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I said: God of my fathers, merciful Lord, by the

word you created all things. 2 By knowledge you

formed man. He created him to have dominion
over creation, 3 to rule the world in holiness and
justice, and to pronounce judgments with
sincerity of heart. 4 Give me wisdom from your
throne! Do not reject me from among your
servants! 5 I am your servant, the son of your
maidservant, weak, young, and unlearned in the
laws of justice. 6 Even if a man is perfect among
men, he is nothing if he does not have the
knowledge that comes from you. 7 You have
chosen me to be the king of your people and the
judge of your children. 8 In the pattern of the holy
tabernacle that you prepared in the beginning.
Your You promised to build a temple on Mount
Visuddhagiri and an altar in the city of residence.
9 Knowing your deeds and being with you in the
creation of the world, knowing the things that are
pleasing to you and right according to your law.
10 From the holy heaven, your majesty reigns
with you. From the throne of the, send down
knowledge. Let her live and labor with me! So may
I understand Your will! 11 She who knows all will
guide me wisely in my deeds. She will take care of
me by her majesty. 12 Then my works will be
accepted. I will judge your people with justice; I
will be worthy of the Father's throne.

13 For who can receive the commandments of

God? Who can discern the will of the Lord? 14 The
counsel of mortals is vain. Our ways fail. Tom. 15
A corruptible body is evil to the spirit. This tent of
clay oppresses the foolish mind. 16 The things of
the earth are hard to guess. Even that which is
near must be labored to find: And who can find
out the things in the heavens? 17 If you do not
give wisdom and your holy spirit from on high,
who will know your will! 18 Wisdom made the
path of the inhabitants of the earth straight, and
taught them what is acceptable to you: and they
were saved.


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