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1. You are going to listen to a song and find out today’s lesson topic.

Here are the 2 extracts from the lyrics. Listen to the song and complete the gaps:

Oh well,
__ __ ___ _____ ______ we could be walking around a zoo
With the sun shining down over me and you
and there'll be love in the bodies of the elephants turning
Put my hands over your eyes, but you peek through

. . .

. . .
So, the topic for today’s lesson is:
Oh, __ ___ _____ ______
I might not know you,
__ __ ___ _____ ______
We might not speak at all and
__ __ ___ _____ ______
We might not get along
__ __ ___ _____ ______

You might just prove me wrong.

2. Look at the photos. How do you think their life will change in 5 years’ time?

Photo credit: Image by Jason Hutchensreleased Pratham books under a Creative Commons Licence Photo credit: via Thijs Knaap creative commons
under Creative Commons flickr
3. You are going to watch the interviews where the Premier League Stars answer the question “What
do you think you will be doing in 5 years’ time?”
Here are some of their answers. Before you watch, read them and decide if they are True/False:
Then watch and check if you were right.
 Didier Drogba hopes he will still be playing football if his body is OK.
 Petr Cech is going to leave Chelsea and open a shoe shop in his country if he is still fit
and good enough.
 Ivar Ingimarrson is going to continue playing for Premier League if he can move his
family and closest friends to England
 Sun Juhai thinks he can still play in England for another 5 years, and then he’d like to
move back to China
Were all the answers right? If not, correct the wrong ones.
4. Now watch again and complete the gaps with the time phrases on the right ( there are 2 extra
phrases you won’t need!):

 Didier Drogba: Ah… ________________play___.

I hope so. It depends on my body, you know, but I
would like to be on the pitch… to be still on the
pitch and enjoy like I’m enjoying now. I think I’ll be still V+ ING
after that I’ll probably
 Petr Cech: In five years time
_______________play____ for Chelsea and hope Hopefully (*2)
I’ll be fit and good enough to play in the first I think I’ll probably
I hope I’ll be still V+ING
 Ivar Ingimarsson: Well, _____________ stay and I might
still be playing football in hopefully five years
time, but________________________to my I am going to
country where I’m born in… not because I don’t I am definitely going
like it here, but basically because there is my
family and friends… closest friends live there and
you tend to like to live close to your family so I
think that will be the case.

 Sun Jihai: In five years’ time… oh that’s a hard

one… I’m 29 so… _________ I can play the high
tempo football here as long as I can, then like I told
you, _______________ back to China. In five
years, I… nobody knows in the future… but
__________ I still can play another five years in
5. INTERVIEWS Now it’s time to think about your future. Work in pairs and interview each other:
Student A: prepare questions about the future for your partner. Use ideas from the table below or add you
own ones. Make notes and be ready to share what you’ve found out with the class.

In a year Student A

In 3 years’ time Student A’s country/ city…

In 5 years’ time Student A’s family

…… …..

Student B: answer A’s questions using the time phrases from ex. 4

6. Then exchange roles.

When you finish, tell the class what you’ve found out about each other
e.g. Pedro is probably going to be living in Greece and learning Greek in 3 years’ time
Ann hopes she will be married in a year

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