Técnica Nasal para Disfonia

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Nasal Resistance (NR) Technique: A Novel Approach to

Improve Glottal Adduction
Nandhakumar (Nandhu) Radhakrishnan, Beaumont, Texas

Summary: Objective. Several techniques have been practiced in the field of voice therapy to balance glottal
pressures and improve glottal adduction. As such, Semioccluded Vocal Tract Exercises using narrow diameter
straws have shown promise as a technique to increase glottal contact as reflected by Closed Quotients (CQ) mea-
sured from electroglottograph (EGG). This study explored the effect of nasal resistance (NR) technique, a manu-
ally induced NR approach, on glottal adduction in phononormal subjects as a possible new therapeutic
technique to assist in glottal closure.
Subjects. Thirty-four vocally healthy adult females qualified for this study. All subjects were reportedly and
perceptually normal.
Methods. Subjects were instructed to perform tasks including (a) steady modal phonation, (b) straw phonation,
(c) humming, and (d) NR technique in a random order. EGG measures included calculation of the CQ and jitter
during the mid-section of each stimuli for a minimum of 10 EGG cycles. One-way repeated measures ANOVAs
and Bonferroni post-hoc comparisons were calculated to determine differences between each phonatory task for
the outcome measures of CQ and jitter.
Results. Analyses revealed that the mean CQ was significantly different in all the tasks performed with hum-
ming (33.99%) at the lowest and NR technique at highest (43.88%). Though the CQ of straw phonation (40.53%)
was higher than modal steady phonation (36.65%), jitter was found to be significantly lower for NR technique
(0.23%). Jitter during straw phonation (0.43%) did not differ significantly from modal phonation (0.44%).
Conclusion. These results provide preliminary evidence that NR technique can increase CQ with lower levels of
jitter compared to straw phonation using a narrow diameter of 2 mm. Future studies should expand enrollment
to men, larger age ranges, and patients with hypofunctional symptoms (eg, Parkinson disease) to evaluate the
potential benefits of NR as a therapeutic technique.
Key Words: Glottal adduction−Straw phonation−Glottal insufficiency−Glottal incompetency−Nasal resis-
tance−NR technique.

INTRODUCTION contact. This measure is referred to as EGG Width

Glottal adduction is mandatory for voicing. The thyroaryte- (EGGW) at 25, 50, or 75th percent. It is a ratio between the
noids, lateral cricoarytenoids, and interarytenoids (IA) play width and period of the waveform. EGGW* is a reliable
a vital role in adducting the vocal folds. The former work in measure to infer glottal adduction.4,5
adducting the anterior membranous portion and the latter Literature reports several voice therapy techniques to
two increase medialization of the posterior glottis. Inade- address glottal insufficiency. Almost all physiologic-based
quate adduction leads to glottal insufficiency reflected by a approaches including Vocal Function Exercises, Resonant
breathy voice quality. This could be due to various condi- Voice Therapy, and Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract exercises
tions including functional issues such as muscle tension, (SOVTE) have reportedly been effective in balancing glottal
habitual use of husky/breathy voice, vocal fold atrophy, or adduction, pressure, and flow aspects of voice production.
paresis/paralysis of vocal folds.1−3 Some forms of SOVTE reported in the literature are straw
Inadequate glottal closure can reflect abnormalities phonation, humming, LaxVox, hand over mouth, lip trills,
across several measures of voice including perceptual, tongue trills, and tube phonation in air versus water. Effect
acoustic, aerodynamic, electroglottographic, and endo- of SOVTE on glottal adduction and overall voice produc-
scopic aspects. Electroglottograph (EGG) detects glottal tion varies based on the type of exercises selected including
contact and the waveform is a plot of glottal contact across the number of locations of vibration or resistance offered
time. The peak of this waveform reflects glottal contact. (single or double), length and diameter of the straw, and
The width of the waveform at specific levels from baseline, depth of the tube in water.
that is, 25%, 50%, 75% have been used to interpret glottal Andrade et al studied the effect of seven SOVTEs on EGG
measures of 23 vocally healthy subjects. Closed Quotient (CQ)
Accepted for publication April 28, 2020. though differed across all seven tasks, the values decreased
From the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, Voice Lab & Vocology from comfortable phonation (44.15%). Among these, only lip
Clinic, Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Nandhakumar (Nandhu) Radhak- trills 38.57%, expressed statistically significant difference from
rishnan, Voice Lab & Vocology Clinic, Lamar University, Beaumont, TX 77710. E- comfortable phonation. Straw phonation and LaxVox
mail: nandhu@lamar.edu
Journal of Voice, Vol. &&, No. &&, pp. &&−&&
© 2020 The Voice Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. *The software used for EGG analysis in this study performs EGGW50 calculations;
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvoice.2020.04.020 however, labels it as Closed Quotient.
2 Journal of Voice, Vol. &&, No. &&, 2020

decreased CQ to 41.33% and 43.54%, respectively. The sili- technique for hypofunctional voice disorders stems from pre-
cone tube used for LaxVox was 25 cm in length with a 9 mm liminary investigations by the Primary Investigator (PI). Prac-
internal diameter. The straw reportedly had a measurement of tice recordings across several subjects showed an increase in
12.5 cm length and 4 mm diameter. Generalized inference CQ when this technique was performed during humming.
about the effect of straw phonation on CQ cannot be made Hence the claim is made that this technique may benefit
from this study alone because the diameter of the straw can patients who have inadequate glottal contact. Performance of
change the direction of this measure.6 Mills et al studied the this technique, reliability, and repeatability are discussed under
effect of short-duration (1 minute) and long-duration (10 “Protocol of NR Technique” in Methods section.
minutes) exercises using different lengths of straws (7.5, 15, Specific aims of this research were to compare CQ and
and 30 cm) with a diameter of 2 cm on voice measures includ- EGG jitter during (a) steady phonation of /ɑ/ at modal
ing oral pressure, mean airflow, aerodynamic resistance, and pitch, (b) straw phonation, (c) humming, and (d) humming
CQ. The subjects, 10 males and 10 females, of this study were under NR technique. The following are the null hypotheses:
all vocally healthy. According to their results, long-duration
exercises revealed significant decrease in oral pressure, aerody- a. There is no significant difference in CQ between com-
namic resistance, and CQ and a significant increase in airflow. fortable phonation /ɑ/, straw phonation, comfortable
The effect of change in length did not show significant differen- humming, humming under NR technique.
ces in these measures. In this study, the diameter of the straws b. There is no significant difference in jitter between com-
was consistent (2 cm).7 Guzman et al investigated the effect of fortable phonation /ɑ/, straw phonation, comfortable
straw phonation across different diameters and phonation humming, humming under NR technique.
through tubes immersed in different depths of water. The par-
ticipants of this study belonged to four groups, (a) vocally nor-
mal without voice training, (b) vocally normal with voice METHODS
training, (c) patients with muscle tension dysphonia, and (d) This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board
patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis. This study at Lamar University.
reported statistically significant increase in CQ for voicing
through a stirring straw with 2.7 mm inner diameter (3% Subjects
increase) and phonation using 55 cm straw with 10 mm inner Among 49 volunteers, 34 phononormal females (speech lan-
diameter submerged 10 cm in water (5% increase). Moreover, guage pathology majors), between the ages 19−32 years
the trend of change in parameters was not different based on with a mean age of 23.82 years, met the following inclusion/
vocal health of the subjects.8 Based on interpretation of these exclusion criteria and participated as subjects. Subjects pro-
studies, effect of SOVTE on glottal adduction and overall vided informed consent to participate in this study.
voice production varies based on the type of exercises selected
including the number of locations of vibration or resistance
offered (single or double), length and diameter of the straw, Inclusion criteria
and depth of the tube in water.
Titze explained the scientific rationale of SOVTE suggest- (a) Subjects should not have upper respiratory and/or
ing that semiocclusion in the oral cavity improve the inter- vocal complaints and are vocally healthy
action between the source and filter thereby increasing the (b) Subjects’ EGG trials should reveal clear EGG signals
mean intraglottal air pressure and supraglottal pressure
which may in turn raise the maximum flow declination rate Exclusion criteria
within the glottis.9 Though literature has described the prac-
tice of several types of SOVTEs including humming, manu- (a) Subjects had perceptually below normal voice quality
ally induced nasal resistance (NR) during humming and its (b) Subjects’ EGG signals were not reliable
effect on voice production has not been reported. (c) Subjects had upper respiratory infection/discomfort,
Humming, in isolation or combination, is reportedly used in including common cold
both therapy10−13 and vocal training.14,15 Humming report- (d) Subjects are vocally trained
edly improves voice quality by stabilizing the vocal fold oscil- (e) Subjects had a history of voice disorders
lation, prephonatory positioning, and perception of
roughness.13,16,17 How does the low levels of vocal fold medial The PI, who has more than 15 years of experience in clini-
compression and enhanced airflow during humming change cal voice, screened the subjects through auditory perceptual
when manual resistance is offered? This needs to be studied. evaluation.

NR TECHNIQUE Instrumentation
NR manually offered at the level of nostrils during humming is Electroglottography: Contact quotient was measured using
a novel approach to increase glottal adduction. This approach EGG Model 6103 by Pentax Medical (New Jersey, USA).
has not been reported. The rationale to recommend this Electrode placement was facilitated using Spectra 360
Nandhakumar (Nandhu) Radhakrishnan Nasal Resistance (NR) Technique 3

electrode gel manufactured by Parker Laboratories (New (c) After perceptually judging the effort, pitch, and loud-
Jersey, USA). The output was connected to PowerLab ness, the PI placed his thumb and index finger at the
PL3516/P (ADInstruments, Colorado, USA) multi-signal subject’s nostrils and offered resistance to the flow of
acquisition device at a sampling rate set to 16-bit, 20 KHz. air. The other hand was positioned at the back of the
The use of EGG as a clinical and research tool has been subject’s head for support. Latex-free medical gloves
debated in the literature. Colton and Conture discussed the were worn for protection.
common complications and downsides of this tool and clas- (d) During the above task, subjects gave in to the resis-
sified the problems into four areas (a) instrumental, (b) pro- tance and reduced the airflow and loudness of
cedural, (c) subject related, and (d) interpretation of the humming
signal. In short, EGG signals are affected by (i) low fre- (e) At this point, instructions were given not to surrender
quency noise that masks the target waveform, (ii) electrode to the resistance and attempt to continue the same flow
placement, (iii) degree of contact between electrodes and and loudness. The PI monitored the authenticity by
skin, (iv) movement of the larynx during speech, (v) neck sensing the pressure and flow at the nostrils and percep-
size, (vi) difference in length of vocal folds and angle of thy- tion of not giving in
roid cartilage, as seen between adult males and females, (vii) (f) The subjects were asked to perceptually register the
adipose tissue around anterior neck region, and (viii) inter- attempts they made to overcome this resistance
pretation of the valley, open phase in a vibratory cycle.18 (g) After the PI was confident about the output, steps (b)
Low frequency noise in the signal is minimized by high- and (c) were repeated.
pass filtering; however, if not done correctly, it can lead to
phase distortions that affect temporal aspects of the wave-
Reliability and repeatability of NR technique
form.19 Rothenberg addresses this issue stating that it
Although the technique includes subjectivity with reference
depends on the filters selected and the effect is negligible in
to the amount of resistance offered at the level of nostrils,
high frequency voices of females and children.20
perception of, pressure, and flow; similar to any other voice
Incidentally, this research recruited only female subjects.
therapy approach, this technique can be easily mastered.
During data collection, care was taken to place the electro-
The clinician should be watchful for the following:
des after digital palpation of the larynx and identification of
the thyroid laminae. Electrode gel was used to improve skin
(i) Humming, as demonstrated by the subject should be at
−electrode contact. The protocol included only steady pro-
their comfortable effort, pitch, and loudness. The clini-
longation of voice and not speech or pitch fluctuation.
cian should give a demonstration, if needed.
Moreover, only subjects who could deliver strong and clear
(ii) During step (c), the resistance offered may not be suffi-
EGG signals were included. In order to avoid the valley of
cient if the fingers are not adequately blocking the nos-
EGG waveform, the software measured CQ at location that
trils. The clinician should not offer 100% blockage.
is at 50% of the y-axis (Image 1). This is also referred to
The subject should be able to comfortably overcome
EGG width 50 (EGGW50) in literature.
the resistance. If the fingers are smaller than the nostril
Acoustic: Behringer ECM-8000 condenser microphone
opening, the resistance may not be adequate; however,
(Willich, Germany) was placed 6-inches from the mouth of
this may be a rare case.
the subjects. Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 preamp (High Wycombe,
(iii) Instructions during step (e) is crucial. It was observed
England) was used to connect the microphone to PowerLab.
that subjects were tempted to give in to the resistance.
The sampling rate was set at 16-bit, 20 KHz. This acoustic
Adequate instructions followed by clinicians’ monitor-
data was intended as back-up and not used for analysis.
ing will produce desirable results.
LabChart-v7 (ADInstruments, Colorado, USA) was used
to digitize and display the EGG waveform and acoustic
Another approach to improve reliability and repeatability
waveform as channel 1 and 2. Dell Optiplex 9010 desktop
would be to use visual feedback. A real-time EGG may be
computer was used to save the recorded data. EFxHist v2.0,
beneficial. Such a software can show CQ during humming
a software programmed by Mark Huckvale (University
and the change in value during NR technique.
College London, UK) was used to analyze EGG signals.

Protocol for recording

Protocol for NR technique Subjects performed the following tasks in a random order.
It is possible for subjects to perform NR technique on them-
selves; however, for this research, the PI performed it on a. Comfortable phonation of /ɑ/. Instructions to phonate
each subject. This technique was performed on subjects in at comfortable pitch and loudness for minimum 5 sec-
the following manner. onds was given.
b. Straw phonation. Subjects phonated through a narrow
(a) Subjects were seated comfortably straw of 2 mm diameter (stirring straw). The PI moni-
(b) Subjects were asked to take a deep breath and hum at a tored the pitch, loudness, and effort level. The duration
comfortable pitch and loudness of phonation was for minimum 5 seconds.
4 Journal of Voice, Vol. &&, No. &&, 2020

c. Comfortable humming: Subjects were asked to hum at Wilks’ Lambda = 0.051, F(3,31) = 193.45, P < 0.01, Effect
their comfortable pitch and loudness with their lips size or partial h2 = 0.95. Bonferroni post-hoc tests revealed sta-
sealed as in /m/. tistically significant difference (P < 0.01) between CQ across
all four tasks with humming (33.99%) at the lowest and NR
Humming is predominantly used as a technique to decrease technique at highest (43.88%). Straw phonation (40.53%) was
glottal compression and improve easy onset in speech and higher than modal phonation (36.65%). Similarly, mean jitter
singing.12,21 Though the primary target of NR technique is was different across the four tasks, thereby accepting the alter-
to increase CQ, this study has included humming as part of nate hypothesis related to jitter: Wilks’ Lambda = 0.361, F
the stimuli to show the change in CQ through NR offered (3,31) = 18.32, P < 0.01, partial h2 = 0.64. Though Bonferroni
during humming. post-hoc tests revealed significant difference in jitter measures
(P < 0.01) between straw phonation (0.43%), humming
d. Humming under NR technique: Authenticity of this (0.34%), and NR technique (0.23%), there was no statistical
technique was established as mentioned in the section difference between modal phonation (0.44%) and straw pho-
describing the protocol. nation (P > 0.01). The larger effect size (partial h2) for both
CQ and jitter analysis suggests that the difference is substan-
The last 2 tasks were performed at the same exhalatory
tial. Cumming suggests the use of Cohen’s dav as a measure of
phase to avoid difference in lung volume during initiation of
effect size. This is the ratio between the difference of means
voicing. The subject started with comfortable hum and after
during pairwise comparison and the average of their standard
3 seconds NR technique was introduced. This approach
deviations. The subscript indicates average. Based on the
made sure that the subject did not phonate too long and
value, effect size can be estimated as small (0.2−0.5), medium
lose lung volume during humming. Care was also taken to
(0.5−0.8) or large (0.8 or more).22 Table 2 shows Cohen’s dav
make sure that the technique was performed as per instruc-
pairwise comparisons between the four tasks and target meas-
tions and EGG signals were appropriate for analysis.
ures CQ and jitter.
Recording was done only after the subject was clear about
The increase in CQ measures during straw phonation
the task. Each recording had all these four segments
using a narrow (coffee stirring) straw complemented Guz-
man et al (2016) study that compared voice measures of
Measures phononormal and patients with muscle tension dysphonia.
EFxHist, the software used, refers to EGGW50 as CQ. Reduced levels of CQ and jitter during humming comple-
According to Mark Huckvaley, the EGG signal is bandpass ments the effects of humming during speech and singing
filtered (Butterworth) with a cut-off 80 −2000 Hz and the described in literature.
phase is preserved during this process. This decreases any
low frequency artefacts in the signal. The jitter reported by
this software is also referred to as Point Perturbation Quo- DISCUSSION
tient (PPQ) in literature. Each stimulus was identified for The results of this study show an increase in CQ and decrease
every subject. The measures (CQ and Jitter) were calculated in jitter during NR technique. The rationale for this approach
at the mid-central section of each stimulus. The measures to demonstrate these results can be interpolated from available
were taken from a minimum of ten EGG cycles. literature on SOVTE. Titze’s research explaining the scientific
rationale of SOVTE suggests that semi-occlusion increases the
mean intraglottal air pressure and supraglottal pressure which
Statistical analysis may increase the maximum flow declination rate within the
IBM SPSS 24.0 (SPSS Corporation, Chicago, Illinois ) for glottis.9 Laukkanen et al recorded electromyography signals
Windows was used to perform one-way repeated measures of a single subject during demonstration of SOVTE. electro-
ANOVA to compare the means of target measures (CQ and myography data showed an increased thyroarytenoid activity
Jitter) followed by post hoc Bonferroni test to analyze if the when compared to cricothyroid and lateral cricoarytenoids.
difference is significant (P = 0.01). All statistical assump- This was in response to increased vocal tract impedance during
tions were met for ANOVA. tube phonation.23 This indicates that SOVTE can increase
activity of laryngeal adductors that can in turn increase CQ.
Guzman et al study investigated activity of the laryngeal and
RESULTS pharyngeal area in 20 patients diagnosed with hyperfunctional
Table 1 shows the CQ and jitter obtained from the subjects for dysphonia during different types of SOVTE including tubes
the four tasks. The average and standard deviation for CQ and varying in diameter (narrow and wide) both in air and water.
jitter is shown in Figures 1 and 2. A one-way repeated meas- Tubes with narrow diameter (3 mm) resulted in a decreased
ures ANOVA indicated that the mean CQ was different across vertical laryngeal position, narrower aryepiglottic opening,
the four tasks, thus rejecting the null hypothesis related to CQ: and a wider pharyngeal area than resting position. This indi-
cates that SOVTE using narrow straws can lower the larynx
yMark Huckvale is the programmer of EFxHist. The information given here was
and widen the pharynx for better source filter interaction.24
requested through personal email communication. NR technique does reduce the size of opening at the nostrils
Nandhakumar (Nandhu) Radhakrishnan Nasal Resistance (NR) Technique 5

Closed Quotient and Jitter Values Across Target Stimuli Comfortable Phonation (Modal), Comfortable Humming (Hum),
Straw Phonation (SOVTE), and Humming Under NR (NR)
No. Modal CQ Modal Jitter SOVTE CQ SOVTE Jitter Hum—CQ Hum—Jitter NR—CQ NR Jitter
1 38.4 0.54 43.5 0.46 33.6 0.36 44.6 0.12
2 37.1 0.52 41.8 0.33 34.2 0.3 43.5 0.22
3 30.3 0.25 32.5 0.42 28.6 0.3 37.8 0.2
4 38.1 0.63 39 0.99 36.3 0.33 43.5 0.15
5 39.4 0.26 40.6 0.36 38 0.21 44.2 0.18
6 45.9 0.58 47.2 0.61 42.5 0.54 50.2 0.23
7 38.2 0.55 43.5 0.46 33.6 0.36 44.6 0.18
8 37.3 0.52 41.8 0.33 35.2 0.3 43.5 0.28
9 30.1 0.25 32.5 0.45 28.2 0.3 37.8 0.18
10 37.9 0.26 40.2 0.28 35.1 0.21 44.5 0.18
11 40.1 0.58 44.5 0.61 36.2 0.54 50.2 0.21
12 37.6 0.55 43.5 0.46 33.6 0.36 44.6 0.18
13 32.1 0.52 41.8 0.33 30.1 0.3 43.5 0.18
14 38.1 0.25 32.5 0.39 33.4 0.3 38.9 0.26
15 31 0.26 40.6 0.32 30.5 0.21 42.3 0.18
16 38.4 0.58 43.5 0.61 36.4 0.54 50.2 0.28
17 37.1 0.55 43.5 0.46 33.6 0.36 44.6 0.22
18 30.3 0.52 36.1 0.33 30 0.3 43.5 0.25
19 38.1 0.25 32.5 0.36 33.4 0.3 39.2 0.18
20 39.4 0.26 40.6 0.29 38 0.21 45 0.33
21 38 0.58 47.2 0.61 36 0.54 50.2 0.18
22 37.2 0.55 43.5 0.46 33.6 0.36 44.6 0.38
23 31.5 0.52 38.7 0.33 30.1 0.3 43.5 0.18
24 38.4 0.25 32.5 0.35 33.4 0.3 38.2 0.4
25 37.1 0.26 40.6 0.14 36.5 0.21 45.2 0.34
26 30.3 0.58 40.1 0.61 29.8 0.54 48 0.22
27 38.1 0.55 43.5 0.46 33.6 0.36 44.6 0.34
28 39.4 0.52 41.8 0.33 37.6 0.3 43.5 0.18
29 38.4 0.25 40.5 0.2 33.4 0.3 39.2 0.18
30 37.1 0.26 40.6 0.3 36.2 0.21 42.3 0.3
31 30.3 0.58 41.1 0.61 30.5 0.54 48.8 0.18
32 38.1 0.55 43.5 0.46 33.6 0.36 44.6 0.4
33 39.4 0.52 41.8 0.33 37.6 0.3 43.5 0.18
34 37.8 0.25 41 0.45 33.4 0.3 39.5 0.15
Avg 36.65 0.44 40.53 0.43 33.99 0.34 43.88 0.23
SD 3.67 0.15 4.01 0.16 3.10 0.11 3.52 0.08

0.70 45.00 43.88
Closed Quotient (%)

40.00 40.53
0.50 Modal CQ
Modal Jitt SOVTE Jitt
Jitter (PPQ)

0.44 35.00 36.65 Hum CQ

0.40 0.43
Hum Jitt 33.99
0.30 0.34
NR Jitt 25.00
0.00 20.00
Modal Jitt SOVTE Jitt Hum Jitt NR Jitt Modal CQ SOVTE CQ Hum - CQ NR - CQ

FIGURE 1. Jitter values (%) obtained from EGG signal for the FIGURE 2. Closed Quotient values based on EGG signal for the
four target stimuli. The error bars indicate one standard deviation. four target stimuli. The error bars indicate one standard deviation.
6 Journal of Voice, Vol. &&, No. &&, 2020

Effect Size Based on Cohen’s dav. According to Cohen (1988) d = 0.2 is Small, 0.5 is Medium, and is Large
CQ Jitter
Cohen’s dav Cohen’s dav
Modal-SOVTE 1.01 Modal-SOVTE 0.08*
Modal-Hum 0.78 Modal-Hum 0.78
Modal-NR 2.01 Modal-NR 1.87
SOVTE-Hum 1.84 SOVTE-Hum 0.66
Hum-NR 2.99 Hum-NR 1.22
* Post-hoc Bonferroni test (P < 0.01) indicated insignificant difference.

and this may lead to findings suggested by Guzman et al. males, a wider age range, performance voice, and patients
Moreover, the decreased levels of jitter during NR technique with hypofunctional voice disorders such as Parkinson’s dis-
can be explained from summaries of Antti Sovij€ arvi’s Finnish ease, presbyphonia, vocal fold paralysis etc.
studies that suggest phonating into tubes submerged in water
can result in lowering of the larynx and “stabilization” of vocal
fold vibration.25 SOVTE involving tubes in water have resis- CONCLUSION
tance offered at two levels, (a) at the level of lips and (b) at the NR technique, that initiates with easy onset via humming,
end of the tube in water. NR technique may be considered to followed by resistance at the nostrils, has shown to increase
have two locations of resistance as well. The first level is the CQ as well as decrease jitter during vocal fold vibration.
natural resistance offered by the narrow path of the nasal cav- Reliability and repeatability can be achieved if the approach
ity and the second is the resistance offered by the thumb and is followed as prescribed. Future research should be directed
index finger at the nostrils. This may be the added advantage to study the efficacy and long-term effects of this technique.
compared to straw phonation that has resistance only at lip
level. Moreover, NR technique starts with humming. Endo-
scopic views of humming reportedly shows decreased supra- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
glottic tension/compression, onset of voice with decreased The author would like to thank Dr. Indika Rathnathunga-
medial compression of vocal folds, and good mucosal wave.26 lage, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics,
This may contribute to the lower levels of jitter during NR Prairie View A&M University for his assistance in statistics.
technique. Though some of the SOVTE techniques that use
wider straws decreased CQ and were suitable to reduce muscle
tension, NR technique may only be used in conditions that SUPPLEMENTARY DATA
have lower levels of CQ. MTD that has a spindled shaped Supplementary data related to this article can be found
glottic configuration, presbyphonia, unilateral vocal fold online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvoice.2020.04.020.
paralysis are some examples.
As far as the PI’s knowledge, NR technique has not been
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and flow, and endoscopy. This needs further investigation. Neck Surg. 2007;15:137–140. https://doi.org/10.1097/moo.0-
Accurate delivery of this technique is mandatory to see favor- 3. Vaca M, Cobeta I, Mora E, et al. Clinical assessment of glottal insuffi-
able results. The PI has noticed better results when the clinician ciency in age-related dysphonia. J Voice. 2017;31. https://doi.org/
receives training in mastering this approach. Similar to the effi- 10.1016/j.jvoice.2015.12.010.
cacy of resonance-based voice training, twang exercises, yawn- 4. Scherer RC, Vail VJ, Rockwell B. Examination of the laryngeal adduc-
sigh approaches reported in literature, this technique also, if tion measure EGGW. In: Bell-Berti F, Rapheal LJ, eds. Producting
Speech: A Fetschrift for Katherine Safford Harris. Woodbury, NY:
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LIMITATIONS https://doi.org/10.1016/s0892-1997(99)80023-x.
6. Andrade PA, Wood G, Ratcliffe P, et al. Electroglottographic study of
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