St. Mary'S College of Marinduque

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Name: Jaspher R. Quinto Subject: DRRR

Grade/Strand: 11 Stem Teacher: Ms. Demly Cerilla



In that situation we can see that flooding are usually occur on that particular area, because in
the residential communities the meters above sea level are 30, and below mountain range the
meter above sea level are 20. So as we can see in the residential communities there are so
many constructed houses that are vulnerable to the flood and also at the mountain range
there’s a possibility that after a prolonged rain or strong typhoon it can cause landslide. Rather
we have to make a step to avoid that kind of dangerous situation, as far as I think we must first
check the residential communities and see what we can do about its situation. To develop the
remote area in the municipality, first the area should be safe and have a strong field to do put a
structure. Make a structure plan about the flood, since it is vulnerable to flood it is better to
make seawalls in that particular area, it is a structure that made of concrete, sheet piles and it is
built parallel between the beach and mainland, to protect the inland area against the flood and
also to wave action, that structure can avoid flood to the place.

Can schools and houses be constructed there? I think on that particular area, yes schools and
houses can constructed in the area for development but there’s a risk when it comes to flood,
before construction of houses or school it must have a structure that can prevent the risk,
planning is a good skill to determine such an intelligent movement, the building must be tall or
higher so that the things or the people have a secured place to stay when there’s a flood. And
beside of the sea wall, it is better to have a separate plan for a separate wall in construction
area; wall or barrier is a good suggestion. And it must be strong to hold a strong or big flood; it
can be made of concrete blocks, and bricks due to its durability it will often the first option for
wall construction and some plastic to hold the wall strongly that even a drop of water can’t
enter. And above the mountain range it is possible to construct evacuation center so that the
people have a higher place to evacuate specially in the time of typhoons. And also to have a
secure way it is better to have evacuation bridge above the area of development to the
mountain range, and it must be made of steel, concrete , stone and asphalt and to make it
even stronger some materials that can be add are iron, timber aluminum, rubber and other
joint materials. These plans can help to prevent the flood and the security of the people and
also to be prepared in terms of disaster it is better to have a strong structure that can prevent a
risk factor.

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