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Administration of Police Organization Definition of Terms

Area - a section or territorial division of a large city each composed of designated districts.

Beat - an area designated for patrol purposes whether on foot or motorized.

Bureau - largest organic unit within a large department.

Commanding Officer- an officer who is in command of the department, a bureau, a division, an area, or a district.

Department Rules - rules established by department directors\superiors to control the conduct of the members of the police force.

District - a geographical subdivision of a city for patrol purposes usually with its own station.

Division - a primary subdivision of a bureau.

Duty Manual - describes the procedures and defines the duties of officers assigned to specified post or position.

Formal Organization - is defined as those organizations that are formally established for explicit purpose of achieving certain goals.

Functional Organization - The functional responsibility of each functional manager is limited to the particular activity over which he has control, regardless of who
performs the function.

Henry Allen - a captain, first chief of the constabulary.

Informal Organization - are those sharing the basic characteristic of all organizations arise through the social interactions of individuals or through family grouping.

Leave of Absence- period, which an officer is excused from active duty by any valid reason, approved by higher authority.

Length of Service- the period of time that has elapsed since the oath of office was administered.Previous active services may be included or added.

Line Organization -  is the simplest and the oldest types of organization where responsibility extends in a direct line from top to bottom within the structures and authority
is definite and absolute.

line and staff organization is a combination of the line and functional types.

Off Duty - the nature of which the police officer is free from specific routine duty.

On Duty - the period when an officer is actively engaged in the performance of his duty.

Order – an instruction given by a ranking officer to a subordinate.

Organization - It is a form of human association for the attainment of goal or objective.

patrol officer - is the backbone of the police department.

PD 765 - created the PC-INP.

Police - is a branch of the criminal justice system that has the specific responsibility of maintaining law and order and combating crime within the society.

Police organization - is a group of trained personnel in the field of public safety administration engaged in the achievement of goals and objectives that promotes the
maintenance of crimes.

Post - a fixed point or location to which an officer is assigned for duty, such as a designated desk or office or an intersection or cross walk from traffic duty.It is a spot
location for general guard duty.

Ranking Officer- the officer who has the senior rank in a team or group.

RA 4864 - established Napolcom.Known as police act of 1966.

Rafael Crame - first filipini chief of the constabulary.

Report - usually a written communication unless otherwise specifies to be verbal reports; verbalreports should be confirmed by written communication.

Route - (line beat) a length of street designated for patrol purposes. 

Section - functional units within a division.

Sector - an area containing two or more beat, route, or post.

Sick leave - period which an officer is excused from active duty by reason of illness or injury.
Special Duty - the police service, its nature, which requires that the officer be excused from the performance of his active regular duty.

Superior Officer- one having supervisory responsibilities, either temporarily or permanently, over officers of lower rank.

Suspension - a consequence of an act which temporarily deprives an officer from the privilege of performing his duties as result of violating directives or other department

Sworn Officers - all personnel of the police department who have taken oath and who posses the power to arrest.

Unit - functional group within a section; or the smallest functional group within an organization.

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