Cadette Badge Explorer

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My Award and Badge Explorer


Learn about the many ways animals help humans.

1. Explore the connection between humans and animals

2. Find out how animals help keep people safe
3. Know how animals help people emotionally
4. Check out how animals help people with disabilities
5. Look at how animals might help us in the future

When you've earned this badge, you'll know how animals help humans and how to help
Animal Helpers them keep it up.

This badge comes in a packet that includes the Night Owl, Animal Helpers, Field Day,
Cadette (Grades 6-8)
Entrepreneur, and Netiquette badges.

Find out about archery, an exciting sport that takes strength, focus, good form, and

1. Get to know archery equipment

2. Learn about archery safety
3. Practice archery before you go on a range
4. Shoot on an archery range
5. Create an archery challenge

Archery When you've earned this badge, you'll know how to take aim outdoors with your archery
Cadette (Grades 6-8)

Gain the skills that will help you become the best babysitter you can be.

1. Get to know how kids develop

2. Prepare for challenges
3. Focus on play
4. Find potential employers
5. Practice your babysitting skills

When you've earned this badge, you'll be prepared to babysit and will have tried out your
Babysitter skills on the job.

This badge comes in a packet that includes the Book Artist, Woodworker, Special Agent,
Cadette (Grades 6-8)
Trailblazing, and Babysitter badges.
Life Skills
Relationships GET THIS BADGE

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My Award and Badge Explorer

Learn book artristry.

1. Explore the art of bookbinding

2. Get familiar with the insides of a book
3. Try out book artist techniques
4. Focus on function
5. Focus on style

When you've earned this badge, you'll know how to make different kinds of books.
Book Artist
This badge comes in a packet that includes the Book Artist, Woodworker, Special Agent,
Cadette (Grades 6-8)
Trailblazing, and Babysitter badges.

Look at your values, explore your money habits, and practice being a good budget

1. Find out how your budget reflects your values

2. Learn how to track your spending
3. Find ways to earn money for you or your troop
4. Explore how to make money decisions
5. Set a goal for how you'll give back
Budget Manager
When you've earned this badge, you'll be able to make informed money decisions that
Cadette (Grades 6-8) reflect your values and know how to track your spending.
Financial Literacy
Entrepreneurship GET THIS BADGE

Become a business creator and learn the skills you need for success in life, no matter
what future path you choose.

1. Come up with an idea that solves a problem

2. Design a prototype and get feedback
3. Revise your prototype
4. Create your business plan
5. Make your pitch

Business Creator When you've earned this badge, you will have learned to think like an entrepreneur when
you come up with a business idea that solves a problem, design a prototype, solicit
Cadette (Grades 6-8) feedback, improve your idea, then create a business plan and pitch it.


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My Award and Badge Explorer

Find out how to deal with minor injuries and illnesses and how to tell when the problem
is more serious.

1. Understand how to care for younger children

2. Know how to use everything in a first-aid kit
3. Find out how to prevent serious outdoor injuries
4. Know the signs of shock and know how to treat it
5. Learn to prevent and treat injuries due to weather

Cadette First Aid When you've earned this badge, you'll know how to take care of people in an emergency,
including younger children in your care.
Cadette (Grades 6-8)

Learn about Girl Scout traditions and share activities and spirit that are a century strong.

1. Lead a group in song

2. Celebrate Girl Scout Week
3. Share sisterhood through the Girl Scout Law
4. Leave a camp better than you found it
5. Enjoy Girl Scout traditions!

Cadette Girl Scout When you've earned this badge, you'll know how to use Girl Scout ways and traditions to
Way make the world a better place.

Cadette (Grades 6-8) GET THIS BADGE

Life Skills

Explore careers that make a difference. Then, map out how you'll help others and change
the world!

1. Explore how you want to make a difference

2. Discover your career possibilities
3. Learn about the day-to-day
4. Brainstorm your next steps
5. Map your career path

Cadette STEM Career When you've earned this badge, you'll know about STEM careers and how you can make
the world a better place.

Cadette (Grades 6-8) GET THIS BADGE


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My Award and Badge Explorer

Choose your adventure: Go on a skiing/snowboarding trip, or have an outdoor climbing


1. Choose your outdoor adventure

2. Plan and prepare
3. Gather your gear
4. Set a goal and train for your adventure
5. Go on your outdoor adventure

Cadette Snow or When you've earned this badge, you'll have planned, learned the skills, and experienced a
Climbing Adventure snowboarding or ski trip or an outdoor climbing adventure.

Cadette (Grades 6-8) GET THIS BADGE


Choose your adventure: Go on a long-distance trail run, or take a hiking challenge.

1. Choose your outdoor adventure

2. Plan and prepare
3. Gather your gear
4. Set a goal and train for your adventure
5. Go on your outdoor adventure

When you've earned this badge, you'll have planned and learned the skills to do a long-
Cadette Trail distance trail run or take three separate challenging trail hikes.
Cadette (Grades 6-8)

Find out how to write a computer program and create a meme with a positive message.

1. Learn about functions and arguments

2. Explore how memes are created
3. Write pseudocode for a meme
4. Write shareable code
5. Share your meme

Coding for Good 1: When you've earned this badge, you'll know the basics of computer coding and how to
Coding Basics create a meme that can have an impact on other people, your community, and the
Cadette (Grades 6-8)

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My Award and Badge Explorer

Explore how programmers design video games that make positive changes in the world.

1. Create an avatar
2. Learn how to use arrays to create images
3. Write an array to create an icon
4. Develop a game scenario
5. Play your game

Coding for Good 2: When you've earned this badge, you'll know how video games are developed, how
Digital Game Design images are stored and displayed on screens, and how to use elements from Javascript
to create game characters.
Cadette (Grades 6-8)

Collect and visualize personal data to design a protype for an app that will help to build a
healthy habit.

1. Learn about data collection and visualization

2. Write an array to store personal data
3. Create a personal data collection plan
4. Learn how to correlate data
5. Develop a prototype for a habit tracking app

Coding for Good 3: When you've earned this badge, you'll know how to use elements from JavaScript to
App Development create your own idea for a habit tracking app.

Cadette (Grades 6-8) GET THIS BADGE


Find out more about the world of comic art and then tell your own visual story.

1. Delve into the world of comics

2. Choose a story to tell
3. Draw it out
4. Frame it in four panels
5. Add the words

When you've earned this badge, you'll know how to create your own comic.
Comic Artist
Cadette (Grades 6-8)
Life Skills

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My Award and Badge Explorer

Take the lead-getting support from your family-as you earn this award while running your
Girl Scout Cookie® business.

1. Hit those benchmarks

2. Choose your path
3. Learn about financial planning
4. Grow your network
5. Thank your customers

Cookie Entrepreneur

Cadette (Grades 6-8)


Take the lead-getting support from your family-as you earn this award while running your
Girl Scout Cookie® business.

1. Hit those benchmarks

2. Choose your path
3. Learn about financial planning
4. Grow your network
5. Thank your customers

Cookie Entrepreneur

Cadette (Grades 6-8)


Take the lead-getting support from your family-as you earn this award while running your
Girl Scout Cookie® business.

1. Hit those benchmarks

2. Choose your path
3. Learn about financial planning
4. Grow your network
5. Thank your customers

Cookie Entrepreneur

Cadette (Grades 6-8)


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My Award and Badge Explorer

Create bolder and bigger goals for your cookie business and find unique ways to connect
with your customers.

1. Master your cookie business

2. Choose a big idea, set goals, and build a budget
3. Decide how to meet your big goals
4. Explore ethics in your cookie business
5. Sell your big dream to others

When you've earned this badge, you will know how to set bigger goals for your cookie
Cookie Innovator business and come up with ways to reach them.

Cadette (Grades 6-8)


Explore your customers' experience to help you reach more people and expand your

1. Know your product and resources

2. Set goals and a budget
3. Explore the Girl Scout Cookie brand
4. Develop your marketing plan
5. Create your marketing campaign

When you've earned this badge, you will know how to use market research to grow your
Cookie Market cookie business and connect with customers.

Cadette (Grades 6-8)


Explore different hacking techniques and how to protect yourself with basic
cybersecurity precautions.

1. Crack a code
2. Hack a password
3. Explore two-factor authentication
4. Launch a Man-in-the-Middle attack
5. Explore social engineering

Cybersecurity 1: When you've earned this badge, you'll know how (and why it's important!) to protect
Basics yourself with strong passwords, secure encryption, and caution when clicking on links.

Cadette (Grades 6-8)


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My Award and Badge Explorer

Find out why it's important to keep your personal information private online and how you
can keep your data secure.

1. Guard your identity

2. Create a profile based on your interests
3. Learn about metadata
4. Shop for apps in a life-sized app store
5. Inventory your digital presence

Cybersecurity 2: When you've earned this badge, you'll know about your digital footprint and how others
Safeguards can use data from your footprint to target you with both legitimate ads and social
engineering scams.
Cadette (Grades 6-8)

Solve a series of fictional cyber crimes using what you know about cybersecurity.

1. Find clues in text messages

2. Identify phishing emails
3. Learn how hackers use social media
4. Analyze log files
5. Protect your identity from hackers

When you've earned this badge, you'll know about the potential vulnerabilities and risks
Cybersecurity 3: in personal digital communications (emails, text messages, and social media) and how
Investigator you can protect your identity.

Cadette (Grades 6-8) GET THIS BADGE


If you want to make a difference, start by fully understanding how your government
works. Informed citizens are change makers!

1. Find out about local government

2. Find out about state government
3. Find out about the federal legislative branch
4. Find out about the federal executive branch
5. Find out about the federal judicial branch

When you've earned this badge, you will have learned new things about your
Democracy for government-how each branch works, how they work together, and how each piece
Cadettes makes a difference in society.

Cadette (Grades 6-8)

Life Skills

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My Award and Badge Explorer

Explore the digital world and how you can use technology to inspire and guide others.

1. Discover your digital landscape

2. Investigate the digital world
3. Design a digital commmunity
4. Create content for change
5. Share your process

When you've earned this badge, you will know how technology can be used to make a
Digital Leadership difference.
You'll know how to make the internet a better place for yourself and others.
Cadette (Grades 6-8)

Try your hand at movie making.

1. Learn digital video basics

2. Film. Then film some more...
3. Pick the perfect subject
4. Action!
5. Edit and premiere your movie

When you've earned this badge, you'll know how to create a digital movie.
Digital Movie Maker
This badge comes in a packet that includes the Digital Movie Maker, Eating for You, Public
Speaker, Science of Happiness, and Screenwriter badges.
Cadette (Grades 6-8)

Find out how eating well can help you both inside and out.

1. Know how good nutrition helps your body stay healthy

2. Find out how what you eat affects your skin
3. Explore how your diet affects your stress level
4. Investigate how the food you eat affects your sleep
5. Look at how your diet affects your energy

When you've earned this badge, you'll know how to eat your way to a healthy mood,
Eating for You mind, and body.

This badge comes in a packet that includes the Digital Movie Maker, Eating for You, Public
Cadette (Grades 6-8)
Speaker, Science of Happiness, and Screenwriter badges.

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My Award and Badge Explorer

Plan and take an outdoor trek-with minimal environmental impact.

1. Learn how to make minimal impact on a trek

2. Plan an eco trek with a purpose
3. Practice an eco skill while on your trek
4. Make a difference on your eco trek
5. Make a difference after your eco trek

When you've earned this badge, you'll have learned the skills for minimizing your impact
Eco Trekker on the environment while planning and taking an outdoor trek.

Cadette (Grades 6-8) GET THIS BADGE


Find out what it takes to turn a great idea into a successful business.

1. Brainstorm business ideas

2. Improve one idea
3. Get into the financial side of things
4. Imagine creating a business
5. Practice sharing your business ideas

When you've earned this badge, you'll know how to think like an entrepreneur.
This badge comes in a packet that includes the Night Owl, Animal Helpers, Field Day,
Entrepreneur, and Netiquette badges.
Cadette (Grades 6-8)
Entrepreneurship GET THIS BADGE

From friends playing in the park to countries competing against one another at the
Olympics, games unite us all. And Girl Scouts have been inventing their own games since
1912! In this badge, you'll experience this firsthand, by organizing teams and events for an
exciting, do-it-yourself field day.

1. Team up and dress up

2. Host a historical game
3. Play a scientific game
4. Find fun in fiction
Field Day 5. Stage your grand finale! More Details →

Cadette (Grades 6-8) When I've earned this badge, I'll know how to organize a field day filled with friends and
Health fun.
Life Skills

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My Award and Badge Explorer

Find out how people in democratic governments make trade-offs, giving up some things
they favor to gain support for others.

1. Get to know someone different from you

2. Make decisions in a group
3. Explore civil debate
4. Understand a compromise
5. Find common ground through mediation

Finding Common When you've earned this badge, you'll know strategies for bringing people together to
Ground find common ground.

Cadette (Grades 6-8) GET THIS BADGE

Life Skills

Find out how to make good sportsmanship a habit in games and in life.

1. Create your own definition of sportsmanship

2. Be a good competitor
3. Be a good teammate
4. Psych yourself up
5. Put your definition of good sportsmanship into action

When you've earned this badge, you'll know how you define sportsmanship and will have
Good Sportsmanship put your definition into action.

Cadette (Grades 6-8) GET THIS BADGE

Life Skills

In this Journey, you will:

1. Find out about the air we breathe by visiting a wind farm, talking to an environmental
scientist, or doing experiments using wind.
2. Plan a Take Action project to fix an air problem in your community. You could plant
an indoor garden, campaign against smoking, or push for clean-air initiatives in your
community. More Details →

Journey: Breathe

Cadette (Grades 6-8) Learn more about how to earn your Take Action Award - and help your community - with
STEM the Girl Scout Take Action Guide. Then use your leadership skills to earn your
Journey Silver Award, the highest award for Girl Scout Cadettes!
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My Award and Badge Explorer

In this Journey, you will:

1. Explore media and find out how to reshape negative media messages into more
positive ones-invite a TV show producer to talk about what influences her work,
organize a movie night and discuss the film's messages, or write a rap song or TV
2. Plan a Take Action Project that encourages positive messages in media-rewrite a
song that has hurtful lyrics about women, create a blog that reviews how movies and
TV shows depict girls, or start a Twitter campaign responding to stereotypes you see
Journey: MEdia in the media. More Details →

Cadette (Grades 6-8)

Life Skills

In this Journey, you will:

1. Deepen your outdoor skills when you earn your Night Owl, Trailblazing, and Primitive
Camper badges.
2. Plan a Take Action project that helps make your favorite park, beach, or forest a
better place for everyone. More Details →

Journey: Outdoor Learn more about how to earn your Take Action Award - and help your community - with
(Cadette) the Girl Scout Take Action Guide. Then use your leadership skills to earn your Silver
Award, the highest award for Girl Scout Cadettes!
Cadette (Grades 6-8)

In this Journey, you will:

1. Find out how citizen scientists make observations, collect data, and help scientists
conduct scientific research.
2. Do 3 citizen science activities: make observations about your environment, create a
community field guide, and a SciStarter project. More Details →

If you're a Girl Scout volunteer, go to Volunteer Toolkit for complete meeting plans and
Journey: Think Like a activity instructions.
Citizen Scientist Learn more about how to earn your Take Action Award - and help your community - with
the Girl Scout Take Action Guide. Then use your leadership skills to earn your Silver and
Cadette (Grades 6-8)
Gold Awards!

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My Award and Badge Explorer

In this Journey, you will:

1. Find out how programmers use computational thinking to solve problems

2. Do 3 computational thinking activities: categorize various objects as "Computer" or
"Not a Computer" to explore the four tasks that define a computer, create a card-
sorting algorithm to learn about processing, and design technology that willl best
meet a user's needs using user-centered design. More Details →

Journey: Think Like a

Learn more about how to earn your Take Action Award - and help your community - with
Cadette (Grades 6-8) the Girl Scout Take Action Guide. Then use your leadership skills to earn
STEM your Silver Award, the highest award for Girl Scout Cadettes!

In this Journey, you will:

1. Find out how engineers use design thinking to solve problems.

2. Do 3 design thinking activities: design and build prototypes of a life vest for a dog, a
model camp cabin inspired by nature, and a prosthetic leg for an elephant.
3. Plan a Take Action project that helps others.

Learn more about how to earn your Take Action Award - and help your community - with
the Girl Scout Take Action Guide. Then use your leadership skills to earn
your Silver Award, the highest award for Girl Scout Cadettes!
Journey: Think Like
an Engineer
Get This Journey
Cadette (Grades 6-8)

In this Journey, you will:

1. Find out how to develop true friendships, navigate cliques, and move beyond
stereotypes, with the ultimate goal of peace in your interpersonal relationships.

2. Plan a Take Action Project that shares your new friendship-building skills.
3. Earn 3 leadership awards: Interact, Diplomat, and Peacemaker. If you're a Girl Scout
volunteer, go to Volunteer Toolkit for complete meeting plans and activity
Journey: aMAZE!
Learn more about how to earn your Take Action Award - and help your community - with
Cadette (Grades 6-8) the Girl Scout Take Action Guide. Then use your leadership skills to earn your Silver
Life Skills Award, the highest award for Girl Scout Cadettes!
Get This Journey

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My Award and Badge Explorer

Learn to expand your knowledge of your business resources and customers

and create a business plan that will guide you to your most successful cookie season

1. Get prepared for your cookie business

2.Set goals and a budget
3. Create a mission statement
4. Plan to reach your customers
5. Write a team business plan
My Cookie Venture When you've earned this badge, you will know how to create a business plan for your
cookie business.
Cadette (Grades 6-8)

Create a budget to support your 25-year-old self.

1. Explore your earning power

2. Analyze where you'll live
3. Imagine your day-to-day life
4. Make a plan to give back
5. Add up your future

My Dream Budget When I've earned this badge, you'll be able to create a budget for your future life.

Cadette (Grades 6-8)

Financial Literacy

Develop positive habits that help you reach your goals and protect your finances.

1. Explore ways to exchange money

2. Find out what influences spending
3. Manage your spending habits
4. Learn investing basics
5. Investigate how to be a safe and savvy shopper

My Money Habits When you've earned this badge, you'll learn what it means to invest, manage your
spending habits, and make smart money decisions.
Cadette (Grades 6-8)
Financial Literacy

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My Award and Badge Explorer

Our digital world makes it easy to stay in touch and share friendships, memories, and
ideas. But we've all heard embarrassing stories in which people wish they'd never hit the
"send" button. Once you've put it out there, it never goes away. But you can use that to
your benefit, too. This badge is all about knowing how to make positive choices in the
online world.

1. Explore "oops!" and "wow!" moments

2. Dig into stories of "ouch" -- and repair some hurt if necessary
3. Look at e-mail, commenting, or blogging
Netiquette 4. Decide what makes a great social media profile
5. Spread better practices More Details →
Cadette (Grades 6-8)

Cook up four dishes from across time and distance, and find out where your taste buds
want to travel.

1. Make a dish from another country

2. Create a dish from another region of the United States
3. Whip up a dish from another time period
4. Cook a dish that makes a statement
5. Share your dishes on a culinary "tour"!

New Cuisines When you've earned this badge, you'll be able to make amazing dishes from all over the
world and way back in time.
Cadette (Grades 6-8)
Life Skills

Grow your imagination and expand what you know about the night.

1. Take a field trip to explore the night

2. Tour your world after dark
3. Meet people who work night hours
4. Explore nature at night
5. Host an Extreme Nighttime Party

When you've earned this badge, you'll have uncovered the mysteries of the world after
Night Owl dark.

This badge comes in a packet that includes the Night Owl, Animal Helpers, Field Day,
Cadette (Grades 6-8)
Entrepreneur, and Netiquette badges.

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My Award and Badge Explorer

Find out how to observe and collect things outdoors that will drive your art and creativity.

1. Explore art outdoors

2. Make something!
3. Get to know-and create-sounds of nature
4. Be a nature photographer
5. Design with nature.

Outdoor Art When you've earned this badge, you'll have been inspired outdoors and created nature-
Apprentice themed art.

Cadette (Grades 6-8) GET THIS BADGE


Learn to tackle outdoor activities without the comforts of home.

1. Plan a primitive camping trip

2. Prepare your gear
3. Make a camp meal
4. Learn a new primitive camping skill
5. Go camping

When you've earned this badge, you'll have planned and gone on a primitive camping trip
Primitive Camper with a group of Girl Scouts or family members.

Cadette (Grades 6-8) GET THIS BADGE


Work on your stage presence and develop your onstage skills.

1. Get a feel for performing solo

2. Focus on body language
3. Find your voice
4. Choose or create a piece to perform
5. Get onstage!

When you've earned this badge, you'll have found your inner performer and be unafraid
Public Speaker to speak up.

This badge comes in a packet that includes the Digital Movie Maker, Eating for You, Public
Cadette (Grades 6-8)
Speaker, Science of Happiness, and Screenwriter badges.
Life Skills

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My Award and Badge Explorer

Build a prototype of a new kind of robot that could help someone to overcome a daily
obstacle. Decide on a challenge, brainstorm solutions, plan, build a prototype, and test it
to see how well it meets the challenge.

1. Pick a challenge
2. Explore possible solutions
3. Plan your prototype
4. Build a prototype
5. Get feedback on your robot
Robotics 1: Designing
Robots When you've earned this badge, you'll know how to design a robot and build a prototype.

Cadette (Grades 6-8)


To help you understand how robots work, learn about the parts that make up a robot.
Get started with electronics by making a simple sensor, something robots use to
function without human operators. Then practice coding robots using important
programming concepts like functions and loops.

1. Learn about robots

2. Build a robot part: simple sensors
3. Make a box model robot with sensors
4. Learn about programming
Robotics 2: 5. Write a program for a robot
Programming Robots
When you've earned this badge, you'll understand how robots work and how to control
Cadette (Grades 6-8) them.

After engineers build a working version of their robots, they release them to the public.
They may enter them into challenges and competitions or market them through a
website or crowd-funding campaign. Now that you've built your robot, share your design
with others and explore a future in robotics.

1. Learn about robotics events and organizations

2. Create a presentation about your robot
3. Present your robot pitch to others for feedback
4. Find out about robotics opportunities for teens
Robotics 3: 5. See robot makers and robots in action
Showcasing Robots
When you've earned this badge, you'll know how to share your robot designs with the
Cadette (Grades 6-8) world.

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My Award and Badge Explorer

Find out how scientists measure happiness and put their results into action.

1. Make yourself happier

2. Think differently for happiness
3. Get happy through others
4. Do a helpful happiness experiment
5. Create a happiness action plan

When you've earned this badge, you'll know how to use the science of happiness to
Science of make your world the happiest place it can be.
Happiness This badge comes in a packet that includes the Digital Movie Maker, Eating for You, Public
Cadette (Grades 6-8)
Speaker, Science of Happiness, and Screenwriter badges
Relationships GET THIS BADGE

Try your hand at writing for the big (or small) screen.

1. Decide what makes a good script good

2. Come up with an idea for a story
3. Get to know your characters
4. Build the plot
5. Write a 12-page script-and share it!

When you've earned this badge, you'll know how to create a screenplay for a show or
Screenwriter movie.

This badge comes in a packet that includes the Digital Movie Maker, Eating for You, Public
Cadette (Grades 6-8)
Speaker, Science of Happiness, and Screenwriter badges.

The highest award you can earn as a Girl Scout Cadette.

By working as an individual or part of a small group, identify the root cause of a
community issue and complete a project that addresses it.

1. Go on a Cadette Journey
2. Identify issues you care about
3. Build your Girl Scout Silver Award team or decide to go solo
4. Explore your community
5. Pick your Take Action project
Silver Award 6. Develop your project
7. Make a plan and put it into motion
Cadette (Grades 6-8) 8. Reflect, share your story, and celebrate
Highest Awards When you go for the Silver Award, you will know how to use your knowledge and
leadership skills to make a difference in the world.

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My Award and Badge Explorer

Observe and explore light, deepening your understanding of the Sun, stars, and other
objects in space.

1. What more can you see?

2. Explore "invisible" light
3. See the stars in a new way
4. Expand your vision
5. Conserve the night sky

Space Science When you've earned this badge, you'll understand more about the amazing properties of
Researcher light and how you use it to make discoveries about the Universe and space science.

Cadette (Grades 6-8)


Use your investigative mind to take on the many roles of a special agent: detective,
scientist, psychologist, enforcer of the law.

1. Investigate investigation
2. Reveal reality
3. Try the science
4. Key in to body language
5. Practice the art of detection

Special Agent When you've earned this badge, you'll know secrets from the worlds of forensic science
and criminal psychology.
Cadette (Grades 6-8)
This badge comes in a packet that includes the Book Artist, Woodworker, Special Agent,
Trailblazing, and Babysitter badges.
Life Skills

Gain new outdoor skills when you stay at least one night at a backwoods or primitive

1. Start planning your adventure

2. Get your body and your teamwork skills ready
3. Create your menu
4. Gain some trailblazing know-how
5. Head out on the trail

Trailblazing When you've earned this badge, you'll know how to take a safe and fun overnight
backpacking trip.
Cadette (Grades 6-8)
This badge comes in a packet that includes the Book Artist, Woodworker, Special Agent,
Trailblazing, and Babysitter badges.


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My Award and Badge Explorer

Find out all about trees: from the shade to the science, the fruit to the forest, and the
legends to the lumber.

1. Try some tree fun

2. Dig into the amazing science of trees
3. Make a creative project starring trees
4. Explore the connection between people and trees
5. Help trees thrive

Trees When you've earned this badge, you'll have gone to the root of what trees are all about-
and branched out as a naturalist.
Cadette (Grades 6-8)

Find out how to use wood to make stylish, useful things for yourself and others.

1. Swing a hammer
2. Keep it level
3. Use a screwdriver
4. Saw some wood
5. Build something yourself

When you've earned this badge, you'll know how to use some basic tools to make simple
Woodworker woodworking projects.

This badge comes in a packet that includes the Book Artist, Woodworker, Special Agent,
Cadette (Grades 6-8)
Trailblazing, and Babysitter badges.

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