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Estimation of Compressive Load Bearing Capacity of

Helical Piles Using Torque Method and Induced Settlements


Muhammad Umair Shabbir Khan






(Civil Engineering)



September 2016

© Muhammad Khan, 2016

The undersigned certify that they have read, and recommend to the College of Graduate
Studies for acceptance, a thesis entitled:

Estimation of Compressive Load Bearing Capacity of Helical Piles Using Torque Method
and Induced Settlements

Submitted by Muhammad Khan in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the

degree of Master of Applied Science .

Dr. Sumi Siddiqua, Faculty of Applied Science/School of Engineering

Supervisor, Assistant Professor (please print name and faculty/school above the line)

Dr. Shahria Alam, Faculty of Applied Science/School of Engineering

Supervisory Committee Member, Associate Professor (please print name and faculty/school in the line above)

Dr. Zheng Liu, Faculty of Applied Science/School of Engineering

Supervisory Committee Member, Associate Professor (please print name and faculty/school in the line above)

Dr. Liwei Wang, Faculty of Applied Science/School of Engineering

University Examiner, Assistant Professor (please print name and faculty/school in the line above)

August 26, 2016

(Date Submitted to Grad Studies)

Helical piles are deep foundations that have a helix at the end. The traditional approaches to

determine the load capacity such as loading tests and in situ tests (i.e. SPT, CPT and LCPC) are

not economically feasible for the small scaled constructions, for which helical piles are generally

recommended. In order to estimate the ultimate load that helical piles can carry, torque method

is thus mostly used. Torque method does not account for the possible settlements induced at

calculated loads. Settlement induced is the main load capacity governing factor for deep

foundations, as they are considered failed when a settlement more than the permissible amount is

attained. The possibility that the piles might fail well before the calculated load is achieved

because of excessive settlements make the results of torque method dubious. This research

attempts to investigate the torque method for the settlements and for its precision. For this

purpose, seven RS2875.203 helical piles were installed and their ultimate compressive loads are

calculated using the torque method. On seventh pile, static axial compression test was conducted.

The settlements at torque method’s ultimate loads are determined from the load movement curve

of compression test. Results underscore that the settlements at torque method’s ultimate and

allowable loads are within the permissible amount. The load movement curve of compression

test is interpreted using different failure criteria to calculate the failure load. Results show that

10% failure criterion is the most suitable criterion to interpret the load movement curve of

RS2875.203 helical piles. Additionally, different bearing equations are used to compute the

ultimate compressive loads of helical piles. Result suggest that the loads calculated using torque

method and bearing equations correlate well with each other.


This thesis is the original work done by the author under the supervision of Dr. Sumi Siddiqua. A

research article comprising of this research has been submitted in scientific journal:

 The contents of this research has been submitted to a journal: “Estimation of

Compressive Load of Helical Piles Using Torque Method and Induced Settlements”.

Table of contents

Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... ii

Preface ........................................................................................................................................... iii

Table of contents .......................................................................................................................... iv

List of tables.................................................................................................................................. ix

List of figures ................................................................................................................................. x

List of abbreviation and notations............................................................................................. xii

Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................... xiv

Chapter 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 4

1.2 Test program .................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 2 Literature review .................................................................................................... 6

2.1 Failure modes for helical piles ......................................................................................... 7

2.1.1 Individual plate bearing model ................................................................................. 7

2.1.2 Cylindrical shear plane bearing model ..................................................................... 8

2.2 Design of helical piles .................................................................................................... 10

2.2.1 Direct methods ........................................................................................................ 10

2.2.2 Indirect method ....................................................................................................... 12

2.3 Torque method ............................................................................................................... 13

2.4 Bearing equations ........................................................................................................... 16

2.4.1 Load bearing equation for shallow foundations...................................................... 18

2.4.2 Load bearing equations for deep foundations ......................................................... 21 Bearing factors for pile foundations ................................................................ 22 Meyerhof method ............................................................................................ 24 Vesic (1977) method ....................................................................................... 26 Load bearing equation for helical piles ........................................................... 27

2.5 Pile load tests.................................................................................................................. 30

Chapter 3 Installation of helical piles and site investigation ............................................... 32

3.1 Configuration and material properties of helical piles ................................................... 32

3.2 Soil investigation ............................................................................................................ 37

3.2.1 Soil classification .................................................................................................... 37

3.2.2 Direct shear test....................................................................................................... 39

3.2.3 Water contents of soil ............................................................................................. 41

3.2.4 Unit weight of soil .................................................................................................. 42

3.2.5 Maximum dry unit weight and optimum moisture content .................................... 42

Chapter 4 Static axial compression test ................................................................................ 44

4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 44

4.2 Types of static axial compression test ............................................................................ 45

4.3 Components and requirements of loading assembly ...................................................... 47

4.4 Interpretation of static axial compression test ................................................................ 49

4.4.1 Davisson offset limit load criterion......................................................................... 50

4.4.2 10%, 8% and 5% failure criterions ......................................................................... 51

4.4.3 L1-L2 failure criterion ............................................................................................ 53

4.4.4 Chin failure criterion ............................................................................................... 56

4.4.5 Brinch-Hansen 80% and 90% failure criterions ..................................................... 57

4.4.6 De Beer failure criterion ......................................................................................... 58

4.4.7 Decourt’s extrapolation criterion ............................................................................ 59

4.5 Static axial compression test on test pile........................................................................ 59

4.5.1 Test assembly .......................................................................................................... 59

4.5.2 Hydraulic jack and calibration ................................................................................ 62

4.5.3 Static axial compression test ................................................................................... 64

4.6 Interpretation of test pile load movement curve............................................................. 68

4.6.1 Davisson offset limit load ....................................................................................... 68

4.6.2 10%, 8% and 5% failure loads ................................................................................ 70

4.6.3 L1-L2 failure load ................................................................................................... 72

4.6.4 Chin failure load ..................................................................................................... 74

4.6.5 Brinch Hansen failure loads .................................................................................... 75

4.6.6 De Beer failure load ................................................................................................ 76

4.6.7 Decourt’s failure load ............................................................................................. 78

Chapter 5 Estimation of ultimate loads from torque method and bearing equations ...... 80

5.1 Ultimate loads estimated from the torque method and the corresponding settlements .. 81

5.2 Torque method and compression test interpretation criterions ...................................... 86

5.3 Estimation of ultimate loads using bearing equations .................................................... 90

5.4 Torque method and bearing equations ........................................................................... 92

5.5 Numerical modelling of RS2875.203............................................................................. 96

Chapter 6 Conclusions .......................................................................................................... 100

References .................................................................................................................................. 103

List of tables

Table 1:Bearing capacity factors for piles .................................................................................... 22

Table 2:Settlements at ultimate and allowable loads corresponding to the torque

averaged over last 2.5ft..................................................................................................... 84

Table 3: Calculated ultimate loads of helical piles at 7ft .............................................................. 91

Table 4: Bearing factor from A.B CHANCE & Hubbell Inc at 7ft .............................................. 92

Table 5: Ultimate loads of installed helical piles calculated from torque method

at 7ft depth ........................................................................................................................... 92

Table 6 : Ratios between ultimate loads calculated from bearing equations

and torque method .............................................................................................................. 94

Table 7: Ratios for pile no 4 ......................................................................................................... 95

Table 8: Ratios between ultimate load calculated from bearing equations and

average ultimate load of helical piles from the torque method ........................................... 95

Table 9: Simulated results of RS2875.203 helical piles using HelixPile ..................................... 99

List of figures

Figure 1. Typical single helix helical pile ....................................................................................... 1

Figure 2. Failure plane of a typical footing................................................................................... 20

Figure 3. Nq values for circular deep foundations. ....................................................................... 23

Figure 4. Meyerhof Bearing capacity factors and critical depth ................................................... 26

Figure 5. Installation torques of installed helical piles ................................................................. 36

Figure 6. Liquid limit test apparatus ............................................................................................. 37

Figure 7. Particle size distribution curve of airport soil................................................................ 39

Figure 8. Shearing of cylindrical sample ...................................................................................... 40

Figure 9. Shear and normal stress of airport soil .......................................................................... 41

Figure 10. Compaction curve for airport soil................................................................................ 43

Figure 11. Standard loading assembly .......................................................................................... 48

Figure 12. Regions in load movement curve ................................................................................ 54

Figure 13. Loading assembly for compression test conducted ..................................................... 61

Figure 14. Mounted dial gauges on reference beams ................................................................... 62

Figure 15. Hydraulic jack system ................................................................................................. 63

Figure 16. Calibration chart of AME ram ..................................................................................... 64

Figure 17. Load movement curve of the test pile ......................................................................... 67

Figure 18. Davisson offset limit load............................................................................................ 69

Figure 19. 8% failure load ............................................................................................................ 72

Figure 20. L1-L2 failure plot ........................................................................................................ 73

Figure 21. Chin failure plot ........................................................................................................... 74

Figure 22. Brinch-Hansen failure plot .......................................................................................... 76

Figure 23. De Beer failure plot ..................................................................................................... 77

Figure 24. Decourt’s extrapolation ............................................................................................... 78

Figure 25. Ultimate loads calculated from torque method .......................................................... 83

Figure 26. Comparison of calculated loads for torque averaged over last 2.5ft and

failure loads for KT =10/ft ................................................................................................... 88

Figure 27. Comparison of calculated loads for torque averaged over final 2.5ft and

failure loads for KT=9/ft ...................................................................................................... 90

Figure 28. Comparison of loads computed from torque method and bearing equations .............. 94

Figure 29. Model of single helix helical pile ................................................................................ 98

List of abbreviation and notations

A Cross sectional area of footing

As Shaft area

Ah Helix area

B Width of footing

C Cohesion

CPT Cone penetration test

D Average helix diameter

D1 Diameter of uppermost helix

fs Unit skin resistance

H Depth of uppermost helix or installation depth

Heff Effective depth of pile

KT Torque coefficient

Nc, Nq, Ny, Nσ Bearing capacity factors

Qb Tip resistance capacity

QP Ultimate end bearing load

Qs Skin resistance capacity

QT Total ultimate capacity

qb Unit tip resistance

QUlt Ultimate capacity of pile

q Overburden pressure

S spacing between two helixes

SPT Standard proctor test

T Installation torque

KP Passive earth pressure coefficient

y Unit weight of soil

ϕ Angle of internal friction of soil

σ0 mean normal ground effective stress at pile toe


This research has been completed in collaboration with Mitacs Accelerate program and Team

Foundations. The support of Mitacs Accelerate program is commendable who provided

sufficient funds to conduct the testing. I would like to thank Team foundation for their technical

support in conducting the tests and installation of helical piles. I would like to acknowledge my

parents for their motivation whenever I needed. They stood besides me whenever I was going

through hard time thousands of kilometers away from my homeland. I would like to

acknowledge my supervisor Dr. Sumi Siddiqua who demonstrated continued support to me. Her

sympathetic behaviour towards me provided me with a stress less environment for research. Her

knowledge helped me unfold mysteries of research. I would like to thank my committee

members who provided valuable suggestions and lauded my efforts to keep me motivated. I

would particularly like to mention the unconditional support of Jonah Schwab who helped me

pointing out the editing mistakes of thesis.

Chapter 1 Introduction

Helical piles are a type of deep foundations that are also referred to as helical piers or screw piles

or anchors. They have been used in construction industry for many years for a range of

applications to resist axial compression, axial tension or lateral loads. The helical piles consist of

several sections of a central pile shaft which can be circular or square and have varying

dimensions. These are attached to each other by means of welds, bolts or screwing threads as the

pile is placed in the ground. This shaft has either single or multiple helixes, welded at specified

spacing to make the whole pile as seen in figure (1).

Figure 1. Typical single helix helical pile

(Reprinted from screwpiles, in Wikipedia. n.d., Retrieved May1, 2016, from

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screwpiles#/media/File:Screwpilediagram.gif. Copyright 2007 by
Steve Lewenhoff. Reprinted with permission)

These helixes can have constant or varying diameters but all must maintain the same

pitch. Same pitch lengths make installation much easier and minimize the soil disturbance.

Placement of helical piles is done using hydraulic rotary heads that are commonly mounted on

truck rigs, track hoes and an array of other equipment, to apply a turning motion to the pile. The

combination of the rotary motion and the weight applied on pile drives helical piles into ground.

This advancement should be one pitch of a helix per revolution and every helix should have the

same pitch. The spacing of the helixes is also very important; spacing should be such that each

helix follow the same path. All of these considerations help to minimize the disturbance of the

soil as the helical pile is being advanced (Tappenden, 2007).

There are many advantages of helical piles over other conventional deep foundations.

The most evident benefit is the cost savings due to the rapid and simple installation, since the

piling process only requires two-person team and is very fast. Normally, installation of a helical

pile takes about 20 minutes depending upon the penetration depth and soil conditions. Their

installation also has the benefits of having little noise or vibration, minimal disruption to the

surface and can be completed using light weight equipment. Another major benefit is that piles

can be loaded to its full capacity instantly after placement and can be removed and re-used

(Tappenden, 2007). They can also be used under unique conditions such as high ground water

table because they do not require dewatering for installation, which helps to reduce the time and

cost of the installation process (Sakr, 2011). They are considered to perform better than other

steel piles, and can be estimated to provide loading capacity 3 to 5 times higher than same sized

conventional steel deep foundations (Sakr, 2011). However, helical plates can be damaged

during the installation process in soils that contain gravel and that are hard.

Bearing capacity/ultimate loads of any deep foundation can be determined using various

techniques which include direct methods, indirect methods and pile load tests. Direct methods

provide bearing capacity of footings directly from in situ testing. These methods include standard

penetration test and cone penetration test. Indirect methods are empirical correlations that use

different parameters such as soil strength characteristics and dynamic load settlement data to

compute bearing capacity of footings. But for helical piles, a different indirect method called

“torque method” can also be used. Today, most widely used method to estimate the load bearing

capacity of these piles is torque method. In this methods, load capacity is calculated by

multiplying the installation torque of helical piles by a suitable torque coefficient which depends

on shape and size of shaft (Society, 2006). This empirical method only considers the installation

torque for load capacity estimation and ignores soil characteristics and settlements at calculated

load capacities.

Helical piles like any other deep foundation are structurally designed to be strong enough

to carry anticipated loads. Their structural load capacity is significantly higher than the

anticipated loads on them. Also, soil strength is always less than the steel which helical pile is

made of. Thus, failure of helical piles is governed by the geotechnical strength of soil and pile

sustain significant settlements when geotechnical failure occurs. Hence, the bearing resistance of

deep foundations is governed by the amount of settlements in pile head. As discussed earlier that

torque method does not give settlement response of helical piles, the settlements at calculated

load bearing capacities might be significantly higher than the allowable settlements rendering its

results invalid. In order to have reliable results which agree well with settlements in pile head

and soil strength, empirical torque method need to be studied further.

Pile load tests give a complete behavior of footing in terms of settlements at any load.

These settlements are plotted against applied loads which is referred as load movement curve.

The settlement at any load can be determined using this curve and ultimate loads can be fixed.

There are various criterions that tend to interpret this load movement curve.

1.1 Objectives

Helical piles are primarily used for housing and small industrial purposes. Geotechnical

investigations, in situ direct test methods and pile loading tests are costly and are not feasible for

such small projects. To save time and money, torque method is mostly used to estimate loading

capacity of helical piles. Torque method do not anticipate settlements in pile. In practice, there is

a significant likelihood that the settlements at calculated loads will be more than what is

permissible, and these settlements will go unidentified by the torque method. As failure of deep

foundations is governed by excessive settlements, torque method need to be investigated

primarily regarding settlements at calculated loads. Therefore, following objectives are studied in

this research:

1. Identify and assess a suitable torque coefficient for RS2875.203 helical piles

2. Investigate torque method by incorporating settlements at calculated loads

3. Explore and understand various interpretation criterions of load movement curve for

RS2875.203 helical piles

4. Compare ultimate loads calculated from torque method and bearing equation

1.2 Test program

In total, seven helical piles were installed at Kelowna international airport and their installation

torque was noted. Each installed piles were RS2875.203 type helical pile. These piles have single

helix of 10inch diameter. The shaft dimeter is 2-7/8 inches. Based on these torque values,

ultimate loads on each pier was calculated. On seventh pile, static axial compression test was

conducted according to recommendations of ASTM D1143. Interpretation of this compression

test is done based on several criterions and resultant ultimate loads are compared with those

calculated from torque method. Additionally, soil samples were collected from the testing site

and were analyzed in laboratory to get its strength characteristics. These characteristics have

been used in bearing equations to anticipate ultimate loads of each helical pier.

Chapter 2 Literature review

This chapter provide relevant background information about helical piers/piles which is

necessary to understand the tests conducted and further analysis. As discussed above, helical

piles can have single and multiple helixes welded around a single shaft. There are various shafts

sizes used to fabricate the helical piles. The helix sizes can vary from 10 to 14 inches. Normally,

there are maximum three helixes on a single pile. Although helical piles are a subgroup of deep

foundations, but they can be categorized further into shallow, deep and transition helical piles

based on their embedment ratio. Narasimha Rao, Prasad, & Veeresh (1993) categorized helical

piles in shallow, transition and deep helical piles based on their embedment depth. Relative

embedment is ratio between the depth to the uppermost helix (H) divided by the diameter of the

uppermost helix (D1). A pile with a relative embedment of less than or equal 2 is considered a

shallow pile. Piles with H/D1 from 2- 4 are categorized as transition piles. The piles having

embedment ratio equal to or greater than 4 can be considered as deep piles. In cohesionless soils,

the critical embedment ratio after which deep failure conditions prevail depend on soil friction

angle (Meyerhof & Adams, 1968). For a relative embedment of less than 5 it is considered to be

shallow failure conditions and greater that 5 is considered deep failure conditions (Meyerhof &

Adams, 1968).

The load carrying capacity of helical piles depend on the failure modes. The total load carrying

capacity of a helical pile is dependent on the sum of the resistance from the end bearing of

helixes, friction incurred from the shaft of the pile and the cylindrical shear plane resistance due

to the helixes (Zhang, 1999) as shown in equation 1.

𝑄𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝑄𝐵𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 + 𝑄𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑓𝑡 + 𝑄𝐻𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑥 (1)

2.1 Failure modes for helical piles

The combination of these three terms given in equation (1) depends on the failure mode of the

soil. The failure modes of helical piles have been split in two different types, cylindrical shear

model and the individual plate bearing model. For single helix pile, only individual plate bearing

model is developed. Whereas, for multihelix helical pile, both failure models can develop. Type

of failure mode that will occur in multihelix pile depends on its inter-helix spacing ratio (S/D).

The inter-helix spacing ratio is the spacing between two helixes on a helical piles shaft (S)

divided by the average helix diameter (D) on a multi helical pile. The failure modes are further

discussed below.

2.1.1 Individual plate bearing model

Individual plate bearing failure is a helical pile mode of failure model. In this model, each helix

acts as an anchor independently of the others, and failure of the soil occurs above and below the

helix plates in tension and compression respectively. In this type of failure, the total bearing

capacity of the helical pile is the sum of the individual bearing capacities of each helix. This

failure mode is applicable for all single helix helical piles. The multihelix helical piles that do not

develop cylindrical shear plane (discussed below in section 2.2.2), their helix act individually

and this failure model becomes dominant.

2.1.2 Cylindrical shear plane bearing model

In multihelix helical piles, another phenomenon called cylindrical shear plane is developed

which provides with additional load carrying potential. The cylindrical shear plane is a plane of

resistance developed between the cylindrical volume of soil contained within the circumference

of two adjacent helixes and soil outside this contained area. This plane is only developed with

specific inter-helix spacing ratio.

There is contradiction over what values of this inter-helix spacing ratio should be in order

to have cylindrical shear plane resistance in helical piles. Mitsch & Clemence (1985) explained

the formation of cylindrical shear plane and suggested that installation disturbances increase the

possibility of this plane’s formation. During installation of helical piles, soil surrounding the pile

is stressed and thus gets densified. At the same time soil is also sheared by the helixes rending it

weaker around helixes. However, soil outside the circumference of helixes remains strong due to

induced lateral stresses. This difference of soil’s strength causes the formation of cylindrical

shear plane. Vesic (1971) also attributed formation of this plane to weaker soil zones around pile

created by installation disturbances.

Tappenden & Sego (2007) proposed that cylindrical shear plane is applicable when inter

helix spacing ratio is less than 3. Whereas, Narasimha Rao & Prasad (1993) suggested that S/D

must be less than or equal to 1.5 in order for the cylindrical shear plane to be formed. Their

results were based on tested helical piles in clays for uplift loads. They tested the helical piles

with S/D ≤ 1.5 and computed the load carrying capacities taking into account the formation of

cylindrical shear plane. Their calculated loading capacities were in a good agreement with those

found from the field tests and lead to the conclusion that at inter helix spacing ratio of more than

1.5, the cylindrical shear resistance plane cease to exist. Similarly, Narasimha Rao, Prasad, &

Dinakara Shetty (1991) indicated that for helical piles with spacing ration of more than 1.5

installed in cohesionless soils, load carrying capacity estimated from individual plate mode

shows a good agreement with experimental capacities. Their pull out test showed that for spacing

ratio of 1-1.5, the failure surface was very close to cylindrical shear model. Based on their

results, Narasimha Rao & Prasad (1993) provided a factor (SF) which could be used to calculate

actual load capacities of helical piles and is given in equation (2), (3) and (4) for various ranges

of S/D. Actual load capacities could be estimated by multiplying SF with computed load

capacities (5).

SF =1.0 for S / D ≤ 1.5 (2)

SF =0.863+ 0.069(3.5 − S / D) for 1.5 ≤ S / D ≤ 3.5 (3)

SF =0.700+ 0.148(4.6 − S / D) for 3.5 ≤ S / D ≤ 4.6 (4)

𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑟 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦

𝑆𝐹 = (5)
𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦

2.2 Design of helical piles

Helical piles and conventional piles are normally designed to take two types of load, vertical lift

and compression. To be able to design for the anticipated loads, type of pile needs to be taken

into consideration but the most important factor in the design is the properties of the soil in

which it is to be placed. When a pile fails, it is not the pile material that is failing but is the soil

that the pile is supported by. Experimentation of Sprince & Pakrastinsh (2010) on helical piles in

different soils reinforced the significance of soil dependence. They observed differential increase

in capacity of same sized helixes in different soils. So the most important part to the design of

piles is the properties of the soil on site.

Piles can be designed using two approaches: direct method and indirect method. Direct

method calculates the soil unit resistance directly based on soil strength characteristics idealized

from in situ testing. Indirect method uses some empirical approaches for this purpose.

2.2.1 Direct methods

Direct methods include standard penetration test (SPT) and cone penetration test (CPT). SPT

works by driving a thick walled tube into a borehole. This tube is driven by dropping a weight of

140 lb on it. The number of dropping blows is counted per six inch of penetration and used to

estimate the unit end resistance of soil. The ultimate load carrying capacity can be determined by

multiplying end resistance of soil by area of pile at toe. For helical piles, projected area of

helixes can be used for this purpose.

Cone penetration test involve penetration of a cone into the soil. The resistance of cone

penetration is recorded using a sensor at the tip of the cone, a pour water pressure sensor directly

above it or located on the cone, and a friction sleeve following the pour water sensor. Using

these three sensors the CPT test can give a good approximation of the soil properties. An

extension of CPT is used for piles which is LCPC method. This stands for Laboratoire Central

des Ponts et Chaussees in Paris and is based on 197 static loading tests that were conducted on

different piles (Tappenden, 2007).

LCPC method can directly measure the ultimate end bearing and skin resistance of piles.

This method was documented by Bustamante and Gianeselli in 1982 and use factors related soil

and pile type (Rodrigo & Junhwan, 1999). Tappenden & Sego (2007) argued that LCPC utilizes

the coefficients used for cone penetration test to estimate resistances of pile. These coefficients

used are derived from soil type and tip resistance of cone penetration test (Tappenden & Sego,

2007). However, it is not clear if this method is able to estimate resistance of cylindrical shear

plane in case of helical piles. The basic relationship for LCPC is given in equation (6) and (7)

after Rodrigo & Junhwan (1999).

𝑞𝑏 = 𝐾𝐶 𝑞𝑐𝑎 (6)

𝑞𝑠 = 𝑞 (7)
𝐾𝑠 𝑐


qb = unit base or end resistance

Kc= base resistance factor

qca = equivalent cone resistance at pile toe

Ks =shaft resistance factor

qc = representative cone resistance factor for corresponding layer

qs = unit shaft resistance

2.2.2 Indirect method

Indirect methods estimate unit resistance/strength of soil using empirical relations. These

relationships include t

 Torque method

 Bearing equations

 Dynamic load and settlement formulas

Torque method is the most widely used method in industry because of its instant results.

It is only used for helical piles. Bearing/load capacity is determined by multiplying installation

torque with a suitable torque coefficient. On the other hand, bearing equations calculate this

capacity by means of soil strength parameters such as cohesion and angle of internal friction.

They use few factors which include bearing, shape and inclination factors. These equations can

be used for both helical and conventional piles and require laboratory analysis of soil. The third

indirect method, Dynamic load settlement formulas, relate bearing capacity of foundations with

instant settlement that are incurred in them as a result of dropping certain amount of load. These

formulas do not need any lab or field analysis. Each of these methods are discussed here.

2.3 Torque method

The torque method is widely known around the industry for its simplicity and zero setup effort.

The torque method is able to determine the pile load capacity based on installation torque of the

helical pile. This method has two basic advantages; it does not require any soil exploration data

and ultimate load capacity of helical piles can be determined immediately after their installation.

This method was established based on uplift load tests on helical piles (CFEM, 2006), but is

equally used for axial compressive loads in industry and for research. Given the fact that deeper

soil layers are denser and stronger than upper layers, the uplift capacity is always less than the

compressive capacity. (Trofimenkov & Mariupolskii, 1965) tested two hundred helical piles and

found that capacity in compression was 1.4 to 1.5 times the capacity in uplift. Similarly, Sakr

(2009) conducted a helical pile test program and found that the compression capacities were 40%

to 50% more than the uplift capacities . Researchers such as Livneh & El Naggar (2008) and

Narasimha Rao et al. (1991) have studied the behaviour of helical piles in tension and

compression and found that the load carrying capacity was higher in compression.

To calculate ultimate resistance, the installation torque is multiplied with an appropriate

torque coefficient. The basic relationship is shown in equation (8) below.

𝑄𝑈𝑙𝑡 = 𝐾𝑇 × 𝑇 (8)


QUlt = Ultimate load on pile

KT = Torque coefficient

T = Installation torque

Canadian Foundation Engineering manual (CFEM, 2006) suggests that the torque

coefficient is a function of the skin resistance along the length of the shaft, the skin resistance of

the top and bottom of the helixes and the resistance of the leading edge of helixes. This

coefficient depends on pier’s shaft size and shape. The recommended values of torque coefficient

according to CFEM (2006) for use with equation (8) are as follows:

 7/ft for pipe/round shafts of 90mm outer diameter, with this value decreasing to 3/ft for

shaft diameters approaching 200mm.

 10/ft (33/m) for square shafts of less than 90mm diameter,

Installation torque can vary depending on the skin resistance of the shaft during

installation. Different shaft types of the same size (i.e. round vs. square) may vary slightly in

skin friction values. However, for small sized shafts which produce little or no skin resistance,

the installation torque is completely dependent on the skin resistance of the helix, and the

computed bearing capacity will be the same regardless of the type of shaft. The minimum shaft

diameter for which skin friction is applicable is 100mm (CFEM, 2006). The shaft diameter of

installed helical piles (RS2875.203) is 2-7/8 inches (or 73 mm). Hence, a torque coefficient of

10/ft as suggested by CFEM (2006) for square shafts of less than 90mm can be used for

RS2875.203 helical piles.

Hoyt & Clemence (1989) analyzed 91 multihelix piles in uplift and obtained good

approximation of loads using KT as 10/ft for square and round shafts having less than 3.5 inches

(89mm) diameter. Furthermore, the same value of KT was used by Zhang (1999) for calculating

the uplift capacity of helical piles having similar sized shafts. Although, this is a reasonable

choice of torque coefficient for helical piles having 2-7/8 inch outside shaft diameter, 9/ft is a

value that is also suggested for this shaft sizes. A.B CHANCE INC, a renowned company that

specializes in helical piles, and they recommend to use 9/ft for RS2875.203 helical piles

(A.B.CHANCE & Hubbell, 2014). Likewise, section 13.2.1 of AC 358 (ICC evaluation service,

2007) and the international building code 2009 (Willis & Ram Jack., n.d.) advocate same value

of torque coefficient for helical piles having round shaft diameters equal to 2-7/8 inches.

Changes in the KT can vary the resultant load capacities, but the values of installation

torque used in torque method can alter the calculated ultimate load drastically. The Canadian

Foundation Engineering manual (2006) advises to use a value of installation torque averaged

over the entire depth of the pier, whereas, Hoyt & Clemence (1989) recommend using

installation torque values averaged over the final length of penetration equal to three times the

diameter of largest helix. Their research was based on analysis of 91 multihelix helical piles

tested in uplift.

2.4 Bearing equations

As discussed before, piles develop their full load carrying capacity from end bearing and skin

resistance. In helical piles, a third component, known as the cylindrical shear plane, is added.

Bearing equations are available for each of these components of bearing capacity. The basic

form of the bearing equation for ultimate capacity of a pile is given in equation (9).

𝑄𝑈𝑙𝑡 = 𝑄𝑏 + 𝑄𝑠 = 𝑞𝑏 𝐴𝑏 + 𝑓𝑠 𝐴𝑠 (9)


QUlt = ultimate capacity

Qb = tip resistance capacity

Qs = skin resistance/friction

qb = unit baring capacity of the soil

Ab = area of pile at base/toe

fs = unit skin friction

As = shaft area

This equation includes end/tip resistance and shaft resistance. The basic form of the

bearing equation used to calculate tip resistance is given in equation (10) as proposed by Terzagi

in 1943 (Das, 1999). This correlation gives the ultimate end bearing load of footing. The

maximum allowable load is calculated by multiplying ultimate load with a suitable safety factor.

𝑄𝑈𝑙𝑡 = 𝐴(𝐶𝑁𝑐 + 𝑞 ′ 𝑁𝑞 + 0.5Ƴ𝐵𝑁𝑦) (10)


 C= cohesion

 A= cross sectional area of footing

 Ƴ= unit weight of soil

 qʹ= overburden pressure

 NC, Nq, Ny= bearing capacity factors

Overburden pressure is calculated by multiplying the unit weight of soil with the depth of

footing. Unit weight of soil used depends on the water table depth below natural surface level. If

the water table is located above the footing, the soil’s submerged unit weight must be used in the

bearing equation. This can be calculated by subtracting unit weight of soil with unit weight of


As depicted, this relationship estimates ultimate load capacity using three terms.

Understanding these terms is vital when explaining the calculated results. Bowles (1988)

provides an explanation of these terms. The first term, CNC, dominates in the case of cohesive

soils, while the second term, qʹNq. is dominates when the soil is cohesionless. He describes the

third term, 0.5yBNy, as the width of foundation’s contribution to bearing capacity. Additionally,

cohesion can be replaced by undrained shear strength when clay is present. This is due to the low

hydraulic conductivity of clays (Coduto, 2001).

The basic bearing equation for shallow and deep foundations is the same; however, they

differ in regards to which bearing factors will be used. In the case of shallow foundations,

separate additional factors such as shape, depth, and inclination are used. The bearing equations

for shallow and deep foundations are explained below.

2.4.1 Load bearing equation for shallow foundations

Shallow foundations differ from deep foundations primarily because of their shallower depth, but

they can also feature different shapes such as strip, square, and circular. This basic form of the

correlation given in equation (10) is used for strip footings. For circular and square foundations,

additional factors known as shape factors are used. With the inclusion of shape factors, equation

(10) can be written as shown in (11) and (12).

𝑄𝑢𝑙𝑡 = 𝐴(1.3𝐶𝑁𝑐 + 𝑞 ′ 𝑁𝑞 + 0.4Ƴ𝐵𝑁𝑦) (𝑠𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑒) (11)

𝑄𝑢𝑙𝑡 = 𝐴(1.3𝐶𝑁𝑐 + 𝑞 ′ 𝑁𝑞 + 0.3Ƴ𝐵𝑁𝑦) (𝑐𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟) (12)

The bearing capacity factors for shallow foundations given by Terzaghi are as follows in

equation (13), (14) and (15) (Das, 1999).

3𝜋 𝜙
2( − )𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜙
𝑒 4 2
𝑁𝑐 = 𝐶𝑜𝑡𝜙 ( − 1) = 𝐶𝑜𝑡𝜙(𝑁𝑞 − 1) (13)
𝜋 𝜙
2𝐶𝑜𝑠 2 ( 4 − 2 )

3𝜋 ϕ
𝑒 2( 4 − 2 )𝑡𝑎𝑛ϕ
𝑁𝑞 = (14)
2𝐶𝑜𝑠 2 (45 + 2 )

𝑁𝑦 = 0.5 ( − 1) 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜙 (15)
𝐶𝑜𝑠 2 𝜙


Kp is passive earth pressure coefficient

These bearing capacity factors correspond to the soil failure plane angle, α, which is equal to

friction angle (𝜙) . However, studies have shown that α is closer to 45+𝜙/2 rather than 𝜙 as

shown in figure (2). Therefore, the values of bearing capacity factors were modified and applied

in equation (16), (17) and (18) (Das, 1999).

𝑁𝑐 = (𝑁𝑞 − 1)𝐶𝑜𝑡𝜙 (16)

𝑁𝑞 = 𝑒 𝜋𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜙 𝑡𝑎𝑛2 (45 + ) (17)

𝑁𝑦 = 2(𝑁𝑞 + 1)𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜙 (𝑉𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑐 1973) (18)

Figure 2. Failure plane of a typical footing.

(Reprinted from Principles of foundation engineering (P. 157) by Das, 1999. Copyright 1999 by
Cengage learning, Inc. Reprinted with permission)

Bearing capacity factor, Ny, shown in equation (18) was initially presented by Vesic in 1973

(Das, 1999). Nowadays, there are several correlations used for Ny. Meyerhof in 1961 gave a new

relationship (Meyerhof, 1963) shown in equation (19). Another correlation for Ny proposed by

Davis and Booker (1971) is presented in equation (20) (CFEM, 2006). This relationship is

suitable when angle of internal friction is more than 10 degrees (CFEM, 2006).

𝑁𝑦 = (𝑁𝑞 − 1)1.4𝜙 (19)

𝑁𝑦 ≅ 0.0663𝑒 0.1623𝜙 (20)

The bearing capacity equations mentioned above do not consider the shearing resistance above

the bottom of footing along failure plane. To address this, Meyerhof (1963) introduced additional

factors in order to account for the deficiencies of these equations (Das, 1999). These factors

included shape, depth and load eccentricity factors. The modified equation by Meyerhof can be

written as given in equation (21).

𝑄𝑢𝑙𝑡 = 𝐴(𝐶𝑁𝑐 𝐹𝑐𝑠 𝐹𝑐𝑑 𝐹𝑐𝑖 + 𝑞 ′ 𝑁𝑞 𝐹𝑞𝑠 𝐹𝑞𝑑 𝐹𝑞𝑖 + 0.5Ƴ𝐵𝑁𝑦 𝐹𝑦𝑠 𝐹𝑦𝑑 𝐹𝑦𝑖) (21)


Fcs, Fqs, Fys= shape factors

Fcd, Fqd, Fyd= depth factors

Fci, Fqi, Fyi= load inclination factors

If all these new factors are combined within thethe bearing factors, then equation (21) can be

written as shown in equation (22) below. These bearing capacity factors: 𝑁𝑐 ∗ , 𝑁𝑞 ∗ and 𝑁Ƴ ∗

include the depth, shape and inclination factors.

𝑄𝑈𝑙𝑡 = 𝐴(𝐶𝑁𝑐 ∗ + 𝑞ʹ𝑁𝑞 ∗ + 0.5Ƴ𝐵𝑁Ƴ ∗ ) (22)

2.4.2 Load bearing equations for deep foundations

Deep foundation piles develop their load bearing capacity from two primary mechanics: toe

resistance and skin resistance. The skin (or shaft) resistance of a pile is not considered if the shaft

is less than 100mm in diameter (CFEM, 2006). The basic form of bearing equations for deep

foundations is the same as for shallow foundations, except for the bearing factors. Unlike

shallow foundations, bearing factors for deep foundations are complex and difficult to calculate.

This is due to the variation in soil angle of internal friction, which is caused when the pile is

driven into the soil (Day, 2010), as well as the differences in soil-footing interaction. When piles

are driven into sandy soils, they displace and densify the soil at the bottom of the pile. This

action tends to increase the friction angle of the soil around the vicinity of the pile; therefore

changing the bearing capacity factors, especially Nq (Day, 2010). The bearing factors for deep

foundations/piles are explained below. Bearing factors for pile foundations

As discussed above, the bearing capacity factors for deep foundations are relatively complex.

Various values for these factors can be found in literature. Abdel-rahim, Taha, & Mohamed

(2013) use an NC value of 9 for deep foundations. This approximation of NC is also in use for

helical piles (Thompson, n.d. ; A.B.CHANCE & Hubbell, 2014). However, a design engineer

can override this value based on the above mentioned correlations for NC (Thompson, n.d.).

Canadian foundation engineering manual (2006) recommends NC values for different pile toe

diameters which are given in table (1).

Table 1:Bearing capacity factors for piles

Pile toe diameter (m) Nc

less than 0.5 9

0.5-1 7

larger than 1 6

Winterkorn & Fang (1975) gave the following correlation for NC.

𝑁𝑐 = (𝑁𝑞 − 1)𝑐𝑜𝑡𝜙 (1) (23)

The bearing capacity factor, Nq, depends on soil friction angle and the failure mechanism at the

pile toe. The bearing factors are generally much higher for deep foundations as compared to

shallow footings (Lambe & Whitman, 1969). The possible cause of this is the variations in

friction angle of soil due to the soil consolidation around pile during pile installation as discussed

above. Vesic (1967) gave the values of Nq for circular deep foundations/piles by several

researchers which has been given in figure (3).

Figure 3. Nq values for circular deep foundations.

(Reprinted from “Ultimate loads and settlements of deep foundations in sand,” by Aleksandar. S.
Vesic, 1967. Copyright 1967 School of engineering, Duke university)

For deep foundations, the width (toe diameter) is very small compared to the depth of

foundation. For helical piles it is even smaller. Such small diameters result into very small values

of 0.5ƳD𝑁Ƴ and therefore can be neglected. If B is less than 9.8 to 13.1ft, then this term can be

ignored (Thompson, n.d. ; Hubbell & CHANCE, 2003).

Various researchers such as Meyerhof, Vesic and Janbu have studied bearing equations for piles.

Das (1999) explained Meyerhof and Vesic methods which are discussed below. Meyerhof method

In 1976, Meyerhof proposed recommendations for calculating the bearing capacity of pile

foundations. He argued that the point bearing resistance and skin resistance of piles increases

with the depth of pile inside the ground in homogeneous soils. The ultimate end bearing load for

homogeneous cohesive soils from this method is given in equation (24)

𝑄𝑝 = 𝐴𝑃 (𝐶𝑁𝐶 ∗ + 𝑞 ′ 𝑁𝑞 ∗ ) ≤ 𝐴𝑃 𝑞1 (24)


Qp= ultimate end bearing load

AP= cross-sectional area of pile

q/= effective overburden pressure

q1 = limiting value of unit point resistance

Nq*= bearing capacity factor with respect to overburden pressure

NC*= bearing capacity factor for cohesion

When using a helical pile, the area of pile in equation (26) is replaced by projected helix area

(Ah). q1 is given as 0.5𝑁𝑞 ∗ tan(𝜙), and has units of tons per square foot. Nq increases as

embedment ratio increases, and reaches a maximum value when the embedment ratio becomes

equal to half of the critical embedment/depth ratio. The critical embedment ratio corresponding

to any specific friction angle of soil can be calculated using Meyerhof (1976) plot given in figure

(4). Meyerhof states that in most cases, the embedment ratio of deep foundations is greater than

half of critical embedment ratio. For this reason, maximum value of 𝑁𝑞 ∗ and 𝑁𝐶 ∗ should be used

for determination of load carrying capacity. These bearing factors are given in figure (4) below.

Figure 4. Meyerhof Bearing capacity factors and critical depth
(Reprinted from “Bearing capacity and settlement of pile foundations,” by G.G. Meyerhof, 1976,
Journal of the geotechnical engineering division, 102(GT3), p. 197-228. Copyright 1976
American Society of Civil Engineering. Reprinted with permission. (This material may be
downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the American
Society of Civil Engineers) Vesic (1977) method

Vesic proposed a different method for measuring the ultimate load on piles in 1977 (Das, 1999).

The Vesic’s ultimate point/end bearing load on pile is given in equation (25) below.

𝑄𝑝 = 𝐴𝑝 (𝐶𝑁𝐶 ∗ + 𝜎0 ʹ𝑁𝜎 ∗ ) (25)


σ0=mean normal ground effective stress at pile toe= ( )𝑞 ′

𝑁𝜎 ∗ = bearing capacity factor

The bearing factor, 𝑁𝜎 ∗ , is a function of reduced rigidity index. Reduced rigidity index can be

computed using the rigidity index which in turn is dependant on friction angle, cohesion and

modulus of elasticity of the soil. Das (1999) has provided, the bearing factors used in Vesic’s

method for various values of reduced rigidity indexes and friction angles. Load bearing equation for helical piles

Helical piles, like conventional piles, derive their full load bearing capacity from two main

mechanisms; skin friction and end bearing. Additionally, a third phenomenon known as

cylindrical shear plane can develop depending upon inter helix spacing ratio and contribute to

load bearing capacity. The summation of these three components yields the total bearing capacity

of helical foundations. The end bearing of each helix is calculated unless the helixes are not close

enough to form a cylindrical shear plane. In order to calculate total end bearing load capacity

(QT), end bearing resistance of all individual helixes (Qh) are summed up as shown in equation

(26). The ultimate individual helix bearing capacity can be derived using the same relations as

for other deep foundations, because helical piles are a sub type of deep foundations (CFEM,

2006). However, the calculation for helical pile differs as area of pile is replaced by projected

helix area, as seen in equation (27)

𝑄𝑇 = ∑ 𝑄ℎ (26)

𝑄ℎ = 𝐴ℎ (𝐶𝑁𝑐 ∗ + 𝑞ʹ𝑁𝑞 ∗ + 0.5Ƴ𝐷𝑁Ƴ ∗ ) (27)


Ah= projected helix area

Although, the bearing factors for deep foundations can be used for helical piles, some researchers

have explained bearing factors specifically for helical piles. Tappenden & Sego (2007) argued

that for helical piles, the Nq values recommended by Vesic (1963) may be used. Additionally, Nq

values can also be calculated based on the work of Meyerhof (1976) (A.B.CHANCE & Hubbell,

2014;Thompson, n.d.). The relationship adopted from Meyerhof’s work is given in equation (28)

which is Meyerhof Nq values multiplied by 0.5. This approach is used for long term applications

(A.B.CHANCE & Hubbell, 2014;Thompson, n.d.).

𝑁𝑞 = 0.5(12 × 𝜙)𝜙/54 (28)

Based on the above discussion, the friction angle of soil has come forward as a basic parameter

in order to calculate bearing capacity factors. However, when angle of internal friction is not

known, SPT blows can be utilized to approximate a value of internal friction angle. For this

purpose the empirical data provided by Bowles in 1968 can be used which is represented by the

equation (29) given below (Thompson, n.d.).

∅ = 0.28𝑁 + 27.4 (29)

Skin friction in helical piles is a resistance that develops along the shafts of the pile and

can also be referred to as shaft friction/resistance. This type of friction follows a relationship

with the shaft, where the resistance will increase as the shaft diameter increases. The relationship

given in equation (30) can be used to calculate shaft friction (CFEM, 2006). The shaft friction is

ignored if the shaft is less than 100mm in diameter (CFEM, 2006).

𝑄𝑠 = ∑[𝜋𝐷𝑓𝑠 ∆𝐿𝑓 ] (30)


QS = shaft capacity

D= Diameter of shaft

ΔLf = Incremental pile length over which πD and fs are taken as constant

fs= Sum of friction and adhesion between soil and pile

The length of shaft for which skin friction is valid for is referred to as effective length of

shaft (Heff). Effective length is not always equal to entire shaft length, rather, it varies depending

upon the category of helical piles in terms of embedment ratio. Narasimha Rao, Prasad, &

Veeresh (1993) conducted several tests on model helical piles in uplift and explained the

implications of different effective lengths. They observed that the failure zone of shallow helical

piles extended to the top of a pier at the surface, and that there is a gap between the shaft and soil

at the top of pier. Based on these observations, they argued that the shaft resistance for shallow

helical piles should be ignored. Similarly, skin resistance was present for transition piles;

however, heaving of soil at the surface was also observed. This indicates that skin resistance is

not applicable for the entire shaft length and varies with different embedment ratios. For

transition helical piles, effective shaft length was equal to 0.7 D1 - 0.9 D1 and 1.7 D1 - 2.5 D1

for embedment ratio of 3 and 4 respectively. No heaving of soil was observed for deep helical

piles and effective length of shaft was in the range of (H - 1.4 D1) to (H - 2.3 D1).

(Trofimenkov & Mariupolskii, 1965) analyzed helical piles in compression and tension

and found that skin resistance was not applicable for the entire shaft length. They attributed it

with the formation of compaction zone and hollow zone above top helix in tensile and

compressive loads respectively. The length of shaft above the top helix for which skin resistance

is not applicable is equal to the helix diameter (Trofimenkov & Mariupolskii, 1965). Zhang

conducted helical pile load tests in 1999 and proposed an effective length of shaft for skin

friction as given in equation (31). Where, H is installation depth of pile and D1 is diameter of top


𝐻𝑒𝑓𝑓 = 𝐻 − 𝐷1 (31)

2.5 Pile load tests

Pile load tests are the most accurate and precise way to determine the ultimate loads

which a pile can carry. Direct and indirect methods of design do not give settlements/deflections

in piles, and therefore lack accuracy. As discussed earlier, if a pile settle more than the specified

limits, it is considered failed even if the designed allowable load is not reached. For this reason,

pile load tests are conducted prior to construction to check for actual ultimate and allowable load.

Two types of load tests can be performed: axial tension and axial compression. In axial tensile

load tests, tension loads are applied on a pile, whereas, for axial compressive load tests,

compressive loads are applied in order to check for ultimate and allowable loads. The main

product of a pile load test is to obtain load and settlement data. A graph is plotted between load

and settlement which is regarded as load movement curve or loading curve. Using this plot,

settlement/deflection of a pile at any load magnitude can be determined. This curve is useful

because it describes the complete behaviour of a footing. Depending upon the allowable limits of

settlements for any particular structure, a suitable ultimate and allowable load is selected from

loading curve.

There are several failure criterions which analyze a load movement curve and define

ultimate loads. Since pile load tests are done in real field conditions, they represent actual

loading capacity of footings for which settlements are maintained within limits.

Chapter 3 Installation of helical piles and site


North-West corner of Kelowna International airport was selected as the testing site to install

helical piles. This site is away from the airport taxiway and is a good plain area with minimum

disruptions. Prior to the testing, City of Kelowna was contacted to get the permission for testing

on these grounds. Because of the presence of utilities and water pumps in vicinity, it was

necessary to check for any underground utilities at the piling location. For this purpose, BC

CALL ONE was contacted, and piling started after getting their confirmation.

3.1 Configuration and material properties of helical piles

All piles installed and tested were AB CHANCE RS2875.203 helical piles. These single helix

piles have shaft diameter of 2.875 inches and thickness of 0.203 inches. The diameter, pitch and

thickness of helix is 10 inches, 3 inch and 0.375 inch respectively. A.B.CHANCE & Hubbell

(2014) specifies the nominal capacity of RS2875.203 as 73.6 kips and maximum torque rating as

6000 ft-lb. The material used for the manufacturing of the shafts is ASTM A500 grade C

material with a minimum yield strength of 50 ksi. The helix material is ASTM A572 with

minimum yield strength of 50 ksi. The allowable load capacity of these piles is 66.3 and 36.8

kips based on LRFD and ASD design methods respectively (A.B.CHANCE & Hubbell, 2014).

However, the load carrying capacity of deep foundations is governed by the geotechnical

strength of soil, as the structural strength of deep foundations is much greater than the soil’s


In total, seven helical piles were installed at the test site, and installation torques were

measured digitally through a system supported by a wireless network. A Quick static axial

compression test was performed on seventh pile which is identified as test pile here after. Test

pile was installed in the middle of all the other piles. All piles were driven to a depth where they

achieved an installation torques value close to 5500 ft-lb. The distance between piles was

carefully selected in order to avoid any interaction between their developed pressure bulb within

the ground. Helical pile extensions were used to drive them to the desired depth. The torque

records of installed piles are given in figure (5). From these records, it is clear that the increase in

torque was not gradual; but instead changed rapidly.

Pile No 1

Torque (ft-lb)



0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Depth (ft)


Pile No 2

Torque (ft-lb)



0 4 8 12 16 20 24


Pile No 3

Torque (ft-lb)



0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Depth (ft)


Pile No 4

Torque (ft-lb)



0 4 8 12 16 20 24


Pile No 5




0 4 8 12 16 20 24


Pile No 6

Torque (ft-lb)



0 4 8 12 16 20 24


Test Pile




0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Depth (ft)


Figure 5. Installation torques of installed helical piles

3.2 Soil investigation

In order to determine the geotechnical characteristics of the soil in which helical piles

were installed, soil was excavated to a depth of 7ft and samples were collected. Various tests

such as soil sieve analysis, hydrometer test and direct shear test were conducted to investigate the

classification of soil and its strength characteristics.

3.2.1 Soil classification

To classify the soil according to unified soil classification system, ASTM D2487

standards were followed. Soil sieve analysis revealed that the soil composition was sand with

fines. In order to further classify the soil, liquid and plastic limit tests were performed according

to ASTM D4318 standards. The liquid limit test apparatus used is shown in figure (6).

Figure 6. Liquid limit test apparatus

Due to the significant fluctuations of liquid and plastic limit test results, a hydrometer test

was performed to further classify the soil. This test is conducted to determine the particle size

distribution of particles less than 0.075mm. As silt consists of particles sized from 0.05-0.002mm

and clay particles are less than 0.002mm, the percentage of silt and clay in a soil sample can be

identified by analyzing the particle size distribution curve given by a hydrometer test.

Hydrometer test was conducted according to recommendations of ASTM D422. And the

soil particle size distribution curve is given in figure (7). The results from the hydrometer test

and soil sieve analysis are plotted together in figure (7) which explains the complete particle size

distribution of the soil at the test site. As underscored by the distribution curve, the percent

passing at diameter equal to 0.002mm and 0.038mm was about 3% and 8.17% respectively.

Clearly, percentage of soil with particle size equal to 0.002mm was less than the percentage at

size greater than 0.002mm; thus, the soil was classified as silty sand (SM).



Percent passing




0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Diameter (mm)

Figure 7. Particle size distribution curve of airport soil

3.2.2 Direct shear test

Direct shear test is performed to determine shear strength characteristics of soil (i.e. angle of

internal friction and cohesion). For this purpose, the direct shear apparatus developed by GDS

instruments was used. Parameters such as sample height, width, shearing rate and normal load on

sample are input using the device’s built in computer software. It is able to record and save data

every second. Two displacement transducers, vertical and horizontal, are attached to the

apparatus which records respective displacements. Two types of soil samples can be sheared

using the GDS apparatus, one is square and other is cylindrical. The shearing plane is predefined

in case of square samples, whereas there is no control over shearing plane in the case of

cylindrical samples. Several steel rings are used to confine the cylindrical soil samples, which

ensure the anonymity of shearing plane.

Figure 8. Shearing of cylindrical sample

Direct shear test was performed according to the recommendations by ASTM D3080, and

in total, four tests were conducted with square samples. Each sample was compacted to develop

density similar to that in field. Each sample was sheared to a relative lateral displacement equal

to 10% of the width of sample as per the recommendations of ASTM D3080, where the relative

lateral displacement is defined as the distance between the top and bottom halves of shear box.

Figure (9) represents the results of direct shear tests which were conducted. As observed in

figure, the results show very good consistency with each other. The cohesion and friction angle

was calculated to be 0.0036 ksi and 27 degrees.


y = 0.5098x + 0.0036

Shear Stress (Ksi)



0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Normal Stress (Ksi)

Figure 9. Shear and normal stress of airport soil

3.2.3 Water contents of soil

Water content is calculated by dividing the weight of water in a soil sample by the soil’s dry

weight. For this purpose, four samples were taken and dried in an oven for 24 hours. Weights

were measured before drying and after drying in order to calculate the water contents in the

samples. Average water contents in soil was found to be 7.40%.

3.2.4 Unit weight of soil

The bearing capacity of a foundation is dependent on the soil unit weight or density in field. To

measure the unit weight of soil, two steel moulds were inserted into the ground to collect

undisturbed soil samples. The internal diameter and height of moulds were measured using

Vernier calliper. Using these measurements, the volume of soil contained inside the moulds was

calculated, and weights of the moulds with soil still inside was subtracted with the weights of

empty moulds to determine the weight of soil. Unit weight was calculated by dividing weight of

soil with the volume of soil. Average unit weight was found to be 14.90 KN/m3.

3.2.5 Maximum dry unit weight and optimum moisture content

The maximum unit weight of the soil is dependant on its moisture content. As the moisture

content in a soil increases, the unit weight will increase until it attains a maximum value at

certain moisture content, which is known as the optimum moisture content. This test was

performed based on the recommendations of ASTM D698 (standard proctor test), from which

the compaction curve is given in figure (10). The optimum moisture content of soil was found to

be 12.5% and maximum dry unit weight was 18.1 KN/m3.


Dry density (KN/m3) 18



0 4 8 12 16 20
Actual moisture content (%)

Figure 10. Compaction curve for airport soil

Chapter 4 Static axial compression test

4.1 Introduction

There are several methods to estimate the load capacity of foundations, such as empirical

relations, bearing capacity equations and load tests. Empirical formulas for deep foundations

include high strain dynamic loading tests and torque tests method. Dynamic testing is conducted

by dropping a load from a variety of different heights to the foundation cap to induce some

immediate settlements, which is linked to soil strength and eventually leads to load capacity.

Similarly, torque method links installation torque with load carrying capacity and calculates load

capacity by multiplying installation torque with a torque coefficient. The bearing capacity

equations utilize soil strength characteristics to estimate the ultimate load carrying capacity.

All these correlations indirectly calculate load capacity and possess default uncertainties,

as there can be instrumental or human errors in data acquisition. The static axial compression test

is conducted to estimate the actual load carrying capacity of foundations. In this loading method,

a predefined load is applied on foundations in intervals. The resultant settlements are recorded at

each load interval. As this test is conducted in field on installed piles, it results in the actual load

capacity of foundations by taking real soil conditions into account which is not possible by other

method. Other methods such as empirical and bearing equations estimate ultimate load carrying

capacities regardless of settlements and sometimes may give results for which settlements are not

within allowable range.

4.2 Types of static axial compression test

The compression test on foundations can be performed in seven different ways. Load movement

curve is the key product of each method. ASTM D1143 specifies the following seven types or

methods of static axial compression test.

i. Quick test

ii. Maintained test

iii. Loading in excess of maintained test

iv. Constant time interval test

v. Constant rate of penetration test

vi. Constant movement increment test

vii. Cyclic loading test

i. Quick test: In this method, anticipated failure load is applied on foundations in

increments of 5% and settlement for each load interval is measured. The load is applied

until the foundation fails but is not exceeded by the safe structural load of foundations.

During each increment, the load is kept constant for a time interval of 4 to 15 minutes.

After completely loading the pile, the load is removed in 5 to 10 equal decrements

keeping each decrement constant for 4 to 15 minutes. Movements (settlements) in pile

head are noted down at 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 15 minutes during each load increment and


ii. Maintained test: In this method, load equal to 200% of design load is applied in

increments of 25% and is maintained unless rate of axial movement does not exceed

0.25mm per hour. Afterwards, load is removed when settlement do not exceed 0.25mm in

one hour

iii. Load in excess of maintained test: This test method is an extension of maintained test

where the pile is loaded again to the maximum maintained load in increments equal to

50% of pile design load. For this, time interval between the load increments is kept 20

min. Additional load is applied in increments, keeping the same time intervals, equal to

10% of pile design load until the pile fails. If the pile fails, load is applied until the pile

attains a settlement equal to 15% of pile diameter. Otherwise, the load is held for two

hours and removed in four decrements keeping time interval of 20 minutes.

iv. Constant time interval test: The same procedure is followed as for maintained load test.

However, the load increments are 20% of design load with one-hour time interval

between each increment. The pile is then unloaded with same time interval of one hour

between loading decrements.

v. Constant rate of penetration test: In this testing method, a magnitude of load is applied

such that the pile penetrates with a constant rate equal to 0.25 to 1.25mm per minute for

cohesive soils and 0.75 to 2.5mm for granular soils. Maximum applied load is held on

pile unless it penetrates at least 15% of average pile diameter or stops penetrating and

then load is removed gradually.

vi. Constant movement increment test: Load is applied in increments such that the additions

in settlement of pile head are equal to 1% of pile diameter. The load is continuously

applied until the total settlement reaches 15% of pile diameter. Additional load is not

applied until the load variation rate necessary to keep the settlement increments constant

is less than 1% of total applied load per hour. Load is then removed in four decrements

until rate of load change is less than 1% per hour.

vii. Cyclic loading test: Load is applied in 50, 100 and 150% increments of design load in the

same manner as in case of maintained load. Each load increment is kept for one hour and

load is removed in decrements which are equal to increments. Time between decrements

is kept 20 minutes. After removal of each load, pile is then loaded again keeping load

increments equal to 50% of design load and time interval of 20 minutes.

4.3 Components and requirements of loading assembly

Following are the main components of loading assembly as recommended by ASTM D1143 in

order to apply the load on pile or a pile in group.

 Hydraulic jack/ Weights

 Test beam

 Anchor piles/Reaction piles

 Steel test plate

 Load transfer beams

 Reference beams

 Settlement measuring device

After installation of a pile, a steel test plate is placed above the pile head to uniformly

distribute loads. The load is applied by means of hydraulic jack which is placed over the steel

test plate. The load induced by hydraulic jack is transferred to the soil as tensile load by means

of four reaction piles. For safety purposes, load capacity of each reaction pile is kept more than

the anticipated failure load of foundation. This loading assembly can be changed depending upon

the conditions of sites and availability of different loading components. For example, the

wooden planks and dead weights can replace reaction beams and hydraulic jack respectively in

case they are not available.

A standard loading assembly can be seen in figure (11) where load is applied using

hydraulic jack. Reaction piles are fixed with load transfer beams which are placed horizontally

normal to the test beam. When hydraulic jack is raised to apply load, the load is transferred from

test beam to the load transfer beams, which further distribute load uniformly to four reaction


Figure 11. Standard loading assembly

(Reprinted from Standard test method for deep foundations under static axial compressive load,
ASTM D1143, in ASTM international. Retrieved from
http://compass.astm.org/EDIT/html_annot.cgi?D1143+07(2013) . Reprinted with permission)

The requirement of each component of this assembly is important for reliable results. The

test beam should be strong enough to sustain load and sufficient in size to prevent excessive

deflections. The settlements can be measured using displacement transducers and dial gauges.

Laser beams and surveyor’s level can also be used to observe settlement and should be

referenced with a permanent bench mark. A minimum of two transducers or dial gauges capable

of measuring at least 2 inches are required. These gauges are mounted on reference beams and

their stems are kept parallel to longitudinal axis of pile or pile group. Reference beams should be

levelled horizontally to avoid any errors in settlement measurements.

4.4 Interpretation of static axial compression test

Static axial compression test provides load and settlement data. This data can be interpreted to

determine the failure/ultimate load of foundations. There are several criterions that attempt to

analyse this data and can be used to estimate failure load. These criterions/methods are discussed

in the following section.

 Davisson offset limit load criterion

 10%, 8% and 5% failure criterions

 L1-L2 failure criterion

 The Chin failure criterion

 The Brinch-Hansen 80% & 90% failure criterions

 De Beer failure criterion

 Decourt’s extrapolation

There is no specific method recommended by any standards. However, the International

Building Code (2006) recognizes three methods by which load movement curve can be

interpreted. These three methods are: 1- Davisson; 2-Brinch Henson, and; Butler-Hoy criterion

(NeSmith & Siegel, 2009). The selection of these methods depend on individual cases but

Davisson offset limit load and 10% failure criterion are the most widely used methods in the

deep foundation analysis.

4.4.1 Davisson offset limit load criterion

The Davisson offset limit load considers elastic compression of pile. It is mostly used for driven

piles which are tested according to quick method (Fellenius, 1980;Sakr, 2011) It defines failure

load as the load corresponding to a settlement which exceeds elastic compression by 0.15 inches

plus a factor equal to diameter of pile divided by 120 (Fellenius, 1980). Equation (32) can be

used to compute this settlement.

S= + 0.15 + (32)
AE 120


S= total settlement

P= load

A= cross sectional area of pile

E= modulus of elasticity of pile material

D= diameter of pile at toe in inches

The diameter of pile used in equation (32) should be considered as the diameter at the toe

of the pile. For helical piles, this diameter should be the helix diameter. If the pile is expanded at

the base, then the diameter of pile should be taken as the diameter of expanded base (CFEM,

2006). In order to determine the failure load, elastic compression line is first drawn on load

movement curve. The scale of the load movement graph should be such that the elastic

compression line makes an angle of 20 degrees with the load axis (Abdelrahman, Shaarawi, &

Abouzaid, 2003). Canadian foundation engineering manual (2006) also recommends to draw this

line at 20 degrees from the load axis. In the second step, offset line is drawn parallel to elastic

compression line at a distance equal to 0.15 inches plus D/120 from elastic compression line.

The load corresponding to the intersection point of offset line with the load movement curve is

considered as the ultimate load on pile. Allowable or safe load is determined by dividing the

ultimate load with a safety factor which is normally equal to 2.

The primary advantage of this criterion is that the elastic compression and offset line can

be drawn prior to the pile load test and test can be ended when load movement graph touches the

offset limit line. Davisson method can also be analyzed to check the presence of skin friction

along the pile shaft. The intersection of elastic compression line with the load movement graph

indicates the presence of skin friction along the shaft of pile (A.B.CHANCE & Hubbell, 2003).

This offset limit load method always yields conservative results (CFEM, 2006).

4.4.2 10%, 8% and 5% failure criterions

According to 10% failure criterion, a pile can be considered failed when it settles to an amount

equal to 10% of its diameter at toe. This criterion was first proposed by Terzaghi in 1942 for

compressive loads (Sakr, 2009). Subsequently, this criterion was proposed by Viggiani,

Mandolini, & Russo (2014). Sakr (2011) proposed that full toe resistance of soil is normally

mobilized at a settlement equal to 10% of helix diameter. Unlike the toe resistance, shaft

resistance is mobilized at small settlements which are equal to 5mm to 10mm (CFEM, 2006).

10% failure criterion, when used for smaller helix plates, yields appropriate settlements. For piles

with greater diameter of helix, 10% criterion can result into a failure load for which settlements

will be too high. These excessive differential settlements can pose a major challenge for design

engineers. For this reasons, further failure criterions have been introduced which could account

for larger diameter helixes and are describer below.

Livneh & El Naggar (2008) tested 19 helical piles in both tension and compression. They

observed that most of the piles failed in compression when a settlement more than 8% of helix

diameter had been achieved. They proposed a failure criterion which defines the failure load as a

load corresponding to the settlement equal to 8% of largest helix plus elastic compression

settlement of helical pile. This failure criterion is given in equation (33) below which is similar

to Davisson offset limit load criterion. Failure load is also determined in the same way as for

Davisson offset limit load criterion.

𝑆= + 0.08𝐷 (33)


S= Settlement at failure

P= Applied load at failure

L= Length of pile

A= Cross-sectional area of pile shaft

E= Young’s modulus of steel

D= Diameter of largest helix

5% failure criterion was proposed by Sakr in 2009 and defines the ultimate or failure load as a

load corresponding to a settlement equal to 5% of average helix diameter. This criterion is

intended for the uplift loads. In most cases, the uplift capacities of helical piles are less than the

compressive capacities for the same soil characteristics. The testing of two hundred helical piles

by Trofimenkov & Mariupolskii (1965) revealed that the compression load capacities were

about 1.4 to 1.5 times the tension or uplift load capacities. Sakr (2009) tested few helical piles

and suggested that compression capacities are about 40% to 50% more than the uplift capacity.

For this reason, the 5% failure criterion can also be used for the compressive load capacities, as

the results will always be safe. O’ Neill & Reese (1999) defined the axial compressive capacity

of cast-in-place concrete piles as the load that produces a settlement in pile equal to 5% of the toe


4.4.3 L1-L2 failure criterion

L1-L2 method was proposed by Hirany & Khulhawy in 1989 (Kulhawy & Hirany, 2009).

The load movement curve can be divided in three regions as shown in figure (12): initial linear,

transition and final linear. In initial linear portion, the graph remains more or less linear.

Afterwards, it starts changing its shape which is transition region. Then comes a stage after

transition region where a large settlements occur by applying small loads. This portion of graph

is called final linear portion. The point corresponding to initial linear region is L1 and point

corresponding to final linear region is called L2. The load corresponding to point L1 and L2 are

PL1 and PL2 respectively.

Figure 12. Regions in load movement curve

(Adapted from “Interpreted failure load for drilled shafts via Davisson and L1-L2,” by Fred. H.
Kulhawy and A. Hirany, 2009, Proceedings of the 2009 International Foundation Congress and
Equipment Expo, p.127-134. Copyright 2009 American Society of Civil Engineers. (This
material may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of
the American Society of Civil Engineers)

L1 is easy to point out as it is prominent in most of the cases. However, in absence of

large displacement data, it is difficult sometimes to determine the exact location of point L2 on

graph (Kulhawy & Hirany, 2009). Khulhawy and Hirany in 2009 analyzed this method with

other existing methods and found out that most of the piles fail in transition region or in the final

linear region of load movement curve. Their research revealed that the Davisson offset limit load

was always higher than PL1 and lower than PL2 and failure occurred in transition zone. However,

they argued that failure can also take place beyond final linear portion of graph. Sakr estimated

ultimate loads for the helical piles in 2011 using Davisson, L1-L2 and 5% failure criterions. The
helical piles that were tested by Sakr (2011) had shaft diameter range between 12 4 to 16 inches

and helix diameters were between 30 to 40 inches. He found out that capacity results from L1-L2

method were lower than the 5% criterion by 13% to 18%. However, Davisson criterion yielded

load capacity values up to 47% lower than L1-L2 and 5%.

Apart from being a simple method, this method has some major drawbacks. One

drawback is that it can be effected significantly by the scale of graph as shape of load movement

curve can change as a result of scale change. The shape of load movement graph can also vary

considerably by the amount of skin friction in shafts of piles. This criterion can produce

considerably high load capacity values when skin friction is present. The graph of load

movement curve starts changing shape once skin friction reaches its threshold value. Thus, this

method can produce considerably low capacity values for small diameter piles where skin

friction is usually non-existent. Moreover, unlike other criterions such as Davisson, this criterion

does not consider elastic compression.

4.4.4 Chin failure criterion

This failure criterion was proposed by Chin in 1970. This method assumes a hyperbolic function

between load and settlement (Abdelrahman et al., 2003). In order to calculate the failure load,

each settlement value is divided by its corresponding load value and plotted along the ordinate.

The settlements are plotted along the abscissa. This failure criterion works on the assumption

that the plot shows a straight line at failure and the inverse slope of this straight line is failure

load. The slope of plotted straight line is called C1 and y intercept is called C2. The equation of

this straight line is given in equation (34).

= 𝐶1 ∆ + 𝐶2 (34)


Δ= settlement

P= load

To identify a straight line, three points are required on a line. However, there are

significant chances of arriving at wrong conclusions in locating this straight line. Canadian

foundation engineering manual (2006) suggest that Chin failure criterion always results in

ultimate load capacities more than the maximum applied load on pile and is therefore is less

useful. However, it can be used to underscore the potential damages to the pile which appear as a

sudden change in Chin graph (CFEM, 2006).

Chin method can be applied to both quick and slow tests but there has to be constant time

increments between loads (Fellenius, 1980). This criterion is also dependent on extent of loading.

Abdelrahman et al. (2003) monitored this dependency and suggested that if the pile is loaded

close to failure loads then predicted ultimate loads are higher. As ASTM D1143 does not allow

to load the footing beyond safe load capacity, the applied loads in static axial compression test

are lower than the failure loads most of the times. For this reason, sometimes one need to

extrapolate the load movement curve in order to estimate the failure loads. The extrapolation

creates doubts and can result in wrong failure loads (CFEM, 2006;Abdelrahman et al., 2003).

Fellenius (1980) suggested that this method is more effective for high load data points on the

load movement curve. Usually a straight line does not form until it passes Davisson offset limit

load and as a rule, Chin method results are 20% to 40% greater than Davisson offset limit load

(Fellenius, 1980).

4.4.5 Brinch-Hansen 80% and 90% failure criterions

Brinch-Hansen 80% criterion was proposed by Brinch & Hansen in 1961. It defines failure load

as a load which induces four times the settlements as obtained at 80% of that load (Fellenius,

1980). Failure load is (PU) which induce settlement (ΔU) if 0.80PU gives a settlement value of

0.25ΔU. Similarly, Brinch-Henson 90% criterion defines failure load as a load that gives twice

the settlements of pile head as obtained at 90% of that load (Fellenius, 1980). In most cases, 80%

criterion is usually followed.

To estimate failure load, a graph is plotted between ratio of square root of each deflection

and the test load (√Δ/P) on ordinate and deflections on abscissa (Dotson, 2013). This method

assumes a straight line on its plot (CFEM, 2006). A best fit linear line is drawn and its slope (C 1)

and y intercept (C2) is calculated. PU and ΔU are given as follows in equation (35) and (36).

𝑃𝑢 = (35)
2√𝐶1 𝐶2

∆𝑢 = (36)

The load movement data with low load points can be ignored to plot Brinch Hansen

curve because data with high load magnitude is more significant for this criterion (Dotson,

2013). Canadian foundation engineering manual (2006) suggest that this criterion is only valid if

failure load (plunging failure) was reached during static axial compression testing of pier and the

point (0.8PU, 0.25ΔU) lies on load movement curve of test pile. If this is not the case, load

movement plot can be extrapolated.

4.4.6 De Beer failure criterion

This failure criterion was proposed by De Beer in 1967 and again in 1972 by De Beer and

Wallays. This method was initially developed for slow axial load tests (Fellenius, 1980). To

calculate failure load, graph between load and settlement is plotted in a double logarithmic scale.

Graph plot values falls in two straight lines. The intersection of these lines is defined as failure

load. This method assumes that pile was loaded close to failure load, otherwise the graph can be

a single straight line (Abdelrahman et al., 2003).

4.4.7 Decourt’s extrapolation criterion

This criterion was proposed by Luciano Decourts in 1999 (Abdelrahman et al., 2003). Each load

value is divided by its corresponding settlement and plotted against the load. Plot tend to be a

straight line. The point where this straight line intersects load axis is regarded as ultimate/failure

load. Ultimate load is calculated by extrapolating straight line to the load axis. The slope of the

line is C1 and y intercept is C2. The ultimate load can directly be determined by dividing C2

with C1 (equation 37).

𝑄𝑢 = 𝐶2/𝐶1 (37)

4.5 Static axial compression test on test pile

The helical pile on which this compression test was conducted is denoted as test pile. Test pile

was the same as other installed helical piles i.e. RS2875.203. It was installed at the middle of the

rest piles so as to keep it in same soil conditions as for other’s.

4.5.1 Test assembly

The load set up is shown in figure (13). The components of the compression test assembly were

the same as explained by ASTM D1143 and are given below.

 Hydraulic jack

 Test beam

 Reaction piles

 Steel test plate

 Load transfer beams

 Reference beams

 Dial gauges

The main part of this assembly is to have a strong and huge test beam. This test beam was

sufficient in size to avoid excessive deflections and to sustain huge loads. The test beam was

connected with load transfer beams to transfer the load to these beams. The load transfer beams

were connected with reaction piles with the help of ringed steel rod bolted with the reaction


Four reaction piles were installed which were multi helix piles containing three helixes of

10, 12 and 14 inches. Multi helix pile were used as reaction piles for safety purposes as they have

more capacity than a single helix pile in both tension and compression loadings. Reaction piles

were driven to a depth and installation torque similar to the test pile. They all attained a similar

torque value at an average depth of 21ft.

Figure 13. Loading assembly for compression test conducted

There were two reference beams for mounting the dial gauges. They were accurately

levelled to measure settlement precisely. In total, four dial gauges were used to measure the

resultant settlement and were placed at four corners of steel test plate. The gauges were fixed on

the reference beam with the help of magnetic bases. Net settlement was calculated by averaging

the settlement of each dial gauge. The test set up with dial gauges is shown in figure (14).

Figure 14. Mounted dial gauges on reference beams

4.5.2 Hydraulic jack and calibration

There were two hydraulic jacks which could be used to load the test pile. First was AME ram

and other was Orbit ram. For this test, AME ram/hydraulic jack was used fig 15 (b). This ram is

powered by a generator and is capable of applying a load up to 186,246 lbs. Whenever a load had

to be applied on the test pile, pressure was induced in ram and its shaft moved up. The pressure

inducing system of ram/hydraulic jack is shown in figure 15 (a).

Figure 15 (a): Pressure inducing system Figure 15 (b): Hydraulic jack

Figure 15. Hydraulic jack system

Like any other loading system, calibration of hydraulics with load is very important as it

is responsible for accurate load application on the test pile. Calibration chart of load with

hydraulic pressure is given in figure (16). Load increases linearly with the pressure and shows a

perfect straight line. Using this calibration plot, the load magnitude can be determined at any

pressure. The load in pounds can be calculated by multiplying pressure magnitude in Psi by

20.694 using equation (38).

𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑑 (𝑙𝑏𝑠) = 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 (𝑃𝑠𝑖) × 20.694 (38)


Load (lbs)



0 4000 8000 12000
Pressure (Psi)

Figure 16. Calibration chart of AME ram

4.5.3 Static axial compression test

Static axial compression test is terminated when specific predetermined load magnitude is

attained. This load, which can be regarded as the failure load, should not be more than safe or

allowable structural load capacity of foundation as suggested by ASTM D1143. To determine

the failure load for compression test conducted on a test pile, it is important to discuss the

ultimate and allowable structural load capacities of RS2875.203 helical piles.

A.B CHANCE & Hubbell Inc specifies nominal/ultimate structural load capacity of

RS2875.203 helical piles as 73.6 kips and allowable structural load capacity of RS2875.203

helical piles as 66.3 kips and 36.8 kips according to load and resistance factor design (LRFD)

and allowable stress design (ASD) method. The difference between LRFD and ASD allowable

loads is due to difference of safety factors in both design methods. Considering the

recommendations of ASTM D1143 standards, the test pile could be loaded to a maximum load

equal to 66.3 kips, as it is the maximum structural allowable load for RS2875.203 helical piles.

However, 66.3 kips may not be the ultimate load of RS2875.203 helical piles as ultimate and

allowable loads of piles are governed by the amount of settlement induced in piles. Deep

foundations are considered failed when they settle more than the permissible settlement. The

permissible amount of settlement depends upon the settlement tolerance of structures as

structures are designed to sustain a certain amount of settlement. If settlement more than the

permissible settlement is induced, this can damage the structural integrity. For most cases, when

designing the structures, 1 inch (25mm) is considered as the maximum accepted value of

settlement (Sakr, 2009). A settlement more than 1 inch can have serious damaging implications

on the superstructure of a building. However, the permissible settlement value also depends on

the soil on which foundation is lying.

Helical piles like other deep foundations carry loads by mobilizing full end bearing

strength of soil and cannot support load beyond this strength. If loaded further, they start to

settle. End bearing strength is fully mobilized at a settlement equal to 10% of helix diameter

(Sakr, 2011). And a pile is considered to have failed if the settlement in pile head reaches 10%

of pile diameter (Viggiani et al., 2014). Thus the settlement that would mobilize full end bearing

strength of soil at the tip of RS2875.203 helical pile is 1 inch as helix diameter for this pile is 10


Considering the above discussion, the permissible settlement for RS2875.203 helical

piles can be fixed at 1inch. Thus, the maximum amount to which the test pile could be allowed to

settle is 1 inch. Therefore, it was decided that the axial static compression test will be terminated

at a load equal to 66.3 kips or load corresponding to a settlement equal to 1 inch, whichever

comes first. This termination criterion served two purposes: safety of loading apparatus and

sufficient data for analysis.

The load was applied in increments of 5% of 66.3 kips and time interval for each load

was kept at ten minutes. Settlement in pile was noted at half, one, two, four, eight and ten

minutes of each loading interval. At the start of test, the load movement curve showed sharp

increase in slope but this slope started decreasing gradually depicting the depleting load capacity

of helical test pile. The test pile attained an average settlement of 0.957 inches at a load of 48.6

kips and the test was terminated at this stage. Load was removed afterwards in eight equal

decrements keeping the time interval of decrements same as it was during loading phase.

The load movement curve of test pile is shown in figure (17). Up to a load magnitude of

12.99 Kips, rate of increase in settlement was low but further loading of pile yielded a higher

settlement rates. Upon removal of load completely, a regain of 0.297 inch was observed and net

settlement was 0.66 inch at zero load. The data revealed that settlements occurred right after

each load increment and remained almost the same till the end of that increment.


Load (lbs)


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

Settlement (Inches)

Figure 17. Load movement curve of the test pile

4.6 Interpretation of test pile load movement curve

The failure criterions described above have been used to interpret the load movement curve of

the test pile in this section.

4.6.1 Davisson offset limit load

The Davison offset limit load method has been used for load movement curve of a test pile and is

given in figure (18). Elastic compression line is drawn at 20 degrees from the load axis. For

convenience, the graph has been plotted with the pile settlements in millimetres. If the graph had

been in inches, it would have been too small to draw these lines.



Load (lbs)




0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Settlement (mm)

Figure 18. Davisson offset limit load

The offset line is at distance equal to 5.91mm from the elastic compression line. The

ultimate load for the test pile results in 33.55 kips. The allowable load results in 16.77 kips by

applying a safety factor equal to 2. The settlements corresponding to ultimate and allowable load

are about 0.42 inch and 0.093 inch respectively. The ultimate settlement is 42% of permissible

settlement and leave a margin for additional settlement as 58%. The allowable settlement is 9.3%

of permissible settlement and leaves an additional settlement margin equal to 90.7%. Although

the ultimate settlement and corresponding additional settlement margin seem appropriate, but

piles are subjected to the allowable load rather than the ultimate load. The allowable load and

settlement is too small. The margin for additional settlement at allowable load is huge 90.7%,

which indicate that Davisson offset limit load criterion results in conservative failure load for

RS2875.203 helical piles.

Canadian foundation engineering manual (2006) does not recommend considering skin

friction for shafts having diameter less than 100 mm. Although, the shaft diameter of

RS2875.203 helical pile is less than 100mm but Davisson plot indicates the presence of skin

friction along the shaft of the test pile as elastic compression line intersects the load movement

graph of the test pile.

4.6.2 10%, 8% and 5% failure loads

The settlement corresponding to 10% failure criterion is 1 inch for the test pile. The average total

settlement of the test pile was 0.957 inches, which is close to 1 inch. Hence, 0.957-inch

settlement is considered the settlement corresponding to 10% failure criterion in this research.

Thus, the maximum applied load on the test pile (i.e. 48.63 kips) is the ultimate load

corresponding to 10% failure criterion. The allowable load using a safety factor of 2 results in

24.3 kips and the corresponding settlement is about 0.22 inch. This settlement is 22% of

permissible settlement and leaves an additional settlement margin equal to 78%. The ultimate

settlement corresponding to 10% failure criterion is equal to 1 inch, which is the permissible

settlement for RS2875.203 helical piles. Thus, it can be argued that this failure criterion yields

real value of failure or ultimate load for RS2875.203 helical piles. Also, there is a sufficient

margin of additional settlement at allowable loads which ensures the safety of structures. This

indicate that 10% failure criterion yields appropriate values of ultimate and allowable loads

without compromising on safety.

The 8% failure criterion has been used for the test pile and can be seen in figure (19). The

elastic compression line has been drawn in the same way as in Davisson offset limit method. The

offset line did not intersect the load movement curve. The load movement curve was

extrapolated to intersect the offset line drawn at a distance equal to 8% of 10 inches (i.e. 20.32

mm). The ultimate load for this failure criterion comes out to be about 50 kips. The allowable

load results in 25 kips and corresponding settlement is about 0.23 inch. These allowable load and

settlement are appropriate. However, the load movement curve should not be extrapolated to get

the results because of the significant likelihood that load movement curve would not follow the

same path in reality as extrapolated (CFEM, 2006). The extrapolation makes this criterion

dubious and less useful for RS2875.203 helical piles.

The load movement curve of test pile gives an ultimate load of approximately 36.5 kips

corresponding to 5% failure criterion. The corresponding settlement is 0.5 inch which is 50% of

the permissible settlement. The allowable load, with a safety factor equal to 2, results in 18.25

kips. The settlement corresponding to allowable load is approximately 0.12 inch and leaves

additional settlement margin equal to 88%. 5% failure criterion yields conservative ultimate and

allowable loads as compared with 10% failure criterion. This criterion was initially proposed for

uplift loads. The compressive load capacities of helical piles are significantly higher than the

uplift capacities as discussed in section 4.4.2. Thus, conservative results of this failure criterion

are justified. This failure criterion is more applicable for the helical piles having higher diameter

helixes because it results in very small settlement for smaller diameter helixes.

6.34E+04 PUlt


Load (lbs)





0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Settlement (mm)

Figure 19. 8% failure load

4.6.3 L1-L2 failure load

The L1-L2 plot for test pile is given in figure (20). The approximate values of PL1 and PL2 are

10140 lbs and 25991lbs respectively. The portion of graph between L1 and L2 is all transition

zone. As mentioned above that failure of pile occurs at transition region or at L2, load

corresponding to point L2 (PL2) can be considered as ultimate load capacity of test pile. The

ultimate load of this criterion can change if the scale of load movement curve is changed which

is a major drawback of this criterion and make its results highly uncertain.


Load (Lbs)




0 0.4 0.8 1.2
Settlement (Inches)

Figure 20. L1-L2 failure plot

4.6.4 Chin failure load

This criterion assumes that the piles was loaded till the plunging failure condition. The Chin plot

for test pile is given in figure (21). It is evident that the straight line for this plot does not exist

potentially due to the reason that test pile was not loaded till failure.


1.50E-05 C2=0.7×10-5
Settlement/correspondig load

1.00E-05 C1= 1.31×10-5


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Settlement (inch)

Figure 21. Chin failure plot

In order to achieve straight line for the figure (21), load movement curve of test pile

needed to be extrapolated till the plunging failure load. Because of uncertainties associated with

extrapolation, a best fit straight line was drawn and failure load was determined from this line.

The ultimate/failure load was found to be 76301.61 pounds or 76.3 Kips from this Chin curve.

By applying a factor of safety equal to 2, allowable load capacity becomes 38150.8 pounds or

38.15 Kips. The ultimate load is significantly higher than the maximum applied load on the test

pile. The settlement corresponding to the ultimate load would certainly be significantly higher

than permissible settlement which make this failure criterion invalid for RS2875.203 helical


4.6.5 Brinch Hansen failure loads

The Brinch-Hansen graph plot is shown in figure (22). The low load data point has been ignored

and only high load points from load movement curve of test pile has been used to plot Brinch

Hansen curve. The calculations show the values of PU and ΔU as 48492.86 pounds and 1.62

inches respectively. It was found that the points 0.8Pu and 0.25Δu did not plot on the load

movement curve of test pile. The potential reason is that the failure was not achieved during

static axial compression testing of test pile. Failure load for the test pile therefore cannot be

determined using Brinch Hansen 80% and 90% criterions.


(√Settlement)/Test load





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Settlement (inch)

Figure 22. Brinch-Hansen failure plot

4.6.6 De Beer failure load

De Beer plot for the test pile has been given in figure (23). It can be seen from the plot, just after

the third point, line has changed its course and intersection point can be distinguished. This

intersection point between two lines shows a failure load of approximately 10,000 pounds or 10


With a safety factor of 2, allowable load becomes 5000 pounds or 5 Kips which is

significantly less as compared with other methods discussed in this chapter. The settlements at

ultimate and allowable load are about 0.038 inch and 0.026 inch respectively. These settlements

are 3.8% and 2.6% of the permissible settlement which are very small and leave huge margins

for additional settlements as 96.2% and 97.4% respectively. Thus, it can be argued that this

failure criterion underestimates the true bearing potential of RS2875.203 helical piles which may

lead to highly uneconomical pile designs and therefore is not recommended for these piles.



Load (Lbs)



0.01 0.1 1
Settlement (Inches)

Figure 23. De Beer failure plot

4.6.7 Decourt’s failure load

Decourt’s extrapolation for the test pile is given in figure (24). A best fit straight line has been

drawn. A few initial data points of load movement curve were discarded because they were not

lying in straight line. A best fit line is drawn to calculate the ultimate load. From extrapolation,

ultimate load was found to be 62,748.64 pounds or 62.74 Kips. By applying a safety factor equal

to 2, allowable load becomes 31374.32 pounds or 31.37 Kips.



y = -2.9389x + 184412
8.00E+04 R² = 0.9263


1.00E+04 2.00E+04 3.00E+04 4.00E+04 5.00E+04


Figure 24. Decourt’s extrapolation

The settlement corresponding to allowable load (31.37 kips) is approximately 0.4 inch.

The ultimate load is more than the maximum applied load on the test pile and corresponding

settlement would certainly be higher than permissible settlement which make this failure

criterion invalid for RS2875.203 helical piles.

Chapter 5 Estimation of ultimate loads from torque

method and bearing equations

The ultimate loads of installed helical piles were determined from the torque method and are

compared with the ultimate loads estimated using bearing equations and different interpretation

criterions of load movement curve of the test pile. The comparison between these techniques will

provide useful information regarding suitability and soundness of the torque method for

RS2875.203 helical piles.

The installation torque is representative of the soil strength. The strength of soil is an

important parameter because it defines the load bearing capacity of foundations. Records of

installed helical piles indicate that each separate pile achieved an identical magnitude of torque at

different depths. Thus, it is justified to say that each pile attained the same load carrying capacity

at different depths. Although, these depths were not same but were close to each other. For

comparison purposes, it is imperative for each pile to have the same torque magnitude at their

toes, in order to ensure that the soil strength is consistent. The test pile has an installation torque

equal to 5257 lb-ft at its toe. Hence, for each pile, final toe depth is considered at a depth where

it achieves a torque equal to 5257 lb-ft. Average torque values to be used in the torque method

are determined considering this final toe depth.

Furthermore, by fixing the depth of each helical pile according to the test pile’s toe

torque, it can be said that the load capacity and strength characteristics of the soil for each helical

pile is similar to the test pile. Thus, the settlement response of each installed helical pile can be

determined from the load movement curve of the test pile (figure 17).

The ultimate load values calculated using the bearing equations are also compared with

those calculated using torque method. Bearing equations use the following soil strength

parameters to estimate loading capacities: cohesion and angle of internal friction. These

parameters are determined from soil samples taken from a depth 7ft below the natural surface

level (NSL). Thus, the bearing equations were used to determine the load capacities of installed

helical piles at 7ft from NSL. To be able to compare with the bearing equation results, the torque

method is used to estimate ultimate loads using a pile depth of 7ft. The projected helix area used

in the bearing equations is 0.531ft2 or 0.0493m2 for RS2875.203 (A.B.CHANCE & Hubbell,

2014). This area also includes the shaft area, which reflects the formation of a soil plug inside the

shaft. The projected helix area less the shaft area for RS2875.203 is 0.485ft2 or 0.0451m2.

It is important to mention that the ultimate load of each pile is computed from the torque

method at two different depths: depth corresponding to a torque of 5257 ft-lb and at 7ft. Ultimate

loads at 7ft depth are calculated for comparison with bearing equation’s results. Whereas, loads

at a depth corresponding to the torque of 5257 ft-lb are compared with those of static

compression test and its interpretation criterions.

5.1 Ultimate loads estimated from the torque method and the corresponding


In order to calculate ultimate load from the torque method, an average torque value is multiplied

by KT. This average torque can be determined by taking average over the entire depth of pile or

taking average over the final length of penetration equal to three times the helix dimeter, as

discussed in section 2.4. The length equal to three times the helix diameter is equivalent to 2.5ft

for RS2875.203 helical piles, as they have a single helix with 10inch diameter. For these helical

piles, two torque coefficients can be used as discussed in section 2.4: 9/ft and 10/ft. Both

averages of torque and KT are used to calculate ultimate loads of installed helical piles.

Figure (25) below represents the ultimate loads calculated using torque coefficients equal

to 9/ft and 10/ft respectively. Blue colored bars in these figures depict load values calculated

using torque averaged over entire pile depth, whereas orange bars show ultimate loads using

torque averaged over final 2.5ft of depth. Pile number seven in figure is the pile on which static

axial compression test was conducted, i.e. the test pile. It can be seen that the ultimate load of the

fifth pile shows a considerable dissimilarity from the rest, possibly due to the extraordinary soft

soil layers encountered during its installation. For this reason, fifth pile has been ignored in all

successive sections.

Before discussing the settlement response of installed helical piles, it is imperative to

discuss the permissible amounts of settlement. The structural members of any construction

project are designed based on a certain threshold amount of settlement. This threshold value is

normally taken as 1inch (Sakr, 2009). Aside from the structural design limitations, there is

certain amount of settlement required to mobilize the end bearing capacity of helical piles.

Typically, end bearing capacity is fully mobilized at settlements equal to 10% of the helix

diameter (Sakr, 2011). For RS2875.203 helical piles, this required settlement is equal to 1inch, as

these piles have single helix of 10 inches. Moreover, regardless of this permissible settlement, a

settlement greater than 1inch could damage the superstructure. Thus, 1inch can be regarded as

the maximum permissible amount of settlement for installed helical piles.


40.29 39.25
40 36.98 38.08
Ultimate load (kips)

30 26.99

20 18.52 18.66 17.96 17.96

13.74 12.65


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pile no


50 46.18
44.76 43.61
45 42.31
40 37.28
Ultimate caoacity (Kips)

20.58 20.73 19.95 19.95
20 18.15
15.27 14.05
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pile no


Figure 25. Ultimate loads calculated from torque method

The settlements at loads corresponding to the torque averaged over last 2.5ft are given in

table (2). The maximum ultimate load for KT =10/ft is in pile number 2 which is 46.18 kips, can

be seen in figure (25). Settlement at this load is 0.83 inches as given in table (2). For the other

helical piles, settlements are less than 0.83 inch, which is less than the permissible amount.

Although settlements at calculated ultimate loads are within limits, foundations are only

subjected to the allowable loads which include a safety factor. By applying a safety factor of 2 to

the ultimate load, maximum allowable load is calculated to be 23.09 kips. The settlement at this

allowable load is about 0.19 inch as given in table (2). This settlement is 19% of the permissible

amount, leaving a margin of 81%. Therefore, there is a considerable settlement margin left

behind which ensures the safety of structure.

Table 2: Settlements at ultimate and allowable loads corresponding to the torque averaged over

last 2.5ft

Settlement at ultimate loads (inch) settlement at allowable loads (inch)

Pile no KT =10/ft KT =9/ft KT =10/ft KT =9/ft
1 0.78 0.64 0.18 0.14
2 0.83 0.68 0.19 0.15
3 0.66 0.52 0.15 0.11
4 0.52 0.41 0.12 0.09
5 0.33 0.26 0.07 0.06
6 0.7 0.56 0.16 0.12
Test pile 0.75 0.6 0.18 0.13

When a KT value of 9/ft is used instead of 10/ft, ultimate loads are further reduced. The

corresponding settlements at these reduced loads are less as compared with the settlements at

loads corresponding to KT equal to 10/ft. Thus, results become more safe. Ultimate and

allowable settlements of helical piles for KT =9/ft can be seen in table (2). The maximum

ultimate load is 41.56 kips, and the corresponding settlement at this load is approximately 0.68

inch. When safety factor of 2 is applied on this load, the maximum allowable settlement is

estimated as 0.15 inch. This is equal to 15% of 1inch leaving an 85% margin.

When torque averaged over the entire depth of helical pile is used, the maximum ultimate

load using KT as 10/ft and 9/ft is 20.73 kips and 18.65 kips respectively. Settlements at these

loads are determined from the test pile’s load movement curve (figure 17), and are found to be

0.158 and 0.12 inch respectively. When a safety factor of 2 is applied on these ultimate loads,

settlements at resultant allowable loads corresponding to KT =10/ft and 9/ft are 0.037 inch and

0.034 inch. These settlements are 3.7% and 3.4% of the permissible amount, leaving a margin of

96.3% and 96.6% behind. This huge settlement margin indicates that such small ultimate and

allowable settlements are highly uneconomical for designs and will only mobilize a small

fraction of the end bearing potential of soil.

To summarize, when a torque value averaged over the final length equal to three times

the helix diameter is used, the torque method yields ultimate and allowable loads for RS2875.203

helical piles which are realistic, economical and safe for both values of KT (10/ft and 9/ft). The

corresponding settlements for these loads are appropriate and within permissible limits.

However, when torque averaged over the entire depth of pile is used in torque method, resultant

settlements are very small and are not sufficient to utilize true bearing potential of soil. Such

small settlements are highly uneconomical for designs.

5.2 Torque method and compression test interpretation criterions

The static axial compression load test gives a complete depiction of a foundation’s

behavior in different soils. Various failure criterions that tend to interpret load movement curve

are discussed earlier in chapter 4. The Davisson offset limit load, 10% and 5% criterions are

most noteworthy methods to interpret a load movement curve. The other criterions discussed are

unable to interpret the load movement curve of a test pile because of various reasons. Brinch

Hansen, Chin and De Beer failure criterions require the pile to be loaded close to the plunging

failure, whereas the compression test was aborted before this stage was reached. Moreover, Chin

and Decourt’s criterions result in loads that are significantly greater than the maximum applied

load on test pile and therefore are not deemed valid for RS2875.203. The comparison of ultimate

loads with Davisson, 10%, 5% and 8% failure criterions are given below. Pile no five is ignored

here as mentioned in section 5.1.

As torque averaged over entire depth of pile results in uneconomical and unrealistic

results, only ultimate loads of helical piles calculated using torque averaged over final 2.5ft are

discussed here. Figure 26(a) compares ultimate loads estimated using the torque method with

KT=10/ft to failure loads corresponding to 10% and Davisson offset limit criterion. Figure 26(b)

compares ultimate loads using KT=10/ft to failure loads corresponding to the 5% and 8%

criterions. “Ultimate loads” refer to the loads calculated using torque method and “failure loads”

refer to those determined by various interpretation criterions.

10% failure load (i.e. 48.63 kips) occurs at a settlement equal to 1inch for installed helical

piles as they have single helix of 10inch dimeter. Since 1inch is maximum permissible settlement

for RS2875.203 helical piles, loads corresponding to 1inch of settlement can be considered as

actual ultimate load for RS2875.203 helical piles. This makes the 10% criterion the most

important out of other mentioned criterions for RS2875.203 helical piles. The ratios between

ultimate loads calculated from the torque method versus the 10% failure load range between 0.76

to 0.949, which indicated an agreement between the two methods. However, the 10% failure load

is higher than the ultimate loads, which suggests that the torque method yields safer results.

On the contrary, the Davisson offset failure load is always less than ultimate loads. When

compared with the Davisson offset failure load, calculated ultimate loads are up to 37% and 24%

greater for KT equal to 10/ft and 9/ft respectively. As discussed in section 4.6.1, Davisson failure

criterion results in relatively small and uneconomical loads for RS2875.203 helical pile, while

the torque method seems to provide a good approximation of ultimate loads. The 5% failure load

is relatively close to the ultimate loads, as ratios of ultimate and 5% failure load range from 1.02

to 1.26. Although 5% failure load is less than the ultimate loads, it was proposed for helical piles

loaded in uplift. Uplift load capacities of helical piles are normally less than the compression

load capacities (Livneh & El Naggar, 2008;Narasimha Rao et al., 1991). The lower failure load

of 5% criterion is thus justifiable.

8% failure load is 50 kips, which is very close to the maximum applied load on test pile

(48.63 kips). Ultimate loads calculated using torque method range between 74% to 92% of this

failure load. This failure load represents a good agreement with torque method; however, it is

important to mention that load movement curve was extrapolated to obtain the failure load.

Extrapolation can produce unrealistic results, as the load movement curve might not follow the

extrapolated path in reality and failure could occur before reaching the anticipated load. The


Load (kips)




1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pile no
Ultimate load 10% Davisson




Load (kips)




1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pile no
Ultimate load 5% 8%


Figure 26. Comparison of calculated loads for torque averaged over last 2.5ft and failure loads

for KT =10/ft

Canadian foundation engineering manual also discourages the extrapolation of a load

movement curve. Validity of 8% criterion in this case is therefore dubious.

A similar to the results corresponding to KT=10/ft is evident for KT=9/ft. Figure (27)

compares the results of static axial compression test criterions to the torque method using

KT=9/ft. Ultimate loads are 69-85.5% of 10% failure load, which are 76-94.9% for KT =10/ft.

Similarly, ultimate loads are up to 23.8% more than the Davisson offset limit load. The ratios of

ultimate loads to 8% failure load range between 0.67 to 0.83. However, loads calculated with

KT=9/ft depict a better understanding with the 5% criterion as their ratios are from 0.91 to 1.13.



Load (kips)




1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pile no
Ultimate load Davisson 10%




Load (kips)




1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pile no
Ultimate load 8% 5%


Figure 27. Comparison of calculated loads for torque averaged over final 2.5ft and failure loads

for KT=9/ft

5.3 Estimation of ultimate loads using bearing equations

The basic form of bearing equations is the same for all foundations; however, the bearing factors

used in the equations differ for shallow and deep foundations. Bearing factors suggested by

Terzaghi (1943) and Vesic (1963) have been used to calculate ultimate loads on helical piles.

Meyerhof (1976) and Vesic (1977) bearing equations are also used for this purpose. Table (3)

represents the calculated ultimate loads of installed helical piles at 7ft from NSL. For Terzaghi

(1943) and Vesic (1963), values of Nq * are determined from figure (3) and NC * is taken as 9 as

suggested by CFEM (2006). The ultimate load corresponding to Meyerhof (1976) is also

determined and found to be controlled by the limiting value of point/end resistance as discussed

in section Vesic (1977) method is used to compute ultimate load at minimum value of

reduced rigidity index i.e. 10 which is the minimum mentioned value in Das (1999). This

minimum value is used because reduced rigidity index for the airport site could not be

determined due to the research limitations. Results show a slight deviation from each other.

Where the ultimate load upper bound is is 10.74 kips and lower bound is 8.57 kips, governed by

Vesic (1977) and Meyerhof (1976) respectively.

Table 3: Calculated ultimate loads of helical piles at 7ft

Bearing factors Ultimate load (Kips)

Meyerhof (1976) 8.57
Vesic (1977) 10.74
Terzaghi (1943) 9.46
Vesic (1963) 9.06

Ultimate loads corresponding to various combinations of bearing factors as recommended

by A.B.CHANCE & Hubbell (2014) are determined and given in table (4). To calculate Nq,

equation (28) is used. This equation represents values of Nq reduced by 50% (9 in this case) for

a long term application. The non reduced value of Nq i.e. 18 is also used. Similarly, a NC value of

9 represents the recommendation of Canadian foundation engineering manual and 18 is

determined from the equation (23).

The calculated value of ultimate load is appropriate and within the upper and lower

bounds set by Vesic and Meyerhof equations when a value of 9 and 18 is used for NC and Nq

respectively. This combination of bearing factors, using the A.B CHANCE & Hubbell method,

seems suitable to calculate the ultimate load of RS2875.203 helical piles.

Table 4: Bearing factor from A.B CHANCE & Hubbell Inc at 7ft

NC Nq QUlt (kips)
9 9 5.65
9 18 8.828
33.36 18 15.53
15.7 9 7.5

5.4 Torque method and bearing equations

In order to compare with the bearing equations, the torque method is used to calculate the

ultimate load of piles at 7ft. This means that the average torque values are determined

considering final depth of 7ft for each pile. The comparison with the bearing equations will

check the soundness of torque method. Although bearing equations used for conventional pile

foundations are also used for helical piles, the comparison of the ultimate loads of these

equations with torque method’s result will provide further understanding to identify the most

appropriate equation for helical piles. The calculated ultimate loads are given in table (5).

Table 5: Ultimate loads of installed helical piles calculated from torque method at 7ft depth

Ultimate loads (kips)

Pile no KT=10/ft KT= 9/ft
1 10.27 9.25
2 9.21 8.29
3 10.41 9.36
4 11.6 10.44
5 9 8.1
6 10.2 9.18
TP 9.89 8.9

A comparison of ultimate loads estimated by the torque method and bearing equations at

7ft is given in figure (28). Torque method results using both torque coefficients show a good

correlation with predicted loads calculated from the bearing equations. Ratios between loads

corresponding to different bearing methods and the torque method using both torque coefficients

ignoring pile no 4 are given in table (6). Pile no 4 is neglected because its results are showing

some deviation from the rest and may affect the comparison. Ratios for pile no 4 are given in

table (7). An ultimate load value of 8.828 kips is used for the A.B CHANCE and Hubbell

method in tables (5) and (6).

Vesic (1977) equation always yield higher ultimate loads than those computed with

torque method. However, ultimate loads from other bearing methods are in sound agreement

with those from the torque method. The ratios given in table (6) do not exceed 1 significantly,

which reflects the suitability of torque method with respect to the bearing equations. Moreover,

ultimate loads calculated using a torque coefficient of 9/ft are relatively closer to loads calculated

from bearing equations as indicated by their ratios. Ultimate load of the fourth pile deviates from

the rest piles, and for this reason, its ratios are different.



Load (kips)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pile no
Kt=9/ft Kt=10/ft Meyerhof (1976) Vesic (1977)
Terzaghi (1943) Vesic (1963) CHANCE

Figure 28. Comparison of loads computed from torque method and bearing equations

Table 6 : Ratios between ultimate loads calculated from bearing equations and torque

KT=10/ft KT=9/ft
Terzaghi (1943) 0.90-1.05 1.01-1.16
Meyerhof 0.82-0.95 0.91-1.05
Vesic (1963) 0.87-1 0.96-1.11
A.B CHANCE & Hubbell 0.84-0.98 0.94-1.08
Vesic (1977) 1.03-1.19 1.14-1.32

Table 7: Ratios for pile no 4

KT=10/ft KT=9/ft
Terzaghi (1943) 0.81 0.9
Meyerhof 0.73 0.82
Vesic (1963) 0.78 0.86
A.B CHANCE & Hubbell 0.76 0.84
Vesic (1977) 0.92 1.02

When an average of the ultimate loads from the torque method at 7ft for all installed

helical piles except pile no. 4 is taken, their correlation with bearing equation’s results are

reinforced. Table (7) below shows the ratios between average ultimate loads from the torque

method using both KT and loads corresponding to different bearing equations. A KT of 10/ft

depicts a reasonable agreement, but 9/ft proves to be the best suited torque coefficient in this

case since its ratios are approximately equal to 1. Surprisingly when bearing factors

recommended by A.B CHANCE and Hubbell are used to calculate ultimate loads, they show an

excellent correlation with the torque method for KT=9/ft as this ratio is equal to 0.99. These

results indicate that KT=9/ft generates relatively safe results which are equivalent to ultimate

loads predicted by different bearing equations.

Table 8: Ratios between ultimate load calculated from bearing equations and average
ultimate load of helical piles from the torque method

KT=10/ft KT=9/ft
Terzaghi (1943) 0.96 1.06
Meyerhof 0.87 0.96
Vesic (1963) 0.92 1.02
A.B CHANCE & Hubbell 0.89 0.99
Vesic (1977) 1.09 1.21

5.5 Numerical modelling of RS2875.203

The process of design for a geotechnical structure are relatively complex. For example, the

design of foundations is comprised of two parts; firstly, a structural design and then a subsequent

geotechnical design. The load carrying capacity of deep foundations/piles is governed by the

geotechnical properties of the soil, because piles are designed structurally to carry enormous

loads so that the soil strength will fail before the structural strength of pile. Deep foundations

sustain their loads through two mechanisms: skin friction and end bearing. Helical piles bear

their loads in same way as a conventional deep foundation; however, the helix the tip enhances

end bearing resistance substantially. Additionally, a third component called cylindrical shear

plane can exist, as discussed in section 2.2.2. In order to account for all these complexities, a

software especially designed for helical piles called HelixPile was used in this research.

HelixPile is developed by Deep Excavations. Deep Excavations is a private organization

which deals with the modern and robust design of deep excavations as well as helical piles.

HelixPile software incorporates all aspects of helical piles that are vital for their analysis and

design. Where any specific helical pile can be chosen from a database; however, users are able to

define their own specifications. This computer program is capable of designing and analyzing

following kinds of helical piles.

 Square shaft helical pile

 Round shaft helical pile

 Square micro pile

 Round micro pile

 Pipe grouted shaft with smaller core

Once pile geometry inputs are given, it calculates all parameters such as projected area of

pile and section modulus of helical pile automatically. The soil profiles can be changed to match

the actual soil characteristics in field. Helical piles can be analyzed in different stages while

incorporating different analysis options such as multiple failure modes. HelixPile is also able to

investigate cylindrical failure plane, making this program a unique modern way to analyze

helical piles. Moreover, SPT test records can be inputted in to directly estimate helical pile


Helical piles can be analyzed in tension as well as compression. Incorporation of other

effects, such as buckling and installation disturbances enable users to analyze the helical pile in

detail. HelixPile simulates input soil and pile parameters to predict the load settlement behaviour,

and can estimate failure load corresponding to Davisson Offset limit load, New York City

criterion (2011-011) and ICC 358 criterion. This software can also calculate ultimate load using

bearing capacity equations. Various options of bearing capacity factors are available, such as

Meyerhof/Hansen and Vesic. Shaft resistance can also be incorporated.

Figure 29. Model of single helix helical pile

A simple model of an installed helical pile created using HelixPile is presented in figure

(29). HelixPile is used to simulate field conditions for installed piles, assuming the same soil

conditions as determined at 7ft depth. Ultimate loads, settlements, stresses and Davisson offset

limit loads are determined at various depths of helical piles and are summarized in table (9). The

depths at which these values have been calculated using HelixPile conform to the depths of the

installed helical piles. 24ft of depth represents the depth of test pile. Similarly, a depth of 17ft

conforms to the pile number 1 and 5, and 18ft to pile number 2. A depth equal to 21ft conforms

to the pile number 3 and 4. And depth equal to 23ft depicts pile number 6. The ultimate

compression loads predicted by HelixPile are significantly less than those calculated from the

torque method. HelixPile gives ultimate compression load and settlement as 24.06 kips and

0.67inch respectively at 24ft, which is the same depth to which the test pile was driven. Test pile

has a settlement of about 0.22 inch corresponding to the load equal to 24.06 kips.

It should be noted that the soil strength parameters input to HelixPile at various depths

(given in table (9)) are the same as determined at 7ft. The soil’s strength is significantly

enhanced after 7ft, as indicated by the sudden exceptional increase in torque magnitude of

installed helical piles. Thus, the considerably lower ultimate loads of helical piles and higher

settlement of the test pile predicted by HelixPile are justified.

However, when ultimate load predicted by HelixPile at 7ft is compared with the ultimate

load predicted by the torque method, a sound correlation is seen. Average ultimate loads of

installed helical piles calculated from the torque method at 7ft were 9.83 and 8.84 kips, using KT

values of 10/ft and 9/ft respectively. On the other hand, HelixPile gives ultimate load as 8.27

kips at 7ft as shown in table (9). There is only a minor difference between these loads, which

underscores the fact that HelixPile can predict good approximations of ultimate loads.

Table 9: Simulated results of RS2875.203 helical piles using HelixPile

Ultimate Davisson at Davisson Shaft tip
Depth Settlement compression offset load offset load Helix stress stress
(ft) (inch) load (kips) (kips) (inch) (ksi) (ksi)
7 0.24 8.27 8.24 0.25 5.01 5.11
17 0.47 17.44 13.2 0.29 8.97 9.07
18 0.5 18.43 13.77 0.29 9.36 9.46
21 0.58 21.46 15.57 0.31 10.55 10.65
23 0.63 23.54 16.85 0.33 11.34 11.44
24 0.67 24.06 16.69 0.33 11.78 11.88

Chapter 6 Conclusions

Helical piles are a type of deep foundations that has potential to provide significant advantages

over other conventional deep foundations. The torque method is the most widely used technique

to estimate the load bearing capacities of helical piles. Generally, the failure of deep foundations

is governed by the amount of settlement induced; however, the torque method does not account

for the induced settlements, rendering its results inaccurate due the possibility of excessive

settlements at calculated loads. In order to minimize the knowledge gap in helical piles, this

research aimed on investigating the torque method for the settlements via installation of helical

piles. Seven (7) helical piles were installed at a site in the Kelowna International Airport. In these

field tests, RS2875.203 helical piles were utilized. In addition, static axial compression test was

conducted on the seventh pile (i.e. test pile). Based on the results and analysis, the following

conclusions are summarized for RS2875.203 helical piles:

1. The torque method can be used to estimate the ultimate compressive loads.

2. Both values of torque coefficients (i.e. 10/ft & 9/ft) can be utilized to calculate

ultimate compressive loads.

3. When installation torque is averaged over the entire depth of pile, the torque

method yields ultimate compressive loads that are drastically low, and the end

bearing potential of the soil remains immobilized. These load values are highly

uneconomical for pile design.

4. When installation torque is averaged over a final length of pile equal to three

times the diameter of helix, the torque method yields a good approximation of

ultimate compressive loads. The settlements at calculated loads are appropriate

and are within permissible limits.

5. The bearing factors used for conventional piles give a good approximation of

ultimate loads for helical piles.

6. Torque method yields ultimate compressive loads which are in a good

conjunction with the ultimate compressive loads anticipated using bearing


7. 10% failure criterion is the best suited criterion to interpret the load movement

curve of the static axial compression test, whereas Davisson offset limit load

criterion yields conservative results.

When the torque is averaged over the entire depth of a helical pile, it depicts the overall

soil strength above the helix. The tensile loads on helical piles are supported by the soil above

the helix. The soil strength above the helix is thus more related to the uplift load capacities. On

the contrary, compressive loads are supported by the soil beneath the helix. Given the small

thickness of helix (i.e. 0.375 inch), the soil just below the helix has virtually the same

characteristics as possessed by the soil which is just above the helix. Thus, the soil which is just

above the helix gains more significance when pile is loaded in compression. Therefore, the

installation torque averaged over the final length of pile equal to three times the helix diameter

can be said to represent the soil strength below the helix. Consequently, this torque average

yields a good approximation of ultimate compressive load capacities.

In this research RS2875.203 single helix helical piles were used due to their widespread

availability. The possible directions of future research could be the testing of multihelix helical

piles. The investigation of torque method for the formation of cylindrical shear plane in

multihelix helical piles will provide valuable information and will help to optimize this

technique. Furthermore, helical piles featuring different types and sizes of shaft could be tested

to recognise the soundness of torque method in regards to the skin friction of the shaft.

Moreover, these piles could be tested in different types of soils to reinforce the findings of this

research. Testing a variety of helical piles in various soils will investigate the ultimate limits of

the torque method.


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