Translation Spanish Monthly Recap

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Swarms Monthly Recap

🏵️Pollen Swarm:

Pollen swarm has been working on improving and automating part

of the user onboarding process and data extraction, these
improvements include:

● New pollen bot with commands to save user

information and admin commands to fetch user
addresses for payments.
● New script to keep cred information synced in a more
efficient way.
● New script to add new users to pollen automatically.

Useful links:

● New Pollen Proposal

● Forum Post
● Pollen
● Pollen Automation Proposal

🌻Gardens Swarm:

The whole swarm was buzzing fast the last few weeks to complete
our milestone of having an MVP of the Garden site. During this
time we deliver:

● Gardens MVP site deployed to Rinkeby network.

● Gardens documentation.
● Gardens substack articles.

We also onboarded a few communities close to 1Hive that are in

the process of testing their Garden before going to production. The
communities are Agave, Giveth, BrightId, and Beezu.

We also created a new proposal to fund further development. Link

to proposal vote Gardens Swarm Funding Proposal #2🌻

Useful links:

● Scrum board 2
● Discrod’s Bee channel
● Discrod’s Swarm channel
● Garden Sprint Planning #9
● Garden Sprint Planning #8
● Garden Sprint Planning #7
● Garden Sprint Planning #6
● Garden Sprint Planning #5

🌐Commons Swarm:

● Everything is ready for our Hatch!

● We successfully used the TEC dashboard to propose
parameters that we voted on.
● Progress on contract verifications.
● New contributors! The past month we welcomed Vitor,
Fabio and Nuggan to the Commons Swarm team. Say hi
if you see them hanging out by 1Hive😉
● Weekly updates for May 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th.

Useful links:

● Commons Swarm weekly updates thread

● The Hatch front-end
● TEC Forum weekly updates for the CS.
Check our TEC Gitbook!

💛Support Swarm:

Support Swarm keeps doing the same:

● Onboard new Users to 1Hive

● Helped with troubleshooting for new Users
● Reward helpers in help channels
● Encourage new users to help
● Highly active team (high accountability no work = no

Here is our current helper rotation:

A new proposal passed. We are expecting more activity in the Help

channels due to the launch of agave, the new farms, and agave.

🦋Morphosis Swarm:

Bees have been exceptionally busy lately, so Gabi’s Ethereum

Developer course is being underutilized. There are some plans in
the works to bring attention and students to the course as well as
to the Discord. The materials are all available on the Discord
server, still for free. If you run into trouble with a task ask on the
Discord and tag metaverde🐝 to make sure someone helps you out.

Useful links:

● Ethereum Developer Course

● Discord Server
● Morphosis

🌞Celeste Swarm:

Documentation of Celeste has progressed quite a bit during this

month. Soon other projects should be able to easily use and
integrate with Celeste, hopefully giving the Celeste jurors some
more disputes to settle.

Useful Links:

● Celeste
● Celeste Documentation
● Disputed and cancelled proposal
● 10 HNY deposit for Celeste rewards

🌎Terra Swarm:

Terra Swarm, whose goal is to provide professional translations to

the ever-growing 1hive community, has worked hard during May,
completing several translations.

Agave Update #4–1Hive Monthly Recap (April) — Agave Update

#5 — Agave Update #6 — Agave Update #8.
On May 25th Terra Dao published the 3rd proposal to keep its
work and provide further documentation for the coming months.
The proposal passed and Terra DAO will keep on documenting and
translating everything related to 1Hive

● Agave International
● Terra Dao Proposal #3
● Terra Dao Forum Post
● Terra DAO Bounty Board 1

🌵Agave Swarm:

Lots of exciting news in the past month for Agave. After obtaining
a “pass” from Chainsulting, the company hired to run the audit of
Agave’s contract, on May 10th we launched the staking function on
our brand new website We run a short
emoji contest within the community and, most importantly, an
NFT contest, divided in Rare, Common, Uncommon and
Legendary cards, which will end in June.

On May 11th the community was asked to vote on a few matters →

click here and here (vote2) quickly reaching the required quorum.

Since staking launched, over 6000 are secured in the safety

module. We added a dedicated section to our FAQ to help with this

Agave has been listed on DeBank since the middle of May.

We are busy completing everything in terms of frontend and

backend. To keep the community on the loop, we provide Weekly

Useful links:
● May Weekly Updates #5, #6, #7, #8
● Previous Agave Weekly Update #1, #2, #3
● Agave votes, May 2021
● Agave Landing Page
● Agave potential Roadmap
● The Agave Token

🐝Buzz Swarm:

● Had a successful marketing push for the launch of

xcomb with designs (banners), tutorials, videos
including from crypto influencers like Liteliger &
distributed POAPs for all the beta testers
● Feel free to check out our bounties if you want to
● Added three new buzz bees to help buzz dao with social
media. We would like to welcome David (please DYOR),
Twells, and Paul2
● BuzzDAO is helping to finalize the details for the pcomb
● Continued work with the Connext team on development
of the cross-chain bridge xpollinate
● Supported & funded DAOn to Earth, a podcast around
DAOs developed by CurlyBracketEffect
● Supported AMA’s, DAO Rush Week, and continued
support for Agave social media & content creation
● Continue to work on building new partnerships, and
expand the 1Hive ecosystem (Cold Truth Culture,
Maker, Furucombo, Rarify, Daohaus, Metagame, xDAI
Stake, HOPR, Ethnode, Swarm, Beezu)

Useful Links:

● Buzz Dao Proposal #3 Forum Post

● Buzz Dao Proposal #3
● List of Active Bounties
● Buzz Dao Bounty Board
● Buzz
⭐Quests Swarm:

● The team has mainly focused on deploying the

subgraph and making sure everything is working as
intended. Subgraph.
● The team has also deployed the contract for Quest on
the rinkeby test chain. You can find it here :
● This month progress was slow and in a weird place,
since most of us started working. That’s the reason why
we have a new dev that joined the team! Welcome to
@sundeep_charan, he’s a Software Engineer based
out of React / Node / TypeScript / GraphQL. He’s
currently working on a project with Raid guild, but for
the rest of his time, he’ll work on this project with us!
● Quests swarm funding proposal
● Github
● Front end prototype

📒Canon Project:

Luke made a forum post explaining what Canon is and what

progress is being made, also making a call to action to whoever
may be interested in joining the team effort in bringing the project
to life. As the forum post states, the team is looking for
contributing artists, animators, writers, designers, product
managers, marketers and of course developers to join the swarm
and are currently using a “domain” in the Tulip Colony to manage
payments and reputation within the Swarm.

Currently the team is working on developing a formal proposal in

order to gather the funding needed to continue research &
development on the project, both for the platform itself and the
Genesis Collection.

Useful links:

WTF is Canon & The 1Hive Genesis Collection

Canon Discord Server


HiveCraft has now its own Discord Server: Click here to access it.
More news to come in June’s recap.

Useful links:

● 1Hive Minecraft Blockchain Server

● 1Hive Community’s Decentralized Dedicated Minecraft

🌷Tulip Swarm:

The Tulip swarm has been immensely busy finalizing and

deploying the new sustainable farms on xDai. Following the new
farms liquidity on Honeyswap reached a new all time high of
almost 18M $.

Useful links:

● Tulip Swarm Updates and Proposal 2

● Tulip Swarm Updates and Proposal 1

Cross Pollination

1Hive & Shenanigan:

On May 25th, Alvin’s contract was compromised. Alvin is a cross-
pollination between 1Hive and Shenanigan. Over 50k Alvin were
minted, and the price of the token collapsed. Alvin is not a product
from AgaveDAO but, nonetheless, the team decided to take action
and support those who incurred in losses. Stay tuned on 1Hive’s
channels for more updates on this matter, as nothing is set in stone
yet. Click here for a detailed post-mortem.

Useful links:

● Post-Mortem
● Forum Post — Alvin and the Dripp-ocalypse

Thank you for your attention, and see you at next Monthly Recap!

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