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Storvik’s Class Rule, Procedures, and Grading

Class Rule

Act so Mr. Storvik can teach and all students can learn. That’s it.

Daily Procedures
Arriving to class:
1. Always bring: iPad, headphones, pencil, tape, scissors, colored pencils, science notebook.
I can loan you supplies if you don’t bring them, but this will eat into your time to complete the work during class.
2. Read the board. There are always instructions on the board.
3. Sit down and get started on your learning.

During class:
1. This is your time to Get Stuff Done.
2. One student can be out of his/her seat at a time. Don’t ask, just make sure no one else is up.

Leaving class:
1. Everyone needs to be in his or her seat when the bell rings.
2. When everyone is seated, Mr. Storvik will let you leave.

Science Notebook
You must have a 70-sheet science notebook for this class: spiral bound, non-perforated. It will be used
only for science and you will not tear any paper out of it. Almost all of your learning & reactions will be
recorded in your notebook throughout the year. So: no notebook = no grade.
Bonus: you can use it on the final at the end of the year (and on part of each unit test).
If you do not have a notebook, I have them available for purchase.

Your Grade
Your quarter letter grade is determined based on the following standards, rounded for simplicity:
• Modeling & Scientific Reasoning (labs) : 40%
• Comprehension of Scientific Concepts (tests & projects): 50%
• Characteristics of Successful Learners (daily work & notebook checks): 10%

Late Work:
Daily work (notebook assignments) is assigned so you can receive timely feedback on your learning. If it
is not completed on time, its learning value is reduced greatly.
Because of this, I do not accept late daily work for credit, but I will be happy to review late work with you
to make sure you understand the material.

Projects and labs are graded on accuracy and/or a rubric. Since these are the assignments where you
prove you have mastered the learning, they are accepted late at a penalty of -10% per day it is late.

Absent work is accepted for full credit.

Retakes and Redos:
You are here to master the skills you’re working on for each assessment.

If you earn less than 100% on a graded assessment, you can request a retake.
Sometimes that means you get a different test with different questions. Other times it means you
will need to do something else to demonstrate you have mastered the material.

Retakes must be requested within 5 school days of receiving the first assessment back from me.

If you’d like to retake a test or quiz, just talk to me or email me and we will work out a time.

Overall Idea for Your Grade:

I already passed 8th grade science, a very long time ago. Your work and your grade are 100% your
responsibility, so tell me if you’re having trouble.

A Last Word About Independence

You will be a High Schooler in 174 school days. Let that sink in for a moment.
I think the most important skill you can develop this year is independent productivity.
Because of this, I will encourage you to be an independent learner.

This means I promise I will answer many of your questions with another question. I promise I will
tell you to “look it up” frequently.

Think. Make mistakes. Fix them. Think. Your brain, after all, is what separates humans from all
the other animals who didn’t invent school. You’ll learn more about that in the mammals unit.

Students: I have read the class rules and procedures and understand them.

Signed: _____________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Parents: My child has discussed the class rules and procedures with me. He/She understands them.

Signed: _____________________________________________ Date: ___________________

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