811 (H), Ms. ‘Major—(Pirunelveli)—Manimuthar Reservoir Project—Rules of regulation—Reaarks Submitted. March 7, No. 504 (H), Ms. (Tirunetveli}—Manimuthar Project areas—Extension of electric supply for pumpsets —Conditions—Further report—Submitted. : May 15, No. 975 (H), Ms. Major—(Tirunelveli)—Manimuthar. Project. including Tamberaparani. system—Nlani mutbar Reservorr—Irrigation Cess Rules—Amendment—Report—Submitted. s August 6, No. 1487 (H), Ms. Major—(Tirunelveli)—Papanasam Reservoir—Water-supply—Rules of sulation— Remarks—Submitted. April 4, No, 719 CH), Mt (Tirunelveli—Tambaraparani system—Inspection of anieut and channels—Parti- culars—Basie information—Recorded. May 6, No. 912, Ms. (Tirnnelveli)—Tambaraparani system—Remodelling of Kodagan Channel—Histimate- Remarks—Submitted. ‘July 17, No. 1845 (A), Ms, ‘Cironetveli—Drawal of water from Tambaparani River by Madura Mille Compan Limited—Report—Submitted, ‘Angust 94, No, 1611. (H), ‘Me, - (Tirunelveli —Tambaraparani System—Advance kar cultivation—Placing on perma- nent footing—Remarks—Orders passed. September 95, No. 1819 (H), Me Grunelveli—Leate of korai grasé—Amibasaimidrim taluk—Retnoval of X by the Viravanallar Mat Weavers! Co-operative Production and Seles Gees” Extension for ten years from 1st July 1963—Recommended, August 2, No. Ms. (Firunelveli)—Lease of “korai grass—Giriammalpuram Mat Wester Coapeanty Production and Sales Society Limited—Further extension f lease i tea years—Recommended—Paper Recorded. of lease for a period of E ’ Toe August 2, N (ironelveli)—Sankarankoil taluk—Sivagiri Histate and Village—Poilanthera, gate Grose handine of ‘Thottachimalasn—Appeal against Collector's, orders —Ondors ae: leaks, February 98, No. 460 (H), Ms. irunelveli)—Srivaikuntam taluk—Kulayankaraisal. yj a Toons made atk Kelavankaraisd vilage—Retosal of apply of water-cess—Representation—Papers— Recorded. nae 2 + Tuly 6, No. 1984 (HY. Ms, ei ears endur taluk-—Kadayankodai_village—Provision of irrigation faci- el t January 92, No. 168 }» Ms. (Tirunelveli)—Tiruchendur taluk—Nednngulam village—Trrecular Vata ; q Mapedatelen-—Penalty—Conctatin Petition the Government—Report-— xj Saba . September 7, No. 1709 CH), Ma, taxp Revenue] Inpex, 1963 4h ARRIGATION—cont. ‘Major—(Lirunelveli)—Tirunelveli ‘Taluk—Parpakulam village—Parpakulam and Sivalarkulam tanks—Extension of supply-of Manimuthar water—Request—Report —Subinitted. June 26, No. 1181 (Hj, Ms. IRRIGATION AND POWER. Projects—Study of land costs—Issues raised—Board’s remarks—Submitted, February 14, No. 325 (H), Ms. JArL. Sub-jail—Supervision—Methods for effective supervision—Appointment of one lower division clerk to attend exclusively to items of sub-jail work—Proposal of the Boara ‘of Revenue—Orders passed—G.0. Rt, No. 4958, Home, dated 1st December 1962; G.0. No. 4959, Home, dated 1st December 1962 and G.O.R. No, 2020, Home, dated 13th May 1963—Recorded. May 24, No. 1045 (C), Ms. AORISDICTION, (Chingleput)—Shifting of the Headquarters from Madras City—Proposals—Deferred till the cessation of National emergency—Government Memorandum No, 70546- 1.8/62-1—Rev., dated 1th February 1963—Recorded. February 20, No. 892 (C), Ma. (Coimbatore)—Dharapuram taluk—Kolumanguli firka—Change of headquarters and renaming the firka as Uthiyar firka—Ordered—G.0, Ms, No, 1617, Revenue, dated 30th April 1963—Recorded. May 18, No. 998 (C), Me List of firkas in Madras State—Furnished. ‘May 29, No, 1069 (0), Me Police—Transfer of certain area from Chingleput district to Madras City—Report —Submitted. June 15, No. 1141 (0), Ms. Registration distriets—Changes—Failure to note—Avoidance—Instructions—Tssued.. March 13, No. 541 (C), Me. (Thanjavur)—Mayuram taluk—Re-distribution of villages in the jurisdictions of the ‘Tabsildar, Mayuram and Deputy ‘Tabsildar, ‘Tranquebar—Instructions—Issued. April 30, No. 870 (C), Me ‘The Madras Development Councils Act, 1958—Development Districts in Ramanathe puram—Change of jurisdiction—Objections raised by the East Ramanathapuramr District Development Courcil—Board’s report—Submitted. May 9, No. 944 (0), Ms KUDIMARAMATIL, Voikal vettu in Cauvery and Vennar Delta—Execntion during 19683—Report— Recorded: ‘August’ 98, No. 1642 (H), Ms. faBOUR. Welfare of workers in stone quarries—Board’s views—Reported. Tune 5, No. 1103 (A), Ms. LAND. Allotment of land to Indian Oil Company, Limited, for erection of pump sets for supply of petroleum products—Grant, of licences—Requests by the Governmens of India—Orders—Passed—Communicated. February 28, No. 457 (B), Ms. Assignment for industriel purposes—Getting report from the District Otficers—Pr~ vedure—Instructions issued—Government order—Communicated. ‘ i July 26, No. 1493 (E), %as. . ‘Assignment—Assignment of lands to jawans in the active service and ex-servicemeu ‘~ Certain concessions in the matter of assignment of lands for agricultural purposee -—Orders passed—G.0. Press No. 1750, Revenne, dated’ 13th May 1963—Recordea. ‘ June 1, No. 1085 (B), Ms. Government brought-in-lands—Boards Standing Orders—45 (2)—Not helpful for the realisation of land tevenue—Instructions issued—Papers recorded. ¥ J October 24, No. 1976 (A), Ms. ‘Making available land at concessional or market rate for building—Recommendation= | of the'third meeting of the Road and Inland Water ‘Transport Advisory Com ‘mittee—Board’s remarks—Orders passed. May 13, No, 950 (B). Me ~ Placing of the Gévernment lands at the disposal of the Khadi department--Report. ‘Submitted. s November 8, No. 2057 (H), (Ms.). 48 ‘Ipex, 1963 [Boanp or Revenue LAND—vont, ‘Pransfer—Of unsurveyed foreshore lands to the Madras ‘Port Trust—Survey Notifica- tuon—Issucd—ranster proposals—"Cailed. for. January 7, No. ‘49 (is), Ms. Vacant Government lands in the compound of Government Residence of Officers— ‘Lransier for Housiag Schemes by diate Housing Board—Usders passed-—imple- mentation of—Boerd’s remarks—Submutted. July 16, No, 133 Chingleput district, taluk and town—!U.8. No. 56/1—Measuring 1,841 square ieet of land required for Local Library Authority—Proposals—Subuivte Tune 18. No, 1147 (3), Ma- (Chingleput)—Kancheepuram taluk and town—¥.8. No. 1164 (2,45 acres)—Placing. at the disposal of Hindu Kushta Nivarana Sangam—Resumption of land in ‘1.8- No, 164—Ordered. April 1s, bo, 71 (8), Mss (Chinglepat)—Ponneri taluk—Vembakkam Village—Transfer of poremboke lands 0 the Railway Department for doubling of Railway track between Thiruvottiyur ‘and Gummidipoondi—Proposals—Submitted. December 2, No, 2140 (B), Mss (Chinglepat)--Saidapet ‘I aluk—Ambattur Village—S. Nos. 690/1, 090/2, 590/3. and 590/4—Placing at the disposal of the A. M. M. Charities —Report—Submitted. November 28, No. 2185 (8), Ms. (Chingleput)—Saidapet tluk—Kanagam, ‘Taramani and Velacheri villages—Transfer ‘to the Indian Institute of Technology—Sanctioned—Execution of transfer deed— Collection of cost of land. ete.—Ordered. August'2, No. 1471. (3), Ms. (Chingleput)—Saidapet taluk—Nandambakkam village—8, No, 122, ote —22.83 acres Phssng ah Me Hisposal of Surgical Instruments Factory for ‘Township—Report submitted. July 17, No. 1347, Ms. (Chingleput)—Saidapet taluk—Pammal village—8. No, 48/1—Site for running @ ey Diino fags of the Student Christian Movement, Madras—Relaxa- tion of B.S.0. 24—Report—Submitted. April 2, No. 694 (E), Ms. ‘at)—Saidapet taluk—St. Thomas Mount—Bungolow Nos. 19 and 20 in (Cina Pat orn ‘Prunke Road—Acquisition on behalf of the Indian Airlines Corpo- ration—Report-—Submitted. Taly 6, No. 1992 (B), Ma. i Saidapet taluk—Selaiyur village—S. Nos. 883/A1A yand 192/2— (Chinglepaty ie disposal of Madar Sangam, Panchayat. Board Sogial Literary Club tind Sengeetna Sebbs—Eroposals—Submitied. May 22, No. 1027 (i), Ma. ingleput)—Saidapet taluk—St, Thorias Mount—S. No. 482 held on lease ‘by (creeisbairaj Sowear—Placing st the disposal of St. Dominic's Convent —Submitted. August 6, No. 1482 (B), Ma. taluk—Kollankeil village—S.°No. 615/2—-0.02 aere—Placed at the disposal of the London Mission, Hrode—For use as site for Prayer House— Breach of conditions—Resumption—Ordered July 20, No. 1375, Ms. (Coimbatore)—Erode taluk—Vengembur village—S. No. 215/D-1—Plsccd at the ‘disposal of the Taluk Board for use ap shandy—Broach of conditions—Resumption —Ordered. September 30, No. 1834 (U), Ms. (Combatore)—Gobi aluk—Mudukkanthurai Village—B.0, Nos. 306/A,..ete., giving Possession 20 Someswarn Matnvarnya Peromal end lakshmi Tetoples—Pro- posal April 2, No. 689, Ms. (Coimabtore)—Palledam. taluk—Kerumsthampetii vilage—S.F, No. 186—Placing an extent of LAT acres at the disposal of Blectricity Board for staff quarters—Orders Issued. March 21, No. 602 (5), Ms. (Coimbatore)—Palladam taluk—Senjariputhur village~S.F. No. 281/1B1/A-2—0.24 acre--Placed at the disposo! of Weslyan Mission for goliool and teachers quarters— Kesumption—Board’s remarks—Submitted. Janvary 18, No. 112 (BH), Ms. (Co'mbotore\—Patladam talak—Tiropur Municipality—0.S. No. 18/1 of Ward T “Placang at the disposal of the Electricity Boara tor atAitis! ailtiige Prope sals—Submitted, Jannary 19, No. 149 (B), Me (Coiusbatore)—Polladam taluk—Tirupur town—T.8, No. 517/1 of Wand i Blvek 16—Ravappaporam—Use as road—Placing at the disposal of Tirupur Municipality for road—Report—Submitted. February 19, No, 342 (B), Ms (Coin bate:c=Tieupar Town—T.S. No. 658/24 of Ward T, Pethichettipalayam Colony-—Portion relinquished by the Municipality—Ivan-fer and assignment | + Harijans—Report—Bubmitied. March 6, No. 491 {E), Ms. (Coimbatore)—Palladam taluk—Tiruppur town—T.S. No. 928/1—(Nallur village) Placing at the disposal of the Municipal Council for use as slaughter house and Weekly shandy—Proposals—Ordere—Passed. November 14, No. 2094 (5), Ms (Coimbatore)—Palladam taluk—Varapatti village—S.F. No. 224/5 (0.15 acre)— Placed at fe disposal of the T-E.L.C. for school garden and teachers quarters— Branch of eondition—Resumption—Orders—Tssued, July 18, No, 1359 (F), Ms. “(Coimbatore)—Pollachi taluk—Kappalankarai village—Two scres of lond requested by Keppatanyarni Coir Workers Co-operative Cottage Industrial Society, Limited —Proposals—Orders—Issued. Tuly 2, No, 1208’ (B), Ms (Goimbatore)—Polluchi taluk and town—T.S. Nos. 354, 355, 857/1—Meacuring ) suite feet—Cattle pound and chavadi site—Placing at the disposal of the Pollachi Municipality for vegetable market—Proposals—Submitted. January 16, No. 118 (E), Me. (Kanyakuviari}—Devaswom Board—S. No. 2622 Churulode Devaswom—Transferred to Kanyakumari Devaswom Board—Report—Submitted. oooh oi Apell 45 No, 835 02), Ms, ‘Ganyakumari}—Vivekanands. Rock—Installation of statue of Swami Viveksnanda— Orders. passed—Copy communicated—Popers—Recorded. Tenuary 4, No. 33 F), Ms. 4218 J ‘Tnpax, 1965 {Boar or Ravanvs LAND—oont. ‘Transfer of lands between Siates and Central Goveenmonts within the City of Madras —Collection of Market value—Amendment to Board Standing Order No. 23 Board's remarks—Submitted. December 2, No. 9148 (E), Ms. Madras—Adyar—¥.8. No. Lo Ulock 14—Kequest by the National Association {oF the Blind—iceport—Submitted. December 31, No. 2485 (B), Ms. Madras—Kguiore—B.8. No. 850—In favour of che owner of 1.3. No, 854 of Egmore —Assignment—Ciosure for toad purposes—Report—Submitted to Government February 4, No. 266 (il), iMis. ‘Madras—Bgmore—R.S, Nos. 461/2,462/3, 465/10 and 466/118—Placing at the disposal of the Corporation of Madras. for storing asphalt nuterials and ior road purposes—Roport—Submitted, Septeyuber 23, No. 682 (K), Ms. Extent of land required for industrial undertakings—ope March 2%, No. 650 (B), Ms. Madras—Hxtended—Area—KoJambakkaui—S. No. 177/2 part-lot No. 12 Sub- divided as 8. No. 177/6—Placed at the disposat of the Corporation of Madras tor park purpases—Resumption and plucin, f tue Poblic Health ond Welfare. Society—Proposals—Submitted October: 80, No. 2002 (H), Ma. Madras—George town—R.8. No. 8985 (port)—Pilliar Koil street—Giv to the Dharmaraja Temple for denominational purposes at the dispose! ing possession osure for: road purposes —Sancticn—Requested. January 19, No: 147 (), Ms Madras—George town—R.8. No. 3654 (Part)-—Sale in favour of the owner of R.S. ‘No. 960—Closuire of toad. purposes—Report-Subinitted: Tanuary 19, No. 148 CK), Ms. Madras—George ‘Town—R.S. No. 10119/1—Occupation by the YM ¢-General’s Office Recreation Club—Livences—Renewal Orders— ‘Acconntaz! =G.0. Ms. No. 1749, Revenue, dated 18th May 1963—Recorded. May 24, No. 1042 (B), Ms. ffidias—Cozzoration of Mudras—-Byedanes connecting Bashiyaks. sla Naidn. Street, Town—R.S. Nos. 91, 595 and 586—Assignment in favour of abutting owners—Closure for road purposes—Sanctioned—Papers—Recorded June 10, No. 1116 (B}, Ms. e Town—R.8. No. 4022—Measuring 35 square feet—Giving posses. sion of to the Trustee, Sri Pinithirtha Vinavagar temple—Ordered—010, Mu No, 9819, Revenue, dated Mth July 1963—Recorded August 90, No. 1585 (1), Ms. Madras—George town—-R.S. Nos. 671/1 and 671/5—Placing at the d Corporation of Madras—Orders passed—G-.0, Ms. No. 1610, Reven : April 1963—Recorded. November 2, No, 2 peal of the . dated ith (B),, Ms. Madras—George Town—Fiseiniption of land Yevenué in favour of Southern India Chamber of Commerce—Orders passed—Papers—G.0. Ms. No. 9186, Revenue, Gated Ist Novermber 1963—Recorded. ‘December. 18, No; 2921 (f), Ms Madras—George Town—.8, No. 6993 (Part)—Pilliar Koil Stréot—00 equare feet Giving possession to the Trustee Sri Dharmaraja Temple, G.T,, Madeas for denominational purposes—Proposals—Submmitted. December 24, No. 9874 (I), Ms. Madras—Marnbalam—'.S. No. 4834/3—Placed at; the disposal of the Bala Mandir for play ground purposes—Resumption and regrant for Sathvamnrthi High School— Proposals—Submitted March 12, No. 528 (fi), Ms ‘Madras—T.S. Nos. 6575/2 and 6743/2 of Matbaiam—Placiny of the Jand at the Aisoosal of Education Department—Report—Submitted November 18, No. 2104 (F), (Ms). + Madras—Mylapore—R.S. No. 1601 Part—Placed at the disposal of the Roma- krishns Mission Student's Home—Exemption from payment of land revenue Proposals —Recor mended April 24, No, 820 (8), Ms. -R.8)" Noe, 8920/1" and 9021 (part)—Assigarnent in favour of P. Sabaiiayagam—Ordered—G.0. Ms. No. 1097, Revenue, dated 93rd October: 1 1968—Reconted November 14, No. 2097 (B),. Ms (Gasp Ravaxvz)] Leper, 1963 oa LAND—cont. ‘Madras—Nungambakkam—.S. No. 603 Part—(Oid K.8. Nos. 571/12 and 107)— Placing at the disposal of the Corporation of Madras for the extension of Girls’ ‘High school—Proposals—Submitted. May 24, No. 1044 (E), Ms. ‘Madras—R.8. No. 44/5 of Nungambakkam—Eneroachment by the owner of B.S. No. 44/4 of Nungambakkam—Closure for road purposes—Proposals—Submitted. December 27, No. 2580 (E), Ms. Madras-—Perambur—i.8. No. 291 Part—Brislee Nagar—Giving possession for denominational: purpose to the Brislee Nagar Settlement Welfare Association— Proposals—-Submitted. ; October 29, No. 1994 (i), Madras: —Vondiarpet--2.8. No, 42/4—Placing at the disposal of the Kannappa ‘Nayanar Kazhagam for school purposes—Proposals—Recommended. March 46, No. 550 (E), Ms Madras—Tondiarpet—-R.8, No, 9480 (part)—Usod as * Poor House "'—Replacing at the disposal of the Corporation of Madras—Proposals—Report Submitted ‘May 22, No. 1099 (IE), Ms Mad~os—-Tondinrvet—-R.8.. No. 1847/4 (Part)—Viaced at the disposal of the Corpo- ation of Madras for aight soil and rubbish depot—Resumption and assignment favour of hut-dwellers—Proposals—Orders—Passed. f December 30, No. 2493 (E), Ms. Madras—'Triplicane—A.8. No. 3171/2—Vurther uslisation of the land—Granting to tw Genuiataiic Fisheries Research Station—Report—Submitted January 4, No. 32 (B), Ms. Madeas-—Triplicnuc—T.3. No. 3960/1 Part—Resumption and regrant to the Corpo: ration of Madeas—or the constenction of a Community Gentre—Pr Re- commenced March 20, No. 591 (), Ms. Madras—Triplicane I: $, Nos. 3962/7, ang 91 (Part)—Plscing at the disposal of Areh Bishop of Msdras—Mylapore—Report—Submitted. ‘March 13, No. 537 (E), Ms Modrar-—Vonor’—"? 8. Nos, 1761/59, 60 and 61 and 1735/1—Placing at the disposal ot Corporation of Diadras for school purposes—Claims of ¥.M.C.A.—Remarks— Submitted March 13, No, 588 (8), Ms. ‘Madurai—Dindigt:l . tsiuk—Seelapadi - village—S. No. 151/53—Kvietion—Revision i Orders passed. Sune 15, No. 1137 (I), Ms Dindigul ‘taluk and town—T.8. Nos. U71/A and _ 1771/9—Dand for at) constrnetion of combined otter building for the Income-tax and partinent—Report—Submitted (Madurai) required Central Exe! ve September 9, No. 1718, Ms. Madnrai)—Dindigul taluk and town—T-S. No. S22—Placing at the disposal A tate Ditadg « Mimncipal’ Coutteil for pliyground purposes —Report—Rubmitted. Decembtr Bt, No. 1498 (E), Ms ‘(Medirai}—Kodaikans! taluk —Manhavanur village—Batablishmont of a Sheop Breeding Research Substation—Transfer of land to the Go ernment of India— ‘Report—Submitted. July 20, No. 1380, Ms. fadurai)—Kotaikanal taluk and town 0. B74-20-—Placed at the disposal of the 4 Township for tise,as _ chatram—Conditions of grant—Violated—Resumption « ordered—Regrant—Tnstrnctions, isened September 20, No. 1770.0), Ma ‘QMadurai)—Madorai taluk: and town—T.S. No. 497 (Managiri tank)—Tocation of Girl and Criminal Courts and construction of State Government Office thant —Allocation—Proposals—Submitted. Taly 2, No. 190 (f), Ms. ‘(@adorai)—Madursi taluk and town—Sathamangalain villago—S. No, 1/1 Gath mangalam tank)—Placing at the disposal of the Madurai Co-oparative Milk Supply » Union, Limited tr the installation of Dairy Farm—Renort Submitted % 2 February 18, No. 310 (F), Mts ‘Madorai)—Madurai taluk and town—T.8. No, 2488/2—Placi: is 1 Rainii Hone for the aved and Sevasbram=—Propooale Saciagget the dispose! of February 2 No. 998 (FR). Ms 82 iypax, 1963. (Boanp oF Levenum ‘LAND—cont. (Madurai)-—Madurai taluk and town—I.S. No. 1497—Piacing at the disposal of the Police Club—Proposals—Submitted. Mareh 12, No. 520 (ij, Ms. (Qladurai)—Madurai taluk and town—T.8. No. 1/1 (Gathamangalam tank)—Placing at the disposal of the Madurai Co-operative Milk Supply Union, Limited—Kor ‘the installation of a Pasteurisation Plant—Report-—Submitied. March 18, No. 79 (ii), Ms. (Maduraij—Madurai taluk and town—T.8, No. 816/1—(Gengulam tank)—Placing at the disposal of State Housing Board for the onstruction of office buildings ab ‘Madurai—Proposale—Report submitted. June 3, No. 1095 (1), Ms. (Madurai)—Madurai taluk and towo—T.8. No. 1750/1A—Assigned to Sellur Harijam House Society—Unauthorised occupation by Rajaji Higher Elementary School Orders passed. August 31, No. 1650 (B), Ms. Qladurai)—Madurai talok and town—T.8, Nos. 844 and 9604—Placing at the disposal of Y.W.G.4. and AT.W.C.—Proposals—Recommended. September 1, No. 1654 (1), Ms. QMadurai—Madurai town—T.8. Nos. 1876-1, 1876-8, ete.—Placed at the disposal of the Komaw Catholic Mission for use as Cemetery—Resumption—Tssue of show’ cause notice—Report—Submitted. September 17, No. 1761 (U), Ms. (Madurai)—Periakulam taluk and town—T.S. Nos, 2350/1A and 2350/1B—Placed at the disposal of the Periakulam Municipal Council for construction of a Maternity ‘Home—Violation of;eonditions of grant—Resumption—Further report—Submitted. December 18, No 9890 (7), We. )—Madurai taluk and town—T.8. No. 1084/4 (1 acre at the disposal of Sri Sathagura Sangeetha mitted. December 81, No. 2431 (F), Ms. (Madorai)—Madurai taluk—Vandiyur village—S. No, 81/1—Placed at the disposal of the Madurai Municipal Counci—Resumption and regrant ordered—G.0.. Ma, No, 2152, Revenue, dated 6th July 1963—Recorded. September 10, No. 1729 (i), Ms. GfaduraiyPeriakulam taluk—Palani Chettipatty, hamlet of Vecrapandi—S. Nov 53 Placing at the disposal of Palaniappa Vidyalayam for the extension of the school and play cronnd-—Papers. recorded. April 15, No. 768 (E), Ms. (Madurai) —Periakulam taluk—Cumbum village—T.8. No. 256—Grant of permaission to the ‘Trustee of Perumalswamykoil for denominational purposes —Proposal--Sih- mitted. October $1, No. 2018 (H), Ms. (Maduraii—Linvuparankundrara village—S, No. 211—Lands placing at the disposal af Thiagarejar College—Proposals—Submitted. Webruary 18, No. $40 (). Me (North Arcot)—Arkonam {aluk—Aypedn and ‘Thalikal. villages: nal Tribes—Disreservation proposals—Report—Submitted. Tuly 81, No. 1456 (B), Ms. Glorth Arcat)—Cheyyor taluk—Perungalattar village—8. No, 64/B3—Placed gt the disposal of Sri Muruga Gounder for use as water pandal-—Breach of condition— ‘Resurption—Ordered. April 2, No, 693, Ms. iyatham taluk —Ammonay village—S. No. 54.2—Placing at the isposal of the Moving Star Aided Rlementary Schonl-—Recarding Penns tte cae iy ment: Rerarting—Purthe report i i Angust 7, N 15 (2), Ms. (orth Arcot) —Thiravannamalai town—T.8, Nos, 69679 and 3 Recoauge, (ty: si of Ticence granted to Sri Danmull Sowear and transfer of land to th c wrtment-—Ordered—Revision petition of Sri Danmull Cemegestracte me” G.0- Ms No. 3114, Revenne, dated 24th, October 1963-—Recordna eS: Ofadu re 49,775 square fect) Reserved for Crimi Worth Arcot)—Gudi ‘(orth Arco!)—Vellore talk and town—T.$. No, 7 Public Health Laborators—Resumption—Propwale ation November 12, No, 2087 (8), (Ms) (Worth Arcot)—Wallajah taluk—Karai vill hea he Aisposal of Monicipsl Cowell, Ranipet—Meaumption Cope ga tems. a the Tuly 16, No. 1891 (2), Mo. ann Revaxve)) Inpex, 1963 53 LAND—cont. (The Nilgiris)—Lands—Required for the execution of the Kandah Hydro Tiecuria Project-Placing at the disposal of the State Wlectricity Boarl—G.0. Ms-No. 2022, Revenue, dated 17th June 1963—Recorded. July 22, No. 1401 (B), Ms. (Ph Nish Commoor taluk—Jackanari. yillage—S.. N¢,.139/1—0-08. acre—Placing the disposal of the Kunjappai Panchayat —Proposal:—Subtnitted 16° Gove-ament. Tune 10, No. 119, (E (The Nilgiris)—Ootacamuna taluk—Kagguchi village—S. No. 596/1—0.15 _ acre— Placing at the disposal of the Ajjoor Multipurpose Co-operative Credit Society for the construction of a godown—Proposals—Submitted Ms. March 6, No, 458 (1), Ms: nd taluk and town—8, No. 4008/1 Dist éh vache Téhd in 0 lacing at the digposal of the Bar Association—Report— Submitted. January 19, No. 151 (E), Ms. (The Nilgiris)\—Ootacamund, taluk and_town—R.8, No,, 4060 /1—0-40 acre—Placing Bhi Jand at Hie disposa} of the ‘All Indis Womien’s Council—I -Proposals—Submitted. April 24, No. 834 (I), Ms. (he Nilgiris}—Ootacamund town—S. No. 4060/1—‘ransferred to-the Acriculture ~ Department —Resumption—Proposals—Report—Submitted: May 28, No. 1066 (B), Ms. (The Nilgiris)—Ootacamund town—S. No. 4093/1 (51 and 14/16 cents)—Placing ab the disposal of the Revenne Recreation Club—Proposals—Submitted, July 2, No. 1204 (B), Ms. (he Nilgiris) Ootacanund. taluk ond town—S. No. 1582—Scavengers _qnarters— YExtent occupied at the disposal of the Ootacamund Municipal Coaneil—Proposals— Board's, reinarks—Submitted. July 11, No. 1:82 (B), Ms. (Phe Nilgiets)Ootscaintind towne. Nos!'1/19. oto—-Ptaced at the disposal of the ‘Ootacamund Municipal Council—Resumption end transfer to the Anical Husbandry Department—G.0. Ms. No. 2087, Revenine; dated 26th. June 1963-—Recorded. July: 16, No,’1985-(B (Phe Nilgiris’—Ootacamund taluk and town—R.S. No. 62, ete.—Construction of fot oeok sind vest Nonses for. touriste—Transfer:and.dé-inment to: the: Nizan— Orders pussed—G.0. Ms. No. 2555, Revenue, dated 224 August 1963—Reoarded. September 90, No. 1775 (B), Ms. ((0iie Nilgiris|—Ootecamund taluk—Nonjanad village—S. No. 420—One acre—Placing fi) the disposal ofthe Headmaster, Nanjarind’ Fgh School. for-playground——Propo- sals—Snbmitted March 2, No. 46) (F}, May {(Tbo Nilgiris)—Ootecamund taluk—Nanjanad village—S. No. 320—One acre—Placing at the dinposal of the Distrist Board for play-ground—P.opasil-Furtlier report Orders passed. ‘May 9, No. 932 (E), Ms. (Dhe Nilgiris)\—Ootacamund taluk—Nanjanad village—-S. No. 580/477. seres— Placing’ at the disposal’ of the Nilgiris Diocesion Society. for the construction of hospital and staff quarters—Proposals—Submitted. ‘May 92, No. 1098, Ms. (The Nilgiris)—Proamboke lands—Fit for planting trees—Ootacamund taluk—Nanja- pad, Tthalar, ete.—Report—Submitted October 7 No. 1876 (AY, Ms. (Ramanathapuram}—Karaikndi—Placed at the disposal of the Alagappa Chettiar ‘Baneational. Trust—Resumption of one acre of land for eventual transfer to the _ Post and. "Telegraph Department. for construction of staff quarters—Proposals— Submitted. Aprit 80, No. 877. (R), Ms (Ramanathopuram)—Viradbunagar_sub-talnk—Enjar’ village—Placing lands xt the isposal of “Ayya Nedar—Tanakiommal College, Sivakusi—R ibmitted. December 18, No, 2328 (8). M ‘(Gilem)—M.7.C, and Land ‘Allotment Committee—Nomination of s Member from the Industries Department—Remarks—Submitted. Angust 21, No. 1593,(B), Ms. (Galem)—Attar taluk—Ramanaickanpalayam village—Grant ‘of land in favour of the + "Routh Indin Silesian Society for the construction of Poor House. ete—Renort— Submitted. Taly 16, No. 1890, M. 400 BAND—cont. (Balem)—Krisbnagiei taluk and tow apalli villageOld § BLL (New Be No, 48/6)—— the disposal of the Keishuaciti Govoprative Care toe onstruction of Silver Jubilee office buildi Subiniéted (Baten) —Mett Inpex, 1969 (Born oF Revewom ‘Township—Land value fixed in G0. M ls, No. 3814—Publie Works Department, dated 80th Ostober 1954—Enhancement—Orders—Issued—G,0, Mb ‘No. 1058, Public Works Department, dated 4th April 1963—Reoorded 117, Bw), Me (Salera’—Mettur ‘Lownship—Alloument of sites in Saiem conctcuotion of Cinema theatre—Remarks—Submitted ‘Angust 8, No. 1519 (B), Ms. (Balem)—Mottur Township’ 8.'Nos. 11 and 13-—Giving possession to Gandhinagar Marismman ‘Temple—Proposals—Subinitted amp—CBlock No, 10) for No. 1601 (E), Ms. (alom)—Omalur taluk—Pottaneri Nallagoundampatti village Nos. 292, ete.— Reservation for Aluminium Project—Papers—Recorded, Venoary bili Me oat eB), Mes. (Selecu)—Onalur taluk—Mettur sub-taluk—F.N, Patty iNage—S. Nos. 574, 575, Aerremelgnment to the Madras Aluminum . Company, Tamiteds Py oposals— Approved—G.0. Ms. No. 2047, Reyenue; dated 5th October 1963—Reeorded October 28, No. 1982 (B), Ms. (Saiem)—Omaiur taluk—Veerakalpudur village—Placing at the disposal of the Mettur Chemical and Industrial Corporation, Limited— Proposals—Report—Submitted. ‘uly 22, No. 1387 (B), Ms, —#. Nos. 182, 187, fed and shifting of Madras Aluminium Company ‘Proposals—Remarks.- —Submitied. Tuly 22, No. 1398 (B), Ms. October 15, No. 1897 (U), Ms. village—T.S. No. 39 (Old No. 1916)—Application ich Tibraty: Anthority-—Proposals--Submitted, ee: ‘March 6, No. 489 (F), Ms. Balom)—Salem town —Ward G—Block 17, V.8;.No.-31 Assignment to:1L:4.G,8, and others—Proposals-—Reparl—Submitted. July 8,.No. 1239 (B), Me, (Salem)—Salem town—T.s, No. 1 part—Ward A, Block No. 17 of Hasthampatty willage—Placing at the disposal of the District Glub. Sal lem forthe ‘constrnetion of 4 Club Building—Proposale—Recommentat, Cres F October 19, No, 1948 (), Ms reign, cabal eresud vilage—8. No. 195 Ooomion’ foray Trinity Charch-—Registered as." Persohage poratiboks"—Raclaatiee Gord, Private land and: fssue of, patta—Requeat--Revieers petition—Report. sunontted August 30, No. 1646 (BP), Me. (Boutin Arcot}—Chidambaram taluk—C. Kothangadi yi ileue—T.8. No, 1174, etc. Placing at the disposal of the Annamalai, ting 5, 'versity—Report—Submitted. May 16, 983 (R), Ms. (South Arcot)—Cuddalore taluk and tows No. 2179-—Plicing at the dimposal of the m—Karayeria ‘Thirukulatn lage—T.S. Pataleoswarar ‘Templo anthorities—Orders assed, May Qf, No. 1013, Ms hu village—R.S8, No, 412 unent- of the lands: to the September 7, No, 1714 (A), Ms. Gams arer——Suyveli Light Corporation Limiled—Coree —Form of deed—Approved—G.0. Ma cee eee .. No. 4824, Thdustries, 06-dpern- ‘tion, dated Sth October 1969—Reporded. 1 = tes, Labour and nired December 10, No. 2966 @. Ms. (Lary Revexvs)] Inoax, 1963, 6 LAND—cont. (Thanjavar'—Nagepattinam taluk—Sikkil village—B.8. No. 154—Leeaco of 2°50 acres in taro of Srimathi Andalammal and Sri Jagannathan—Reduction of lease amount and request for. assignment—Petition—Orders—Passed. September 16, No. 1757 (B), Ms. anjavury—Nannilam taluk—Perumalagaram village—R.S. No. 1151/B—04 ‘acre—Placed af the disposal of the Panchayat Board for formation of _park— Violation of condition—Resumption—Ordered—Revision petition to the Board— Rejected—Papers—Recorded. January 23, No. 177 (E), Ms, (Thanjavur)—Bought in land—Patiukottai taluk—Nambivayal _villago—B.S. ‘No. 983/T, ete—Sold in auction—Confirmation of ssle—Appeal—Orders—Passed. February, 19, No. 343 (A), Ms. (Thanjavur)—Thanjavur town—T.8. No. 13 part—Transfer from. the, Police Départ- ‘iment to the Revenue Department for placing at the disposal of the Municipal Council, Whanjavur—Proposals—Snbmitted. September 6, No. 1693 (is), Ms Yiruchirappalli taluk—Kottapattu yillage—S. No. 3/3—8.57 acres —Placing at the disposal of the Panchayat Board, Golden, Rock for construction of office building, etc.—Proposals—Orders passed. a January 19, No. 150 (B), Ms. (irmehirspralli\—Tirachirappalli taluk—Perambalur village—8. No. 472/2—Mandai poramboke—Kiacing at the disposal of the Tiruchirappaili-Srirangam Co-operative Milk Suoply Union, Limited—Propossls—Submitted. Tone 18, No. 1146 (B), Ms. (iruchirappalli)—Tiruchirappalli taluk—Tnam Sengulam _village—Site _ within ‘Erstwhile Ceylon Labour Office compound—Grant to the University of Madras for construction of a Post Graduate Centre—Recommended. Wy Tune 5, No. 1104 (B); Ms. (Wiruchirappalli)—Tiruchirappalli taluk—Somarasampatti village—S.F. No. 31/2— Placed vt the disrosal of the ‘Trustee, Varadarsjaperumal Koil—Petition of G. iuti utitssait—Doard’s remarks—Submitted. May 28, No. 1060 (E), Ms. nalli'—‘Tievohitappalli taluk and Municipality—-Ward 6 Block —T.S. Liv -Arwohuicui—Placed at the “dispdsal of the Municipal Gouneil, ‘Tiru- ypalli for use as playground—Consiruction of reading room—Modification of original grant—Order—Teaned March 6, No. 5490 (B), Ms. (Tiruchirappalli)—Tienshirappalli_talul: end Munieipatity—K. —Abishekapuram village— Want (Block 23—.8. No. 117/2 Pact—Cart-track poramboke—Plac- ing st tho disposs! of the Officer's Club, ‘Tiruchirappalli—Proposals—Submitted. July 12, No. 1296 (B), Ms. ti taluk and village—S. No. 270/6—1.19 acros—Placing at the @isposal of the State Khadi and Village Industries Board—Propoasts—Sybmitted Decamber 18, No. 9329 (B), Mr. (irunelveli)—Sankarankoil.. taluk—Perumbathur _village—S. _No.340/1—Well and ‘Madam—Placing atthe disposal of the ‘ Vetrilai Urpathi Yelalar Munnetra San- gam ’—Ordered—C.0, Ms. No. 1949, Revenue, dated 7th Jnue_1963-—Recorded. Tune 27, No. 1183.78), Ms, jepresentations from Horijans— tians—Paers—Reoon April 17, No. 782 (B), Ms ‘(Girunelvel)—Sheveottah taluk—Sambavaravadskarai village—S. No. 131/3-1— Placing at the disposal of the Multi-purpose Co-operstive Society for the con- struction of godown—Permission to enter upon the ‘and —Provoutls anbinitted October 15, No. 1898 (E), Ms. (Tirunelveli)—Srivakuntam taluk—Tuticorin town—-R.8.°No. 208/1—Lands placed ‘at the disposal of the Tirunelveli Diocesan ‘Trust Association for the purpose of School Garden, Play Ground and Teacher's Quarters—Constriction of a Church —Report—Snbmitted. March 6, No, 492 (B), Ms (ironelveli—Taticorin—T.S. No. 2 of Ward No. t—Tand leased to the Huropean Club, Taticorin—Presnmption of part of jand and buildings—Allotment of Orders pacted—G.0, Ms. No. 1939, Revenue, dated 5th June 1968—Recorded. Fone t5, No. 1149 (8), Me (Tirunelvelij—Shencottsh taluk—Paliyarai_ villa Pispute between, Hindus and ¢ Py Iwvex, 1963 LAND—vout. é ‘ (Tirmnelweli)—Tuticorin town—Milavittan village—Lands placed of} the disposal of the Tirunelveli Diocesan’ ‘Trust. Association—Breach ‘of the condition of grant— Resumption proposale—Submitted. December 27, No. 2363 (H), Ms. (Tirunelveli)—Tenkasi taluk—Kasidharmam village—Poramboke—$, No. S1—Hand- ing ove: to the Panchayat—Report—Submitted. September 21, No!1780 (A), Ms. (Tirunelvel)—Sand Dune—Tiruchendur taluk—Pathan ‘Tharavai village Removal of dune—Representation of the. villagers—Proposal of the Collector Recom mended, November 28, No, 2134 (T), Mi (Ticunelveli + Tirunelveli taluk —Sindupoondurai village—T.8, No, 604/1—Ward 2— lock No. 7—Measuring 10.26 square feet placing at the disposal of tha NG G.0. Association—Proposals— Submitted. January 15, No. 113 (), Me. (Tirunelveli) Tirunelveli taluk—Sindupoondurai village—T.8. No, 604/9-Ward 1 —Flacing the land at the disposal of the Madarasa Tslarnia ‘ ol— Proposals—Submitted. March 2, No, 471 (E), Ms. [Boaw oF jinvaxum LAND ACQUISITION. Acquisition of lands belonging to religious institutions—Instructions-—Iavued-—Papers Recorded. February 22, No. 404 (1), Ma. Acquisition of lands for. companies—Spécial staf attending to Land’ Acquisition work Telating to companies—Cost of | stafl——Recovery—Instructions issued G0, Mev No: 8009 (Industries), Industries, Labour and Co-operstion, dated 30\n May’ 1063 Recorded. Tune 25, No, 1174 (F), Ms. e' Mp oxisition of iands for Co-operative Societies, Private Educ Under Land Acquisition Act—Token contribution of § nP. Department Orders passed—G.0. Ms, No, 1066, Finavee, dated 7th August 1963—Recorded. October 19, No. 1935 (I) Ms. Acquisition of lands under Part, TI of the Land Acquisition Act on behalf of the Madras. State Electricity Board—Execution of ent—Orders. passed—G.0. Ms, No, 218, Revenue, dated Ist October 1968—Recorded, December 10. No. 2270 (1), Ms. Delays in dispossl—Measures to prevent—Proceedings of the Board of Keverae No. 19, Press, dated 80th June 1947—Instructions to be followed. Tanuary 1, No, 163 (1), Ms Tad Acquisition Act, 1604 snd Land Acquisition (Madras Amendment) Act, 1961 ‘Lands required for office buildiags and those required for staff quarters 1). tion of compensation—Disparity in Rules—Clarifieation-In) E ‘ment—Reoorded. October 5, No. 1873 (I), Ms. Land Acquisition Act—Reference to Court under Section 18—Powe, Petisation—Amendment—Proposals—Papers. recorded. September 8, No. 1660 (1), Ms. ‘Neod for sending » complete report—Instructions—Tssued—Reootded, February 27, No. 453 (1), Ms. Petrolienm and Pipe Lines (Acquisition of Right of User in Lands) Aét, ¥002— Central Act 50,of 1962)—Hixtension to Madras State—Papers recorded, May 9, No. 987 (1), Me 8.6. No. 20- Hariian Wellare—Award and award sccdptance statement —Recuipt—- unowicdaet Tanuary 28, No. 197 (W), Ms. Spmcisbragicten—Meinienapse in the Collector's Offce—Amendment to Tand acqui- sition Manual—Suggested—Report—Submitted, January 29, No. 902 (Date, ‘Unepfranehieed service, inam-Jands—Inams fully assessed. under. the Madvas: Toams (Assessment) Act, 1056—Grant of Berir deduction when land is sosuiralCon- stdeeea. wntecenearp-vAmendment to B.8.0, No, 90.95-and. Chapter MIT Part IH of Land. Acquisition Manval—Certain fundamental Principles—Clarifica~ ‘Sip. Shen eax May 80, No. 1078 (1), Ms. Harjsn Welfere—Amard, and award acceptance, stalement-—Receipt- Acknowledge April 9 No. 744, Ms. Havin Wellare—Award and oward seceptane siatement—Receipt—Acknowledged., ‘May 9, No, 937 (F), Ms. ‘ational Institution, ete.— Concurrence of Finance nina r to reduce com- Laxw Ruyexve] Ixpex, 1963" Fr BAND ACQUISLLION—cont, . Harijan Wellare—Award and award acceptance, statement—Receipt—Acknowledged December 28, No, 2421 (F), Ms (Chingleputy—Award and award acceptance statement —Receipt Acknowledged ‘March 30, No, 676, (Ms.)< (Chingleput)—Kancheepuram taluk—Award and award aceeptance statement ‘Reeeipt—Acknowledged, March 30, No, 678, Ms. (Chingleput and Salem)—Kalpakkara and Naganakkal—Installation of _ Nuclear Power Ntations—Proposals—Papers. recorded. July 10, No. 1278 (Ms.)q (Chingleput)—Ponneri taluk—Nallur village—Acquisition for augmenting City water- supply Declaration under section 6 of the Land Acquisition Act—Instructions— Issued. ‘March 20, No. 595 (), Ms. (Chingleput)—Saidapet and Ponneri taluks—Red Hills and Sholavaram ayacut lands— ‘Handing over possession of—Orders issued—G.. Ms. No. 5123, Industries, Labour ‘and Co-operation, dated 24th October 1963—Recorded. December 13, No, 2307 (D, Ms. (Chingleput—Construction of Research Station and Central Workshop for Highway: Department at Guindy—Award and award acceptance statement — Receipt acknowledged. January 20, No. 218 (W), Ms. (Chingleput)—Suidapet—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknow- edged. February 25, No. 417 (G), Ms. Work deposit—(Chinglepnt)—Kanchipurain talok—Olakkolpatti village—Award ‘No. 15 of 1962, dated Ist February 1962—Award and award acceptance statement— ‘Receipt—Acknowledged. December 12, No. 2982 (1), Ms. Work deposit (Chingleput}—Saidapet talak—Nandampakkam —village—Award and ‘award ‘seceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. ‘November 8, No. 2066 (F), Ms. ‘Work deposit—(Chingleput)—Tiravallar taluk—Senrayapalayam village—Award and ‘award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. gE Tanuary 9, No. 84 (W), Ma. Work deposit—(Chingleput)—Award and award acceptance statement--Reoeipt— ‘Acknowledged. Tanuary 7, No. 43 (W), Ms. Work deposit—(Chingleput)—Award and award acceptance ~ statement —Reocipt— Acknowledged. January 19, No, 137 (W), Ms. ‘Work depasit—(Chinglepu)—Award ‘and “award acceptance statement—Receip— Acknowledged. Tanuary 19, No. 138 (W), Ms ‘Work deposit—(Chinglepit)—Award and award acceptance _statement—Receipt— Acknowledged. r January 29, No. 213 (W); Ms Work deposit—(Chingleput)—Award and award acceptance _statement—Reoeipt— ‘Acknowledged. Tanuary 29, No. 292 (W), Ms. .ceptance _ statement—Receipt ~ ‘Work deposit-—(Chingleput)—Award and award ‘Acknowledged. Tanuary 2%, No. 293 (W), Ms. Work depesit—(Chinglepat)—Award.. and awird’ abceptancé». statement Receipt Ackrowledged. Tannary 29, No. 224 (W), Ms Work deposit—(Chinglepu)—Award and award acceptance statement=Receipt Acknowledged. ‘February 13, No. 314 (F), Ms. Work deposit—(Chingleput)—Awward and award acceptance _ statement —Receipe— Caco ‘February 90, No. 882 CF), Ms. 4k doposit(Chingleput)-Award and award acceptance statement-—Recelpt Penauton sir Ton February 25, No, 425 (G), Ms. Ft—(Chingleput)—Award and award acceptance statement-Receipt i We ee "February 25, No. 428 (F), Ms. ‘5 it-—(Chingleput)—Award snd award seceptance statement—Receipt— a a or ‘Fabroary 95, No. 495 (F), Ms. a *% Ive, 1963 [Boa ov evant Me Aliyar P Award” and a tate. eae aapiaat Alle PROP AENAN" L3H Y raldtUG RUSS tate, Ceert-tcap Acenowleiged Maes art (Coimbatore mibikulai-Aliyar Poject=Poltichi’ divisidh@LAwald’ “and award eceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. February 20, No, 366 (G), Ms. ennitore“-Parsinbikulam-Aliyar BojectPolluch; @mpsiA ura) ina award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowiedged, Mareh 4, Nov 475 (kf), "Ms. (Coimbatore}—Award and award abeeptunce, statement Receipt \cknowledged. April 24, No. 829 (F), Ms. {Coimnbatore}—Award and award cceptance.statoment-—Receipt--Acknontes d (Coimbatore-—Award and award acceptance staten ee (Coimbatore)—Award and award. acceptance soemiil Bip (Colmnbatore—Award and award acceptance Salement Bic Award No, 15 statement Pollachi taluk—Kottur villag Award and award aeceptane No. 18 of 1962, dated 18th December. 1962 February 20, No, 375 i mnent—Receipt—Ackuowledged. eceipt—Ackno ‘Rees December 28, No, 211) ‘Work deposit—(Coimbatore)—Avanashi taluk—thandskarampalayary vi ), Ms. , No. 936 UR), 2, No, 3 ipt—Acknowledged uiry 28, No, of 1963, da Award and award acceptance atate- ment—Receipt—Acknowledged. December 20, irk deposit—(Coimbatore)—Bhavani taluk—N, oe dated nd. March 1962—Award and awai Acknowledged Work deposit (Cy award aeceutan crinjipet. villa nd acceptance December batore)—Coimbatore taluk—Keeranathan ta‘ement—Receipt—Acknowledgerl, October 1 Work deposit—(Coimbatore)—Coimbatore taluk ana vil dated ‘24th July 1963—Award and award accey ptance No. 2361 (i), Ms. e—Award No. 1 of ‘Statement—Receipt— 20, No. 2356 (1), Ms. village 9, Now 1954. CF), Me. lage—Award No. 7 of 1963, statement—Receipt— Acknowledged. December 20. , No. 2344 (8), Ma. Wotk deposit—(Coimbatore)—Pollachi taluk—Koiti ur village—Award No; 5 of 1969, dated 24th January 1963—Award and award acceptance Ackrowledged. ‘December sit—(Coimbatore)—Pollachi taluk and town— Bc reer statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. ‘Work deposit—(Coimbatore)—Udumalpet taluk— and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged September 24, No, Work deposit—{Coimbatore)—Pollach] teluk—Parambikul TS. No, 524, September 24, N, Kanakampalayan statemen(—Receipt— 5, No. 9207 (PF), Ms. /2—Award and ‘0. 1799 CF), Ms, village—Award 1798 (F), Ms. lam-Alivar, Project—Award and award seceptance statement—Reeeipt—Acknowhadg red ‘Work deposit—(Coimbatore)—Ettimalur vil ment—Receipt—Acknowledged Ke deposit-—(Coimbatore)—Bhavani taluk —K, “Tees statement—Receipt—Acknowledged ‘Work deposit—(Coimbatore)—Dharapnram talule— irupilalan —Award an] award acceptance statement—Recei jeposit—(Coimbatore—Gohiehttipalaya gence ant eae award acceptange state September ai, N lge—Award and award November 8, No, ‘aunapalli village — Avy November 8, No, 19) No. 139. QW), Ma. N. 0. 1800 (P), Ms. acceptance state- 2067 (F), Ms. ard and award 2068 CF), Ms. ur Village—8. No, 681 iPt—Acknowl; i January ledged. tain Ravaso2] LAND ACQUISITION—cont, Wark deposit—(Coimbatore}—Gobieliettipalayam taluk —Ammapet 196j-—Award and award No. 2 of 1962, dated 15th March Receipt ~Acknowledged. ‘Worx deposit—(Coimbatore)—Award ‘Acknowledged. Work deposit—(Coimmbatore)—-A ward Acknowledged. Work deposit—(Cointbatere)—Award Acknowledged. Work Deposit—(Coimbatore)—Award Ispex, 1963 8 village—Award, acceptance statement— Ma ‘December 20, No. 2360 (F and award acceptance, statement—Receipt— ‘Mareli 23 23, No. 614 (F), Ms. and award acceptance, statement—Receipi— February 20, No. 380 (F), Ma. nt—Receipt y 20, No. 381 (F), Mise and award eveptance stat Fe and award acceptance statement—Receipt— ‘Acknowledged. 9, No. 737, Me Work deposit—(( orabatore)—Award and award accept ince statement—Receipt— Acknowledged. January 19, No. 146 (W), Ms Work deposit—(Coimbatore)—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt— ‘Acknowledged. February 25, No. 112 (F), Ms. ‘Work deposit—(Coimbatore)—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt— Acknowledged. Tanuary 20; No. 206 (W), Ms. ‘Work deposit—(Coitbatore)—Award Acknowledged. Work deposit—(Coimbatore)—Award and award Acknowledged. Work deposit— Acknowledged. Soimbatore)Award and award acceptance and award acceptance statement—Receipt— January 9, No. 82 OW), Ms. acceptance _statement—Keceipt— May 21, No. 1019, Ms. statement—Receipt— May 21, No. 1020, Ms. Work deposit—(Coitntatore}—Annupalayam village—Award aod award acceptanes ‘statemeut—Receipt~Acknowledged, December 7, No. 2239 (?), Max Work deposit~-(Coimbetore)—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt— Acknowledged. ‘Work deposit—(Coimbatore)—Award Acknowledged. ‘Work deposit (Coimbatore}—Award ‘Acknowledged. Work deposii—(Coimbatore)—Award Acknowledged. ‘Work deposit—(Cvimbatore)—Award Acknowledged. Woric deposit—(Coimbatore)—Award Acknowledged. Work deposit—(Coimbatore)—Awara Tannary 9, No. 85 CW), Ms. acceptance. statement—Receipt— February 13, No. 315 (F), Ms. and award acceptance statement—Receipt— May 21, No. 1015, (Me). and award and award acceptance statement—Receipt— ‘April 9, No. 741 (Ms). and award acceptance statement—Receipt— January 19, No. 144 (W), Ms. and award acceptance stateruent--Receipt— January 9, No. 63 (W), Mss and award acceptance statement—Receipt— January 7, No. 42 (W), Msy ‘Work deposit—(Coimbatore)—Coimbatore town—Ramanathapuram village—Award and ayard acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledzed. Wath deposit Acknowledged: Work deposit (Coimbatore)—Award Ackvowledged “Work aeposit—(Coinbatore)—Award ‘Acknowledged. Worle depos —1 Coin tore Award Acknowledged December 7, No. 2256 (F), Ms. iGonubatore)—Award and award accep: ince. statement—Receipt— Tannary.9, No. 67 (W), Ms. and swat “blends tateanent —Hieipt— January 9, No. 65 (W). and award acceptince’ statement—Recei January 9, No. 69 (W). M= acceptance statement—Receipt— Tahuary 9, Noo 70 (W), Ms, ahd” ward 0 Ixpex, 1969 [Board oF Revinuw LAND ACQUISITION—eont. (Kanyakumari): -Neyyar Levigation Project Division-Award and ayatd acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. May 7, No. 921 (F), May Tiruchirapalli and Kanyakumari distriél—Pullambadi Canal Scheme and Neyyar i stuge—Velay in land acquisition work—Reviewed by the Commissenee > Lad Revenue—Papers recorded. May 27, No. 1058 (1), Ms. {(Kanvokunari~ Vilvvasicode taluk—Kunnathur ve —Award and award a tance beaary 25, No. 427 (F), Ms« (Kanyakumari)—Vilavancode taluk—Methukummal villages-Neyyar Irrigation Project Division, Nagercoil—Award and award acceptined sthUdhient—Heodipt-Rekie oe fedged, December 5, No. 2189 (I), Ms. (Kanyakumari)—Vilavancode taluk—Killiyur village—House-sites to Harijans of oottety—Hrrogulariies observed in acquistion—Opinion of Govemment Pleadest Rane onan uated Febrasry 5, No. 259 (1), Ma, (Kanyakumari)—Award and award acceptance statement--Receipt—Acknowledged. March 18, No. 554 (I), Ms. (ladras) Extended Area—Certain clatficaton under “the Land’ Acquisition (Madras Amendment) Act, 1961—Regurding market value and clasifetion vf (ee ‘Tosued-G:0- Ms--No: 5634, (Housing) Iidustties, Labour and- Go-opurstion (ath Novernber 1962-—Communicated—Papers—Recorded. statement-- -Receipt—Acknowledged. Fe + June 4, No. 1100 (1), Ms. adraa)Mistonded gree—M-H.8.—L,A. No. 15 ot 1055, dated Slat December 1986 —Award and eward acceptance statement—Receipt— Acknowledged, Fanuary 19, No. 141 (W), Ms (fadeus}—Perambar village—R-8, No, 96/2 part—Ratereton “to. the Ciourt under Section 18 of the Land Acquisition Act—Writ Petition by Sri N. R. Ranga- sami (N. R. R. Swamy)—Judgment—Report submitted, May 16, No. 1008 (1), Ms. (fadras)—Maras North, ondiarpet_R.S.. Nos. 3088/14, 3059/16, apgg/at wea 3054/1—Acquisition for establishment of “housing colony for worker f gent eansport Department—-Payment of compensition—Orders. of Goverum Pape"s—Recorded. October 5, No. 1872 (1), Ms. (Madras)—Zamin Venkatapuram—Construction of Highways Research Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledued, February 20, No. 368 (8), Ms, faduraij—Dindigul taluk—Award No, 2 of 1960, dated 15th Pebruary 1960... Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledgelt December 28, No. 2410 (1°), Ms, Madurai district and taluk—Tiraparankundram village—8, Nos, 144 and 145 luction of an employees’ State Insurance Dispensary—Resninption an acquired Jand—Proposa!s—Submitted. May: 1, No. 887 (1), Ms, (Madurai)—Nilakottai talok—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt— Maen ieiged. March 18, No. 555 (1), Ma, Madurai) —Periskulam—Award and award acceptance statemeni—Receipt—Acknow- edged + May 9,-Noo 941-8); Ms, knowledged February 95, Nov 4i6 (¥)) Ms, ‘element —Ricipt—Adknowledged Pril 24, No, 830 (HF), Mh ater) Sure _Derdopment Scheie Nisota Ke i village—Meenakshipuram—Kalladipatti Road—Award No. 9/6: m JO--AWard and ward woOeptanes statement—Recei eee ee february 25,No. 492 (): Ma. Station— Cons- (Madurai)—Award and award acceptance deposit—(Madurai)—Dindigul taluk—Punnapatt; yj Work dete Suniel Path ecilegeA ward - and wat i " ember 7, No. ‘249° (PY! Ms. Work deposit—(Madorai—Dindigal talok—Adivanooethi acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged, Ostby, nt td award Taxp Revenue] , Inpex, 1963 ou LAND ACQUISIZION—cont. Work deposit—(Madurai)—Dindigul taluk—Vagarai_ village—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. November 8, No. 2073 (F), Ms. Work deposit—(Madurai)—Vanikarai village—Award and award acceptance statement —Receipt—Acknowledged. October 15, No. 1908 (F), Ms. Work deposit—(Madurai)—Manchilambu village—Award and award acceptance atement—Receipt—Acknowledged October 15, No, 1909 (F), Ms. Work deposit—(Madurai)—Madurai taluk—Kodimangalam village—Award No. 15 of 1962, dated 22nd August 1962—Award and award acceptance statement—Reoeipt— ‘Acknowledged. ‘December 5, No. 2208 (F), Ms. Work deposit—(Madurai)—Madurai taltk—Madakulam village—Award No. 8/68, dated 2ist January 1963—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt acknow. ledged. December 5, No. 2180 (F), Ms. ‘Work deposit—(Madurai)—Maduraj taluk—Sathamangalam village—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. December 7, No, 2243 (F), Ms. Work deposit—(Madurai)—Melur taluk—Kunnarampattivillage—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknawledged. October 30, No. 2013 (F), Ms. Work deposit—(Madurai)—Nilakottai taluk—Katchakatti village—Award and award ‘noceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. October 30, No. 2011 (F), Ms. Work deposit—(Madurai)—Nilakottai taluk—Thattampatti village—Award No. 1 of 1963, dated 10th January 1963—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt— Acknowledged. December 20, No. 2351 (F), Ms. Work deposit—(Madurai)—Nilakottai taluk—Thenkarai village—Award No. 14 ‘of 1968, dated 27th March 1963—Award and award acceptance statement— Receipt—Acknowledged. December 12, No. 2204 (F), Ms. Work deposi'-—(Madurai)—Nilakottai talok—Chinnamenaickenpatti_village—Award ‘No. 15 of 1968, dated 28th March 1963—Award and award acceptance statement— Receipt—Acknowledged. December 98, No, 2418 (F), Ms. Work deposit—(Madurai)—Nilakottai taluk—Thathanpatti village—Award No. 22 of 193, dated 98th May 1963—Award and award acceptance _statement—Receipt— Acknowledged. December 98, No, 2415 (F), Ms. Work deposit—(Madurai)—Nilakottai taluk—Bodinaickenpatti village—Award and ‘award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. September 24, No. 1797 (F), Ms. © Work deposit—(Madurai)—Palni taluk—Mettupatti village—Award and) award ‘acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. December 7, No. 2296 (F), Ms. ‘Work deposit—(Madurai)—Periyakulam taluk—Jengalpatti village—Award and awar aceeptance statement—Receipt— Acknowledged. October 30, No. 2017 (F), Ms, ‘Work deposit—(Madurai)—Periyakulam taluk—Kothapatti village—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. November 8, No. 2071 (E), Ms. ‘Work deposit—(Madurai)—Periakulam taluk—Cheppampatti’ village—Award No. 17 ‘of 1963, dated 14th April 1963—Award and award acceptance ‘statement—Receipt— Acknowledged. December 20, No. 2345 (), Ms. Work deposit—(Madurai)—Periakulam. taluk—Govindanagaram village—Award and award accepiance statement—Award No, 27/62, dated 26th December 1962—Receipt acknowledged. December 5, No. 2184 CF), Ms. Work deposit—(Madurai)—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt Acknowledged. 17 October 4, No: 1860 CF), Ms. award acceptance _ statement—Receipt— ‘February 13, No. 317 (F), Ms Work deposit—(Madurai)—Award and award tance _statement—Receipt— Acknowledged. ° February 13, No. 819 (F), Ms. award acceptance _statement—Receipt— January 29, No. 212 (W), Ms. Work’ deposit—(Madurai)—Aseard and award acceptance | s'atement Receipt — Acknowledged. Tanuary 29, No, 208 (W), Ms. 42-29-16 62 ‘Inpex, 1963 : [Boarp or Revenos LAND ACQUISITION—cont. Work depesit—(Madurai)—Award and award acceptance states Receipt— Acknowledged. February 25, No, 436 (B), Ms, Work | depositMadurait—Award and award acceptance _statement--Receipt— Acknoyledged, January 9, No. 74 (W), Ms, Work deposit—(Madurai—Award and award acceptance _statemon ipt— Acknowledged January 9, No. 75 (W), Ms. Work deposit-—(Madurai)—Awitd and award acceptance —statemient—Receipt—- Acknoyledged. January 9, No. 79 (W), Ms, Work deposit—(Madurai)—Award and award acceptance Acknowledged. Febru Work deposit—(Madurai)—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt— Acknowledged. February 13, No. 313 (F), Ms, Work deps:t—(Maduraij—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt— Acknowledged, February 20, No. 372 (If), Ms. ‘Work depasit—(Madurai)—Award and award acceptance state anent—Receipt— Acknowledged. February 13, No. 320 (i), Ms. (Maduraij—Award and award acceptance Work deposi i statement—Receipt— Acknowledged. February 20, No, 389 (F), Ms, Work ldeyoeit (Madurai)—Awerd and) award acceptance « statement Receipt sence February 25, No. 434 (F), Ms, Work deposit:—(Madurai)—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt— Acknowledged, ebruary 20, No. 378 (i), Ms. ‘Work deposit~—(Madurai)——Award and award seooptanee statement—Reccipt— Acknowledged. ‘ebruary 20, No. 379 (F), Ms, Work deponit-(Madurai—Award and award acceptance statement —Receipt— Acknowledged. February 25, No. 434 (i), Ms. Work deposit—(North Arcot)—Arni _taluk—Deevathithangal village—Award dong award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. December 20, No. 2342 (F), Ms, Work deposit—(North Arcot)—Polur taluk—Polur village—Tiravannamal statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. Award and award acceptance ipt cement Ses ease als ‘Work deposit—(North Areot)—Polur taluk—Athabad village—Award No. 12 of 1969, dated 11th February 1962—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt— Acknowledged. December 5, No. 2210 (F), Ms. Work Deposit—(North Arcot)—Tiravannamalai_taluk—Navambattu village—Award ‘and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged, December 7, No. 2258 (1), Ms, Work deposit—(North Areot)—Tiruvannamalai _taluk—Kandiankuppam village— Award and award acceptance statement—Award 1/63, dated 10th January. 1969— Receipt acknowledged. December 5, No. 2189 (I), Ma, ‘Work deposit—(North Arcot)—Tiruvannamalai taluk—Kallotta villa, A 56/62, dated Sth November 1962-Award and award aseennscce shienennsncnt acknowledged. December 5, No, 2185 (FI. Mee (North Arcot—Harijan Welfare—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt— Acknowledged. August 27, No. 1624 (R), ‘Ma, (North Arcot)—Tirnvannamalai—Award and award acceptance statement ‘Acknowledged. North Arcot)—Tiruvannamalai—Award and award accept ‘Acknowledged. division i March 27, No. 640, Me. lance statement—Recei March 27, No, ot Ma. tance statement—] March 27, Yo, wo ‘orth Arcot)—Tiruyannamalai—Award and award accep ‘Acknowledged. Ms. ce statement—Receiy March 27, No, 643, Ma, Receipt— April 9, No. 138, ae ‘ann Revenve] ‘Inpex, 1968 e LAND ACQUISITION—cont, Work deposit—(North Arcot)—Award and_ award acceptance statement— Receipt—Acknowledged. January 29, No. 211 (W), Ma. (North Arcot)—Award and award acceptanoe _statement—Receipt—Acknow- ledged. May 9, No. 984 (F), Ms. (Che Nilgiris)—Land Acquisition award No. 6/62, dated 6th August 1962—Bridge work at low saddle between Avalanche and Emerald Reservoir—Acknowledged. February 13, No. 809 (F), Ms. Work deposit—(The Nilgiris)—Mulligar village—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. December 7, No. 2250 (F), Ms, Work deposit—(The Nilgiris)—Ootacamund taluk—Ootacamund Town village—Award No. 1/62, dated 14th March 1962—Award and award acceptance statement— ‘Receipt acknowledged. December 5, No. 2179 (F), Ms. Work deposit—(The Nilgiris)—Award and award acceptance _statement—Receipt —Acknowledged. January 9, No. 80 (W), Ms. (Ramanathapuram)--Harijan Welfare Department—Award and award acceptance statement-—Receipt—Acknowledged. Febryary 20, No. 369 (P), Ms. (Romanathapuram)—Aruppukottai taluk—Award and award scceptance—Receipt— ‘Acknowledged. March 27, No. 639, Ms. (Ramanathapuram)—Moduklathur—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt —Acknowledged. April 9, No. 747, Ms. (Bmansthapuram)—Ramanathapuram *taluk—Sakkarakottai village ~Construction ‘and repair of yard by Highways Department—Omission to select suitable site in the first instaneo—Report of the Chief Engineer (Highways and Rural Works)— ‘Remarks—Submitted. September 5, No. 1696 (1) Ms. (Ramanathapuram)—Sathur taluk—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt —Acknowledged. January 19 No. 145 (W), Ms. Rawanathapuram)—Sivagangs taluk—Award and award acceptance — statement— ‘Reveipt—Acknowledged, March 21, No. 611 (F), Ms. (Ramanathaparam)—Tirnpattar taluk—Award and award scceptance statement— ‘Receipt—Acknowledged. February 28, No, 463, Ms. (Ramanathapuram)—Tirupattur taluk—Maindugudapatti—Award and award _accep- tance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. February 20, No, 286 (F), Ms. (Ramanathapuram)—Tirivadanaj taluk—Tirumana village—Award and’ award accep- tance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. February 95, No. 445 (F), Ms (Hamanathapuram}—Security Measure works—Mathundel —village—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. February 25, No. 443 (F), Ms. (Ramanathapuram)—Security Measure Scheme—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. February 25, No. 444 (F), Ms. (Rananathapuram)—Security Measure Scheme—Sattur taluk—Award and award acceptance statement—Receip—Acknowledged.. ‘February 25, No. 498 (F), Ms, (Ramanathapuram)—Award and award acceptance _statement—Receipt—Acknow- ledged. March 18, No. 658, Ms. (Ramanathapuram)--Award and award acceptance _statemment—Receipt— Acknowledged. ‘February 20, No. 383 (F), Ms. (Ramanathapuram)—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknow- ‘olga ‘March 18, No. 857 GF), Me (Ramanathapuram)—Award and award. acceptance. statement—Receipt—Acknow- ee ee ‘March 18, No, 556 (F), Ms. * mi)—Award and award acce statement—Receipt—Acknow- any en i rs March 21, ‘No. 612 (F), Ma. oe Invex, 1963 [Boano or Reyases LAND ACQUISI'TION—cont. Giamanathapuram)—Award and award acceptance _statement—Reocipt—Acknow- Tedged. February. 20, No. 373 (F), Ms, (Ramanathapuram)—Award and award acceptance stat ement—Receipt—Acknow- ~Yedged. February 20, No. 374 (F), Ma. Giamanathspuram)—Award and ayard scceptance statement—Reocipt Ackhow- edged. Mareh 18, No. 550 (I), Ms, (Ramanathapuram)—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknow- ledged. February 25, No. 415 (F), Ms. (Bamanathapuram)—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknow- ledged. March 27, No, 637, Ms. Work | deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Aruppokottai_ taluk —Thimmap, Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknow_edeed December 6, No. 2996 (i), Ms. Work | depositCamanathapuram)—Aruppukottai taluk and village —Awacd’ non ward acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged, me muramnvillage— Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Aruppakottai taluk—Melakall: Award and award acceptance. statement—Receipt—Acknowledg : December 6, No. 2920 (I), Ms, ‘Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Aruppukottai taluk—Aword and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. October 19, No. 1952 (I), Ms. ‘Work deposit-—(Ramanathapuram)—Aruppukottai_taluk—Pallar ekenpatti village Award No, 12 of 1969 dated 12th April 1963—Award and award acceptance state ment—Receipt—Acknowledged. December 20, No. 2349 (F), Ms, Work deposit (Ramanathapuram)—Keelaselavanur village Award and award senepiance statement—Reosipt—Aclnowledged..Oataber 80;-No. aolo. cy, art ‘Work deposit (Ramanathapuram)—Mudukulathur taluk —Naripayar village -Awned No. 28 of 1061, dated Sst January 1961—Award and award acceptance setae oe ‘Receipi—Acknowledged. December 12, No. 9997 (F), Ms. ‘Work depont—(Ramanathaparam}—Mudokulathur talok—Panniyeysal vite. Avward and ayard aceeptance— statement~Receipt—Acknowledged December 7, No. 2984 (F), Ms, ‘Work deposit—(smanathapuram)—Mdukulathir taluk Aurdagam village yang and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged December 6, No. 2998 () Ms, Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Mudukulathur taltk—Keelakanayur Award and award acceptance. statemiont—Receipt—Acknowledgen. December 6, No. 2999 (1), Ms, Work. depesit--(Ramanathaporam)—Madakolathor ‘alok—8."Tharikiai. it lage—Aorand and award acceptance statement Recsipt—Acrre neg gage December 7, No, 2959 (1), Ms, Work deposit CRamanathaparam)—Modnivathar talak—Kamethi lllage to, and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledgea, ore Peeember 5, No, 2160 (F), Ms, ‘Worle deposit--CRamanathaparam)—Mudukalathor talvk—Tlanjarab i es: eas acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. / P** Village—Award December 7, No. 2940 (F), Ms. Work deposit—(Remanathaporamn)—Mudukulathor —talnk Py illigé— heed ead Geo oscop ate satement—Receipt Ackndwledgen nt Tse mber 6, No. 2991 (1), Ms, ceil thapuram)—Mudokulathiur taluk, i ek en ioatanee statement—Receipt—Acknowledgea att Villyge—Awara October 19, No. 1948 P), Ms. village— ty fs Zano Revenve] Inpex, 1963 6 LAND ACQUISLT1ON—cont, Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Paramakudi taluk—Muthuvayal, village—Award No. 150 of 1961, dated 10th November 1961—Award and award acceptance state- ment—Keceipt—Acknowledged. December 12, No, 2289 (F), Mi Work deposit—(Ramanatbapuram)—Paramakudi taluk—layankulam village—Award and award acceptance statement—Receip'—Acknowledged. October 19, No. 1947 (), Ms. Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Paramakudi taluk—Vengalur _village—Award ‘and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. October 90, No 2007 (F), Ms. ‘Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Paramakudi taluk—Tholur village—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. December 5, No, 2161 (i), Ms. ‘Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Paramakndi —taluk—Valangudi _villago— —Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged December 7, No, 2244 (F), Ms. ‘Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Paramakudi taluk—Kammakottai village—Awara ‘and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. December , No. 2191 (F), Ms. Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Paramakudi taluk—Perunguri village—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. Decomber 7, No. 2948 (F), Ms. ‘Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Paramakudi taluk—Melaparthibanur —village— ‘Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. December 7, No. 2246 (F), Ms. ‘Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Paramakudi taluk—Pichukudi village—Award No, 86 of 1962, dated 29th June 1962—Award and award acceptance statement— Receipt—Acknowledged. December 20, No, 2355 (F), Ms, Worl deposi:—~(Ramanathapuram)—Paramakudi taluk—Vadakkuvallakulam village Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. ‘December 5, No. 2163 (F), Ms. ‘Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Paramakudi taluk—Melayur village—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. December 5, No. 2166 (F), Ms. ‘Work ‘deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Paramakudi taluk—Memandhi village—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. December 5, No. 2197 (F), Ms. ‘Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Ramanathapuram taluk—Pirappavalasai village —Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. October 19, No. 1949 (F), Ms. ‘Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Ramanathapuram taluk—Keelakarai village Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged November 8, No. 2089 (F), Ms. Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Ramanathapuram taluk—Kombodhi _village— Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. December 5, No. 2167 (F), Ms. ‘Work: deposit—(Ramanathaparam)—Ramanathapuram talnk—Vellamanichaikatti_vil- lage—Award No. 91 of 1961, dated 17th May 1963—Award and award acceptance statement—Reecipt—Acknowledged. December 20, No. 2359 (1), Ms ‘Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Ramanathapuram taluk—Mallai village—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged, November 8, No. 2072 (F), Ms. ‘Work deposit--(Ramanathaparam)—Ramanathapuram taluk—Pudumadam villego— ‘Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged November 8, No. 2085 (F), Ms. Work _ deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Ramanathapuram taluk—Valasai__villazo— ‘Award No. 135 of 1961, dated 11th October 1961—Award and award acceptance staternent—Receipt—Acknowledged. December 12, No. 2301 (1), Ms. 42-2017 6 Timex, 1965 (Boanp ov Ruviows LAND ACQUISTIION—cont, ‘Worl deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Ramanathapuram —taluk—Kelimangandu village S-Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. December 6, No. 2314 (F), Ms. Work deposit—(Ramanathaporam)—Ramanathapuram taluk—Velanur village—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged, December 7, No. 2247 (F), Ms Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Sattur taluk—Pudukottai village—Award | and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged, October 19; No. 1945 (F?), Ms. Sivalur village—Award and award ‘Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Sattur taluk: acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. December 6; No. 2295 (I), Ms. ‘Nadungulam village—Award and Acknowledged. eceinber 6, No. 9991 (F), Ms. taluk—Vadapathi. village—Award and Acknowledged. December 5, No. 2165 (F), Ms. fur taluk—Virudhunagar town—Award and. “Acknowledged. October 19, No. 1955 (F), Ms. Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Sattur taluk—Kavindampatti village—Award and award acceptance statement—Receip!—Acknowledgea. ‘December 6, No. 2993 (F), Ms. Work deposit-—(Ramanathapuram)—Sivaganga taluk—Melamuthnr village—Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—-Acknowledged. October 20; No. 2015 (F), Ms. ‘Work, deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Sivaganga taluk—Kaliseri village—~Awara and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledged. December 7, No, 2254 (F), Ms. ‘Work doposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Sivaganga taluk—Paraparam village—Award wed award acceptance statement—Receipt Acknowledged December 7, No, 2959 (I), Ms. )—Sivaganga taluk—Senthathatrendal . village— Diledcteceipy ack eet e October 19, No. 1950 (), Ms. ‘Work deposit—-(Ramanathapuram)—Sivagangs taluk—Vayalcheri village— ere ae Avan and December 7, No. 2951 (F), Ms, Work denosit—(Ramanathapuram)—Sivaganga,taluk—Pottapalayam village—Award No, 14G:0f 1061, dated Brd November 1952—Award and. award. Sezeptanca statement—Receipt—Acknowledged, December 20, No. 2858 OF), Me. ‘Work deposit (Ramenathapuram)—Sivay taluk—Valathurai yi 4 aes egiince statement —ReceiptAcknowledgea, Hurst vilage—Award and October 30, No, ‘Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Sivaganga taluk—Vellore ving aa award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledgea ‘Work deposit-——(Ramanathapuram)- award acceptance statement—Rec ock deposit (Ramanathapuram)—Sattur award acceptance statement—Receipt- ‘Work deposic—(Ramsnathapurara)—s ‘award acceptance statement—Receipt- ‘Work deposit--(Ramanathapurs Awardand award aoceptan it—(Ramanath: )—Srivill December 6, No. 2299 (7), Ms, Work deposi janathapuram)—Srivillipattur — taluk —J ‘Award and award acceptance statement—I int-Acknowteata layam village— ‘ November 8, No, 207 Work dep xit—(Ramannthaparam)—Briviliputtir talak—Tham Thop er R Ms. Award and award acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowledget Tt Ue — ‘ October 30, No. 2003 ‘Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Tiruppattar taluk—Ootapeh jer’: 003 ©), Ms. and awaid acceptance statement—Receipt—Acknowladgey em Vlltge—Award , December 5, No, 9159 Work deposit—(Ramanathapuram)—Tirupattar taluk 4 , No. 9159 OF), Mf: : Receipt—Acknowledged, 77" Village—Award and ‘November 8, No. 2061 (®), Ms.

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