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Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal :

Kelas : X-TKJ 1/TKJ2/TKR/TSM Waktu :

For question 1 – 5, fill in the blank sentences with the d. wonderful

right form of Simple future tense
8. The following word are the synonym of Happy,
1. We…. Television in our house tomorrow. EXCEPT…
a. watch a. cheerful
b. will watched b. lament
c. will watch c. glad
d. watched d. joy

2. Will you ... here all day long?  9. “What about this restaurant? It’s very popular.”
a. work The antonym of the word “popular” is…
b. be working a. famous        
c. have worked b. Dirty
d.  have been working c. Unpopular              
d. Crowded
3. Kalimat positif: The singer will sing three songs. 
Kalimat interogatif: ... 10. “He has a big house in the city.”
The synonym of the word “big” is…
a. will the singer be singing three songs? a. Small          
b. will the singer sing three songs? b. Tiny
c. will the singer have been singing three songs? c. Large
d. will the singer have sung three songs? d. Great

4. Kalimat positif: My mom will go to the traditional For question 1 – 5, fill in the blank sentences with the
market.  right form of Simple future tense
Kalimat negatif: ...
a. My mom will not go to the traditional market. 11. She didn’t . . . . . to my birthday party yesterday.
a. Come
b. My mom would not go to the traditional market.
b. Came
c. My mom would not be going to the traditional
c. Comes
market. d. Coming
d. My mom will not have gone to the traditional
market. 12. I….. this floor yesterday
a. Sweep
5. finish – We – before – will – project – the – lunch b. Swept
The right form of the sentence above is… c. Sweeps
d. Sweeped
a. We will finish the project before lunch
b. We finish the project before will lunch 13. Eko : Where did you…….yesterday?
c. We will the project finish before lunch Nanda : I went to the beach with my friends.
d. We finish the project will before lunch a. Go
b. Went
6. “The witch fell into the oven and the stepmother c. Gone
shut the door.” d. Going
The synonym of the word “shut” is… 14. Kalimat positif: Yoga sold his car three days ago
a. marked Kalimat negative: ….
b. painted a. Yoga sell his car three days ago
c. opened b. Yoga did not sold his car three days ago
d. closed c. Yoga did sold his car three days ago
d. Yoga did not sell his car three days ago
7. “I couldn’t take my eyes off this amazing singer.”
The synonym of the word “amazing” is… 15. Kalimat negative: Anita did not meet me in this
market yesterday.
a. nervous
Kalimat interogatif: …..
b. surprised
a. Does Anita meet me in this market yesterday?
c. anxious b. Did Anita meet me in this market yesterday?

c. Did Anita met me in this market yesterday?

d. Did Anita not meet me in this market yesterday?

Read the following dialogue carefully and then answer ESSAY TEST
the question no 16-20. Write the irregular verb form the following word!
Dika: hi, Mida, You look so happy V1 V2 V3
Mida: hi, Dika. You’re right. I’m really happy. 1. Eat …. ….
Dika: really? Why? 2. See …. ….
Mida: I met my favorite idol, Agnes Mo yesterday 3. Sleep …. ….
Dika: Wow.., it sounds interesting
Mida: I was so excited. She was really awesome and 4. Tuliskan kalimat bahasa inggris dari kalimat
friendly dibawah ini dalam bentuk simple future tense!
Dika: did you meet her in a concert? “ Sari akan membawa buku-buku ke sekolah besok”
Mida: no, I didn’t. it’s a meet-and-greet event with (+) _________________________________
Agnes Mo in Plaza Indonesia. Big crowd, (-) _________________________________
hundreds of her fans! (?) _________________________________
Dika: did you meet her directly?
Mida: yes, I did. I took some pictures with her. I also got 5. Tuliskan kalimat bahasa inggris dari kalimat
her autograph on her last CD album. dibawah ini dalam bentuk simple Past tense!
Dika: it’s amazing. How did you feel at that time? “Dirman menjual sepedanya bulan lalu”
Mida: I felt nervous and speechless (+) _______________________________
Dika: anyway, how did you meet other fans? (-) _______________________________
Mida: I met them in a fan meeting. (?) _______________________________
Dika: it must be a memorable experience for you.
Mida: yeah, indeed. I will never forget it.

16. Who took part in the dialogue above?

a. Agnes Mo and Dika
b. Mida and Agnes Mo
c. Fan and Mida
d. Mida and Dika

17. What is the dialogue about?

a. Mida buy a CD album
b. Mida met her favorite idol
c. Dika came to the concert
d. Dika met other fans

18. How did Mida feel when she met her idol?
a. nervous and speechless
b. nervous and sad
c. speechless and angry
d. speechless and crowd

19. Where did Mida meet Agnes Mo?

a. in a concert
b. in a road
c. in her office
d. in Plaza Indonesia

20. What did Mida do when meet Agnes directly?

a. sit on the chair calmly
b. took some pictures and autograph
c. sing Agnes Song together
d. buy Agnes last CD album

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