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Answer these question.

1. with whom did neha live.

Ans: she lived with her parents and grandmother.

2. why did grandmother neha to give up judo?

Ans: her grandmother told her to give up judo
because she felt that neha should focus on
household chores rather than take up judo.

3. who was neha roles model?

Ans: neha's role model was rani lakshmibai.

4. what happened when neha and her grandmother

were going to the market?
ans. neha and her grandmother were going to the
market. as they were on the way, they saw a man
running and some people were following him. the
people were shouting 'thief ' thief'. neha is an
instant used a judo technique and brought the man

5. whey was the man running?

Ans: actually, this man had snatched a golden
chain from a woman and try escape. unluckily for
him, he was brought down by neha. soon, police
came and arrested by the man.

6. How was neha rewarded?

Ans: Everybody was praising Neha. the police
commissioner announced a reward of rupees
10,000 and a bravery medal for Neha.

7.What was the proudest day in her grandmother’s

Ans: The day received the reward was the proudest
day in grandmother’s life.

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