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12, DECEMBER 2008 815

X-Band Substrate Integrated Waveguide Amplifier

Mostafa Abdolhamidi and Mahmoud Shahabadi

Abstract—Design and realization of a compact X-band

single-transistor amplifier with substrate integrated waveguide
(SIW)-based input and output matching networks is presented.
The overall size of the proposed SIW amplifier is only 1 5 g at
the center frequency. Using a calibration technique, we extract
the -parameters of the fabricated amplifier with reference to
its SIW ports. Measurements show that the amplifier features
10 dB of power gain with less than 2 dB of ripple and more than
10 dB of input and output return losses on the SIW ports in the
entire frequency band. Due to an appropriate modeling of the
constituent blocks of the amplifier, a good agreement between the
simulation and measurement results is observed.
Fig. 1. Hypothetical SIW-based microwave amplifier.
Index Terms—Calibration, microwave amplifier, substrate inte-
grated waveguide (SIW).


UE to its relatively high-quality factor and its compati-

D bility with standard fabrication processes, the substrate
integrated waveguide (SIW) is a promising waveguide for a
large number of microwave applications [1], [2]. So far, dif-
ferent passive components and circuits such as receive/transmit
Fig 2. Configuration of the proposed amplifier embedded within the SIW.
antennas [3], filters [4], [5], diplexers [6], directional couplers
[7], [8], and resonator cavities of oscillators [9], [10] have
been designed and fabricated using the SIW technology. In this requires that the amplifier characteristics be measured with re-
letter, we propose an active SIW circuit, namely a SIW ampli- spect to its SIW ports. For this purpose, we will use a calibration
fier. One may attempt to realize this amplifier with the help of technique.
SIW-to-microstrip transitions where the common microstrip The design procedure of the amplifier is explained in
circuits such as microstrip stub matching can be exploited. Section II. The simulation and measurement results for coaxial
This leads to the hypothetical configuration depicted in Fig. 1. input and output ports and calibrated results for SIW ports are
However, our aim is to present an amplifier in which all the presented in Section III.
components including its input and output matching circuits
are in the SIW technology. II. DESIGN PROCEDURE
Fig. 2 shows the overall structure of the proposed amplifier. As we know, the SIW sidewalls consist of metallic vias.
Here, the input and output matching networks are realized using Hence, only modes can propagate along this waveguide.
SIW-based components instead of microstrip elements. In ad- The single-mode performance of the SIW can be guaranteed
dition, the input and output matching networks of the proposed by choosing the appropriate center-to-center distance of the
amplifier include dc-blocking printed interdigital capacitors. On sidewalls.
the other hand, through the integration of the amplifier elements In this design, the utilized substrate is a 20-mil RO4003 with
into the SIW, the overall size of the amplifier including the input a loss tangent of 0.0027 and a dielectric constant of 3.55. The
and output matching networks is less than at the center cutoff frequency of the fundamental mode of the designed SIW
frequency. Its application as a gain block in a SIW-based circuit is 7.5 GHz. The active component is a NE3210S01 transistor
which is a low-noise HJFET.
Manuscript received March 12, 2008; revised August 25, 2008. Current Depending on the usage of the amplifier, its design can be
version published December 04, 2008. This work was supported by the Iran based on maximum power gain, low input and output VSWR,
Telecommunication Research Center (ITRC).
The authors are with the Center of Excellence for Applied Electromagnetic
and gain uniformity. Here, we aim to design an X-band SIW
Systems, Photonics Research Laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer amplifier with a maximally flat gain and high input and output
Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran 14395-515, Iran (e-mail: m.abdol- return losses in the entire frequency band. To simplify the design procedure, the amplifier is analyzed as separate building blocks,
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online
at as shown in Fig. 3. The effect of the connecting microstrip lines,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LMWC.2008.2007711 RF chokes, and grounding vias are included in the active two-
1531-1309/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE

Fig. 3. Building blocks of the proposed amplifier.

Fig. 5. Photograph of the fabricated amplifier.

Fig. 4. Detailed configuration of the input and output matching circuits of the
amplifier. The parameters of the implemented amplifier are: a = 10:4 mm,
W = 1:2 mm, L = 3:9 mm, L = 0 mm, L = 1:5 mm, D =
2:9 mm, W = 1:2 mm, D = 0:7 mm, W = 1:2 mm, W =
1:2 mm, L = 2:6 mm, L = 1:5 mm, L = 3 mm, D = 1 mm, Fig. 6. Measured and simulated scattering parameters of the amplifier on
W = 1:4 mm, D = 7:5 mm, W = 1:2 mm, all via diameters are coaxial ports.
0.8 mm.

property of the transition, there is an optimum number of fin-

port in Fig. 3. The connecting microstrip lines are of a length gers for which the stability of the amplifier in a wide range of
of 2.5 mm and their lengths are kept constant during the design frequencies is guaranteed. To suppress the power gain outside
procedure. The full-wave analysis of this two-port is carried out the desired frequency band and to prevent the amplifier from
using ADS Momentum by Agilent. At the transistor terminals, oscillation, the input and output matching networks have been
“internal” ports are used while “single” ports are utilized for the designed separately with different design goals. Note that the
input and output of the active two-port. coaxial-to-SIW transitions shown in Fig. 3 are just for the pur-
As depicted in Fig. 3, the input and output matching networks pose of measurement and are not a part of the proposed am-
are designed using the SIW technology. Each of these networks plifier. The transitions are separately optimized to decrease the
consists of a dc-decoupled transition and two iris-type inductive unwanted reflections during measurements.
discontinuities. Since inductive irises resemble short-circuited The -parameters of the transitions and the matching net-
stubs, this configuration is similar to a double-stub matching works are calculated using HFSS by Ansoft. This along with
network, so one can use the standard design procedure for this the previously mentioned modeling of the active element com-
type of matching circuits. In addition, the dc-decoupled transi- pletes the -parameters calculation for an end-to-end modeling
tion also serves as a part of the matching structure. Fig. 4 shows a of the amplifier.
more detailed schematic of the matching circuits. The arrange-
ment of the irises, the number of fingers in the dc-decoupled III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
transitions, and other design parameters like , , , The photograph of the fabricated amplifier is shown in Fig. 5.
, , and , shown in Fig. 4, are among the optimization The building blocks of the amplifier introduced in the previous
parameters of the amplifier. The parameters of the implemented section are high-lighted in Fig. 5. Fig. 6 shows the measured and
amplifier are presented in the caption of Fig. 4. Due to filtering simulated -parameters of the amplifier on the coaxial ports. As

Fig. 8. S -parameters of the amplifier on SIW ports extracted using the calibra-
tion technique.

Fig. 7. Photograph of the utilized calibration set.

The authors wish to thank Dr. D. Busuioc, MASSolutions,
can be seen, using the design strategy explained in Section II, Inc., Waterloo, ON, Canada, for his support of this project.
we have achieved a good agreement between the simulation and
measured results. The amplifier features a 9 dB of gain with less REFERENCES
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