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Libang, Albert L., Orlanda, Rodelie Ann L., Zarra, Krisha Ann V.


Juveniles are the most significant segment in our society they are the leaders of

tomorrow. While the society fails to accommodate them and provide them with such care they

may react aggressively to any anti-social action in the sense that they are asserting their own

right. Juvenile is viewed legally as “a person under the age of 18 years and below”. According to

the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines a child between ten (10) but less than twelve (12) may

not be committed a crime if he/she may not able to think full-grown over his/her actions.

Consider that a juvenile can be cited as a young person that range at the age of ten (10) to

eighteen years old (18) and can be convicted to a misdeed as early at age of ten (10).

Delinquency is defined as a youth breaking the law. It’s the equivalent of an adult committing a

crime. In law enforcement and penal circles, juvenile delinquency is a major concern. Therefore,

juvenile delinquency is basically the violation of the law committed by the person who is not yet

reach at the age of maturity. It is necessary to understand the term juvenile delinquency,

delinquents and delinquent acts.

According to the National Institute of Justice (2005), criminals aged 13 and younger are

more likely than those aged 16 and 17 to commit crimes in pairs or groups. Around 40% of

adolescent offenders commit the majority of their offenses with the help of others. When young

offenders associate with offenders who have already used violence, the likelihood of their

committing a violent crime appears to increase. According to Becroft (2009), interaction with

anti-social peers serves as a training ground for delinquent behavior and enhances the likelihood
of a kid becoming a delinquent. "Juvenile, Delinquency," 2003 states that a juvenile gang

member views his organization to be his family, and that such relationships provide an individual

with a sense of protection and stability. The National Academies Press (2000), on the other hand,

says that a student's devotion to education and learning helps them succeed academically.

Schools, on the other hand, function in a complicated social environment with inadequate

resources in many cases. Schools in poor, disorganized metropolitan areas have more chaos than

other schools. School disruption and a school's incapacity to cope with and manage the problem

is linked to the availability of drugs, alcohol, or weapons, as well as weak or inattentive school

leadership and bad disciplinary administration.

According to the Republic Act 9344 or the Juvenile Justice Welfare Act defines the

juvenile justice and welfare system as a system dealing with children at risk and children in

conflict with the law which provides child appropriate proceedings including programs,

diversion, rehabilitation, re-integration and aftercare to ensure their normal growth and

development. Instead of using the word juvenile, Philippine laws made use of the word child as

define in RA 9344 child is a person under the age of 18 years. While child at risk refers to a child

who is vulnerable to and at the risk of committing criminal offenses because of personal, family

and social circumstances. Child in conflict with the law or CICL on the other hand refers to a

child who is alleged as accused of, or adjudge as, having committed an offense under Philippine


According to Municipal Social Welfare Development Office of Victoria, the cases of

juvenile delinquency noticeably increased. Most of the cases are caused by peer influence,

psychologist believe that friends and peers highly affect young people decisions it is evident that
adolescents’ brain. And hence they are more prone to get influence by criminal peer behavior

than adults. Adolescents girls and boys spend more time with their friends, that is why they can

easily adopt criminal behavior from their peers.


The aim of this study is to determine the views and opinions of criminology students,

parents and social workers on leading factors of juvenile delinquency. Specifically, it sought

answer to the following questions:

1. What are the common delinquent acts committed by a child?

2. What are the factors causing juvenile delinquency in the Municipality of Victoria?

3. What are your recommendations to minimize or prevent this delinquent acts?


The findings drawn from this study could benefit the following:

Criminology students. this will be used as a compliment and assist the department in resolving

juvenile delinquency.

Academe. This study could be used as sources of information for institutional purposes as guide

for instructor in their syllabus and as preparation of learning in teaching activities.

Parents. The results of this study would be extremely beneficial to them in terms of knowing

what encourages juveniles and young people to become delinquent.

Social workers. This would serve as a guide for them in dealing with youth offenders

specifically in counseling and giving them treatment in order to redirect their minds not to

commit crimes.

Future researchers. This study would serve as a strong reference for research work and would

inspire them to look deeper into the issues presented in this study.


This chapter presents the research methodology employed by the researcher to conduct

the study on the leading factors of juvenile delinquency; a case of Municipality of Victoria,

Oriental Mindoro. It includes the research design, respondents, research instrument, data

gathering procedure and data analysis.


This study will use descriptive research method. Descriptive method of research is

concerned with the conditions of relationships that exist; practices that prevail; beliefs, processes

that are going on; effects that are being felt, or trends that are developing. The process of

descriptive research goes beyond mere gathering and tabulation of data. It involves the elements

or interpretation of the meaning or significance of what is describe (Calderon, 2011)


The study site is Victoria, Oriental Mindoro. As of 2020, Victoria has 52,175 total population

and 5,031 of these are 18 years and below. According to the Appointed Special Assistant on
Family, Women and Children Program of Victoria, the cases of juvenile delinquency has rapidly

increase in times of pandemic.


The respondents of this study were the six (6) criminology students, four (4) parents and

three (3) social workers, chosen through random sampling. All of them are from the Municipal

of Victoria. The respondents are able to answer some interview questions provided that they are

knowledgeable enough.


This study used personal interview which is typically applied as research strategy to

gather information about participants’ experiences, views, beliefs concerning a specific research

question or phenomenon of interest.


The researchers asked permission from the Local Government Unit Officials of Victoria

to conduct an interview that they believe could be of great help in the execution of the study.

Open- ended interview were conducted to gather information and insights that may help

researchers to become reliable in their study. For the social workers, parents and students,

personal interview are directly administered to them. Through random sampling the respondents

are chosen. The answered question through interview were collected each interview questions

were written and interpreted then.

Ethical Consideration

Because the research will involve people, ethical issues will be significant. The

investigation will follow the ethical rules that Diener and Crandall (1978) and Michrina and

Richards (1996) discussed when the investigation is done. Diener and Crandall (1978) say that

researchers should look for harm to participants, a lack of informed consent, a breach of privacy,

or dishonesty. Michrina and Richards talk about the same ethical ideas, but they also have

different ethical issues that this study will look at. Michrina and Richards (1996) say that both

power relations and the act of giving and taking need to be talked about when interviewing

people. It will be good to know who gives and takes during interviews. The people who want to

be part of the study will be contacted first by email and then asked to interview in writing. Each

person will then be asked to participate in the discussion and be recorded. No one's names or

their businesses or organizations will be shown during this process.


In our interview today, there are 2 important domains I wish to learn from you. Thank you

for giving me this opportunity for granting this interview. Your responses will help me identify

the causes of juvenile delinquency in Victoria, Oriental Mindoro.

The interview will be divided into the following domains: (1) Personal Information (2) Leading

Factors of Juvenile Delinquency.

Part I. Personal Information

1. Tell me about yourself.

2. Do you live in Victoria

(Can include some follow-up questions)

Part II. Leading Factors of Juvenile Delinquency


1. How many years that you are working as a social worker?

2. How many cases that you are involved in?

3. What are the cases that you are handled?

4. What cases have you handled the most?

5. What do you think is the reason or causes of this delinquent acts?

6. What is your recommendation to at least lessen those juvenile delinquent acts?


1. How old was the child when he/she committed a crime?

2. What habit does the child have?

3. What do you think entered the child’s mind? Why he/she committed a crime?

4. What advice would you give to other parents who have young children who have committed



1. What do you notice are the reason why some youth commit crimes?

2. As a student, what can you advice to other youth, so that they do not imitate other youth who

commit crimes?

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