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Single-Phase Flow through Porous Channels

A Review of Flow Models and Channel Entry Conditions

M. H. Hamdan

Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science

University of New Brunswick
P.O. Box 5050
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada E2L 4L5

Transmitted by Melvin Scott


The leading models of single-phase fluid flow through porous media are reviewed
and the boundary conditions associated with these models are discussed. Entry
conditions to a porous channel that are compatible with the different flow models
when the flow is fully developed are derived. Comparison of these entry profiles is
made for different flow parameters with the corresponding entry condition when the
flow is governed by the Navier-Stokes equations.


The study of tlow through porous media continues to receive considerable

attention due to its many practical applications and implications in the
physical, biological, and applied sciences. On the one hand, the movement of
ground water is represented by flow through porous media, the study of
tihich is essential in the recovery of fresh water [ll, 211. In addition, the
increasing demand for energy necessitates the study of oil and gas movement
through the porous earth layers. Interaction of oil, gas, and water, their
movement, and the displacement processes that occur within the oil reservoir
is a study of fundamental importance in this field [36, 371.
In agriculture, the importance of flow through porous media is witnessed
in irrigation processes and the movement of nutrients, fertilizers, and pollu-
tants into plants [19, 511. The study of convection processes in porous media
has also received considerable attention in the literature due to the impor-


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204 M. H. HAMDAN

tance of these processes in geothermal, geophysical, and industrial environ-

ments, where analysis of thermal energy storage systems, thermal insulation,
and solar collectors with porous absorbers is vital [48, 491. A large portion of
the literature available on flow through porous media reports on heat and
mass transfer in composite materials, which finds applications ranging from
environmental and geothermal to energy storage systems. Advances in this
field are reported in the pioneering works of Vafai and his coworkers,
Rudraiah and coworkers, Nield and coworkers, Bejan and coworkers, and
Kaviany, among many others (cf. [4, 33, 45, 27-29, 39-41, 48-51, 59-631,
and the references therein).
Further applications of flow through porous media are exhibited in the
biological sciences and in biomechanics where, for example, the human lungs
and tissues are idealized into layers of floes and other types of porous
materials [38]. Applications of flow through porous media in the study of
biological and macromolecular systems have been reported by various authors
[17, 69, 701. Moreover, studies on diffusion-controlled processes in porous
media, which finds applications in many areas including the drying of solids
[68], have been reported (cf. [15] and the references therein). In this context,
fractal modeling of porous structure is gaining popularity.
Although the above discussion does not cover all of the different areas of
application of flow through porous media, it nevertheless stresses the funda-
mental importance of seeking solutions to boundary and initial value prob-
lems in this field. For more detailed aspects of the above applications, one is
referred to the work of Vafai [60], Yih [73], Wiegel [69], and Whitaker [65,
681, and the references therein.
Of particular interest to the current work is the single-phase flow through
porous channels. When the flow is fully-d eveloped, entry conditions to the
channel that are compatible with the governing equations have to be deter-
mined. The types of the flow and the porous medium influence the form of
entry condition. This compatibility of the entry conditions with the governing
equations is an essential step in accurately predicting the flow behavior in the
medium. Derivation of the entry conditions to a porous channel represents
the major theme of the current work, in which a review of the leading models
of single-phase flow through porous media is first presented.



The flow of a viscous fluid is described mathematically by a set of

equations representing two conservation principles, conservation of mass and
conservation of momentum. When the fluid is Newtonian. the momentum
A Review of Flow through Porous Channels 205

equations are given by the Navier-Stokes equations, which, when the fluid is
incompressible and the body forces are neglected, are expressed as

p Dv/Dt = -VP t ,uV’V. (1)

The conservation of mass takes the following form in the absence of

sources and sinks

v-v = 0. (2)
In (I) and (21, t is the time variable, p is the fluid density, p is the
pressure, p is the viscosity coefficient, V is the gradient operator, V2 is the
laplacian, 2 is the velocity vector, and D/Dt is the substantial derivative
given by

D/Dt = d/at + e. V. (3)

The application of the above mathematical system of equations to a

particular flow problem requires the mathematical description of the bound-
aries of the physical system in question. When the physical system is taken to
be a porous medium, a well-defined description of the porous matrix bound-
aries is a formidable task, and perhaps impossible, owing to the great
complexity of the pore and solid matrix structures [36]. This has given rise to
the idea of studying a particular flow problem in terms of the mathematical
description of the macroscopic features of the fluid flow, without much
regard to the microscopic features. This approach has been revolutionized by
the introduction of the Slattery-Whittaker averaging theorems [55, 661, and
continues to receive attention as a means of developing new models of single
and multiphase flow through porous media [12, 13, 18, 20, 22, 30, 55, 63, 66,
The averaging approach requires that the conservation of mass principle
be expressed as a macroscopic continuity equation, which takes a similar form
to (2) for all of the flow models discussed below. Depending on the type of
the porous medium and the flow under consideration, the macroscopic
momentum equations may be classified as Darcian or non-Darcian models.
The macroscopic forms and the ranges of validity of some of the leading
models are discussed in what follows.

2.1. Darcy’s Law

In 1856, Darcy conducted an experiment that resulted in what is now
known as Darcy’s law, which has been generalized for three-dimensional tlow
206 M. H. HAMDAN

and cast in the differential form by Muskat [37],

v = -kVp/F, (4)

where p is the interstitial pressure, p is the fluid density, c is the mean filter
velocity vector, k is the permeability, and /.Lis the coefficient of viscosity.
The mean filter velocity c in (4), is the Darcy velocity I;?~,which is related
to the average pore velocity vP by the relation [51],

pd = ~-&IT (5)

where 77 is the medium effective porosity, defined as the ratio of the volume
of the interconnected pores in the medium to the total volume of the
Darcy’s law is postulated to have some limitations on its validity 11, 5, 8,
22, 26, 29, 42, 48, 54, 56, 57, 64, 72, 741, the most important of which is its
possible validity only when the flow is of the seepage type and the fluid is
homogeneous. Thus, Darcy’s law can be considered valid in situations where
the flow is of the creeping type [I91 or when the orous medium is densely
packed with small enough permeability [50, 511 P k -e 1, such that the pore
Reynolds number Re, , based on the local volume averaged speed, is less than
unity. Discussions on the pore Reynolds number and its relation to the
medium Reynolds number Re and their ranges of validity are given by
Greenkom [19] and by Rudraiah [50, 511.
It is clear that Darcy’s law neglects the boundary and inertial effects of the
fluid flow due to the small porosity associated with the medium. In certain
types of porous media, where the porosity is close to unity and the flow is of
high enough speed such that the pore Reynolds number is of order unity or
greater, the inertial effects, which arise due to the curvilinearity of the flow
path, have to be taken into account. Furthermore, Darcy’s law does not
account for the high velocity gradients that arise when the viscous effects are
important, especially in the presence of a solid wall, due to the low order of
this law. At this point, one must reject Darcy’s law and employ a non-Darcy
equation that incorporates inertial and/or viscous shear effects.

2.2. Darcy-Lapwood Model

In spite of the absence of inertial terms in Darcy’s law, Yih [73] considered
the following generalization of Darcy’s law when inertial effects are not

p Du/Dt = -Vp - (/_q’k)l;). (6)

Yih [73] indicated that the temporal acceleration should be taken into
account when dealing with unsteady problems, while the convective accelera-
A Review of Flow through Porous Channels 207

tion is too small. It should be noted that (6) was obtained by Lapwood [3I] by
replacing the viscous term /.LV’~ in the Navier-Stokes equations (1) by the
viscous damping term in Darcy’s law, viz., -p/k. Equation (6), which is
referred to in this discussion as the Darcy-Lapwood model, is postulated to
describe the flow through a sparse distribution of particles fued in space [48].
Arguing from a convection analysis point of view, some authors have
stressed the errata in the inclusion of the inertia term in (6) the way Lapwood
[3I] has done. It is argued that the inclusion of this term raises the order of
Darcy’s equation, when the base flow is not quiescent, which in turn renders
a given boundary value problem indeterminate due to the unavailability of
additional boundary conditions to accompany this increase in the order of the
governing equations [2, 26, 41, 48, 491. Beck 121, Nield and Joseph [41], and
Rudraiah [49] argue that an underdetermined system results when using
Lapwood’s equation if the normal component of velocity is the only condition
imposed on the boundary, and an overdetermined system results if the
velocity distribution is given on the boundary. The Darcy-Lapwood equation
has, nevertheless, attained some popularity in the study of nonlinear convec-
tion [50, 52, 531.

2.3. Brinkmun’s Equation

Brinkman [6, 71 offered a modification to Darcy’s law by examining the
flow past a spherical particle in order to account for the viscous shear stresses
that act on the fluid elements. Viscous shearing action, which arises due to
the fluid velocity distortion in the medium, is neglected in Darcy’s law since
it only retains the viscous damping effects due to the porous matrix.
Brinkman’s equation takes the form

where v is the ensemble-averaged velocity within the porous medium, peff is

the effective viscosity of the fluid in the medium, and p is the viscosity of the
fluid. It has been argued that peff is, in general, different than p, due to the
belief that the presence of the porous matrix may either enhance the drag or
offer less window for the fluid to react [67]. Arguments in support of this
belief are found in [6, 14, 24, 34, 38, 48, 52, 711. An expression relating the
two viscosities has been derived by Rudraiah et. al. [52] and takes the form

peff = ,u{I + 5P/2 + (81/32 - log fi + 19.66)p2 + 6.59p5”log p},

where /I = 1 - 77 = 4r(dJ3, and d, is the average pore diameter.
208 M. H. HAMDAN

On the other hand, some authors argue that the fluid in the porous
medium should retain its bulk properties and thus the two viscosities are
equal [26].
It has been reported that (7) is also associated with the name of Debye,
(cf. [lo, 69, 7011, provided that /_+ = CL, and has been shown to have
applications in the biophysical sciences and the study of macromolecular
systems [69].
In (71, the inertia terms are neglected, based on the assumption that
effects of Re are minimal as compared to the dominant viscous shear terms.
Although Brinkman’s formulation of (7) is h euristic, other investigators have
attempted to give theoretical justification of the model equation [9, 23, 34,
581 and to emphasize the high porosity associated with the medium where
this equation is valid [40, 481. Usefulness and validity of the Brinkman
equation have been discussed by many authors [32, 38, 44, 46, 47, 631, while
its range of validity has been stressed by Nield [39, 401 and Joseph et al. [26],
among others. Nield [40] indicates that in most types of naturally occurring
porous media the porosity r~ < 0.6, and in this range of porosity the Brinkman
equation ceases to be valid.
It is noted that (7) reduces to the inertia-free Navier-Stokes equations for
larger values of permeability k and reduces to Darcy’s law for small values of
k. An alternative form of (7) was offered by Mandl (see [43] for reference)
and takes the form

pvt = -VP - /m/k + PV”p/q. (9)

With II. = /..Q~and 77 = 1, (7) and (9) are equivalent.

2.4. Darcy-Forchheimer Equation

Inertial effects, which arise due to the rather high speed of the flow in
some media, are neglected in both Darcy’s law and Brinkman’s equation.
They are, however, accounted for in the Darcy-Lapwood equation (6) by
incorporating the convective acceleration terms of the Navier-Stokes equa-
tions. However, the convective acceleration of the form employed by
Lapwood is identically zero for one-dimensional flow, which is not the case
when the flow in a porous structure is considered [26]. The inertial effects
that arise due to the microstructure of the medium and the tortuosity of the
flow path must be accounted for. Forchheimer [16] offered a modification to
Darcy’s law by including inertia terms of the form

A Review of Flow through Porous Channels 209

and thus the Darcy-Forchheimer equation takes the form

where C, is the form drag coefficient [26, 41, 49, 641. The value of C, has
been reported to approach asymptotically the value of 0.55 when the pore
Reynolds number Re, > 10, [49, 641.
Equation (11) has received popularity due to the belief that it describes
flow phenomena through naturally occuring porous media [4I]. In addition, it
has been employed in the study of convection [2, 3, 411. Experiments in
support of representing inertial effects by a drag term that is quadratic in the
velocity have been conducted by Beavers et al. [l], Ward [64], and Macdonald
et al. [35]. It should be noted that derivation of the Darcy-Forchheimer
model through the Slattery-Whittaker averaging theorem is given by
Rudraiah et al. [51]. More details on the applicability, validity, and literature
on the Darcy-Forchheimer equation is available in [26].

2.5. Darcy-Lapwood-Brinkman Equation

Although Darcy-Lapwood and Darcy-Forchheimer models take into ac-
count the fluid inertia, they neglect the viscous shearing action. It might be
argued that the laplacian of the velocity is small in the porous medium, and
thus the flow behaves Darcy-like in the core of the porous medium. How-
ever, the presence of a solid wall, near which the velocity gradient is high,
necessitates taking into account the viscous shearing action. The laplacian of
the velocity thus becomes significant, but a proper definition of porosity near
the solid boundary in this case is essential, as in the case of Brinkman
equation (7) (cf. [40]). D erivation of an equation that takes into account both
inertia and viscous shearing action is given by Tam [58], using the ensemble
averaging technique, and by Rudraiah et al. [51] using a nonequilibrium
thermodynamics method. This equation is referred to here as the
Darcy-Lapwood-Brinkman model and takes the following form:

p Dg/Dt = -VP - pc/k + /..Q$‘~~. (12)

Equation (12) is postulated to govern the flow in a slurry or in a mushy

region in a medium undergoing rapid freezing [48]. It should be noted that
(12) is similar in nature to the Darcy-Lapwood equation (6) except for the
inclusion of the Laplacian term, which renders a given boundary value
problem determinate [4I]. The range of validity of this equation is the same
as that of Brinkman’s.
210 M. H. HAMDAN

2.6. Darcy-ForchheimerBrinkman and Darcy-Lapwood-Forchheimer-

Brinkmun Models
When the inertia and viscous effects are taken into consideration, then the
flow is governed by the Darcy-Lapwood-Brinkman equation (12). It is clear
this equation reduces to the usual inertia-free Brinkman equation (7) when
the flow is taken in one space dimension. To remedy this, the convective
acceleration is replaced by a drag term that is quadratic in the velocity, as
given by (10). This results in the following equation, referred to as the
Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman equation, which takes the form

An equation similar to (13) was derived by Vafai and Tien [63] using the
local averaging technique and has received popularity in convection prob-
lems. In cases where the flow is that of a fluid possessing low dynamic
viscosity in a medium with high permeability, Vafai and Tien [63] indicate
that the macroscopic inertial term, (v . V)?, is indeed significant. In this case,
(13) is modified into the following form, which is referred to as the Darcy-
Lapwood-Forchheimer-Brinkman equation,

PDu/~ = -VP + 1-4’~~ - {/e/k + pC&l/,h}. (14

Indeed, the derivation given by Vafai and Tien [63] rendered an equation
similar to (I4), from which a similar equation to (13) was then deduced. A
similar equation to (14) was also obtained by Hsu and Cheng [25].
It should be noted that (14) is the most general equation governing the
flow of a viscous fluid in porous media. It takes into account both viscous and
inertial effects (both macroscopic and microscopic inertia).

2.7. Rudraiah’s Bina y Equation

In terms of accounting for the inertial and/or viscous shear effects, the
models presented thus far may be classified in the following four groups:

1. When the boundary and inertial effects are neglected, the flow is
governed by Darcy’s law.
2. When the inertia is accounted for, the flow is governed by the Darcy-
Lapwood or the Darcy-Forchheimer models.
3. When the boundary effects are accounted for, through the viscous
shear term, the flow is governed by the Brinkman equation.
4. When the boundary and inertial effects are both accounted for, the flow
is governed by the Darcy-Lapwood-Brinkman, the Darcy-Forchheimer-
Brinkman, or the Darcy-Lapwood-Forchheimer-Brinkman models.
A Review of Flow through Porous Channels 211

All of the above models, together with the Navier-Stokes equations, may
be conveniently grouped into the following single equation, as discussed by
Rudraiah [15], which is termed here Rudraiah’s binary equation:

P{x&w - 11+ 1)s+ P{x&-” - 11+ l}(!?-VI?;,

= -vp + x&9 - 11 + l}V22 -
/_L,,f( x,{e/k + PGdUVJ~l~

In (15), 6 = ~,ff/~., c is the Darcian velocity, (cd in the porous medium

and the true velocity in the fluid), x, is a binary parameter given by
x,(x, y, z) = 1 if (x, y, z) is in the porous medium, and x,(x, y, z) = 0 if
(x, y, z) is in the fluid.
It is clear from (15) that when x, = 0, then (15) reduces to the
Navier-Stokes equations. If x, = 1, then all of the models of flow discussed
above may be obtained by assigning appropriate values to the parameters 6,
7, and C,. For example, the most general momentum equation governing
single-phase flow through porous media, the Darcy-Lapwood-Forch-
heimer-Brinkman equation, is obtained from (15) by taking x, = 1, 7) + 1
and 6 --f 1.
Equation (15) is postulated to be apt to numerical simulation of flow
through porous layers where there is a transition from one permeability to
another, or flow in free-space over a porous layer.


The boundary conditions associated with the flow through a given porous
medium depend on the type of the medium and the model employed. For
models that do not account for viscous shear effects, namely Darcy’s law, the
Darcy-Lapwood and the Darcy-Forchheimer models, the normal compo-
nent of velocity is assumed to be continuous on the boundary of the medium.
On the other hand, both of the normal and tangential components of velocity
are assumed to be continuous when dealing with models that account for
viscous shear effects. These models are the Brinkman equation, the Darcy-
Lapwood-Brinkman, the Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman, and the Darcy-
Lapwood-Forchheimer-Brinkman models.
The above conditions are interpreted as follows. Continuity of the normal
component of velocity for the first group of models reduces to a tangency
condition at the boundary, while continuity of the normal and tangential
212 M. H. HAMDAN

components for the second group is the usual no-slip condition that is
imposed on a solid, impermeable boundary.


In the current work, we consider the steady flow of an imcompressible

viscous fluid through a porous channel. The channel is assumed to consist of
two impermeable, solid walls bounding a porous matrix. Analysis here is given
for the governing equations that are compatible with this physical situation,
namely the governing equations involving the laplacian term.
Of interest here are the entry/exit conditions to/from an infinite or
semi-infinite porous channel, the flow through which is assumed to be
macroscopically fully developed. Depending on the type of the porous
medium and the model governing the flow, entry/exit conditions have to be
compatible with the governing equations in the sense that the conditions
must satisfy the governing equations in addition to compatibility with the
no-slip boundary condition. Derivation of these conditions represents the first
step in the analysis and design of porous pipes and channels of finite length,
and is motivated by the following practical applications:

1. Analysis of flow entry conditions to a porous pipe and the general entry
to a porous layer is an important aspect of the study and design of filtration
2. In many pressure-driven industrial designs and operations, such as heat
and mass transfer systems, the flow entry profile influences heat and mass
transfer in a porous structure.
3. In the analysis of flow through porous layers of different permeabilities
or in the flow in free-space over a porous layer, where the flow in the layer
with smaller permeability is driven or influenced by that in the higher
permeability layer, the momentum transfer between the layers is usually
dependent on the fluid velocity profile in the driving layer. Although in this
case the boundary condition along the interface is not the usual no-slip
condition, the concept of a fully-developed flow that is compatible with the
governing equations is directly applicable.

Now, assuming that the channel is bounded from above and below by
solid, impermeable walls, enclosing a porous material having constant perme-
ability, the channel is considered to be of dimensionless depth of unity, with
the depth described by 0 < Y < 1, as shown in Figure 1. For models that are
compatible with the presence of a solid wall, the velocity vanishes along
Y = 0 and along Y = 1. At the entrance to the channel, X = --CO, the flow
far upstream is assumed to be parallel, undisturbed, and due to a driving
A Review of Flow through Porous Channels 213

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Frc. 1. Representative sketch.

pressure gradient in the horizontal direction. The vertical component of

velocity V therefore, vanishes along the vertical line X = -00, and the
horizontal velocity component U thus becomes a function of Y only. This
component satisfies the boundary conditions U(Y = 0) = 0 and U(Y = 1) =
0. It also satisfies an ordinary differential equation, as discussed in what
follows for the Navier-Stokes equations and the porous media models. It
should be noted that the following analysis is based on the dimensionless
form of the presented governing equations. The dimensionless form is easily
obtained by normalizing the governing equations with respect to the depth of
the channel and with respect to a characteristic velocity at infinity. Dimen-
sionless quantities of interest here are the horizontal and vertical components
of velocity, U and V, respectively, the vorticity a, the x-coordinate X, the
y-coordinate Y, the permeability K, which is normalized with respect to the
square of the characteristic length, and the Reynolds number, which is
defined in terms of the fluid viscosity p, the density p, the characteristic
velocity at infinity, and the depth of the channel.

4.1. Nauier-Stokes Equations

With V( - w, Y > = 0, the momentum equations (1) reduce to the following
ordinary differential equation, which is valid at the entrance to the channel:

UN = ReC, (16)

where prime notation denotes ordinary differentiation, and C is a negative

constant that is proportional to the pressure gradient in the X-direction. The
214 M. H. HAMDAN

solution to (16) satisfying U(O) = U(1) = 0 is given by

U(Y) = Re C[Y2 - Y]/2. (17)

Equation (17) illustrates the dependence of the Navier-Stokes inlet veloc-

ity profile on the pressure gradient and the Reynolds number.
Defining the vorticity fl for the two-dimensional flow at hand by

s1 = v, - vr ) (18)

then from (17) we obtain the following linear vorticity profile:

R = Re C[l - 2Y ]/2. (1%

4.2. Darcy-Lapwood-Brinkman model

With V( - m, Y) = 0, the momentum equations (12) reduce to

U” - V/K = Re C. (20)

Equation (20) has the solution given by

U(Y) = K Re C[{e i/JK - I}{eWK + e(l-r)/JK}/(eWK - I} -


The inlet.vorticity corresponding to (21) is given by

a(Y) =

(21), and (221, the corre-

sponding solution to the inertia-free Brinkman’s case is obtained.
Profiles of the above entry velocity are given in Figure 2(a), which
illustrates the effect of Re on the inlet velocity for a given permeability and
pressure gradient. The effect of permeability, K, on increasing the inlet
velocity is illustrated in Figure 2(b) when Re = 1 and C = - 1.
A Review of Flow through Porous Channels 215

Re = 1
Re = 5
Re= 10
Re = 20

Y-l Y-O.5 r-0


j -e-
k = 0.1
Eo.0 1
0.05 -A-

k = 0.001


Y-1 Y-O.5 y-0

FIG. 2. (a) nlet velocity for different Re. C = - 1, K = 0.1, Darcy-Lapwood-Brinkman

model. (b) Inlet velocity for different permeability values. C = - 1, Brinkman equation.
216 M. H. HAMDAN

4.3. Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman and Darcy-Lapwood-Forchheimer-

Brinkman models
Each of the momentum equations (13) and (14) reduce to the following
ordinary differential equation, valid at X = - m,

U” - U/K - Re C,iU”/& - Re C = 0. (23)

In the absence of an analytical solution to the boundary value problem

described by (23) and U(0) = U(1) = 0, a numerical solution is obtained by
the central differencing equation (23) with step-size AY = 0.025, and then
solving the resulting matrix equations.
The resulting inlet velocity profile is illustrated in Figure 3a, for different
Re and given K, C,, and pressure gradient. Figure 3b illustrates the effect of
the permeability on this profile for Re = 5, C,, = 0.01, and C = - 1, while
Figure 3c illustrates the effect of the pressure gradient on this profile for
given permeability, Re and C,. These three figures emphasize the increase of
the inlet velocity with increasing permeability, pressure gradient, or Reynolds
number. Symmetry of the profiles is also evident for each of the above cases.
The inlet vorticity profile, corresponding to the velocity profile of (231, is
obtained by numerical differentiation of the calculated velocity profile. In
Figure 3d, the inlet vorticity profiles are illustrated for different permeability
values, for given Re, C,, and C. The effects of Reynolds number on the inlet
vorticity profiles are illustrated in Figure 3e for given permeability C, and C.
In both figures, the increase of the magnitude of vorticity with either
increasing Reynolds number of increasing permeability is evident.


Flow entry conditions to a porous channel bounded by impermeable, solid

walls have been obtained and analyzed for different models of flow through
porous media. The effect of the different flow parameters (permeability,
pressure gradient, and Reynolds number) on the inlet velocity and vorticity
have been studied and compared to the case of flow in free space, as
governed by the Navier-Stokes equations. Derivation of the inlet conditions
for flow through porous media represents a vital step in any realistic simula-
tion of flow and design of porous pipes.
The main conclusion that can be drawn from the above analysis is that for
fully-developed flow in porous media possessing solid, impermeable bound-
aries, the Poieuille-type inlet condition that is employed in the Navier-Stokes
flow also serves as an inlet condition for flow in porous media. The differ-
A Review of Flow through Porous Channels 217

1Re = 20 )




3 0.15




FIG. (a) Inlet velocity for different Re. K = 0.1, C = - 1, C, = 0.01. Darcy-lapwood-
Forchheimer-Brinkman and Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman models. (b) Inlet velocity for dif-
ferent permeability values. Re = 5, C = - 1, C, = 0.01.

ence, of course, is reflected in the magnitude of the inlet velocity and the loss
of linearity of the inlet vorticity profiles, and is ascribed to the presence of the
porous media parameters of permeability K, the drag coefficient, C,, and the
presence of microscopic inertial effects due to the curvilinearity of the flow
path in the porous matrix.
218 M. H. HAMDAN


c = -1
c = -5

k = 0.1
k = 0.01

~0.00 1
c -0.5 -
k = 0.0001
-1 -




FIG. 3. (Continued). (c) Inlet vekxity for different pressure gradients. Re = 5, K = 0.1,
C, = 0.01. Darcy-Lapwood-Forchheimer-Brinkman and Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman mod-
els. (d) Inlet vorticity for different permeability values. Re = 5, C = - 1, Cd = 0.01. Darcy-
Lapwood-Forchheimer-Brinkmp and Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman models.
A Review of Flow through Porous Channels 219



-12 !:
Y-l y-o.5 Y-O


FIG. 3. (Continued). (e) Inlet vorticity for different Re. K = 0.1, C = - 1, C, = 0.01.
Darcy-Lapwood-Forchheimer-Brinkman and Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman models.


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