Inneed Intelligent Cloud: Contact

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Contact :
Phone : +1 972 891 8328
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Address (USA):
5528 Glenview In, The Colony,
TX 75056, USA

Address (BD) :
Flat 11-JK, KA-90, Progoti Sharani,

Company Profile 2021



Company Profile 2021

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About Us
With the advent of intelligent and distributed systems, today’s world demands data
driven decisions, deeper insights and embedded intelligence. We are providing such
solutions based on advanced technologies and infrastructure under InNeed Intelligent
Cloud to meet the needs of the modern world.

Know Who We Are

InNeed Intelligent Cloud is a service oriented company Whether you need development support for
comprised of Cloud solution experts, Software your next killer idea or you want to revamp
Architects, Programmers, UI/UX designers, Project & your legacy software system using a modern

Product manager and customer success strategists. We approach to cope up with the trend & demands
or may be you want to outsource your tech to
deliver exceptional results for our clients by gaining a
get more value at reasonable expense, InNeed
deep understanding needs, customer & target markets
team is right there to make it happen for you.
and then combining insight driven strategy & approach
to ensure the highest level of execution.

We are a cross functional team spread across the world

having our center in the USA, bringing all kinds of
expertise and diversity to offer a broad range of service
and solutions for our valued customers.
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We offer more creative

& efficient solution than
what you can think.

In the era where technology is widespread,
even confusing at some points, and users
expectations has reached the sky. We rely on our clients
to help us become the best
Choosing the right tech stack, cloud native
and offer the best solutions
design & development is way to go to meet
SLA’s and user’s aspirations. Here InNeed is
offering to help you with the right guidance
and tech support to make you way to success.

Company Description
InNeed is a tech company which develops softwares and sells its cloud With our unique offerings ranging from web
expertise as services to businesses and Enterprise customers. We at application development to Intelligent system
InNeed believe that in a world where anything is achievable through designing and implementation utilizing
usage of right technology and research oriented approach. Our mission ever growing cloud based services, InNeed
is to achieve success by solving problems our customers are facing team wants to ensure its customers that it’s
and contribute to the world with our cloud native products. Since its possible, InNeed has it and with InNeed your
inauguration, the company is growing very fast, thus expanding its mission is bound to succeed.
team and customer base across different parts of the world covering
a wide variety of domains and verticals ranging from travel to medical
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Company We start with the customer and work back-

Mission & Values

wards. We work vigorously to earn and keep
customer’s trust. Although we pay attention to
our competitors, we obsess over customers.
To be a completely customer-centric company, and
deliver the best possible products and services to
help build the future world that we belive in.
Integrity & Trust
We take inspiration from other companies, and we always go for the out-of-
We listen attentively, speak candidly, and treat
the-box solutions. Just like the rest of our work, we continually adjust our
others respectfully. We are vocally self-critical,
values and strive to make them better. Our values are a living document. In
even when doing so is awkward or embarrassing.
many instances, they have been documented, refined, and revised based on
We benchmark ourselves and our teams against
lessons learned (and scars earned) in the course of doing business.
the best.

Invent & Simplify

Performance Meritocracy
Oriented Culture We expect and require innovation and invention
We evaluate our team members We celebrate the best idea and
from our teams and always find ways to simplify.
based on their performance in and solution over anything else. We
We are externally aware, look for new ideas
contribution towards assigned pro- believe that for a company looking to
from everywhere, and are not limited by “not
jects. This helps us gauge how well build and foster engagement among
invented here.”
we are developing our professional their associates as well as encourage
potentials and contributing to signifi- leadership should consider adopting
cant organizational achievements. a meritocratic approach.

Everyone at InNeed is a leader. Our

leadership principles are our guidelines
to join, work and thrive here. These
define our destiny.
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Our Services
We offer a variety of cloud-based services that can help your expand your business
without worrying about cost and server load. We design highly scalable,
fault-tolerant and distributed solutions to empower your dream.

Serverless Machine Learning & Text Mining &

Application Deep Learning Analytics
Serverless is the native architecture of Years of experience in ML backed Intelligent Driven by our big data expertise and
the cloud that enables you to shift more system designing and implementation has powered by our custom NLP and topic
of your operational responsibilities to a given us confidence to offer this expertise modeling solutions, your business data
managed cloud environment, increasing as our top class service. can expose real intelligence for better
your agility and innovation. customer engagements.

Cloud-native managed applications are

becoming the norm for growing busi-
nesses that want to scale cost-effectively.
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We have a range of diversified services based on modern We have worked on some amazing projects with and
technology trends to build the future world. We strongly for some of the largest organizations in the world. We
believe that cloud-based architecture will take over the have developed some extraordinary solutions together.
traditional system. Consequently, we build our services These experiences increase our confidence about our
in a cloud-agnostic manner using AWS, GCP, Azure and potential ability, and push us to raise the bar and work
Digital Ocean alike. further on more amazing projects.

Data Integration & Video Intelligence Robotics

Big Data
As the promise of Big Data technologies Mining in-video information, detecting Autonomy and Perception Engineering
are opening new doors for us, our team human activity and tracking objects of with ROS and AWS robomaker for robotics
is fully equipped to help you with your interest from video streams is one of development, simulation, and deployment
big data workloads. our top expertise. is our latest service.
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Our Process
Our team members are expected to quickly deliver the
minimum viable change in their work instead of waiting to
produce a polished, completed product. While this can be a
challenging practice to adopt at first, it is liberating to be able
to make mistakes, get feedback quickly, and course correct
to reach a better outcome, faster. As our company and the
industry continue to grow, our team members will have the
We are never done learning
freedom to change and constantly evolve everything from
and always seek to improve
themselves. We are curious
about new possibilities and
act to explore them.

Diversity & Inclusion

It is a fundamental body of work
to the success of InNeed. We
want to include it in every way
possible and in all that we do.
We strive to create a transparent
environment where all globally
dispersed voices are heard, and
welcomed. We additionally aim
to create an environment where
people can show up as their

Identify Problem Devise Strategic Plan Implement Solution

To deliver products that solve Strategic planning identifies The last step in the process
our target customers’ problems, how the problems need to be is to execute (or implement)
we must first identify market solved and how the company the planned solution.
problems. These problems may should approach the problems. Implementation is the
be stated directly as customer Every problem is different by culmination of all our work in
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Our Strengths
1 Innovation
Innovation is the cornerstone
on which we build our success
and future moves. Through
sustaining innovation we build
our foundation.
2 We value each member of our
team. We believe that only with
dedication and team spirit we
can compete with anyone and
beat any challenge.

3 Customer Focused
As a team, we are truly obsessed
over our customers’ success and
experience. We communicate to
our customers with transparency
and integrity, identify their

4 Passionate
We are all passionate code
crafters who value quality over
quantity. We rewrite every last
line of messy code whenever we
stumble upon those.

We Are Ready To
Build The Future World
Insisting on the Highest Standards Bringing Top Experts Together
We have relentlessly high standards — many people We raise the performance bar with every hire
may think these standards are unreasonably high. We and promotion. We recognize exceptional
are continually raising the bar and drive our teams to talent, and willingly move them throughout the
deliver high quality products, services, and processes. We organization. We develop leaders and take
ensure that defects do not get sent down the line and that seriously our role in coaching others. Our pool
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Agile Methodology
At InNeed we follow agile methodology which is a software development
practice that promotes continuous iteration of development and testing
throughout the software development lifecycle of the project.

Plan Build
Agile planning estimates work using subsets of A team aims to complete a specific subset of
work units called iterations or sprints. Sprints work units or tasks in a sprint. Daily SCRUM
are periods of 1-3 weeks in which a team meetings are conducted to review the progress
focuses on specific work items and completes and make burn down and team velocity chart.

Deploy Feedback
Incremental updates to a software Feedback is the last step of the iterative Agile
development project is deployed or launched cycle. Client feedback is recorded and based
at the end of each sprint cycle to gather gather on the changes requested, the cycle begins
client feedback and further act upon it. again from planning for the changesets.

Agile Development
Agile software development refers to software
We promise to deliver winning digital development methodologies centered round the

experiences. Agile development is how idea of iterative development, where requirements

and solutions evolve through collaboration between
we do that.
self-organizing cross-functional teams. The ultimate
value in Agile development is that it enables teams
to deliver value faster, with greater quality and
predictablity, and greater aptitude to respond to
change. Scrum and Kanban are two of the most
widely used Agile methodologies.
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Aspects of
Agile projects consist of a number aspects. Each one of them
has a significance that differentiates this from legacy and linear
software development methodologies.

Flexibility Divide & Conquer Story Points

Clients can request changes to the scope of Tasks are broken down into smaller work A story point is a number which reflects the
work. This creates a flexibility in imposing units each known as a sprint. Completing complexity or amount of work involved in
new plausible requirements. each sprint brings the project one step developing a user story.
closer to completion.

Team Synergy Iterative Improvements Client Engagement

The team members work closely together There is frequent reassessment of the A customer is closely engaged in the
and have a clear vision about their work done within a cycle to make the development and can change the
responsibilities. This creates a positive final product better. It also ensures requirements or accept the team’s
synergy and maximizes output. that bugs are addressed comparatively suggestions.

A whopping 71% of organizations have ad-

opted agile methodologies, and 90% of
agile projects have faster time to market
than the average for traditional project
InNeed USA

1 2 3
Fo u nder & CEO
Dat a Ana lyt ic s & C lou d Co mp ut ing Spec iali st

Tarek Chowdhury 4 Shadman Islam Chowdhury 5 Muntasir Khaleque

Co n s u lt ant, S ales & M a r keti ng Ass ociate Clou d Data Engineer C lo ud D ata Ana lys t I nter n

InNeed Offshore Team, BD

Nasim Ashrafi Mahbubur Rahman Asaduzzaman Babu

D i re c to r o f O perati o n s D ata ba s e Cons ult a nt D irec to r o f Adm in & HR

Kazi Sadman Ahmed Imranul Islam M A Muquit

C lo ud S o lut i o ns Arch itec t Clo udO p s Engineer Ass ociate S of t wa re E ngi ne er

Jakia Akter Tafsir Ahmed Sayma Sadia

J r. Te s t Op s E n gi n eer J r. Clo ud Bus ines s Anal yst 3D Vis ua li zat io n Arc hitec t
( I nter n)
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Our Work
Friendly, Professional & Fun
with Work Life Balance

We are a fast-growing team, and we are

looking for people to join us from around the
world. We have a unique set of culture.

Our team members can — and

are expected to — make an
We believe in sharing because sharing is caring. We share our successes, failures,
impact across the company. happiness, sadness, strengths, weaknesses and all the things that matters like a
family. Most importantly, we share and believe in a mutual goal.
From the very first week, no
matter the role, a new team
member will gain the technical
skills needed to access,
question, and contribute to
We develop softwares but more importantly, we help each other develop.
projects far beyond the job We strongly believe that the only way to success is work together. We always
description. This unique put We before I, and priotirize accumulated and consolidated outcomes than
approach works because we
short-burst victories.
are a team of helpful,
passionate people who want to
see each other, the company,
and the broader community Socializing
We believe socializing to be an important part to ensure a proper work life
balance for all our teammates. It is an important integredient in the healthy
psychological diet for all of us. We host internal hackathons and team out-
We learn from each other,
ings every month.
challenge each other, and
thank each other.
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Our Company
Project portfolio defines
team synergy and shows
team collaboration of an

Our Initial Projects - RaveIt

Right understanding of the Rave Travel Technology (RTT) is an aggregated
requirements and scope of web application that allows you to buy event
a project is of significant tickets, air tickets, and book hotels. This
importance. Any project application used the Amadeus GDS system for
is not just a way to make developed Air and Hotel Booking and Ticket
or do something but it’s Evolution for events ticketing. This Application
an opportunity to achieve develops using Amazon web services as platform
some desired result by
and Node js and Python as the programming
implementing a systematic
management approach (for
example, producing a product
or sharing knowledge).
Our Latest Projects - BLUMER
InNeed partnered with the University of North
Carolina chapel hill’s researchers for an endeavor
At InNeed we use WBS to
in EduTech, BLUMER (Baseline Library of
determine an activity-based
Undergraduate Metrics for Education Research).
hierarchy of projects, with
InNeed built a cloud-native application that can
reference to their deliverables
store, search and analyze years of NSF research
and objectives. Besides that
award data. It enabled undergraduate students
we utilize different project
management tools and to connect with US universities for research
software to ensure the best opportunities. This application is serverless, cost-
outcome for a project effective, secure, scalable, fault-tolerant and can
be accessed by millions of users.
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1 3
RaveIt MDL
S e r v e r l e s s i n t e g r a t e d Tr a v e l i n g S o l u t i o n S c a l a b l e Te x t Q u e r y i n g L a n g u a g e
RaveIt is a Travel and GDS aggregator built on top of a MDL (Minimal Dictionary Language) is a project to
Serverless stack. This is a product of Rave Travel Tech. It facilitate human-bot conversation in the closed domain
packages Events, Flights and Hotels using a Recommendation use cases. It aims to make the communication between a
System. human and a bot as simple as possible.

2 4
BLUMER Elderly Care
Baseline library of undergrad research Human Activity Recognition
Blumer is a web based searchable database which with a Our Elderly Care solution can monitor residents, track
simple and advanced search interface. It acts as a repository movements and scheduled treatments, detect accidents,
for research paper specially for phd and undergraduate student identify potential hazards, and notify relevant authorities and
which supports email based searching. management at real-time.

1 3

2 4

BLUMER Eld e r ly
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Our Technologies
We use state-of-the-art technologies to develop our products and services. We run
our tech stack on the cloud that enables us to provide Scalable, Highly-Available,
Distributed and Fault Tolerant solutions.
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Technological tools are the key ingredients

of our solutions. We tend to be picky when
choosing a new technology.

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