TVIAM 129 To 130

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Chapter 129

The most prosperous adult entertainment district in the capital Elquim was
a place called «The Noble’s Nighttown». And a tremendous and ornate
mansion of Count Zodiac was situated there. At that place, both the visitors
and the workers of the manor had to wear masks. Thus, Cayena and
Jedaiah sneaked in, pretending to be guests.

«Attack!» there a cry had broken out.


At Jedaiah’s signal, shouts erupted and a stream of people had poured

inside. Yester’s men were kerfuffled by such a flash situation.

«Ward it off! Get rid of them all!»


Jedaiah’s men, who wore armour and weapons and resembled knights,
started destroying everything that Yester had accomplished so far. If only
they had used guns, things would have been much easier. However, that
could have allowed the Imperial troops to make a move. Сonsequently,
there was a tacit rule: a gun was not allowed to be used in the dark alleys.

Even though the place had turned into a field of dogfight, the world around
Cayena moved at a much slower pace. She roamed through the mob to
smash the lanterns. The lesser the presence of any light source, the easier
this operation became.

Cayena was editing the space around and exploding the condensed flow of
time like gunpowder whenever she noticed her allies were in danger.

The gambling hall on the first floor of the mansion had turned into a bedlam
instantly. Cayena broke the lanterns using the metal rod in her hand to
impel the nobles, who were right inside the hall, to flee away faster.

The row of lanterns came to be smashed into small pieces which shattered
in all directions. Here and there sparks were blowing up and the mansion
started to catch fire.


The masked nobles, who had been enwrapped in the fun earlier, were
already captured by chaos and commenced escaping while screaming in

Then a familiar voice was heard.

«I’ve never invited a madwoman into my house,» it was a man wearing a

fox mask, Yester. «Are you that woman named Madam Medea?» he asked

Yet Cayena did not reply and pointed her weapon at Yester.


He stepped back, seized in a fit of astonishment as he did not expect her to

be so resolute.


Although Cayena controlled time, she had no particular combat abilities.

And Yester’s reaction was as good as her ’slowing down’.

«If the landlord comes out, shouldn’t you say hello?» he grinded his teeth
and spit out these words to Cayena who was fully dressed in black. «I have
been tolerating you poking around my streets these days,» said Yester and
reached out his hand to brandish his gun.

’Well, as expected. This cur wouldn’t abide by the rule.’

It did not matter, though. She could just move faster than the bullets he

Cayena rushed forward, slowing down the time flow. The bullet was striked
back with her metal rod and slammed directly into Yester’s waist.


«…A-argh-!» Yester howled like a beast at the awful pain crushing all over
his insides.


His men also drew their guns and aimed at Cayena. But Jedaiah was a bit
more rapid.


Earlier on, Cayena had furnished Jedaiah with a gun as well. Yester was
not the only one who had no intention to adhere to the rule from the onset.

In the midst of that, Yester glared at Cayena with his bloodshot eyes and
raised up his gun.

’He has guts, too.’

Cayena stepped back slightly to avoid the bullet and the next moment
Yester’s arm, which was holding the gun, got struck.

«Ugh…!!» Yester groaned and commenced a shout. «Blow it up!»


There was a deafening noise ringing out from somewhere. It was an

explosion. The mansion seemed to have been installed with explosives all
over it. Since he was the owner of a gunpowder warehouse, she guessed
he might be supplied with such kinds of devices also.

Cayena smirked under her veil.

«Back out!»

The voice, widespread by space magic, resounded loudly.

«How good of you to save me the trouble, Yester,» Cayena spoke to him
with a sneer.

What would she exactly do with the Underworld? The attack on the
mansion was not really about changing the holder of this place. It was to
show the noble’s community that Yester had lost his power. As a result, it
was intended to force Yester to hurry up on succeeding the throne because
he could not stand the nobility that considered him a brute.

«…you!» cried out Yester, whose face was exposed after his fox mask had
been taken off, and glared at Cayena. «You’re doing this knowing who I

«Too loud.»

Cayena had no desire to stay with him anymore, so this time she lifted the
metal rod to break his leg.


Then something caught the rod which she was holding. She turned around
puzzled, but there was no one. Something like black smoke was eroding
down the rod. Before the smoke could reach her hand, Cayena quickly
dropped the rod.


The corroded to rust-dusted item fell helplessly onto the floor.

This was magic.

’Here’s another wizard!’

There was someone exuding a very ominous aura. Oh no, was it just one
person? There might be several. Cayena tried to pause the time, but she
had already overused her powers so dizziness along with sharp tinnitus
began grasping her.

«Dumb bitch!»
Yester took Elixir out of his pocket, drank it, and he was fine again. He
swung his fist at Cayena while bearing bloodshot eyes. But Cayena did not
have time to concern with it.


A man in a cat mask suddenly appeared and clasped Yester’s arm.

Without thinking twice, Yester kicked the disturber. However, the

opponent’s figure disappeared as though a mirage. Only then did he realize
that the man wearing the cat mask was also a wizard.

«Ya wizards, help me! Here’s the one you’re looking for!»

Bael, the man in the cat mask, held lurching Cayena by her waist and
created a shield surrounding them to block the black smoke that shot like
an arrow towards her.


The mansion collapsed quickly. Soon after, three men in black robes
appeared in the midst of the ruins.

The shortest man in the middle was snickering.

«The owner of the Black Garden came all the way here.»

Bayel tried to disappear with coldly sweating Cayena, who had almost lost

«This woman is mine.»

«Cut the bullshit.»

Then the man took off the hood that was covering his face. He had a
creepy appearance filled with madness. But something was bizarre: the
man resembled Bael.

«Weren’t you supposed to stay out of human affairs, hyung?»

«Who’s your hyung?»

«How sad. We’re one and only family to each other.»

Bael gritted his teeth.

«And if not…» the eyes of the wizard resembling Bael suddenly changed
and black smoke exploded from him. «Hand over the Black Garden.»

And then.

«Don’t infuriate me.»


The black smoke blew up and disappeared even before it could get closer
to Bael. Tottering Cayena stood upright, letting out a slight sigh. A cold
sweat rolled down her nape, but her mind returned to a more clear
condition. She looked at the man resembling Bael scorningly.

«All those so-called younger ones are anyway…»

Cayena reached out to him, editing and twisting time and space. She was
about to remove the opponent out of that space. However, her opponent
was one who wouldn’t be easily beaten. He vanished with a scattering
black smoke and appeared in another place.

«Oh, what a delightful ability!» he clapped for Cayena with a jubilant face.
«For real… I wanna make it mine right now!»

«Stop it, Cain!»

Cain, the wizard, commenced forming the black smoke into the shape of a
giant hand, without paying attention when Bael’s anger burst out.


Everything that the smoke touched quickly began corroding and melting. At
that moment, Cayena grabbed Bael and edited the space.

However, they could only get out of the mansion because she had not
recovered fully yet. Strength in her knees loosened.

«Be careful,» Bael hurried to help Cayena, who stumbled.

«…How did you raise your little brother?» she criticized him, breathing

«Your brother is even worse!» said Bael with an outrageous look. «And
he’s not a brother to me anymore!» continued Bael, suffering unfairness.
«Wizards are independent beings!»

Then Cain, who turned the mansion upside down with the black smoke,
came out and spoke to him with a sad look.

«That’s so saddening, hyung. I wanna kill you.»

«Run away while I’m dealing with him,» Bael told Cayena, sighed and white
smoke started billowing around him.

Cayena instinctively felt it would be dangerous to use more of her magic.


She hurriedly moved the space.

Why were those wizards after him? Cayena was questioning herself
inwardly as she frantically moved as much as she could through the space.

And only then she realized that she had no knowledge about the world of
wizards. All she knew was that the wizards were quite isolated beings.
Hence, she assumed she would not get entangled with other wizards
except for Bael. Even in the original novel which she read, there were no
wizards other than him.

’Bael seemed to know why that man named Cain was targeting me.’

Didn’t he tell him to pass over the Black Garden? It seemed to be

something that could be usurped like a throne. And it appeared to be that
Cayena was needed for such a thing, but Cain’s behavior showed no
intention to keep her alive.
’Can he take my powers away?’

In any case, for now, she had to focus on hiding and replenishing her
strength before heading back to her chambers.

The streets were chaotic after Count Zodiac’s mansion was blown up: there
were people running away, raving gangsters, and horses and carriages
riding desperately to get out of the alleys.

Cayena was trying so hard to hide that she looked too suspicious and it
was easy to get her discovered. If only she was in good shape, there would
be nothing to fear, but now she was in a nasty condition.

Both her legs were already shaking and her eyes were flickering. It was
impossible to use magic continuously in this state. She had to stop using
the magic and find a hideout to sit tight in the darkness as much as
possible. All she needed to do was just get there.

«Clear the way! Move!»

Carriages carrying nobles ran mercilessly, regardless of whether there

were people in front of it. One of the carriages popped into the alley where
Cayena hid.

«Get out of my way if you don’t want to die!»

Then several carriages poured into the narrow street all at once. The
horsemen shouted and drove their horses with fierce faces.


Someone clung on Cayena.

«Come this way,» a low voice sank above her head.


The person moved away from the carriages, gently holding Cayena. When
she looked up, a man wearing a black wolf mask was seen.

’Is this the man from the Zodiac’s mansion?’

But she was used to his voice. His height, physique, and even the hand
that embraced her.


When they finally stopped in front of the hideout, Cayena turned to him.

«…how did you know?»

«Madame Medea has been kept an eye on ever since she appeared.»

It was unexpected and strange that he watched gangsters appearing in the

dark alleys and identified them as well. Raphael found the hidden spot of
the building and opened its door as if he was already used to it.

«Come on in.»

She took Raphael by his outstretched hand and went inside with his help.
When they entered the place, hidden from others’ views, he took off his
mask, shaking his head and smoothing his hair.

«How did you know it was me?» she asked him again and Raphael stared
at her black veil.

«It was something that couldn’t be explained without magic,» at his words
Cayena bit her lips.

’How come he knew it was magic?’

Raphael must have been an ordinary human who did not even assume
magic existed in the world. However, how would he know about it, and,
what was more important, how did he know she was a wizard?

No way…

«Were you pretending to be asleep at that time?»

Except for the day Cayena went to visit him, she had no explanation for it.
Raphael did not reply and only put his arms around her veiled face
carefully. Pale moonlight that came through a small window flashed on his
face. He had a painful look on his face.


She was suffocated and her heart commenced pounding violently. This
man knew — he knew that she had traded her life to obtain magical

«…Raphael,» Cayena squeezed her lips and then called him cautiously.

He closed his eyes tightly for some time and slowly opened them anew,
hardening his face.

«May I know how much time you have left?»

’As expected.’

It looked like he was barely holding himself not to burst into tears.

’Bael couldn’t have let this be known.’

He seemed to have researched some materials related to magic. Cayena

hesitated and spoke frankly.

«I sold half of my life,» Cayena spoke to Raphael frankly after a long beat
and squeezed his hand.

Raphael’s eyes flickered. Cayena would rather prefer him to get out of
patience and be angry at her.

«You can be mad at me for not thinking about you and thinking about
leaving you alone…»

«How can I?» Raphael shook his head, drooping his eyelashes down.

He knew better than anybody else why she made that decision.
Raphael had to blame himself if he wanted to resent. Having failed to
protect Mrs. Clarence Elivan, he felt guilty for just delivering her letter to

«My nanny was killed by Rezef. You didn’t do anything wrong,» said she in
a stern voice, realizing that he thought it was his fault. «It’s… it’s only his
and mine issue. And it’s the Emperor’s sin, too.»

Raphael couldn’t think of it that way. He wished he had helped her not to
be so cornered. If only he had acted more daringly earlier…

«It’s almost over,» she said to him, who was about to shed tears. «When
it’s all over, the rest of my time will be yours.»

So he just had to hold on a little more. Just another day. Again, just one
more day. If she won, all her time left to death would be entirely his. That
would be the genuine freedom she longed for.

Her dark-gloved hand stroked Raphael’s cheek. Then Raphael kissed her
through the black veil. That thin cloth hung on between the two overlapped

«I will bring you the victory,» he claimed, lowering his head slightly.

A failure was no longer in their plans.


Rezef was laying down on the sofa and glaring at the ceiling. He had no
motivation. Nothing was pleasant to him. He could not even get swept
away by endless wrath like before. As if his soul had been lost, he was
wasting time staring at nothing with listless eyes.

Preparations for the hunting competition were also burdensome. What to

do there? And, after all, what else to do to avoid getting caught up in some
kind of mess prepared by Yester? Or, perhaps, he would see his sister’s
innocent smile as if she knew nothing…

’You’re pining away, Rezef.’

She might have tenderly stroked his cheeks and looked at him with worried

Rezef lifted his hand and wiped his face. He regretted it. He was so
remorseful of his impulsive and foolish deeds in the past. He should not
have murdered Cayena’s nanny prematurely.

«I should have brought her alive and put to death right in front of her

If it was that way, Rezef could have hugged Cayena who lost all her
reasoning powers and told her to stay calm under his protection.

Rezef lost something he desired the most — a family. The family that only
loved him. A reliable blood alliance formed under that perfect bond, which
could never have been broken.

His sister showed him its sweetness. She did everything for him: gave him
both pleasant concern and affection.

«I didn’t need anything if only I was with Noonim.»

The words, which were supposed to be childish and maudlin, flowed out
coldly and ruthlessly. Yet, Cayena betrayed him. So Rezef wanted to cut off
these family ties and dispose of her immediately, but his lingering mad
attachment had not disappeared yet.

He generously decided to forgive his sister.

«Noonim should kneel in front of me and beg for forgiveness.»

As he was in a stew, Rezef was determined to do so. He could not wait to

clear up such a bothering situation. Preferably right within this hunting

«Jameel,» he called and his secret attendant emerged from the darkness.
«I’ve always had one prey,» continued Rezef, rising from his seat. «Get rid
of the Emperor during the tournament.»

«I obey Your Highness’s orders,» Jameel knelt on his knee.


Count Zodiac was defeated by mysterious Madam Medea. Cayena took

control of the Black Market smoothly, pouring out as much money as she

Jedaiah reformed his forces for their next goal. Their plan was to annex
Heimbel, a city-state, to Kidray Duchy. Owning such a wealthy city by a
duke makes him as powerful as a head of a country.

Cayena elaborated on the fact how the Lord of Heimbel was threatened by
the barbarians in the original story. And based on this, an approximate
schema was made by her.

«If we follow this drawing, will we catch the Lord of Heimbel?» Jedaiah
asked Cayena, memorizing the route of the invasion to the castle of
Heimbel Lord.

«Yes. He’ll enlist a horseman so he can flee to the Duchy of Kidray.»

«That thing is possible if you’ve got money, and still…» Jedaiah spoke to
her anxiously. «What if the Duke suddenly declares independence?»

Enabling the Duke to capture the Lord would overwhelmingly increase the
Kidrays’ power.

As for Cayena, Raphael, who already had a strong trade route, would get a
tool that would not make any trouble with pushing Ethel as the next
successor, but on the other hand it also provided him excessive power. The
Empire could be affected if he declared independence of the Duchy. It did
not matter to Cayena, though.

«Then you should think that it was meant to be this way.»

«Oh, my, that’s really…» Jedaiah nodded, scratching his cheek — he did
not know about the relationship between Cayena and Raphael. «Then I’ll
leave for Heimbel now.»

«What about your brother?» asked Cayena this time.

She meant if he was okay after drinking Elixir.

«Thanks to Your Highness, he’s all healed up,» a light smile appeared on
Jedaiah’s face.

«I’m glad to hear that. The Imperial Palace is vast, so one has to be
resilient to get around.»

No matter how prompt Jedaiah would complete his job, he must leave the
Empire for almost a month. Cayena had been planning to bring his brother
into her palace to protect him.

As Jedaiah stepped out of the bedroom, the cheese-colored cat, that was
hiding secretly in there, appeared. It was only a few days after the scuffle in
the Underworld. There seemed to have been circumstances in which he
could not come to the Imperial Palace.

«Are you done handling your brother?»

«That crazy jerk,» the cat sighed deeply. «He’s aiming for your power and
the Black Garden.»

Bael explained that innate wizards could steal ’black roses’ put on the
contractor wizard’s body.

«In that case, will I die right on the spot?»


«Your brother looked to be colluding with Yester,» Cayena recalled the

situation at that time.

«I told you before that if you stop time, other wizards can feel it, didn’t I?
That’s why — he came feeling the magic aura.»

«That means he hasn’t yet known that I’m the Princess…»

«No worries, I’ll do something about Cain.»

«This is very reassuring,» said Cayena and scratched Bael’s chin as he

approached her.
Bayel tried to get mad at Cayena for scratching an adult’s chin recklessly,
but her hands were so cool that he just frowned and closed his eyes.

«Come to think of it,» Cayena opened her mouth with a weak sigh.
«Raphael found out about me being a wizard.»

«What?» Bael opened his eyes wide, curling his fur up.

«I overlooked that he is a quick-witted person. As soon as he felt it, he

researched about the wizards.»

She frowned slightly, explaining that Raphael had even noticed her lifespan

«A quarrel between a wife and a husband is like cutting water with a

knife,» said Bael tapping on the table with his tail.

These words of consolation meant him caring about her in his own manner.

«We’re not engaged,» Cayena smirked. «Let alone married.»

«Well, whatever.»

A very convincing hypothesis was led later.

«A wizard named Cain will appear in this hunting contest.»

This was a confirmed crisis.

«What are you going to do?»

«Of course I’m going to participate in the tournament.»

There was no greater chance than that to overturn the crisis. Cayena was
determined to clean up the line of the successors at the hunting

«We don’t have much time left,» Cayena murmured and squeezed her
trembling hand. She felt her body being weakened day by day due to the
frequent use of magic.
’Just a little more.’

There was not much time left to reach the throne.


At the sound of knocks, Bael turned invisible again. Soon after, the door
opened and Annie came in.

«Your Highness, we have prepared the carriage.»

«Let’s go.»

That was the day of arrival into the hunting competition’s zone.

’We will start searching the grounds for hunting today, and the noblemen
must have already arrived.’

And it also meant Raphael was there.

‘I don’t know what will happen there, so I should warn him in advance to be


«We’ve arrived.»

The hunting ground was quite large. Cayena was guided to the fine camps
located at the innermost part. The barracks could not be as good as the
chambers of the Imperial Palace, yet they were perfectly prepared for the
royal family’s stay.

Those barracks strangely resembled a battlefield. It was not completely

clear what was going to happen here, but, obviously, an incident of a life-
or-death issue would happen.


Though Cayena called for him just in case, the cat did not appear to be
here at this moment. As she stepped outside, she could see the Kidrays’
barracks not far away. She scoured them by magic.
’Raphael is alone there.’

She had something to tell him before his departure soon, so Cayena
moved to visit his barracks.

«Raphael… oh, gosh.»

Cayena shut her mouth: his torso was completely naked. His beautifully
muscular body always made her admire him.

Raphael followed her gaze when he realized his shirt was taken off.


He did not know whether it would be better to say hello or dress up first.
Even though he understood that Cayena was a wizard, Raphael did not
know that she could suddenly teleport and appear in space. But, first of all,
he should put on his clothes. Even before Raphael could put on his shirt,
he heard a voice at the entrance of the barrack.

«Master, this is Baston. May I come in?»


There was no time to hesitate: Raphael took Cayena to bed and hid her,
covering themselves with the black coverlet. As the two lay down, the
bedding made of feathers got blown up.

Raphael was lying with his back turned towards the entrance and hugging
Cayena tightly. If not present nearer, she would not be seen, being
overshadowed by his body.

Cayena held her breath as he pressed her cheek right against his naked

«Come in,» ordered Raphael, arranging her golden hair that was scattered
over the black sheets under the cover. Cayena’s breath was touching his
flesh ticklishly.

Baston came into the barrack.

«I suppose you’ll have to go to the hunting ground soon.»

Baston’s expression became subtle as he saw Raphael’s long, scarred,

sculptural back.

«Why are you naked?»

«I was about to change into my hunting tunic shirt…»

«…then why are you lying in bed?»

Raphael thought for a moment.

«…I was resting for a while.»

Baston’s master had been quite peculiar these days.

«Shall I help you?»

«There’s no need,» said Raphael, still not turning his head towards Baston.

He boldly stroked Cayena’s hair.

’What if we get discovered…’

Of course, if it was only Baston, even if they were found out, it would only
stop at a slightly embarrassing level. Still, wouldn’t the Princess’ image get
stained by an utter disgrace? It was not a very good sight since they were
not even engaged.

’I should’ve moved space.’

Embarrassed by the sudden situation, she lay in bed without even thinking
of teleporting to her barracks.

«I’ll get ready and go out later, so go and prepare yourself first.»

«Yes, master.»

No matter how much Baston thought his lord behaved a little strange, he
went out first. As his presence was no more felt, the silence sank.
«He’s gone.»

She relaxed at his words and then the black blanket, which had been
covering her head, slid down. Raphael smiled and kissed her forehead
when Cayena, who was entirely embraced by his arms, was revealed.

«I was surprised when you suddenly showed up.»

Cayena got off his chest and sat in a more comfortable position. As his
arms tightened around her waist and their eyes met, her heart calmed

«You’re going out to hunt soon.»

«Are you rooting for me?»

«I didn’t know you’ve been so active in such contests.»

«I can bring the best prey for Your Highness.»

Cayena kissed his lips with a proud look on her face. Raphael’s eyes grew
for a moment and then lowered gently.

«I’m here to tell you in advance that you need to be careful,» Cayena
spoke to him, gently stroking his cheeks, firm jaw and statuesque neck.

«You mean the Grand Duke Heinrich.»

«That’s right.»

«I’ve brought plenty of weapons and other stuff which I haven’t informed
the government about.»

Cayena laughed when he proudly declared that he had committed a crime.

«You speak so boldly in front of the Princess.»

At that moment Raphael rose up and leaned over Cayena, locking her in
his arms.

«Are you going to arrest me?»

«I’d like to lock you up in my room.»

Raphael exhaled ’mmmh’ and frowned. The expression on his face was
quite dissolute.

«Are you seducing me?» she wondered.

Raphael held Cayena’s hand, which was wandering his body, and kissed
her palm.

«Your Highness the Princess.»

This action caused a tingling sensation of tension blooming within the

whole body. The feeling of accepting him seemed to rekindle inside.
Raphael lowered his head, putting their lips together and her eyes closed.
A heated breathing erupted between their interlocked lips.

«…It’s hard to endure.»

Despite his warning, Cayena licked her teeth and bit his shoulder. Raphael
sighed briefly, glancing at the entrance to the barrack.

’Two hours should be fine.’

What a pity, but he could be satisfied only this way.


The holder of the Underworld had now changed.

This fact seemed to be irrelevant to the noble community. However,

everyone gossiped, saying that the time of Count Zodiac was over. Only a
few nobles were aware of his true identity. Which specific one was the
woman who dared to splash cold water on the Grand Duke? People began
to watch Madam Medea, who had brought down Count Zodiac.

Yeaster has already suffered a heavy blow from Madam Medea, thus, even
if he tried to take the control on the Underworld away, that would be of no
help. It was difficult to recover from such loss for the time being, unless he
occupied the throne.
Yester lost what could be called his key force, The Nighttown.

Yet, in the current situation the scales were tipping away from Rezef. While
both Rezef and Yester were entirely weakened, Cayena was the one
pressing hard on their heels.

«Oh, Grand Duke, have you arrived already?»

As Yester arrived at the hunting camp, he began greeting the people with a

«I’m a little late because I had to get my new hunting gear packed up.»

«Oh, I see…» the other party smiled somewhat oddly in reply.

’This petty brute…’

Yester’s forehead twitched slightly, and the intensity of his sight changed.

«Oh, I’ll have to change into a hunting shirt.»

The nobleman felt something eerie and got away quickly.

As soon as Yester entered his barrack, he went on a rampage that was

holded back so far.

«You still haven’t found that goddamn wench!»

«Forgive me, Grand Duke.»

«Huh… How dare those inferior things look down on me like on a brute?»

He got a headache and immediately poured brandy into his glass to

swallow it in one breath.

«This hunt is my opportunity. Is everything set?»

«Don’t worry about it. No matter how far the paladins search around here,
they won’t find any vestiges of the beast.»

«What about the javelins?»

«It was piled up next to the barracks.»

At these words, a fishy smile came to Yester’s lips. The javelins were just a
cover to distract attention. In fact, it was filled up with gunpowder.

«Now all I need to do is to find Medea and tear her apart.»

Thanks to Elixir, his wounded body was healed to an intact condition.

However, Elixir could not erase the pain from his memory.

Since the day of the clash, Madam Medea had not appeared in the dark
alleys. Yester was frantically putting money into the search for her identity.
But, no matter what he did, no matter how much money he spent, he could
not discover her.

’Madam Medea… Who the hell are you?’

Even the money which she was investing into the Underworld right now,
there were only a few people who had such wealth. Moreover, wasn’t she
protected by the wizard in the cat mask who had appeared out of thin air?

There was a possibility that the black-robed wizards were looking for that
man. Unfortunately, the wizards had corroded all the surroundings and he
could not hear their conversation because he had to run away.

«You must be the first to find out who the wizards are after. There’s a high
probability he will be at the hunting camp today.»

«I’ll scour everywhere.»

As the wizard’s collision began, Yester sensed that if he stayed there — he

would die. His ’animal instinct’ had always kept him alive in any case of
crisis, and this time, as well, Yester survived.

«As long as Princess Cayena is enraptured, everything will go well,» he

clicked his tongue and muttered. «What kind of useless nonsense are you
doing these days?»

Her growing popularity among the Imperial people was not so good for him.
Just in case if Cayena, powerful enough to become the Empress, got drunk
on her forces, it could turn out too hard to control her.
«Both the princess and that insane madam, why are they being so

Madam Medea acted superciliously as if she was fine with him finding out
about her true colors. It could mean either she was indeed mad or
someone who did not have to care about it.

’Are you Duke Kidray’s person?’

If she was not from one of the three great families of the Empire, the only
family remaining was royal…

Yester paused.

«…the royal family?»

A somehow strange premonition ran through his flesh. It was just when he
was about to dwell on this thought.

«Um, Grand Duke,» a voice calling him cautiously was heard outside the

«What’s going on?»

«A guest has arrived.»

’A guest?’

While he was wondering, the entrance of the tent was opened and Yester
faced an unexpected person. A handsome blond with sky-colored eyes
grinned. The Duke’s eyebrows wrinkled up.

«…I greet Your Highness Crown Prince,» he welcomed Rezef courteously.

«I came to say hello before entering the woods,» Rezef replied to him with
a smile befitting his beautiful face. «I hope you don’t mind, do you?»

It wasn’t even funny. When was the last time they exchanged greetings
chatting genially?
«Oh, no, siree,» Yester waved his hands, not even blushing. «It’s very
significant to have such a friendly time between fair rivals.»

The personalities of these two did not match, except for the race for the
throne. The winning side had to cut the opponent’s neck. Hence there was
no single time when they stayed alone like this. It would be a big trouble if
one was poisoned by tea while another was sitting side by side.

So, they sat face to face before the start of the hunt. Yester’s aide brewed
them tea. Of course the two did not even say a word.

’The prince is not a person who will come all the way to the barracks just to
say hello.’

«Actually, it was unexpected,» said Yester, staring at him sluggishly. «Your

Highness was looking for me…»

Rezef was only 18 years old. But his cunningness and brutality were
beyond common sense. Even Yester was extremely restrained from
bumping into him head-on.

That mad prince was the type to handle things faithfully following his own
feelings without weighing up everything. It was not like him: acting after
finishing the profit and loss calculation.

There was a silver teacup and a silver teaspoon in front of Rezef, who was
wondering whether it was really made of silver. He put sugar in the tea and
stirred it with the spoon. There was no change in the cutlery.

«I have a suggestion.»


Rezef had a reason to come to Yester today.

«I propose a temporary alliance to the Grand Duke.»

Yester, who was trying to pretend to drink tea at ease, paused.

«…If it’s about a temporary alliance, what is it for?»

«Noonim showed her will to the throne.»


The porcelain teacup was smashed by Yester and the tea that was inside
of it soaked his hands and colored the table.

’Cayena, the Princess, expressed her will to the throne?’

«Oh, I’m sorry. I was so startled that I couldn’t control my power.»

If so, did it mean that all her actions so far had been to become the

«Do you want to form the alliance to prevent the birth of the new
successor?» asked Yester.

«I intend to depose noonim.»


He was out of his mind.

Yeaster swallowed the words that were on the tip of his tongue. As
expected, this prince was not sane. Anyhow… he loved the idea.

«How can you depose Her Highness the Crown Princess?»


Rezef was fiddling his silver spoon that still had not changed its color. The
import of this was not lost on Yester.

’He’s going to poison the Emperor and frame her.’

It would be a great plan if they succeed. But what if it failed? It felt like he
was about to burst out laughing.

’The Princess drove him completely insane.’

Poor Prince. He was paying all his attention to the wrong things, not
knowing what disaster he was about to suffer. Yester recently received
some very amusing news. It was that the Crown Prince was the son of the
Empress Sun and Leo, once the Duke of Kidray.

’Now he’s not Leo Kidray, but Viscount Leo Allen.’

By the way, it was the black-robed wizards who informed him.

This good news deserved to be widely known and so Yester contacted Leo
immediately, telling him about his son from the Empress Sun.

«I heard the unfortunate news about what had happened to the Grand
Duke,» Rezef spoke to Yester, who was already enjoying the feeling of
victory, with a deadpan face.

«…What do you mean?»

«It seems like my sister is disappearing somewhere every night,»

continued Rezef.

Cayena had been setting up a bunch of guards in the Imperial Palace every
night, using the knight who entered her bedroom as an excuse. Then she
was making sure no one entered her chambers.

Rezef doubted everything: that the man named Jedaiah entered the Palace
on the recommendation of Xenon Evans, that he did something
unacceptable, and that his sister killed him.

Rezef knew his sister better than anyone else. Cayena was never the one
to kill a human. She didn’t even kill that Henburton Gillian, did she?

«Did you know that the black market was passed to noonim?»

Yester’s head suddenly commenced throbbing. What the hell was this all
about? He could not collect his thoughts, his jaw stiffened and his hair

«This is what I’ve figured out.»

Then, the time to lead their horse into the woods came and Rezef stood up.
«So think about it carefully.»

After Rezef left the tent, Yester shook his head and looked at the ceiling of
the barracks.

«The Princess…»

His confused thoughts gradually began to sort out.

A woman with enormous wealth. And the cold voice by which she
indifferently murmured something towards him. An eldritch personality that
reminded him of someone.

«Ha, ha-ha….»

A despondent smile leaked out from his squeezed lips. He covered his
eyes with his big hands and smirked nervously. It was pathetic that he did
not notice it until now. Yester giggled and gritted his molars.

’Ah, why didn’t I understand?’

Actually, Madam Medea was Princess Cayena! He wanted to run out of the
camp immediately, grab her beautiful golden hair, and grind her pretty face
on the dirt.

’How dare you fool me?’

An uncontrollable anger engulfed Yester to the extent of mind-boggling.

The princess. It was surely the Princess.

Of course, it did not make sense for Prince Rezef to reveal his plan that
could put him at disadvantage. He offered an alliance, knowing that Yester
would inevitably be furious. What an act of the human’s guile!


This plan was a perfect hit: Yester was going crazy with the desire to kill
the Princess right now.

«I’m gonna kill them all.»

His golden eyes glistened murderously.


When the heat in the barracks had subsided somewhat, Cayena raised
herself on the bed. Raphael also lifted his upper body and hugged her from

«At this rate, the hunt will begin.»

«It doesn’t matter.»

Originally, there was nothing interesting in the competition itself. Cayena

leaned comfortably against him and rested for a while before standing up.
Her dress and accessories strewn across the floor were returned to their
original state at Cayena’s will. She renewed her condition to how she was
when she had just arrived here. Though her body was clean, the
accumulated fatigue did not disappear. It felt like she had to drink Elixir.

’Am I supposed to drink Elixir every time we do this?’

It was very hard to handle Raphael’s excessive stamina. He was

completely obsessed with Cayena, saying they were running out of time. At
this rate, it might become even shorter for some absurd reasons.

«What kind of ability do you have?» asked Raphael, watching the dress
and accessories being put back on their own.

«It’s the magic of time and space control.»

Raphael uttered something resembling either an exclamation or a sigh. He

already knew Cayena could do teleportation. But he could not believe she
controlled time and space. Wasn’t it under the sphere of God’s power?

«Oh, and here…» Cayena opened her hand and then something wrapped
in a silk handkerchief fell onto her palm. «It’s a handkerchief for a lover who
goes hunting. And what’s inside is called Elixir…»

«Isn’t it an impeccable cure for death?» asked Raphael, frowning at the

word ‘Elixir’.
He read about it in the book. It was said one could die from excessive
bleeding while creating Elixir, but she made this anyway.

«…You learned about magic well,» said Cayena and kissed Raphael on
the cheek, handing him the bottle and the handkerchief. «I’m afraid
Yester’s going to pretend to be crazy and open fire when you’ll be in the
hunting ground. Make sure you drink it if you are in danger.»

«…Yes, Your Highness.»

When it was time to leave, Baston approached the entrance again.

«Master, are you sleeping?» he asked, thinking that Raphael was taking a
nap as he did not come out for a long time.

«Take care,» she whispered to Raphael, he nodded and kissed her.

Cayena moved space and returned to her barrack.

Chapter 130
*** Read THIS Chapter at website Only ***
By the time Raphael led his horse out, the participants, who had already
been split up into groups, were ready to leave. He headed towards the
group with a red flag, it was the team which he belonged to.

«I greet Your Highness the Prince,» he greeted politely as a familiar man


There was Rezef in this hunting party as well. The participants of the
contest were sorted into certain arrays and each of them had to go to the
different grounds. Though Yester was in another group, Rezef was in the
same one with Raphael.

«Today’s hunt is going to be quite intense!» chuckled a nobleman in the

same group.
The red flag team with a total of six men headed for their designated
ground. They entered the woods, but, even though they passed through a
certain distance, no prey except for some red squirrels that appeared once
in a while, was seen.

«Somehow I can see no pheasant,» someone grumbled.

’It’s too quiet.’

Something here felt weird. Raphael looked around. There were not any
signs of small beasts roaming around. However, there were other ones.

’There are large footprints all over the place, and the traces of claws are
large too… That must be a cat family mammal.’

It did not seem to be just one either. It was natural to notice the
disappearance of the small animals as an effect of a predator’s attack.

Raphael checked the faces of those who were teamed up with him.
Unfortunately, with the exception of Rezef, they were not individuals who
could be called strong.

’That’s a trap.’

Usually the meaning of such a plan was clear: to give it all to The One.
Obviously, either Raphael or Rezef would have taken the best quarry
among the group.

But it was different now. Currently they were not the most appropriate force
especially while confronting a dangerous situation like this, — assessed
Raphael. Was this what Yester was up to? It was a bit trivial for such a
thing. Knowing the danger, the best choice would be to get out of the
woods and not go any further.

«There’s no prey here, so we’d better change the location. Let’s go out.»

Raphael’s words were disapproved by those except Rezef.

«Then why don’t we go in a little bit further? If you go back without a

quarry, it’ll be assumed as vamping up an excuse.»
«There are trails of massive carnivores over here. They seem to hunt small
animals and this is the reason why it’s so quiet.»

«Really? It can’t be…»

«You’re making weird excuses, Duke,» Rezef, who had silently listened to
the conversation so far, commenced speaking.

«What do you mean?» replied Raphael making eye contact with him.

«There can’t be predators in this hunting ground, can there? Moreover,

we’ve got enough weapons. Or are there any other reasons to go back?»

There were some who wanted to return to the camp, feeling very uneasy
because none other than Raphael said it. However, it was impossible to
ignore the Prince, thus they had to find a moderate compromise.

«…Uh, then shall we move a little bit further?»

Afterwards, a strange silence fell between them. Or more precisely it

should be called tension. Just as Raphael said, predators could pop out
and tear them apart! Professional hunters must have chosen these hunting
grounds, judging that it would not be dangerous therefore how come that

Contrary to the laxity they had shown earlier, they began to be vigilant
about their surroundings.

«…It actually seems there’s no prey around at this point-,» noticed one of
them after glancing around.


An eerie squeal was heard not too far away.


Their eyes turned to the place where the scream came from.

«…It must be from a different team,» another man struggled to open his
There should not have been such an animal in these hunting grounds to
make one scream this way. There should not have been…

The men’s jaws began to tremble one by one.

«Is-isn’t there… something wrong? Right?»

«…Let’s go back!»

Grrr-! This time a low cry of the beast erupted.


Someone, being scared, fired into the air.



The one who just shot seemed to have lost his reason. He had the
expression of someone who had intuited his death. The man quickly swung
his reins and mounted toward the exit of the woods. Soon, however, the
bushes shuddered and that human’s shout accompanied with the horse’s
cry were heard.

«…I’m sure there’s already a beast in that direction, so let’s take a detour,»
told Raphael.

Rezef frowned at the unexpected situation taking place. What kind of a

beast of prey could be at these grounds? He was the one to choose the
hunting spot. Certainly, according to Mrs.Dottie’s recommendations…

’Yester’s spy.’

Rezef gritted his teeth. Although he decided to form an alliance, he did not
trust him. Yet he did not expect him to commit such a troublesome crazy

Rezef, who had just been pondering in thoughts, stared with startled eyes:
Raphael fired at somewhere with a hunting rifle. In the direction pointed by
the gun, there was a leopard lying on the ground, neatly shot in its head.

«Oh, His Grace is the Duke after all! Now we’re all fine…»

Grrr! At that time the leopard, which was just shot right in the head,
wriggled. Everyone looked at it with dazed eyes. What must have died was
now raising itself up.

Raphael fired a few more shots. However, the beast did not fall. When the
animal lifted its eyelids, something like a purple fog was flickering where
the eyes should have been.

«Oh, the Devil!»

In addition, not only this beast, but also others were slowly creeping to this
place one after another.

’Is it magic?’

If so, then there was no way to overcome it with the power of ordinary

«Everyone, run away!» cried out Raphael.


Bang! Bang-bang!

Gunfire was heard from the hunting grounds and the ladies, who were
drinking tea, chuckled.

«There must be quite a lot of prey as so many shots can already be


It was peaceful here. The band played music and the nobles were enjoying
a leisurely tea time by taking out snacks from picnic baskets. Cayena was
getting along with those around there plausibly but as the gunshots started
erupting too frequently she had a foreboding.
’…Should I check it out for a second by space moving?’

She abruptly slipped out of her seat. Cayena was going to use magic inside
the barracks to avoid other’s eyes just in case.

Upon entering the barracks, an intruder was found. Cain, the wizard,

«It was you?»

Cain’s figure dissipated in the black smoke and suddenly appeared in front
of Cayena.

«I didn’t even expect it to be the Princess.»

«Why don’t you watch your behavior if you know that?»

She expected Cain to show up at the competition, but she did not expect
him to appear right now. She was not afraid, though.

Cain tilted his head slightly watching Cayena’s calm expression. Who was
this woman? When all of a sudden a new wizard appeared and the flow of
time was stopped, Cain shuddered. He could not forget the exhilarating
sense of time-space’s repelling. He wanted to find the one who improved
this ability and then devour her right away.

’And she is the Princess of the Empire.’

Cain considered the woman in front of him curious and amusing. She was
pretty good to entertain with before he started dealing in earnest.

As his dark brown eyes stared at Cayena, she managed to store mana to
use for moving the space in case things went bad. There were too many
people here to fight openly.

«Don’t overexert yourself. I’m here with a good offer.»

«An offer?»

«You know?» Cain continued his words with a smile as if he really was
harmless. «There’s a way to get the magic rose back.»
«…What are you talking about?»

«If the magic of time and space was received, a great part of one’s life was
traded, right? To the extent of one’s death the next day.»

«…….» Cayena did not bother to answer, yet Cain smiled with a look of
knowing everything anyway.

«I don’t know what purpose you would have made such a deal for, but what
are you going to do once you achieve what you want? It’s too in vain — to
just die,» Cain’s voice was low and insidious, his sweet whisper felt as
though the temptation of the devil. «And yet… Did you know that if I inherit
the Magic Garden and nullify your contract, the lifespan you traded will
come back?»

She did not know. It was the first time Cayena heard it.

«Certainly, that will take a toll on most of the Black Garden’s flowers: they
will wither. But I don’t intend to live in hiding like my brother. That amount of
lifespan can be revived with another new deal.»

It was undoubtedly an interesting offer. Just achieve your goal and get your
life back.

«So, I mean if you cooperate with me to seize the garden, I will be able to
help you get back to your normal life anew.»

Cayena had obtained magical powers just for revenge, only for those she
wanted to protect. But was there a way to live a full life after all this came to
an end? She could not help but be tempted.

«What if you don’t keep the deal?»

Cain spread his palm as if he knew his words would cause such
suspicions. A black quill pen popped out in the air and began writing
imperial language letters while sprinkling with a golden hue.

If the content of the magic contract is not complied with, the contract will be
enforced in obedience to the laws of the world, and the wizard who violates
the contract will die.

«Any proof that this contract is true?»

«I wish hyung could tell you whether that’s true,» said Cain, turning his
head to Cayena’s question.

Cayena also turned her head sideways. It was unknown whether he was
here before, but Bael stood silently in his human form.

«That’s a true wizard contract,» confirmed Bael. «As described, there is no

such an assumption that this contract may be violated, as this contract is
made up according to the world’s rules .»

«Did you hear that?» Cain giggled.

Unquestionably, he offered Cayena the best option to choose from. His

brother could not make the same offer as he himself. Bael had already
been the owner of the Black Garden for many years, and he had never
taken back the magic he had sold. Although he seemed to be warm-
hearted, he was an innate wizard — cold-blooded man who moved only
according to reason.

Cain, on the other hand, was a greedy wizard which could be considered
pretty humanly. He had no doubt that Cayena would immediately sign the
contract with that black quill pen. Humans are all the same. Whether it was
of the highest or the lowest rank, the result was always the same: they
pursued the maximum profit they could make.

«Why are you just watching?» wondered Cayena and Bael paused. «If you
discovered this ridiculous scene with a contract, you have to turn things
upside down by using your glorified magic powers, but what are you

Bael’s eyes grew as big as a lantern when Cayena announced her point of
view. In fact, Bael, as much as Cain, had no doubt that Cayena would sign
the contract right away. There was no reason to refuse, was there? In fact,
a motive behind why he did not stop Cain existed. He wanted to check
something out: to observe what kind of choice a human being, who, for the
first time in a long while, was worthy to be called his ’friend’ due to the
strange bond that had been established between them, would make.

«I don’t deal with untrustworthy people,» Cayena smashed the pen floating
in front of her and threw it away. «Especially if it’s a disobedient little

«What a half-witted, foolish human being…!» Cain’s expression began to

distort grimly at her words. He could not believe she dared to ignore his
suggestion. «After all, I’ve got no choice but to kill you and conquer the
rose, right?» he had a dig at her folly and then Cain summoned a black
spiny whip.

Whoosh! Cayena moved the space before the whip could touch her body.

Sparkle! The view had changed. It was quite far from the place where the
barracks were lined up. Right next to it was a forest with hunting grounds.

«Bael!» she called for Bael in the void just in case, but there was no
response. It seemed that Bael had not yet arrived where she was.


As the hunting grounds that the noblemen entered got closer, the loud
report of guns became clearer. An eerie noise, which sounded like a
scream, echoed.


Cayena looked at the forest with a strange foreboding.


Although it was the growl of a beast, the sound she had never heard
before, Cayena could be sure. It was a large-built predator. She slowly
stepped back.

’There is no way a predator is over here, can there?’

She had a guess that Yester would play some tricks during the contest. But
a beast? What’s the point of all these painstaking acts?

«Was he targeting Rezef…?»

’The Prince, killed by a beast of prey in the chaotic hunting ground…’

It was not a bad scenario, but it was not the view Cayena wanted either.
Her younger brother should not die this way. He had to lose something that
he desperately desired and somehow was convinced that he would have
had it. It must be done by no one other than Cayena herself.

Grrah! The black figure swayed in the woods. Cayena, who found the beast
running in her direction, reached out and magically condensed time and
space, then expanded it, causing a small explosion.

Cra-ash! The black beast that was caught in the explosion, let out a sharp
cry and flew backwards. However, it quickly lifted itself up.


She clearly calculated an instantaneous explosion of such an intensity that

would have killed him instantly. But the fallen beast, barely alive, was
squealing, but stood up normally?

Graa-ah! It was running at an incredible speed. Cayena first moved the

space away from the black creature. Only then, out of the woods, did she
properly check it out.

«This is…»

The beast was no longer in its proper form. Even though its whole body
was in a state of disarray, it ran as fast as possible. It was like a monster.

Ba-ang-! The monster running toward Cayena collapsed as the gunfire


«Your Highness.»

It was Raphael. Cayena paused as she tried to call his name. Holding a
rifle, he was in rags and his blood was dripping as if he had already been
beaten by a monster several times. Cayena ran to him with a hardened

«You didn’t drink Elixir?»

«It’s fine. It only looks like that at first glance…» he tried to explain but soon
closed his mouth, seeing Cayena’s unusual look.

«You don’t have to spare it. We still have a long way to go.»

«I see.»

Raphael smiled softly at Cayena’s concern and took out the Elixir and
drank it, being half in doubt. Shortly after, his body came back to normal.

«What about the others?»

«Everyone is scattered. His Highness the Prince Rezef also parted ways
on the way.»

«Are there any more monsters like this?» Cayena frowned and asked
another question.

«Of course,» but the answer did not come from Raphael. «Your Highness
the Princess.»

Cayena looked back.

«Do you like the monsters I’ve raised?» Yester smiled grotesquely, pointing
his gun at them and two men in black robes appeared behind him.

Those were the wizards led by Cain. It seemed that he had completely
colluded with Yester and they were determined to sweep today’s hunting
competition away.

’He’s being even more daring as he received a thing he’s certain of.’

Cayena pulled Raphael behind her. She was going to take him and flee
from here. Yester seemed sure that he was already in an ultimate winner’s
position. The wizards will cooperate with him, and those ordinary ones
would be crushed in the blink of an eye.
«I didn’t expect that madwoman, Medea, to be the Princess.»

One of Raphael’s eyebrows rose sharply at the expression of ’that


’This asshole…’

Raphael was about to shoot Yester right away, but Cayena grabbed him by
the arm.

Yester only knew that Cayena was Medea, but he did not see her casting
magic personally. That was why he, not knowing her being a wizard,
behaved as he pleased.

«Did I hit where it was itchy?»

Yester’s expression suddenly changed when he was being provoked

lightly. As he widened his eyes sharply, Cayena smiled, teasing him. She
looked as if asking whether he wanted her to hit him again.

«You seem to have no idea what’s going on, Your Highness.»

He glanced at the wizards standing beside him with a mean smile.

Cayena’s gaze likewise reached the two wizards. Cain could turn into the
black smoke and exert a force around him. When the smoke touched
something, it melted or corroded as if it was sulfuric acid. They might be
able to use such high-level attack magic, too.

«Where is the Cat Mask wizard who helped Her Highness back then? You
should at least cry for help.»

Raphael’s eyes narrowed. The Cat Mask wizard somehow seemed to be

the owner of the Black Garden. Cayena smirked while Raphael was

«Well, there’s no response.»

Cayena physicalized her surroundings, encircling a shield. Yester opened

his eyes wide and looked in disbelief at the shimmering transparent
membrane that was created around there. Wasn’t it magic!
«…You were a wizard as well?»

It was not enough that Cayena was Madam Medea, but she also was a

‘Then, is it the Princess that the wizards were looking for?’

It was very troublesome. He thought it would be a win-win game, and so he

acted totally malevolent to her, but he did not know his opponent was a

‘If I can’t handle the Princess here, I’m done.’

Yester pulled a small flute from his bosom and blew hard..


Soon, monsters started popping out of the forest one by one. Obviously,
the fervour was over. It was possible to escape by moving through space,
but clearly the nobles encamped in the barracks would die helplessly.

Then there was the sound of an explosion from the barracks. Ba-ang! An

ominous smoke was rising.

«Looks like the firecrackers I prepared for you are starting to set off,»
Yester giggled.

His plan was to set fire to the gunpowder he had filled the shells with that
looked like javelins and destroy the surrounding area. As soon as he
finished speaking, a second terrifying explosion was heard. Cayena
opened her mouth with a cold hard look.

«There must be nobles there who support you, right?»

«The sacrifice in a great clause is always necessary, Your Highness.»

«There will never be a crown on your head.»

At Cayena’s words a fire flashed in Yester’s eyes.

«If I survive here, I will be crowned!»

Yester shot relentlessly to break the barrier that protected Cayena.
Raphael realized that it was possible to attack from the inside of the shield
and fired as well.

’Isn’t the wizard of the Black Garden helping you?’

Raphael felt helpless for the first time in his life. Among the transcendent
beings, he was just a powerless human being.

At that moment, an unprecedented eerie black energy was felt.

Wham! In an instant on Cayena’s shield a thread-like fissure appeared.

«A hunting contest is a pretty fun thing, isn’t it?»

Cain emerged in the black smoke and Raphael frowned. It was because his
appearance resembled Bayel a lot.

«…what’s with your brother?» Cayena asked with a sigh.

«Oh, hyung is trying to fix the explosion over there. He’s doing some stupid
crap to help you,» Cain shook his head. «It would have been nice if you
had signed the contract with me earlier. Then there wouldn’t have been a
mess like this.»

Cayena was on high alert against Cain, who among the other monsters
rushed frantically to break through her barrier. He swept a black smoke at
Cayena and it was corroding everything around, as if it did not matter to
Cain whether the monsters were hurt or not.

Kya-a! The monsters began to melt here and there with terrible


Cayena continued to keep the wizards in check by exploding time and

space, but this had its limits. The damage she made was ridiculously low
compared to theirs. Her magic wasn’t combat type in the first place. Cain’s
abilities were too mighty. Cayena wanted to release more powerful magic,
but she already felt the limits of her body.

She might lose her mind if she overdid it here. Cayena bit her lips tight. The
shield began to crack like a spider web.
’Raphael also needs to escape.’

It was when Cayena decided so.

«The jokes end here.»

Cain shot an incomparable level of black mana right head-on. Cra-ash! The
shield was broken. Cayena moved through the space with Raphael, but
they could not run away because of her strength.

Raphael realized that Cayena had reached her limit. Wouldn’t Cayena be
able to escape if he bought her a little more time? Without hesitation, he
blocked Cayena’s body with his and repulsed Cain’s attack.

Cayena’s eyes grew bigger. Berserk magic was trying to rip Raphael to
pieces. His face was contorted with pain, drops of blood were gushing out,
a black fog was engulfing him. She hugged him as he collapsed and let out
a shout.


Pop, pop, pop…

The black fog stopped. Raphael’s body also stopped corroding. Cain felt
his body splitting apart as he forced himself to move against the stronger
resistance of time and space than it had ever been.

Wasn’t she really insanely talented? It was a magic that was strong enough
to place such restrictions on him, who no one else could deal with except
for Bael.

Cayena moved alone in it. She removed the black energy from Raphael
and spilled Elixir around his mouth. Her hands were shaking with
nervousness. It was terrible. She was mad and felt it in a completely
different way than when she had been murdered.

Fortunately, the wounds disappeared and his complexion began to return

to normal. But the fact that Raphael was attacked was not erased.
The time was back again. The ground cracked and a series of explosions
were heard. Amid the chaos of sharp screams and the corpses of monsters
being thrown to the floor, Cayena alone was holding Raphael in her arms.

«Why…» she murmured in a crumbling voice. Yet no one could hear it

because of the noise around her.

Cain knew she was too exhausted to stop time anymore. He put a mean
smile on his lips. This was an already won game. Now, he would be able to
extort that woman’s rose. It was when he thought so.


Everything went flat down.


Cain knelt down on the floor without understanding the situation.

Something seemed to have caught him. He was not the only one to have
fallen. Dozens of barracks all collapsed onto the cracked ground. The pink
petals that were fluttering in the air were stuck down as if they weighed a
thousand pounds. The weight of the world had changed. Cayena had
greatly increased the gravity of this area.


Yester had no magical ability to protect himself. Thus, he squatted on the

floor and emptied his stomach.

He forcibly turned his head and saw the Princess, who was sitting on the
ground and hugging Raphael. She was so fine in this mess. Except for the
eyes that seemed crazy.

Except for the place where Cayena and Raphael were, everything was
crushed by high gravity. He got goosebumps all over his body. Was that
the real face of the Princess? Such a wicked woman was hiding behind a
mask, pretending to be relaxed with a gentle smile. No, it was the face of
the ruler. She really seemed like the master of the world, dominating
«Cayena,» Bael, who came hurriedly after solving the urgent situation,
broke through her strong repulsion and called her. «Stop it!»

This was not a human ability. In other words, it was dangerous for Cayena
to use it.

In fact, Cain was in ecstasy. Indeed, that woman must have been crazy.
How could she manifest such powers! Was she really just a human being?

«Ha-ha-ha!» Feeling like his body was about to explode, he burst out into
madness. «Excellent, excellent!»

And he grabbed the wizards nearby.


The wizards trembled throughout their bodies, and gradually their bodies
corroded — they were absorbed by Cain.


He let out a long breath. Now he felt a little better off. Cain took a step
closer to slumped Cayena, who was sitting on the floor and making the
world sink down. All he had to do was to put his hand on her back. Then
the magic of time and space could have been absorbed.

But as Cain was approaching Cayena, his skin began to crack again.


He quickly stepped back while blood was forming on his hands staining
them completely red.

«Are you having fun, Cain?» It was a soft, kind voice.

Cain raised his head. Just as he thought in the barracks, she was a hell of
a beautiful woman.

«You thought,» Cayena asked Cain with a picturesque smile worthy of her
beautiful face. «You could get your hands on anything you wanted?»
«What do you…»

«Why do all men think the same way?»

Cain shut his mouth — he felt something unusual in that peaceful voice and
attitude that did not match this situation at all.

«Stealing, killing, controlling…» Cayena murmured regretfully.

Her hand reached to fainted Raphael. From his cheek to his body, she
gently swept it down. At the touch, time was turned back and the messy
attire looked fine again.

Cayena’s eyes turned to Cain as Raphael became clean.

«Are you still standing in front of me?» As soon as the words were said,
Cain got stuck into the ground.


What was this? He had just absorbed the powers of the two wizards, so
how come…?

As Cayena made a long breath, the gravity, which weighed down the whole
area, returned. Instead, all her powers were concentrated on Cain. She
manipulated the space so that Cain would prostrate courteously.


With his eyes wide open, Cain strengthened, surrounding his body with
mana. He somehow managed to overcome this domination and try to get
his body up, but it was being crushed. The man’s vein threads commenced
bursting through his body.

«You-…you cheeky bitch…!»

Slap! An intangible energy hit Cain’s cheeks fiercely.

«Watch your mouth,» her lips burst straight away. Cayena was rebuking
him with a tone as though disciplining him. «How dare you think you’re
gonna get away with this?»
«Dare?» bawled out Cain full of anger.

Cayena chuckled. Murderous mood was reflected in the horrifying laughter.

«You’re shooting off your mouth.»

Cain’s body twisted as if bound.

«How dare…»


Bael’s skin was tingling and almost a little numb by the fact that Cain could
be beaten so unilaterally. Cain was ranked as the number one target for
execution by wizards. But the scale of his power was so huge that no one
could hasten to punish him. Even Bael did not have the courage to face
Cain face to face. Cayena, however, treated Cain as if playing a joke. It
was a creepy talent.

«Bael,» Cayena caled Bael. «May I myself take care of Cain?»

«…there’s such a thing as a trial among wizards, too. Cain is already a

subject to execution.»

«I’m glad since he’s a fine ’fair game’.»

Cayena handed Cain, who was completely crumpled to death, over to Bael
and the man sighed, seeing Cain fainted.

«…Don’t use magic for a while. It was too much for today.»

Cayena smiled briefly at his words.

Soon, Bael disappeared with Cain. Cayena felt her vision blurring and
drank Elixir. Before she knew it, Elixir had gotten to the bottom. She
thought she had a lot left, but it was drunk every time she used magic, and
it seemed to shrink quickly.

She sat down and closed her eyes gently. Immediately after using a
tremendous amount of power, all her senses were awakened acutely. A
large Paladin unit was approaching here.
Cayena distorted her forehead and tears, that welled up around her eyes,
began to roll down.

«There’s a person over there!»

Raphael’s appearance was neat, but Cayena was a total mess. She was
not cleaning herself on purpose.

Soon the Paladins, who had expanded their search radius to the hunting
grounds, rode horses to the site of Cayena’s being. They found Her
Highness sitting on the floor while hugging someone who had fainted.
Everyone had an astonished expression on their face.

«Her Highness the Princess!»

It wasn’t just that. Yester was laying down with a gun on the ground,
surrounded by terrifying beasts around. The Paladins were very perplexed.
Shivering, Cayena spoke to them with a faint voice.

«The Grand Duke controlled the monster with a flute. Strangers started a
fight over here, and then Duke Kidray was struck down by a blunt weapon
and swooned!»

The Paladins’ expressions hardened at these words.

«The explosion near the barracks is also Yester’s fault. We’ll have to catch
him right now and get to the bottom of it!»

«Yes, Your Highness!»

The divine trial mercilessly punished an opponent much more strictly than
the nobility trial.

No one questioned why Cayena was near the hunting ground in such a
terrible situation. They just thought that they should somehow protect the
Princess, who was sadly shedding tears in this scary place.

Cayena soon climbed into the carriage under the protection of the Paladins.
The wagon set off for the Capital.

«Did Rezef escape…?»

The tears stopped imperceptibly.

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