Ladlord Assignment 1

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Year module

ASSIGNMENT 1 (Compulsory)
MARKS: 100

Save all your answers to these questions in one PDF document for assessment.
Upload the PDF document to myUnisa. You may submit typed or handwritten answers.


• SIGNED DECLARATION at the beginning of your assignment (APPENDIX A)
• Your name and student number
• The assignment number
• Module code: LADLORD
• Subject name: Teaching Life Orientation
• Unique assignment number 782747

Question 1

1.1 Read about the social constructivism theory on the internet and in Tutorial Letter 501,
and answer the following questions:
a) What is social constructivism theory? (2)

b) What are the similarities between the social constructivism theory and the
learner-centred approach? (2)
c) Do you think learners will benefit from applying this theory in teaching Life
Orientation in class? Support your answer. (2)
d) Do you agree with the belief that learners should simply be “passengers” and
master all that you as a teacher narrates in class? (2)
e) Mention two roles of a Life Orientation teacher in teaching and learning. (2)
f) Indicate two roles of learners in a Life Orientation class. (2)

1.2 Mention five specific aims of Life Orientation. (10)

1.3 Mention and explain four types of assessment in Life Orientation. (8)

1.4 What is the role of learners in a Life Orientation class according to the constructivist
learning theory (Olivier 1999)? (7)

Question 2

Development of the self in society (Refer to the Grade 7 Life Orientation Teacher Guide
and Learner Book.)
a) Briefly explain what the concept “self-image” entails. (4)
b) Develop an activity for learners in Grade 7 that will address awareness of changes
in boys’ and girls’ bodies during puberty.
Your activity should include:
• Topic (1)

• Group, paired or individual activity (1)

• Purpose (1)
• Form of assessment (1)
• Instructions from the teacher (3)
• Indication of the final product of the activity (1)
• Assessment tool to be used (1)
• Indication of how feedback will be given to learners (1)
c) Draw a mind map to illustrate five factors in respect of boys and five factors in
respect of girls that contribute to peer pressure. (10)
d) You have asked the learners to do research on the importance of personal diet and
nutrition. Write down five items that you will include in your assessment checklist
tool. (10)

Question 3

3.1 Health, social and environmental responsibility

a) Under the topic “Social factors that contribute to substance abuse”, indicate
how you will present the following elements of the lesson plan:

i) Indicate the lesson introduction. (2)

ii) In your planned learners’ activity, indicate what the learners will do, what your role
is, what an end product of the activity will be, which instrument will be used to
assess the activity, and how you will provide feedback to the learners. (10)
iii) Besides a chalkboard and a textbook, which other two relevant resources for this
topic will you use when presenting your lesson? Give reasons for each. (8)
iv) If you were to present this lesson in a class of a small number of learners with
challenges of hearing and short-sightedness, what measures will you put in
place to address this challenge? (4)

3.2 Constitutional rights and responsibilities

a) Indicate three crucial aspects of teaching learners about upholding women’s and
children’s rights in South Africa and other parts of the world. (3)
b) In your view, what is the role of traditional leaders, religions and sports ethics in
the promotion of the rule of law and human dignity? (2)

First examiner: Dr SB Mahlambi

Second examiner: Prof AS Mawela

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