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Campus Management System


User Manual for Faculty

Version 1.0
This User manual is intended to create by ICT Dte for assistance and support to End Users of
Institutes at NUST regarding day to day operations of Campus Management System (CMS). It
was necessary as any user who will be using CMS for the first time or need help will require basic
information to comprehend CMS. Keeping in view the basic requirements of a naïve user, the
manual has been divided all the topics in such a manner that the End User will find it really
convenient to understand and perform all the relevant tasks efficiently. In order to ensure user
affability, screen snapshots with given steps will help the users to perform all the necessary tasks
affectively. To ensure the maximum benefit from this manual all the activities/examples, should
be performed in a stepwise sequence which is listed under each/relevant topic.
For your feedback and suggestion, please feel free to contact us at ICT Dte.
Marking Attendance by Class.................................................................................................................... 4
View My Classes Schedule ....................................................................................................................... 10
Marking Grades Using Gradebook ......................................................................................................... 14
Course Assignment Defaults ................................................................................................................... 14
Creating Class Assignment Data............................................................................................................. 19
Grading of Lecture Only Courses ........................................................................................................... 21
Grading of (Lecture + Lab) Courses ....................................................................................................... 28
Updating Grades in Grade Roster ........................................................................................................... 38
Marking Attendance by Class
In this lesson you’ll learn how to mark attendance of a Class.

Step Action
1. Click the Sign In button.
Step Action
2. Click the Self Service link.
Step Action
3. Click the Faculty Center link.

4. Click the Class Attendance link.

Step Action
5. Enter NUST into the Institution field.
6. Select your desired Term into the term field.
7. Enter the desired information into the Subject Area field.
8. Click the Search button. It will list down your all classes for that particular term.

Step Action
9. Click on your desired class from list.
Step Action
10. Click the View button to mark attendance of your particular class.
Step Action
11. By default Present checkbox will be checked.

12. To mark Absent uncheck the Present checkbox.

13. Select Reason of absent from Reasons dropdown list.

14. Click the Save and Return button.

15. Click the Save button.

16. End of Procedure.

View My Classes Schedule
In this lesson you’ll learn how to mark attendance of a Class.

Step Action
1. Click the Sign In button.
Step Action
2. Click the Self Service link.
Step Action
3. Click the Faculty Center link.

4. Click the My Schedule link.

Step Action
5. On My Schedule page, you can view your class’s detail which are assigned to you.

6. Click the View Weekly Teaching Schedule link to see your weekly class schedule.

7. End of Procedure.
Marking Grades Using Gradebook
Course Assignment Defaults

Step Action
1. Enter the desired information into the User ID field.
2. Enter the desired information into the Password field.
3. Click the Sign In button.
Step Action
4. Click the Self Service link.
Step Action
5. Click the Faculty Center link.

6. Click the My Schedule link.

Step Action
7. Click the Class Assignments button.

Step Action
8. Click the View All link.

9. Click Save button.

Step Action
10. Click the Category Weight tab. You can modify Assignment Category weightage
according to the NUST Statues policy.

Step Action
11. Click Save button.

12. End of Procedure.

Creating Class Assignment Data


Step Action
1. Click the Add a new row at row 1 (Alt+7) button.

2. Click the Look up Assignment Category (Alt+5) button.

3. Click an entry in the Assignment Category column.

Step Action
4. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Quiz # 2".
5. Enter the desired information into the Short Description field. Enter "Q-2".
6. Enter the desired information into the Maximum Points field. Enter "10".
Note: Maximum Points means maximum marks of Quiz, Weight in Points means weightage
of that particular quiz. If you want to make a quiz of double weightage, enter double of
maximum points in weight in point’s field.
7. Press [Tab].
8. Click the Save button.

9. Click the Add a new row at row 2 (Alt+7) button.

10. Click the Look up Assignment Category (Alt+5) button.

11. Click an entry in the Assignment Category column.

12. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Assignment # 2".
13. Enter the desired information into the Short Description field. Enter "A-2".
14. Enter the desired information into the Maximum Points field. Enter "10".
15. Press [Tab].
16. Enter the desired information into the Notes field. Enter "Assignment will be related to
Chapter # 1.".

17. Click the Save button.

18. End of Procedure.

Grading of Lecture Only Courses


Step Action
1. Click the Access Gradebook button.
Step Action
2. Enter the student’s marks into the relevant assignment category.
3. Click the Save button.
Step Action
4. Click the Grade by Assignment tab.

Step Action
5. Click the Look up Select Assignment (Alt+5) button.

6. Click an entry in the Description column.

7. Enter student’s marks assignment category wise. Select your desired assignment category
and enter marks against each student.
Step Action
8. Click the Cumulative Grades tab.

Step Action
9. Click on View Histogram link.
10. Made changes in grade ranges according to your desire.
11. Click the Save button.

12. Click the Exit button.

Step Action
13. As you set the Grading Scale in histogram, automatically grades will be assigned to students
according to grading scale.
14. Click the object.
Step Action
15. Enter the desired information into the Display Note to Student field. Enter "Your
performance seems promising. Keep it up...".
16. Click the OK button.

17. Click the Save button.

18. End of Procedure.

Grading of (Lecture + Lab) Courses


Step Action
1. Click the Gradebook button for Primary Component.
Step Action
2. Click the Import Component Grade link.
Step Action
3. Click the Select Assignment lookup.

4. Select Lecture component.

5. Click the Import Grades button.

Step Action
6. Enter desired information in searching criteria screen to import your lecture component.
Step Action
7. Click the select class button.

8. It will automatically populate the Grade column for Lecture assignment category.
9. Repeat Step 2 to 7 for importing marks of Laboratory component.
10. Click the Class Gradebook link to verify marks are imported in Primary Component.
11. Click the Cumulative Grades tab.
Step Action
12. Click on View Histogram link.

13. Made changes in grade ranges according to your desire.

14. Click the Save button.
Step Action
15. Click the Exit button.
Step Action
16. As you set the Grading Scale in histogram, automatically grades will be assigned to students
according to grading scale.
17. End of Procedure.
Updating Grades in Grade Roster


Step Action
1. Click the Cumulative Grades tab.
Step Action
2. Click the Look up Select Grade Roster (Alt+5) button.

3. Click an entry in the Grade Roster column.

4. Click the Update button.

5. Click the OK button.

6. Click the Save button.

7. Click the Grade Roster link to verify Roster Grade is updated.

8. End of Procedure.

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