Present Continuous

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ACTIVITY 1: Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
a. I don’t go out / I’m not going out with anyone at the moment.
b. I don’t want / I’m not wanting to sleep with my boyfriend because I’m not
ready yet.
c. I think / I’m thinking couples have to use a condom to prevent sexual
d. I don’t believe / I’m not believing in sex before marriage.
e. Tom and his girlfriend visit / are visiting the family planning clinic at the
f. Many people don’t understand / aren’t understanding how to use a condom
g. I feel / I’m feeling embarrassed when I buy condoms, but I know the
pharmacist sells thousands of them a week

ACTIVITY 2: Look at the sentences. Are they in the simple or continuous

a. I don’t want to go on my own. It’s in simple form
b. I hate going to the doctor. It’s in simple form
c. I’m reading a leaflet. Is in continuous form
d. I don’t understand this situation. It’s in simple form
e. I´m doing a lot of research at the moment. Is in continuous form
f. How do you fell about the possibility of pregnancy? Is in continuous form
g. Do you know how to use a condom? Is in continuous form
h. My dad is working hard these days. Is in continuous form
ACTIVITY 1: Read the story about Vicky and Dan. Complete the story with
sentences a-g. There is one extra sentence.
Dan was my first boyfriend. (1) I met him at a drama club after school. I
thought he was really funny and so when he asked me out, I said yes. I was so
happy. After six months, we slept together for the first time. What can I say? I
fell in love.
The thing is that we did use contraception. I was taking the pill. (2) I just didn
´t always take it regularly, like you should do. I forgot and that’s how I got
pregnant at sixteen. In the beginning I wasn’t very worried when I missed my
period. (3) I sometimes had late ones in the past, like every girl. This one was
very late.
Finally, Dan bought a pregnancy test. We waited for the result of the test
together. (4) I cried when it was positive.
When I told my parents, they were very disappointed. (5) Dad left the living
room. He couldn’t speak for half an hour. But since then, they have been very
We all talked about it with a counsellor. The counsellor gave us very good
advice. In the end, we agreed to get married and to keep the baby. (6) We didn
´t want to put her up for adoption.
Now, we are living in my parents’ flat and we are looking after our lovely
daughter, Hope. Dan is a good dad, but we are tired all the time. Thankfully,
my brother is pleased to be an uncle and he helps us a lot too. It was a mistake,
but now I’m a mum, I know what real love is.
a. I cried when it was positive. (4)
b. We didn’t want to put her up for adoption. (6)
c. We never used any form of birth control. It's the extra sentence
d. I sometimes had late ones in the past, like every girl. (3)
e. I met him at a drama club after school. (1)
f. Dad left the living room. (5)
g. I just didn´t always take it regularly, like you should do. (2)
ACTIVITY 2: Read the story again and answer the questions.
a. Why did Vicky get pregnant?
She had relationships with her boyfriend, although she took
contraceptives sometimes she forgot

b. How did Vicky know she was pregnant?

Her period was late more than it should, so she took a pregnancy test
which she found out

c. How did her family react?

Her period was late more than it should, so she took a pregnancy test
which she found out

d. What are she and Dan doing now?

They are living in their parents' apartment and they take care of the girl

e. What good decisions did Vicky and Dan make?

Not giving the baby up for adoption and staying with her as a family

ACTIVITY 3: Complete the text with the correct article: a, an or the.

I’m Clara. I’m (1) a high school student and (2) a mother. I didn’t expect to
get pregnant and (3) the news was a sock for everyone in my family. My
boyfriend wanted to put (4) the baby up for adoption, but I wasn’t sure. It was
(5) a enormous decision for me and I’m only 17. Who knows what will
happen in (6) the future?
Fortunately, I spoke to (7) an counsellor to get advice. I’m worried about my
studies. We talked about adoption and we agreed it was (8) a best option for
me. They found (9) a married couple to be parents and they desperately
wanted (10) an child. I thought they were (11) the perfect people to look after
my baby. Of course, I feel bad about my decision, but I know my child will
grow up in (12) an kind and loving home.


Exercises: Completing the exercise using be used to, get used to or used to.
1. When I started to work here I needed a lot of help, but now I get used do all
the work on my own.
2 He used to several books a month, but he doesn't have time any more.
3 We were surprised to see her driving. When she get used to we first met her.
4 Don't worry, it's a simple program to use. You be used to it in no time, I'm
5 When I had to commute to work every day I used to very early.
6 I'm afraid I'll never get used to in this place. I simply don't like it and never
7 Whenever we came to Coventry we always used to in the Central Hotel. We
loved it.
8 When Pete Smith was the head of our office everything used to well
organize. Now it's total chaos here.
9 Mr Lazy was shocked when he joined our busy company because he used to
doing much work every day.
10 At first the employees didn't like the new open-space office, but in the end
they used to it
MACBETH by William Shakespeare
Before reading
Answer the following questions
o Have you read a play before?
Yes, some time ago I read a play, the truth was I was too interested, it
was entertaining to read it

o Did you like plays?

I don't like it too much, but if they tell me that I have to read one, I read
it because reading is important.

o Did you know any playwright? Who?

At the moment I don't know any playwright.

While reading
Read the passage.
A year or two before Edward the Confessor began to rule England; a battle
was won in Scotland against a Norwegian King by two generals named
Macbeth and Banquo. After the battle, the generals walked together towards
Forres, in Elginshire, where Duncan, King of Scotland, was awaiting them.
While they were crossing a lonely heath, they saw three women withered in
appearance and wild in attire. “Hail, Macbeth, chieftain of Glamis,” said the
first woman. “Hail, Macbeth, chieftain of Cawdor,” said the second woman.
“Hail, Macbeth, King that is to be,” said the third woman. Then Banquo
asked, “What of me?” and the third woman replied, “Thou shalt be the father
of kings.” Banquo and Macbeth knew then that they had been addressed by
witches, and were discussing their prophecies, “The third witch called me,
'King that is to be.' “Banquo,” he said, “you see that the witches spoke truth
concerning me. Do you not believe that your child and grandchild will be
kings?” Banquo frowned. Macbeth thought the prophecy that he should be
King too pleasant to keep to himself and he mentioned it to his wife in a letter.
When Lady Macbeth, read his letter, she was determined that he should be
King. When a messenger arrived to inform her that Duncan would pass a night
in Macbeth's castle. She told Macbeth as she saw him that Duncan must spend
a sunless morrow. She meant that Duncan must die. After supper Duncan went
to bed, and two grooms were placed on guard at his bedroom door. Lady
Macbeth caused them to drink wine till they were stupefied. Macbeth came
and found the daggers lying by the grooms; and soon with red hands appeared
before his wife. The murderers heard a knocking. It was Macduff, the
chieftain of Fife.
Macbeth showed him the door of the King's room. Macduff entered, and came
out again crying, “O horror!” Macbeth appeared as horror-stricken as Macduff
and he slew the two grooms with their own daggers. Macbeth was crowned at
Scone. Macbeth was King.

Post reading
Answer the following questions.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
The main idea of the passage is to let us know how power can sometimes
blind us and we are capable of doing whatever it takes to reach that power
2. Write five sentences in the passage that support the idea.
o "Hail Macbeth, King who will be," said the third woman.
o Macbeth thought the prophecy that he should be king was too nice to
keep to himself and mentioned it to his wife in a letter.
o Duncan would spend a night at Macbeth Castle. Seeing him, he told
Macbeth that Duncan must have a sunless morning. I wanted to say
that Duncan must die
o Macbeth appeared as horrified as Macduff and killed the two grooms
with his own daggers. Macbeth was crowned at Scone. Macbeth was
o Lady Macbeth made them drink wine until they were dumbfounded.
Macbeth arrived and found the daggers with the grooms
3. Write a short summary that tells what the passage explains. Include
only the most important information.
There were two generals, who came from a battle they had won, in which
they meet three witches, who tell them a profession which was that one of
them would be king and the other's son would also be king. One of them told
his wife, they were both filled with ambition and desire for power that they
decided that they would kill the other general in order to get to the throne

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