Endocrine Physiology

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Endocrine physiology
Jo James
Anatomy 502
CELLULAR ACTION OF HORMONES 492 Parathyroid hormone 502
Hormone receptors 492 Other hormones affecting calcium levels 502
Mechanisms of hormonal action 492 Deficiency and excess of parathyroid hormones 503
Hypertrophy and atrophy 493 Adrenal cortex 503
PITUITARY GLAND 494 Adrenal medulla 506
Anatomy 494 Abnormalities of adrenal gland function 507
Pituitary hormones 495 PANCREAS 507
Deficiency and excess of pituitary hormones 496 The islets of Langerhans 508
Control of pituitary hormones 496 Role of the pancreatic hormones in metabolism 509
THYROID GLAND 497 Role of other hormones in carbohydrate
Anatomy 497 metabolism 510
Thyroid hormones 498 Deficiency and excess 510
Deficiency and excess of thyroid hormones 501

Endocrine physiology is the study of hormones, the Alternatively, as in autocrine secretion, the hormones
glands that produce them, and the effects that hormones may even act on the secreting cell itself. These latter
have on their target organs. Endocrine function is neces- pathways produce effects much more rapidly than the
sary to maintain homeostasis, and is associated with the classical pathway.
unconscious and subconscious functions of the body. It is
closely linked with areas in the brain and nervous system
Classification of hormones
that control homeostasis, especially the hypothalamus.
The more common hormones are listed in Figure 22.1.
The main effects of hormones on the body are in the
control of metabolism, nutrition and growth; the Polypeptides
development of sexual characteristics and Examples – vasopressin, oxytocin, prolactin, insulin, glu-
reproduction; and the control of blood pressure and cagon. These are usually produced as a prohormone
temperature. which undergoes conversion to its active form. These
hormones are stored in granules and secreted by exocy-
tosis into the bloodstream.
The classical concept of a gland releasing a hormone
into the bloodstream, in which it travels to the target Glycoproteins
organ to produce an effect, describes a relatively slow Examples – TSH, FSH, LH. These are polypeptide hor-
process. It is now recognised that the physiology is more mones linked to carbohydrate residues. Polypeptides and
complex. In paracrine secretion, hormones such as hista- glycoproteins are hydrophilic and unbound in the
mine and prostaglandins act on neighbouring cells. bloodstream.

Fundamentals of Anaesthesia, 4th edition, ed. Ted Lin, Tim Smith and Colin Pinnock. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2016.

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492 SECTION 2: Physiology

Figure 22.1 List of more common hormones

Polypeptides Glycoproteins Steroids Amines Fatty acid derivatives

Vasopressin FSH Aldosterone PIH (dopamine) Prostaglandins
Oxytocin LH Corticosteroids Adrenaline Vitamin D
ACTH TSH Testosterone Noradrenaline
FSH-RH Oestrogen Thyroxine
LH-RH Progesterone Tri-iodothyronine
Note that ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) is sometimes still referred to as corticotropin, and ACTH-RH (adrenocorticotropic hormone
releasing hormone) is also frequently called CRH (corticotropin releasing hormone) or CRF (corticotropin releasing factor). We have chosen to use
the terms ACTH and ACTH-RH in this text.

Steroids Hormone receptors

Examples – corticosteroids, aldosterone, sex hormones. Hormone receptors may be on the cell membrane
Steroids are synthesised in the cell mitochondria, from (or transmembranous) or inside the cell. They increase
cholesterol. These hormones are not stored in secretory and decrease in number depending on external stimuli.
granules, but are produced by the cell as and when required. When there is an excess of hormone the number of
Steroid hormones are lipophilic and highly bound to pro- receptors decreases (down-regulation); conversely, when
teins in the bloodstream en route to the target organ. there is a deficit of hormone the number of receptors
increases (up-regulation). Sometimes down-regulation
Amines occurs when the receptors change their chemical struc-
Examples – thyroxine, adrenaline. All the amine hor- ture and become less responsive. The hydrophilic hor-
mones are synthesised from the amino acid tyrosine. They mones have receptors in the cell membrane, and the
are stored in follicles (thyroxine) or granules (catechol- lipophilic hormones (e.g. thyroid and steroid hormones)
amines). Some (e.g. thyroid hormones) may be converted have receptors within the cell, either cytoplasmic or
to a more active form nearer to the site of action. nuclear.
Some hormones require the presence of small amounts
Indole and fatty acid derivatives of other hormones in order for their receptors to be fully
Examples – prostaglandins. These produce effects either active. This is known as permissiveness. Small amounts of
in the cell where they are secreted or in adjacent cells. glucocorticoids, for example, are necessary for catechol-
Cellular action of hormones amines to produce their lipolytic effects.
Hormones exert their cellular effects by initially binding
to receptors, which then produce secondary effects to Mechanisms of hormonal action
change cellular function. Direct effects on cell membranes
The hormone alters the permeability of the membrane to
certain ions, e.g. K+ and Ca2+, via G proteins. This effect is
Hormone receptor-mediated secondary
effects include: very rapid.

r Changes in membrane permeability

r Release of second messengers Effects via second messengers
r Changes in intracellular protein synthesis Hormones bind with receptors in the cell membrane
and cause intracellular effects via second messengers.

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Chapter 22: Endocrine physiology 493

Figure 22.2 Common hormones and their mechanism of action

Affecting Via G proteins Via G proteins Via PIP2, IP3 Via mRNA
permeability increasing cAMP decreasing cAMP and DAG
GH Oxytocin Somatostatin Adrenaline (α1) Thyroxine
Prolactin Vasopressin Adrenaline (α2) Vasopressin Tri-iodothyronine
Insulin LH Steroid
FSH hormones

The second messenger cyclic adenosine monophosphate release of vasopressin), organic molecules (e.g. glucose
(cAMP) phosphorylates proteins within the cell. stimulating insulin release) and direct physical and chem-
Hormones may increase or decrease levels of cAMP. ical stimulation (e.g. as in the case of gut hormones).
When a hormone reacts with the receptor within
the cell, guanylyl nucleotide regulatory proteins are The most important regulator of hormone production
activated within the cell membrane. These may be stimu- is the negative feedback loop.
latory (Gs) or inhibitory (Gi) to the production of
Other hormones activate different second messen- In the negative feedback system high levels of a sub-
gers, such as inositol triphosphate (IP3 ) and diacylgly- stance produced by the hormone suppress the secretion of
cerol (DAG). The hormone receptor complex activates that hormone, ensuring that the level of the substance
an enzyme which breaks down a membrane phospho- itself remains relatively constant.
lipid, phosphatidylinositol diphosphate (PIP2), to IP3 Negative feedback can be direct or indirect. An illus-
and DAG. IP3 releases Ca2+ from intracellullar stores, tration of direct negative feedback is the effect of circu-
such as the endoplasmic reticulum, while DAG activates lating glucose on insulin production. An example of
protein kinase C, which increases cell division and indirect negative feedback is the effect of circulating
multiplication. This latter reaction is enhanced by the glucocorticoids on ACTH-RH, which in turn affects
released Ca2+. levels of ACTH.

Effects on protein synthesis Hypertrophy and atrophy

Thyroid and steroid hormones, being highly lipophilic,
If the level of a specific hormone in the blood remains
cross the cell membrane rapidly to bind with intracellular
very low despite maximal production and release, there
receptors. Once bound with their receptor they cross to
will be a large increase in the level of the relevant tropic
the nucleus, where they bind with DNA. This increases
hormone, and the other cells in the producing gland will
mRNA synthesis and via ribosomes leads to an increase in
enlarge and multiply in order to compensate. This is seen
protein production. This process is relatively slow.
as a thyroid goitre in iodine deficiency. Conversely, if
Figure 22.2 shows the mechanism of action of common
there are very high circulating levels of hormone pro-
duced by medication (e.g. steroids), the tropic hormones
will fall to very low levels and the gland will atrophy.
Control of hormone production Tropic hormones, therefore, influence both hormone pro-
Various mechanisms control hormone secretion. These duction from the cell and the size of the gland producing
include levels of inorganic ions (e.g. sodium-dependent the hormone.

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494 SECTION 2: Physiology

Pituitary gland Evagination

Anatomy third ventricle
The pituitary gland is made up of the anterior lobe (ade-
nohypophysis) and posterior lobe (neurohypophysis), and
is connected to the hypothalamus by the pituitary stalk.
It weighs less than 1 g, and is located at the base of the
brain in the sella turcica.

Embryological development of the pituitary

The anterior and posterior lobes develop quite separately Rathke’s
from each other. The anterior lobe develops from pouch
Rathke’s pouch, an outgrowth from the roof of the
mouth. The posterior lobe develops as an extension from
the hypothalamus, an evagination of the floor of the
third ventricle. The two join together. The part of the
Roof of
anterior lobe which fuses with the posterior lobe is
known as the intermediate lobe, and it is rudimentary
in humans. The remains of Rathke’s pouch form the
residual cleft (Figure 22.3).

Anterior lobe of pituitary

The anterior and posterior lobes have independent
functions, but both are connected to the hypothalamus
by the pituitary stalk. The anterior lobe is connected
to the hypothalamus by the portal circulation, which lobe
transports releasing hormones into the lobe, stimulating
the production of tropic hormones into the
The portal circulation is a network of capillaries
which arises from the superior hypophyseal artery. Intermediate
The primary capillary plexus, located on the floor of lobe
the hypothalamus (known as the median eminence), Residual
absorbs releasing factors; the blood then passes via the cleft
portal veins in the pituitary stalk to the secondary
Figure 22.3 Development of the pituitary gland
capillary plexus, where they are released into the anter-
ior lobe. The tropic hormones are then secreted into the
plexus and into the bloodstream (Figure 22.4). The Posterior lobe of pituitary
anterior lobe hormones are found in five types of secre- Posterior lobe hormones are produced in neurosecretory
tory cell: cells in the hypothalamus, in the so-called median emi-
r Somatotropes (50%) produce growth hormone (GH). nence. These form granules which pass down the axons
r Lactotropes (10–30%) produce prolactin. through the pituitary stalk and are stored in the posterior
r Corticotropes produce adrenocorticotropic lobe, later to be released into the bloodstream when
hormone (ACTH). stimulation occurs.
r Thyrotropes produce thyroid-stimulating Vasopressin is produced in the supraoptic nucleus
hormone (TSH). of the hypothalamus, and oxytocin from the paraven-
r Gonadotropes produce follicle-stimulating hormone tricular nucleus, within the median eminence
(FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH). (Figure 22.5).

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Chapter 22: Endocrine physiology 495

cells producing
releasing factors

Blood from
superior hypophyseal Portal veins containing
artery releasing factors

Blood containing anterior

pituitary hormones Figure 22.5 Secretion of vasopressin and oxytocin by the
Figure 22.4 Portal system of the anterior pituitary gland posterior pituitary

diurnal variation in its secretion, which is higher in the

Pituitary hormones morning and lower in the evening.

Anterior pituitary hormones Growth hormone (GH)

r Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH, thyrotropin) Stimulates the growth of tissues in the body by promoting
r Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH, protein synthesis, lipolysis and a rise in blood glucose. It is
corticotropin) especially active in childhood, and causes an increase in
r Growth hormone (GH, somatotropin, STH) length of the long bones until the epiphyses fuse. Not all
r Prolactin (PRL) of its effects are direct. Some of the effects on target tissues
r Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) are mediated through polypeptide substances produced by
r Luteinising hormone (LH) the liver and other tissues, called somatomedins. These
are closely related to insulin. Insulin-like growth factor
Posterior pituitary hormones 1 (IGF-1) is involved with skeletal and cartilage growth.
r Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone, ADH) IGF-2 also exists and is thought to be involved in fetal
r Oxytocin growth.
Lack of GH in childhood leads to dwarfism, and excess
to gigantism. The patients in these cases are respectively
either very small or very tall, but are in proportion. Excess
Functions of individual hormones GH in the adult leads to acromegaly. As this occurs after
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
the epiphyses have fused there is little increase in height,
Stimulates the production of thyroid hormones from the
but there is overgrowth of the skull, facial bones and
thyroid gland, and growth of the gland itself.
hands and feet. Reduced glucose tolerance in such cases
is common.
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
Stimulates the adrenal cortex to produce corticosteroid Prolactin
hormones (mainly cortisol) and also binds to melanotro- Prolactin is structurally similar to GH. This hormone
pin receptors in the melanocytes in the skin, which pro- stimulates the development of milk-producing breast
duce melanin and pigmentation. There is significant tissue and milk production post partum. It also suppresses

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496 SECTION 2: Physiology

ovulation. Excess production of prolactin can cause lacta- Figure 22.6 Classification of vasopressin receptors
tion and infertility.
Type Location Function
V1a Smooth muscle Vasoconstrictor
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
and heart effect
Stimulates ovulation in females and spermatogenesis in
males. V1b/V3 CNS Mediate release
Luteinising hormone (LH) V2 Collecting Permit water
Stimulates ovulation and luteinisation of ovarian follicles ducts reabsorption
in females. It also stimulates testosterone secretion in
males. FSH and LH together are involved in the regulation Deficiency of vasopressin leads to diabetes insipidus, in
of the menstrual cycle. which there is polyuria and polydypsia due to water
loss. It can be primary, due to disease of the gland, or
Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone, ADH) secondary, where the kidneys are unable to respond to
Vasopressin causes water retention by increasing Excess of vasopressin (inappropriate secretion) leads to
water absorption from the distal tubules and collecting fluid retention with low plasma osmolarity and hypo-
ducts of the kidney. natraemia. Vasopressin-secreting malignant lung
tumours are one cause.

The secretion of vasopressin is stimulated by the following Oxytocin

changes: Oxytocin is structurally similar to vasopressin, and causes
r A rise in osmotic pressure in the plasma (via osmo- milk ejection from glands in the breast, stimulated
receptors in the anterior hypothalamus) by suckling and via touch receptors. It also causes uterine
r A decrease in extracellular volume contraction during labour and in the immediate postpar-
r A rise in angiotensin II levels tum period, as well as being involved in sexual arousal.
r Pain, stress and exercise
r Nausea and vomiting Deficiency and excess of pituitary
r Smoking hormones
Pituitary deficiency can be caused by tumours and cysts
Its secretion is reduced by: which press on the pituitary gland. Acute failure may
r A decrease in plasma osmotic pressure also occur in an enlarged pituitary gland following
r An increase in extracellular volume severe hypovolaemia. This may occur in women who
r Alcohol have experienced severe bleeding and hypovolaemia
during childbirth leading to pituitary necrosis
There are several types of vasopressin receptors, V1a, V1b (Sheehan’s syndrome). The changes which develop
and V2, which are all G-protein coupled. The antidiuretic depend on the location of damage in the gland.
effects are mediated through V2 receptors, which open Pituitary excess can be produced by secreting tumours,
aquaporin 2 (AQP2) water channels in the collecting which may arise from the gland itself or from other
ducts of the kidneys. Vasopressin also has a powerful sites in the body.
vasoconstrictor effect in vitro on vascular smooth muscle,
although this is small in vivo. This is mediated through Control of pituitary hormones
receptors found in the area postrema in the brain, and the The hypothalamus is intimately connected to the pituitary
mechanism is very sensitive to haemorrhage. Vasopressin gland, and is responsible for a number of so-called releas-
receptors are also found in the liver, where they stimulate ing hormones. These polypeptides are produced in the
glycogenolysis, and in the brain. Figure 22.6 shows median eminence of the hypothalamus, and pass into the
how these are arranged. V3 is an alternative classification portal system to the anterior lobe, where they stimulate or
for V1b. inhibit production of the tropic hormones.

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Chapter 22: Endocrine physiology 497

Autonomic input
Hypothalamic releasing factors include: Diurnal rhythms
Psycho-emotional factors
r Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) Stress
r Adrenocorticotropic hormone releasing hormone Trauma
r Growth hormone releasing and inhibiting
hormones (GH-RH and GH-IH) (GH-IH is
somatostatin, also produced in pancreatic
islet cells) Releasing factors
r Prolactin releasing and inhibiting hormones (PRH ACTH-RH
and PIH – dopamine) TRH
r Gonadotropin releasing hormone (Gn-RH) – GH-RH
stimulates production of FSH and LH Gn-RH

Some releasing factors have an effect on other hor- Negative feedback

mones. TRH stimulates prolactin production, and GRH

inhibits TSH, for example. ANTERIOR PITUITARY
The hypothalamus has many inputs which are con- ACHT
cerned with vegetative regulation, and it is also connected GH
to other parts of the central nervous system, and its Prolactin*
output is affected by stress, diurnal rhythm and emotional LH
factors. Negative feedback
The function of the anterior lobe is under negative
feedback control. When the levels of hormones which
are produced in the target organs increase, the production TARGET GLAND
of both the tropic hormones and the releasing factors is HORMONES
reduced. Conversely, when the target-organ hormone Corticosteroids
levels decrease there is increased production of both the Thyroid hormones
tropic hormones and the releasing factors. This keeps the
hormone levels relatively constant (Figure 22.7). *Main control of prolactin is by PIH

When steroids are given as medication over a period of Figure 22.7 Feedback control of pituitary hormones
time, the anterior pituitary and the hypothalamus pro-
duce minimal stimulation of endogenous cortical adrenal
steroids, and the adrenal gland atrophies. This can have Anatomy
serious consequences if the steroids are suddenly stopped, The embryonic origin of the thyroid gland is from the
especially if the patient is undergoing a stressful procedure floor of the pharynx. The thyroglossal duct marks the
such as surgery. path of the gland from the tongue to its final site,
The pituitary hormones are summarised in Figure 22.8. and sometimes this persists in adults. The gland is situ-
ated in the neck at the level of the second and third
Thyroid gland tracheal rings. It comprises two lobes on either side of
the trachea, joined by the thyroid isthmus. Each lobe has
an upper and lower pole. Sometimes there is a third lobe,
The thyroid gland secretes hormones which control
the pyramidal lobe, which arises anteriorly from the thy-
the basal metabolic rate, enabling the body to function
roid isthmus. The gland is highly vascular, its arterial
supply coming from the superior and inferior thyroid
The thyroid hormones affect carbohydrate, lipid
arteries, and its venous drainage via the superior, middle
and protein metabolism, also affecting growth and
and inferior thyroid veins. The parathyroid glands are
maturation, and body temperature.
located within the thyroid gland.

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498 SECTION 2: Physiology

Figure 22.8 Pituitary hormones: their production, control and action

Part of Hormone Main stimulus and control Action

Anterior lobe TSH +ve TRH, –ve thyroid Thyroid gland to produce thyroid
hormones hormones
ACTH +ve ACTH-RH, –ve Adrenal gland to produce
corticosteroid hormones corticosteroid hormones
GH +ve GH-RH, –ve GH-IH Increase growth of body tissue
especially bone
Prolactin +ve PRF, –ve PIH Milk production, suppression of
FSH +ve Gn-RH Breast development, milk secretion,
LH +ve Gn-RH Stimulation of ovulation, testosterone
Posterior lobe Vasopressin +ve osmolarity, thirst, pain, Water reabsorption from distal
haemorrhage tubules
Oxytocin +ve touch receptors in breast Ejection of milk from breast, uterine
and genitalia contraction

The gland itself comprises many follicles (acini). The Iodine is required for synthesis of thyroid hormones.
follicles are lined by the thyroid epithelial cells, and within Iodine is ingested from dietary sources. It is converted to
the follicle itself is a variable amount of colloid, which iodide (I–) in the gut and passes into the bloodstream. It is
mainly contains thyroglobulin and iodine. There are also taken up principally by the thyroid gland, but also by the
parafollicular (C or clear) cells which secrete calcitonin. kidney, which excretes it.
The thyroid cells rest on a basal membrane, which separ- The thyroid cell membranes which lie next to the
ates them from the capillaries. capillaries absorb iodide via a sodium and iodide pump
When the gland is inactive the follicles are large and which concentrates iodide levels in the cell 20- to
contain substantial amounts of colloid. The cells are small 40-fold. Energy for this is supplied by Na+K+ATPase.
and flattened. When the gland is active, the follicles The iodide is secreted into the colloid and oxidised back
reduce in size; there is little colloid, and the cells become to iodine.
enlarged and columnar or cuboid. The edge of the colloid
develops a scalloped appearance due to reabsorption lacu- Synthesis of thyroid hormones
nae at the tips of the cells (Figure 22.9). Thyroglobulin is a large glycoprotein, containing about
10% carbohydrate. It is produced by the thyroid cells and
secreted onto the colloid by exocytosis. It contains
Thyroid hormones 123 tyrosine residues. In the colloid, iodine combines with
The most important hormones secreted by the thyroid 4–8 of these residues to form mono-iodotyrosine (MIT)
gland are tri-iodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (tetra- and di-iodotyrosine (DIT). MIT combines with DIT to
iodothyronine, T4). Both are produced from tyrosine form tri-iodothyronine (T3) and DIT combines with
found in thyroglobulin, which combines with iodine in DIT to form tetra-iodothyronine (T4) (Figure 22.10).
the colloid, and is then secreted by the thyroid cells into MIT and DIT also combine to form isomeric reverse tri-
the bloodstream. iodothyronine (rT3), which is inactive.

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Chapter 22: Endocrine physiology 499

Resting state Secretion, transport and metabolism of

thyroid hormones
Epithelial cell Secretion is controlled by circulating levels of thyroid-
Colloid stimulating hormone (TSH). Normal plasma levels for
the active unbound (free) hormone are about 5 pmol
Follicle L1 for T3, and 15 pmol L1 for T4. Ninety per cent of
Parafollicular total secretion per day is of T4, the remainder being T3
C cell and a small amount of rT3, which is inactive. T3 is,
however, up to five times as potent as T4, which is con-
Normal state
sidered to be a prohormone of T3. Thirty-three per cent of
T4 is converted to T3, and much of the remainder to rT3.
Reabsorption The difference in activity is due to differing binding at the
lacunae intracellular receptors.
Thyroid hormones are transported in the blood by a
variety of proteins, including albumin, thyroxine-binding
prealbumin (TBPA or transthyretin) and thyroxine-binding
globulin (TBG). Albumin has the greatest capacity, but TBG
Highly active state the greatest affinity, such that most of the hormone (70%) is
bound to TBG. Less than 1% of the hormone remains
unbound. If there is a fall or rise in the total level of the
binding proteins the level of the free unbound hormone will
remain the same. It is the level of unbound hormone which
stimulates or reduces the plasma levels of TSH.
The hormones are deiodinated in the kidney, liver and
other tissues, and 33% of T4 is converted to T3. Both
Figure 22.9 Follicular structure of the thyroid gland hormones are also partly broken down to DIT, and also
conjugated in the liver to form sulphates and glucuro-
nides, which are excreted in the bile.
Alanine is produced in all these coupling reactions as
the side chain making up the outer ring of the molecule is Control of thyroid hormone secretion
eliminated. These reactions are catalysed by the enzyme The main control is the negative feedback system operat-
thyroid peroxidase, which also oxidises iodide to iodine in ing via TSH from the anterior pituitary gland, and releas-
the colloid (Figure 22.11). ing factor (TRH) from the hypothalamus.
The hormones are held bound to thyroglobulin until TSH increases secretion of T3 and T4 by releasing the
they are secreted. They then pass into the thyroid cell hormones from thyroglobulin, from where they are
by endocytosis, and are secreted by the cells into secreted into the thyroid cells and thence into the blood.
the bloodstream. The removal of the hormones from TSH also increases the size and number of the cells in the
the colloid adjacent to the cells creates the reabsorption thyroid gland itself, which when excessive may lead to
lacunae seen in active cells. goitre. There is also an increase in iodide binding, an
increase in T3 and T4, release of thyroglobulin into the
colloid, and increased endocytosis of colloid by the cells.
The thyroid cell has three main functions: Other factors which affect hormone production are
r Absorption and concentration of iodide, and trauma, stress and warmth, which decrease it, and cold,
secretion into the colloid which increases it.
r Production of thyroglobulin and thyroid
peroxidase and secretion into the colloid
r Absorption of thyroid hormones from the colloid Mechanism of action of thyroid hormones
and secretion into the bloodstream T3 and T4 both enter cells and bind with receptors in the
nuclei, T3 more avidly. The hormone receptor complex

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500 SECTION 2: Physiology


I– + I– I2 + Tyrosine


+ Thyroid
Di-iodotyrosine peroxidase

Tri-iodothyronine (T3)


Thyroxine (T4)

Figure 22.10 Thyroid hormone synthesis



lodide lodide lodine

Thyroid peroxidase

MIT + DIT (T3)

DIT + DIT (T4)


Figure 22.11 Outline of thyroid hormone formation in cell and colloid

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Chapter 22: Endocrine physiology 501

Figure 22.12 Summary of main effects of thyroid In adults it may lead to myxoedema. Symptoms and
hormones signs include lethargy, slow mental processes and some-
times severe mental symptoms (myxoedema madness).
Effect Mechanism
Metabolism is slow; there may be weight gain and
Catabolic Increased protein breakdown intolerance to cold. The voice becomes husky, and the
in muscle skin and subcutaneous tissues become thickened and
Increased lipolysis in adipose stiff, due to reduced breakdown of proteins which accu-
tissue mulate in those sites. In iodine deficiency there may be
goitre due to the increased levels of TSH stimulating
Metabolic Increased absorption of gland growth.
carbohydrate from gut Children with hypothyroidism develop cretinism.
Developmental Normal skeletal growth They are mentally retarded, and have the characteristic
signs of dwarfism, pot bellies and large protruding
Normal brain development
Cardiovascular Increase β-adrenoceptors in
system heart
Excess (hyperthyroidism)
Increased sensitivity to This may be caused by excess production of TSH, for
catecholamines instance from a pituitary tumour, or due to disease of
Inotropic and chronotropic the thyroid gland itself. Solitary adenomas, toxic multi-
effects, reduced peripheral nodular goitres and thyroiditis may all lead to excess
resistance hormone production.
Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder in which
Heat Increased metabolic rate in there are thyroid auto-antibodies which stimulate the
production active tissues
TSH receptors and produce excess thyroid hormone that
stimulate the receptors themselves. In 50% of patients
there is also deposition of tissue behind the eyeball, giving
the characteristic appearance of exophthalmos, which can
then binds with DNA, leading to new mRNA and protein
cause severe eye problems. There is also a goitre. The
synthesis. The number of mitochondria increases, and
condition is more common in women.
there is an increase in metabolic rate, with increased
Symptoms and signs of hyperthyroidism include ner-
oxygen utilisation, energy production and heat.
vousness, tremor, weight loss, sweating and heat intoler-
There is a catabolic effect, with a stimulation of lipo-
ance. There may be a tachycardia and a widened pulse
lysis and increased protein breakdown. Absorption of
pressure. Atrial fibrillation may occur.
carbohydrate from the gut is increased.
Thyroid storm occurs rarely when patients are sick,
In the cardiovascular system, there is an increase in the
and can occur during surgery. There may be severe hyper-
number of β-adrenergic receptors in the heart, which also
thermia, tachycardia and other arrhythmias, vomiting,
becomes more sensitive to the effect of catecholamines.
diarrhoea, coma and possibly death if untreated.
This leads to a rise in the pulse rate, a decrease in periph-
eral resistance and an increase in contractility of the heart
muscle. Parathyroid glands
Thyroid hormones are also necessary for normal The parathyroid glands secrete parathyroid hormone
skeletal and nervous system development. The effects (PTH) which is essential for maintaining normal levels
of thyroid hormones are summarised in Figure 22.12. of serum calcium.

r Calcium is necessary for normal cell function, in

Deficiency and excess of thyroid hormones which it acts as a second messenger intracellularly.
Deficiency (hypothyroidism) r It is needed for coagulation of blood, transmission
This may be caused by pituitary or hypothalamic failure,
of nervous impulses and muscular contraction.
disease of the thyroid gland itself, or iodine deficiency.

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502 SECTION 2: Physiology

Calcium is provided by various dietary sources, and Other hormones affecting calcium levels
plasma levels are altered by varying absorption in the
gut, mobilisation from bone and excretion by the Two other hormones, apart from parathyroid
kidney. hormone, have a direct effect on calcium levels.
These are vitamin D and calcitonin.
There are four disc-like parathyroid glands, two embed-
Vitamin D
ded in the upper poles of the thyroid gland, and two in
Vitamin D refers to a group of sterol compounds which
the lower, though their location and number can be
are closely related.
variable. r Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) is synthesised in the skin
The cells within the gland are of two types. The
by the action of ultraviolet light on ingested
so-called chief cells have abundant Golgi apparatus and
endoplasmic reticulum, and contain secretory granules r 25-cholecalciferol (calcidiol) is formed by the
that produce PTH. The oxyphil cells are fewer but larger,
conversion of cholecalciferol in the liver. Less than 10%
and their function is unknown.
of ingested vitamin-D-related sterols are converted
directly to 25-cholecalciferol in the liver, bypassing
Parathyroid hormone conversion to cholecalciferol in the skin (Figure 22.13).
PTH is a polypeptide produced in the chief cells. It is r 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (calcitriol) is much more
converted from a preprohormone to a prohormone and active than 25-cholecalciferol, and is formed by
thence to PTH, which is stored in the secretory granules conversion of 25-cholecalciferol in the kidney.
before release into the bloodstream.
Like other steroid hormones, 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol
acts by binding to the cell nucleus receptor, exposing DNA
Action and regulation binding sites and altering transcription of mRNA. It raises
PTH has three main actions: Ca2+ and phosphate levels by increasing absorption from
r Mobilisation of Ca2+ from bone, raising the plasma
the gut, and increases Ca2+ absorption in the kidneys.
Ca2+ level. It increases the activity of osteoblasts, laying down Ca2+ in
r Increased reabsorption of Ca2+ in the distal tubules,
the bone matrix.
raising the plasma level of Ca2+, and decreased Vitamin D appears to have effects on immune func-
reabsorption of phosphate in the proximal tubules, tion, and there is some evidence that low levels may be
increasing phosphate excretion. PTH causes an associated with malignancy and multiple sclerosis.
increase of phosphate absorption from the gut and
from bones, so there is overall only a small net decrease
in plasma phosphate. Calcitonin
r Increased production of 1,25- Calcitonin is produced by the parafollicular cells (C cells)
dihydroxycholecalciferol, which increases Ca2+ of the thyroid gland. It reduces Ca2+ and phosphate levels
absorption from the intestine. in the plasma by reducing bone reabsorption, and is
stimulated by high levels of calcium. The function in
There are at least three types of PTH receptors. The humans is unclear. Low levels of calcitonin, which occur
main mechanism of action appears to be activation following thyroidectomy, do not appear to cause any
of adenylyl cyclase via G proteins, increasing cAMP deficiency syndromes. It may be involved with skeletal
levels. development and control of Ca2+ levels after meals.
PTH levels are regulated via a negative feedback linked
to Ca2+ levels. Low levels of Ca2+ stimulate PTH secretion Glucocorticoids and others
and raise Ca2+; high levels of Ca2+ reduce PTH produc- Glucocorticoids lower Ca2+ by inhibiting bone breakdown
tion and lower Ca2+, thus maintaining homeostasis. by osteoclasts, but may cause osteoporosis in the long
Magnesium is also necessary for the proper function of term. Thyroid hormones cause a rise in plasma calcium
the parathyroid glands. but also increase excretion in the kidney. Growth hormone

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Chapter 22: Endocrine physiology 503

7-Dehydroxycholesterol (>90%) Fortified foods Deficiency and excess of parathyroid

Vitamin D3 hormones
Ergocalciferol Deficiency
Deficiency of PTH, which may occur following thyroid
UV light in skin
surgery, can cause hypocalcaemia and hyperphosphatae-
mia, leading to increasing neuromuscular excitability and
possible tetany.
In pseudohypoparathyroidism, the levels of PTH are
normal, but there is a receptor abnormality leading to a
Cholecalciferol similar picture.
Lack of vitamin D can lead to rickets in children and
osteomalacia in adults.

Liver Excess
Excess PTH may be produced by a secreting parathyroid
adenoma. There is hypercalcaemia and hypophosphatae-
mia, but the patient is often asymptomatic. There may be
associated kidney stones or mental symptoms.
In chronic kidney disease the kidney cannot form 1,25-
dihydroxycholecalciferol. This leads to a chronically low
Ca2+. The parathyroid glands hypertrophy in response to
Kidney the low Ca2+, leading to secondary hyperparathyroidism.
Excess consumption of vitamin D leads to a rise in
both Ca2+ and phosphate in the blood.

Adrenal glands
Figure 22.13 Formation of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol
The adrenal glands are found on the upper poles of both
kidneys. They comprise two functionally distinct parts,
the adrenal cortex and the adrenal medulla.
Figure 22.14 Summary of main effects of hormones on
calcium and phosphate levels
The cortex is divided into three parts or zones:
r The zona glomerulosa (15% of the gland) secretes
Hormone Ca2+ Phosphate mineralocorticoids, which maintain sodium balance
and extracellular fluid (ECF) volume.
PTH Increase Decrease
r The zona fasciculata (50%) secretes glucocorticoids,
1,25- Increase Increase which have widespread effects on metabolism.
dihydroxycholecalciferol r The zona reticularis (7%) secretes androgenic
Calcitonin Decrease Decrease hormones.

Glucocorticoids Decrease Decrease The adrenal medulla (28%) secretes catecholamines,

Thyroid hormones Variable Variable which are produced in ‘fight or flight’ situations.
Both the zona glomerulosa and the zona reticularis are
Growth hormone Increase Increase
necessary to sustain life. The other parts of the adrenal
gland are not.

increases absorption of calcium from the gut and has a

lesser effect on the kidney, causing increased excretion. Adrenal cortex
The effects of hormones on calcium and phosphate The zona glomerulosa is situated on the outside layer
levels are summarised in Figure 22.14. of cortex, the zona fasciculata in the middle, and the

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504 SECTION 2: Physiology

(27 carbons)

Angiotensin II

(21 carbons)
Aldosterone synthase
Angiotensin II

Androstane Zona glomerulosa
derivatives Androgens Note: Only the zona glomerulosa can
(19 carbons) produce aldosterone because it alone has
aldosterone synthase

derivatives Oestrogens
(18 carbons)
Figure 22.15 Synthesis of adrenal cortical hormones

zona reticularis in the inside, next to the adrenal CH2OH

All the cortical cells contain large amounts of endo-
plasmic reticulum, and large amounts of lipid. There is C O
some overlap of hormone production between the three OH
zones, although mineralocorticoids are only produced
in the zona glomerulosa. The latter zone is also able to
generate new cells for the other zones should they be
damaged or removed.
All the cortical hormones are synthesised from choles- O
terol, and therefore they all have similar chemical struc- Cortisol
tures based around a steroid nucleus. Aldosterone can be
produced only in the zona glomerulosa, because the
enzyme which converts corticosteroids to aldosterone, CH2OH
aldosterone synthase, is only found in that zone. O
As with all steroid hormones, they bind to intracellu- C O
lar cytoplasmic receptors, the resulting complex then HC
moving to the nucleus. This process produces increased OH
DNA transcription, with increased mRNA synthesis,
leading to the formation of proteins and enzymes
(Figures 22.15, 22.16).
Mineralocorticoids Aldosterone
Aldosterone is the most important mineralocorticoid as it Figure 22.16 Chemical structures of cortisol and
provides 95% of the total mineralocorticoid activity in the aldosterone

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Chapter 22: Endocrine physiology 505

body. The remainder is provided by the glucocorticoids. Figure 22.17 Summary of main effects of glucocorticoid
Its production is essential for the maintenance of sodium hormones
levels and ECF volume.
Metabolism Catabolic " Protein breakdown
" Gluconeogenesis
Aldosterone production is stimulated by:
" Lipolysis
r Increased plasma Na+
r Decreased plasma K+ Anti-insulin effect
r Reduced ECF volume (not in brain or
r Trauma, stress, surgery, anxiety heart)
Water Allows body to excrete a water
load (mechanism not
Mineralocorticoids increase reabsorption of sodium understood)
from the kidneys, stomach, sweat, saliva and intestine.
In the kidneys water is also absorbed, while K+ and H+ Vascular reactivity Allows vascular smooth
are excreted in exchange into the urine. and blood muscle to respond
Aldosterone is produced in very small amounts, is only pressure control to circulating
slightly protein-bound, and has a very short half-life of catecholamines
about 20 minutes. Facilitates conversion of
noradrenaline to
Control of aldosterone secretion is mediated by: adrenaline in adrenal
r Angiotensin II
Blood cells " Red cells, platelets,
r ACTH (very little effect in vivo)
# Neutrophils, basophils,
Angiotensin II is the most important controlling factor eosinophils
for aldosterone. Low Na+ levels or reduced perfusion at
Mineralocorticoid " Na+ # K+ # H+ (effect normally
the juxtaglomerular apparatus cause the production of
effect small)
renin, and via the renin–angiotensin system produce
increased angiotensin II levels. Anti-inflammatory Only at high levels


The most important glucocorticoid produced is plasma levels. ACTH production is stimulated and more
cortisol (hydrocortisone). Less important ones include unbound fraction is formed until a new equilibrium is
corticosterone and cortisone. reached.
Control of cortisol secretion is via the negative feed-
back system linked with ACTH from the anterior pituit-
Glucocorticoids have far-reaching effects on the body and ary gland. ACTH is itself controlled by a negative
are essential to sustain life. Their effects are summarised feedback system by ACTH-RH, secreted from the
in Figure 22.17. hypothalamus.
Cortisol is bound in the plasma to an α-globulin, Circadian rhythms in the body cause a fluctuation in
transcortin, and to albumin to a lesser extent. The half- cortisol levels because of the effects of these on the
life in plasma is about 100 minutes, but the effects of the hypothalamus and ACTH-RH production. Cortisol
hormone last much longer. levels tend to be higher in the morning. Likewise, stress
The level of free unbound hormone activates the feed- and trauma will stimulate ACTH-RH via the hypothal-
back control linked to ACTH. If the amount of binding amus, stimulating ACTH and increasing cortisol
globulin rises, more hormone is bound, which reduces production.

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506 SECTION 2: Physiology

Adrenocortical androgenic hormones NH2

The main hormones secreted are dehydroepiandrosterone
(DHEA) and androstenedione. The latter is converted to
testosterone and oestrogens in peripheral tissues and fat. COOH
The androgenic effects of the cortical hormones are small Phenylalanine
unless they are secreted in excess. There is a sensitive
negative feedback system linked with ACTH. Hydroxylase

Adrenal medulla
In essence the adrenal medulla is a large sympathetic COOH
ganglion which has lost its postganglionic fibres and
become purely secretory. About 90% of the cells
secrete adrenaline and 10% secrete noradrenaline. Hydroxylase
Small amounts of dopamine and opioid peptides are
also produced.
Extra-adrenal medullary sites are found along the course
of the aorta. HO COOH
Catecholamines are produced in the cells from tyrosine Dopa
by hydroxylation and decarboxylation (Figure 22.18).
Noradrenaline is converted to adrenaline by the enzyme Decarboxylase
N-methyl transferase (more specifically called phenyl-
ethanolamine N-methyl transferase, PNMT), which has HO CH2 CH2 NH2
to be induced by adequate levels of glucocorticoids.
The catecholamines are metabolised by monoamine HO
oxidase (MAO) and catechol-O-methyl transferase Dopamine
The effects of adrenaline and noradrenaline are medi- ␤ hydroxylase
ated through two classes of G-protein-coupled receptor,
α and β, which are subdivided into α1 and α2 receptors,
and β1, β2 and β3 receptors. The effects are summarised in OH
Figure 22.19. HO CH CH2 NH2

Stimulus and control of medullary hormones
Secretion of medullary hormones is very low during basal Noradrenaline
states, but is stimulated via the sympathetic nervous
system when preparing the individual for ‘fight or flight’. N-methyltransferase
Situations which may stimulate secretion include hypo-
glycaemia, myocardial infarction, heavy exercise, trauma
and surgery.
Secretion by the adrenal medulla may be important in HO CH CH2 NH CH3
the control of blood pressure when changing from a lying
to a standing position. HO
Glucocorticoids are necessary for the secretion of the Adrenaline
hormones, as they activate the enzyme which converts Figure 22.18 Synthesis of adrenaline and noradrenaline
noradrenaline to adrenaline.

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Chapter 22: Endocrine physiology 507

Figure 22.19 Summary of effects of adrenaline and Adrenal excess

noradrenaline This can affect mineralocorticoid or glucocorticoid hor-
mones, and can be primary or secondary.
Metabolic Glycogenolysis in liver and muscle
effects Mobilisation of free fatty acids Primary aldosteronism is commonly caused by an
Stimulation of metabolic rate, adenoma of the zona glomerulosa. Excess
increased heat production secretion of mineralocorticoids leads to retention
of Na+ and depletion of K+, with hypertension,
Nervous Stimulation tetany and hypokalaemic alkalosis (Conn’s
system syndrome).
Cardiovascular Adrenaline Noradrenaline Secondary hyperaldosteronism is due to high renin
system production, found in cirrhosis, heart failure and
some forms of renal disease. Hypertension is a
Heart rate " #
common presenting sign, and hypokalaemia may be
Cardiac output " # low dose severe.
" high dose Cushing’s syndrome – in this condition excess glucocorti-
Peripheral # low levels " coid production gives rise to the following:
r Muscle wasting, thin hair, poor skin and subcuta-
neous tissue, and bruising, due to protein
Mean arterial " low levels " catabolism
pressure r Redistribution of body fat to face (‘moon face’),
abdominal wall and upper back (‘buffalo hump’),
with numerous striae in the skin
Abnormalities of adrenal gland function r Hyperglycaemia, which may lead to insulin-
These manifest themselves in different ways, depending resistant diabetes mellitus
on which part of the adrenal gland is affected. r Hyperlipidaemia
r Sodium and water retention due to the mineralo-
Adrenal insufficiency corticoid effects of the glucocorticoids, with
Congenital deficiency in steroid hormone production may accompanying hypertension
evolve into adrenogenital syndrome later in life. The r Osteoporosis due to decreased bone formation and
pituitary gland produces large amounts of ACTH, which increased bone reabsorption
stimulates growth of the adrenal gland and produces a r Mental effects, including increased appetite,
relative excess of androgens. This can cause virilisation in insomnia, euphoria and toxic psychosis
the female and precocious puberty in the male. Basal r If due to excess production of ACTH there may be
production of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids is hyperpigmentation
enough to sustain life. Phaeochromocytoma occurs when excess catecholamines
Adrenal insufficiency may be due to disease of the are produced by a tumour of the chromaffin cells of
adrenal gland itself or to deficiency of ACTH production. the adrenal medulla. These tumours produce varying
This gives rise to Addison’s disease, in which a lack of quantities of adrenaline and noradrenaline. Some may
mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids results in: arise from extra-adrenal sites. Patients present with
r Loss of Na+ and water, and retention of K+ and H+ severe hypertension, headaches, sweating and cardiac
r Hypotension and weakness, hypoglycaemia, weight pathology including arrhythmias and myocardial
loss, loss of resistance to infection and trauma infarcts.
r Inability to excrete a water load, with water retention
r In severe cases, collapse and coma (Addisonian crisis)
In the primary disease there is increased production of The pancreas is a gland that has both exocrine
ACTH. This can cause increased pigmentation due to its (secretion of digestive enzymes) and endocrine
stimulating effect on melanocytes in the skin. The primary (secretion of insulin and glucagon) functions.
disease is usually more serious than the secondary form.

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508 SECTION 2: Physiology

The pancreas is divided by connective tissue septa into There is a specific receptor for insulin on certain cells.
lobules, each of which contains an exocrine secretory unit This is a tetramer of 340,000 daltons which has two α and
called an acinus. The acini secrete digestive enzymes which two β subunits. The α units occupy an extracellular pos-
are collected by a duct system and delivered into the ition and directly bind insulin. The β units are
duodenum. Lying between the acini and ducts are groups membrane-spanning, and their intracellular portion acti-
of cells known as the islets of Langerhans, which are vates a second messenger system via tyrosine kinase.
associated with the endocrine function of the pancreas. Glucose enters most cells by facilitated diffusion
(although in the intestine and kidney the process is by
secondary active transport with sodium), utilising a group
The islets of Langerhans
of seven distinct glucose transporter proteins. When insu-
The islets of Langerhans make up about 2% of the pan-
lin binds to a receptor on an insulin-sensitive cell a pool of
creas, and produce hormones which regulate the inter-
intracellular transporter-containing vesicles moves to the
mediary metabolism of glucose, fat and protein. The
cell membrane and fuses with it, thus actually inserting
hormones are:
r Insulin, produced by the B cells of the islets (60–75%),
transporters into the cell membrane. This process is medi-
ated by phosphoinositol 3-kinase. After the action of
which is anabolic, increasing storage of glucose, pro-
insulin ceases, the portions of the membrane containing
tein and fat
r Glucagon, produced by the A cells (20%), which is
the transporters are endocytosed, in preparation for the
process to begin again.
catabolic, opposing the effects of insulin
r Somatostatin, produced by the D cells, which helps
Although insulin is known to facilitate the entry of
potassium ions into the cell, it is not known exactly how
regulate islet function
r Pancreatic polypeptide, produced by the F cells, the
this occurs. It may be an effect that increases the activity
of the Na+K+ATPase pump in a relatively non-specific
function of which is little understood
The principal anabolic effects of insulin are summar-
It is perhaps worth noting that B, A and D cells are still
ised in Figure 22.20.
often referred to as β, α and δ.

Insulin Glucagon is a polypeptide hormone produced by the
Insulin is a polypeptide hormone made of two chains of A cells of the islets, firstly as a preprohormone, prepro-
amino acids, the A and B chains, linked by two pairs of glucagon, which undergoes processing to glucagon and a
disulphide bridges. It is produced in the endoplasmic number of other peptides, some with glucagon-like activ-
reticulum and then transported to the Golgi apparatus, ities. In a similar fashion to insulin, it is stored in secretory
where it is stored in granules, and secreted by exocytosis granules and secreted by exocytosis.
into the capillaries. Glucagon is a catabolic hormone, and most of its
It is synthesised from a preprohormone, preproinsulin, effects are therefore opposite to those of insulin. Glucagon
which is a much bigger molecule. When this enters the receptors lie in the cell wall. They are G-protein-coupled
endoplasmic reticulum part of it splits off, and the and therefore exert their effect by activation of adenylyl
remaining molecule folds in two and is joined by the cyclase and increased intracellular cAMP.
disulphide bonds to form proinsulin. The C-peptide part The main effect of glucagon is to raise blood glucose.
of the molecule, which facilitates the folding, is then It does this by:
removed, leaving insulin. r Glycogenolysis in the liver (not muscle)
There is very little difference between insulin produced r Gluconeogenesis
by different species, which has allowed bovine and porcine r Lipolysis and ketogenesis
preparations to be given in the past, with little antibody
production. It is more common nowadays, however, to give
human insulin produced by recombinant DNA technology. Somatostatin
Insulin has far-ranging effects on cells throughout the This hormone is produced by the D cells of the islets.
body, the most obvious one being the effect on uptake of Two forms are secreted, SS14 and SS28, but the latter is
glucose. more active. It is the same hormone as that produced

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Chapter 22: Endocrine physiology 509

Figure 22.20 Main actions of insulin on muscle, adipose tissue and liver

Muscle Adipose tissue Liver

Glucose " Glucose entry " Glucose entry " Glycogenesis
" Glycogenesis
Protein " Amino acid uptake " Protein synthesis
" Protein synthesis
# Protein catabolism
" Retention of gluconeogenic
amino acids
Fat " Fatty acid synthesis " Lipid
" Activation of lipoprotein synthesis
Other " K+ uptake " K+ uptake # Ketogenesis
" Ketone uptake
Increased cell growth

by the hypothalamus which is termed growth hormone Figure 22.21 Main factors affecting release of insulin and
inhibiting factor (GH-IH). The effects of somatostatin are: glucagon
r Inhibition of insulin
Stimulating Inhibiting
r Inhibition of glucagon
r Inhibition of pancreatic polypeptide Insulin " Glucose (main) Adrenaline
Glucagon Somatostatin
The release of somatostatin is stimulated by a rise in Selective β-Blockers
plasma glucose, and it generally slows down propulsive β-receptor α-Agonists
movement in the gastrointestinal tract. agonists Thiazides
Pancreatic polypeptide
Glucagon # Glucose " Glucose
This polypeptide hormone is produced in the F cells of the
Hunger, stress, Somatostatin
islets. Its function is uncertain, but it may act to smooth
trauma, exercise, Insulin
out blood levels of glucose and amino acids after a meal.
infection Ketones
Its effects can be summarised as follows: Selective Free
r It is stimulated by a protein meal, and by fasting,
β-agonists fatty acids
exercise and hypoglycaemia. Selective
r It is suppressed by somatostatin and hyperglycaemia.
r It slows absorption of food from the intestine.

Role of the pancreatic hormones in r Maintenance of a steady level of blood glucose (medi-
metabolism ated via both insulin and glucagon, with a smoothing
The role of the separate hormones has been described. effect of somatostatin and possibly pancreatic
The hormones work together to achieve the following: polypeptide)
r Storage of absorbed nutrients (mainly mediated by r Promotion of growth (insulin)
r Mobilisation of energy reserves during times of stress The stimulating and inhibiting factors acting on insulin
and hunger (mainly mediated by glucagon) and glucagon are summarised in Figure 22.21.

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510 SECTION 2: Physiology

Role of other hormones in carbohydrate Insulin deficiency

r Adrenaline causes glycogenolysis followed by a rise
in hepatic glycogen production. It also decreases
Decreased Increased Increased
peripheral glucose utilisation.
glucose protein lipolysis
r Thyroid hormones tend to cause hyperglycaemia due
uptake catabolism
to increased absorption from the intestine. They also
cause increased glycogenolysis in the liver, and
possibly increased degradation of insulin. Increased free
Hyperglycaemia Increased plasma
r Adrenal glucocorticoids cause hyperglycaemia, and in fatty acids
Glycosuria amino acids
excess can produce a diabetic picture (see above). They Osmotic diuresis Nitrogen loss in urine Ketogenesis
are needed for glucagon to produce its gluconeogenic Ketonuria
effect during fasting; a deficit can lead to hypogly-
caemia and collapse.
r Growth hormone causes hyperglycaemia by decreasing Dehydration
glucose uptake in cells, increased glycogenolysis and Ketoacidosis
decreasing binding of insulin. The rise in blood glucose Secondary respiratory
produced when the hormone is produced in excess alkalosis
may stimulate insulin production and exhaust the
B islet cells.

Coma and death

Deficiency and excess Figure 22.22 Effects of insulin deficiency
Deficiency of insulin
This results classically in diabetes mellitus.
Type 1 (formerly known as insulin-dependent diabetes, The effects of diabetes mellitus
IDDM) commonly develops in childhood and is r Glucose – hyperglycaemia leads to an osmotic diuresis
thought to be an autoimmune disease affecting with loss of water, Na+ and K+. This may lead to severe
islet B cells only. Patients tend to be thin and dehydration. There is reduced uptake of glucose into
have a high incidence of ketosis and acidosis. cells, which may lead to hunger. Glycogen stores are
There may be B-cell antibodies, but it is thought reduced.
the disease may be mediated via T lymphocytes. r Protein – increased protein catabolism leads to a rise in
The evidence that the disease is autoimmune amino acids in the blood and loss of nitrogen in the
is supported by the fact that sufferers may be urine. This can lead to muscle wasting and reduced
susceptible to other autoimmune conditions resistance to infection.
such as Graves’ disease, Addison’s disease and r Fat – increased catabolism of fat leads to an increase in
myasthenia gravis. free fatty acids. Metabolism of these fatty acids pro-
Type 2 (formerly known as non-insulin-dependent duces acidosis, ketosis and ketonuria.
diabetes, NIDDM) usually develops in older, r In the severe acute form of the disease the dehydration
often obese patients. There is also often a may lead to coma and death.
family history. There is normal or high insulin r Over a period of time diabetic patients may develop
production but increased insulin resistance. secondary changes in other organs. Microvascular
As the B cells become exhausted the insulin levels changes can occur in the eye and kidney. Macrovas-
may fall. Ketosis and acidosis are rare. cular changes can lead to strokes and ischaemic heart
disease. Peripheral and autonomic neuropathy can also
Secondary diabetes may occur when there is overproduc- occur. The neuropathy, in combination with the ath-
tion of glucocorticoids or growth hormone, or when there erosclerosis, can lead to chronic ulceration and gan-
is disease of the pancreas. grene, especially in the feet.

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Chapter 22: Endocrine physiology 511

An overview of the effects of insulin deficiency is shown In milder forms there may be anxiety, palpitations
in Figure 22.22. and sweating. As the glucose level falls there may be
confusion, fits, coma and death.
Excess of insulin
This can occur with overtreatment of diabetes with insulin References and further reading
or with sulphonylureas and biguanides. Rarely, a tumour Hall GM, Hunter JM, Cooper MS, eds. Core Topics in
of the islet cells, known as an insulinoma, can produce Endocrinology in Anaesthesia and Critical Care. Cambridge:
insulin excess. Cambridge University Press, 2010.
The manifestations of insulin excess are those that Mitchell SLM, Hunter JM. Vasopressin and its antagonists:
occur because of the effect in the central nervous system, what are their roles in acute medical care? Br J Anaesth 2007;
which uses glucose primarily as its source of energy. 99: 154–8.

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