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Barbarossa: The Russo-German War

Nazi Germany and the USSR are locked in the greatest land war of all time.

A Drop Zone too Far: Operation Market Garden

The Allies launch a daring airborne assault behind German lines to try to win the war in September 1944

Amerika Bombers: Luftwaffe Plans to Bomb the United States

The Luftwaffe's intercontinentsl bombers and the origins of the Cold War's space race

BIAK: The War in the Pacific's Unknown Blunder

The Imperial Japanese Army proves it can still fight a battle even as the Allies break through their inner defense


The Solomons Campaign: Joint Warfare in the South Pacific, Aug 1942 - Feb 1943
The South Pacific withesses a aclash of naval, air and land forces which proved to be a turning point in World War II
and created the legend of Gualdalcanal.

Bodenplatte 1945: Goering's New Year's Resolution

The Luftwaffe launches one last daring aerial offensive to regain control of the sky.

The Battle for Gdynia & the Polish Corridor, 1939: A Fight for Honor's Sake
At the start of the war, the Polish Army puts up a desperate fight on the Baltic coast.

Strasbourg 1945: First Act in the Cold War

A German offensive threatens to split the Allied front in France and almost brings Communists to power.


The Battle of the Bulge: The Reich's Last Chance

Adolph Hitler launches the Reich's last great offensive in the West - but did it actually have a chance to stop the

The Battle of the Cherkassy Pocket

On the Eastern Front, the Red Army surrounds several German divisions as the Wehrmacht races to rescue them.

I Remember: The Dyhernfurth Raid, Silesia, 1945

As the Third Reich comes crashing down in ruin, the Germans launch a desperate raid with its target a reserve gas

All the Way Went LBJ

A future president of the United States takes a combat tour of the South Pacific in the desperate days of 1942
Soviet Army Organization, 1942-45
The Red Army rises from the ashes with war-winning tank and mechanized corps.


Commadn of the Air: A Brief History of US Strategic Airpower in World War II

In World War II the RAF and USAAF fought the Axis air forces for control of the skies. That eventual Allied victory
had its origins in the inter-war era.

Blair Mayne of the Special Air Service

As Rommel raced into Egypt, a daring band of British commandos struck deep at the sinews of the Afrika Korps.

Issue in Doubt: The Battle of Wake Island, 8-23 December 1941

As the Japanese overrun the Pacific in 1942, the Americans make a desperate stand on Wake Island.

Independent Operational Group Polesie: Final Battle of the Polish Campaign, 1939
The Polish Army takes on the Wehrmacht as World War II breaks out.


War at the Top of the World: The Finnish Front, 1941-42

War rages from the Artic Circle to the outskirts of Leningrad as the Finns launch an invasion of the Soviet Union to
gain back the territory lost in the Winter War of 1939-40.

Their Greatest Day: From Disaster to Victory on Omaha Beach

D-Day, 6 June 1944, American GIs achieve victory even though the invasion plan fouls up

The Other Ribbentrop

The son of the Nazi Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop proves his mettle as a tank commander on the Reich's
farflung frontiers.

Saburo Sakai's Longest Day

Imperial Japan's top ace fights his hardest day in the skies over Guadalcanal.


The Greater East Asia War: A Strategic Analysis

The Japanese take on China, America and the British Empire in one of the most epic military campaigns in history

Joachim von Ribbentrop: Imbecile or Foreign Policy Colossus?

The Third Reich's foreign minister is still a controversial figure: did he single-handedly start World War II or was he
merely a pawn of Adolf Hitler?

Naval Strategy in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations 1939-45

Axis and Allied forces clash in a struggle for control of the Mediterranean air and sea lanes.

Med War Post-Mortem

Lost opportunities in the European Theater of Operation's greatest air-naval campaign

Skorzeny Strikes: Coup in Budapest, 1944

As the Red Army approached Hungary, Hitler's top commando made a daring strike into Budapest and took over
the government


The Italo-Greek War: Harbinger of Failure

Mussolini invades the Balkans in a campaign reminiscent of the First World War

Mussolini's Last Victory: The Italian Conquest of Albania

The prelude to the campaign in the Balkans

Operation Long Jump: Hitler's Attempted Triple Play

German and Allied spies battle as Hitler launches an ambitious assassination plot against Roosevelt, Churchill and
Stalin in the heart of Iran

Struggle for Okinawa, 1945

With the Allies closing in on Imperial Japan, one of the greatest battles in history was fought on an island that saw
the last major amphibious assault of World War II - and also one of the bloodiest

History Turned at Fort Eben Emael

Germany airborne engineers atrom a supposedly invincible fortress, opening the way for the Wehrmacht to
overrun France.


The Spanish Civil War. A Strategic Analysis

Nationalists rebel against the Spanish Republic in a dress rehearsal for World War II.

Patton's Raid on Hallelburg

Gen.Patton launches atask force to rescue US prisoners of war, but the resuers have to be rescued.

Japan's World War Ii Oilers & Tankers

US submarines attack Japan's Achilles heel

Slovakia in World War II

Hitler creates a new state.

The Organization of the Red Army at the Start of WWII

The organization and combat doctrine of Stalin's forces evolved under extreme wartime pressure.

Field Marshal Ernst Busch & the Destruction of Army Group Center
He was one of Hitler's favorites, and, because of that, he ended his career presiding over a disaster worse than

Orde Wingate: Pioneer of Spec Ops

Fighting in Ethiopia, Palestine & Burma, Wingate created a new form of warfare

Southern Bomber Command: Fifteenth Air Force in Action

The US Fifteenth Air Force struck deep into the heart of the Third Reich

I Remember: tarawa from the Ground Up

A veteran of one of the bloodiest island battles of the Pacific War tells his tale.


The Battle of the Coral Sea, May 1942

History's first carrier versus carrier battle

The Second Crimean War

The Red Army resists the Germans where the Light Brigade once charged

The Dodecanese Campaign: Germany's Last Offensive in the Med

The Germans launch (and win!) an airborne counteroffensive in the Mediterranean late in 1943.

Eggheads at War: Operations Research in World War II

A new science wins the Battle of the Atlantic


Campaign in the Desert, 1940-42: Organizational & Tactical Factors

Axis & Allied forces clash in the Western Desert as Erwin Rommel leads the Afrikakorps

Romania in World War II

Romania was Hitler's most important, and most reluctant, ally in the war.

Savo Islands: Night of the Cruisers

The US Navy's daylight dominance after Midway was challenged at nicht off Guadalcanal

Overview & Analysis: World War II German Airborne Operations

German airborne was revolutionary, but they never perfected it.

1940, What If? An Alternative German Strategy
The Germans considered launching Barbarossa a year earlier

Rearming the French

The Fall of France in 1940 wasn't the end for their armed forces. A new French military arose from the ashes.

Battle for the Mediterranean: Cape Matapan, March 1941

A confused night action decided the course of the naval war in the Mediterranean

Yelnia: First Turning Point of the Eastern Front

The Red Army springs a trap on the German invaders

Yelnia: The German Perspective

The German high command generated its own chaos on the road to Moscow.


Guards Tank: The Soviet Army at Kursk

Kursk is often considered the decisive clash of the Russian Front, but the real victory was won off the battlefield.

Super Ships: Bigger Isn't Always Better

Some of the largest combat vessels ever constructed fought in World War II, but they didn't do it well

The Battle for Hurtgen Forest

The Allied dash across France ends in a forest of death

Manchuria, 1945: Last Stand of the Japanese

The Red Army launches the last blitzkrieg of the war against the Japanese.


Invasion Pearl Harbor: Strike in All Directions

In 1941 the Japanese passed up the chance to land a ground force on Oahu. That was probably a fatal error - here's

The Greek Civil War, 1943-49

The US and Britain aid the Greeks in their fight against German occupiers and Communist insurgents

Bzura, 1939: The Polish Counteroffensive

As the panzers race toward Warsaw, the Poles launch a desperate counteroffensive

Analysis: Economic Strenghts & Weaknesses of Imperial Japan

Japan launches campaigns across Asia and Pacific, but doesn't have the industry to support them.

Spain in World War II: The Blue Division in Russia, 1941-44

Franco sends a division of volunteers to fight against communism in the USSR.

Soft Underbelly: Allied & German Strategy in the 1943 Italian Cmapaign
Field Marshal Albert Kesserling thwarts the Allies in Italy

Double Cross: The War between MI-5 & German Intelligence

British counterintelçligence turns a German espionage ring into an Allied asset

The Battle of Sangshak: Bloody Curtain Raiser in Burma

Indian paratroopers decisively blunted the last great strategic offensive of the Imperial Japanese Army

Analysis: The Polish Military at the Start of World War II

When the war began, the Poles were in the midst of modernizing their armed forces - all they lacked was a little
more time.


Partisan: A Strategic Analysis of the War in Yugoslavia, 1942-44

A confused war that worked out to no one's satisfaction.

Myths & Realities of Carrier Warfare in the Pacific, 1941-42

Was the aircraft carrier really a revolutionary new weapon that replaced the battleship?

Planning for the Invasion of Malta, 1942

The war in Europe might've been much different had the Axis 'pulled the trigger' on their detailed plan to conquer

The Poltava Raid: Act One of the Cold War?

On 22 June 1944, a Luftwaffe strike on a Ukrainian air base being used by US B-17s destroyed 47 of those bombers
along with a lot of Soviet-American mutual trust.


Leningrad, 1941: Mainstein's Truly 'Lost Victory'

One of Hitler's great commanders misses an opportunity to defeat the Soviet Union.

The Battle That Won't End: Operation Anvil/Dragoon, August 1944

After two-thirds of a century, strategists are still arguing over the validity of the Allied August '44 invasion of
Southern France.

The US Navy's Yangtze River Patrol, 1937-41

Throughout the 1930s, assignment to Shangai was one of the most pleasant in the US Navy. It didn't stay that way.

Britain's Special Operations Executive

Churchill hoped the SOE would 'set Europe ablaze', but its legacy was to help the technical foundations for much of
the terrorism committed around the world since 1945.


Analysis: The South Seas Campaign, 1942-43

After Pearl Harbor the US makes a new strategy for the war in the Pacific

Samurai vs. Bear: The Battle of Changkufeng Hill, July-August 1938

The Japanese won over Soviet armor in 1938, but in so doing they set themselves up for a great defeat the
following year.

Hell in a Cold, Small Place: The Battle of Hatten-Rittershoffen

At the small villages of Hatten and Rittershoffen, the German's Operation North Wind offensive was blunted before
it really got started.

The Soviet Air Force in World War II: 1941-45

The Soviet Air Force proved to be a war-winning force, but it was a long flight to get there.


The Hardest Days: Turning Points in the Battle of Britain

In 1940 the Germans used their excellent tactical air force for strategic ends. Substituting good tactics for good
strategy is never an easy thing.

Tarawa was a Brawl: Tactical Analysis of a Pivotal Battle

The US landing on Tarawa resulted from a decade of preparatory work. Success came down to the bravery of
Marines in the face of failed doctrine.

Logistics in the Western Desert: 1941-42

The story of the logistical struggle behind the rise and fall of the Afrikakorps.

German East Front Fortifications

The war in Russia is most often recalled as one of maneuver. This is an analysis of the failed German effort directed
at changing that.

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