Written Assignment: Week 1 Day 7 Functions of Management Paper Points Available Earned Comments

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Written Assignment: Week 1 Day 7

Functions of Management Paper Points Student Name

Available Earned Comments

Content / Development 70
700 to 1,050 words 5
Defines the four functions of
management (planning, organizing,
leading, and controlling). Use the text 25
as reference source for defining the
Explains how each function relates to
your own organization. (Organization
can be your place of work or another
organization of your choice.)

The paper links theory to relevant

examples of current experience and
industry practice and uses the
vocabulary of the theory correctly.

The content is comprehensive,

accurate, and/or persuasive.

Readability and Style 15

Paragraph transitions are present and
logical and maintain the flow 3
throughout the paper.
Sentences are well-constructed, with
consistently strong, varied sentences.
Sentence transitions are present and
maintain the flow of thought.
The paper, including the title page,
reference page, tables, and
appendices, follow APA guidelines for
Citations of original works within the
body of the paper follow APA 3

Mechanics 15
The paper is laid out with effective use
of headings, font styles, and white 5
Rules of grammar, usage, and
punctuation are followed.
Spelling is correct. 5
Late Penalty 10% per day
Total 100 0

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