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31/1/2021 Revision Quiz for Unit 2More than a job: Revisión del intento

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Comenzado el lunes, 18 de enero de 2021, 12:02

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en lunes, 18 de enero de 2021, 12:12
Tiempo 10 minutos 42 segundos
Puntos 36,63/43,00
Calificación 8,52 de 10,00 (85%)

Pregunta 1
Choose the correct option: I’m the only one in the family earning at the moment, but we______________ 

Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00
Seleccione una:
a. get by 

b. get with

get through

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: get by

Pregunta 2
Choose the correct option.
I’m really not in the mood for a party, but I can’t ________ it.  I promised Candy I’d go.
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00

Seleccione una:
a. get on

b. get away

c. get out of it 

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: get out of it

Pregunta 3
Choose the correct option.
Well. Thanks for all your advice. I’ll _______ to you if I anything else.
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00

Seleccione una:
a. get through

b. get with

c. get back 

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: get back 1/12
31/1/2021 Revision Quiz for Unit 2More than a job: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 4
Choose the correct option.
I think Jake will go a long way. He’s very positive. If he has a disappointment, he _________ it very quickly.
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00

Seleccione una:
a. gets round

b. gets on

c. gets over 

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: gets over

Pregunta 5
Choose the correct option.
I wish she had said what was on her mind. I couldn’t understand what she was  __________
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00

Seleccione una:
a. getting for

b. getting at 

c. getting away with

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: getting at

Pregunta 6
Choose the correct option.
I’m sorry I haven’t fixed the catch on the window yet. I’ll try to __________ it later  today.
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00
Seleccione una:
a. get away with

b. get on

c. get round to 

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: get round to

Pregunta 7
Choose the verb form.
It’s as if some ____________ a valuable ring and them asked their friends to help search for it.
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00
Seleccione una:
a. had been dropping

had dropped 

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es:

had dropped 2/12
31/1/2021 Revision Quiz for Unit 2More than a job: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 8
Choose the correct verb form
For centuries, herbal doctors __________ “yarta gunbu” for all sorts of medical problems.
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00
Seleccione una:
a. have prescribed 

b. had prescribed

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: have prescribed

Pregunta 9
Choose the correct verb form.
Chen, _________ her own “yarta” company in 1998.
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00

Seleccione una:
a. has started

b. started 

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: started

Pregunta 10
Choose the correct verb form.
Since 1998, Chen’s business  _______________ year on year
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00

Seleccione una:
a. has grown 

b. has grewn

c. grew

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: has grown

Pregunta 11
Choose the correct verb form.
The next generation of golden worm diggers___________________ harder than ever.
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00
Seleccione una:
a. will have searched

b. will be searching 

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: will be searching 3/12
31/1/2021 Revision Quiz for Unit 2More than a job: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 12
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Does “yarta gunbu” actually work? Recent research shows that if hleps the blood absorb more oxygen, which in turn,
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00 helps  (help) the user to feel more energetic.

La respuesta correcta es: helps

Pregunta 13
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
People in the west criticize the use of herbs in Chinese medicine for being  unscientific, but in fact, it is a practice which
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00 is based  (be based) on thousands of years of practice.

La respuesta correcta es: is based

Pregunta 14
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Separate the two answers with a slash and a space,
as in aaaa/ bbbb
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00 In Chinese medicine, many of the ingredients are the same as those in the western medicines. An American study in 2002
showed/ had u  (show) that in nearly 50% of the new drugs produced in the previous 20 years, scientists   ________

(use) natural plants as a starting point.

showed/ had used

La respuesta correcta es: showed/ had used

Pregunta 15
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Separate the two answers with a slash and a space,
as in aaaa/ bbbb
Puntúa 0,00
sobre 1,00 So far, western medicine has not exploited  (not exploit) Chinese knowledge of herbs. One drug, however, that
_____________ (be) very successful in treating malaria, comes from the plant artemisinin.

has not exploited/ has been


La respuesta correcta es: has not exploited/ has been 4/12
31/1/2021 Revision Quiz for Unit 2More than a job: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 16
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Separate the two answers with a slash and a space,
as in aaaa/ bbbb
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00 There is no sign that more drugs like this will be develop  (be developed) any time soon. This is a shame as, without
a doubt, there _________ (be) a lot that the West can learn from the Chinese medicine.
will be developed/ is

La respuesta correcta es: will be developed/ is

Pregunta 17
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Puntúa 1,00 Did you hear about poor Esty? She was called  (call) in to work at the weekend on her birthday
sobre 1,00

La respuesta correcta es: was called

Pregunta 18
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Puntúa 1,00 I wish they would just let me get on with the job. I’m tired of  being told  (tell) what to do.
sobre 1,00

La respuesta correcta es: being told

Pregunta 19
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Puntúa 1,00 Please be careful using the axe. You could get inj  (injured)
sobre 1,00

La respuesta correcta es: could get injured

Pregunta 20
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Puntúa 1,00 I don’t mind driving, but it’s more relaxing being driven  (drive)- depending on who the driver is, of course.
sobre 1,00

La respuesta correcta es: being driven 5/12
31/1/2021 Revision Quiz for Unit 2More than a job: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 21
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Puntúa 0,00 I submit my photos to the newspaper, but if they don’t like them, I won't be paid  (not pay)
sobre 1,00

La respuesta correcta es: don’t get paid

Pregunta 22
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Puntúa 0,00 Have you been  (you invite) to the opening of the exhibition? It’s next Friday.
sobre 1,00

La respuesta correcta es: have you been invited

Pregunta 23
Complete these sentences. You have been given the first letter of the missing word / expression. In your answer write the
complete word / expression.
Puntúa 0,00
sobre 1,00 The animals are our l livehood  . Without them we couldn’t survive

La respuesta correcta es: livelihood

Pregunta 24
Complete these sentences. You have been given the first letter of the missing word / expression. In your answer write the
complete word / expression.
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00 When we interview new applicants, we always give them a simple t task  to perform.

La respuesta correcta es: task

Pregunta 25
Complete these sentences. You have been given the first letter of the missing word / expression. In your answer write the
complete word / expression.
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00 Some students go on to university, but many opt to learn a t trade  like interior decorating or plumbing or

La respuesta correcta es: trade 6/12
31/1/2021 Revision Quiz for Unit 2More than a job: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 26
Complete these sentences. You have been given the first letter of the missing word / expression. In your answer write the
complete word / expression.
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00 Medicine is more than just a job, It’s a v vocation 

La respuesta correcta es: vocation

Pregunta 27
Complete these sentences. You have been given the first letter of the missing word / expression. In your answer write the
complete word / expression.
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00 It’s difficult to make a decent l living    as an artist, unless you become very well known.

La respuesta correcta es: living

Pregunta 28
Match the two parts to make an idiom connected to safety.

Puntúa 0,00
sobre 1,00

wrap someone in
side 

Better to be safe
the book 

Do thing by
than sorry 

Err on the the correct procedure 

Second side of caution 

Cut nature 

Follow corners 

Be on the safe
cotton wool 

Respuesta incorrecta.
La respuesta correcta es: wrap someone in → cotton wool, Better to be safe → than sorry, Do thing by → the book, Err on
the → side of caution, Second → nature, Cut → corners, Follow → the correct procedure, Be on the safe → side 7/12
31/1/2021 Revision Quiz for Unit 2More than a job: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 29
Complete each sentence with a suitable idiom connected to safety.

Puntúa 1,00 I always wear a bicycle helmet, even if I am riding a short distance – just to be on the sa 
sobre 1,00

La respuesta correcta es: Be on the safe side

Pregunta 30
Complete each sentence with a suitable idiom connected to safety.

Puntúa 1,00 You can’t wrap in cotton wool  your children _________ al the time. You have to allow them to take some risks
sobre 1,00

La respuesta correcta es: Wrap in cotton wool

Pregunta 31
Complete each sentence with a suitable idiom connected to safety.

Puntúa 1,00 Safety is actually second nature  to me because I used to have a job in repairing electricity lines
sobre 1,00

La respuesta correcta es: Second nature

Pregunta 32
Complete each sentence with a suitable idiom connected to safety.

Puntúa 1,00 It’s very tempting to cut corners  when you can do something more quickly by not observing all the safety
sobre 1,00

La respuesta correcta es: cut corners

Pregunta 33
Complete each sentence with a suitable idiom connected to safety.

Puntúa 1,00 If you follow the correct proced  rather than thinking you know better, you will be fine.
sobre 1,00

La respuesta correcta es: follow the correct procedure 8/12
31/1/2021 Revision Quiz for Unit 2More than a job: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 34
Match the following idioms with the definitions.

Puntúa 0,25
sobre 1,00

I got off on the wrong foot with my boss when I told

him I didn’t like using computers- start to feel more confident in a new situation

The company shot itself in the foot by not investing do something that damages your own situation or prospects
in new technology when it had the chance.

Don’t worry if it all seems strange at first. You’ll soon withdraw from doing something because you feel anxious
find your feet

He offered to give the talk with me, but then at the have a bad start
last minute he got cold feet

Respuesta parcialmente correcta.

Ha seleccionado correctamente 1.
La respuesta correcta es: I got off on the wrong foot with my boss when I told him I didn’t like using computers- → have a
bad start, The company shot itself in the foot by not investing in new technology when it had the chance. → do
something that damages your own situation or prospects, Don’t worry if it all seems strange at first. You’ll soon find your
feet → start to feel more confident in a new situation, He offered to give the talk with me, but then at the last minute he
got cold feet → withdraw from doing something because you feel anxious 9/12
31/1/2021 Revision Quiz for Unit 2More than a job: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 35
Match each sentence with a suitable idiom with foot/feet

Puntúa 0,38 shot herself in the foot

She _______________, but relations with her colleagues are much better now.
sobre 1,00

I’m now working for Google. I was very lucky to ______ because so many people want get my foot in the door
to work there. 
follow my father’s footsteps
I hope I didn’t ______________________ when I told her how like her sister she was

found her feet
Hannah ______________ very quickly at university and made some good friends.

She really ___________________________ by not taking the promotion when she was have two left feet
offered it. 
got off on the wrong foot
People often ask me why I didn’t _______________________ and become a doctor like him.

put my foot in it
I’ve never been good at dancing – I _________________________

She was going to jump from the ten-metre board but she ________________________

got cold feet

Respuesta parcialmente correcta.

Ha seleccionado correctamente 3.
La respuesta correcta es: She _______________, but relations with her colleagues are much better now. → got off on the
wrong foot, I’m now working for Google. I was very lucky to ______ because so many people want to work there. → get my
foot in the door, I hope I didn’t ______________________ when I told her how like her sister she was → put my foot in it,
Hannah ______________ very quickly at university and made some good friends. → found her feet, She really
___________________________ by not taking the promotion when she was offered it. → shot herself in the foot, People often
ask me why I didn’t _______________________ and become a doctor like him. → follow my father’s footsteps, I’ve never been
good at dancing – I _________________________ → have two left feet, She was going to jump from the ten-metre board but
she ________________________ → got cold feet

Pregunta 36
Write an adjective for each description. You have been given the first letter but write the complete answer in the space
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00 One of my strengths is that I care about doing a good job    c conscientious 

La respuesta correcta es: conscientious

Pregunta 37
Write an adjective for each description. You have been given the first letter but write the complete answer in the space
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00 One of my strengths is that I will always get the job done  r reliable 

La respuesta correcta es: reliable 10/12
31/1/2021 Revision Quiz for Unit 2More than a job: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 38
Write an adjective for each description. You have been given the first letter but write the complete answer in the space
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00 One of my strengths is that I love my work. e enthusiastic 

La respuesta correcta es: enthusiastic

Pregunta 39
Write an adjective for each description. You have been given the first letter but write the complete answer in the space
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00 One of my strengths is that I want to do well. m motivated 

La respuesta correcta es: motivated

Pregunta 40
Write an adjective for each description. You have been given the first letter but write the complete answer in the space
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00 One of my strengths is that I don’t get distracted from my work. f focused 

La respuesta correcta es: focused

Pregunta 41
Write an adjective for each description. You have been given the first letter but write the complete answer in the space
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00 One of my strengths is that I’m willing to do anything I am asked to do. f flexible 

La respuesta correcta es: flexible

Pregunta 42
Write an adjective for each description. You have been given the first letter but write the complete answer in the space
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00 One of my strengths is that I keep things in oder so as to be efficient. w well-organised 

La respuesta correcta es: well-organised 11/12
31/1/2021 Revision Quiz for Unit 2More than a job: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 43
Write an adjective for each description. You have been given the first letter but write the complete answer in the space
Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00 One of my strengths is that if I don’t have the tools to do something, I’ll find another way. r
resourceful 

La respuesta correcta es: resourceful

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