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Army Lists

Beginning of War
(First half)
French Army
Bertrand du Guesclin Mounted du Guesclin Boucicaut Amaury de Craon Philippe VI de Valois
5 5 4 3 4

Charge - Retaliation - Slayer Charge - Slayer - Haste 2 Rally Prayer

When attacking: Remove one When defending: Cancel 2 . Bonus Action: Once per turn, Bonus Action: Once per round,
defence dice of your choice before move one allied troop one
When attacking, if Mounted du Guesclin move Amaury de Craon one area towards an enemy area.
the defence roll.
Bonus Action: Once per round, if you area.

Bertrand du Guesclin Mounted du Guesclin Boucicaut Amaury de Craon Philippe VI de Valois

rolls a , Retaliation results cannot be
If Bertrand du Guesclin is Disrupted, When defending:
he’s placed in the waiting section applied to Mounted du Guesclin. spend 3 , gain .

Cost: 435 Cost: 530 Cost: 405 Cost: 280 Cost: 300
of the infirmary. Cancel 1 .
5 1 1 5 2 1
3 22 2 A1 2 1 1

Morale: 6 Morale: 6 Morale: 5 Morale: 3 Morale: 4

Charles II the Magnanimous Hero Mounted Hero Marshal Arnoul d’Audrehem Jean - Son of the King
4 3 3 4

Charge - Retaliation - Impetuous Prayer - Feint Charge Charge - Impetuous - Slayer Charge - Targeting

When attacking:
During your turn, if you spend 1 :
When defending : one Character in Jean’s area gains Tough.
cancel 2

Charles II le Magnanime Hero Mounted Hero Arnoul d’Audrehem Jean - Son of the King
When attacking: gain 1 if at least one
When defending:

Cost: 310 Cost: 170 Cost: 220 Cost: 200 Cost: 110
enemy unit is destroyed.

2 Draw 1 .
A1 A 1 2 A 1 2 2 1

Morale: 4 Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 4 Morale: 2

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 2

French Mounted Knights Gentry Mounted Knights

Total maximum number of Troops: 6

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 130 Cost per Troop: 135
French Gentry
Mounted Knights Mounted Knights

___ ___
Total Total

2 2
Total Total
Charge - Impetuous Troop(s): Cost: Charge Troop(s): Cost:
During a Charge action, add a
result to your attack roll. Troop Morale: When attacking: Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 0

Impetuous Knights Foot Knights - Two-Handed Weapons

Total maximum number of Troops: 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 160 Cost per Troop: 145
Impetuous Knights Foot Knights
Two-Handed Weapons

___ 2
Total Total Total Total
Retaliation - Impetuous Troop(s): Cost: Troop(s): Cost:
When defending:

Cancel 1 .
Troop Morale: +1 against Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 0

Crossbowmen Genoese Crossbowmen

Total maximum number of Troops: 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 75 Cost per Troop: 80
Crossbowmen Genoese Crossbowmen

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Troop(s): Cost: Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
When attacking: Bonus Action: Replace the Genoese
Crossbowmen with Entrenched
Reroll every result once. Genoese Crossbowmen.

Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Provincial Militia Peasant Militia
Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 0
Total maximum number of Troops: 6

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 35 Cost per Troop: 25
Provincial Militia Peasant Militia

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Support Troop(s): Cost: Support Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: When attacking:
Peasant Militia units gain the
Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:
Feint skill when located in a
field area.

Guisarmiers Halberdiers
Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 2
Total maximum number of Troops: 5

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 70 Cost per Troop: 110
Guisarmiers Halberdiers

___ ___
Total Total Total Total

1 1
Cohesion - Parry Troop(s): Cost: Retaliation Troop(s): Cost:
When attacking:
Troop Morale: +1 against Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Musician Standard Bearer

from 0 to 1 from 0 to 1

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 170 Cost per Troop: 240
Musician Standard Bearer

Selectable Troops: Selectable Troops:

___ ___
Total Total

2 3
Total Total
Terror 1 Troop(s): Cost: Rally - Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
If an attack is declared from the Musician’s
area, add 1 to the totalup
attack When defending: Cancel up to 2 .
When defending: Cancel to 2roll. .
Once during the Camp phase: Once during the Camp phase:
Once per Camp Phase:
3 1
Total Morale value: 3 1 Total Morale value:

Sergeants-at-arms Pikemen with Pavise

from 0 to 4 from 0 to 3

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 90 Cost per Troop: 85
Sergeants-at-Arms Pikemen with Pavise

Selectable Troops: Selectable Troops:

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Retaliation Troop(s): Cost: Support Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: When attacking:

When defending against ,

Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Pikemen with Pavise gain Retaliation.
Total Morale value:

Light Infantry Mounted Crossbowmen

from 0 to 3 from 0 to 2

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 75 Cost per Troop: 110
Light Infantry Mounted Crossbowmen

Selectable Troops: Selectable Troops:

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Dodge Troop(s): Cost: Haste 2 Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
When attacking: If the Mounted
When defending against ,
Light Infantry gain Retaliaton. Crossbowmen are located in a field
or plains area:

Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Resources: 115 110 115 130 20 20 15

Morale loss: _____

5 10
Total minimum: 570
Total Cost:
15 20
25 30
Total Morale:
Routing Threshold:
Victory points:
5 10 15 20 25
Crowd Rise
(First half )
French Army
Erwan de Romorantin Jean de Vienne Earl of Auxerre Jacques de Bourbon Marshall Je
an de Clermont Philippe d’Orléans Étienne Marcel
3 3 4 4 4 4

Prayer Bodyguard Charge - Impetuous Rally - Charge - Charisma Rally

Peasants and Provincial Militia in Bonus Action: Once per round, roll 1 When attacking :
When attacking : For each Wound placed on this
Erwan de Romorantin’s area gain . card, add one to your attack roll. Étienne Marcel‘s Command and Rally can only
be applied to Peasants and Angry Peasants
On a result, you may take 1

Erwann de Romorantin Jean de Vienne Earl of Auxerre Jacques de Bourbon Jean de Clermont Philippe d’Orléans Etienne Marcel
+1 from an opposing player’s player board, Troops in Marshall Jean de Clermont’s
Philippe d’Orléans counts as any Troop

Cost: 240 Cost: 255 Cost: 190 Cost: 205 Cost: 190 Cost: 240 Cost: 280
with Support.
area gain Cohesion.
2 3 2
or draw 1
1 1 3 A1 A2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 A 2

Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 5 Morale: 3 Morale: 4

Hero Baudoin de Lens Philippe the Bold The Great Ferré Guillaume d’Alloue

Prayer - Feint Charge - Impetuous - Prayer Feint - Charge - Parry Tough Rally
Peasants in the same area as the
Characters in the same area as Any result allocated to the Great Ferré All Peasants and Peasant Militia units located
Blacksmith gain Retaliation and
When attacking: Philippe the Bold gain Parry. counts as a result. in Guillaume d’Alloue’s area gain

+1 +1

The Great Ferré Guillaume d’Alloue Blacksmith

Philippe the Bold’s area cannot be

Hero Baudoin de Lens Philippe the Bold

The Great Ferré is upgraded to Level 2 as soon
targeted by shooting attacks. as 4 allied and/or enemy units are located in

Cost: 320 Cost: 260

Bonus Action: If you spend 2 , you may

Cost: 160 Cost: 175

the infirmary at the same time.

Cost: 160
move an allied Character located

Cost: 225
A 1 2 4 2 in an area adjacent to Guillaume
d’Alloue’s 1 area.
A 2

Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 5 Morale: 3 Morale: 2


Peasant Militia Peasants

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 3
Total maximum number of Troops: 6

___ ___
Cost per Troop: 25

___ ___
Cost per Troop: 20
Peasant Militia

___ ___
Total Total

Total Total
Support Troop(s): Cost: Support Troop(s): Cost:
When attacking:
Peasant Militia units gain the
Troop Morale: Special Action: You can remove a Fire
token located in the Peasants’ area or Troop Morale:
Total Morale value:
Feint skill when located in a in an area adjacent to the Peasants.
field area.
Total Morale value:

Bowmen - Short Bow Militia Bowmen

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 2
Total maximum number of Troops: 5

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 125 Cost per Troop: 65
Bowmen - Short Bow Militia Bowmen

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Once per round, after an enemy
Troop(s): Cost: Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
activation, choose an area
containing allied Bowmen - Short
These Bowmen - Short Bow units
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
can attack one enemy area in
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Sergeants-at-arms Heavy Sergeants-at-arms

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 0
Total maximum number of Troops: 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 100 Cost per Troop: 135
Sergeants-at-Arms Sergeants-at-Arms

___ 2
Total Total Total Total
Retaliation Troop(s): Cost: Retaliation - Cohesion Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:
Foot Knights Foot Knights - Two-Handed Weapons
Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 0
Total maximum number of Troops: 2

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 155 Cost per Troop: 130
Foot Knights Foot Knights
Two-Handed Weapons

___ ___
Total Total Total Total

2 2
Retaliation Troop(s): Cost: Troop(s): Cost:
When defending:
Cancel 1 .
Troop Morale: +1 against Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Guisarmiers Almogavars
Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 0
Total maximum number of Troops: 5

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 75 Cost per Troop: 65
Guisarmiers Almogavars

___ ___
Total Total

1 1
Total Total
Cohesion - Parry Troop(s): Cost: Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
When attacking:
Troop Morale: When attacking: Almogavars are Troop Morale:

Halberdiers Voulgiers
immune to Retaliation.

Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 130 Cost per Troop: 115
Halberdiers Voulgiers

___ ___
Total Total

1 1
Total Total
Retaliation Troop(s): Cost: Retaliation - Cohesion Troop(s): Cost:
+1 against Troop Morale: +1 against . Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Mounted Sergeants-at-arms Light Infantry

0 to 6 0 to 3

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 110 Cost per Troop: 70
Mounted Sergeants-at-arms Light Infantry

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Haste 2 - Charge Troop(s): Cost: Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: When defending against ,
Light Infantry gain Retaliaton. Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Provincial Militia Standard Bearer

from 3 to 6 0 to 1

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 35 Cost per Troop: 260
Provincial Militia Standard Bearer

Selectable Troops: Selectable Troops: from

___ 4
Total Total Total Total
Support Troop(s): Cost: Rally - Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: When defending: Cancel up to 2
Once during the Camp phase:
Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: 3 1 Total Morale value:

Resources: 110 105 115 120 25 15 20

Morale loss: _____

5 10
Total minimum: 485
Total Cost:
15 20
25 30
Total Morale:
Routing Threshold:
Victory points:
5 10 15 20 25
End of War
(Second half )
French Army
Joan of Arc Mounted Joan of Arc La Hire Gilles de Rais Mounted Hero Hero Charles de Bourbon Prigent de Coëtivy
1 4 4 4 3 3 4 3

Tough - Prayer Haste 2 - Prayer - Rally Retaliation - Charge Charisma Charge Prayer - Feint Charge - Impetuous Tough - Engineer - Charisma
For each Wound placed on this card, When attacking:
Bonus Action: Once per round, La Hire gains: Bonus Action: Once per turn, if you Once per round, Prigent
At the start of the game: spend 1 : Rally one disrupted de Coëtivy can attack an
gain . +1 Troop in Gilles de Rais’ area.
adjacent enemy area which

Charles de Bourbon Prigent de Coëtivy

Draw 1 and gain 1 .

Joan of Arc Mounted Joan of Arc La Hire Gilles de Rais Mounted Hero Hero
When attacking: was just activated by an

Cost: 200

Cost: 270
Gain 1 each time an enemy If Gilles de Rais rolls at least

Cost: 390 Cost: 325 Cost: 375 Cost: 305 Cost: 220 Cost: 160
Bonus Action:
unit is destroyed in an attack one blank result, reroll one
2 2 2 2 3 involving La Hire.
3 dice once.
A 1 2 A 1 A 1 2 Spend 2 to gain 1
2 1 2

Morale: 5 Morale: 5 Morale: 5 Morale: 4 Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 3

Ambroise de Loré Jean de Dunois Guy le Bouteiller Alain Blanchard Jean Jourdain Jean de Bourbon Charles d’Albret
4 4 4 4

Charge Haste 2 - Parry Charge - Retaliation Charge - Impetuous - Charisma

When attacking: When attacking:
Bonus Action: Once per round, gain: When attacking: Remove one Gain 1 for each enemy unit A Culverin in Jean Jourdain’s area At the beginning of your turn, if you spend 1 :
defence dice of your choice destroyed. gains +1 .
before the defence roll.
When defending, if you spend 1 : Cost of is reduced by 1.

Ambroise de Loré Jean de Dunois Guy Le Bouteiller Alain Blanchard Jean Jourdain Jean de Bourbon Charles d’Albret
Once per game: When Alain Blanchard is performing Gain 1 each time an enemy unit

Cost: 270 Cost: 410 Cost: 190 Cost: 230 Cost: 180 Cost: 250
a shooting attack:

Cost: 220
is destroyed by a Culverin’s attack Gain 1 for each destroyed unit

2 2 2 2
in a fight where Charles d’Albret
2 2
from Jean Jourdain’s area.
A1 A1 1 2 2 3 3 participated.

Morale: 3 Morale: 5 Morale: 5 Morale: 2 Morale: 2 Morale: 3 Morale: 2

Resources: 120 100 120

Barral de Pontevès Poton de Xaintrailles Jean de Metz
4 3

125 20 25 15
Charge Tough Bodyguard - Retaliation

When attacking, if you spend 1 : When defending, if you spend 1 :

Reroll one dice once.
If La Hire is in the same area as Poton de
Xaintrailles, La Hire gains:

Barral de Pontevès Poton de Xaintrailles Jean de Metz

When attacking: Gain 1 for each

Cost: 240 Cost: 260

destroyed enemy unit.

Cost: 155
2 A 1 2 2

Morale: 4 Morale: 4
Number of Characters: 1
Morale: 3 Troops
Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 2

Guisarmiers Almogavars
Total maximum number of Troops: 6

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 80 Cost per Troop: 70
Guisarmiers Almogavars

___ ___
Total Total

1 1
Total Total
Cohesion - Parry Troop(s): Cost: Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
When attacking:
Troop Morale: When attacking: Almogavars are Troop Morale:

Halberdiers Voulgiers
immune to Retaliation.

Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 135 Cost per Troop: 120
Halberdiers Voulgiers

___ ___
Total Total

1 1
Total Total
Retaliation Troop(s): Cost: Retaliation - Cohesion Troop(s): Cost:
+1 against Troop Morale: +1 against . Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:
French Mounted Knights Gentry Mounted Knights
Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 2
Total maximum number of Troops: 6

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 130 Cost per Troop: 135
French Gentry
Mounted Knights Mounted Knights

___ ___
Total Total

2 2
Total Total
Charge - Impetuous Troop(s): Cost: Charge Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
During a Charge action, add a
result to your attack roll. When attacking:

Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Impetuous Knights Foot Knights - Two-Handed Weapons

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 0
Total maximum number of Troops: 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 140 Cost per Troop: 120
Impetuous Knights Foot Knights
Two-Handed Weapons

___ ___
Total Total

2 2
Total Total
Retaliation - Impetuous Troop(s): Cost: Troop(s): Cost:
When defending:

Cancel 1 .
Troop Morale: +1 against Troop Morale:

Pikemen Pavisiers
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

0 to 6 0 to 2

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 60 Cost per Troop: 110
Pikemen Pavisiers

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Cohesion Troop(s): Cost: Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
When defending: One unit in
+1 against the same area as the Pavisiers

Light Infantry Pikemen with Pavise

may reroll 1 dice.
When defending against ,
Pikemen gain Retaliation.
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

0 to 3 0 to 3

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 70 Cost per Troop: 90
Light Infantry Pikemen with Pavise

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Dodge Troop(s): Cost: Support Troop(s): Cost:
When defending against ,
Troop Morale: When attacking:
Troop Morale:

Culverin Crossbowmen
Light Infantry gain Retaliaton.
When defending against ,

Total Morale value: Pikemen with Pavise gain Retaliation.

Total Morale value:

0 to 1 0 to 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 130 Cost per Troop: 80
Culverin Crossbowmen

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Targeting Troop(s): Cost: Troop(s): Cost:
When attacking:
Troop Morale: When attacking:
Troop Morale:

Musician Standard Bearer

Reroll every result once.

2 Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

0 to 1 0 to 2

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 160 Cost per Troop: 280
Musician Standard Bearer

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 3
Total Total Total Total
Terror 1 Troop(s): Cost: Rally - Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
If an attack is declared from the Musician’s
area, add 1 to the totalup
attack When defending: Cancel up to 2 .
When defending: Cancel to 2roll. .

Mounted Crossbowmen
Once during the Camp phase: Once during the Camp phase:
Once per Camp Phase:
3 1
Total Morale value: 3 1 Total Morale value:

0 to 2

___ ___
Cost per Troop: 115
Mounted Crossbowmen

Selectable Troops: from

Total Total
Haste 2 Troop(s): Cost:

Troop Morale:
When attacking: If the Mounted
Crossbowmen are located in a field

Morale loss:
or plains area:

Total Morale value:

5 10
Total minimum: 560
Total Cost:
15 20
25 30
Total Morale:
Routing Threshold:
Victory points:
5 10 15 20 25
Beginning of War
(First half)
English Army

Captal de Buch Sir John Jouel The Black Prince Mounted Black Prince Philip van Artevelde Charles II of Navarre
4 5 5

Charge Bodyguard Terror 1 - Charisma Charge - Rally - Haste 2 Bodyguard - Parry Charge - Haste 2 - Feint - Rally

units in the same area as The units in the same area as Player Action: Any player may spend 1
When defending, Philip van Artevelde can
Bonus Action: Once per turn, if you during their turn to gain control of Charles
When attacking: Black Prince gain Haste 2. the Mounted Black Prince gain apply Bodyguard’s effects twice.
II of Navarre; they place him in any free or
spend 1 : Haste 2. allied area adjacent to his current location.
When The Black Prince is When defending, after damage resolution,

Captal de Buch Sir John Jouel The Black Prince Mounted Black Prince Philip van Artevelde Charles II of Navarre
If there is no eligible area to resolve this
activated, you may move one of When attacking: roll a : On a result, cancel one effect, players may not use it.
+1 +1

Cost: 285 Cost: 205 Cost: 300 Cost: 435 Cost: 275 Cost: 230
your Rally points to a free or damage result applied to Philip van
Gain 1 .
2 2 3
At the start of your turn:

1 2 A1
allied area.
1 1 1 1 7 A 2 4 Gain 1
A 1

Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 4 Morale: 5 Morale: 1 Morale: 3

John Chandos Edward III Hero Earl of Suffolk Earl of Salisbury John III of Montfort
2 4 3 3 4

Retaliation - Slayer Charisma - Prayer Prayer - Feint Rally Rally - Tough Parry
At the beginning of the Camp
During the Council phase: When attacking : 1 Bowmen in Earl of When defending: 1 allied unit in John III of
phase, rally one allied Troop. Once per turn, if you spend 1 : Salisbury’s area gains Montfort’s area gains Bodyguard.
Rally one allied Troop into the Earl +1 until end of turn.
Draw 1 Bonus Action: One allied Bowmen

John Chandos Edward III Hero Earl of Suffolk Earl of Salisbury John III of Montfort
of Suffolk’s area. When attacking: If at least 1 result rolled
unit up to 2 areas away from When attacking: gain 1 for each by John III of Montfort is applied to an enemy

Cost: 290 Cost: 385 Cost: 160 Cost: 190 Cost: 260 Cost: 290
Edward III may perform an blank result. unit, gain 1

2 A 1 2 attack.
22 A 1 2 A1 2 1 1 2 1 2

Morale: 3 Morale: 5 Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 2 Morale: 3


Light Cavalry Mounted Bowmen

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 0
Total maximum number of Troops: 3

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 120 Cost per Troop: 130
Light Cavalry Mounted Bowmen

___ ___
Total Total Total Total

1 1
Haste 3 - Dodge Troop(s): Cost: Haste 2 Troop(s): Cost:
Once per turn, after a Follow-up after
combat, this unit may perform an
attack against an adjacent area.
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Pikemen Provincial Militia

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 2
Total maximum number of Troops: 6

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 60 Cost per Troop: 35
Pikemen Provincial Militia

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Cohesion Troop(s): Cost: Support Troop(s): Cost:
+1 against
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
When defending against ,
Pikemen gain Retaliation.
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:
Foot Knights - Two-Handed Weapons Foot Knights
Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 0
Total maximum number of Troops: 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 145 Cost per Troop: 165
Foot Knights Foot Knights
Two-Handed Weapons

___ ___
Total Total Total Total

2 2
Troop(s): Cost: Retaliation Troop(s): Cost:
+1 against Troop Morale: When defending:
Cancel 1 .
Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Hunting Dogs Bowmen

0 to 4 3 to 6

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 75 Cost per Troop: 125
Hunting Dogs Bowmen

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Haste 2 - Feint Troop(s): Cost: When attacking: Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Bonus Action: A Bowmen unit may place
1 set of stakes (taken from its owner’s
Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Sergeants-at-arms - Gascons & Bretons Light Infantry

reserve) on one free border of its area.

from 0 to 4 0 to 3

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 125 Cost per Troop: 75
SerGgaescaonnsts&-Barte-toAnrsms Light Infantry

Selectable Troops: Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Retaliation - Charge - Impetuous Troop(s): Cost: Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
When defending:

Cancel 1 .
Troop Morale: When defending against ,
Light Infantry gain Retaliaton. Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Musician Standard Bearer

0 to 1 0 to 1

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 200 Cost per Troop: 230
Musician Standard Bearer

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 3
Total Total Total Total
Terror 1 Troop(s): Cost: Rally - Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
If an attack is declared from the Musician’s
area, add 1 to the totalup
attack When defending: Cancel up to 2 .
When defending: Cancel to 2roll. .
Once during the Camp phase: Once during the Camp phase:
Once per Camp Phase:
3 1
Total Morale value: 3 1 Total Morale value:

Pikemen with Pavise Mounted Sergeants-at-arms

0 to 3 0 to 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 90 Cost per Troop: 120
Pikemen with Pavise Mounted Sergeants-at-arms

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Support Troop(s): Cost: Haste 2 - Charge Troop(s): Cost:
When attacking:

When defending against ,

Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
Pikemen with Pavise gain Retaliation.
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Resources: 115 110 120 140 20 20 20

Morale loss: _____

5 10
Total minimum: 605
Total Cost:
15 20
25 30
Total Morale:
Routing Threshold:
Victory points:
5 10 15 20 25
Looters Between
English Army
two Wars
(First half )
Hero Mounted Hero Earl of Arundel Earl of Northampton Sir John Jouel Earl of Oxford Earl of Warwick
3 3 3 3 4 4

Prayer - Feint Charge Retaliation Parry Bodyguard Charge - Retaliation Charge - Slayer
When attacking: When attacking :
Special Action: Once per turn, you +1 When attacking: Once per turn, if you spend 1 :
if at least 3 Troops are in
may place Earl of Arundel into any Troops in Earl of Warwick’s area
Earl of Oxford’s area, he gains

Hero Mounted Hero Earl of Arundel Earl of Northampton Sir John Jouel Earl of Oxford Earl of Warwick
free or allied area of an adjacent hex. If at least 2 units are in the area of the
Earl of Northampton. gain Haste 2 until the end of turn.

Cost: 170 Cost: 210 Cost: 265 Cost: 290 Cost: 205 Cost: 290 Cost: 260
A 1 2 A 1 2 1 1 2 Troops in the area of the Earl of
Northampton gain Support.
1 1 2 A1 3 1 2 3 1 2

Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 5 Morale: 5


War Hounds Hunting Dogs

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 0
Total maximum number of Troops: 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 120 Cost per Troop: 70
War Hounds Hunting Dogs

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Haste 2 - Bodyguard Troop(s): Cost: Haste 2 - Feint Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Light Infantry Mounted Bowmen

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 2
Total maximum number of Troops: 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 115 Cost per Troop: 125
Light Cavalry Mounted Bowmen

___ ___
Total Total Total Total

1 1
Haste 3 - Dodge Troop(s): Cost: Haste 2 Troop(s): Cost:
Once per turn, after a Follow-up after
combat, this unit may perform an
attack against an adjacent area.
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 2

Guisarmiers Almogavars
Total maximum number of Troops: 6

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 75 Cost per Troop: 65
Guisarmiers Almogavars

___ ___
Total Total

1 1
Total Total
Cohesion - Parry Troop(s): Cost: Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
When attacking:
Troop Morale: When attacking: Almogavars are Troop Morale:

immune to Retaliation.

Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

___ ___
Cost per Troop: 115

Total Total
Retaliation - Cohesion Troop(s): Cost:
+1 against . Troop Morale:
Total Morale value:
Bowmen Pikemen
2 to 4 0 to 6

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 115 Cost per Troop: 60
Bowmen Pikemen

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
When attacking: Troop(s): Cost: Cohesion Troop(s): Cost:
Bonus Action: A Bowmen unit may place
1 set of stakes (taken from its owner’s
Troop Morale: +1 against
Troop Morale:
When defending against ,
reserve) on one free border of its area.
Total Morale value: Pikemen gain Retaliation.
Total Morale value:

Sergeants-at-arms - Gascons & Bretons Foot Knights - Two-Handed Weapons

from 0 to 4 from 0 to 3

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 135 Cost per Troop: 140
SerGgaescaonnsts&-Barte-toAnrsms Foot Knights
Two-Handed Weapons

Selectable Troops: Selectable Troops:

___ 2
Total Total Total Total
Retaliation - Charge - Impetuous Troop(s): Cost: Troop(s): Cost:
When defending:

Cancel 1 .
Troop Morale: +1 against Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Gentry Mounted Knights Musician

0 to 2 0 to 1

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 135 Cost per Troop: 190
Mounted Knights Musician

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 4
Total Total Total Total
Charge Troop(s): Cost: Terror 1 Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
If an attack is declared from the Musician’s
When add 1
defending: to the totalup
Cancel attack
to 2roll. .
When attacking:
Once during the Camp phase:
Once per Camp Phase:

Total Morale value: 3 1

Total Morale value:

Light Infantry Pikemen with Pavise

0 to 3 0 to 3

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 75 Cost per Troop: 85
Light Infantry Pikemen with Pavise

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Dodge Troop(s): Cost: Support Troop(s): Cost:
When defending against ,
Light Infantry gain Retaliaton. Troop Morale: When attacking:

When defending against ,

Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Pikemen with Pavise gain Retaliation.
Total Morale value:

Mounted Sergeants-at-arms
0 to 4

___ ___
Cost per Troop: 115
Mounted Sergeants-at-arms

Selectable Troops: from

Total Total
Haste 2 - Charge Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale:
Total Morale value:

Resources: 110 105 110 120 15 20 15

Morale loss: _____

5 10
Total minimum: 750
Total Cost:
15 20
25 30
Total Morale:
Routing Threshold:
Victory points:
5 10 15 20 25
End of War
(Second half )
English Army

John Talbot Mounted John Talbot John Fastolf John of Lancaster Earl of Suffolk John de la Pole Simon Morhier Thomas de Scales
3 4 3 4 3 3 2 3

Charge - Feint Charge - Rally - Cohesion Retaliation - Dodge Retaliation Rally Engineer Engineer Charge - Reroll - Bodyguard

All War Hounds units located in Mounted John

When defending: When you draw at least 1 : When defending:
Talbot’s area gain Support and Cohesion. One unit in the same area
Draw 1 . Once per turn, if you spend 1 : After the attack roll and attacker’s
Troops in the same area as Characters in the same area as
When attacking, for each War Hounds unit When John Fastolf suffers a Rally one allied Troop in the Earl of modifiers, replace as Simon Morhier gains:
John Talbot gain Charge. Thomas de Scales gain Dodge.

John Talbot Mounted John Talbot John Fastolf John of Lancaster Earl of Suffolk John de la Pole Simon Morhier Thomas de Scales
located in Mounted John Talbot’s area, he result, you may move him up to Suffolk’s area.
gains 2 areas. When defending: all attacker’s by

Cost: 330 Cost: 440 Cost: 260 Cost: 270 Cost: 260 Cost: 275 Cost: 195 Cost: 210
2 1 1 4 1 1
2 A 1 2 A 1 2 A1 2 A1 2 2

Morale: 3 Morale: 5 Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 3

Mounted Hero Thomas Montagu William Glasdale Guillaume de Molins Edward of York Edmund of Somerset Thomas Kyriell
3 3 3 4 4 4

Charge Engineer - Charisma Retaliation - Targeting Prayer - Feint Charge - Bodyguard Retaliation - Charisma Engineer - Targeting
At the start of your turn, if you
spend 1 and 1 : Once per turn, you may move units Once per turn, when attacking :
choose one extra When defending: with ranged attacks located in Edward When attacking: one Bowmen unit in Thomas
War Council card remove one defence dice of your choice Kyriell’s area gains +1
Replace all from attack of York’s area into an adjacent area.

Mounted Hero Thomas Montagu William Glasdale Guillaume de Molins Edward of York Edmund of Somerset Thomas Kyriell
from an enemy unit before the defence roll.
roll with .
At the start of your turn, if you At the beginning of your turn, When attacking :

Cost: 200 Cost: 370 Cost: 300 Cost: 180 Cost: 280 Cost: 210 Cost: 280
spend 2 : gain 1 . gain 1 for each blank
2 A 1 2 gain
A3 2 1 2 2 A1 3 22 3 1 1 2 result.

Morale: 3 Morale: 5 Morale: 4 Morale: 3 Morale: 4 Morale: 4 Morale: 2

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 0

Guisarmiers Almogavars
Total maximum number of Troops: 5

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 80 Cost per Troop: 65
Guisarmiers Almogavars

___ ___
Total Total

1 1
Total Total
Cohesion - Parry Troop(s): Cost: Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
When attacking:
Troop Morale: When attacking: Almogavars are Troop Morale:

Halberdiers Voulgiers
immune to Retaliation.

Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 125 Cost per Troop: 120
Halberdiers Voulgiers

___ ___
Total Total

1 1
Total Total
Retaliation Troop(s): Cost: Retaliation - Cohesion Troop(s): Cost:
+1 against Troop Morale: +1 against . Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Sergeants-at-arms - Gascons & Bretons Sergeants-at-arms

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 0
Total maximum number of Troops: 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 150 Cost per Troop: 140
SerGgaescaonnsts&-Barte-toAnrsms Sergeants-at-Arms

___ 2
Total Total Total Total
Retaliation - Charge - Impetuous Troop(s): Cost: Retaliation Troop(s): Cost:
When defending:

Cancel 1 .
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:
War Hounds Hunting Dogs
Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 2
Total maximum number of Troops: 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 120 Cost per Troop: 65
War Hounds Hunting Dogs

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Haste 2 - Bodyguard Troop(s): Cost: Haste 2 - Feint Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Mounted Bowmen Mounted Knights

0 to 3 0 to 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 135 Cost per Troop: 140
Mounted Bowmen Mounted Knights

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 2
Total Total Total Total
Haste 2 Troop(s): Cost: Charge Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Bowmen Pikemen
4 to 8 0 to 6

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 135 Cost per Troop: 60
Bowmen Pikemen

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
When attacking: Troop(s): Cost: Cohesion Troop(s): Cost:
Bonus Action: A Bowmen unit may place
1 set of stakes (taken from its owner’s
Troop Morale: +1 against
Troop Morale:
When defending against ,
reserve) on one free border of its area.
Total Morale value: Pikemen gain Retaliation.
Total Morale value:

Light Infantry Pikemen with Pavise

0 to 3 0 to 3

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 70 Cost per Troop: 90
Light Infantry Pikemen with Pavise

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Dodge Troop(s): Cost: Support Troop(s): Cost:
When defending against ,
Light Infantry gain Retaliaton. Troop Morale: When attacking:

When defending against ,

Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Pikemen with Pavise gain Retaliation.
Total Morale value:

Musician Standard Bearer

0 to 2 0 to 1

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 200 Cost per Troop: 240
Musician Standard Bearer

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 3
Total Total Total Total
Terror 1 Troop(s): Cost: Rally - Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
If an attack is declared from the Musician’s
area, add 1 to the totalup
attack When defending: Cancel up to 2 .
When defending: Cancel to 2roll. .
Once during the Camp phase: Once during the Camp phase:
Once per Camp Phase:
3 1
Total Morale value: 3 1 Total Morale value:

Resources: 120 105 115 125 15 25 15

Morale loss: _____

5 10
Total minimum: 865
Total Cost:
15 20
25 30
Total Morale:
Routing Threshold:
Victory points:
5 10 15 20 25
Faithless Looters
Unholy Army (First & second half)
Characters Troops
Heretic Repentants
0 to 3

___ ___
Cost per Troop: 180
Heretic Repentants
The Witch Sabbat Witch The Succubus
4 Selectable Troops: from

Total Total
Charge - Haste 2 - Tough Troop(s): Cost:
If they perform a Follow-up after
Troop Morale:

Heretic Expiators
combat, the Heretic Repentants
may perform an extra attack.

Total Morale value:

0 to 3
Dodge Prayer - Jump 2 - Ruthless - Targeting Jump 2 - Prayer
At the start of your turn: When attacking: Gain 1 if The Succubus
Gain 1 if at least 1 enemy unit

___ ___
Cost per Troop: 150
Draw 1 is destroyed during your turn. rolls at least 1 .

Heretic Expiators

The Witch Sabbat Witch The Succubus

When attacking: You can spend 1 to
When attacking: Units in the Sabbat Witch’s area replace 1 of The Succubus’ attack dice

Cost: 145 Cost: 340 Cost: 230

Selectable Troops: from
gain Ruthless. with 1 .

1 1 3 2

Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 3 2
Total Total
Engineer - Prayer - Ruthless Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale:
When defending: one unit in the same area as
the Heretic Expiators may reroll one dice.

When attacking:

Total Morale value:

Skeletons Devilish Skeletons

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 0
Total maximum number of Troops: 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 55 Cost per Troop: 75
Skeletons Skeletons

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
When defending:
Cancel 1 .
Troop(s): Cost: Charge - Support Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
When defending: Cancel 1 .
If at least one other Skeletons unit is in If at least one other Skeletons troop is in
the same area: the same area:

Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Heretics Demonic Legion

+1 +1

2 to 3

1 90 ___ ___
Cost per Troop: 65
Heretics Demonic Legion

Selectable Troops: from

1 1
Total Total Total Total
Targeting Troop(s): Cost: Bonus Action: Once per turn,
move one adjacent allied Troop
Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale:
When attacking, if the Heretics inflict at into the Demonic Legion’s area.
least 1 on a level 2 Character, this

Flying Demons Voracious Demons

Character is downgraded to level 1. When defending:

When defending:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

0 to 3 0 to 2

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 160 Cost per Troop: 125
Flying Demons Voracious Demons

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 2
Total Total Total Total
Jump 2 - Immortal Troop(s): Cost: Charge Troop(s): Cost:
When defending against
When attacking:
Troop Morale: a melee attack:
Troop Morale:

Provincial Militia
110 115 120

Total Morale value: on the attacker

Total Morale value:

0 to 4

___ ___
Cost per Troop: 35
Provincial Militia

Selectable Troops: from


___ 25 15 20
Total Total
Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale:

Total Morale value:

Morale loss:
5 10
Total minimum: 365
Total Cost:
15 20
25 30
Total Morale:
Routing Threshold:
Victory points:
5 10 15 20 25
Bestial Savagery
(First & second half)
Unholy Army

105 110 120

The Tarasque The Werewolf The Cockatrice The Wyvern
4 4

Big - Retaliation

When attacking: At the start of your turn:

Big - Targeting - Terror 1

When attacking:
Big - Terror 2 - Jump 2 - Targeting
When attacking: If The Wyvern rolls at
least 2 , inflict 1 Wound to a unit
of your choice located in the defending
25 15 20
When the Tarasque inflicts a
or area after damage allocation.
Gain 1

The Tarasque The Werewolf The Cockatrice The Wyvern

Wound on an enemy unit, inflict If The Wyvern is destroyed by a melee
one extra Wound. attack involving a Character, equip

Cost: 475 Cost: 145 Cost: 350 Cost: 525

said Character with the Wyvern’s eye
At the start of each round, Equipment card.

8 5 gain 1 .
Otherwise, this equipment is lost.

Morale: 8 Morale: 3 Morale: 5 Morale: 10


War Hounds Wolves

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 2
Total maximum number of Troops: 6

___ ___
Cost per Troop: 110

___ ___
Cost per Troop: 60
War Hounds

___ ___
Total Total

Total Total
Haste 2 - Bodyguard Troop(s): Cost: Haste 2 - Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:

Voracious Demons Skeletons

Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

0 to 9

2 250 ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 55
Voracious Demons Skeletons

Selectable Troops: from

4 1
Total Total Total Total
Charge Troop(s): Cost: When defending:
Cancel 1 .
Troop(s): Cost:
When defending against
a melee attack:
Troop Morale:

Flying Demons Devourers

If at least one other Skeletons unit is in
Inflicts the same area:
on the attacker
Total Morale value: +1
Total Morale value:

0 to 3 0 to 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 160 Cost per Troop: 135
Flying Demons Devourers

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 2
Total Total Total Total
Jump 2 - Immortal Troop(s): Cost: Carrier Troop(s): Cost:
When attacking:
Troop Morale: When performing a direct shooting
Troop Morale:

Gargoyles Rat Swarm

attack, if you spend 1 :

Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

0 to 3 0 to 6

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 90 Cost per Troop: 35
Gargoyles Rat Swarm

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Jump 2 Troop(s): Cost: Support Troop(s): Cost:

Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
When attacking, if 2 Rat Swarm units are
When attacking:

Morale loss:
attacking together, add 1 to their total
attack roll.
When attacking, if at least 3 Rat Swarm units

Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

are attacking together, add 1 to their total
attack roll.

5 10
Total minimum: 575
Total Cost:
15 20
25 30
Total Morale:
Routing Threshold:
Victory points:
5 10 15 20 25
World Enders
(First & second half)
Unholy Army

Magog Gog The Great Reaper Dracula

Big - Charge - Bodyguard - Slayer Big - Heal - Reroll - Ruthless Terror 2 - Tough - Immortal Terror 1 - Jump 2
Once per Round, if you spend 1 : The cost of your During the Camp phase, by spending 1 , Bonus Action: Once per round, if you
prevent one enemy unit adjacent to choose a unit in the infirmary and roll the
Magog from moving. is reduced by 1. spend 1 : +1
Doom dice:
On a or , destroy the targeted unit.

Magog Gog The Great Reaper Dracula

At the start of the Round, designate an
enemy Character adjacent to Magog: if
When an enemy unit in an
You may inflict 1 Wound on Dracula
adjacent hex to Gog declares an

Cost: 430 Cost: 275 Cost: 480

When attacking:

Cost: 335
this Character doesn’t attack Magog
to gain 1 or 1 .
attack, remove one dice from
7 5 4 3
during this Round, their owner loses
1 and 1 . this unit’s attack pool.
A4 2 1

Morale: 7 Morale: 5 Morale: 3 Morale: 6

Plague Bearers Wolves
0 to 4 0 to 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 115 Cost per Troop: 70
Plague Bearers Wolves

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Support - Terror 1 Troop(s): Cost: Haste 2 - Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
When defending:

Cancel 1 .
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:

Ghosts Skeletons - Danse Macabre

Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

0 to 2 0 to 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 160 Cost per Troop: 60
Ghosts Skeletons
Danse Macabre

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Immortal - Terror 1 Troop(s): Cost: Immortal Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
Once per turn, if you spend 1 :
Ghosts gain Jump 2 until the end of
their activation. If at least one other Skeletons troop is in
the same area:

Mounted Skeletons Disciples

Ghosts are not affected by terrain
Total Morale value: +1
Total Morale value:

0 to 4 0 to 1

___ ___
Cost per Troop: 160

___ ___
Cost per Troop: 80
Mounted skeletons Disciples

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ ___
Total Total

Total Total
Charge - Tough - Support Troop(s): Cost: When in a swamp area,
Troop(s): Cost:
When defending:
cancel 1
Troop Morale: Disciples ignore swamp terrain
modifiers and may perform
a move action into any other
Troop Morale:

Mounted Spectres Damned

Total Morale value: swamp area.
Total Morale value:

from 0 to 4 0 to 2

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 200 Cost per Troop: 250
Mounted Spectres Damned

Selectable Troops: Selectable Troops: from

___ 4
Total Total Total Total
Immortal - Charge Troop(s): Cost: Retaliation - Charge - Jump 2 Troop(s): Cost:
When the Mounted Spectres move
into a new hex, they can be placed
in any free or allied area of this
Troop Morale: When defending:

Cancel 1
Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Resources: 105 115 125 25 15 20

Morale loss: _____

5 10
Total minimum: 585
Total Cost:
15 20
25 30
Total Morale:
Routing Threshold:
Victory points:
5 10 15 20 25
God’s Martyr
(First half )
Holy Army

Cola di Renzo Mounted Hero Jean de Murs The Inquisitor

Slayer - Rally Charge Engineer Prayer

When Jean de Murs is in a building, At the start of your turn, roll 1 :
When defending: take 1 or 1 from an
this building gains +1 Resistance.
opponent’s player board.

Cola di Renzo Mounted Hero Jean de Murs The Inquisitor

Once per turn, if you spend 1 :
Search for the Legend card of your Spend 2 : Gain 1

Cost: 195 Cost: 210 Cost: 110 Cost: 185

choice in the deck.
2 A 2 2 A 1 2 The Inquisitor can only command
the Executioner.
2 1

Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 3

Hero Archbishop
Phillipe de Vitry Pierre de Cros
3 2

Heal Prayer - Feint Prayer

Once per turn, if you spend 1 :

move one troop one area.

Philippe de Vitry Hero Archbishop Pierre de Cros

Once per Round, you may reroll the

Cost: 125 Cost: 160 Cost: 195

Doom dice once.

A 1 2 A2

Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 3


Foot Knights Foot Knights - Two-Handed Weapons

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 2
Total maximum number of Troops: 6

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 155 Cost per Troop: 130
Foot Knights Foot Knights
Two-Handed Weapons

___ 2
Total Total Total Total
Retaliation Troop(s): Cost: Troop(s): Cost:
When defending:
Cancel 1 .
Troop Morale: +1 against Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Genoese Crossbowmen Mounted Knights

0 to 3 0 to 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 80 Cost per Troop: 145
Genoese Crossbowmen Mounted Knights

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 2
Total Total Total Total
Troop(s): Cost: Charge Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
Bonus Action: Replace the Genoese
Crossbowmen with Entrenched
Genoese Crossbowmen.

Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Flagellants Penitents

1 70 1 75
Flagellants Penitents

1 1
Total Total Total Total
Tough - Charge
Troop(s): Cost: Tough Troop(s): Cost:
If a Flagellants unit is located in the
If at least one Penitents unit is in Penitents’ area, gain Charge.
the same area:
Once per round, if an Unholy unit is
destroyed by an attack involving the

Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

+1 Penitents, gain

Provincial Militia Executioner

0 to 6 0 to 1

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 35 Cost per Troop: 55
Provincial Militia Executioner

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Support Troop(s): Cost: When attacking: Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: If the Executioner is activated by Command:
Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Angel Devotees
0 to 2 0 to 2

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 230 Cost per Troop: 150
Angel Devotees

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Prayer - Jump 2 - Carrier Troop(s): Cost: Engineer - Rally Troop(s): Cost:
+1 against Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Resources: 110 105 115 130 25 15 15

Morale loss: _____

5 10
Total minimum: 515
Total Cost:
15 20
25 30
Total Morale:
Routing Threshold:
Victory points:
5 10 15 20 25
Angelic Cohort
(First & second half)
Holy Army

Saint Martha Pope Clement the VI h
t Hero The Inquisitor Glorious Angel
5 3 3

Prayer Prayer - Feint Prayer Jump 3

Prayer - Terror 1
At the start of your turn, roll 1 :
Saint Martha is immune to Terror. take 1 or 1 from an Bonus Action: Once per round,
When defending:
Once per turn, opponent’s player board. you may spend 3 to benefit
if you spend 1 :

The Inquisitor Glorious Angel

from the effects of a War Council

Saint Martha Pope Clement the VIth Hero

All and results inflicted on Spend 2 : Gain 1 card.

Cost: 200 Cost: 170 Cost: 150 Cost: 450

Saint Martha are turned into
gain 1

Cost: 175
3 2 The Inquisitor can only command
the Executioner.
2 1 5
1 1 A 1

Morale: 1 Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 2 Morale: 3

Angel Destructive Angel
2 to 4 0 to 2

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 230 Cost per Troop: 220
Angel Destructive Angel

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 3
Total Total Total Total
Prayer - Jump 2 - Carrier Troop(s): Cost: Engineer Troop(s): Cost:
+1 against Troop Morale: Once per round, when attacking
an area containing a terrain
element: turn one into a .
Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Peasants Provincial Militia

0 to 6 3 to 6

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 20 Cost per Troop: 35
Peasants Provincial Militia

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Support Troop(s): Cost: Support Troop(s): Cost:
Special Action: You can remove a Fire
token located in the Peasants’ area or
in an area adjacent to the Peasants.
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Priest Executioner
0 to 1 0 to 1

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 100 Cost per Troop: 55
Priest Executioner

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ ___
Total Total

Total Total
Prayer - Heal Troop(s): Cost: When attacking: Troop(s): Cost:
The Priest’s Heal action can be
performed in an adjacent area. Troop Morale: If the Executioner is activated by Command:
Troop Morale:
1 2 Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Resources: 115 100 120 130 25 15 15

Morale loss: _____

5 10
Total minimum: 825
Total Cost:
15 20
25 30
Total Morale:
Routing Threshold:
Victory points:
5 10 15 20 25
Fantastic Allies
(First & second half)
Holy Army

The Griffin The Unicorn Hero Mounted Hero
3 3

Big - Jump 2 - Feint - Slayer - Charge Heal - Haste 2 Prayer - Feint Charge

When attacking: Cost of is reduced by 1.

When attacking or defending:

The Griffin The Unicorn Hero Mounted Hero

Turn one into any result of

Cost: 320 Cost: 250 Cost: 150 Cost: 200

your choice.
4 5 A 1 2 A 1

Morale: 8 Morale: 4 Morale: 3 Morale: 4


Foot Knights Foot Knights - Two-Handed Weapons

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 0
Total maximum number of Troops: 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 130 Cost per Troop: 155
Foot Knights Foot Knights
Two-Handed Weapons

___ 2
Total Total Total Total
Retaliation Troop(s): Cost: Troop(s): Cost:
When defending:
Cancel 1 .
Troop Morale: +1 against Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Mounted Knights Bowmen - Short Bow

2 to 4 0 to 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 145 Cost per Troop: 140
Mounted Knights Bowmen - Short Bow

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Charge Troop(s): Cost: Once per round, after an enemy
Troop(s): Cost:
activation, choose an area

Troop Morale: containing allied Bowmen - Short

These Bowmen - Short Bow units
Troop Morale:

can attack one enemy area in

Total Morale value: range.

Total Morale value:

3 to 6

___ ___
Cost per Troop: 65

Selectable Troops: from

Total Total
Cohesion Troop(s): Cost:
+1 against
Troop Morale:
When defending against ,
Pikemen gain Retaliation.
Total Morale value:

Resources: 110 90 120 120 25 15 15

Morale loss: _____

5 10
Total minimum: 635
Total Cost:
15 20
25 30
Total Morale:
Routing Threshold:
Victory points:
5 10 15 20 25
Ottoman Army

Mehmed II Mehmed the Conqueror Yıldırım Bayezıd Lala Sahin Pasha
4 6 5

Reroll - Prayer - Rally Big - Haste 2 - Terror 2 - Fireproof Haste 2 - Charge - Ruthless Haste 2 - Rally
At the start of your turn, When Lala Sahin Pasha is activated,
When attacking: if you spend 2 : if you spend 1 :
move one of your Rally points.
Place a Fire token in the attacked +1

Mehmed II Mehmed the Conqueror Yildirim Bayezid Lala Sahin Pasha

area if you roll at least one When attacking:
blank result. When defending:

Cost: 285 Cost: 550 Cost: 415 Cost: 325

2 1 1 6 22 3 A3 2 1 2

Morale: 3 Morale: 6 Morale: 4 Morale: 4

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 2

Janissaries Yerli Kulu

Total maximum number of Troops: 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 105 Cost per Troop: 70
Janissaries Yerli Kulu

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Charge - Support - Dodge Troop(s): Cost: Support - Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
When attacking,
if you spend 1 : Troop Morale: When attacking:
Troop Morale:

Light Infantry
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

2 to 6

___ ___
Cost per Troop: 80
Light Infantry

Selectable Troops: from

Total Total
Haste 2 - Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale:
Total Morale value:
Okchu Azab Archers
Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 0
Total maximum number of Troops: 6

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 85 Cost per Troop: 100
Okchu Azab Archers

___ 2
Total Total Total Total
Haste 2 Troop(s): Cost: Haste 2 - Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
When attacking:
Troop Morale: Bonus Action: An Azab Archers unit
may place 1 set of stakes (taken
from its owner’s reserve) on one free
Troop Morale:
border of its area.

Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Cannon Sipahi
0 to 2 0 to 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 190 Cost per Troop: 140
Cannon Sipahi

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 2
Total Total Total Total
Troop(s): Cost: Haste 2 - Charge - Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
When a Cannon attacks a
terrain element, inflict 1
to this element if you roll at
Troop Morale: When attacking:
Troop Morale:
least 1 .
2 Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Mounted Bowmen Noble Cavalry

0 to 3 0 to 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 120 Cost per Troop: 190
Mounted Bowmen Noble Cavalry

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 3
Total Total Total Total
Haste 2 - Dodge Troop(s): Cost: Charge - Retaliation Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: When defending:
If the Noble Cavalry suffer a
you choose the area where they’re
, Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Pushed back.
Total Morale value:

Resources: 115 115 130 115 15 20 20

Morale loss: _____

5 10
Total minimum: 585
Total Cost:
15 20
25 30
Total Morale:
Routing Threshold:
Victory points:
5 10 15 20 25
Scottish Army

John Stewart of Darnley William Wallace John Stewart of Buchan
2 2 4

Charge - Feint - Impetuous Charge - Reroll Charge - Feint

Bonus Action: Once per turn, Troops in the
same area as William Wallace, or an allied
If an enemy unit is destroyed by an attack adjacent area, gain Charge until the end of Up to 2 troops with a Shooting
involving John Stewart of Darnley, you may the round. attack located in John Stewart of
Buchan’s area gain:

Jean Stuart de Derneley William Wallace Jean Stuart de Buchan

recover your Reroll token if it is no longer in
Bonus Action: Once per round, designate one
your possession.

Cost: 320 Cost: 250 Cost: 300

enemy adjacent to William Wallace. This
area’s owner must discard 1 Order of +1 when attacking.
2 A 1 2 their choice in order to activate it.
1 2 2 A 1

Morale: 4 Morale: 3 Morale: 3


Halberdiers Guisarmiers
Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 0
Total maximum number of Troops: 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 130 Cost per Troop: 75
Halberdiers Guisarmiers

___ ___
Total Total Total Total

2 1
Retaliation Troop(s): Cost: Cohesion - Parry Troop(s): Cost:
+1 against Troop Morale: When attacking:
Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Provincial Militia Scottish Pikemen

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 6
Total maximum number of Troops: 10

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 40 Cost per Troop: 65
Provincial Militia Scottish Pikemen

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Support Troop(s): Cost: Support - Cohesion Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: When defending against :
Inflict 1 on an attacking Troop Morale:
unit for each rolled.
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Militia Bowmen Bowmen

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 2
Total maximum number of Troops: 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 70 Cost per Troop: 140
Militia Bowmen Bowmen

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Dodge Troop(s): Cost: When attacking: Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Bonus Action: A Bowmen unit may place
1 set of stakes (taken from its owner’s
Troop Morale:
reserve) on one free border of its area.

Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Sergeants-at-arms Heavy Sergeants-at-arms
3 to 6 0 to 3

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 90 Cost per Troop: 130
Sergeants-at-Arms Sergeants-at-Arms

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 2
Total Total Total Total
Retaliation Troop(s): Cost: Retaliation - Cohesion Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Mounted Sergeants-at-arms Pavisiers

0 to 3 0 to 3

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 110 Cost per Troop: 100
Mounted Sergeants-at-arms Pavisiers

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Haste 2 - Charge Troop(s): Cost: Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
When defending: One unit in
the same area as the Pavisiers
may reroll 1 dice.

Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Musician Standard Bearer

0 to 2 0 to 1

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 150 Cost per Troop: 250
Musician Standard Bearer

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ ___
Total Total

2 3
Total Total
Terror 1 Troop(s): Cost: Rally - Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
If an attack is declared from the Musician’s
area, add 1 to the totalup
attack When defending: Cancel up to 2 .
When defending: Cancel to 2roll. .
Once during the Camp phase: Once during the Camp phase:
Once per Camp Phase:
3 1
Total Morale value: 3 1 Total Morale value:

0 to 1

___ ___
Cost per Troop: 130

Selectable Troops: from

Total Total
Heal - Haste 2 Troop(s): Cost:
Each time a unit is destroyed in the
Doctor’s area, roll 1 :

If you roll a , place this unit in the

Troop Morale:
waiting section of the infirmary.
Total Morale value:

Resources: 110 110 130 120 20 15 15

Morale loss: _____

5 10
Total minimum: 740
Total Cost:
15 20
25 30
Total Morale:
Routing Threshold:
Victory points:
5 10 15 20 25
Apocalypse: Holy Army

Triumph Ark of the Covenant The Lamb of God The Holy Relic

Big - Jump 2 - Charge Prayer - Terror 3 Big - Prayer - Rally Reroll - Cohesion
When attacking, Triumph cancels
Retaliation. When defending:
At the start of your turn: Gain 1 result in The Lamb of God’s
Spend 1 otherwise remove the Ark area and all adjacent areas. When the Holy Relic is activated:
When attacking or defending: Turn all

Triumph Ark of the Covenant The Lamb of God The Holy Relic
blank results into any result of your of the Covenant from the game. Gain 1 or 1 .

Cost: 360

Cost: 360 Cost: 300 Cost: 230

Once per turn, if you spend 1 :

6 3 1
3 1 2 2
Rally a Troop.
4 3 3 5 2

Morale: 5 Morale: 4 Morale: 2 Morale: 3

Archangel Raphael Judgement Archangel Gabriel Archangel Saint Michael

4 4 5

Prayer - Tough - Carrier Big - Immortal - Bodyguard - Terror 2 Bodyguard - Jump 2 - Terror 1 Slayer - Jump 2 - Retaliation
Judgement can replace his attack
When attacking: dice with 1 . When attacking:
When attacking:
If Archangel Gabriel rolls at least

Archangel Raphael Judgement Archangel Gabriel Archangel Saint Michael

Units in Archangel Raphael’s area or 1 , he may perform a move When attacking, if you spend 1 :

Cost: 520 Cost: 1100 Cost: 560 Cost: 620

gain Charge. action after the attack. gain +1 .
4 22 12 Judgement can only command
3 3 5 1 1 6 A 2

Morale: 6 Morale: 10 Morale: 7 Morale: 8


Angelic Herald
0 to 1

___ ___
Cost per Troop: 260
Angelic Herald

Selectable Troops: from

Total Total
Tough - Parry Troop(s): Cost:
Once per turn, when the Angelic
Herald is activated: move all
other Angels one area.
Troop Morale:
3 2
Total Morale value:

Resources: 115 115 120 130 25 15 15

Morale loss: _____

5 10
Total minimum: 230
Total Cost:
15 20
25 30
Total Morale:
Routing Threshold:
Victory points:
5 10 15 20 25
Apocalypse: Unoly Army


The Devil Terror 2 - Targeting - Fireproof The Dragon Terror 2 - Fireproof

At any time, you may spend 2 to gain 1 .
At any time, you may spend 2
to gain 1 .
Each time The Devil performs a
gigantic attack, roll an extra and
allocate each result to the area of Once per activation, The Dragon can
your choice until all areas of the perform an extra direct shooting
Per area trampled hexagon have one result. Per Unit Per area attack if you spend 1 .
in targeted in targeted in targeted
hex area hex
Once per turn, you may spend 1 and At the start of the game,
roll 1 : on a result, an enemy Troop receive 5 Fire tokens. When The
of your choice moves into an adjacent Dragon performs a shooting attack,
14 allied area and becomes Unholy, under
your control. 20 you may put a Fire token in the target
5 5

The Devil The Dragon

Cost: 1175 Cost: 1250
Morale: 9 Morale: 10

The Beast Terror 2 - Fireproof The Leviathan Terror 2

At any time, you may spend Each time The Leviathan attacks an
2 to gain 1 . area containing a terrain element or
a bulding, said element takes 1
When The Beast performs a .
Each time The Leviathan performs
melee attack, he can attack a gigantic attack, you can spend
up to 3 adjacent areas. 1 to reroll up to 3 .
Per Unit Per area Per area
in targeted in targeted Each time The Beast destroys in targeted
hex a building, gain 1 . hex
Units Disrupted by The Leviathan are
put on its board instead of in the
Infirmary. During the Camp phase, these
At the beginning of the game, receive units are Destroyed on a result.
2 Fire tokens. When The Beast
14 performs a shooting Attack, you may
put a Fire token in the target area.
Any other result is applied normally.

The Beast The Leviathan

Cost: 1110 Cost: 750
Morale: 10 Morale: 4

Conquest Death Famine War The Antichrist

6 5 5 6

Big - Charge - Jump 2 - Tough Big - Terror 1 - Haste 2 Big - Tough Big - Retaliation - Parry - Slayer Big - Prayer - Terror 2 - Immortal
When attacking, for each enemy unit At the beginning of his activation, Units in The Antichrist ’s area gain
When attacking: Cancel 1 from +1
destroyed: Gain 1 . if Famine is adjacent to an enemy
your opponent’s defence roll. When attacking:
Gain 1 extra if the unit is Holy.
unit, steal 1 from its owner.
or Once per turn, if you spend 1 : Designate an

Conquest Death Famine War The Antichrist

When activating Death, if you spend 1 : enemy troop within 2 hexes and roll .
When attacking, if you spend 1 :

Cost: 310 Cost: 350 Cost: 230 Cost: 320 Cost: 750
Remove 1 from an allied If you roll , place this troop under your
Famine may perform an
5 4 6 3
control in the Antichrist’s area.
Unholy Character.
extra attack.
3 2 22 2 1 2 3 2 4

Morale: 4 Morale: 6 Morale: 4 Morale: 5 Morale: 7

Resources: 115 115 120 130 25 15 15

Morale loss: _____

5 10
Total minimum: 230
Total Cost:
15 20
25 30
Total Morale:
Routing Threshold:
Victory points:
5 10 15 20 25
Teutonic Army

Friedrich von Wallenrode Ulrich von Jungingen Winrich von Kniprode
4 5 4

Charge - Prayer - Feint Charge - Parry - Tough Charge

When attacking: Ulrich von Jungingen gains
+1 if at least 2 other units attack the same
When attacking, if Winrich von Kniprode
area he does.
When attacking: If Friedrich von Wallenrode
rolls 2 , recover your Reroll token. rolls at least 2 , this unit’s attack roll

Friedrich von Wallenrode Ulrich von Jungingen Winrich von Kniprode

When attacking: If Ulrich rolls 2 , after cannot be blocked by .

Cost: 280 Cost: 475 Cost: 380

resolving the attack, you can move an adjacent

2 A 2 3 unit into Ulrich‘s area.

1 2 2 1 1

Morale: 3 Morale: 6 Morale: 4

Bernard Szumborski Teutonic Hero Mounted Teutonic Hero
3 3

Feint Charge - Impetuous - Prayer Charge - Impetuous - Prayer

Special Action: Bernard Szumborski can

declare an attack against an adjacent When attacking:
enemy unit. Only Bernard Szumborski’s For each rolled, roll 1 extra .

Bernard Szumborski Teutonic Hero Mounted Teutonic Hero

attack roll and the targeted unit’s This extra dice benefits from this effect.
defence roll are resolved.

Cost: 250 Cost: 145 Cost: 240

3 1 2 A 1 2 1 1

Morale: 3 Morale: 2 Morale: 2

Teutonic Knights Teutonic Sergeants
2 to 4 0 to 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 175 Cost per Troop: 110
Teutonic Knights Teutonic Sergeants

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Charge - Impetuous - Prayer Troop(s): Cost: Parry - Retaliation Troop(s): Cost:
When defending:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Mounted Teutonic Knights Light Infantry

0 to 4 0 to 3

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 175 Cost per Troop: 70
Mounted Teutonic Knights Light Infantry

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Charge - Impetuous - Prayer Troop(s): Cost: Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
+1 against Troop Morale: When defending against ,
Light Infantry gain Retaliaton.
Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

War Wagon Mercenary Cavalry

0 to 2 0 to 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 375 Cost per Troop: 150
War Wagon Mercenary Cavalry

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
When defending: All
and results
Troop(s): Cost: Charge Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
suffered in a War Wagon’s area can be
allocated to the War Wagon. A War Wagon Bonus action: Once per round, if you spend
1 , gain Haste 2 until the end of your
cannot suffer a result. activation.

Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

In order to perform a move action, a War
Wagon uses another infantry unit’s action
5 from its area in addition to its own action.

Musician Standard Bearer

0 to 1 0 to 1

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 170 Cost per Troop: 240
Musician Standard Bearer

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 3
Total Total Total Total
Terror 1 Troop(s): Cost: Rally - Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
If an attack is declared from the Musician’s
area, add 1 to the totalup
attack When defending: Cancel up to 2 .
When defending: Cancel to 2roll. .
Once during the Camp phase: Once during the Camp phase:
Once per Camp Phase:
3 1
Total Morale value: 3 1 Total Morale value:

Pikemen with Pavise Guisarmiers

0 to 3 0 to 3

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 85 Cost per Troop: 70
Pikemen with Pavise Guisarmiers

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Support Troop(s): Cost: Cohesion - Parry Troop(s): Cost:
When attacking:

When defending against ,

Troop Morale: When attacking:
Troop Morale:
Pikemen with Pavise gain Retaliation.
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Resources: 120 105 20 15

Morale loss: _____

5 10
Total minimum: 495
Total Cost:
15 20
25 30
Total Morale:
Routing Threshold:
Victory points:
5 10 15 20 25
Lithuanian Army
Wickerman Aitvaras Sacred Tree Perkunas Laima, Goddess of Luck
5 4

Big - Haste 2 - Terror 2 - Fireproof Terror 1 - Dodge - Fireproof Big - Terror 1 Big - Terror 1 - Jump 2 Tough - Terror 1 - Feint
When attacking: After your attack When defending: If the Aitvaras If the Sacred Tree is located in a forest When attacking: For each result
roll, if the Wickerman rolls 3 successfully Dodges, place a Fire area, it can declare a melee attack from
Units cannot rolled by Laima, gain 1 or 1 .
results, transform those results into 1 another forest area containing a tree.
token in its area before it moves. roll for defence
unblockable result. Remove this tree from the board after the After any one of your dice rolls, if you

Laima, Goddess of Luck

against Perkunas’

Wickerman Aitvaras Sacred Tree Perkunas

After rolling for any Fire damage, for attack. shooting attacks. spend 1 : Reroll 1 dice from the roll

Cost: 370 Cost: 230 Cost: 250 Cost: 430 Cost: 260
When attacking: All blank results each unit suffering from a once.

6 3 4
The Sacred Tree is immune to
rolled by the Wickerman count as result, gain 1 .
2 results. Retaliation.
1 1 2 A 1

Morale: 5 Morale: 2 Morale: 3 Morale: 5 Morale: 3

Mounted Hero Lithuanian Hero Vytautas, Great D
uke of Lithuania Narimantas Manvydas
3 2 4 4

Rally Parry Feint - Charge Charge - Bodyguard Haste 2

When defending, for every result When attacking, if Manvydas is located

When attacking: If Vytautas rolls 2 , roll allocated to Narimantas, inflict 1 as in a forest area, add 1 result to your
1 additional after resolving your attack.

Mounted Hero Lithuanian Hero Vytautas, Great Narimantas Manvydas

Retaliation on the attacking units.
Units cannot defend against this roll. attack roll for every result rolled by

Cost: 200 Cost: 110 Cost: 240 Cost: 160


2 A 1 A 1 3 1 1
2 1 1 1 1

Duke of Lithuania
Morale: 3 Morale: 2 Cost: 230 Morale: 2 Morale: 2
Morale: 3

Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 0

Guisarmiers Almogavars
Total maximum number of Troops: 5

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 75 Cost per Troop: 65
Guisarmiers Almogavars

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Cohesion - Parry Troop(s): Cost: Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
When attacking:
Troop Morale: When attacking: Almogavars are
immune to Retaliation.
Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:
Sergeants-at-arms Pikemen with Pavise
0 to 3 0 to 3

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 110 Cost per Troop: 75
Sergeants-at-Arms Pikemen with Pavise

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Retaliation Troop(s): Cost: Support Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: When attacking:

When defending against ,

Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Pikemen with Pavise gain Retaliation.
Total Morale value:

Tatar Archers Lithuanian Heavy Cavalry

2 to 4 0 to 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 100 Cost per Troop: 165
Tatar Archers Lithuanian Heavy Cavalry

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Dodge - Haste 2 Troop(s): Cost: Charge - Feint Troop(s): Cost:
If the Tatar Archers successfully
perform a Dodge, roll 1 as
Retaliation against the attacking units.
Troop Morale: When defending:
Cancel 1 Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Forest Striders Light Infantry

2 to 4 0 to 3

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 65 Cost per Troop: 75
Forest Striders Light Infantry

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Dodge - Haste 2 Troop(s): Cost: Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
When performing a melee attack
from a forest area: Troop Morale: When defending against ,
Light Infantry gain Retaliaton. Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Mounted Lancers Mounted Sergeants-at-arms

0 to 3 0 to 6

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 140 Cost per Troop: 110
Mounted Lancers Mounted Sergeants-at-arms

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Haste 2 - Dodge Troop(s): Cost: Haste 2 - Charge Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
When attacking:

For each , cancel 1

Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

from your opponent’s defence roll.

Musician Standard Bearer

0 to 1 0 to 1

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 170 Cost per Troop: 240
Musician Standard Bearer

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 3
Total Total Total Total
Terror 1 Troop(s): Cost: Rally - Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
If an attack is declared from the Musician’s
area, add 1 to the totalup
attack When defending: Cancel up to 2 .
When defending: Cancel to 2roll. .
Once during the Camp phase: Once during the Camp phase:
Once per Camp Phase:
3 1
Total Morale value: 3 1 Total Morale value:

Resources: 120 115 135 125 20 15

Morale loss: _____

5 10
Total minimum: 440
Total Cost:
15 20
25 30
Total Morale:
Routing Threshold:
Victory points:
5 10 15 20 25
Polish Army

King Casimir IV of Poland Ladislas II Jagellon Polish Mounted Hero
5 5 4

Charge - Parry - Feint - Retaliation Parry - Charge Charge

Once per defence roll, if you spend 2 :

When defending, if King Casimir Add 1 to your defence roll. When attacking, during a Charge action:
IV is alone in his area, transform 1

King Casimir IV of Poland Ladislas II Jagellon Polish Mounted Hero

suffered into a . When attacking, if all attacking units are :
Add 1 to your total attack roll for each

Cost: 240 Cost: 320 Cost: 230

attacking unit.

3 1 1 3 1 2 2 A 1

Morale: 3 Morale: 3 Morale: 3


Guisarmiers Almogavars
Mandatory minimum number of Troops: 0
Total maximum number of Troops: 5

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 75 Cost per Troop: 65
Guisarmiers Almogavars

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Cohesion - Parry Troop(s): Cost: Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
When attacking:
Troop Morale: When attacking: Almogavars are Troop Morale:

immune to Retaliation.

Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

___ ___
Cost per Troop: 115

Total Total
Retaliation - Cohesion Troop(s): Cost:
+1 against . Troop Morale:
Total Morale value:
Tatar Archers Polish Sergeants-at-arms
0 to 3 2 to 6

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 100 Cost per Troop: 120
Tatar Archers Polish Sergeants-at-Arms

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Dodge - Haste 2 Troop(s): Cost: Charge - Retaliation Troop(s): Cost:
If the Tatar Archers successfully
perform a Dodge, roll 1 as
Retaliation against the attacking units.
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Mounted Lancers Polish Knights

0 to 3 0 to 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 130 Cost per Troop: 130
Mounted Lancers Polish Knights

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Haste 2 - Dodge Troop(s): Cost: Charge Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
When attacking: When attacking, during a Charge action:

For each , cancel 1


Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

from your opponent’s defence roll.

Musician Standard Bearer

0 to 1 0 to 1

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 165 Cost per Troop: 250
Musician Standard Bearer

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 3
Total Total Total Total
Terror 1 Troop(s): Cost: Rally - Dodge Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
If an attack is declared from the Musician’s
area, add 1 to the totalup
attack When defending: Cancel up to 2 .
When defending: Cancel to 2roll. .
Once during the Camp phase: Once during the Camp phase:
Once per Camp Phase:
3 1
Total Morale value: 3 1 Total Morale value:

Crossbowmen Mounted Sergeants-at-arms

0 to 3 0 to 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 85 Cost per Troop: 110
Crossbowmen Mounted Sergeants-at-arms

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Troop(s): Cost: Haste 2 - Charge Troop(s): Cost:
When attacking:

Reroll every result once. Troop Morale: Troop Morale:

Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Resources: 120 115 135 125 20 15

Morale loss: _____

5 10
Total minimum: 495
Total Cost:
15 20
25 30
Total Morale:
Routing Threshold:
Victory points:
5 10 15 20 25
Siege: Attacker’s Army

Bombard Siege Tower
0 to 1 0 to 1

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 220 Cost per Troop: 260
Bombard Siege Tower

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 4
Total Total Total Total
When a Bombard attacks a
Troop(s): Cost: Rally - Big Troop(s): Cost:
terrain element, inflict 1 on this When located in an area adjacent
element if you roll at least 1
When attacking:
Troop Morale: to a fortification, the Siege Tower
makes its area, and all areas
adjacent to it, adjacent
Troop Morale:
2 Total Morale value: 8 negates
to that fortification, and
its defence bonus. Total Morale value:

Trebuchet Pavise Shield

0 to 2 2 to 4

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 150 Cost per Troop: 100
Trebuchet Pavise Shield

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Big - Targeting Troop(s): Cost: When defending:
Troop(s): Cost:
When attacking:

When a Trebuchet attacks a terrain element, inflict 1

on this element if you roll at least 1 .
Troop Morale: All and results inflicted
in a Pavise Shield’s area can be
allocated on the Pavise Shield.
Troop Morale:
2 The Trebuchet cannot perform Movement actions.
Total Morale value: 4 Total Morale value:

Battering Ram Culverin

0 to 1 0 to 2

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 100 Cost per Troop: 140

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 2
Total Total Total Total
Troop(s): Cost: Targeting Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: When attacking:
Troop Morale:

Total Morale value: 2 Total Morale value:

Sappers Ladder
0 to 3 2 to 6

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 120 Cost per Troop: 20

Selectable Troops: from Selectable number: from

Total Total Total Total
Engineer Troop(s): Cost: Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: For each Ladder in your army,

take 1 Wood token.

Morale loss: _____

5 10
Total minimum: 240
Total Cost:
15 20
25 30
Total Morale:

Routing Threshold:

Victory points:
5 10 15 20 25
Siege: Defender’s Army

Bombard Ballista
0 to 2 1 to 2

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 260 Cost per Troop: 120
Bombard Ballista

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 2
Total Total Total Total
When a Bombard attacks a
Troop(s): Cost: Targeting Troop(s): Cost:
terrain element, inflict 1 on this
element if you roll at least 1
When attacking:
Troop Morale: When attacking:
Troop Morale:
2 Total Morale value: 2 Total Morale value:

Culverin Hacquebutiers
0 to 3 0 to 2

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 160 Cost per Troop: 100
Culverin Hacquebutiers

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Targeting Troop(s): Cost: Terror 1 Troop(s): Cost:
When attacking:
Troop Morale: When attacking:
Troop Morale:
2 Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Militia Bowmen Provincial Militia

2 to 4 2 to 6

___ ___ ___ ___

Cost per Troop: 75 Cost per Troop: 35
Militia Bowmen Provincial Militia

Selectable Troops: from Selectable Troops: from

___ 1
Total Total Total Total
Dodge Troop(s): Cost: Support Troop(s): Cost:
Troop Morale: Troop Morale:
Total Morale value: Total Morale value:

Morale loss: _____

5 10
Total minimum: 340
Total Cost:
15 20
25 30
Total Morale:
Routing Threshold:
Victory points:
5 10 15 20 25
Acknowledgements from the author:

The brilliants and generous ambassadors Mike Monnier, Ben and

Peps, Romain Delavie, Vincent Thierry Savidan, Andy Cahard, Mathieu
Based on the initial game design of Pascal Bernard Giroux, Pascal Vanpée, Nicolas Lamberti and everyone I didn’t had the
Battle Mode Designer: Pierre Soriot chance to meet; Léonidas Vesperini who ever believed in Joan of Arc,
Battle Mode Lead Developer: Anastasios Grigoriadis Patrick Receveur faithful companion in the creation of the battlefield
Battle Mode Graphic Designer: Raphaël Biolluz (Pika Games) of Normandy, Julien Borne for his active involvement. Laurent Levi
Battle Mode Translation: Raphaël Biolluz (Pika Games) for all his prototypes miniatures, and his unstinting support, Hervé
Game Developers: Patrick Receveur & The Mythic Team Caille for his fabulous miniatures game “L’Art de la guerre”, Julien
Historical Army Lists Developer: Hervé Caille, Pierre Soriot Marty great alderman of the video Game Montjoie! and Joan of Arc,
Artwork: Bayard Wu, Stefan Kopinski, Stéphane Gantiez, Guillaume Bouilleux Mr “Hex Rules“ for his support to the historical
Christophe Madura, Nicolas Jamme, David Demaret, Solène and cultural cause, Charlie Delacretelle and his family for his norman
Chastang, Juliette Pompanon evenings, Docteur Mops for his humanism, Christophe Barthelemy
Tile Artist: Charles “Carl Art” Salom alias “the holy man of the prog“, Fréderick Condette super hero
Sculptors: Arnaud Boudoiron, Irek Zielinski, Olivier Thill, “Mr Chronicles“, Mathieu Saintout and Fabien Marteau the
Grégory Clavilier troubadours of Role-Playing Game, for listening me for hours tell
Studio Miniatures Painter: Sébastien Lavigne the story of the game JoA, Guillaume Gigleux for his love of games,
Tour of Legends Contributors: Andy Cahard, Pierre-Alexandre Mr Phal for his frankness, Stéphane Hilbold for his vision of Game
Vigor, Vincent-Thierry Savidan, Ben & Peps, Romain Delavie, Design, Olivier Carlo a truculent collector of Kickstarter projects, Tristan
Mike Monnier, Pascal Vanpée, Gaël Taché, Mathieu Giroux, Alexandre for his illuminations and expert advices, Yann and Clem
Jérôme Petit, Rodolphe Chambonnaud, Olivier Côte-Petit, long-standing playing companions, Alexandre Bonvalot great painter
Loïck Grimaud, Nicolas Lamberti, Stéphane Gérard, Florian of armies, Claude Amardeil passionate about history games and “Alien
Rambur Menace“, Frédéric Romero alias “the Emperor“ for his contribution
Communication Manager: David R’lyeh to napoleonic games, Guillaume Leguyader one idea per minute
US Community Manager: Sam Healey from Victoria Game, Philippe Papoux Le Pape “the true Duguesclin“,
Art Directors: Stéphane Gantiez, Christophe Madura Florent Coupeau veteran of the Brittany wars, Nicolas Stratigos for
Graphic Assistants: Jean-Luc Bernard, Sandra Tessières, his irreplaceable magazine Vae Victis, Dominique Sanche for his
Laurent Lucchini, Louis Guillon, Arnaud Marchand, Juliette great articles, Pierre Pinaud “the king of Cellules Grises“ veteran of
Pompanon Montjoie! François Haffner the memory of games, PO Barome “Major
Rules Editors: Pascal Bernard, Patrick Receveur, Julien Borne, Scott“ the maestro of fine-tuning for cards games. Paolo Tidu for his
Yves Bernard, Jake Thornton, David Rakoto, Ben Clapperton, passion for the Lord of the Ring, Emmanuel Perez great storyteller
Mark Brendan, Anne Vétillard, Erwan Guellec of the Joan of Arc saga, Yvan Roche alias “lord of the guitar“ when
Playtesters: Nael Evain, Louis Guillon, Phillippe Villé, Erwan will you do a anime about Joan of Arc? Pierre Ortolan alias Davout
Guellec, Pierre Soriot and over 2000 people during our Tour “long live the Emperor!“ and companion of Joan, Laurent Pouquet and
of Legends! Nicolas Courtellemont the tests barons, Michel Pinon “when I retire, I
Translators: Sylvain Broche, Anne Vétillard, Julien Fenoglio, will design games!“ and he did it, Cédric Nemintius games trader great
Jean-Luc Bernard, Erwan Guellec master, Stéphane Grandazzi “winter is coming“, Théophile Monnier
Localization Manager: Anne Vétillard “the guide“ without whom none of this would have began. Gary Chalk
Proofreaders: Neil Answych, Norbert Schmitt, Francesco and Tony Webster for having created Cry Havoc that rocked my cradles,
Mariottini, Mathew Somers, Laurent Mussot, Marc Caldéré, Buxeria and les Edition Historic One for relaunching the Cry Havoc
Bruno Cailloux, Ben Clapperton, Ella Colles, Thomas Giraud, serie, Cédric Dominique old comrade in arms always faithful and for
Erwan Guellec, Heidi Lajos and all of the backers who helped his beautiful 15 mm knights miniatures, Stéphane Gallani travelling
us proofread the rules! games vendor, Nicolas Jamme great illuminator of johannic chronicles,
Scenario Writers: Pascal Bernard, Patrick Receveur, Ben & Olivier Caira mad scientist, Club Achille, Jérôme Javelat mad collector
Peps, Inès Jérôme Chouqi, Romain Delavie, Vincent-Thierry of miniatures, Nicolas Favre for his advices on miniatures, Erwan
Savidan, Phillipe Villé, Erwan Guellec Griffon master at arms and faithful companion from the beginning,
Flavour Texts: Patrick Receveur, Erwan Guellec Catherine Randrian Tseheno great puller of teeth of Bordeaux, Fouzia
Miniature Preproduction: Aurélien Diot Receveur for her patience and for lending me Patrick, Thank you to
Production Manager: Erwann Le Torrivellec, Helena Tzioti, the nice Octogones fair, Michel Lalet who teached me so many things,
Anastasios Grigoriadis Philippe Despallières for his inexhaustible eloquence, Nicolas Lamberti
Sculptors and Artists Supervisor: Stéphane Gantiez, faithful Corsican knight, David Burkle and Damien Coltice for Pushing
Christophe Madura the Joan role-playing game, Arnaud Leclerc for his knowledge of the
Publishers: Benoit Vogt & Léonidas Vesperini military question and his precision, Pierre Le Pivain old comrade in
arms, alias Mr Comic Joan of Arc, Philippe Chanoinat last “Tonton
A huge thank you to our 11,195 backers who made this Flingueur, Sylvain Garet first knight of the Round Table, who supported
project a reality! me since Montjoie! Camille Camaret for her love, Julie and Axel the
demons of the house.
To the historian Jean Favier who introduced me to the Hundred Years’
War 20 years ago.
My thanks to all the team of Mythic Games.

rev. 2022-06-10-EN

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