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Coming Back Home

Tony Samara

“Transformation is all about a

deep connection to not just the
energy of the universe and the
space of consciousness, but also
with all  beings in a very loving
and compassionate way.”


Coming Back Home


“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” 
― Rumi

Samara Meditation has been set up to help realise the evolution of human consciousness worldwide following the
guidelines of author and spiritual teacher, Tony Samara. It is a non-profit organisation created to spread Tony Samara's
teachings throughout the world in many ways: through live and online workshops, by producing teaching and inspirational
materials such as videos, audio transmissions (MP3’s), books and eBooks for adults and children alike, through educational
workshops about meditation, by creating bursaries to help people in considerable economic hardship attend the various
events, and by creating places where people who are dedicated to a life journey of equanimity can come and participate in
healing projects dedicated to this living form of loving-kindness in action. Samara Meditation embraces the goal of
working towards self-realisation and liberation.

As the words within this book were transcribed directly from recordings of online events, we have left the vernacular, as if
Tony Samara is speaking to you, to allow for the reader to feel part of the group of listeners. During these transformational
times, this condensed story offers gifts of wisdom that are a true wealth for the soul.
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Coming Back Home

Copyright © 2020 by Tony Samara  
Transcribed and Edited by Rahma Kushtana 
Cover Design by Designerr  
Published by Samara Meditation  
All rights reserved. 

No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in
the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. 

Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since
publication and may no longer be valid. 

The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher,
and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them. 

The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for
physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the
author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. 

In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the
publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.
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Coming Back Home

Transformation is all about a connection, a deep connection to not just the universe and the space that is around us but
also with everyone, all beings in a very loving and compassionate way.

So without further ado, we will begin

Take a deep breath.

Just let go of the mundane,

 let go of worries or stresses,

let go of the tensions, or limitations, or whatever is holding you back, 

and just breathe deeply into your body,

and bring the breath deep down into the abdomen.

When you breathe deeply, you're basically saying yes, so you're opening up to the energy. Transformation is all about
opening up and communicating to the wonderful beauty that is around you even if not perceived, even if not understood.
As you breathe in just visualise that you're breathing in with the cosmos. Breathe into this moment. Breathe into this
moment. facilitation of time.

It's okay if you feel tired or, restless or scattered or if you're having a hard time focusing or if there are other issues that
come up to the surface during this very powerful, transformational time.

Just take a moment, slow down, move beyond and past the clouds so that you can better see your path and your vision.
And know that your path and vision is part of your journey. So even if it's cloudy at the moment, even if you're distracted
by thoughts at the moment, your path will reveal itself, your vision will become more clear.

Take a deep breath all the way down into the abdomen, into the body, the temple. As you breathe deeply into the body,
the temple, you become luminous, you become lighter. The breath connects you to space to time into the
multidimensionality of your experience. Deep breath is all about opening up. Take a deep breath and open up to the
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As you breathe into the light, as the luminous within you becomes more clear and more obvious, as your vision unfolds,
and as your path becomes very clear.

Just know that you're guided by the silence by the stillness that is calling you now. Come back to itself. cosmos is still Even
though there are millions and millions of activities within the cosmos, the symphony of all these activities creates a
stillness, not an emptiness but a stillness.

So it's important not to shut out the world or the cosmos, but to understand it from within the flow of your breath, from
within the stillness, from within the breath.

Know that you're being guided, that you're gently coming back to your path to your vision, even if this requires for you to
be clear about your boundaries, about your fundamental energy, and what is and what is not healthy for you.

Wisdom, a level of clarity is important so that a shift towards stillness clear and obvious, in very practical, tangible ways
but also for the awareness that you're creating as you step back and empower yourself to step back into the stillness as
you step back home, this part of your being that you know, that is still very connected to the movement within the
cosmos, the symphony that is all around us.

Take another deep breath all the way down to your abdomen and then breathe out. Let go. Let go.

Be clear about your boundaries as you let go there is no need to hold on. There is no need to hold on to negative thought
or judgement. There is no need to hold on to those aspects that our world has agreed is important this lack of abundance,
this lack of joy, this lack of happiness, the struggle, you can let that go.

It's no longer healthy to hold on to those energies. It's important that you create boundaries meaning that the old is no
longer part of the creative that is of this moment.

As you breathe deeply, in stillness, allow this moment to make itself felt. Allow this moment to make itself clear. This will
enable you to respond with greater sensitivity and greater wisdom and clarity.

As you breathe into your body and let go of the old, the clarity that comes to you is a gift. That is the sensitivity that guide
you back to wisdom.

It's important to recognise that action can be very disconnected. action can be a compulsion Then, if it is compulsive or
reactive to the old, the old faults, the old feelings the old that holds us back, then often our compulsion leads to just a
sense of loss falls short of our desired outcome.
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It's important to recognise that that old habit is now shifting, that we don't need to be compulsive in our behaviour, in our
thinking, in our feelings, in the way that we reach out and communicate to ourselves and to others.

A beautiful way to transcend and to elevate beyond this disconnected compulsion is to remind yourself every time even if
it's difficult, even if somehow there is an attachment to the old, remind yourself that every action requires that you turn
within to discern the appropriateness of your response.

Now, this doesn't mean that you need to conceptualise or be caught up in a mental dialogue about your action. It just
means that you're open to the stillness within your heart, so that your heart can guide you, as your heart responds quicker
than your mind.

When you know, within the stillness, when you know when there is this experience of just being knowing, then that action
is conscious, rather than one that is compulsive or reactive. That is the freedom that we're being invited back to discern,
discern your actions. So that response comes out of consciousness.

Deep breath.

Just take a moment to come back to the stillness within the heart. to breathe deeply into your body as you breathe out
and let go of the old breathe deeply, spontaneously creatively.

Think and feel and experience, the greater degree of consciousness that your heart is guiding you towards.

Make sure that your thoughts are clear and your feelings are connected to your heart. So that consciousness then
becomes the activity, the compassionate action, the activity that guides you, one little step at a time, deeper, deeper into a
state that is known as wisdom, beautiful wisdom. This wisdom is found within the stillness.

There is no need to be compulsive and try to find something outside of yourself. Even if outside of yourself means within
your thoughts within the old. Stillness means being here present to the source.

Let’s take time for a moment of stillness.

When the space falls into a deep and profound stillness, giving humanity and you and everyone, a potent call to awaken
this deep wisdom that comes from beyond just the activity of the mind that comes from within.
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It comes from within the cosmos that comes from within the universe. And everything changes when we come back home
to this stillness to this wisdom within the breath.

With every breath know that you're gracing your life you're gracing the energy within you, your being, to be open, and to
let go of the harsh and judgmental that has served for so very long and held humanity in an illusionary state of

If you let go of the harsh and judgmental within, you're letting go of this. Not just for yourself, but for everyone, your
children, your future or past your ancestors and for humanity.

Open up and deepen your focus beyond the mind, beyond a mind quote in its own pain, to letting go is not about falling
into the suffering. It's about recognising from perspective, that suffering is an aspect that has been very important for
humanity and the evolution of humanity all this time, but that now, within the stillness, we are being guided back to this
beautiful moment. And it's a new moment. It's a creative moment. It's a very powerful moment.

Soon, a very powerful new moon, which I call the tipping point, will invite us all to deepen, to deepen our awareness and
our sense of being so that we connect to this hidden wisdom, these hidden wisdoms within and create an energy balance
that is very much connected to the constellations around us within the universe within the cosmos.

The upcoming new moon is a tipping point, somehow, as we will be opening up a portal, a field of infinite possibilities will
open up within us and also open up for the whole world.

There will be an open, wonderful energy guiding humanity to a new paradigm, guiding humanity to a new beginning. A
new nurturing structure that helps us to let go of the things the experiences, the reactions, the ways that no longer
nurtures humanity or you and other individuals, the harshness of mind that has been out of alignment with consciousness
slowly, slowly transforms.

You and humanity are coming back to this energy balance to the hidden wisdoms that our hearts recognise. As you get
invited, as the new moon beams, its energy all around you, me and humanity are receiving these energies, and this energy
balance and these hidden wisdoms come up. And that is the shift, that is the transformation.

Let go of those structures that no longer nurture you, let go of the harshness that the mind is so very easily caught up
within. Let go as you breathe out, and as you breathe in, come back into alignment with consciousness.
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Humanity is invited to explore this new paradigm. It's a beginning, it's a portal. But it's a portal that allows us infinite
possibilities and infinite possible transformation that continues for a very long time.

We are at the beginning of a new world. We are at the beginning of a new dimension. And it's important to be aware that
the choices that we make in the next few days, especially now, and over these next few days will help us to transform not
only our own personal spiritual practice, but also humanity's life practice.

So, take a deep breath and feel the energy, connect to the energy now and after the new moon. And for a long time after,
take a deep breath and be ready to start a new journey.

Be ready, as you breathe in, to come back to consciousness to come back to a bridge that allows you to connect aligned to
the wisdom that now is unfolding within the cosmos.

A journey for you and me and for humanity is about awakening and it is now unfolding this awakening within and shifting
us towards not just change but fundamental change, a new sense of being a new vision that is so very part of our being.

This change is alive in you now and is nurtured by your awareness by your consciousness as you come back to the stillness
as you come back to your heart.

This awareness as you still your mind, as you still your emotions, this awareness allows you to define clear boundaries so
that the shift isn't a struggle, isn't about pushing fighting, isn't about pain and suffering, but rather, is about awakening. The
pains and the struggles of the past will naturally be released as the shift aligns every human being to potential rather than
struggle to solution rather than the problem.

There is infinite potential waiting to be birthed, waiting to be manifested within a new creation within a new fundamental
structure, a new expression of just being. And slowly, slowly as we connect and walk through the portal and open up to our
spiritual practice, everything becomes clear.

The steps we take, then become so very much a part of the joyous transformation that is needed, especially today. That
creation in itself is almost like a mother that nurtures you. Creation itself is almost like a beautiful spiritual being that hugs
you. A new expression of spiritual practice will be born out of this nurture rather than from the old struggle that has
created the possibility for us to be here in this moment and we will recognise that we have a choice.
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As the new creation unfolds, we have a choice. We have a choice to express our spiritual practice, from the space of joy,
from this space of flow from this space of, it's easy. This infinite potential that's waiting to be birthed is our spiritual

Ask yourself what is needed to birth this creation? What is needed to release the old that limits this new creation? What is
preventing the creative force to be born here in the present moment within you as an expression of your spiritual practice?

Ask yourself beyond just asking your mind ask yourself and take a deep breath.

As you ask yourself this very important question, know that creation is supporting you to come back home to this
wonderful flow that you are part of the momentum part of the change part of the transformation part of the elevation
that gives rise to the new that you are aligning with your sole purpose with your sole mission. Consciousness.

Awareness is the first step and makes everything easier in this multi-dimensional complex world that we exist within this
shift. Letting go of the old limited mindsets, means that we can visualize, we can remember, and we can connect to our
sole purpose.

As you breathe in, visualise these powerful vibrations, even if they seem very far removed from your experience. Visualise
these vibrations, and allow them to be birthed, within - within your thoughts, within your feelings, and to be birthed for all

Transformation and change is now underway, and as you connect and let go as you connect your consciousness, within the
stillness and let go.

Breathe deeply, and just watch as everything changes around you. The old will just melt away or disappear.

Transformation is now underway. The breath is your connection to the world of wisdom within, and helps to nurture this
awareness. It helps to bring you back into alignment to consciousness, so that every step that you now explore becomes
one that is supported by consciousness and by this beautiful positivity that is part of the portal, part of this new paradigm.

Deep breath, and just sit in stillness for a moment to breathe in and breathe out.

Sit in stillness and be open and receptive to the transformation
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Breathe into the abdomen, into the diaphragm.

Know that you are the vessel of transformation, as you breathe in stillness as you breathe out and let go. Everything
changes around you.

The old dress transforms without struggle without effort. The old that has been standing in your way, just disappears as
you elevate to a new paradigm. Know that as you do this, even if just visualising those thoughts and feelings and energy,
know that a rebirth will follow.

Deep breath, and know that you are supported, know that you are coming back into alignment with the rhythms of
consciousness as you breathe in and breathe out, know that the path of wisdom is guided, is being supported and that you
are being guided by the cosmos, by the universe.

Every little step that you take, even if you're not aware of those steps, births a new beginning.

Deep breath, as we celebrate this wonderful time,

This is a wonderful time to connect and tune into our intuition into the beauty of the manifestation all around us.

Enjoy the present moment, the energies.

Nature, the cosmos, and the Universe are constantly sending us beautiful signs and clues that you're being rewarded,
being supported. There is so much more energy that supports us and guides us. Just know this from deep within, and
visualise this from deep within the stillness.

Deep breath, and, as you visualize this, you may wish to repeat this affirmation.

“I connect and attune, by being the energy within me, to the cosmos, to the universe, to the new that's unfolding. A new
that is around me. I let go of the old, and embrace the new from within the stillness, from within the sense of connection, a
sense of being guided by the sense of nurture, which is the breath.”

Repeat, this affirmation within, sensing, feeling, connecting to the positivity that is now unfolding, to the positive within
you, knowing that this step that you are taking now helps to attune your energy to that which is now expanding all around
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In doing so, there is more energy that supports you, that guides you, as you open up by breathing in and connecting to the

Know that in this spiritual moment that you are embracing the energy of life, meaning that you are being elevated to a
new level of thinking. The old mind that is so very easily caught in struggle,

in the pain in the remembrance of struggle and pain, now slowly, slowly, transforms.

The transformation helps you, nurtures you, and supports you to come back to this positivity.

The energy of the nature, the energy of the cosmos, the energy of the universe, is a celebration, a positive creative

Deep breath, and ensure that this intention is part of your life practice.

The intention can be visualized, the intention can be verbalized, the intention can be written down in your journal, the
intention can just be felt or experienced or connected to intuitively.

By setting this intention, you create a very clear boundary whereby you make it clear for yourself and for the energies
around you, that you are now ready to open up, you're ready to transform.

Connect to an aspect of nature that is beautiful for you, whatever that may be - a beautiful forest, a beautiful beach , a
beautiful forest landscape - just connect and focus on nature because this is a deep transformation and you are being
supported not just through your own old struggle that you are letting go of, but rather, through this wonderful alignment
that is happening.

As you focus, say on the trees, on the beautiful stream, or the beautiful sea, know there is nothing to worry about, that you
are being truly guided.

Be really present as you connect to this aspect of nature, and for a few moments, don't let your mind wander, really sense
what it's like to be connected, to be nurtured, to be present.

As you do this, breathe deeply into the abdomen, a full flow of breath.

As you connect, imagine and visualise this wonderful merging, where your energy is supported by the cosmos, is
supported by the universe, and is supported by the elevated consciousness that now attunes to consciousness within.
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As you focus your perspective, focus on that which is beyond the self, as that then allows you to take those steps. Close
your eyes, and trust for a few moment.

Celebrate from within trust.

Know that you have chosen this moment to come back to the stillness, this wisdom, this beautiful memory, this beautiful

Coming back home allows you to clearly and consciously choose the next moment.

Deep breath

You may wish to sit in stillness for a little bit longer, focusing on your intention, celebrating your intention with the cosmos,
with the universe, with nature, knowing that as you breathe, every breath is the creative flow, is the transformation that
today and every day in the next few weeks the gifts of transformation will come your way and support you.

If you feel alone or separate, then just recognise that this is the old and through the out breath, let that go, and as you let
the old go, you are open to the new portal, the new manifestation within a portal that we're all now moving through.

You may wish to continue in stillness for a few more moments, and whenever you're ready, coming back, spending a few
moments, just stretching, drinking some water, hydrating the body, writing in your journal, and celebrating the joy of
today. Thank you
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About the Author

Spiritual teacher, mystic and author of over a dozen books, Tony Samara has been sharing deep evolutionary work and
inspiring people to incorporate meditation into their daily life for more than 30 years. Combining meditation, detoxing the
body, a plant-based diet & a simple lifestyle, he is best known for how his work touches more deeply than words. 

At the core of Tony Samara's teachings lies the evolution of human consciousness, which in today's world is vital for
achieving deep, personal happiness, inner peace and the illumination of one's inner quest. 

We invite you to write to us and connect to Tony Samara's work. 

Official Website: 

YouTube Channel: 

Thank you
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Coming Back Home

If you liked this book, you may also enjoy ‘Discover Your Inner Buddha’ by Tony Samara:  
An Inspirational Healing Journey That Includes New Insights from 
Jesus, Buddha, Rumi & Kabir & Their Mystical Teachings.  

You are invited to read this short excerpt: 

“The outside world doesn’t form our state of consciousness rather it challenges us to make a choice. A choice where we
hear the voice of truth as it gently invites us away from the madness that we have created for ourselves. A choice that
invites us to transcend the world of the unconscious by remaining fully absorbed in the present moment.  

As we make each full and complete breath with awareness, we take our greatest leap towards enlightenment dis-
identifying from that which limits us from being totally present. 

In the present moment we live in a limitless dimension of magical possibilities, all leading to the adventure of growth as
we excite our hearts and experience true freedom.”

Published by:  

Samara Meditation
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