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Metabolic Mechanisms of Vocal Fatigue

*Chayadevie Nanjundeswaran, †,‡Jessie VanSwearingen, and §,‖,¶,#,**Katherine Verdolini Abbott, *Johnson City,
Tennessee, and †‡§‖¶#**Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Summary: Objective. This study aimed to identify potential metabolic mechanisms including (1) neuromuscular
inefficiency, (2) cardiovascular recovery deficits, or (3) both, in individuals with complaints of vocal fatigue.
Study Design. Within- and between-subjects group design was used in this study.
Methods. Three groups of women participated in the study, including (1) individuals with complaints of vocal fatigue;
(2) vocally healthy sedentary individuals; and (3) vocally healthy, cardiovascularly conditioned individuals. Group as-
signment was based on results from the Vocal Fatigue Index, laryngeal examination, and self-report regarding exercise
regimens. Metabolic profiles were obtained using gas exchange measures monitored during vocal task performance
(reading) at two different loudness levels, and during recovery from reading.
Results. Statistical analyses did not reveal reliable group differences in metabolic cost for or recovery from vocal
tasks. However, descriptive review of oxygen uptake and recovery kinetics revealed patterns indicating reliance on dif-
ferential energy resources for the vocal task in individuals with vocal fatigue compared with cardiovascularly trained,
vocally healthy individuals in particular. Slow oxygen uptake kinetics at task onset was a characteristic of the vocal
fatigue group, indicating a general reliance on anaerobic resources to meet the demands of the vocal task, pointing to
possible neuromuscular inefficiency. Individuals with vocal fatigue also demonstrated an increase in oxygen consump-
tion following vocal task compared with cardiovascularly trained individuals, suggesting possible cardiovascular recovery
Conclusion. This study provides initial data relevant to possible metabolic mechanisms of vocal fatigue and the po-
tential relevance of aerobic conditioning in individuals with such fatigue.
Key Words: Vocal fatigue–Gas exchange–Neuromuscular inefficiency–Aerobic conditioning–Oxygen uptake kinetics.

INTRODUCTION nisms that may underlie this phenomenon. In sum, mixed and
Vocal fatigue is a frequently occurring, often debilitating con- inconclusive results in the vocal fatigue literature are attribut-
dition, affecting many individuals with voice problems. able to uncertainties about the definition of vocal fatigue,
Professional and other voice users may be susceptible to this variations in the choice of subject populations across studies,
fatigue, which may affect social and occupational functioning.1–3 the use of varying instrumented and self-report measures that
Prior research has attempted to identify mechanisms underly- may not be sensitive to capture this variegated phenomenon, and
ing vocal fatigue and possible treatment options for it. However, the use of different loading tasks that may or may not elicit vocal
interpretation of results has been complicated by the lack of a fatigue.16 Given the debilitating nature and prevalence of this
consistent definition of vocal fatigue itself and by the use of dif- condition,2,3 it is imperative to conduct further probes to under-
ferent study methodologies including (1) study of individuals stand the underlying mechanisms and identify effective treatment
with and without vocal complaints,1,4–6 (2) study of voice changes options.
following prolonged voice use,7–11 (3) study of treatment out- In contrast to the situation in the literature on vocal fatigue,
comes for individuals with complaints of vocal fatigue,2,12–14 and research on fatigue in the exercise physiology domain has been
(4) study of recovery from vocal loading in healthy individuals.15 more extensive. Fatigue has been investigated under three schools
Moreover, existing data have failed to reveal a robust relation- of thought: schools that emphasize peripheral fatigue, those that
ship across self-reported and instrumented measures of vocal emphasize central fatigue, and those that emphasize a combi-
fatigue, thereby providing minimal information about mecha- nation of peripheral and central mechanisms. In each school of
thought, fatigue has been variably defined and different causes
Accepted for publication September 13, 2016.
Preliminary data were presented at the 36th Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice,
of fatigue have been proposed.17–25 Full discussion is beyond the
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2007; the Fall Voice Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 2013; and the scope of this paper. However, in brief, peripheral fatigue is thought
annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Denver, Colorado, 2015.
From the *Department of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, East Tennessee
to result from factors relating to the neuromuscular junction and
State University, Johnson City, Tennessee; †Department of Physical Therapy, University muscle function itself, including factors pertaining to the intra-
of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; ‡School of Nursing, University of Pittsburgh, Pitts-
burgh, Pennsylvania; §Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, University
cellular environment and muscle fibers.17,21,22 In contrast, central
of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; ‖Department of Otolaryngology, University of Pitts- fatigue is associated with reduced recruitment of motor units,
burgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; ¶McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, University
of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; #Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, Carnegie-
poor coordination of recruited motor units, and reduced central
Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and the **Center for the Neural Basis of drive due to increased inhibitory input to the motor cortex.25,26
Cognition, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Chayadevie Nanjundeswaran, Department
The third school of thought emphasizes the interplay between
of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, College of Clinical and Rehabilitative Health central and peripheral mechanisms.18,24,27 Among hypotheses, a
Sciences, East Tennessee State University, Lamb Hall, Box 70643, Johnson City, TN 37614.
common proposal is that in both peripheral and central fatigue,
Journal of Voice, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 378.e1–378.e11 the oxygen supply to the muscle and the brain is inadequate for
© 2017 The Voice Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
the task demands.28 In sum, oxygen is needed to meet the energy demands of active tissues during physical activity or task
Chayadevie Nanjundeswaran, et al Vocal Fatigue 378.e2

Oxygen Supply Issues in Fatigue

• Oxygen supply may be altered or inadequate due to inadequate delivery of oxygen to the working muscles (related to
cardiac output and circulation issues), and extraction of oxygen from blood delivered to the working muscle may be
inadequate to support the physical activity—the opposite of endurance,25
• There can be increased reliance on anaerobic resources during task performance due to a delay in the timing of the
oxygen supply to meet task demands. The result is a depletion of the local (muscle) anaerobic energy resources (PCr,
glycogen) followed by excessive metabolite accumulation (eg, lactic acid, hydrogen ions, and calcium ions), the by-
products of anaerobic metabolism. The accumulation of these metabolites impacts both muscle physiology and
neuromuscular function, which in turn can contribute to a decline in force production or inefficient patterns of muscle
recruitment for a task.25,26 (Note that in the presence of oxygen, some of the accumulated metabolites can be used as
fuel in aerobic metabolism; for information about the Krebs cycle, see Ref. 33),
• Inadequate supply of oxygen for the energy demand influences inhibitory feedback to the CNS and may contribute to
the perception of effort in task performance,23
• Endurance exercise, which is known to enhance oxygen supply (due to improved cardiac output and oxygen
extraction), has been shown to delay the onset of fatigue, presumably due to the provision of adequate oxygen to
meet task demands earlier in the onset of performance, and thus the reduction or prevention of the accumulation of
excessive metabolites.27,28
CNS, central nervous system; PCr, creatine phosphate.

performance. The desired energy source for this activity is aerobic (endurance exercise) training is associated with a rapid regula-
metabolism, which is dependent on an adequate and consistent tion of postexercise metabolism and the recovery to
supply of oxygen to the active tissues. With fatigue there may homeostasis.35–37 In addition, training can also improve deliv-
be a lag in availability or poor extraction of oxygen to meet task ery of oxygen to the active tissues, thus a reduction in the “lag”
demands. When oxygen supply is insufficient, task-related in aerobic resources at activity onset, which subsequently impacts
fatigue—defined as performance decrements over time—may the magnitude of postexercise recovery.
ensue. Appreciation of these two possible mechanisms in fatigue is
Despite the desired use of aerobic metabolism to meet task- enhanced by understanding of oxygen uptake kinetics and re-
related energy demands, at the onset of physical activity, there covery kinetics. The dynamic behavior of oxygen uptake in the
is an initial reliance on anaerobic metabolism as an energy source. transition from rest to exercise is termed oxygen kinetics and
Specifically at the onset of activity, reliance is on local tissue is dependent on both central circulation (i.e., delivery of oxygen
stores of creatine phosphate and glycogen in the muscle to meet to working muscles) and peripheral extraction (i.e., ability of
task demands. These fuel sources can independently support per- working muscles to use the available oxygen). Two further rel-
formance for a few minutes only. Continued performance is evant concepts have to do with (1) oxygen deficit and (2) excess
sustained by aerobic metabolism, which is dependent on an ad- postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC).38,39 At the onset of
equate supply of oxygen to the tissues, as oxygen is the fuel any task, anaerobic resources in the muscle are broken down until
needed for aerobic metabolism (ie, aerobic resources). Mis- aerobic resources come into play, observed as an achievement
match between oxygen supply to the active tissues and energy of steady state in oxygen consumption to meet task demands
demands can lead to performance decrements, that is, fatigue23,29–32 (Figure 1). The state that precedes the achievement of oxygen
A summary of mechanisms related to oxygen supply in fatigue steady state, when there is a lag in the rate of oxygen consump-
is provided in Table 1. tion (i.e., inadequate oxygen supply) relative to task demands,
Relative to oxygen supply, two specific potential mecha- is termed the state of oxygen deficit.33,40 This deficit is greater
nisms may explain fatigue: (1) neuromuscular inefficiency, and in aerobically untrained individuals than in aerobically fit indi-
(2) cardiovascular recovery deficits. Neuromuscular efficiency viduals, in part because untrained individuals do not have efficient
refers to the “how” of performance, specifically the degree to oxygen delivery and extraction to meet task demands.36 In turn,
which a task is performed using a minimal amount of muscle greater oxygen deficit is correlated with the increased reliance
activation. Optimal efficiency occurs when only those muscles on anaerobic resources for task performance. Anaerobic re-
necessary for task completion are used, with appropriate timing sources are by nature limited and thus may be a factor in fatigue,
and coordination across muscles.19,34 Inefficiency, involving the understood as a decline in the ability to sustain an activity. Ad-
recruitment of more muscles than needed for task performance ditionally, and related to our previous discussion of neuromuscular
or “incorrect pattern” of muscle activation, will lead to greater efficiency, the activation of muscles irrelevant to task perfor-
energy demands for task performance. On the other hand, car- mance, or activation of muscles at a level that exceeds task
diovascular recovery following physical activity refers to the extent demands, may further contribute to fatigue. The slower oxygen
and the time course within which physiological functions return uptake at the onset of task delays the achievement of oxygen
to the baseline homeostatic state. This recovery is generally en- steady state, in turn contributing to an early onset of fatigue.41–43
hanced in aerobically trained individuals.35 Specifically, aerobic This partial or total dependence on anaerobic resources
378.e3 Journal of Voice, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2017

centers on voice therapy to reduce vocal hyperfunction, imply-

ing that neuromuscular inefficiency may be the base cause of
vocal fatigue.2,15,16 However, an interesting hypothesis can be en-
tertained that at least in some cases, fatigue may be as much a
problem of cardiovascular recovery as it is a problem of neu-
romuscular inefficiency. We address our questions using gas
exchange analysis.
Specific aims were to (1) determine gross metabolic cost during
vocal task performance, (2) evaluate metabolic recovery time fol-
lowing vocal task performance, and (3) explore oxygen uptake
and recovery (EPOC) kinetics in individuals with vocal fatigue
compared to individuals without vocal fatigue in two non-
fatigue groups. Hypotheses were that individuals with vocal
fatigue would (1) display increased metabolic cost during vocal
task performance, (2) display increased metabolic recovery time,
or (3) display both, compared to vocally healthy individuals
FIGURE 1. Oxygen uptake response at the onset of exercise.
without vocal fatigue and cardiovascularly trained individuals,
the latter of which might show good post-task recovery in
continues until either adequate oxygen is supplied to meet the particular.
demand or fatigue prevents continued performance.17,22
The oxygen deficit incurred owing to inadequate oxygen supply
during activity leads to an oxygen debt to be “paid back” at the METHODS
cessation of activity. EPOC following physical activity refers to Participants
the energy derived from aerobic metabolism (i.e., with oxygen) Thirty-four women between the ages of 18 and 45 years served
required to replenish the anaerobic resources that have been de- as participants. Participants were recruited using Institutional
pleted during activity. EPOC represents oxygen consumed post Review Board–approved advertisements distributed across uni-
exercise in this process.38,39 The magnitude of EPOC is approx- versity settings, public school settings, and the community at
imately equivalent to the oxygen deficit incurred during the task, large. Participants were allocated to one of three groups, based
when aerobic resources were insufficient.33,40 Reliance on an- on their presenting characteristics: (1) individuals with com-
aerobic resources to meet task demands during task performance plaints of vocal fatigue, with varying levels of voice training,
will result in prolonged post-task recovery. Enhanced aerobic but no particular cardiovascular conditioning (vocal fatigue group
conditioning influences recovery by increasing the delivery of [VF] N = 12); (2) vocally healthy, vocally untrained,
oxygenated blood to the active tissues, in turn aiding in the re- cardiovascularly unconditioned individuals (vocally healthy group
plenishment of depleted anaerobic substrates and other [VH] N = 12); and (3) vocally healthy, vocally untrained,
physiological processes, including decreasing heart rate and ven- cardiovascularly trained individuals (cardiovascular trained group
tilation, and decreasing elevated body temperature to pre- [CV] N = 10). Criteria for vocal fatigue, vocal training, and car-
activity levels.37 diovascular conditioning were as follows. Participants were
In sum, oxygen uptake plays a significant role both during identified as having vocal fatigue based on their scores of Vocal
and after task performance. In the exercise physiology litera- Fatigue Index ([VFI] ≥24 on factor 1).44 Participants were
ture, gas exchange analysis has been used to understand oxygen considered vocally healthy if VFI scores were ≤5 on factor 1
uptake and determine metabolic cost (ie, energy cost of a task) (vocally healthy and cardiovascularly trained groups). Partici-
and recovery (ie, time taken to return to baseline respiration) from pants were considered vocally trained if they indicated use of
activity, to provide information about mechanisms involved in voice as a professional singer or actor in the past 5 years. This
both neuromuscular inefficiency and cardiovascular recovery finding occurred spontaneously in the VF group and in one par-
issues in fatigue.42,43 ticipant in the VH group. Participants were considered
Our aim was to extend these findings from the exercise phys- cardiovascularly conditioned if they reported exercising 40–60
iology literature to the case of vocal fatigue, to explore possible minutes daily for at least 5 days per week and should have done
parallels. Specifically, our aim was to ask whether individuals so consistently in the past 6 months, with few if any excep-
with vocal fatigue might display signs of neuromuscular inef- tions (American College of Sports Medicine guidelines in Refs.
ficiency implied by increased oxygen use during vocal task 29, 33). Participants were considered not cardiovascularly trained,
performance (possibly pointing to increased muscles recruited, or sedentary, if they reported performing aerobic exercise <20–
or increased activation and poor timing of muscle recruit- 30 minutes a day less than 3 days a week over the preceding 6
ment), whether they might display poor regulation of postexercise months. Sedentary versus cardiovascularly fit individuals were
metabolism, or both. To our knowledge, this study is the first recruited as part of the study to assess the role of cardiovascu-
of its kind to use this approach in examining energy demands lar conditioning on vocal task management and recovery from
of task performance to the study of vocal fatigue. The voice lit- the task. Females were recruited because they tend to experi-
erature suggests that one approach to treatment of vocal fatigue ence vocal fatigue symptoms more often than men.45,46
Chayadevie Nanjundeswaran, et al Vocal Fatigue 378.e4

Participant Demographics and Inclusionary Characteristics
Vocal Training (>5
VFI Score Years of Professional Cardiovascular
Group (Factor 1) Experience) Fitness Mean Age, SD
VF (N = 12) ≥24 2—singing teachers 6—sedentary 32.7 (9.73)
4—vocal music majors 6—<20–30 min of exercise < 3 times/wk
VH (N = 12) ≤5 1—vocal music major <20–30 min of exercise <3 times/wk 26.3 (5.64)
CV (N = 10) ≤5 0 40–60 min/d for 5 times/wk 22.9 (3.27)

All participants completed an online survey using Google Docs later used for calculation of vocal efficiency, and finally (3) a
to screen for these and other inclusionary and exclusionary cri- Bench Stepping Test that would be used to extract measures of
teria ( cardiovascular fitness. Details are as follows.
=dE44bXEyYjR0Z3RGX2JZNTZqM0J fMkE6MQ). General cri-
teria for inclusion across all three groups were the following: Reading tasks
(1) female between the ages of 18 and 45 years (the upper limit A mask was placed around a participant’s nose and mouth, and
of 45 years was chosen to restrict recruitment of women to a participants’ comfort with the mask was assured. A micro-
relatively stable hormonal age range); (2) no known degenera- phone, part of the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment Companion
tive or other medical conditions that would affect voice, with Software, was positioned at an angle of 45 degrees from the corner
the exception of seasonal allergies, asthma, or laryngopharyn- of the mouth, at a distance of 30 cm as measured with a mea-
geal reflux and their treatments; (3) self-report of competent suring tape. The companion software provides ongoing measures
reading fluency in English; and (4) self-report of completion of of loudness levels during vocal tasks. In the present study, the
high school education. Table 2 provides a summary of partici- software was used to measure, establish, and maintain loud-
pant demographics and inclusion criteria. ness levels that would be used for two different reading conditions
Exclusionary criteria included any evidence of (1) acute or in the protocol: conversational (spontaneous and specific to each
chronic respiratory infection at the time of testing, (2) active symp- participant during counting and brief conversation) and loud (10–
tomatic allergies, or (3) asthma at the time of testing, and (4) 15 dB greater than conversational) reading conditions. Figure 2
tobacco use within the past 3 months. Additional exclusionary provides an overview of the tasks for the gas exchange protocol.
criteria included (1) any history of cardiac, pulmonary, or neu- During reading tasks, gas exchange data were obtained using
rologic problems; (2) history of systemic diseases known to affect a portable metabolic measurement system, the MedGraphics
voice; or (3) use of any medications known to affect voice or VO2000 (Minneapolis, MN) system. Expired gases were cap-
oxygen uptake in the week before the experimental session. tured throughout the protocol, as participants breathed in through
the nose and out through the mouth. Participant demographics
Experimental procedures including age, gender, height, and weight were obtained in the
Participants whose Google Docs were consistent with prelim- system to adjust for metabolic measures. Baseline values were
inary inclusion and exclusion criteria were scheduled for an in- identified as values occurring when steady-state oxygen con-
office screening, during which they completed the Institutional sumption level occurred for approximately 1 minute (i.e., until
Review Board–approved informed consent. Participants with any variation in oxygen consumption was <0.2 mL/kg/min), before
visible lesions or poor mobility of the vocal folds or inade- reading tasks commenced. Reading tasks, including conversa-
quate glottal closure during a laryngeal examination were tional and loud reading of junior high school level passages, were
excluded. The actual experimental protocol was completed on counterbalanced across participants and commenced once base-
a different day, within a week from the in-office screening. line was achieved. Each reading task then lasted 5 minutes to
On the day of the experimental protocol, participants were pro- allow time for participants to presumably reach steady-state
vided a verbal overview of the protocol, including (1) reading oxygen consumption levels in each condition.33,40,45 This study
tasks that would be used for later gas exchange analysis, fol- protocol did not use tasks intended to specifically induce vocal
lowed by (2) a consonant-vowel production task that would be loading or vocal fatigue. The aim of the protocol was rather to

FIGURE 2. Experimental procedures.

378.e5 Journal of Voice, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2017

explore possible metabolic responses to fairly “normal” speaking the reading task. Additionally, post-reading task data were in-
tasks across subject groups, including those who scored poorly spected to evaluate patterns of increase, decrease, or no change
on the VFI compared with those who did not. in oxygen consumption (EPOC) post task.
During each vocal reading task, the LSVT Companion Soft-
ware was used to monitor speech intensity so participants would Vocal efficiency task
maintain subject-specific intensity levels for comfortable and loud Following completion of the reading and recovery tasks, the mask
speech reading. The principal investigator provided verbal feed- used for collection of metabolic data was removed, and another
back to participants, encouraging them to increase or decrease face mask connected to the Phonatory Aerodynamic System
loudness according to individually established targets through- (Model 6600, KayPENTAX, Montvale, NJ) was placed over the
out the reading tasks. Following completion of each vocal reading participant’s nose and mouth. A tight seal of mask to face was
task, participants were provided time to rest and recover until confirmed, and participants then produced three repetitions of
a 30-second recovery plateau was achieved in oxygen consump- a five-syllable consonant-vowel string (/pi pi pi pi pi/) at com-
tion. Recovery was considered to occur when oxygen consumption fortable pitch and loudness. 49 Vocal efficiency (dB SPL/
levels returned to baseline values of oxygen consumption cmH20 × L/s) was later calculated for this task using values for
(<0.2 mL/kg/min) for 30 seconds. average estimate subglottal pressure, airflow, and speech inten-
After completion of the entire protocol, including recovery sity across all three strings.50,51 Average estimated pressure was
periods, participants were asked to circle appropriate level of per- obtained from average pressure peaks for the middle three tokens
ceived effort for each reading task retrospectively, using the Borg of each of three five-syllable consonant vowel sets (ie, average
Scale of perceived exertion. On this scale, values range from 6 of peaks 2–3, 3–4, 4–5), manually selected. Pressure peaks were
to 20, with 6 being no exertion at all to 20 being maximal exertion.47 evaluated for return to baseline during each vowel production,
Metabolic costs for reading were derived from estimates of and airflow values return to baseline during consonant produc-
oxygen consumption during reading. Metabolic cost is defined tion to confirm validity of the measure.49 Flow and intensity
as the amount of oxygen consumed standardized to task rate. measures were obtained automatically by the Phonatory Aero-
Standardization is used to account for the “workload,” for dynamic System for the selected syllables.
example, to control for the rate of work in task performance.
Metabolic or energy cost of performance has been a common
measure used to investigate walking (e.g., rate of oxygen con- Bench Stepping Test
sumed standardized by walking speed). Standardized by workload, The Bench Stepping Test was performed following completion
this ratio can be compared across people regardless of task rate.33,42 of the vocal efficiency protocol. For this test, participants were
We applied this similar formula to assess the metabolic cost of asked to step up onto and down from a 12-inch bench for
reading. Gross metabolic cost was standardized to the rate of 3 minutes at 96 beats per minute as indicated by an online met-
speech, in words per minute (wpm), for each participant. Thus, ronome ( Following this
metabolic cost of speech (mL/kg-w) was defined as the ratio of stepping procedure, heart rate was manually captured for 1 minute
energy expenditure for reading (mL/kg/min)/rate of speech (wpm). post exercise to provide an indication of cardiovascular fitness.
In turn, energy expenditure for the task was calculated as average Results from the Bench Stepping Test have been widely used
rate of oxygen consumption from the end of the task to 1 minute to estimate cardiovascular fitness and are a good correlate of in-
after task completion. This interval was chosen for two reasons. strumented measures of VO2 max.52,53 This task was not used
First, oxygen consumption is captured from expired gases. Limited to physically fatigue participants but rather to obtain estimates
expirations occurred during actual reading in some partici- of cardiovascular fitness.
pants, and thus a limited number of breaths were captured for
expired gas analysis during the reading task. Second, histori- Data analysis
cally, the rate of oxygen consumption during the immediate post- To evaluate the two primary variables of interest in this study,
task time (1 minute in this study) has been considered an gross metabolic cost for reading and recovery time from reading,
indication of the metabolic cost for the task just completed.33,48 inferential statistics were performed using a 2 × 3 mixed-
Recovery time was calculated as time (seconds) taken to reach model analysis of variance, to evaluate metabolic cost of reading
baseline oxygen consumption values (within 0.2 mL/kg/min) for and to evaluate recovery time. For the analysis of variance, the
30 seconds post task. This value was calculated starting 1 minute within-subjects variable was task (2; conversational versus loud
after measures for energy expenditure for the vocal task had been reading) and the between-subjects variable was group (3; VF
captured. versus VH versus CV). Pearson product moment correlations
In addition to measures of metabolic cost and recovery, each were further calculated to identify possible relations between (1)
individual participant’s raw data of oxygen consumption (mL/ ratings of perceived exertion and metabolic cost, (2) vocal ef-
kg/min) were visually inspected descriptively to gain insight into ficiency and metabolic cost, and (3) cardiovascular fitness level
(1) pattern of oxygen use during reading, defined as oxygen uptake and recovery time. Descriptive evaluation of the data used line
kinetics and (2) recovery from reading defined as recovery ki- graphs to explore patterns of oxygen uptake as a function of group.
netics (EPOC), as a function of group. Specifically, oxygen uptake Further descriptive analyses involved obtaining the number and
kinetics were inspected for the pattern in rise of oxygen con- percent of individuals in each group, with rise in oxygen con-
sumption following task onset and achievement of plateau during sumption (mL/kg/min) post reading (EPOC).
Chayadevie Nanjundeswaran, et al Vocal Fatigue 378.e6

RESULTS ery time and least variability for both reading tasks. However,
Metabolic cost of and recovery from reading statistically, the main effect of group was nonsignificant (F
Regarding metabolic costs, collapsing values across loudness [2,31] = .810, P > 0.05). Descriptively, recovery times were longer
levels, we saw no clear group differences, although numerical- for loud reading than for conversational reading tasks across all
ly the CV group displayed somewhat higher values than did the three groups. Statistically, the main effect of task was signifi-
VF and the VH groups (F [2,31] = 2.308, P > 0.05, nonsignifi- cant (F [1,31] = 11.408, P < 0.005), although the interaction of
cant) (Figure 3). Collapsing values across groups, we found raw group × task was not (F [2,31] = .668, P > 0.05).
data clearly imply greater metabolic cost for loud than for con-
versational reading, and indeed, the main effect of reading task Oxygen uptake kinetics
was significant (F [1,31] = 44.296, P < 0.001). No group × task Line graphs displaying oxygen uptake kinetics were derived from
interaction was found (F [2,31] = 1.247, P > 0.05). gas exchange signals captured on expiration during conversation-
Regarding recovery times, descriptively, the VH group showed al and loud reading. Representative and meaningful data are shown
longer mean recovery times and greater variability in recovery in Figures 5–8. Participants in the VF group exhibited two dif-
times for conversational reading than did the other two groups. ferent patterns of oxygen uptake kinetics: (1) a continuous rise in
The VF group had the longest recovery time for loud reading oxygen uptake from the onset of the reading task to the end of the
(Figure 4). Participants in the CV group had the shortest recov- reading task (Figure 5) and (2) no change in oxygen uptake from

FIGURE 3. Metabolic cost across the three groups, with vocal fatigue, vocally healthy, and cardiovascularly trained, collapsed across loudness

FIGURE 4. Average and variability of recovery time (seconds) for conversational and loud reading across the three groups: with vocal fatigue,
vocally healthy, and cardiovascularly trained.
378.e7 Journal of Voice, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2017

FIGURE 5. Pattern 1 of oxygen uptake kinetics in vocal fatigue, indicating a consistent rise starting at 12.27 and no plateau achieved.

baseline to the end of the reading task (Figure 6). In contrast, all Excess postexercise oxygen consumption
subjects in the CV group showed a consistent pattern of rise in Post-reading oxygen consumption data (EPOC) were exam-
oxygen uptake from task onset, reaching a plateau within 2–3 ined for a potential rise as a function of group. Descriptive data
minutes (Figure 7). Participants in the VH group showed three indicating the number and percentage of individuals showing an
different patterns: (1) attainment of plateau in oxygen uptake within increase in oxygen consumption (>0.2 mL/kg/min) post reading
2–3 minutes of task onset, similar to the pattern in the CV group; for each group are shown in Table 3. In brief, a greater percent-
(2) continuous rise in oxygen uptake from the onset to the end of age of participants (67%–75%) in the VF and the VH groups
the reading task, similar to the pattern in the VF group; and (3) a showed an increase in postexercise oxygen consumption com-
double rise time and a double plateau, unique to this group (Figure 8). pared with the CV group (37%) for both reading tasks.

FIGURE 6. Pattern 2 of oxygen uptake kinetics in six individuals with vocal fatigue, indicating no change in oxygen consumption from onset
to completion.

FIGURE 7. Oxygen uptake line graph in cardiovascularly trained individuals with rise time at 10.55 at the onset of reading and plateau achieved
at 12.17.
Chayadevie Nanjundeswaran, et al Vocal Fatigue 378.e8

FIGURE 8. Line graph demonstrating atypical oxygen kinetics indicating a double plateau in a vocally healthy individual (VH8). The first rise
time is at 2.02 at the onset of reading and first plateau was achieved at 3.03, followed by a second rise time at 4.43 during the task and second
plateau was achieved at 5.43.

Number (Percent) of Individuals With a Rise in Oxygen Consumption (mL/kg/min) Post Reading (EPOC) Across the Three
With Vocal Fatigue Vocally Healthy Cardiovascularly Trained
Task or Group n = 12 n = 12 n = 10
Conversational reading (n,%) 8 (67) 8 (67) 3 (37)
Loud reading (n, %) 9 (75) 6 (67) 3 (37)

Perceived phonatory effort (RPE) proach to vocal fatigue—gas exchange analysis—was used to
Averaged ratings of perceived exertion were the greatest for the explore the energy demands of vocal task performance.
VF group for both conversational (9.1) and loud (15.6) reading In contrast to expectations, no statistically significant group dif-
tasks and the smallest for the CV group (conversional RPE: 6.9 ferences were noted in metabolic cost for vocal performance or
and loud RPE: 11.6). The Pearson correlation between meta- recovery time from it. However, numerically and somewhat par-
bolic cost and perceived effort for conversational loudness was adoxically, the CV group demonstrated greater metabolic cost for
r = .044 (P > 0.05), collapsed across the three groups. The cor- both conversational and loud reading tasks compared with the VF
relation between metabolic cost and perceived effort for loud and the VH groups, an observation not anticipated and indeed
reading was numerically negative but similarly insignificant counterintuitive. Additionally, the CV group had the shortest re-
(r = −.126; P > 0.05), pooling across groups. covery times and the least variability in recovery times for the loud
reading task, an anticipated finding. Although the primary vari-
Vocal efficiency and cardiovascular fitness ables did not show results as hypothesized, secondary variables
Of the 34 participants in total, data from three participants (one including oxygen uptake kinetics, EPOC, and perceived phona-
from the VH group and two from the CV group) were not avail- tory effort provide some initial insight into potential physiological
able for analysis because of technical glitches and loss of collected mechanisms in vocal fatigue and protection from it. Possible ex-
data. Additionally, one individual in the VF group had an un- planation of insignificant group differences in the pattern of
usually large efficiency value (443 dB/cmH20 × L/s compared metabolic cost may be derived from the descriptive data on oxygen
with the VF group mean average of 123.59 dB/cmH20 × L/s), uptake kinetics.
and this data point was considered an outlier and was removed Specifically, as previously noted, oxygen uptake kinetics refer
before calculating the correlation between metabolic cost and to the dynamic behavior of oxygen uptake in the transition from
vocal efficiency. For the remaining data, correlations between rest to exercise and provides insight into (1) availability of energy
vocal efficiency and metabolic cost for both loudness levels were resources to the working muscles and (2) extraction of the avail-
poor (r = .16, P > 0.05 and r = −.27 P > 0.05 respectively). able energy resources by the working muscles to meet the
Similarly, poor correlations were found between indicators of demands of a task. The patterns seen in all participants in the
cardiovascular fitness as derived from the Bench Stepping Test VF group and some participants in the VH group, which in-
and post-reading recovery times, for both loudness tasks (r = .01, volved either a persistent rise or no change in oxygen uptake
P > 0.05; r = .14, P > 0.05 respectively). during task performance, were strikingly different from the pat-
terns seen in all the CV participants, which involved a rapid rise
DISCUSSION and plateau of oxygen consumption within 2–3 minutes of task
The purpose of the study was to identify potential mechanisms onset. Apparently, participants in the CV group met the demands
underlying vocal fatigue, specifically pertaining to (1) neuro- of the vocal task with oxygen supply (i.e., aerobic resources)
muscular inefficiency and (2) cardiovascular recovery issues. during task performance, as evidenced by their achievement of
Extrapolated from the exercise physiology literature, a novel ap- a steady state in oxygen consumption within 2–3 minutes of task
378.e9 Journal of Voice, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2017

onset.52 On the other hand, among participants with VF, no change oxygen uptake kinetics at task onset with failure to achieve a
or a consistent rise in oxygen uptake observed during task per- steady state in oxygen consumption in the VF group may be at-
formance may indicate a relatively greater reliance on anaerobic tributed to utilization of anaerobic resources to meet task demands.
energy resources for reading and a lag in oxygen supply in task To our knowledge, this study is the first to suggest potential re-
performance.41 This apparent greater reliance on anaerobic re- liance on anaerobic resources for vocal task performance and
sources at the onset of exercise results in a greater oxygen deficit– its role in vocal fatigue. Utilization of local anaerobic re-
or depletion of local energy stores in active tissues and must be sources may point to poor oxygen extraction on the part of used
restored post exercise to return tissues to their pre-exercise state. muscles in general, or the utilization of “wrong” combination
Additionally, participants in the VF group continued to rely on of muscle patterns to achieve a vocal task. Poor oxygen utili-
anaerobic resources during task performance to meet the demands zation may be attributable to several mechanisms that could create
of the task, seen as lack of achievement of steady state in oxygen both a demand greater than the supply of oxygen and a disrup-
consumption. Thus, the participants with VF never attained the tion of the supply of oxygen relative to the demand, such as (1)
state of “pay-as-you-go” of oxygen supply, matching the current possible co-contraction of agonist and antagonist muscle groups,
demand for energy use. Anaerobic resources are limited and may (2) increased neuromotor recruitment of more muscles than
be a factor in the development of fatigue.43,54 needed for task completion (hyperadduction) or inefficient order
Evidence for such reliance on differential resources across subject of muscle recruitment, (3) decreased blood flow through the cap-
groups in this study is also supported by results of perceived pho- illaries due to increased constriction of the working muscles, or
natory effort ratings. Participants in the CV group reported the (4) muscle membrane (myofascial) damage. As noted earlier, ac-
least perceived effort for task completion across groups despite tivation of muscles at a level that exceeds task demands or
the greater metabolic cost for these participants. In contrast, the activation of muscles irrelevant to the task defines neuromus-
VF group reported greater phonatory effort but lower metabolic cular inefficiency and contributes to muscle fatigue and perceived
cost numerically, compared with the CV group. Clearly, partici- sensation of fatigue.41 Greater EPOC and longer recovery times
pants in the CV group were able to meet the demands of the vocal point to cardiovascular recovery issues in the VF and the VH
task with oxygen supply during task performance, in contrast to groups compared with the CV group.37
subjects in the VF and the VH groups, who did not. In other words, In sum, preliminary data suggest that the VF and the VH groups
participants in the CV group appeared to use an aerobic “pay- seemed to exhibit neuromuscular inefficiency as evidenced by
as-you-go” approach during task performance, and experienced potential reliance on anaerobic resources possibly attributable
less effort during the task performance, potentially because of re- to poor oxygen utilization, secondary to possible greater demand
liance on aerobic as opposed to anaerobic resources. In contrast, and/or disrupted supply to the active tissues during task perfor-
individuals in the VF group appear to incur oxygen deficit during mance. Additionally, the increased EPOC and poor recovery in
task performance owing to reliance on anaerobic mechanisms for the VF and the VH groups indicate increased oxygen debt (ie,
energy, associated with a depletion of muscle creatine phosphate depleted local tissue energy resources) to be paid back and the
and glycogen and increased accumulation of creatine and inor- additional impact of cardiovascular recovery issues. In con-
ganic phosphates (accumulated metabolites, Table 1), thereby the trast, data from the CV group indicated utilization of a “pay-
increase in perceived phonatory effort during task performance30,55 as-you-go” approach and rapid recovery, which are both
and greater oxygen debt to be paid back during recovery. influenced by aerobic conditioning.35 The pattern of oxygen con-
This partial or complete reliance on anaerobic metabolism for sumption for the voice tasks and recovery in the CV group may
energy demands of the task, and the lack of attainment of steady additionally suggest the potential influence of aerobic condi-
state precludes the usual measurement of metabolic cost of per- tioning in protection from vocal fatigue.
formance during the task. Only at steady state is the oxygen
consumed a direct reflection of the energy used. The lack of LIMITATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS
achievement of steady state resulted in the inability to compare Although the present study revealed some interesting findings
and detect differences in the metabolic cost of the voice tasks across relative to potential physiological processes in vocal fatigue, the
groups. However, evidence from descriptive EPOC data in this study is not without limitations. Although oxygen uptake kinet-
study indicates greater post-task oxygen consumption (ie, oxygen ics and EPOC patterns differentiated the CV group from the VF
required to restore local energy stores to pre-exercise state) in both group, these variables failed to differentiate the VF group from
the VF and the VH groups in comparison with the CV group, a the VH group. This outcome can be attributed to recruitment
further indication of the reliance on anaerobic resources during methods and subject characteristics. All subjects including the
task performance. Postexercise recovery is defined as the period VF participants were recruited using community flyers and were
during which the body returns to its baseline physiological ho- not self-referred to a clinic for their complaints. Recruitment of
meostatic state. If oxygen deficit is incurred during task the VF participants from a clinic may differentiate the VF group
performance, a greater need to “pay back” depleted resources will from the VH group in future studies. There were also partici-
ensue. Aerobic training can both reduce the oxygen deficit and pant age and occupational demographic differences across the
enhance the rate of replenishment of depleted resources due to VF and the VH groups. Participants in the VF group were all
enhanced circulatory response as observed in the CV group.35,36 professional voice users including teachers and performing voice
The descriptive findings suggest preliminary proposals around majors, whereas participants in the VH group were primarily un-
potential physiological processes underlying vocal fatigue. Slower dergraduate or graduate students who did not encounter heavy
Chayadevie Nanjundeswaran, et al Vocal Fatigue 378.e10

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